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Aatrox Build Guide by Gazz7

Jungle Aatrox The Jungling Pro/Solo Top

Jungle Aatrox The Jungling Pro/Solo Top

Updated on June 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gazz7 Build Guide By Gazz7 21 17 386,233 Views 61 Comments
21 17 386,233 Views 61 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gazz7 Aatrox Build Guide By Gazz7 Updated on June 19, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Aatrox
    Aatrox Jungle
  • LoL Champion: Aatrox
    Aatrox Solo Top


Hello, this is the first time for me to post builds for mobafire.
Reason why I started doing this is because I was tired of seeing players not knowing how to build their champ. I intend to influence better builds guides for players to help them or enhance their performance or importance ingame. Because this character is new I'm always open for input, if there is something the majority of the comments in the description to change I'd be glad to do so to help the community. The build guide will be closed for ideas in 2 weeks due to rapid changes.Hope this build guide helps you.
*This Guide is Open for changes at any time. Guide will be finished completely by June 29 2013*
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Champion Spotlight

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Here are some tips when using Aatrox in the jungle.
The usual path I take is Red (leash recommended) Wraiths, Wolves, Golems, Gank, Ancient Golem. And recall where is needed.
If I don't get a leash I go Wraiths, Wolves, Elder Lizard, Golems, Gank, Ancient Golem.
Another tip for jungling is use Dark Flight to knock the neutral monsters in the air and use Blades of Torment to increase your Blood Well.
During Ganking your going to want to come up from the river and through the brush to gank the champs. Don't rush, in wait for a good time to initiate your solo top into the fight.
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Solo Top

Here are some tips for solo top.
You want to be sure that you can utilize your Blood Thirst to lifesteal in lane on minions, and for champs poke as much as possible with Blades of Torment.
Call for ganks. Ganking when possible should always be considered. Because of your passive when your jungle comes to gank at the right time use Blades of Torment to slow them, Then if you are not switched to Blood Thirst do so, knock them up for your jungle using Dark Flight and focus the squishiest champ. Notify your jungle before you gank who to focus.
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Counters and Easy Kills

because Aatrox is a Lifesteal, Attack-Speed Champ.There are a couple champs that Aatrox is weak against:

Reasons Behind the counter
1. Jax: Counter Strike Can be a effective Combo stopper for Aatrox. Combined with Empower and Grandmaster-At-Arms Jax can be a devastating foe.
2. Teemo: His passive Camouflage can easily get the drop on you. If not his Blinding Dart can cause a perfect string of attacks to be broken and damage can be lost. Blinding Dart Combined with Toxic Shot is also a weakness. especially early game.
3. Fiora: to me; Fiora Vs Aatrox is suicide. As a past Fiora player, Riposte Can be a combo blocker. her ultimate Blade Waltz Can be a combo stopper and a great opportunity for her to regain health. A good Fiora can easily use Lunge To initiate into their 1v1, Riposte to parry any incoming attacks, Bade Waltz to regain life, and Burst of Speed to easily duel him to the death. and possibly match his attack speed.
4. Riven: With Riven She can use Valor Either to chase you down, block against heavy damage, or use it to gain ground for tactical advancement. A well placed Ki Burst Combined with the Third Broken Wings is a combo stopper. her passive: Runic Blade Can give her increased attack damage upon using an ability. so using Broken Wings Combined with a basic attack can maximize her damage output. Blade of the Exile gives riven increased AD, and the ability to use a ranged attack Wind Slash to catch an Aatrox at low health.
5. Nasus: A good Nasus can use Spirit of Fire To lower your armor Combined with Siphoning Strike To deal Bonus damage, Wither to decrease attack speed or movement speed. And if this Nasus Really wants you. Fury of the Stands will finish you off in those combined ability combos to null any damage you try to deal.
6. Xin Zhao: Because of his tenancy to build tanky/Attack speed or armor penetration.
Killing him can be a huge pain. His passive Challenge Reduces your armor and is he has armor penetration it reduces it even more. upon engagement He will use Three Talon Strike And if he has attack speed; he will knock you up on the third attack. Disrupting your combo. Battle Cry Can allow him to heal during combat or while farming. He can activate it to increase his attack speed. if thats not enough he can use Audacious Charge Which deals damage and slows you.
Ganking him may not be 100% effective using Crescent Sweep to knock back the incoming attackers. This ability can also be used to knock you into his team or behind a turret for an easy slow with Audacious Charge and let the turret do the rest.

