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Sejuani Build Guide by SingerOfTheFall

Sejuani - Hug my Warthog!

Sejuani - Hug my Warthog!

Updated on March 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SingerOfTheFall Build Guide By SingerOfTheFall 103 24 642,062 Views 58 Comments
103 24 642,062 Views 58 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SingerOfTheFall Sejuani Build Guide By SingerOfTheFall Updated on March 14, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Sejuani
  • LoL Champion: Sejuani


Hello guys!
I'm SingerOfTheFall, and today I present you my Sejuani guide.
I bought Sejuani when she was released, and since then I've played quite an amount of games with her, trying different items, different positions and different roles. I also spent a lot of times analyzing Sejuani builds here on Mobafire. Now, I'm ready to present you my guide:

Sejuani: Hug My Warthog!

Thanks to ***iko5 for this amazing picture!
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Summoner Spells


__ Flash is a great spell for every champion in the game. It can be used either offensive or defensive, and, combined with your Arctic Assault provides amazing mobility.
__ Cleanse is an awesome tool for initiators, tanks, and anyone who gets targeted with CC a lot. Combined with Flash, this makes an amazing escape tool.
__ If I know I can survive the enemy team's CC, I would take teleport over Cleanse if I'm solo-laning. This allows you to port back more often, and return to the lane without losing any exp; as well as to port to other lanes to gank, push or save towers.


__ Exhaust is a decent defensive spell for you. However, you already have amazing built-in slow potential, so this isn't as good as on some other champions.
__ Ghost can let you either chase pretty well, or make your escape. It's a decent tool, but I prefer to take Flash.
__ Ignite is good for finishing off fleeing opponents, and for countering heals. However, I believe one of your carries should take it. I would only recommend to take it if noone else can.
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Pros and Cons

  • She looks AWESOME! Come on, she wears a bikini,
    has a huge mace and rides a Warthog!
  • Naturally bulky
  • INSANE slowing capability
  • A distance closer/runaway skill ([Q])
  • Good AoE damage
  • Slow movement speed
  • Harrassed by ranged champions early-game (on the lane)
  • Rather long cooldowns
  • Lesser damage output than Tanky DPS champions have
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__ __ I prefer flat magic penetration marks, because all of your spells deal magic damage, and your spells are your main damage output. __



__ __ These are standard defensive glyphs for tanky characters. Extra Magic Resist works perfectly early-game, and gives you better survivability. 9 Seals give you a total of 13.41 Magic resist. Combined with Mercury's Treads and masteries, this will give you pretty nice basic Magic Resist amount. __



__ __ These are standard defensive seals for tanky characters. Extra Armor works perfectly early-game, and gives you better survivability. 9 Seals add 12.69 armor totally. Also, these are mandatory if you are jungling. __



greater quintessence of vitality
__ As for Quints, I prefer HP for the Laning Seju (you can take either flat or per-level ones), and either Flat HP or Flat Armor for Jungle Seju. Here I should explain myself. I prefer to start with boots and 3 healing pots when I'm jungling, so I prefer to take flat armor quints to compensate the armor loss ( Cloth Armor gives 18 Armor). __


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Variant A:

I call these "Jungle" masteries.
This set uses Tough Skin , Bladed Armor and Indomitable to decrease the damage in jungle.
I also take a point in Summoner's Resolve for improved Smite.

I put 9 points into Utility tree to get to Runic Affinity . I take Expanded Mind for some exta mana, Swiftness to compensate the rather slow movement speed of Seju.

Alternative: You can take Initiator or Enlightenment instead of Honor Guard in the defensive tree.
Alternative: You can take Good Hands instead of Expanded Mind in the Utility Tree.

Variant B:

I call these "laning masteries".

I take Vigor for more sustainability early-game, and Enlightenment for some awesome Cooldown Reduction.

In the Offense Tree, I use 9 points to get to Arcane Knowledge which works perfectly with all your skills. Sorcery that is used to get to it is also very good for Sejuani.

Alternative: You can take Initiator instead of Honor Guard in the defensive tree.
Alternative: You can also go 0-21-9; just use the utility tree from Variant A masteries.
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Skills Explanation

Your passive doesn't scale with levels (too bad ><'), and reduces the enemy's movement speed by 10% for 3 seconds. That isn't much, but that's sure something!

Sejuani charges forward to deal magic damage and apply Frost to enemies. Sejuani stops upon colliding with an enemy champion.
Base damage: 60/97.5/135/172.5/210
AP ratio: 0.4
Mana cost: 70/80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 19/17/15/13/11

  • This spell has a maximum of 450 range. If you don't know how much is that, behold: it is exactly the same as Vladimir's autoattack range! I know that helped, right :P
  • You can define the travel distance by dragging the skill line (pretty much like Olaf's Axe). Don't forget this, or you might sometimes fail just because you forgot to drag the line out.
  • This skill can pass through walls. Actually, it can pass through almost any wall on the map.

Sejuani summons an arctic storm around her for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage each second to nearby enemies. Damage is increased by 50% against enemies affected by Frost or Permafrost.
Base damage: 12/20/28/36/44
AP ratio: 0.1
HP ratio:: 1%/1.25%/1.5%/1.75%/2%
Mana cost: 40
Cooldown: 10

  • This skill has a 350 range. That's, uhm... exactly the same as Vladimir's autoattack range decreased by 100.
  • With 40% CDR you will only have to stop using this skill for 1 second.
  • Awesome for farming minions, especially if combined with Arctic Assault.
  • The AP ratio and the Health ratio are almost the same. It costs slightly more to boost this skill with AP than to boost it with health, however, AP benefits all of your skills, and health doesn't.

Sejuani converts Frost on nearby enemies to Permafrost, dealing magic damage and increasing the movement Speed reduction.
Base damage: 60/110/160/210/260
AP ratio: 0.5
Movement speed reduction: 30%/40%/50%/60%/70%
Mana cost: 55
Cooldown: 11

  • This skill has a 850 range. Sorry, I'm too lazy to compare it with something, but it's a pretty good range, believe me!
  • This skill is only active when there are Frosted targets in range, so you can't "waste" it if you press the button occasionally.
  • The slow amount is insane. 'Nuff said.

Sejuani throws her weapon, stunning the first enemy champion hit for 2 seconds and all other nearby enemies for 1 second. All affected targets take magic damage and are affected by Frost.
Base damage: 150/250/350
AP ratio: 0.8
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 150/130/110

  • This skill has a 1200 range.
  • This skill has an awesome name (IMO)
  • The impact size is bigger then the width of the skillshot line. That means, it will hit even if you slightly miss (sorry, I know that phrase sounds odd).

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Skill Orders

Laning Seju

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
This skill order is focused on both sustained damage with Northern Winds, and decent slows with Permafrost.

Jungling Seju A

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
This skill order is focused on faster jungling by early Norther Winds, followed by Permafrost.

Jungling Seju B

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
This skill order is focused on stronger ganks, and fast Permafrost leveling.


Arctic Assault is always leveled last. This is easy to explain. Yes, the cooldown of the skill decreases by level. However, the mana cost also increses drastically. If you level your Q first, you need to use it often (otherwise it's useful to level it, right?). However, you can't really afford it because of the mana cost. I level it last because, one level is enough to serve two of it's main purposes: provide a distant-closer, and apply Frost to enemies hit.
Also, damage-wise, Permafrost is better by all means (Cooldown, flat damage and AP ratio).

This one is more tricky.
Let's compare the damage output of the skills.
  • The damage is calculated with 0 AP. Northern Winds damage is calculated for a frosted target, assuming the skill hits for it's full duration.
  • 535 is the base health of Sejuani at lvl 1 (without any masteries, runes or items).
  • 1980 is the base health of Sejuani at lvl 18 (without any masteries, runes or items).

As you can see, Northern Winds deal more damage at all levels even if you don't take health into account at all. You might want to ask "Why not to level it first then?". Well, it's not as simple as it looks.

First of all, to maximize the damage from Northern Winds you need to a)keep the target frosted for the duration, and b)stay in the skill range for the duration.

Of course, enemies will want to run away. Permafrost, on the other hand, deals instant damage and has a much larger range. You also would like to level Permafrost to increase the slow amount, because you want easier ganks/kills.

However, I can stat that during the jungling phase, to maximize the damage output, Northern Winds are better to level up. So, if you want to speed up your jungling, level up Northern Winds. If you want easier ganks, level up Permafrost.
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Glacial Prison vs Enchanted Crystal Arrow

This is an interesting compare that I decided to make, since Seju's and Ashe's ultimates have similar behavior. First, let's compare their basic stats.

As you can see, Ashe's Arrow is much better then Glacial Prison. Does this mean that Seju's ultimate sucks? Don't be fooled. Consider this:
  • Ashe only has one damage-dealing ability aside her ultimate: Volly.
  • Seju has Permafrost that is made to work perfectly with her ultimate.
    No offense, but only a stupid person will not use Permafrost after Glacial Prison.
  • UnconfirmedI believe that Glacial's prison impact range is far greater then the Arrow's impact range, however, I'm not quite sure. If anyone can prove that (e.g. has numbers on impact range), please post in comments.

Now, let's take a looks at Glacial Prison + Permafrost combo.

Note: It's a little hard to compare these, because ulti has 3 levels, and Permafrost has five. For easier calculations I will assume that by levels 6,11 and 16 your Permafrost is level 2,4 and 5 respectfully.

Question: Why don't you add Volley to Ashe's Arrow then? It's unfair to compare a single skill with a skill combo!
Answer: It's quite fair actually. Ashe can use her Volley at any time. Sejuani can only use her Permafrost on Frosted targets. The only sure way to make a number of enemy champions Frosted is to use your Ultimate.
If you really feel sorry for Ashe, you can compare Volley with Arctic Assault.

Now, as you can see, Seju's PermaPrison (as I call it >_>) wins in the means of AP ratio, damage and slow amount (it also has a better stun effect if you assume Ashe's arrow shot was point-blank).
The only thing that's still much better on Enchanted Crystal Arrow is the cooldown. This can be solved by adding CDR though.
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About "rating" and item chapters

The "rating" I use for items is my personal estimation of how good the particular item is for a particular champion. It has nothing to do with how good/bad is the item overall.
An item with a rating of 100% would mean that I think the item is perfect for the champion, and you should try to pick it in most (if not all) of the games.
Example: Boots ====================

An item with a rating of 0%, on the other case, would mean that I would not recommend you to take this item at all.
Example: Infinity Edge on a Malzahar ====================

Please note, that items with relatively low rating may still be good, but only in particular situations which are rare. I will always say that in notes to an item.

I've made two item chapters, one caled "high-tier items", and the other called "low-tier items". The first one is about the expensive and-game items that you should aim for. The second one is about less expensive items (like Hexdrinker for example) that can be bought early to increase your performance.
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Exceptional items

Some of the items that, in my opinion, fit Sejuani very well. I find them so useful, that I decided not to put them in the item sections, and to devote a special section to them.

  • It's built from Catalyst the protector. Catalyst is a great item for you early-game, it gives decent health and mana (Seju can be mana-hungry early-game if you have to use Q often), and it also heals you on leveling.
  • Fully stacked it gives 630 health, 725 mana (holy ***), and 80 AP. Please note that with just the health it provides, you will be tanky enough for early-game. Don't believe anyone who tells you you would not.
  • You might be wondering how much damage will this AP actually give? Well, behold!
    • 32 bonus damage at Q
    • 5*8=40 bonus damage on W (60 versus targets under Frost)
    • 40 damage on E
    • 64 damage on R
    • TOTAL: 196 damage (assuming your W hits a frosted target).
    Now, consider this: Seju's skills are designed to be used in a pack. That means, your combo would be Q->W->E->autoattacks->R (when Permafrost is out).

    TL;DR: Each and every stat of RoA is beneficial for Seju. Also, it's built from a Catalyst which is also a good early item for Seju.
My Rating:
==================== 80%

  • 450 health. With RoA+Sunfire your total Health would be 3060 (excluding runes/masteries).
  • 45 Armor. Since you get some MR from the boots, your next resistance should be armor, which Sunfire gives (of course, except for the situations when you really need a lot of MR fast).
  • A passive that stacks so perfectly with your W. It deals 35 magic damage per second, and since you have a lot of slows on yourself, this will be working all the time. I can hardly imagine any other champion that synergies so well with Sunfire. Well, maybe Shen with his taunt.
My Rating:
==================== 85%

With these items explained, let's get to the rest of the item build.
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Mercury's Treads

These are the boots I get 90% of the times. Tenacity and extra Magic resist are too impossible for you.
Do not forget, that after all, Seju is a tanky champion. She can be a main tank, she can be an off-tank, but she needs the tenacity. Also remember that since you need to be in a close range to deal your damage (and to keep slow applied), you will be targeted with CC a lot.

Another viable option for you is


Ninja Tabi

This is a good choice if you face a lot of physical damage early-game. This can be either an enemy AD carry that is fed, or simply an enemy team composition that has 2-3 heavy AD champions, or maybe even a single annoying champion that you are having trouble with (like Garen).

The other boots options are not viable for Seju not because they are bad themselves, but because she badly needs the bonuses listed above.
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High-tier items (mid/late game)

Alright, let's talk about items a little more. To talk about the choices you have in the game, we will basically need to discuss only 3 items. These items are:

Yes, those are the very basic items that you should focus on. They offer you a really wide amount of choices, such as:


Note: Sunfire Cape was already discussed above.


Well, that's an impressive range of items, isn't it? Now let's talk about them in-detail.

Magic Resist Items

  • Gives decent health amount;
  • Good MR bonus;
  • Spell Shield;
  • Built of Catalyst which is good.
  • You don't really need mana bonus;
  • Spell shield isn't reliable (i.e. Volley).

Summary: A good item with a range of decent stats. It's good when the enemies have some annoying spells that they use on you, and/or if they can't break the spell shield too easily (i.e. with Volley or Missile Barrage). The shield also can make you more brave when entering team-fights (not sure if it's good or bad).
My Rating:
==================== 75%

  • Best MR bonus in game;
  • Great regen (you have a lot of hp, remember);
  • Movement speed bonus (you are slow).
  • Doesn't offer HP bonuses;
  • Expensive.

Summary: IMO, the best MR item for Seju. The passive health regen stacks perfectly with your large health pool. The movement speed is even better, because Seju is a rather slow champion (although you have enough slows on yourself, as well as a distance-closing skill).
My Rating:
==================== 90%

  • Decent MR;
  • Cheap;
  • Great Active.
  • It's just a MR item with an active: no other useful stats.

Summary:I would only take this if I really suffer from stacked Ignites, or annoying CC. In most of the cases, FoN is much better.
My Rating:
==================== 35%

  • Decent MR;
  • Decent AP;
  • A passive that kinda suits you.
  • Expensive;
  • Doesn't provide any defensive stats other than MR.

Summary:Abyssal scepter is a good choice if a)you are having a good game, and/or b)your team has 2 or more AP characters.
My Rating:
==================== 45%

Armor items

  • Almost the best armor bonus in the game;
  • Decent cooldown reduction;
  • A great passive that works well versus AD-based teams.
  • No health bonuses;
  • 500 bonus mana is too much for you;

Summary: this is a very good item to get if your team is suffering from AD-based enemy champions. It can be used either if they have one fed AD carry, or 2-3 AD champions in the team. The CDR bonus is very nice, however, you don't really need that much bonus mana. Another thing is that this is a pure defense item, it doesn't increase your offensive power at all.
My Rating:
==================== 75%

  • Balanced resistances bonuses;
  • The passive.
  • The passive can only be utilized in specific situations (see below);
  • No other stats than resistances.

Summary: GA is an interesting item, but it has a rather small niche. It gives decent armor AND MR bonuses in a single item. However, it does not offer anything else. Now, as for the passive. It has a long cooldown (5 minutes), and can only really be used in specific situations. For example, in teamfights you get targeted a lot, and die; however, the time that you tank is enough for your team to win the teamfight. In this case, GA is a good item to get. It will let you to stand up safely and continue pushing/go to base. However, if the teamfights are even, GA's passive is a waste. A lot of the times you will be revived and killed again immediately. For this reason, GA gets a rather low rating from me.
My Rating:
==================== 50

  • Decent armor;
  • Health and health regen bonuses;
  • Decent active and passive.
  • Expensive;
  • Just 5% CDR, it feels like a joke;

Summary: Omen is a great item. It offers you most of the stats you need: health, armor, CDR and health regen. It has a remarkable active, and an even better passive. However, the active's slow doesn't really matter to you, because Permafrost is better, so you will only really benefit from the active.
My Rating:
==================== 80%

  • AP;
  • Armor;
  • Active;
  • Expensive;
  • More useful to 'real' mages.

Summary: if you want to play an AP Seju, you may take this as your Armor item. Otherwise, it's pretty useless for you because of it's cost.
My Rating:
================ 15%

Health Items

  • Big health bonus;
  • A 40% slow on hit.
  • Expensive;
  • You don't really need the attack bonus, although it's not bad.

Summary: Mallet is a good "luxury" item. It gives one of the most impressive health bonuses in game, it's slow is 4 times better than your passive, but... it's just way too expensive. See, here is the trouble with it: a) you don't really need that attack damage; b) the slow is good, but I can't say you really need it in a lot of games; c) you get the full slow passive only when you complete the mallet.
My Rating:
==================== 55%

  • Best health bonus in the game (by far);
  • Decent health regeneration.
  • No other stats, just health and regen;
  • Stacking it takes some time.

Summary: Warmog's is a decent item for Seju. It's so good, that you may actually rush it right after boots. However, it's pretty expensive, and you need to complete it to start getting stacks.
My Rating:
==================== 75%

  • Decent HP;
  • Slow on magic damage (any of your skills);
  • Decent AP.
  • Expensive;
  • You only get the slow when the item is complete.

Summary: Rylai's is a good choice if you want to add some damage. It gives a decent AP bonus which benefits all your abilities. I would take this if I'm playing an AP Seju.
My Rating:
==================== 60%

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Low and mid-tier items (early game and situational)

  • Probably the most cost-efficient item in game.
  • Gives pretty much all the stats you need

When to get it:
It's a good item if your team isn't doing well enough. The aura it gives is pretty useful, especially for your squishes. I wouldn't get it if you are having a good game, because it's still a defensive item.

  • A great anti-mage item

When to get it:
Hexdrinker ain't too good for Seju. You don't need AD, the MR bonus is not too big, and the only situation when I'd buy it is an annoying Karthus, Malzahar or Veigar.

  • Gives decent health, armor and health regen for a relatively good price

When to get it:

I fail to see how can this item be better than Aegis of the Legion. Aegis has 5 less armor and 30 less health, but it also offers 39 MR, 8 damage, and a defensive aura to the team. The Locket's active isn't that great also. It shields for low amounts early-game (110 damage shielded at lvl 6, really?), and late-game it shields for 230 damage which is 1 autoattack of an AD champion.

  • The active is good for both offense and defense
  • Gives decent CDR and regens

When to get it:
I consider this a support-style item. The active can be used for both chasing enemies or running away. However, it's offensive powers are limited to Seju, because your ult+permafrost will make a much better speed difference than this item.

  • A good mix of MR, health and CDR for a fair price

When to get it:
This item would be good for Seju, but... you completely miss it's healing increase effect. It has a very little effect over health regen, and you don't have any life-stealing or spel-vamp abilities.

Zeke's Herald
  • Gives health, as well as nice offensive aura.

When to get it:
This is a decent item if your team has at least 2 AD champions. The stats are rather good for you, even the attack speed bonus can be handy in 1on1 fights. However, this is an offensive item, so I'd rather buy it if my team is doing well.
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My usual build

My usual core is

Let's get it detailed.

Start with Mercury's Treads
1.Your team fed already?
  • Yes: get an appropriate defensive item
  • No: go to step 2
2.Catalyst of the Protector
Do you have really bad problems with AP-based chars, or suffer from skills like Malzahar's ult? 3.Do you suffer from a specific damage type? 4.Do you die often? 5.Do you have a Negatron Cloak-based item allready? 6.Get another Giant's Belt. Do you have Warmog's already? 7.Finish your build with any appropriate item.

Some builds for you:

AP Seju (if you are doing very good)

Your team is doing poor:

, also consider an appropriate Aura item.

AP-heavy enemy team:

AD-heavy enemy team

( OR )

AD-heavy enemy team (variant B)

( OR )
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Solo top tips

Seju isn't bad at all at solo top. She may have little less damage then most of the tanky DPS, but she's still pretty viable.

Here are some tips for you:
  • Don't push!
    Seju is a great farmer, and you can almost instantly kill a minion wave with Q->W->E. However, this is bad strategy. Instead, either let the enemy push to your tower, or try to keep the minion line near the river.
  • Rely on ganks!
    Seju is a great ganker herself, but if she's on top lane, the jungler's life becomes easy. If your jungler has at least some sort of CC, most of the ganks will be almost guaranteed kills (unless you miss your ulti).
  • Use your skills wisely!
    If you feel you can finish the enemy off, don't use all skills at once.
    >>Start with a Q on him, activate W while you are dashing forward, and give him a couple of hits.
    >>After that, hit Permafrost. If the enemy has Cleanse or some run-away skill, or it's an annoying GP with his oranges, he will use his escape skills now (well, most of the times).
    >>Finally, use your ulti to stun them and close-up the distance again.
    I've seen some Seju players using all their skills at once, which resulted in the enmy escaping with flash/dash ability.
  • Don't waste mana!
    Seju can be mana-hungry early on, if you spam your skills (especially your Q). Most of the times your W and autoattacks are more then enough to get decent KS. Use permafrost to apply some pressure on the enemy champion.
  • Know your escape ways!
    Seju is a great escaper. Her Q is probably the longest dash skill in the game. It will allow you to pass through almost any terrain, except for maybe a couple of thickest walls on the map. Combined with Flash, this makes you very hard to gank.
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Jungling route

Sejuani can jungle in a couple of different ways.

Starting items

Seju can start with either Armor or Boots. A jungle route can be completed with both of this setups and even with no help from your team (i.e. no leash on blue). However, in that case you will find yourself very low if you started with Boots. Don't chose this option if you are afraid of the enemy jungler invasion.

Utilizing Frost

Don't forget that your basic attacks apply Frost for 3 seconds. Frosted targets take additional damage from Northern Winds, and can be hit by Permafrost, so you need to use it's full potential.

You can keep Frost up on 3 targets. To do it, simple attack each target once, then switch to the next one (Hit A->Hit B->Hit C->Hit A->...). Always use this on jungle creeps, until you get to around lvl 4. At this point, you will have enough damage on your skills to creep easy and fast.

Jungling route

Learn Northern Winds. Start at the Wolf Camp, and get some damage from your mid if its possible (1 skill like Call of the Void or Piltover Peacemaker will be enough.
If you don't get any help, it's fine, it will just slow you down by about 5-7 seconds.
When killing the wolves, attack each of them once to maximize the damage of Northern Winds.

Move to the Blue Buff. Use one pot. Get a leash from your mid (1 hit is enough). If you don't get a leash, you can still do it, but you'll have to waste one more pot.
Don't forget to hit each mob once to get maximum damage from W.

At level 2, learn either Arctic Assault or Permafrost. I would suggest [[Arctic assault for faster jungling (instant Frost on all creeps), since the damage is the same at lvl 1.

Move to the Wraiths Camp. If you have learned Arctic Assault, use it across the wall, and instantly use Northern Winds. Autoattack the Blue Wraith.
If you learned Permafrost, hit the blue wraith and 2 small ones before using it.

Move to the Small Golem Camp. Some guides advice you to go to the Red Buff after Wolves, but I wouldn't do it because you don't have your Smite recharged yet.
At level 3, learn the skill that you're missing (either Q or E).

Finally, move to the Red Buff. Use Q->W->E, and finish the Big Lizard with your Smite. You will be pretty low on health at this point, so port back to base.

When you are at base, buy either Null-Magic Mantle and a healing potion if you started with Boots, or Boots and 2 healing potions if you started with Cloth Armor.

Keep repeating the jungle route, starting at small golems. In this case, you will complete it 2 more times when the Blue Buff will respawn. This route allows you to hit Level 6 and have about 25-30% of the Red Buff remaining, and a brand new Blue Buff.
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Teamfights and ganks

Sejuani is a great initiator in teamfights, and an amazing ganker, especially early-game. Here are some tips that can help you to perform better. First of all,.. not initiate with your ultimate

I know this is controversial. However, in most of the cases it's true. Here are some examples of how starting with your ultimate results in a fail.

Situation A.
You are ganking a lane. You go in, and stun the target with your ultimate. After the stun ends, you use Permafrost. However, the enemy can now Flash away, and use a distance-making ability to immediately increase the distance from you. If you didnt gank him right under your tower, he will most of the times get away. Don't forget that a slow is useless if you can't reach the target.

Situation B.
You initiate a teamfight. You are the first to go in, you launch ulti and maybe even run into the enemy team. However, your team wasnt ready (or maybe they were too far away) and it takes them a couple of seconds to react. Congratulations, you wasted ult, and maybe even suicided.

I find Seju ult to be pretty much like Malphite ult. What I mean here is that you need to know when is the best time to use it, and this can define the winner of the battle.
If you use it too early, you just waste it.
If you use it too late, well.. it's just too late.
Here are some situations explaining when to use it.

  • If you gank, use it after the enemy uses his run-away skill.
    Wait for them to Flash, Arcane Shift, Cleanse in order to try to get away. Remember it is always better to let the enemy waste Flash and save your ulti, then to use your ulti, and make the enemy use flash after.
  • If you are fighting someone, save your ult for the end of the fight. Using it when your enemy is low-hp is useful because of various things such as:
    • If he feels he's losing and tries to get away, you catch him
    • If you feel you are losing, you stun him and can run away
    • Most people use spells like Heal or Ignite when they/their enemy is very low. You can prevent that by stunning them.
  • In teamfights, try to catch as many people as possible. However, don't get too obsessed with it. If you see a squishy out of position and know you can ult and let your team kill him, do it!

Do not forget, that a Seju that has ultimate, Flash and Arctic Assault ready is almost impossible to kill, unless the enemies have some exceptional amount of CC. The combination of stun from your ulti, and a distance-increasing spells (remember, Arctic Assault lets you cross almost every wall on the map) is an amazing escape tool.
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Here are some images with different builds (both jungling and lane).

Note that I'm still taking most damage in my team:

Low level summoner (no runes and only half of the masteries):
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"To Do" list

The following additions to the build are being made atm:
  • Items: add more choices and better descriptions
  • Teamfights: how not to die and help your team << done
  • Jungling: alternative route for very early ganks
  • Screenshots: add a couple more
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Thanks to

  • ***iko5 for letting me use his picture
  • SolarEmpire for moral support ^_^
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Patch notes and Guide Timeline

28/02/2012: Guide released.
15/03/2012: Added a screenshot of a game on a low-level account. Also added a "teamfights and ganking" section.
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