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Fizz Build Guide by Rys Aberdeen

Fizzy Pop: A Rys Aberdeen Guide

Fizzy Pop: A Rys Aberdeen Guide

Updated on September 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rys Aberdeen Build Guide By Rys Aberdeen 797 102 3,769,360 Views 291 Comments
797 102 3,769,360 Views 291 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rys Aberdeen Fizz Build Guide By Rys Aberdeen Updated on September 27, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Fizz
  • LoL Champion: Fizz
  • LoL Champion: Fizz

Fizzy Pop: Your Inexhaustible Ranked Companion

Thanks to JhoiJhoi for the banner
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Intimate Introduction


This guide is not for the faint of heart and contains mature content and lots of disgusting sexual references. If you feel faint at the mention of American Media or are a devoted follower of anything holy I advise you - Stay away. Without further ado hello all, ladies and gentleman, men and women, gals and galifinakis, welcome to my guide. Me being asn00pnugget. asn00pnugget being r33s3th3b3ast. Yes its all very confusing I know, the videos (to come) in this guide will be from my smurf most likely. Anyway this is how to dominate the solo lane as an AP assassin. This is the only way to dominate as an AP assassin. There is no other kind of assassin Fizz can be. Im not discriminating, I'm not closed minded, I'm not a noob...well...STFU HATER. Fizz has no abilities that scale with AD. All his abilities scale with AP! If you follow this guide I guarantee you will Fizz your pants. Most of the guide was written using JhoiJhoi's template and so I thank her for that, here's the link. Jhoi Jhoi's Guide to Makin Guide's N Stuff. Also apparently she made teh line dividorz so thanks for letting me use them! hehe...
Check you my full youtube channel HERE
Oh yea BTW IM A NICE GAI so any informative criticism will get a +rep.
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AP (viable) vs. DPS Hybrid (viable) vs. AD (not viable)

Ability Power
+ Best Burst Damage
+ Good Survivability
+ Hard to Focus
+ Decent Sustained DPS
+ Very Strong Mid-Late Game


- Less Sustained DPS

In my opinion this is the best build. It synergizes best with your abilities as it boosts the damage done by all of them. It gives more spell pen to increase your damage and will yield the greatest damage in the late game. Your abilities all enable you to enter and leave a teamfight and your ultimate has a 1:1 AP ratio. This seems most logical path as it makes use of all your abilities. This is best against teams with heavy CC and DPS. E.g. Xin Zhao and Sion.
Attack Speed / Ability Power


+ Decent Burst Damage
+ Best Sustained Damage
+ Very Strong All Game
+ Can Push Turrets!!!


- Lack's Survivability
- Easy to Focus
- Expensive

Now in my opinion what makes this viable is not only your W and increasing the amount of hits you can get off while its still active, but the cooldown and MR reduction given by malady and Nashor's. Your cooldowns will increase your DPS and the reduced MR that you deal is better than the spell pen on a full AP build. This also gives DPS faster because your W is the only way of dealing sustained damage. This build is great because it is difficult to counter as well. Best if your team lacks pushing power (in 3v3) or against very tanky teams e.g. Rammus, Olaf or Renekton.
Attack Damage

+ Good Sustained Damage
+ Multiple Gap Closers
+ Great Late Game


- Lack's Survivability and Sustain
- Inefficient; damage severely lacking to flat AP and Hybrid
- Weak early game

I'd say this is just bad. Lol. Some people are making offtank trinity atmog builds but these are horrible IMO. It seems better to just build these items on Anivia by the same logic seeing as she has a longer attack range. None of Fizz's abilites scale off AD and so its hard to see why this build is even considered as viable. As a jungler you kind of have to take some AD when buying Madred's however this is out of necessity for jungle speed. Even Madred's bloodrazor offers attack speed though.
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Sweet Sweet Storytime

Now relax and let good old daddy Rys tell you a soothing story about Fizz.

Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, harbored a curious spirit that could not be satisfied living so cushioned a life. Unable to resist the allure of danger, Fizz had a habit of sneaking out of the city to look for trouble. In his many adventures he grew to be a powerful fighter with a sharp cleverness that let him skirt danger with ease. One day Fizz returned to find the city abandoned: his people had vanished, leaving Fizz without a clue to explain their disappearance. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted seastone trident from the ruins and set out alone.

Fizz wandered the ocean in search of his people for years, using the skills he’d learned during his adventures as young boy to survive. Finally, Fizz discovered the port of Bilgewater. He was fascinated with the existence of life above the water and could not resist exploring the island. In his endless curiosity, Fizz inadvertently meddled in the affairs of the humans who lived there, and his presence did not go unnoticed. His mischief angered many residents who eventually sought to capture or kill him. Fizz found himself cornered, and he prepared to return to the sea despite the fondness he’d come to hold for Bilgewater. As he stood at the docks, a massive dragon-shark attacked the port. Fizz defeated the beast, using his resourcefulness and knowledge of the creature’s weaknesses to his advantage. Having earned the gratitude and respect of the humans, Fizz decided to stay in Bilgewater. To further serve his new home, he joined the League of Legends.

“Fizz makes even the saltiest sailors of Bilgewater look like drunken landlubbers in a fight. Good thing he’s on our side.” – Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter
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Patch Updates and Fizz Base Stats

Damage 51 (+3 / per level)
Health 414 (+86 / per level)
Mana 200 (+40 / per level)
Move Speed 310
Armor 13 (+3.1 / per level)
Magic Resist 30 (+1.25 / per level)
Health Regen 1.8 (+0.14 / per level)
Mana Regen 1.22 (+0.09 / per level)
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Provocative Pros/ Confusing Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Good Initiator
+ Great Chaser
+ Good Scaling
+ Great burst damage
+ Great sustained damage
+ Great Escape Mechs
+ Can dodge enemy harass
+ OP with a sheen
+ Saves cute little hawaiian girls

- Hard to master
- Gold Dependent
- Hard to make use of Auto Attacks
- Early game he is squishy (who isnt?)
- No robot laser shark skin yet
- He might steal other peoples children
- Wont listen till you give him bananas
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Risque Runes


  • Ability Power Quints: Sorry if the title misled you, this isn't very risque, its pretty standard. Fizz is primarily a burst damage champion. Even his auto attacks do damage based on AP and missing health rather than amour pen or AD. Flat AP will give you the ability to control your early game lane as well as land successful early ganks. Here you do have a few options though, mainly CDR and mana regen. Fizz is very difficult to master in lane and so for newer players I recommend greater quintessence of replenishment just because between dodge and harass you will be mana starved quickly. With this build lacking CDR, that is a viable choice as well.

  • Magic Pen Marks: Here you only really have two viable options: magic pen or armour pen Greater Mark of Desolation Magic pen is useful throughout the game on all your spells, even your auto attacks. Remember penetration is the key to dominance.


  • CDR Glyphs: The thing is fizz had pretty long cooldowns. You could change these for flat AP but with a 10 second cooldown, 10% is already one second. It adds up to a lot in the long run but its more of a personal preference thing here. If you go all out AP glyphs, seals and quints it tends to work well on most burst champs but I have yet to try it out. CDR is nice but if your feeling frisky I'd say go AP.


  • greater seal of replenishment MP/5 Seals: Stamina is the key to victory. If you lack stamina how will you ever maintain your dominance? Here it would be viable to take more flat AP but you wouldn't be able to harass very long. The return is greater on Mana/5 and considering how mana heavy fizz is in the lane it would be frustrating IMO not to have these. To avoid harass it is mandatory to learn how to use Playful/Trickster but this ability does cost a lot of mana and so regen is very important. Even if you take mana regen quints, it still helps because if you get mana starved early on say goodbye to your lane control and a whole bunch of gold with it.
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Risque Runes: The Second (Alternatives)

Alternative Runes

  • Magic Pen Quints These are just as good if not better than AP. See the chart I include in the item sections on the effects of magic pen. I would say health quints but they got nerfed waaay to hard for me to even look at them. They just remind me of 6000 wasted IP. Sometimes its just too hard to look back.
  • Attack Speed Marks: Meeh if your building AS route these are very viable. If you are maxing W first these will definitely give you the best returns. Take magic pen quints if you do this though. Remember speed is not a substitute for power...
  • AP Glyphs: Yeaaa these are pretty necessary. Like if you don't take cooldown I would recommend MR just because the early game damage is so important. If you read my laning section you'll see that Fizz is a veryyy aggressive laner. Without strong harass you will need more harass which will leave you at lower health with less mana.
  • Armour Seals: So some people dont like mana regen. Ok, I get that. These a great boost to your survivability and stack great with your passive. If you harass in lane it minimizes the damage taken from minions as well.
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Mature Masteries - General Explanation

General Masteries


For my AP build it is pretty straightforward why I take 21 points in offense. The final point is simply too good to miss out on. As a burst champion that excels at taking down low health targets it is perfect. It stacks perfectly with ignite and Fizz's E allowing you burst enemies down from half in early in lane and later in team fights. I take AP where it is available because flat AP will be the base of your damage. The two points in AS however are more out of necessity. Fizz's abilities do not scale with AD and only one with AS, but its still better than AD. I know some people like to take malady, despite losing health and burst. I also take CDR because with cool downs like Fizz - its worth it.

The offensive masteries also work extremely well with the attack speed build as they support attack speed and AP. I take AP boosts and CDR same as in my previous mastery tree for AP. In my attack speed tree it goes without that one should take alacrity for the attack speed boost which synergizes with your AP. What cannot be ignored is the attack damage that will come from your attack speed and there fore I take the 10% armour pen and the flat armour pen . Because there are less points left to put into defense, I invest these into life steal for sustain. I also take a point in demolitionist because with boosted attack speed, you'll be able to push turrets very well for an AP champ. In 5v5 you can even BD (backdoor) late game.


The more important thing to note in this section are defensive masteries. Fizz has very weak sustain and survivability in lane early on. These masteries which boost armor and MR give a tremendous boost to early and late game survivability. The health regen gives an edge that cannot be ignored. The returns from the utility are simply less useful and do not give you the early domination you should be trying to achieve- Fizz is not a passive laner.

However as a jungler you notice that I take 21 points in defense. The fact is that the points in the defensive tree will greatly increase your survivability and are really almost what enable you to jungle. The damage gained from will also increase your jungle speed. By not being able to take executioner in the offense tree it would be a waste to invest in it. Investing 21 in defence gives greater return and will greatly aid your role as a jungler in which you will be expected to act as an offtank as well. With merc treads and juggernaut it will be very easy to initiate and tank enemy CC without dying. The reduced CDR is helpful as well.


In my AP guide sometimes I would take a point in Summoner's Insight for the bonuses to Flash but if you take Ghost and Ignite I suppose you would not take this.

These masteries are useful when jungling, however, and I take 9 points in this tree. Because you wont be buying early mana because of Madred's, expanded mind will keep your mana pool big enough to support your ganks. Funnily enough I really enjoy using improved recall because as useless as it seems, when your making your getaway from the enemy jungle, the reduced cast time WILL save your life. As jungler you will be expected to ward making useful. The gem of the tree really lies in your extended buff duration which is very important for you to be able to maintain your presence by using buffs to keep your stats on par with everyone else's.

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Seductive Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

Ghost: When you play Fizz your probably thinking faster daddy, faster. When you take ghost, too fast daddy! Lol sorry childhood joke, probably not funny. Anyway, with the nerfs to flash and all I just don't find it useful for escaping anymore and its just always on CD. Ghost has a lower CD and is better for both offence and defence. The fact is Fizz already has a blink that makes him invincible for a moment so flash in unnecessary. Use your already great mobility to make up for not having flash (e.g be more careful with E).
Ignite: For a burst damage caster, this is much more useful than exhaust. The enemy will be dead before they realize what is happening. Also fizz has slightly long cooldowns and so it may be difficult to chase after his initial burst, ignite enables you to finish your kills much more easily. Also ignite and your auto attacks synergize perfectly and are probably why fizz is considered an assassin.



Surge: My other choice was teleport for 5v5 but I guess its just not as useful on Fizz as this is. AS and AP stacks flawlessly with and attack speed build as well as AP. I don't use it much cuz I'm an old timer but it has great potential.

Smite: For if you are jungling. This is a must. Surge is not a replacement for smite.

Exhaust: Another personal preference. In situations where ignite is needed for the advantage in a DPS fight or for finishing an enemy, three times out of five exhaust is more useful. For burst damage ignite can be more useful. Considering your passive ensure a kill on a weakened target, exhaust should not be needed to chasing or fighting. (you are a burst assasin). Always counter pick summoner spells based on the champs the enemy has picked, however in most cases take ignite.

Flash: I have always had serious preferences on which characters I take flash over ghost. Personally I only ever use flash. I suppose both are viable on Fizz however personally I like the possibilities of flash more than those of ghost. With abilities it is easy to escape, initiate or chase. Therefore I do not think that ghost is necessary because in the situations where it is, you can use your abilities. In terms of chasing Fizz is not a DPS champion anyway, he is more of a burst and so ghost would not be very useful either. With flash it is possible to chase through walls and escape in situations where ghost would have no effect. I will put up videos to demonstrate some of these uses. EDIT: LOL JK GHOST IS WAY BETTER. They nerfed flash range and its useless now. Its best used offensively e.g. it sucks.



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Smooth Skillful Sequence

Ability Sequence Order

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

> > >

spaaace In the lane your going to want an early point in your E for dodging and perhaps harassing your opponent. After that use Q and W to harass your opponent more easily and with less mana. As you reach mid game you will be using E and Q to nuke, kite and chase.
  • It has come to my attention that maxing E isnt the best because reduced cooldowns aren't very good compared to the overall damage gained by maxing Q and W first.
  • If rushing sheen Q is best but in general I think it is important to max your W skill first.
  • In the early laning phase, proccing the passive will yield really great damage, not to mention early game burst is somewhat lacklustre and having auto attacks that deal bonus damage gives you a big advantage when soloing Vs. most opponents.
  • Around mid-game I personally find the CDR on E very important but Q is just as viable as an escape and initiating method.
  • I mean if you go in with a Q, the CDR is much less than E meaning you can escape with your Q as well. The drawback is that E is a much more reliable escape mech so if you dont max it the CDR will be around 10 seconds meaning you cant blow it in a chase or escape if there are multiple enemies around. Basically if you dont max this you have only one failsafe. If you do max E first you can initiate with a slow and escape and chase more reliably, however you will have less overall DPS and general mobility.
  • Really this isnt very important everyone does it differently. In a comment someone said "Great guide! I play Fizz a lot and I'm really good with him this is basically my same setup a few differences but for the most part the same lol. I usually get get W,Q,E,W,Q,R though. I'm gonna try it this way."

    spaaaceIm going to recommend generally maxing W for damage and then focusing on reduced cooldowns of Q and E which are really interchangeable. Max whichever skill you find yourself using more.
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Sensual Skillz

Urchin Strike
Dash a set distance towards or through target dealing significant burst damage This spell has several uses. When target draws near use it to escape or stay out of range. This can be followed by Playful/Trickster as a basic combo. Used as a gap closer to land a few auto attacks and harrass or sse to dash to minions or jungle creeps to escape.

Seastone Trident
Fizz passively gets auto attacks that 'rend' people - a DoT based on missing health. Active gives auto attacks bonus magic damage Perfect mage spell because it does not need AD or ArPen to help it scale. Perfect assassin spell because helps you burst down low health targets even more easily. I use it a lot in lane for cheap easy harass.

Fizz can use his trident as a pole-vault making him untargetable while in the air then slowing nearby enemies as the slams back down. If you double tap E he does a double jump and goes further but loses his slow. Hardest skill to master but also the most useful. Use it in a lane to dodge harass then counter with your own. This serves as your main burst. It is also great for chasing and escaping but remember - it only works on small walls.

Chum the Waters
Throws a fish that sticks to its target and slows them. A shark will then come eat the fish and knock up any nearby enemies dealing damage as well. This spell means certain death to anyone it hits in a teamfight. Also use it to follow up on your Urchin and Trickster combo to CC/burst your opponent till your other spells come off cooldown. Take your time and make sure to land it and dont use it to run away.
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Sensual Skillz - In Depth


Nimble Fighter

Fizz's dexterity allows him to ignore unit collision and take (4/6/8/10/12/14) less physical damage from basic attacks.


Blocks minion aggro, and allows Fizz to move through minions. This is very helpful in turret dive escapes as well as escaping foes who must run around the minions. This ability is greatly helpful during the early game when harassing your opponent with Seastone Trident or even your basic auto attacks. It also allows you to control your zone in a way that might confuse your opponent. As enemies underestimate your durability they may try chasing you into a turret thinking they can finish you with an auto attack only to leave you with 3 health or when duking it out under minion aggro, their health will pool down much quicker than yours. Of course, remember that your are not invincible, it takes only an extra auto attack or two to take you out.
While the damage reduction may seem almost insignificant, taking aggro from 6 minions equates to about 18 damage per round of attacks at lvl 1. Basically you can shut down any melee AD champ in lane by outmaneuvering them and out tanking them.
This passive also makes Fizz a very viable jungler.




Q: Urchin Strike

Fizz dashes through his target, dealing normal attack damage plus 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+70% of ability power) as magic damage. This ability can trigger on-hit effects.


A very strong spell for any type of build or play style as it is a gap closer as well as escape on a short CD. It supports on-hit and AP making it very good with sheen. This skill dashes a set distance and learning when to use it is one of the more difficult aspects of Fizz. Especially in the early game when it can make or break your success. By applying on-hit remember it applies your W and so if you harass your opponent make sure to constantly apply this when they are below 50% health. Let's say they have 450 hp, and their health is now down to 100. You are at level 1 with 50 attack damage and 38 ability power. This means that your attack does: 50 physical damage, 30 + 0.35*38 = 43 magic damage (DoT)4% of missing health (350 hp) = 14 magic damage. That is over 100 damage and will kill them. The cooldown is decent though and it as a point seven AP Ratio which means you can use this for some nice burst and with Lich Bane it deals even more damage in a AP Build getting up to a 1.7 AP Ratio after taking the unique passive into account. The way this ability works late game as a gap closer and escape is the set distance you dash. When you target an enemy, and Fizz dashes a set distance in the direction of that enemy while damaging them. This means that if you are far from the enemy you will dash into him, but if you are close you will dash through and away from them a set distance. This allows you to gain a head start when retreating.

Note: Auto attacking an enemy and then using the ability will cause Fizz to run back to attack the enemy after dashing away therefore path away right after dashing to cancel the auto attack when retreating.




W: Seastone Trident

Passive: Fizz's attacks rend his enemies, dealing 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+35% of ability power) plus 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 % of the target's missing health as magic damage over 3 seconds. Max 300 vs. minions.

Active: For 5 seconds, Fizz's attacks deal an additional 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+35% of ability power) magic damage on hit and apply Grievous Wounds to his target, reducing incoming healing by 50%.


This is Fizz'z most powerful skill and the reason you max this first or at least take it early is because for one it provides exceptional early game harass especially combined with Q and passive. Every time your opponent pops a potion you can ensure 50% reduced healing meaning if you took potions as well, you can outlast anyone in lane. Also it scales on AP and missing health, meaning we can build CD/attack speed and still have a very, or even more so, efficient build. The reason you always max this first on hybrid build is because offers very powerful early-mid game DPS when activated and combined with attack speed. By increasing your AS, you are effectively increasing the amount of hits allotted in the 5 secs greatly increasing the amount of damage done every time the ability is activated. Also remember that the passive remains while the active is on CD. Don't be stingy, activate the ability every time you go into attack. The passive gives nice bonus damage as DoT, which grows with declining enemy health. This stacks well with the AP bonus and causes some serious harm to the enemy late game when they don't flash out until 3 seconds later and realize it's too late. However it is also important to note that the DoT doesn't stack, it only renews with each hit. This means that if you attack for 3 seconds, hitting 5 times, you only get 6 seconds worth of passive damage. Attack speed still stacks with the passive but also think about it; each attack triggers more bonus damage because it is based on missing health and so with more attack speed you are also doing more damage and therefore the damage on the passive is increased as well. Being an ability that increases AD though magic damage it is slightly unique. Bonus damage is not returned by Thornmail since it is on-hit magic damage and but being blinded will negate ALL the damage if your attack is dodged.