Aatrox is strong against

Reasons Behind the Strong Suited
1. Darius: With Darius He can pull you in with Apprehend yes but Your lifesteal from Massacre Can easily outweigh any damage hes going to put on you. In a 1v1 if Aatrox gets pulled in, simply use Dark Flight to knock him in the air. (If the Darius is fed and your under leveled do not try this as his build is more complete) switch to blood thirst if you want to fight defensively and Blood Price for the offensive. using those toggles combined with Massacre can easily devastate a Darius in a 1v1. If he attack you use Massacre combined with Blades of Torment And basic attack throughout the fight. if hes overwhelming you use Dark Flight to knock him up mid fight.
2. Hecarim: Now Hecarim can charge in with Devastating Charge. Your lifesteal and attack-Speed are infact your key surviving tool. If Hecarim uses Onslaught of Shadows to fear you its best to use Massacre ASAP. Combine it with Dark Flight to knock him up and use Blood Thirst to gain your life back. Basic attack is what Aatrox excels in and use this in accordance with the combo of abilities to maximize damage and lifesteal.
3. Zed: Zed is an assassin great for ganks but in my opinion a 1v1 with Aatrox spells death for the Zed. He will most likely use the string of abilities that are:
Upon combat Zed Will initiate with Living Shadow combined with Shadow Slash and Razor Shuriken. Combined with a Death Mark for initiation this would spell death for most champs but if you can get him to stay toe to toe with you. using Dark Flight To knock him up followed by Blades of Torment to slow and Flash to get in behind him.{ Flash isnt necessary but it can help) Then use Massacre to pick up the kill with your basic attack string.
Aatrox is good against

Reasons Behind His Exceptional's
1. Zilean: I think He is decent against Zilean because if you can slow using Blades of Torment preventing him from getting away after using [Time Bomb]] Flash Is recommended. Then before the bomb goes off use Massacre Combined with Dark Flight to knock him up. then your basic Attack string should keep you alive after the bomb. His ultimate Chronoshift Can bring him back to life yes but since hes squishy using your Ignite (if your laning) or basic attack should finish the job.
2. Tryndamere: Because you are his counter Cleaning him up should be an easy thing regardless of his ultimate Undying Rage But a fed Tryndamere is still dangerous. Using the combo of Dark Flight, Blades of Torment Massacre should be enough to finish him past his ult from before Undying Rage to after.
3. Diana: Diana is an AP based champ, more than likely she will rely Moonfall to Draw you in as well as slow this is the time to turn back and attack if your alone. use Dark Flight to knock up, Massacre followed by the basic attack string, using Blades of Torment to slow her into more attack string combos. She can also use Lunar Rush after using Crescent Strike
For the cooldown reduction. Pale Cascade may be her last ditch effort or her first combo initiation.
4. Lee Sin: Lee Sin has a attack speed slower Tempest/ Cripple to lower your attack speed. Stay Out of his Cripple range after he uses Tempest. one thing I remembered when I played Lee Sin is the Aggravation when I missed the combo Sonic Wave, or I just missed Cripple after that combo use yours. use Blades of Torment to slow him down, Dark Flight to knock him up, Massacre to finish him off with your basic attack string.
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Pros / Cons

Great Duleist
Has Insane amounts of sustain
Valuable asset to the team if played and built correctly
Great during 1v1's
Focused alot during team fights
Weak against CC
Squishy early game
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Aatrox is a legendary warrior, one of only five that remain of an ancient race known as the Darkin. He wields his massive blade with grace and poise, slicing through legions in a style that is hypnotic to behold. With each foe felled, Aatrox's seemingly living blade drinks in their blood, empowering him and fueling his brutal, elegant campaign of slaughter.
The earliest tale of Aatrox is as old as recorded history. It tells of a war between two great factions remembered only as the Protectorate and the Magelords. Over time, the Magelords won a series of crushing victories, leaving them on the brink of obliterating their sworn enemy forever. On the day of their final confrontation, the Protectorate army found themselves outnumbered, exhausted, and poorly equipped. They braced for inevitable defeat.

Just when all hope seemed lost, