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Anivia Build Guide by Pluckin Penguin

AP Carry PP: In-Depth Anivia Guide [S3]

AP Carry PP: In-Depth Anivia Guide [S3]

Updated on March 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pluckin Penguin Build Guide By Pluckin Penguin 49 5 204,220 Views 67 Comments
49 5 204,220 Views 67 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pluckin Penguin Anivia Build Guide By Pluckin Penguin Updated on March 19, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Anivia
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  • LoL Champion: Anivia
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I. Introduction

21 / 00 / 09

R > E > Q > W

______Hello! I am Stephen (or Pluckin Penguin), and this is my 3rd champion guide for MOBAfire on my favorite AP Carry, Anivia.

______I bought Anivia a year ago (joined LoL a bit more than a year ago) with one sole purpose behind it, it was Riot's closest champion to a... PENGUIN. Yes, that is exactly why I bought her because she is an artic creature like my fellow penguins. I predict that in the future Riot will release the Anivia Legendary Skin which is a Penguin.

______I play Anivia when I feel like playing an AP carry in the middle lane. Anivia has no real insane counter making her a very safe pick as well. Her skill set is very damaging ( Glacial Strom+ Frostbite), and utile at the same time ( Crystallize). She fits in to almost any team composition, but it is super mana hungry throughout the game.

______Most of my Guide is based off of In-Game Experience, and watching CLG Froggen play anivia. CLG Froggen is probably the world's best Anivia player for League of Legends currently, and has a very unique play-style for her.
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II. Pro's and Con's


+ // Has a decent amount of CC.
+ // Very powerful post 6.
+ // No true counter.
+ // A very unique skill set.
+ // Fits in almost all team comps.
+ // Can fly.

- // Is rather weak pre 6.
- // Super mana-hungry.
- // No reliable escape spells.
- // Placing a wall can be difficult.
- // High skill-cap.
- // Reliant on proper skill-shots.
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III. Masteries

______A 21/00/09 mastery set-up is pretty standard for most AP carries who go mid lane. As Anivia, you need to make sure you get the mana, and mana regeneration masteries to make the laning phase a bit easier on you, and your mana bar.

Summoner's Wrath : This is great for when your Ignite is still on cooldown.

Brute Force : This makes last hitting a bit easier, and outclasses the mastery Havoc

Mental Force : Flat ability power is decent on Anivia.

Sorcery: Cool down reduction is great on any AP carry, and this mastery outclasses the other masteries in tier 2 by far.

Arcane Knowledge : Magic Penetration is an amazing stat in general, and is very hard to get via the store.

Blast : AP per level is great because Anivia doesn't need much AP in the early stages of the game.

Archmage : Let's do the math... You currently have 500 AP w/o Archmage , but with it you have 525.

Executioner : Makes it much easier to "execute" any of those low health enemies.

Summoner's Insight : This gets your Flash off of cool down quicker which allows you to play aggressive while it's off of cool down.

Expanded Mind : Mana is a number 1 priority for Anivia due to how much mana she consumes.

Swiftness : Movement speed on Anivia is very useful because she has a very low base movement speed.

Meditation : Helps deal with the mana issues Anivia has (especially in the laning phase).

Runic Affinity : Increases the duration of the Ancient Golem Buff (Blue Buff) meaning more MANA!
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IV. Runes

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: These Marks are by far the best runes for any typical AP Carry to have. There is no better mark than this for Anivia, and magic penetration is not the easiest stat to obtain in the in-game store.

Greater Seal of Replenishment: I don't know how many times I have to repeat it, but Anivia is a heavy mana user. Glacial Storm is the main ability behind the mana issues, but the other ones have decently high mana costs as well.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power: These synchronize with Anivia's kit very well because her damage output isn't really too strong until her later levels so the flat AP isn't needed very badly.

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: Every AP-carry needs a little bit of flat AP to trade in the early levels, and that is the main purpose behind these quintessences. Your damage output with these is pretty insane especially if you trigger Frost on an enemy champion followed by a Frostbite.


