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Master Yi Build Guide by Timms

Jungle [Top, Jung] In Me, Wuju Lives On [7.24b] {In Progress}

Jungle [Top, Jung] In Me, Wuju Lives On [7.24b] {In Progress}

Updated on December 22, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Timms Build Guide By Timms 24,953 Views 0 Comments
24,953 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Timms Master Yi Build Guide By Timms Updated on December 22, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
    Current 7.24b Crit Build
  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
    Top Burst


Dark Harvest
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

The Ultimate Hat


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

>> Table of Contents <<

Hi everyone, I'm Timms, and this is my Master Yi guide. I worked hard to make this guide the best I could, and I would appreciate any and all feedback that you guys may provide. I started maining Master Yi mid season 7, after being taught by a high elo Master Yi coach, whom I will not name. Since the pre-season began, I have been playing numerous hours to attempt to find the most consistant & strongest Master Yi build, which I will still continously update this guide with as long as I play Master Yi. Master Yi is a fantastic champion to play, to bring rage to your enemies and cause them to tilt, just by having successful ganks.

Without further ado, I present to you, my dear readers, my Master Yi guide. I put a fair amount of effort into this guide, so I do implore you to reconsider any downvotes pending the actual trial and testing of my guide that I imagine you are planning to do. And above all, thank you for taking the time to read this.

+ High AOE damage with thanks to Alpha Strike
+ Very difficult to catch and chase due to having highest base movement speed in the game, tied with Pantheon, as well as mobility with Highlander
+ One of the few champions who deals true damage consistently
+ Untargetable with Alpha Strike can make difficult to focus down
+ Resets make him dangerous if a person dies in a team fight.
+ Red smite is really strong on him
+ Can be a bit harder to itemize due to his true damage
+ One of the best champions in the game for cleaning up

- Weak to targeted crowd control.
- If abilities used incorrectly, can be left vulnerable
- Really difficult to play at high levels.
- Has no built in cc
- Needs something to Alpha Strike if gets caught out to escape
- Naturally Squishy
- Will always be focused down.
- You may be flamed by enemy team for playing a "Non skill champion"

18 Reasons Why Yi Isn't Broken

1)He is a squishy ***sassin that can easily be focus and burst down

2) Master Yi provides 0 utility for his team

3)He has a 50% or lower WR in all elos and a 44% WR in diamond(all roles)(at the time of writing this)

4) Master Yi is extremely vulnerable to cc

5)Can easily be itemized against- Thornmail, Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart and Ninja Tabi

6)He's not the best at ganking because he has 0 cc and pretty much immobile pre 6 so the enemy jungler can easily outgank him

7)He has no disengages

8) Jax, Rammus, Teemo, Udyr, Evelynn, Warwick counters Master Yi and Rammus/ Teemo has one of the highest WRs in the game right now (at the time of writing this)

9)He is extremely predictable with his simple kit

10)There are 0 Challenger Master Yi Mains in KR, EUW and NA

11) Zhonya's Hourglass(Especially when everyone can get one at 6 mins), Guardian Angel, Chronoshift, Rebirth, Blood Well, Cell Division, Intervention, Undying Rage, Lamb's Respite, Cosmic Radiance, Fate's Call, Devour, Tempered Fate, Frozen Tomb, Chronobreak, Rappel, Last Caress, Umbral Trespass, Playful / Trickster, Featherstorm, Sanguine Pool, Twilight Shroud, Void Assault, Shadow Assault, Tumble, Deceive, Warrior Trickster wastes the duration of his ult and prevents him from getting resets

12)He sucks in competitive play and has rarely been used in the LCS

13)He's gold reliant where as his jungle counterpart with cc that is behind will be useful throughout the whole game in teamfights

14) Shaco, Hecarim, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks' fear makes Master Yi run away in the speed of light if he has Highlander activated

15)Jumping/Flashing/Dashing into your team when Master Yi alpha's you puts him in the middle of your team to get destroyed

16) Master Yi's sustained damage got nerfed when they removed the old runes(bonus ad)/fervor of battle(bonus ad) and replaced it with base ad buffs/press the attack which does not benefit Master Yi's wuju style that scales from bonus ad

17)Jungle Master Yi's winrate has fell consistently and never rose from 50.05%(patch 7.11) to 47.32%(patch 7.24) where as the average winrate for jungle champions is 50%

18) Master Yi mains makes wise use of their champion's kit by dodging turret shots/projectiles/cc with alpha strike that requires good timing and reducing damage received or getting an auto attack reset with meditate

Overall Master Yi is a fastpaced and delicate champion with an outdated kit where as making one mistake would get you killed instantly. Also he has been consistently ignored and neglected by Riot in every Q&A and patch when asked about possible buffs in the future.


Major Tree - Domination


Dark Harvest is an extremely strong choice, especially on Crit Yi. Due to the recent changes to Press The Attack & Lethal Tempo, Dark Harvest out-damages both. It allows you to multi-kill with ease as after killing an enemy, the soul given will allow extra damage to be put off depending on the amount of souls that you have collected, this does however mean that you must farm early game until you have collected around 50-60 souls before your ganks are actually any good. Once you hit 300 stacks, which can be done quickly if you're ganking SUCCESSFULLY often.


Sudden Impact is a no brainer. It gives you a boost of lethality after using Alpha Strike, which means as you initiate into the fight, you can burst down essentially any champion with ease. Paired with Dark Harvest & Crit, you will infuriate your enemies.


This is a controversial one. A lot of people will choose Zombie ward over Eyeball Collection, however for the added damage that the eyeball collection gives & how easy it is to collect eyeballs, I just see it as an obvious pick. For this to be efficient, you will need to scout for wards OR kill often.


You could go for ravenous hunter as the lifesteal from it, is great for your alpha strike in fights. However, I prefer Relentless Hunter due to chasing & ganking being made easier.

Minor Tree - Sorcery


Allows Highlander to be up quicker, helping with chasing and teamfights. No Brainer Really.


Movement speed gained from PD, SS, Relentless Hunter & boots adds onto your damage. Once Again, No Brainer.
Summoner Spells

Flash: Is a great Get Out of Jail Free card.

Smite: Smite That Drake.

Ghost: Alternative to Flash.

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Timms Master Yi Guide
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