Try to bait her parry out and dont overextend. Look for short trades. Phase rush is good here
I like to build tank against this champion but it doesn't matter. he will outscale you so try to make the most out of early and mid game. Bring phase rush
Usually my permaban for gragas. Hard counters you with his minions even being alive which cancel you from being able to use E efficiently. If he cages you you wont be able to get out with your E because minions... Its unplayable
Dr. Mundo
W max and run grasp for this matchup. Try to bully him early before his shitload of heals. you don't beat him late.
Easiest matchup of the century. Run phase rush into this and bully teemo with Q once you get mana. Once he's at least half just ult and full combo him and he's dead full I like to go a bruiser build into him because once you get abyssal your not really killable
Hold most of your abilities and poke out with Q until you see him use his Jump. If you see he used his jump just play very aggressive while it's down. Never blindly ult him since he can just evade it.
Master Yi
He will destroy your health late but if you bait is Q and full combo him with a burst build he is just dead.
Disgusting matchup play safe bring phase rush and combo her when her pull is down, freeze waves, and wait for a gank.
Very oppressive early game, hard to really combo her. Bait out her fear and try to get some damage off when that's gone. If she hits her ult on you E her as soon as she touches you
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