____Honestly, when it comes to marks, and an AP carry. Your best choice by far is to stick with the Greater Mark of Magic Penetration because their aren't any other beneficial primary marks for AP Carries.


Phase Rush


Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration: Some people prefer these over the flat mana regen seals. I could see using these if you plan to sell your Chalice of Harmony in the late game.
Greater Seal of Vitality: If you have no mana issues when you play Anivia then these provide a lot of tankiness. I do not recommend these to any of the lower level summoners that use my guide.
Greater Seal of Knowledge: I have one of my friends that thinks managing mana costs is easier by just buying mana rather than mana regeneration. Therefore, I think this rune has a viable spot in some people's rune page.
Greater Singe of Resilience: I would only run these if I were up against someone like a Talon in the mid lane, or any AD Mid.



Phase Rush


Greater Glyph of Ability Power: A lot of people prefer flat ability power over ability power / level, and it is a viable choice for Anivia. If you have Greater Glyph of Ability Power already, they're a viable supplement to the Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: Flat magic resist can help you trade with your enemy laner assuming they deal mostly magic damage. I would consider picking these bad boys up if I was up against a Kassadin in the middle lane.



Fleet Footwork

Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: Anivia has one of the lowest base movement speed's (despite the wings)in the game, and these really help her out. These also allow her to catch up to enemies, and stick on to them. This is a extremely viable rune choice for Anivia.
Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration: These runes are good against heavy AP counters that build tons of magic resist (ex: Galio).
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V. Summoner Spells

Recommended Summoner Spells

___ Flash: This is one of the strongest summoner spells in the game when it comes from escaping. You can escape any downfall with one touch of a button. Flash is a great summoner spell on practically any champion you can imagine. Anivia needs it especially due to her low base movement speed, and no reliable escape abilities.

___ Ignite: This is a very typical summoner spell for any AP Carry (sorry Karthus). It allows you to finish off any of those low health champions, or prevent Vladimir from healing as much while fighting him to the death. Overall, just a great summoner spell for Anivia.

___ Teleport: This is a very underrated summoner spell in my opinion. This summoner spell is very useful, and allows Anivia to apply global pressure on lanes when it is off cooldown. In other words, if you catch the enemy bot lane jumping on your bot lane you can use Teleport to relieve pressure off your laners and most probably kill the enemy laners as well.

The Myth about Clarity on Anivia

______ Clarity is a very bad summoner spell in general, and teaches low level summoners little about how to properly manage their mana. If you do not know how to manage your mana without Clarity then not only will you be at <100 Mana most of the game, but you will be incapable of providing much assistance to your teammates.
______I know I've stated it many times that Anivia is a very mana-hungry champion, but that doesn't require Clarity. If you use the build properly, and in the right order mana should never be a problem after purchasing a Tear of the Goddess, and a Chalice of Harmony. You will also be provided with a blue buff by your jungler(if you have one) every ~6 minutes.
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VI. Abilities

Rebirth Upon death, Anivia is reborn in to an egg for 6 seconds.This passive is very unique, and is like no other. You can sometimes even bait your enemy into using his summoner spells, and abilities just to pop your egg. Therefore, you need to have constant awareness of when your passive is up because it does have a hefty cool down.

Flash Frost A skill shot that has a detonatable, and applies a chill effect.This ability is quite strong, and has the potential to do double damage if used correctly. When casting this at an enemy champion try to let the projection hit the enemy champion, and then detonate it, so the enemy receives the base damage of it twice, and is stunned. This ability has a fairly slow travel time to get used to as well, making it typically an easier skill shot to dodge.

Crystallize A placeable wall in which the center of it must face Anivia.This is what separates the good and the bad Anivia players. This ability has to be placed perfectly to assist your teammates not hurt them. You definitely don't want to smartcast this ability. I will go a lot more in-depth on how to properly use this ability in a future chapter.

Frostbite A single-unit targetable nuke that deals double damage if the target is chilled.This ability gives Anivia most of the burst she really needs. This ability should really never be used if the enemy is not chilled. This has a very short range, and a long travel time that being said be careful when you do go in to cast it. This is Anivia's main source of damage; therefore, do not waste it on an enemy which is not chilled.

Glacial Storm A placeable AOE area that deals damage, and slows units.This ultimate ability is incredibly strong with a very slim cool down allowing you to place it multiple times in team fights. Another thing about Glacial Storm that many people seem to forget is that it also slows enemy attack speed if they're inside of it, which can really help you 1 v 1 a bruiser or AD carry. On the contrary, it is also the main reason behind Anivia's mana issues.

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VII. Ability Combinations




_____This is your main source of damage prior to level 6, and the damage it deals is very underestimated. Flash Frost is a skillshot though, and can be missed. The reason this combination of abilities is so effective is because Flash Frost chills the target which allows Frostbite to deal double damage. Also be aware that even if you do end up not detonating your stun at the right moment, if the projection touches the enemy champion it will still be chilled.
_____Let's say we're a level 5 Anivia with 1 rank into Flash Frost, and 3 ranks into Frostbite. The base damage on Flash Frost at rank 1 is 60 for touching an enemy unit, and 60 if detonated on an enemy unit which is 120 damage. The base damage on Frostbite at rank 3 is 115, but assuming the target is chilled it will deal 230. Therefore, the total combination adds up to 350 damage on a level 5 Anivia (without, magic resist, magic penetration, and ability power calculated in there).




_____This is typically the easiest way you can harass the enemy laner post level 6. You simply put a Glacial Storm down to chill them, and then Frostbite them for double damage. The main mistake that many Anivia's will make during this combination is they leave their Glacial Storm up even after the enemy is out of it. You need to make sure you toggle the Glacial Storm off immediately after the enemy steps out of it.
_____For more advanced players this combination can also be done in the reverse order if you can click fast, or are smart casting. As I said in the previous chapter, Frostbite has a very long travel time; therefore, if you Frostbite then Glacial Storm you can still proc the double damage of Frostbite. The reason why I prefer this combination over the other is mainly because it ensures that the enemy will take the double damage. I say this because Frostbite has a much smaller range then Glacial Storm, so if you are in range for Frostbite you're surely in range for Glacial Storm. Whereas, if you cast Glacial Storm first the enemy is not necessarily in range of Frostbite.







_____This is by far one of the hardest combinations to master because if you place Crystallize incorrectly it cannot be done effectively. The idea behind this combination is to catch the enemy out of position, place Crystallize. If the Crystallize is placed well, the enemy will probably have 2 escape options. Therefore, it makes it much easier to land a skill-shot. You want to Flash Frost in front of them, so they cannot juke it without turning back into you. This then gives the enemy the option to either let you hit your Flash Frost followed by a Frostbite, or to turn back into you and take a Glacial Storm followed by a Frostbite.
_____This combination is extremely effective when it comes to team fights. My reasoning is that if you can catch an enemy out of position with a Crystallize it is extremely devestating for the enemy team. They will either have to allow the caught out unit to attempt escape, or they will have to force a fight to make sure the caught out unit survives.
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VIII. Item Build 1

______Alright, this is the first item build for Anivia, and a great choice for any low level ( < lvl 30) summoners, or inexperienced Anivia players. This build gets straight to the point, but sacrifices some defense, and survivability for early-mid game damage. It is also not very reliant on farming to do well.
______Before you begin to jump to conclusions, realize that this order isn't mandatory and is subject to change based on the guide. The situational items at some times can be better than the ones I have listed.


spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace _____



Boots + Health Potion x 3 : These starting items are necessary in any sort of match. Anivia base movement speed is a pathetic 300 which is I believe tied for the lowest in the game. This means if you try to start with any other items your movement speed will lack and the enemy will easily hit their abilities, and skill-shots. This also gives you a lot of lane sustain due to the cheap cost of Boots.


spaaaaace ______ ______

Tear of the Goddess : This item is absolutely incredible on Anivia for multiple reasons. She has very spammable ( low cool down) abilities, and 2 abilities that require a second cast ( Flash Frost, Glacial Storm). This stacks up the Tear of the Goddess very quickly, and even quicker if you obtain a ancient golem (blue) buff.

