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Ashe Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Ashe Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Ashe Jungle

Updated on January 22, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 21,801 Views 0 Comments
21,801 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Ashe Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on January 22, 2025
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Runes: Attack Speed

1 2 3 4
Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Ashe Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Ashe, the Frost Archer
Marksman, Support, ADC, Mana, Ranged, Physical
Clearing: Slightly Below Average [3:45]
Ganking: Reliant on Level 6
Speciality: Slowing Enemies
Why Jungle Ashe? All ADC's can perform at least moderately well in the jungle, and Ashe is not excluded from this list. Despite having an unhealthy first clear, it is relatively on the same level as some actual junglers in terms of clear speed. She has an excellent slow for enemies on every auto attack and her ultimate is hard CC which can be done from across the map. Getting over her hurdles of being inconsistent and easily countered by assassins makes her a very fun jungler.
Pros and Cons


Easy to Learn
Passive Slow
Good Damage
Map Wide CC on Ultimate
Decent Clear


Needs to Kite
Mediocre Ganks
Needs Good Positioning
Skillshot Ultimate

This is the regular build for Ashe to continually proc the slow and kite enemies while keeping yourself out of range and safe from CC, tanks, etc. Of course she struggles against assassin's, theres no doubting that.

Crit works very well with the new Yun-Tal update, giving attack speed and critical strike. However it is important to note that Ashe does not actually get extra damage on her abilities or auto attacks with critical strikes, instead just amplifying her passive slow. This is a utility build, so it is important to get items that also give high damage and attack speed.

Ability Power is reliant on the ability power scaling on Ashes R, as she does not have any other scaling on any other abilities with it. It is still very fun to one shot with a full ap build arrow nonetheless.
Skill Order
Ranger's Focus

1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9

2 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13

3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
Enchanted Crystal Arrow

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
Ashe has a hard time clearing with maxing out her W despite it being a great poking tool. And of course, E is a utility spell that grants vision cross-map. That leaves the only real option to max out first being Q into W into E. To explain further, the damage on W only procs once per monster and cannot reliably hit every monster in camps like Raptors. Q provides a lot of damage very quickly, even in the early game, and is on a relatively low cooldown. The only issue is kiting camps, but that changes as more points are put into Q and boots are bought.
Ability Order in Jungle
Frost Shot
Ashe's auto attacks and abilites provide an inherent slow to enemies. Auto attacks against slowed enemies deal extra damage that scales with critical strike chance.

Also, Ashe's critical strikes do not deal any additional or extra damage. Rather than that, they amplify her already passive slow.

In the Jungle, the slow from her passive allows for Ashe to get into early game skirmishes with champions that do not have easy-to-hit CC or multiple dashes. Champions like Warwick will have a difficult time against her, provided she kites well. This can get Ashe an early kill that spirals her out of control, if she does not throw her lead.
Ranger's Focus
PASSIVE: While Ranger's Focus is inactive, Ashe's auto attacks generate a stack of Focus. Once 4 stacks are reached, the active ability for Ranger's Focus activates.

ACTIVE: For a short time, Ashe gains bonus Attack Speed and empowers her auto attacks to send out flurries of multiple arrows rather than just one.

In the Jungle, Ranger's Focus acts as the main clearing tool due to it's incredibly low cooldown and high damage. Without it, Ashe would not be able to clear her camps at all. It also is great for applying a consistent slow on enemies when being chased to kite them backwards.

This scales slightly with Attack Damage.
Ashe shoots out a volley of arrows in a cone-like shape in a direction. Each does physical damage to the first enemy hit, and if multiple arrows hit the same target, the damage only procs one time.

In the Jungle, this serves as the first ability thrown in fights to proc her Frost Shot slow. It is a decent soft CC ganking tool.

This scales off of Attack Damage.
Ashe sends out a hawk spirit towards a target direction that grants vision on the journey there and where it lands for a short period of time. She has two charges of this. This can be used cross-map.

In the Jungle, this ability serves one purpose - to keep tabs on the enemy jungler and act around them. A lot of the time, Ashe cannot effectively fight the enemy jungler and whoever else they bring with them. Sometimes she can't even do it with help from her teammates early on. By using Hawkshot to monitor what camps or objectives the enemy jungler is on, Ashe can counter-jungler on the other side of the map and avoid fights she won't win.
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Ashe fires a massive arrow cross-map that grants sight of the areas it flies through for a short time. The arrow shatters upon hitting an enemy champion, dealing magic damage and stunning them. The stun duration increases based on travel time.

In the Jungle, Ashe can use her ultimate to "gank" from the other side of the rift. The stun duration is incredibly long if hit from the other side of the map, and while it is incredibly difficult to line up consistently, when successful it allows for a free kill for whatever lane it lands in. It can also be used to steal objectives or as a normal stun in team fights.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Ashe cannot reliably solo dragon as her damage in the early game is too low and her damage in the late game is much better used eliminating threats around the drake before committing to it fully.

Ashe benefits the most from Cloud Soul, giving her a noticable boost in movement speed, especially in the jungle where she will be needing it the most.
Ashe can solo grubs, but it is a very big hassle that requires two charges of Smite and the enemy jungler to be located first with Hawkshot. Save your W for after the Voidmite's disappear and die.

Ashe can solo herald but it is agonizingly slow without a first item and even then, can best be used ganking first and then urging your top or mid laner to come help you with it.

Voracious Atakahn will spawn in lower-action games with fewer kills/damage, taking root in whichever side of the map has the most drama within it. It cannot be solo'd by Ashe so it would be wise to ping for your team. Spam them if needed, people are really bad at paying attention to Atakahn spawns. Voracious Atakahn grants a free, one-time use of False Life but instead of reviving right in the middle of the fight, you blink back to your fountain.

Ashe actually may be seeing Ruinous Atakahn more than Voracious due to how powerful her ultimate and passive are, but she would be getting it from assisting her team rather than being the sole reason why kills are created. Upon slaying Ruinous Atakhan, you are granted Crown of Carnage which permanently boosts rewards from epic monsters slain aswell as 6 stacks of Bloody Petals.

Ashe cannot solo baron and should not try to kill it with her team without first eliminating the enemy jungler. Due to her vision control, she can very easily lure enemies towards baron to bait them into a bush nearby river and pick them off before actually doing it.

Ashe can somewhat solo elder dragon by the point in the game that it spawns, but she would be better used infiltrating a fight with the enemy who have already begun fighting it. The slow from her passive will make them struggle to leave the dragon pit and take more damage from Elder while fighting your team.


Due to her struggles with clearing multi-target camps, red side is not the optimal starting location for Ashe and she has much better success starting blue side. After rotating to red, she should go to her Raptors into Red Brambleback and skip Krugs momentarily to kill Scuttle before coming back to finish the clear. Ashe should start on blue side, not for the mana but for the easier time eliminating a single target camp and kiting it around its aggro zone. She should start Blue Sentinel with a leash into Gromp and Wolves before rotating.
Core Items
Feats of Strength
Berserker's Greaves
Ashe really, really likes having Attack Speed. That is her whole thing, so it's a no-brainer that for almost every game, she should be bringing these bad boys.

Feats of Strength is gained by completing two of three objectives before the enemy team. These objectives include 3 epic monsters slain, first team to three kills, and first tower. For Ashe the easiest would likely be first tower, due to her rapidly increasing attack speed, but getting this is difficult without irritating your teammates. Pop in when you can, but don't steal too much gold, and prioritize the three objectives relating to the Void. This should also make it easier to get the last objective for FOS.

Upgrading BG grants you Gunmetal Greaves, providing a buff to Movement Speed and Attack Speed. You also gain bonus Movement Speed as an added passive when attacking enemies. Prioritize buying this as soon as possible - Ashe likes any item that helps her kite.

EARLY GAME: Ashe has a sucky clear in the HP department, but in terms of speed she can actually keep up with most junglers, albeit being a little bit behind in the first clear. What she really struggles with is consistently staying up in CS, as her camps are easily invaded and as a squishy ADC, she is also easily killed. This is why we take lvl3 Hawkshot, to ensure we know where our enemy is at all times and keep ourselves alive and out of trouble.
MID GAME: By the midgame, Ashe has likely had to give up a few objectives but should start noticing a power creep where she can kill enemies with minimal help. Her ultimate makes cross-map assistance possible and her ability to slow with a simple auto attack makes objective skirmishes from here on out very entertaining and much easier than if she had no soft CC at all.
LATE GAME: When/if Ashe is fed, she can truly output some very serious damage and outwit/outkite/outperform even the most skilled assassins designed to put her down. Being a simple champion, she doesn't have any crazy flashy plays or difficult mechanics to keep track of, all she has to do is walk and shoot. This makes for her very high damage and infinite slow to be a lethal combination to any enemy, squishy or not, in the endgame.
Patch Notes
1/22/2025: 25.S1.1 - Replaced "Boots" section with "Feats of Strength" section, Added Atakahn to "Objectives" section.
1/7/2025: 25.S1.1 - Q damage and attack speed increased, passive adjusted.
11/15/2024: Guide Created.
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