E: Playful / Trickster

Fizz hops toward your cursor onto his spear, becoming untargetable, and then slams the ground dealing 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 +(75% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% for 2 seconds.

Reactiving this ability while Fizz is on top of his spear, causes Fizz to jump again towards your cursor and deal 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 +(0.75 of ability power) magic damage in a smaller area to enemies nearby, instead of slamming the ground.


This skill is key to playing Fizz. Mastering the timing of this skill and its situational uses will allow you to control the game, dominating team fights and escaping all but the most co ordinated ganks. Think of this as you own Zhonya's or Vlads pool allowing you to completely ignore damage for 1.5 seconds. It neutralizes projectiles (makes them vanish) such as sions stun or Cait’s ultimate - ace in the hole- and you can use it to hop walls. Keep in mind the distance of wall hopping is short and jumping walls such as the dragon wall in 3v3 is finicky. Do not rely on wall jumping for an escape. The distance it creates should be enough. With all this it also deals damage at a 0.75 AP Ratio and then once you land it also slows the target. This means it can be used for initiating to slow as well as chasing to finish or escaping. The ability is used on the same basis as Flash - place the cursor in the direction you want to jump and press e. Then you can wait and do AoE damage as well as slow in half a second, or jump again in the direction of the cursor by pressing e again, doing AoE damage at the target location. While the distance of each jump is quite short, a double jump can greatly assist in chasing an enemy. Use this skill when: finishing a champion at their turret then hopping on the trident to avoid the incoming missile as well as moving out of turret range, clearing minion aggro after attacking a champion, escaping CC or escaping enemy harass. This ability has only one flaw - its cooldown is quite high (16/14/12/10/8). This is why you must have max CD reduction for Fizz.





R: Chum the Waters

Fizz releases a magical fish toward a location that can bind itself onto enemy champions, slowing their movement by 50 / 60 / 70%. If the fish misses an enemy champion, it will remain on the ground for a brief time, binding to any enemy champion walking over it.

After 1.5 seconds, a shark erupts from the earth, dealing 200 / 325 / 450 (+100% of ability power) magic damage in a large area, knocking up the target the fish is attached to, knocking other enemies aside and reducing the movement speed of all enemies hit by 50 / 60 / 70% for 1.5 seconds.


First of all it as a 1:1 AP Ratio which is why AP Fizz is so viable. It's a skill shot and the range is quite far meaning it is great for ganking, initiating or even just chasing. The best part is that it deals AoE damage and acts as a slow as well as knock up. Basically catch a stray champion with this and they are as good as dead. This ability is your handy dandy CC and nuke, slowing and dealing great damage. As opposed to Fizz's other skill, the CD is quite low for an ulti (100,85,70), reaching 42 seconds with max CD reduction, which makes this a very versatile skill. The most common uses for it are; the slow for 3 seconds + knock up a fleeing enemy, Mid team fights to break up clustered enemies, or in late team fights to finish off low health enemies, separate an enemy from the rest of the group if they are fleeing, ganks, use with Deathfire Grasp to nuke late game tanks, or in the early laning phase to get an instant kill at lvl 6 on your opponent - granted they are below 50% health.


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Intuitive Items (Classic) - From Early to Late

Early Game Core

  • Doran's Ring: The fact is lets face it, your squishier than a baby teemo. If you try to go in and harass , chances are minions will take down faster than your opponent. Not only does this item help you keep you alive, it keeps you from falling behind. Without mana and harass your opponent will shut you out and stop you from getting your MUCH needed gold. With dorans you can ensure early harass and then ensure lane control through your great utility (moving through minions to harass).
  • Sheen: It took me a while to figure out, funnily enough, but this is your cocaine. Once you get this you get like fifty times scarier. Your urchin applies on hit effects and when you follow up on Playful/Trickster with your auto attacks, its that much scarier. This is your main source of early game damage, and don't forget it.
  • Boots of Speed : Whats the point of having great chase or escape without boots, right? Kidding, but seriously these will help you gank, land your auto attacks and overall be able to have a greater presence. If you take these early, the pots are a great boost to survivability. Also many people are afraid of Fizz early game because of his DPS, burst and ability to path through minions. By having greater speed it becomes possible to harass the enemy if they insist on staying out of reach. Boots are pretty much standard in any early game situation. I save sorcerers shoes, ionian boots, etc. for mid game though.

Mid Game Core

  • Rod of Ages: What bothers me about any burst champ who relies on auto attacks is the lack of survivability. If your going to throw yourself at the enemy and get in range, then hope they wont focus you, keep playing normal but don't ever try ranked or youll be very sad. Rod of Ages is great for mana issues when regen is not enough. It also gives you the illusion of tankiness as well as great AP. Get this early and it becomes the gift that keeps on giving. From early to late, it remains useful all game. Also Catalyst catalyst the protector is your only means of early game sustain
  • Lich Bane: You can take Rabadon's first but with sheen, its relatively inexpensive and simply gives amazing returns. I could not believe the damage I was doing when I first got this. Imagine Urchin strike applying on-hit with massive burst and physical, then followed by your Spear Hop and Seastone Trident? Its pretty scary. The move speed also helps tide you over till you get sorcerers shoes. I got a comment "Solid AP Guide and nice layout. The only thing that bothers me is your Lich Bane. Aren't you getting it too early? IMO, you should get Deathcap right after Sheen then finish your Lich Bane. Well that is how I do it anyways." This is pretty true but it depends which build your using. To get lich bane you need solid AP otherwise its pretty much useless. I only get it first if RoA is fully charged. Otherwise it is better to buy Rabadons or at least part of it before getting Lich.
  • Malady : Another Big Damage increase. With each successive auto attack all your attacks get stronger. If you stick to your opponent they will drop very quickly, especially once they get below half. As you auto attack them their MR will drop and you will get stronger. Past 30% health you do another bonus 6%. Your attacks are also even faster because of attack speed bestowed by malady. The argument against this item is that it is best early game but drops your survivability and sustain. I hope to counter that by taking RoA early as well. Even as AP, theres no reason not to get this item because it gives much needed spell pen into a somewhat lacking build and bonus attack speed to synergize with your W.
  • Mr. M’s Bloodrazors : I take this as a core item only when I’m jungling mainly because it makes use of the early claws but for a number of other reasons as well. Fizz has no ablities that scale with AD making this stat a poor choice in maximizing DPS. However he does proc on-hit effects and scales with AS by greatly improving the damage done on his W. Madred’s does damage based on % health and grants bonus attack speed, both which work well with Fizz. Considering your passive does damage on % of health missing it stacks well with Madred’s as they both ignore armor and increase based on max health. Together, they are very effective against tanks. The fact is as a jungler you are not a carry. You are a DPS offtank - at least in the current metagame. Getting Madred’s and maxing W mid-game as a jungler allows me to deal large amounts of damage to any target meaning that you can stick around and support your team against tanks and squishies alike. Also to anyone who thinks that the early claws are not mandatory when your jungling, have fun being under leveled to the point of being a menace to your own team. Jungle speed on Fizz is not under par without masteries but madred’s it is greatly improved. You can count on the enemy jungler getting them.
    EDIT: Now the Volibear patch came out, jungling has changed drastically. Stand by for further updates.
  • Zerker Greaves : This item gives early game attack speed where you might otherwise be lacking. The problem with an AS build is that you are still building AP till midgame and so to give you the feeling of early game AS berserker's greaves do that very well. They also give the biggest early game DPS increase of all the boots. By increasing the amount of auto attacks and speed whilst W is active your overall DPS on your W alone increases by 25%.
  • Merc Treads : If you go AP/attackspeed Fizz, you are forced to put yourself in more danger. In order to keep up your DPS you will have to stay within attack range of the enemies. Merc Treads will reduce the amount of time you will be CCed meaning that if you know when to leave the party, you will be able to stay out of trouble. Also with less AP and and a build that already maxes CDR, getting Ionian or Sorc shoes will have a smaller benefit.
  • Ionian boots of lucidity : With so little spell pen I really don't recommend this. Look at the armour and MR chart and you'll notice how important spell pen really is. Still it I suppose its viable on a pure nuke build as the reduced CD's would increase your DPS drastically, however on the AS build with Nashor's, runes and masteries, its somewhat useless.
  • Sorcerer's Shoes : Big Damage increase. With little magic pen your damage is severely hindered. Check out this chart to see the amount of damage reduced by MR. Anyway movespeed is always useful in teamfights and map control and you can see how much the magic pen helps. Ionian boots are also good. I dont know this really comes down to personal preference. If you focus on W though magic pen is definitely better.

Late Game Situational

  • Rabadon's Deathcap: God mode - On. This is your late game damage and marks the late game for you. Once you have this item your urchin dash should be merkin your opponents not to mention your trickster and magical auto attacks. Theres not much to say for this item except that you need it. Well no, you want it. It means you can kill your opponents and laugh while theyre trying to figure out where you came from.
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Honestly, I'm not a big fan of this item but late game is situational and should you find yourself in need of health, this is going to be the best choice. It synergizes with all of your abilities and so theres no reason not to take it. Mind you once your in late game its situational whether you want damage, health or resist. If I'm against someone with lots of true damage Ill go health but if they are all AD, take thornmail or Zhonya's Hourglass. If all depends what you need at this point.
  • Zhonya's Hourglass : This is your situational armor. If you are getting focused, not necessarily DYING, especially by AD champions you should pick this up. Granted you should be hard to target but this is your go to item for resist because it synergizes the best. Sometimes I'd take a thornmail but your not an easy target so normally I don't.
  • Abyssal Scepter: Greeeeat Stuff. I take this all the time. This is your situational MR but I get it anyway. Remember the Magic Pen chart I showed you? It does that, but for all of your teammates as well! (Provided your near them) This is a great late game survivability option that keeps up your damage and benefits your team to boot.
  • Nashor’s Tooth: Replaced Guinsoo’s with this baby. Gives AP, CDR and attack speed. Basically all the skills needed to max Fizz’s DPS. By giving up some burst potential you are able to deal much more damage over 5 seconds than as flat AP. I don’t really feel the need to go indepth justifying this item because all of its stats synergize with Fizz. If you are building DPS rather than burst, I feel this explanation should be enough.
  • Deathfire Grasp: This item came to my attention later because I figured, hey, Fizz is a burst mobility champ that needs all the AP he can get. How wrong I was. As a burst champ you dont want more AP, you want to kill the enemy in less than a second. Deathfire allows you to do just that. By initiating with this you put the enemy a great disadvantage. When you Q and E onto your enemy at this point they should already be past half. Once the shark hits doing 6% bonus damage and your W passive kicks in, the enemy should be dead in one rotation. Course you can always chase them through walls if you see fit - for the lolz. Basically this is a necessity against tanky enemies who you cannot seem to bring past 33%.
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Playing Twisted Treeline (3v3)

Well, in order to know how to play Fizz 3v3 you will need to know how 3v3 works period.



Map Control:
Because the map is so small and there is only 3 players there will be a lot of ganking and therefore map control all but wins the game for you. Knowing when the enemy at the top is coming bot to gank will save your lives and probably keep the game from snowballing away from you which happens so easily on this map. Not to mention buff control is hugely important. With less people on the team both sides will usually be evenly matched because most of the time the whole team of 3 people will stick together which isnt that hard. Having a buff will give you the extra edge which will cause you to barely win the first teamfight. From there on it becomes easier and easier to kill the enemy as well as control the jungle.

Getting Gold:
Here its all about First Blood, Ganks, Dragon and Turrets. Each stage offers you a way to gauge how far ahead or behind your team is. There will be practically no solo kills here because chasing is incredible stupid with enemy teammates so close by and people usually do not overextend until they are winning. If they do they will usually just head into the jungle for a bit and take the buffs. If you miss out on one of the listed forms on acquiring money its not a big deal however remember: GOLD WINS TEAMFIGHTS. Apart from certain OP champs everyone is pretty balanced and because no one will make stupid mistakes here, remember almost all the kills will be from teamfights, even a gank can turn into a teamfight here and half the time an overextended enemy is bait for his other two teammates. This basically means you will not get kills unless you have more gold. I know this may sound silly and applies more to late game than early however it is true and this helps me express the importance of dragon and turret pushes. DO NOT GIVE THESE UP. You need turrets and dragon here to be able to win the game, its not simply about team placement and focusing the squishies, you need better stats to win here most of the time.

Laning here is somewhat passive and somewhat not. Early laning phase should be renamed early ganking phase. Its the only time you will be able to succesfully fight the enemies in 3v2 or 3v1. This is the one exception to the gold rule which says you need dragon or turrets before starting a teamfight to ensure your victory. As a burst champ it is possible to be more aggresive in lane without overextending so take advantage of this. Your enemy may be unable to DPS you if you stay further back in your lane. Careful when finishing kills though because despite their low health, chances are they will run away and if you chase, their team will come for a free kill. This is why I mean it can sometimes be passive. This is not to say dont harass your opponent in lane, Im just saying dont be an idiot and chase them past half for the kill.

Now for Fizz.
As Fizz it is definitely preferable to take the top lane. Because of the nature of 3v3 however, it is viable to take bottom lane. Going bot with a strong CC partner like Annie or Alistar will almost definitely land you both some early kills. The lanes are tighter here and there are less minions. This means that to last hit you will have to be more aggresive. If you end up losing your lane you will be denyed completely or die very soon. Luckily it means harassing is easier because there are less minions. Catch your opponent offguard when the minions have dwindled for the best results. Make sure to watch the map. Gank whenever it is humanly possible. The early laning phase will pass quickly and make sure you do not have to go back more than once but dont worry too much about farming. At lvl 6 your team is going to want to rush dragon. Make sure it is counter warded first, as otherwise you will end up losing a teamfight. Once this is over the two teams will basically end up taking turns pusing lanes and fighting for jungle control. Getting an early sheen will definitely help you win the early jungle fights. What to do at this point is simply push lanes with a partner if possible and take jungle creeps whenever you can. You shine mid-game however because of you ultimate. This will allow you to initiate a 2v2 gank very easily or even a 1v2. Simply open with your shark from a far distance and use your gank closers to finish the target. The trick is using your amazing mid game damage to win your ganks and push turrets. The gold from these will help you snowball into your Rabadon's and continue to carry late game. If you are losing these, not to worry, simply play more defensively and continue to control dragon. Fizz is not the greatest in teamfights here because he cannot take as much damage and therefore relies on his teammates survival to avoid aggro and deal damage. Basically a few teamfights will decide the game here. These teamfights are usually decided by team gold, e.g dragon control and turret pushes. Make sure to use your mid game potential to gank and get your team fed. Otherwise you will drop off late game and be unable to survive or deal as much damage.


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Sample Game (5v5)

So for a typical ranked 5v5 this is pretty much how your game is - or should go.




1 - Just go solo. In ranked you should always be top or mid. If in mid or top you should probably be defending your blue buff or ganking theirs. If someone CV's and its clear nothing will happen just return to lane or if you think its not too dangerous, leash for your teammate. Now at lvl 1 its hard to harass with abilities because of minion aggro but take advantage of this and your passive and hit your opponents by moving through the minions.

2-3 - Now your gearing up for war. Take your Q and W and the real harass starts. You wanna get them out as fast as possible to ensure your lane dominance and last hits. You have to melee farm meaning you can be zoned out if you have less health than they do. Either E or Q towards your enemy and whack them with W until you take too much minion aggro. Then go back. Try to initiate your harass when the minions have mostly died off. You can see good examples of this is my laning video.

4-5 -At this point, make sure you are farming and try to zone out the enemy from exp. You want to hit lvl 6 BEFORE them so that they wont expect your ultimate. Also the gold you get here is most of what you will be using on your first trip B so make your time worth it. The enemy will be regaining health but not to worry, just keep them below 66% while keeping the minion wave around the middle of the map. DONT let your mana drop past half though. Let them be confident but keep them from healing completely. When you get you whale thing, Willy will be sure to turn their frowns back around.

6 - Yes you made it! Hopefully the enemy is a bit above 66% health and your relatively farmed up with at least half your mana left over. Also care you are not past half. Now use ghost or E to close the gap ASAP before they realize whats going on. Land your shark. They will be slowed. Proceed to use whatever spells you have left along with ignite or surge and they will die instantly I guarantee. With offensive masteries they is no doubt you will get the kill. If you mess up landing your shark no matter really. Just means that on your trip back, you will have less gold.

7-8 - This point should be some free farm if your opponent is dead. Otherwise make the best with what you have. Jungle control is important here as are ganks. You are going to want to start roaming. With no sustain you will have to B soon. Once you go back your shark will be off CD. This means gank. Everytime its off CD. Gank. Whichever lane you gank eventually dragon will be killed and maybe a teamfight will break out. Read my other sections for advice during these scenarios. Between jungle control and teamfighting just farm. Dont gank unless you have shark because you will end up being underleveled. Try to level and get gold. From here on out its all about teamfights really.

8-14 - By this point you have sheen and are probably building RoA. Your health and damage and sustain should be good enough you can gank and switch lanes without having to go B a lot. Sticking with your team is a must at this point. With warded jungles and bushes any solo character who strays for a minute is sure to die.

15 - 18 - Okay once you get Rabadon's and Lich Bane the fun really starts. Take jungle buffs and stick with your team until the tank initiates. Q onto the nearest squishy. The section on teamfighting will explain more on what to do here but basically you kill the enemy carries, carry your team to an ace and proceed to win.



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Titillating Team Fights

Spaaaaace Now Fizz has a few options in a team fight as he can take on responsibilities of a caster and a DPS assassin. If you catch an opponent straying from his team, Playful / Trickster towards him and use your ultimate to initiate a team fight. Only do this if you are sure you wont be focused by members of the enemy team. Otherwise let your tank/AP initiate and save it for during the team fight because casting this on a fleeing enemy almost ensures their death or casting it on a DPS can stop them for a moment. Fizz needs to be built tanky so he can get off his auto attacks without dying but the most important thing about playing fizz is the ability to kite. Once the teamfight has begun, enter using Q saving E for chasing or escaping. Proceed to auto attack and cause mayhem as desired. Make sure to get as much AoE damage as possible from your E and R to give your team the advantage. Once you have used your spells it is best to begin chasing fleeing members of the enemy team and try to finish them off . This is where you excel. Because of Fizz's amazing mobility you should always be focusing the squishies on the enemy team and trying to CC them. Your burst and Auto Attacks should usually be enough to take them down. If you are in danger of taking too much damage, remember, you can always hide nearby and come back in when you can burst down the enemies.


Teamfights: Your role is basically that of an anti-carry. You are able to go in, deal a BUNCH of damage, then come back out before that caitlyn can even ask for your number. Im specifying this because as a mage the idea is to avoid putting yourself in the fight until it is safe to do so and as an offtank you are taking a good chunk of damage while dealing it out yourself. You are neither of these. You simply ulti the nearest squishy and proceed to Q them and W . Then escape or chase with your E.

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Titillating Team Fights - Juicy Juking

This is also just a funny juke

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Luscious Laning

Spaaaaace Ok so I got some questions on which lane to take. You can be viable in a duo lane but with your low survivability and high damage output, you should be with a strong CC champion or in the solo lane. Now, when your laning as Fizz you want to establish dominance. Without this it will be very difficult to harass and last hit. Because Fizz has weak sustain and pretty weak armour/ MR scaling simply going to last hit as a melee champ will leave you turret hugging in no time. With little mana and survivability you want to use your health potions to push your enemy hard early game. You can dodge and outDPS them so it shouldnt be too difficult. Just hit them behind the minions of they are melee and wait for the minions to die. Once this happens dash to them and hit them around with your W. Also if you run low on mana, you cannot dodge or harass, and will be left out losing gold. Luckily, because your passive you have great mobility in lane and can outmaneuver you opponents with ease and if you follow my build you should have plenty of mana. One of the most crucial aspects of Fizz is the ability to dodge using E. If you can do this you will be able to outplay your opponent avoiding their harass and dealing it back to them twice as hard. Dodge their attacks with E then jump right on top of them. Depending on who you are up against its also easy to simply walk through the minions when last hitting to smack your opponent around a bit. What works well is using your Q to dash in, then following immediately with you E to avoid damage, then running away through the minion wave :) Its really funny and works well. Course you can also Playful/trickster toward your enemy then dash through them to go back. This works better than the other combo if you want to get some auto attacks off before running away. Going in with dash then using E will land your slow and is the combo you should use if you plan on killing your laning opponent. Usually the first time you pull this is at lvl 6 at which point you can auto attack them after you ground slam, then follow up with your shark and ignite, and chase them for an easy kill. The most important thing to remember here is that Fizz supports risky play and once your opponent is below half, they are as good as dead. This is your trump card. After around lvl 7 you will be roaming and you will start jungling, teamfighting, covering lanes and ganking.

Now ExTgT said "I'm screwed against ranged champs in general, and I can't win harass-duels early either. If you start with a Dorans Ring, you might have more health and mana reg, but it leaves you very vulnerable against enemy harass.
If you start with boots, you're not durable enough to withstand enemy harass either, (he's sort of right but also wrong but I'll explain why) and are gonna lose a duel if your opponent decides to force one.
And how are you gonna win your lane if you leave your opponent free-farm, while being able to harass the **** out of you?"

Ok so the thing here is, you should be able to push your enemy out early. Thats my main emphasis here. Its waaay easier with boots because otherwise if you fail your attack you have to b or tower hug and if they stay out of your zone its hard to get in. If they stand far from the minions its easy to E towards them then Q and follow with your W and auto attacks. Since their squishy it really shouldnt be hard to get them low. Activate a pot before you dash in and you SHOULD come out on top. If they stay inside the minions, just wait tills theres very few left then E on top to slow them and proceed to pound their faces with your oversized rod. To save mana dont use your E until your advance on them and you should have enough for two assaults of Q and W. If you take boots you cant take as much burst, but you can take a whole lot more damage overall. After you harass they should be so scared that they wont come back to harass you. If you can regen health while they stay back your in a prime laning position.
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Luscious Laning - General Tips




When your laning you have to consider your zone. This is the amount of space you control through the potential damage you can output and take in that space. Distance of skills will create a larger zone such as Urchin Strike. With your burst your zone practically increases zone to 550, the spell range. Because of E you can cover even more distance and if your damage is great enough, you can control the entire lane. By keeping the enemy afraid of taking damage when they last hit you are denying them gold. Abilities are not everything though. Your passive creates a different zone against melee champs because you cant hit them through the minions and run away, giving you a type of control they lack. Bushes create a new zone as against AD carries they cant even hit you here. Minions affect the zone because they can deal A LOT of damage if left unchecked. The point of the zone is not to avoid harass but to be able to last hit safely. People will enter your zone if they can tank the damage while safely getting last hits. To make the best use of your zone you need to be able to last hit. This is simply a skill that comes with practice. Last hitting under a tower is an important skill and very easy to do. Melee minion, you let it tank 2 tower shots, and do a single autoattack on it. Ranged minion, you smack him once, the tower shoots, and then you finish it off with an auto attack.

HUGE NOTE: Junglers change the zoning hugely. You have to consider the jungler's zone once he enters your lane if he does. Basically this means dont go past half when the jungler is roaming.



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Luscious Laning Video Examples

First Part is under construction - Im making it better
This is the second part
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Jizztast- Hmm... Jungle Control/Route (Work In Progress)

As a designated Jungler (Work In Progress)

Your going to want armour runes and attack speed runes . You should also take cloth armor and pots to start then rush a madreds. As a jungler your ability to nuke will fall and as such considering mercury treads would be a good idea.

Especially with the new masteries Fizz can jungle extremely quickly. Start on blue with a pull, then clear everything in the jungle after that.


You might even have left over pots after this, if not feel free to buy more. I like to have 3 on me for the 2nd round of jungling / ganking.

With red you can gank really easy, feel free to use your Playful/Trickster to initiate.

You need to play really aggro with Fizz, even though he seems like he is squishy, if you're team is supports you enough, changes are you will land a kill or cause them to blow summoners.

As a Laner

Around Mid Game it is important for you to start clearing your own jungle as well as raiding the enemies for red and blue buffs. Dragon Control is also very important if you want your team to gain the gold advantage. As soon as you go back for the first time and begin roaming be sure to check for dragon and try to get bot lane or mid to come help you get it. If you are in TT make sure as soon as you hit lvl 6 your team is ready to take dragon. In order to help you control the jungle here are the jungle timers.

Summoners Rift:
Baron - 7mins - Spawns at 15mins
Dragon - 6mins - Spawns at 2:30
Golem - 5mins - Spawns at 1:55
Lizard - 5mins - Spawns at 1:55
Mini Golems - 1:40 - Spawns at 1:40
Wraiths - 1:40 - Spawns at 1:40
Wolves - 1:40 - Spawns at 1:40

Twisted Treeline:
Lizard - 4mins - Spawns at 2:10
Dragon - 5mins - Spawns at 4:30
Small Buff Packs - 3mins - Spawns at 1:40
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Wacky Warding - All Credit to Apotheosis

This section is taken from Apotheosis Guide to Tryn with his permission of course :)

Warding is way too over looked by many teams. I'm going to show you how to ward correctly, or at least how my team and I ward. The ward possibilities are obviously endless for 5s. These are the primary areas that you and your team will be warding each and every game.

Order of priority; Use Sight Ward and Vision Ward where necessary:

Baron/Dragon Wards:
However you decide to set these up with your team, whether it be orderly among the team or supports only buy wards, make sure these are always laid out! Baron and Dragon are what we're primarily keeping an eye on here. Early in the match it's not as important obviously, however, you still need to know whether top, mid, or bot will be set up for a gank when enemy laners/junglers are wandering about. These early kills can help the enemy sculpt the rest of the match and land a victory. We don't want to be allowing the enemy to kill either Baron or Dragon. That's a good chunk of gold that will distribute among their team, not to mention Baron's handy buff. Again, don't overlook these wards!

Note: I would recommend using Vision Ward for these locations, especially Baron mid-late game. If not Vision Ward, then make sure someone, usually the tank, has Oracle's Elixir for discovering enemy wards.

Self Privacy Wards:
There's orange points at top, mid, and bot hiding locations. I would hope that your entire team would try to ward the areas entitled to them. These wards are not entirely important, however, they are lifesavers. Junglers and wandering laners will use these bushes to set up for early kills. If you're pushing your lane, then it would be a good idea to ward the bush(s) that is closet to you.

Team Privacy Wards:
These are crucial wards to put out when the match can go either way by eliminating possible ambushes when pushing minions or entering your own jungle.

Game Changing Wards:
Of course all of the wards posted on the map are capable of changing the outcome of a game, but these wards are placed in a location that both teams will always drift by. Reasons to go through the wards (for both teams): Getting to Baron and dragon, changing lanes, shifting from allied jungle to the enemy's jungle (either by self or team) to steal mobs/buffs, shifting as a team to gank the enemy team, etc. If you just have a ward on either Baron and/or dragon, you can still miss the enemy slipping by into your jungle never knowing it. This allows enemies to set up ganks. Therefore, these wards change the outcome of a game because you know whats coming.

Invading Wards:
I thought it was appropriate to name these wards in this manner because you can enter their bushes knowing whether they're there or not before you attempt to set up a gank. The enemy usually walks through these bushes hoping to freely enter their jungle for experience/gold and/or buffs.

Buff Wards:
Monitor your's and enemy's buffs with these wards. Good to set in your own jungle if they start playing dirty and snatching buffs early game from your jungle. These wards are primarily for the junglers of each team.
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Gold Approximations (Taken from my Skarner Guide)

Here are some gold approximation which may help you to plan your build ahead of time and understand how much gold you might have at any point in the game.

General Gold per minute after minions spawn:
1. 475
2. 553
3. 631
4. 709
5. 787
6. 865
7. 943
8. 1021
9. 1099
10. 1177
11. 1255
12. 1333
13. 1411
14. 1489
15. 1567
16. 1645
17. 1773
18. 1801
19. 1879
20. 1957

Each kill offers roughly 300G
Each assist offers roughly 50G
Melee Minion @ lvl 1 29, @lvl 9 32
Ranged Minion @ lvl 1 22, @lvl 9 25
Theres about one minion wave every thirty seconds
In each wave there is roughly 193 gold

SAMPLE CALCULATION: If you can last hit about half the minions thats roughly 165.4 per minute
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Experience Approximations (Taken from my Skarner Guide)

Here are some experience approximations to understand how fast you might reach lvl 6 and how solo laning will alter that time. This is a just a reference, actually playing will help you realize this time faster, this is just to show you how much exp you may be wasting by going back.

Exp to reach lvl:
2. 224
3. 312
4. 400
5. 488
6. 576

Experience per:
Melee Minion: 59 @ lvl 1
Ranged Minion: 29 @ lvl 1
Big Minion: 0 @ lvl 1
Melee Minion: 63 @ lvl 3
Ranged Minion: 32 @ lvl 3
Big Minion: 98 @ lvl 3
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Changelog & Achievements

Sunday November 20
Hit 83% Thanks everybody, really appreciate
Finnaly got number 1 spot
Got a comment from JhoiJhoi who I borrowed template from

Monday November 21

Hit 86% Ily all my lovely little lemon drops (dont sue me Dannny)
Added in my youtube videos
Added smite and fixed some small errors.
Added HalkirGamed's score

Tuesday November 22
Down to 84%?
Added Jungle Build
Changed Fonts and Colours
Added More on Masteries
Added a 3v3 Section

Thursday November 24
Changed Attack Speed Build after some experimenting

Tuesday November 29
Added In-Depth Skillz

Wednesday November 30
OMG 88% Thanks to everyone who voted, even you little trolls :)
Changed loads of errors and made guide more aesthetically pleasing.
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Conclusion/Scores (Send Yours In!)

Thanks for reading!
By the way this is just the start! I haven't had much time however I plan on adding much more in-depth sections depending on how the guide is received.

Shout out's to my mates
XRearview (apparently karma icon wasnt manly enough)
Pink Munn

Here is a pic from SoulMaster 64 Who had great results

Here is a pic from HallkirGamed who had great results too XD

Here is a pic from Pusssy

Here is a pic from CSG Poseidon

Here is a pic from Captrapadura

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Hey guys its been a while since I updated I know but I've been really super busy so its hard to keep playing and especially keep writing. I thought that just as a thank you for everyone's continued support I would occasionally take a few comments and answer them personally for the benefit of all. Enjoy!

With the quints and movement speed points in utility, i don't need to buy boots early game, and i can just get a dorans ring, and get two rings and boots by level 6ish and then i start building everything else.

This is the poor mans start. Great stats and all early game for low cost but as the match progresses into mid-game you will be behind after you sell your rings. Granted the rings can help to get kills and leap headfirst into mid game as well - its just risky and generally a last resort.

I really like this guide, but I find one thing is missing:
I think this item is really much more viable than malady, especially against teams that get at least some MR (which SHOULD mean any team).
I did not play Fizz much yet, but usually the DPS of one champ with Voidstaff seems to be higher than of those champs without.
This is the only thing I can really add to this, and if your other guides are of this quality too, prepare for some upvotes :)

Like kinkster said with magic pen boots and pen runes void staff you are wasting magic pen because you will be over the cap.

Pro build is Pro

Pro comment is pro. (Thanks mate, comments like that keep me going).

Why the Ionian boots after the sorcerer's shoes? i thought the Ionian boots don't stack with other boots.Is this a error or am i forgetting something?

Lol when I first started this guide I was desperate for people to like it. As a result I had no intention of addressing the issue of CDR vs Early MPen headfirst. In retrospect I should probably have made it more straightforward but TBH it depends what role you want to take on in your team. Generally AP carry works best and I'd say sort shoes are better but its all situational/preference. And no boots do not stack.

In the smooth skill sequence thing you are talking about the importance of W and that one should level W above Q nevertheless you're entire guide is build around chosing Q rather than W. I guess that this is a mistake?

Ya it is, but it isn't. I prefer to max Q myself as its a fun skill to harass with/juke, etc. but in terms of pure damage maxing W will generally be superior, provided you are comfortable with getting in melee range and staying for a prolonged period of time.

Dont this build make u have very little ap till u get your first core item rod of ages.I feel i am too weak to fight early game.

Lol no usuxnoob. #jk. Not really. Nah its true this build may lack early game AP but only because I feel that as an AP carry who has to get within melee range, Fizz is more effective when he's not dead. Personal thing I guess but Fizz scales pretty well without AP and his W is based on %health rather than straight AP. You could go all out AP and dominate early - but its more likely you'll get focused and be useless after you ulti. Kind of like a Karthus without the passive.
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