Chalice of Harmony : This item practically gives you a mini blue buff all the time. It has a very low cost as well, and can be built into the new item, Athene's Unholy Grail. It also provides a hefty amount of magic resist which will help you defend against magic damage while trading blows with an opponent.

Rabadon's Deathcap : This item needs little explaining because really there is only one purpose for this item... DAMAGE. This item could probably allow you to kill your enemy from 100% if combined with an Ignite. Anivia's base damage is really high as well further increasing her damage.


spaaaaaaaace ______ ______

Sorcerer's Shoes : These are the typical tier 2 boots you will buy on Anivia. The magic penetration is very useful early game making the enemy base magic resist practically useless.

Mercury's Treads : If the enemy team has a butt-load of crowd control throughout the team your definitely going to want to consider investing in these. Another reason to purchase these is if you're laning up against is extremely reliant on their crowd control for damage (ex: Veigar), you should consider investing in these.

Ninja Tabi : I bought these once out of all the games I have played as Anivia, and I only bought it because I was up against a Talon. There is really is no other reason to purchase these unless you're up against an attack damage mid.


spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace ______

______ The order of the following two items highly depends on the amount of bonus mana stacks your Tear of the Goddess has after purchasing Rabadon's Deathcap. The way to check to the amount of bonus mana your Tear of the Goddess is providing, is to mouse over the Tear of the Goddess in the bottom left corner of the Heads Up Display (HUD). If this bonus mana is greater than or equal to 600, go ahead and buy your Archangel's Staff. On the other hand, if the bonus mana is less than 600, buy the Void Staff, and then buy the Archangel's Staff.

Archangel's Staff : This item really makes use of all the mana you have spent your valuable gold on by converting 3% of your mana into bonus ability power. It is a key component of your build and should not be replaced because otherwise you're wasting the purchas of Tear of the Goddess.

Void Staff : This item really helps out when you get towards late game, and people start building up their resistances. This allows you to penetrate their defenses and keep your damage, and burstiness high.


spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace ______

Warmog's Armor : This outclasses many of the other defensive items because health is very strong on Anivia. It gives her a very tanky appearence making the enemies quite scared of your health bar, and will avoid focusing you due to not appearing squishy. It also helps you while in Rebirth because it forces them to have to go through another 2.5 k health after death which almost guarentees survival after Rebirth unless most of the enemy team focuses you while in egg form. Also, Anivia has one of the lowest base health's in the game.

Athene's Unholy Grail : This is an upgrade of Chalice of Harmony which not only gives you bonus ability power, but even more ways to regenerate your mana. It also further increases your resistances against magic damage which makes any of those extreme burst casters (ex: Veigar) damage close to useless when combined with the amount of health you have as well.


___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Rod of Ages : This is a very good item on Anivia it provides a lot of great things for her. I always buy this when I feel that the enemy can burst me down fairly easily, or if I have a tough laning phase. This is the optimal replacement for Archangel's Staff.

Abyssal Mask : This is a good item, if you do plan to sell your Athene's Unholy Grail, or they have a heavy amount of magic damage. This should replace the spot of Void Staff in your build.

Hextech Revolver : This item is highly underestimated on Anivia, and it really does help you sustain yourself in lane.l I recommend investing in one of these prior to Rabadon's Deathcap if the enemy is someone like Vladimir who can easily sustain himself. Later on in the game, it is your choice whether or not you upgrade it into a Will of the Ancients, or sell it for another item.

Deathfire Grasp : This allows you to instantly demolish one target champion on the enemy team. It has some pretty good all around stats, and has a gold per 5 as part of the recipe.

Zhonya's Hourglass : This item does pretty well on Anivia, and is practically a "Get out of Death for FREEE pass". It also forces the enemy to focus their attention to another enemy champion.

