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Recommended Items
Runes: Attack Speed
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Standard
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction
Ganking: Reliant on Level 6 Speciality: Slowing Enemies Why Jungle Ashe? All ADC's can perform at least moderately well in the jungle, and Ashe is not excluded from this list. Despite having an unhealthy first clear, it is relatively on the same level as some actual junglers in terms of clear speed. She has an excellent slow for enemies on every auto attack and her ultimate is hard CC which can be done from across the map. Getting over her hurdles of being inconsistent and easily countered by assassins makes her a very fun jungler. |
Pros and Cons
This is the regular build for Ashe to continually proc the slow and kite enemies while keeping yourself out of range and safe from CC, tanks, etc. Of course she struggles against assassin's, theres no doubting that. | Crit works very well with the new Yun-Tal update, giving attack speed and critical strike. However it is important to note that Ashe does not actually get extra damage on her abilities or auto attacks with critical strikes, instead just amplifying her passive slow. This is a utility build, so it is important to get items that also give high damage and attack speed. | Ability Power is reliant on the ability power scaling on Ashes R, as she does not have any other scaling on any other abilities with it. It is still very fun to one shot with a full ap build arrow nonetheless. |
Skill Order
Ranger's Focus 1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9 W Volley 2 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 E Hawkshot 3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18 R Enchanted Crystal Arrow 6 / 11 / 16 |
Ashe has a hard time clearing with maxing out her W despite it being a great poking tool. And of course, E is a utility spell that grants vision cross-map. That leaves the only real option to max out first being Q into W into E. To explain further, the damage on W only procs once per monster and cannot reliably hit every monster in camps like Raptors. Q provides a lot of damage very quickly, even in the early game, and is on a relatively low cooldown. The only issue is kiting camps, but that changes as more points are put into Q and boots are bought. |
Ability Order in Jungle
DRAGON Ashe benefits the most from Cloud Soul, giving her a noticable boost in movement speed, especially in the jungle where she will be needing it the most. |
Due to her struggles with clearing multi-target camps, red side is not the optimal starting location for Ashe and she has much better success starting blue side. After rotating to red, she should go to her Raptors into Red Brambleback and skip Krugs momentarily to kill Scuttle before coming back to finish the clear. | Ashe should start on blue side, not for the mana but for the easier time eliminating a single target camp and kiting it around its aggro zone. She should start Blue Sentinel with a leash into Gromp and Wolves before rotating. |
Feats of Strength
Berserker's Greaves Ashe really, really likes having Attack Speed. That is her whole thing, so it's a no-brainer that for almost every game, she should be bringing these bad boys. |
FEATS OF STRENGTH Feats of Strength is gained by completing two of three objectives before the enemy team. These objectives include 3 epic monsters slain, first team to three kills, and first tower. For Ashe the easiest would likely be first tower, due to her rapidly increasing attack speed, but getting this is difficult without irritating your teammates. Pop in when you can, but don't steal too much gold, and prioritize the three objectives relating to the Void. This should also make it easier to get the last objective for FOS. |
GUNMETAL GREAVES Upgrading BG grants you Gunmetal Greaves, providing a buff to Movement Speed and Attack Speed. You also gain bonus Movement Speed as an added passive when attacking enemies. Prioritize buying this as soon as possible - Ashe likes any item that helps her kite. |
Patch Notes
1/22/2025: 25.S1.1 - Replaced "Boots" section with "Feats of Strength" section, Added Atakahn to "Objectives" section.
1/7/2025: 25.S1.1 - Q damage and attack speed increased, passive adjusted.
11/15/2024: Guide Created.
1/7/2025: 25.S1.1 - Q damage and attack speed increased, passive adjusted.
11/15/2024: Guide Created.
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