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- You can't beat olaf in a jungle 2v2, which is what Galio excels in
- Late game he just runs you or your carry down with his R
- Out sustain-damages you
- Way too tanky for you to kill
- Beats you in sidelane
- Easy for him so stack his passive on
- Way too tanky for you to kill
- Out sustain-damages you
- If vs Darius in lane, give up minions and try to farm with your Q
- You can never fight him 1v1 (and rarely 2v1)
- TRY to shove waves and roam with protobelt active and your Q
- Gangplank mid is a very hard matchup
- Out sustain-damages you
- He outpokes you
- Try to push wave with your Q and passive, while taking as little harassment as possible
- His W, remove scurvy, counters yours and makes it hard to get pressure on him
- Beats you in sidelane
- Beats you in sidelane
- Way too tanky for you to kill
- Out sustain's you
- His W tenacity and damage reudction is very strong against your whole kit.
- Try to peel garen off your carries in fights or go for the enemy backline
- If you want to trade in lane, the combo is; E into him, Q, passive auto attack, charge W and hit him with W while running away
- You never beat him in an all-in unless he is trolling
- In lane she beats you with her passive stacks and Conqueror
- Look for short trades to poke her out that she can't followup with an all-in
- you can outpush her and help your jungler get pressure/roam bot or top
- Beats you in sidelane
- Out sustain-damages you
- Way too tanky for you to kill late game
- Katarina used to be one of the easiest matchups for Galio
- Position your W so she can't Shunpo to a minion out of your taunt range
- It should be easy to land a W or E. If you do, you can win the trade.
- Do not take an extended trade
- With new items , AD Kata wins trades after backing once.
- You lose hard at level 6
- Avoid her daggers and shove her into tower
- Try to outroam her with your ultimate.
- Definitely worth a ban
- Very hard matchup with virtually no kill pressure.
- Extremely annoying with a lot of damage
- Starting Doran's Shield is acceptable
- You can only look to kill him if he E's into your minions and you land a combo on him.
- Try to Q him and the minion wave while avoiding as much harassment as possible.
- Help your jungler establish priority and roam
- Beats you in sidelane
- Way too tanky for you to kill
- Out sustain-damages you
- You're a very easy target for him to R in fights, he always beats you.
- If laning vs morde do the following:
- Look for short trades and disengage before he can proc his passive and run you down
- if he is low enough wait for him to waste his W
- if he uses his W to heal himself when low, you can try to kill him
- Morgana doesn't beat you in lane or in a 1v1 but she makes it impossible for you to crowd control a carry with her Black Sheild.
- Very hard to play against her when behind
- If laning vs her, push with your Q and passive and try to roam/help your jungler
- Similar to Morgana, Poppy makes it very hard for you to land abilities on enemy carries.
- Way too tanky for you to kill
- Beats you 1v1
- If laning against poppy, push with your Q and passive and try to roam/help your jungler.
- You can try and kill her in lane but if she's half-decent you don't have a chance
- Xayah is a big threat simply because her ultimate negates everything you do
- If you try and crowd control Xayah, she R's then kills you when you have no cooldowns
- Anivia has very little kill pressure on you but she makes it impossible for you to kill her
- Pre 6, try to shove her in with Q's and passive and roam
- Post 6 try to match her waveclear and look for roams
- When you E, she will just put up a wall
- You need a jungler with a gap closer to gank and kill her
- At level 6 she outpushes you and she will just outscale you
- Azir outpokes you in lane and can escape most things with his E
- You have to push with your Q and passive and try to roam/help your jungler
- When trading, wait for him to waste his E or Q so he cant dash far then look for an E on him.
- Corki's early damage is weak but he outscales you massively
- He's hard to gank or solo kill because of his W
- You either need to get a very mobile jungler (Zac, Rek'sai) to gank him, or just push with your Q and passive and try to roam/help your jungler
- You need to get sidelanes/jungler ahead as he outdamages you late game
- Very annoying poke matchup with wavelcear
- Try to match her waveclear with yours
- Position to the opposite side of her ball
- Use your W shield efficiently to soak up as much of her mana as possible
- Be careful if she has electrocute/ignite
- If she has phase rush it's very hard to kill her.
- Play around jungle
- Level 6 look for roams botlane
- Rumble beats you in extended trades
- It's very hard for you to trade with him at all, especially after level 6
- Push with your Q and passive and try to roam/help your jungler
- You win most early 2v2's with your jungler vs Rumble
- You can max W if you're looking to 1v1 and out-trade sylas.
- Alternatively you can max Q and try to push him in, playing more around your jungler
- Try to Q the wave and Sylas to match his natural waveclear
- You lose extended fights and he beats you in the sidelane
- Also, be careful of him stealing your R and roaming
- Don't let him get free W's on you in lane, you can just outpoke him
- Try to avoid as much poke from her Q onto you as possible
- Use your W shield efficiently to soak up as much of her mana as possible
- Match her waveclear with your Q, while trying to hit her with them aswell
- She's very hard to kill early because of her E
- But you do win most 2v2's with your jungler
- At level 6, try to outroam her
- She wins extended trades against you
- You can outpush her with your Q and Passive and look for a roam
- You win most jungle 2v2's
- Look for short trades you can disengage from
- If she waste's her shroud and is relatively low, you can try and combo her, be careful of her E'ing backwards
- Ult sidelanes and try not to let Akali snowball
Aurelion Sol
- He will always try and shove you in
- Try to match his waveclear with your Q and passive while also poking him
- He is immobile, call your jungler mid, it's a free kill most of the time with your E - W
- You win 90% jungle 2v2's, match his roams and keep track of him and his jungler for your team
- His turrets make it extremely hard for you to get on him
- Just try to match his wavelcear with yours and help your jungler and roam
- You win 2v2 outside of lane as he can't set up turrets
- Try to avoid his poke
- Don't stand in the minion wave or he can both shove and poke you
- Try to match his waveclear
- If he chooses to poke you, push the wave
- Consider buying Mercury Treads
- Push and play for jungle
- Outroam him level 6
- Buy seekers first item
- When he third Q's into you, E into him; dodging his Q and knocking him up. If you do this, you win the trade
- When he E's into you and runs your down, hold W and use it to kite him out
- Try to keep him pushed in if you're winning
- You win most jungle 2v2's, depending on the jungle matchup
- Outroam him with teleport and ultimate
- Buy seekers first item
- You can win early trades but be careful of him dodging abilities with his W
- He has high damage with ignite and electrocute
- He wins level 6
- Try to keep him pushed in
- Outroam him at level 6 as you don't win the 1v1
- You can build zhonya's first if the enemy team is also heavily physical
- As long as you dodge her bubble, you should be fine
- Careful when running ignite as she can just steal yours
- Outpush her with your Q and passive
- When she uses her R, you know where she will be in 1 second. Use this to land a free E or W into combo
- Outroam her with ult and teleport
- Match her waveclear with yours
- Remember your W passive will not block the returning damage from her Q as it is true
- You can never just E into her as she will charm it
- Play around jungle
- Roam with teleport and ultimate
- She is very squishy if you do manage to land a combo on her
- Absorb her damage with your W shield
- You can trade with her easily if you land an E or W
- Hold W when she runs at you with her E movespeed and tank her combo
- Push the wave and roam to help your jungler
- Roam with your ultimate and teleport
- You win every jungle 2v2
- She can't kill you early without using up all of her mana
- Don't stand in her W as you then cannot E
- When charging your W into her, watch out for her ultimate
- Push the wave and roam to help your jungler
- She's quite easy to kill with your jungler as she's immobile
- Outroam with teleport and ult
- Absorb her burst with your W when trading
- You win trades hard when she doesn't have her W
- Push the wave and look for jungle 2v2's
- She spikes harder than you at level 6 so be careful
- Outroam her
- He has no kill pressure on you in lane
- You can trade with him easily
- Wait for his Q shield to run out before you combo
- Be mindful that his Q does cancel your Ult and will stop your W charging
- Shove him under tower and roam
- Get your team ahead and close out the game
- Kassadin will always outscale you and win 1v1
- Use teamfighting to your advantage
- She has kill pressure if she's running ignite/electrocute
- Crown control her when she uses E so she can't teleport to it
- Consider buying Mercury Treads
- Match her waveclear and play around jungle
- Roam with ult and teleport
- Very boring lane
- Match his push
- If you're looking to gank him, get his passive down with your Q
- You win jungle 2v2's
- Outroam him with ult and teleport
- Match her push and try to get her under tower
- Don't stand in minion wave or she can poke and push
- Relatively easy to gank
- Play for jungle
- Outroam her with ult and teleport
- This lane is just both players trying to push each other in
- Try to land Q on the minions when he's standing in them for extra damage
- You win trades if you land you CC
- Play around jungle
- You're much stronger than him early and only get outscaled very late into the game
- Save CC for his ultimate to cancel it
Twisted Fate
- He will try to push you in; do the same to him
- He is relatively vulnerable to ganks in lane
- You win jungle 2v2
- Try to keep up with his ultimate at level 6
- You have to be proactive and know where he is all the time as his ult outranges yours by quite a bit
- You can use your E while he gold cards you when you're running away to maximise efficiency
- Shove him in early and put pressure on him
- Veigar's early waveclear is bad so use this to your advantage
- The more waves you get under tower, the more minions he misses
- You win 2v2's early and can outroam him with your ult and teleport
- Be careful as his cage does cancel your E
- If you know you're going to be combo'd, hold W for the damage reduction
- Vladimir is weak early but still very difficult to kill due to his pool
- You have better waveclear than him, push him in early
- You win every jungle 2v2 early - midgame
- He will significantly outscale you at around 3 items
- If you hold your W for too long he will pool it so go for short W's
- Play around the map and get your team fed
- You should try to end the game before he becomes a monster
- You have better waveclear than him until he upgrades his E
- Push him in and roam to help your jungler
- You win jungle skirmishes early
- He shouldn't ever be able to kill you - if he places his gravity field, just E out of it
- You can trade with him early game and win quite easily
- Just be careful if he has electrocute/ingite
- He will outscale you eventually in a 1v1 so you need to play around your team
- Roam at level 6 with your ultimate
- Use your teleport proactively
- Very boring matchup
- Waveclear to match him
- Look to play around your jungler
- Very hard to kill due to his range
- If he wastes his E you can out trade him
- Don't get baited by barrier or heal
- Roam at level 6
- Use teleport aggressively to impact sidelanes
- Buy seekers first back unless EXTREMELY ahead
- Tabi's or "pLAtEd sTeElCaPs" will reduce his damage significantly too
- His E early game has a relatively high cooldown (0.5s) so when he dashes into you, you have plenty of time to E him
- After you E him, you can Q - auto attack - W and run away while he is taunted
- This will win you the trade
- Do not take an extended trade in a minion wave - he will win
- Learn how to dodge his tornado with your E - it will make it very hard for him to kill you if he cannot knock you up
- Outroam him using your ultimate and teleport
- Match his wavelcear with your Q and passive
- You can only look to kill him if he wastes his W
- Look to outroam him
- Play with your jungler
- Match Ekko's waveclear with yours
- If he doesn't Q the wave you can start W (but he will if he's good)
- You outrade him early
- Try to land E's on him, if you miss it isn't the end of the world
- Poke and shove wave with your Q and passive
- Either poke him down to all-in range and go for a kill or shove him in and roam with your jungler
- Puny assassin
- Start W, you can max if it you want to bully him.
- If he ever tries to trade with you just hold W to negate his damage, then smack him up with your combo
- Fizz's early is weaker than yours so you can poke and push him under tower
- Look to outroam him and help your jungler
- She can never kill you if you play it right
- Hold W when she w's into you and taunt her for a combo
- Try to dodge her chain
- You can use your E to escape her chain easily
- If you're against a good LeBlanc, you can't solokill her but you can bait her W out and easily kill her with your jungler.
- Alternatively, you can outpush her with your Q and Passive and help your jungler/roam
- Try to prevent her snowballing, then she is weak
- Very slippery, hard to kill unless he goes on you with his E
- Use your E to dodge his by going behind him with your initial dash backwards.
- Early seekers armguard makes it impossible for you to lose trades
- You significantly outwaveclear pyke so shove him undertower while trying to poke him
- you outscale pyke so keep him under tower and don't let him roam
- Match his roams with your R and he doesn't get to snowball
- Puny assassin
- You beat her in lane
- Try to shove her under tower and look for a roam with your prio
- Or, you can try and kill her. Wait for her to use her W, and look for a taunt or E on her. If you land either, you win the trade automatically.
- Early seekers armguard makes it impossible for you to lose trades
- Be careful because Qiyana runs ignite almost every game
- Puny assassin
- Buy seekers
- You beat him 1v1 (except at level 2)
- Try to push him under tower and roam with your jungler
- Be careful of talon roams with his E
- Early seekers armguard makes it impossible for you to lose trades
- If you really want to sit in lane and bully him, you can max W and tank his damage, you win fights but be careful if you're not running ignite
- Very good engage
- Her ultimate followed by yours is pretty much a guaranteed kill. it's inescapable.
- Overpowered champion :)
Jarvan IV
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Your ult synergises extremely well with his. Anyone inside dies
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- When she comes mid it's very easy to kill with her cocoon and your crowd control
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Very good ganks and skirmishing
- Fantastic engage with Kled R into your W
- Very good teamfights
- Your ult synergises extremely well with his. Anyone who gets Malphite ulted dies
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- His invisibility can set-up your R
- Very strong early ganks mid
- Strong Skirmishes
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Your ult synergises extremely well with his. Anyone Rengar R's, dies
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
Lee Sin
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Extremely High pressure early jungler
- Wins every early 2v2 with you
- Very easy to set up ganks
- Extremely good initiation
- Strong skirmisher
- Strong 2v2's
- Strong skirmisher
- Strong 2v2's
- Yuumi's movement speed and ultimate give you a very good engage tool with your W
- Very good engage
- Her ultimate followed by yours is pretty much a guaranteed kill. it's inescapable.
- Overpowered champion :)
Jarvan IV
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Your ult synergises extremely well with his. Anyone inside dies
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- When she comes mid it's very easy to kill with her cocoon and your crowd control
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Very good ganks and skirmishing
- Fantastic engage with Kled R into your W
- Very good teamfights
- Your ult synergises extremely well with his. Anyone who gets Malphite ulted dies
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- His invisibility can set-up your R
- Very strong early ganks mid
- Strong Skirmishes
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Your ult synergises extremely well with his. Anyone Rengar R's, dies
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
Lee Sin
- High pressure early jungler
- Very good early 2v2 with you
- Extremely High pressure early jungler
- Wins every early 2v2 with you
- Very easy to set up ganks
- Extremely good initiation
- Strong skirmisher
- Strong 2v2's
- Strong skirmisher
- Strong 2v2's
- Yuumi's movement speed and ultimate give you a very good engage tool with your W
- Strong 2v2's with jungler
- Decent waveclear from your Winds of War and Colossal Smash
- Strong Area of Effect damage
- Relatively tanky with Shield of Durand and Aftershock
- Plenty of crowd control
- Kill pressure in lane if your opponent doesn't respect your damage
- Above average mobility with your Justice Punch
- Very strong roams
- Every dragon soul works well with Galio
- Looks cool as ****
- You have one of the best kits for following an engage
- You can also be the main engage if you have to
- Long cooldowns (especially early)
- Gets outpoked by many matchups
- Weak damage when behind
- Gets outscaled by most mages
- Once you've done your initial combo you're useless for 5+ seconds
This is a standard example runepage. Aftershock is a staple rune into every matchup as it provides damage and tank stats. Shield Bash is very standard as it adds more damage to your burst combo as you need every bit of extra damage you can get. You can go Demolish but only if you're confident you won't need the extra burst and will be more focused on splitting/breaking mid tower.
Unflinching is useful versus enemies with crowd control as you can Flash for Nimbus Cloak movespeed and not be interrupted or slowed as much. Also, the passive tenacity when your summoners are on cooldown is handy. If the enemy team has very little crowd control , you can take Overgrowth for the max hp increase.
For your Secondary Tree, you always want to take Sorcery simply because Nimbus Cloak is too important to Galio's kit.
You have more flexibility when choosing your second Sorcery option. Absolute Focus is a very solid option for extra damage and I take it some games if I'm looking to snowball. However, after the change to Transcendence, I take it most games as it is significantly better for Galio.
Double Adaptive Damage is always the standard option and then Armour/Magic Resist is dependant on your lane opponent. However, if your lane opponent is especially poke heavy and will auto attack you frequently ( Neeko, Syndra, Orianna,) you can go one Armour and one Magic Resist or double MR/Armour.
Unsealed Spellbook
Unsealed Spellbook gives you more utility than Aftershock but less duelling potential. It synergises well with Nimbus Cloak which allows you to run at, and away from enemy champions. Typically, when going Unsealed Spellbook, you would take Flash and Heal as Heal is extremely versatile and on a short cooldown. If you have kill pressure in lane it is fine to go Ignite instead of Heal. When using Unsealed Spellbook, you want to keep Flash if you can, and switch the summoner which is currently on cooldown. The best summoner spells to switch for Heal are: Teleport, Exhaust, Ignite, Ghost, Barrier (and Smite only if you're contesting neutral objectives.)
For your Secondary Tree, you always want to take Sorcery simply because Nimbus Cloak is too important to Galio's kit. This is amplified significantly with Unsealed Spellbook as summoners are used more frequently, always take Nimbus Cloak
You have more flexibility when choosing your second Sorcery option. Absolute Focus is a very solid option for extra damage and I take it some games if I'm looking to snowball. However, after the change to Transcendence, I take it most games as it is significantly better for Galio. Transcendence works well with the Inspiration tree play-style and should be taken most games with Unsealed Spellbook.
Double adaptive is always the standard option and then armour/magic resist is dependant on your lane opponent. However, if your lane opponent is especially poke heavy and will auto attack you frequently ( Neeko, Syndra, Orianna,) you can go one armour and one magic resist or double mr/armour.
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