Guardian Angel : The ideal replacement for the item, Warmog's Armor. I would stick to this item if they have an enemy that deals a percentage of your health such as (ex: Kog'Maw's Bio-Arcane Barrage).
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IX. Item Build 2

______Alright, this is the second item build for Anivia, and a great choice for any high level (lvl 30) summoners, or experienced Anivia players. This build takes advantage of Anivia's high base damage, and heavily relies on you landing skill-shots and using your abilities properly. This means you can build up your defenses early, and not have to worry to much about damage in the early game. It is quite dependent on proper farming techniques to do well, and get your items as quick as possible.
______Before you begin to jump to conclusions, realize that this order isn't mandatory and is subject to change based on the guide. The situational items at some times can be better than the ones I have listed.


spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace _____



Boots + Health Potion x 3 : These starting items are necessary in any sort of match. Anivia base movement speed is a pathetic 300 which is I believe tied for the lowest in the game. This means if you try to start with any other items your movement speed will lack and the enemy will easily hit their abilities, and skill-shots. This also gives you a lot of lane sustain due to the cheap cost of Boots.


spa ___ ___ ___

Tear of the Goddess : This item is absolutely incredible on Anivia for multiple reasons. She has very spammable ( low cool down) abilities, and 2 abilities that require a second cast ( Flash Frost, Glacial Storm). This stacks up the Tear of the Goddess very quickly, and even quicker if you obtain a ancient golem (blue) buff.

Chalice of Harmony : This item practically gives you a mini blue buff all the time. It has a very low cost as well, and can be built into the new item, Athene's Unholy Grail. It also provides a hefty amount of magic resist which will help you defend against magic damage while trading blows with an opponent.

Hextech Revolver : This item will allow you to stay in lane, and never stop farming due to the spell vamp. Ir is even a better choice if you are laning against an enemy champion with some form of passive sustain, or builds Hextech Revolver.

Giant's Belt : Many people question me when I build such a costly defensive item so early in the game, and my reasoning behind it is quite simple. Anivia has some of the lowest base health in the game, and she has great base damage, and doesn't need to much ability power to do well. This will help you survive burst, and just stay alive in fights.


spaaaaaaaace ______ ______

Sorcerer's Shoes : These are the typical tier 2 boots you will buy on Anivia. The magic penetration is very useful early game making the enemy base magic resist practically useless.

Mercury's Treads : If the enemy team has a butt-load of crowd control throughout the team your definitely going to want to consider investing in these. Another reason to purchase these is if you're laning up against is extremely reliant on their crowd control for damage (ex: Veigar), you should consider investing in these.

Ninja Tabi : I bought these once out of all the games I have played as Anivia, and I only bought it because I was up against a Talon. There is really is no other reason to purchase these unless you're up against an attack damage mid.


spaaaaaaaace ______ ______

Will of the Ancients: This item is absolutely fantastic, and further increases your survivability in team fights. This is the upgrade from Hextech Revolver and not only does it provide an awesome aura, but the spell vamp is close to doubled from Hextech Revolver. It is even a better choice if you have another teammate that benifits from ability power, or spell vamp.

______ The order of the following two items highly depends on the amount of bonus mana stacks your Tear of the Goddess has after purchasing Will of the Ancients. The way to check to the amount of bonus mana your Tear of the Goddess is providing, is to mouse over the Tear of the Goddess in the bottom left corner of the Heads Up Display (HUD). If this bonus mana is greater than or equal to 600, go ahead and buy your Archangel's Staff. On the other hand, if the bonus mana is less than 600, buy the Warmog's Armor, and then buy the Archangel's Staff.

Archangel's Staff : This item really makes use of all the mana you have spent your valuable gold on by converting 3% of your mana into bonus ability power. It is a key component of your build and should not be replaced because otherwise you're wasting the purchas of Tear of the Goddess.

Warmog's Armor : This item will ensure survival in most of the early team fights that occur. Also, if you buy this pretty early it is easy to get the stacks high, or full by the time it reaches late game.


spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace ______

Rabadon's Deathcap: This item really brings out the insane damage, and burst capability that Anivia has. It transfers all that ability power that we have purchase earlier to an even greater amount with the Unique Passive that Rabadon's Deathcap provides.

Void Staff : As the game goes on people begin to build up their resistances. In order to keep your damage on par you need to purchase a form of magic penetration to break through some of their resistances. I prefer Void Staff assuming I'm not getting focused or bursted down too fast in team fights.


Rod of Ages : This is a very good item on Anivia it provides a lot of great things for her. I always buy this when I feel that the enemy can burst me down fairly easily, or if I have a tough laning phase. This is the optimal replacement for Archangel's Staff.

Abyssal Mask : This is a good item to replace Void Staff. It gives you a pretty good amount of magic penetration and is a safe item if the enemy has a lot of magic damage. I only purchase this item if my team has two AP carries (including me assuming your ally won't buy it), or if I'm being bursted down too quickly by magic damage of an enemy.

Deathfire Grasp : This allows you to instantly demolish one target champion on the enemy team. It has some pretty good all around stats, and has a gold per 5 as part of the recipe.

Zhonya's Hourglass : This item does pretty well on Anivia, and is practically a "Get out of Death for FREEE pass". It also forces the enemy to focus their attention to another enemy champion.

Guardian Angel : The ideal replacement for the item, Warmog's Armor. I would stick to this item if they have an enemy that deals a percentage of your health such as (ex: Kog'Maw's Bio-Arcane Barrage).

Athene's Unholy Grail : This is an upgrade of Chalice of Harmony which not only gives you bonus ability power, but even more ways to regenerate your mana. It also further increases your resistances against magic damage which makes any of those extreme burst casters (ex: Veigar) damage close to useless when combined with the amount of health you have as well. This item should be used as a replacement for Rod of Ages or Archangel's Staff.

Spirit Visage : I would consider this item if I'm playing a bit more defensive against a harder champion (ex: LeBlanc). This will allow you to stay even more sustained combined with Will of the Ancients. Spirit Visage should be a replacement for Giant's Belt.

Shurelya's Battlesong : Anivia has a very unique, and utile skill set with Crystallize, and Shurelya's Battlesong makes it a whole lot better. If you notice that one enemy is caught out, but out of range to do anything to you can pop Shurelya's Battlesong and catch up. This item allows you to get place down those clutch Crystallizes, and is very underrated on Anivia.
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X. Crystallize (In-Detail)

______ Crystallize is an ability like no other that provides amazing utility, and makes Anivia very utile because of it. Just for a recap, Crystalize is a placeable wall that can be used in an assortment of ways in which I will explain.


______This ability seems like a fairly easy ability, but there are many things that you should know prior to using this ability:
  • Affects Teammates. This not only affects the enemy units, but it affects your teammates as well including YOU. Therefore, before placing a Crystallize ensure that it either doesn't affect your teammates, or assists them. You will generate a lot of rage throughout the battlefield with one badly placed wall. Trust me, I too was a noob Anivia once.
  • Immovable, yet Passable. Crystallize as you can probably assume is immovable, and cannot be re-positioned once it is placed down. Regardless, it can be passed through by certain abilities(jumps, blinks, dashes), and Flash. Also, Crystallize does not work with Condemn,or Heroic Charge, or in other words it doesn't result in a stun if one of the listed abilities is used up against a Crystallize.
  • Do not Smartcast. Especially, if you are a beginner, do not bother smart casting this ability, it is very difficult to take full advantage of the ability if you are to smart cast it. If you do not know what smart cast is then just don't worry about it.
  • Wall + Anivia. The rotation of Crystallize is only affected by Anivia's positioning. Therefore, you need to be in the right position, if you want to place a successful Crystallize, and you need to adjust your position, if you would like to change the rotation of Crystallize.


______Probably, one of the most common placed Crystallize just due to how powerful it can be offensively. Here are some of the ways it can be used offensively:
  • Catching Enemies Out.This is what makes Anivia such a threat. If you see one enemy champion split away from their team in Crystallize range, you can easily align a Crystallize to prevent their escape. This allows you to hit most of your abilities, and possibly slay the enemy champion.
  • Zoning / Splitting.These are the trickier Crystallize's to place properly. The idea behind this is to either split the enemy damage-dealers (AP Carry, or AD Carry) away from the enemy team to prevent them from doing as much damage as they would like.


______There are a variety of Defensive Crystallize's to be used on Anviia. Here are some of the types of Defensive Crystallizes:
  • Blocking.Simply, blocking an entrance with a Crystallize to force the enemies to find a different entrance. Typically a good idea when it comes to securing buffs such as Dragon, or Baron.
  • Escaping.This doesn't need much explaining. All it is is placing a wall between the enemy champion, and you. It is a pretty basic concept, that is quite difficult to mess up.


______These are just random types of Crystallize that are not really offensive or defensive. These are the types of Crystallize's I'm referring to:
  • Fog of War. Typically, many Anivia players find out that Crystallize reveals fog of war by mistake. Anyways, this makes it very useful to check a brush for an oncoming gank, or give vision to your teammates when the enemy team is sneaking a dragon.
  • Blue Buff. This one is a great way to take blue buff at early levels when your jungler is not capable of assisting you. Simply, place a Crystallize between you and the Ancient Golem (the big one), and make sure he cannot get around it. The common LoL player would think that the Ancient Golem would reset, but instead it waits for the wall to collapse and begins attacking you once more. However, if you can solo blue buff, then you want to save your Crystallize to check for any sneaky people trying to steal your buff.
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XI. Laning Phase


  • Farming. This is your main focus through all levels but how you farm levels 1-6 is completely different then farming later on in the game with infinite mana and your ultimate. You want to last-hit the minions, and try to avoid pushing the lane unless your laner has gone back to base, or you would wish to go back to base. Anivia is very hard to last hit with in my opinion, I highly recommending going into a custom game to practice last-hitting minions with auto attacks and saving mana.
  • Harassing. Harass is quite skill-shot reliant particularly in levels 1-6 where your only damaging spells are a skill shot, and a target nuke (that relies on a skill-shot for max damage). Therefore, you can easily harass with auto-attacks, but if you feel confident that you can land a skill-shot on your enemy then go for it. You will want to stick to the Flash Frost + Frostbite combo for this part of the laning phase.
  • Jungle & You. You need to understand your Jungler, and the Enemy Jungler. They will play a huge role in the result of your lane and your allies. Therefore, you need to realize if you need to identify the type of jungler you face and have. The 2 main types of junglers are farm junglers(ex: Master Yi), and ganking junglers (ex: Shaco). If you have a farm jungler you need to play it safe and expect little to no ganks. If you have a ganking jungler you want to try to keep your lane in a position that the jungler can gank. Now for the enemy team, if they have a farm jungler feel free to push your lane, and try to get ganks. If they have a ganking jungler then play carefully and plase sight ward's.


  • Farming. This is the point in the game where your wave clearing power is incredible. When a wave comes down place down Glacial Storm, send a Flash Frost down the wave, and watch the minions fall. While your lane is pushed consider taking the enemy wraith camp if you feel you can do it safely.
  • Mana. By this stage in the game, you should at least have your Tear of the Goddess. With this item, you will want to use your abilities frequently even if you don't have blue buff, but if your mana dips below 200 I would consider recalling, and conserving mana.
  • Harassing. Now that you have your ultimate, your harass is quite outstanding. If your enemy gets too close, and their jungler is not around feel free to use the Glacial Storm + Frostbite combo.
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XII. Teamfights

  • Mana. Before you, and your teammates should go into a fight you need to have most of your mana, or a blue buff. It is devastating to be in a teamfight with no mana when you know you can't do anything about it.
  • Catching Enemies. If you realize that an enemy is caught out of position and is in range of Crystallize, place it down behind them to split them away from their team. This will allow not only you, but your teammates as well to get lots of free, and easy damage.
  • Prioritizing. During a teamfight you need to prioritize which enemies to kill first based on the situation. You want to kill the most valuable enemy champion in your grasp optimally without getting yourself killed in the process. On the other hand, you also need to look at it at a defensive standpoint, and protect your most valuable champions at the same time. Those who can find these priorities in teamfights are the difference between good and great players.
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XIII. Match-Ups


Difficulty: Medium - Hard
First Major Item: Rod of Ages

______This is a very difficult match-up for Anivia, but not unplayable. The main thing that Ahri has over Anivia is mobility. I recommend trying to get a jungle gank before she hits level 6, and becomes practically ungankable. The key to winning your lane is farm, it will be very hard to kill her so just farm. If she tries to gank another lane you have to follow her, but if it's too late to help your allies push your lane to the tower and hit it a couple times.


Difficulty: Hard
First Major Item: Rod of Ages

______Not an easy match-up for Anivia, a good Annie can easily out harass you in lane. This is exactly why you want to build much more defensively and get a Rod of Ages rather than an Archangel's Staff. Be aware of the charges on Pyromania , and also be aware of when her ultimate is up. A really crucial thing that you need to know is that if Annie stuns you while you're casting Glacial Storm it is cancelled.


Difficulty: Easy
First Major Item: Archangel's Staff

______Not a very threatening mid-lane choice in general, and the easiest way to beat this guy is to dodge his skill-shots. If you predict his skill-shots, and dodge most of them it's very hard to lose against this guy. He can push out his lane rather easily; so, you probably can't get off many ganks if any. On the other hand, if you let Brand push out he has no escapes making him a very easy gank for your friendly jungler.


Difficulty: Medium - Hard
First Major Item: Rod of Ages

______This snake is annoying, and beats you really hard early game. I typically run Flat MR Glyphs against this chick. Her harass is like no other, but it is skill shot reliant so you just need to be swift on your "wings". To win your lane, you can ask your jungler for a gank, or just look for ganks on all areas of the map. You can push out your lane much faster then Cassiopeia.


Difficulty: Hard
First Major Item: Rod of Ages

______ Diana is a pain to lane against as Anivia. Diana capitalizes against champions who lack mobility like Anivia. Try your hardest to dodge Crescent Strike, it is Diana's primary source of damage, and she relies on it to refresh her ultimate. Try not to let Diana out push you because she has excellent roaming potential. I recommend asking for some help from your jungler if you're struggling.

I realize that this chapter is not complete. Therefore, I will be adding the tougher match-ups for Anivia prior to the easier match-ups.


Difficulty: Hard
First Major Item: Rod of Ages

______ Kassadin is probably one of the hardest counter-picks to Anivia. He will constantly jump on you, force you to back, and try to roam. The key to doing okay in lane against a Kassadin is putting him down before level six. He is very weak prior to level six and cannot trade with you assuming you hit your abilities. Do not let him farm safely. You can prevent him from doing so by using a Flash Frost + Frostbite combo during his auto-attack animation. After level six, you don't really have a chance to kill him one versus one, or with a gank. Therefore, you should try to push the lane, and prevent him from roaming.


Difficulty: Hard
First Major Item: Rod of Ages

______ LeBlanc has very strong zoning potential, and mobility meaning that your lane will be difficult. You should try to get some help from your jungler early on to push her off of you a bit. Now if LeBlanc is playing hyper-aggressive versus you try to bait her into a Flash Frost + Frostbite combination. After level six, she is quite strong and may be able to one-shot you if you haven't purchased any health yet. This being said, just try to push and force her to farm under her tower.
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XIV. Match History

______This is just a demonstration of how the builds can actually work. Most of the games I have played as Anivia throughout this chapter have enemies that range from 1300-1400 ELO (I'm in that same range). Therefore, don't think that I'm just playing with noobs.
______If you have used my guide in an actual game it would be awesome if you sent me your match history either through PM, or in the comments.

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XV. Gameplay

_________Here I will list any of the successful recorded Anivia games I have. All of these replays require the simple download of LoL Recorder.

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide