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Rammus Build Guide by Corvux

Jungle 👽 Rammus JG - S12.11

Jungle 👽 Rammus JG - S12.11

Updated on June 8, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Corvux Build Guide By Corvux 165 13 296,565 Views 22 Comments
165 13 296,565 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Corvux Rammus Build Guide By Corvux Updated on June 8, 2022
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Runes: Most Versatile

1 2

Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

👽 Rammus JG - S12.11

By Corvux
Welcome to the jungle! I am Corvux from LAN and Rammus it's my main champion, is exellent for ganks, his is one of the few "chosen ones" that can taunt other champions. Besides, he is a nice tank that have a lot of CC. So I thought; let's make use of his full potential and create nice stuff because if you want to survive in the jungle you have to adapt yourself.
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Top 5 Rammus Pros:


1. Armor synergy.
2. Powerful CC effects.
3. Excellent against turrets. NOTE: With Soaring Slam you can damage turrets as well.
4. Fast jungle clearing since early game.
5. Perfect to engage.
ITEMS - A Good Start!
When we talk about items I try to keep it simple, so I look for the most versatile items that have more synergy with this Rammus build, abilities and rune path that I create for him aswell, instead of give a lot of options that makes you crazy.

- Why start with Emberknife instead of Hailblade?

Simple, less damage to you more damage to them.
Synergy COMBO: Frenzying Taunt + Defensive Ball Curl + Challenging Smite = Rush of true dmg payback.

- Why Health Potion instead of Refillable Potion?

PRECISION path: Thanks to Legend: Alacrity + Defensive Ball Curl combination you will clear Jungle faster and you will not receive any significative dmg.
DOMINATION path: With the Relentless Hunter + Powerball combo you can move anywhere on the map in no time...
NOTE: You will save $100, buy a Control Ward.

- Why start with a Control Ward?

1. You will setup this on the mid brush. This way the MID laner will have more vision and you can keep an eye on him/her to make a counter gank if is need it. You welcome MID!
2. Or you can leave it on Drake to make a quick and secure start after your first back.
Summoner Spells
Mandatory if you are the jungler.
- Use Emberknife for Challenging Smite against AD and other TANKS.
- Go Hailblade for Chilling Smite against AP and Squishy champs.

This is the most useful spell. For better positioning in teamfights, good ganks by dodging something, for escaping and nice tricks.
Ability Sequence
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
> > > OK, let's start with the basics, the first 3 levels, we need Defensive Ball Curl to clean jungle fast. Then Frenzying Taunt to get more attack speed and if you didn't know it... Get clearing the COMBO. (I will explain that in TIPS & TRICK chapter).
Now at last but not least Powerball to make good early ganks and some extra dmg.
Here we want we max out Powerball to get the full potential first by reducing his cooldown to 6. Also we will do more dmg and target will be slowed up to 80% for one sec, beautiful!
Then we max Frenzying Taunt to increase Rammus attack speed, now basic attacks will extend the duration of Defensive Ball Curl up to 4 additional seconds. Isn't that beautiful? perfect to clear camps fast without help. and that is also the reason why max Defensive Ball Curl just at the end. The attack speed increased with Frenzying Taunt will stay until Defensive Ball Curl end. while we got the enemy controlled using just basic attacks for more time...
Of course, don't forget to raise Soaring Slam everytime you can!
Rammus Perfection!
Jungle Path
1. Start with Defensive Ball Curl and go to the Crimson Raptor Camp, if somebody help you, then start with Red Buff but don't use your Smite, safe it for your Krugs the second one will be on time if you need to fight for the Rift Scuttler.

2. At lvl 2 raise Frenzying Taunt and then run to the other camp Red Buff or Crimson Raptor, then the one that is left, should be Krugs and use you first Smite. You will get your lvl 3 at this point and should be minute 2.45 by late and you are full of heal.

3. Now look for potential close line ganks. Remember: It's not about the kill, it's about to create an opportunity for your laners to get a good chance of farming better. If the enemy use Flash and/or have to go back it's perfect!

4. Now it's almost minute 3.15. Head to the Rift Scuttler and use your second Smite on it. You should be almost or full of heal now again.

5. If you feel confidence and if you are "on a good position" gank the other line. otherwise just head the other Rift Scuttler to get some vision.

6. Try to reach lvl 4 by getting Blue Buff then Gromp so you can be full of heal again and then head to the Greater Murk Wolf camp and/or look for potential ganks.

NOTE: Now you should have your pockets full of gold and no less than lvl 4 go back immediately to buy your first back items!
ITEMS - First Back
Here we go; The First Back, at this point you have been able to recollect some basic information that will help you to know what is going to be your next step. And I got two simple and good options for you, let me help you:

- When should I start with Bami's Cinder?

1. When the other TEAM have to much AP damage and/or TANKS.
2. Bami's Cinder is also good strategy if you are planning to make and/or fight for objectives since early like Drake & Herald. Provide extra damage and health.
3. You can take early Turret PLATES with Demolish + Bami's Cinder COMBO. Perfect for MAP pressure and get more gold.

- When Bramble Vest + Boots are the best option for the First Back?

For a better dueling against AD Skirmishers & DPS (damage per second) champions like:
Zeri, Viego, Jinx, Jax, Kog'Maw, Kai'Sa, Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Warwick, Master Yi and Urgot. And yes there are more. This will reduce dmg and apply burning effect. - For just: $1100
BOOTS - Finding Balance
- Let's talk about Boots.

TIP: Learn to keep an eye on the items that the other team have aswell to identify what they are about to build so you can counter with something else on time.
- Identify the RED CODE threats for you and the team first.

Go for the extra mile with Mercury's Treads instead of Plated Steelcaps and get more tenacity and MR on TEAM Fights to be balanced.

FACT: Every team always have at least one member with AP (magic damage) or CC or both. Always...
Oh, hi Mercury's Treads!

It's simple. If your opponent have 3 or more AD Skirmishers and/or DPS (damage per second) members like:
Zeri, Master Yi, Viego, Urgot, Jinx, Jax, Kai'Sa, Xin Zhao & Warwick.
You have to use Plated Steelcaps!

TIP: On this situatins you can also buy Plated Steelcaps as your FIRST ITEM.
For a better dueling against them cause you reduce 12% of all basic attacks (no turrets) and with tier 2 Boots you will be the fastest champion in early.
ITEMS - Core PowerSpike
- When you build this 3 items is when you reach your POWERSPIKE. Make it count!
A solid build stomp for a perfect results!

The benefits that you get from Turbo Chemtank are perfect to get better engage opportunities, hunt, and also have a lot of synergy with Rammus - Soaring Slam by chanelling an increased distance to jump with the UNIQUE Active ability. You can be anywhere on the MAP in no time...

An excellent item when you want to go the extra mile to get an insane tankiness against both AD and AP dmg.
Synergy COMBO: Use this item passive and active abilities + Defensive Ball Curl to make Rammus an unstoppable Juggernaut! Also thanks to Rammus passive Spiked Shell, your dmg will get increase too for a couple of seconds on TEAM Fights... Make it count!
The key of immortality...

- OK...
NOTE: With Bramble Vest on your inventory is going to be more than enough until you finish your Mythic Turbo Chemtank, your Boots lvl 2 & the Gargoyle Stoneplate. (Yes, this is going to be your 3th item).
- This item increase your armor, you will get a similar effect like Defensive Ball Curl, now as a passive and 40% of grievous wounds to champions or 60% if you inmobilize the enemy champion.
ITEMS - Adapt!
- You have to be open minded and "think outside the box" in some games.
Here I have a few good options for you to ADAPT yourself fast:

- Get extra tank and more Movement Speed.
Synergy COMBO:
- You will get extra heath that will increase your Demolish dmg too.
- More and more movement speed to channeling Soaring Slam.
Perfect for hunt and keep MAP pressure against AD!

I love this item...
People think that if they go with full AP champions they are safe against Rammus... Here I got the perfect item to show them how wrong they are:

Instead of build Dead Man's Plate You will buid this...
You will get that extra MR that you need against AP (Magic dmg) and also some extra too:
Synergy COMBO:
- You get more health so that is more dmg with your Demolish to turrets.
- More and more movement speed to channeling Soaring Slam.

NOTE: Don't be afraid to kept pressure on the map and battle AP enemies!
RUNES - Resolve + Precision


AFTERSHOCK: For 2.5 sec. will create a powerfull combo thanks to Rammus passive Spiked Shell and Defensive Ball Curl ability, creating excellent oportunities to be immortal in team fights and tank as much as you can with some extra CC.
DEMOLISH: This rune is very good to push lines fast and get some extra money specially in early game while you melt the tower plates.
CONDITIONING: The synegy that have this rune with Rammus passive Spiked Shell and Defensive Ball Curl will make him an unstoppable juggernaut in no time.
UNFLINCHING: Let's keep it simple, Rammus needs to go in and out quick, OK? So you need to have as much tenacity and slow resistance as we can.


TRIUMPH: This rune is great for Rammus since he is the one that usually engage and he is going to be the frontliner. Also is good for tanking an extra tower shot during a dive. Perfect synergy COMBO with Soaring Slam thanks to continuos AoE damage and staking slow.
LEGEND: ALACRITY: You will gain staks since you farm your first jungle camp and when you use Defensive Ball Curl + Frenzying Taunt COMBO, you'll get an attack speed bonus for up to 10 seconds!
RUNES - Resolve + Domination


AFTERSHOCK: For 2.5 sec. will create a powerfull combo thanks to Rammus passive Spiked Shell and Defensive Ball Curl ability, creating excellent oportunities to be immortal in team fights and tank as much as you can with some extra CC.
DEMOLISH: This rune is very good to push lines fast and get some extra money specially in early game while you melt the tower plates.
CONDITIONING: The synegy that have this rune with Rammus passive Spiked Shell and Defensive Ball Curl will make him an unstoppable juggernaut in no time.
UNFLINCHING: Let's keep it simple, Rammus needs to go in and out quick, OK? So you need to have as much tenacity and slow resistance as we can.


CHEAP SHOT: Rammus is one of the few chosen ones to have an ability that taunt, Frenzying Taunt, if you combine this RUNE with abilitiies like Powerball and the new playstyle of his ulti Soaring Slam it's a great engage with a lot of extra damage and slow staking.
RELENTLESS HUNTER: This rune creates fabulous synergy combos with my good friend Rammus. If you use Powerball you can be anywhere in no time perfect for ganking and hunting picks. Also is perfect to get a better distance range with Soaring Slam.
NOTE: Remember you can always active Turbo Chemtank aswell to be the fastest.
Clearing Camps TIPS:

1. At lvl 1 always start with Defensive Ball Curl first.

2. If no one help you with the Red Buff start with Crimson Raptor camp.

3. To clear fast all camps:

We extend the duration of the Defensive Ball Curl with our AA and we increase our Attack Speed with Frenzying Taunt for as long as we have Defensive Ball Curl active (maximum of 4 additional seconds).

4. You can also start the TIP #3 with Powerball, that will help you to do extra dmg and recover some more health thanks to your jungle item passive.

5. When you have Turbo Chemtank and you clearing camps or minions; You can AA then move and repeat. this will help you to fill up the Chemtank with stacks faster and make extra area damage in no time!

Combo TIPS:


1. Engage with Powerball Always.

2. To gank before lvl 6 or without Soaring Slam:
→ → → AA → AA


1. To avoid the time to react when your opponent is escaping or to jump minions and go straight to you opponent:


TRICK: If you point behind your opponent instead of on top of it, you can knockback and get more time to avoid him/her to escape or take it out of turret.

2. Use this to increase dmg with you Soaring Slam and knock-up your opponents:


TRICK: This is perfect to Steal Drakes and Heralds. When the opponent jungler is in the air due to the knock-up smite the Drake or the herald. it will look like this:

→ +
Ok ladies & guys! Hope you had enjoy this Rammus build as much as I enjoy by playing it.
I will be updating this guide anytime if I find something useful, any helpful feedback is greatly appreciated!
This was Corvux. Follow the rabbit...
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