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League of Legends Forum: New Player Help

New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring.
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
help by sheng122010 » Dec 27 @ 01:20am pls help me how to use rengar... sheng122010 Dec 27 @ 01:20am 883 4
Ezreal help by bdrummerj » Dec 4 @ 06:52pm Hi everybody! I have been using... bdrummerj Dec 4 @ 06:52pm 1,278 6
Some questions about Udyr ! by Flip-Flap » Dec 24 @ 01:10pm Hey everyone ! First of all,... Flip-Flap Dec 24 @ 01:10pm 1,032 6
when do we jump in with JAX by boythinks » Dec 17 @ 09:31pm 1 2 i played a few games with jax... boythinks Dec 17 @ 09:31pm 2,605 14
New Guide HELP! by naxtilian » Dec 20 @ 12:57pm Hey guys, I have just created... naxtilian Dec 20 @ 12:57pm 1,047 5
Stuck between two champions by iOreo » Dec 16 @ 10:38am Alrighty, it seems i'll never... iOreo Dec 16 @ 10:38am 33,547 6
New Player (Hi there!) by EvilFerret55 » Dec 18 @ 10:28am Alright then, Hi there. I've... EvilFerret55 Dec 18 @ 10:28am 1,439 8
how to counter range? by boythinks » Dec 16 @ 03:40pm hi all, I hve been playing lol... boythinks Dec 16 @ 03:40pm 1,343 8
Getting zoned out by Spellbound83 » Nov 15 @ 09:16pm 1 2 Hey all. First post here. I've... Spellbound83 Nov 15 @ 09:16pm 3,282 15
Can I play Heimer? by JoeyBucketz » Dec 1 @ 08:35am 1 2 3 Alright, so I know most people... JoeyBucketz Dec 1 @ 08:35am 4,871 24
Rengar opinion of yours by brucesushi » Oct 27 @ 07:49pm Hi, i'm a LOL's player, and,... brucesushi Oct 27 @ 07:49pm 1,272 7
New Player - Jungle Question by Odegrar » Nov 28 @ 10:53am Hi, I'm lvl 12 and I wanted to... Odegrar Nov 28 @ 10:53am 1,662 8
AD CARRY : Help by brucesushi » Nov 18 @ 03:21pm Hi everybody, I post this... brucesushi Nov 18 @ 03:21pm 1,658 8
That Kayle Chick..... by CrazyMBP » Dec 12 @ 07:26am So I've started to play Kayle... CrazyMBP Dec 12 @ 07:26am 1,510 4
Top Lane Match-up Help by TimeMuffin » Nov 20 @ 08:39am I've been trying to main Jayce... TimeMuffin Nov 20 @ 08:39am 1,435 6
Stupid to main support at low ELO? by Aeacus11 » Nov 11 @ 09:17pm 1 2 3 Hey guys, Low ELO player... Aeacus11 Nov 11 @ 09:17pm 8,417 28
WHAAAAA... by devdevil » Nov 4 @ 04:40pm Um. I've noticed that sometimes... devdevil Nov 4 @ 04:40pm 1,482 8
Aren't HP quints rubbish?!?! by xyzabc198 » Aug 20 @ 03:48pm 1 2 3 I'm hoping somebody can explain... xyzabc198 Aug 20 @ 03:48pm 11,571 21
Is there a way? by Bigg Fuddgee » Dec 4 @ 04:08pm Is there a way to get rid of... Bigg Fuddgee Dec 4 @ 04:08pm 1,442 7
looking for a mentor by Yorzael » Dec 3 @ 09:23am Hi, i'm acctually 1600 elo, but... Yorzael Dec 3 @ 09:23am 850 2
Jungler in trainning by ShanaXI » Nov 11 @ 09:39am I could use some guidance on... ShanaXI Nov 11 @ 09:39am 1,262 9
SoloQ help by Morr33d » Nov 26 @ 11:39am I suck. Sooooo, I'm looking for... Morr33d Nov 26 @ 11:39am 1,071 3
Looking For Jungle Runes by NoAlarms » Nov 19 @ 11:18am 1 2 Hello, Folks! Ima kinda have... NoAlarms Nov 19 @ 11:18am 3,051 11

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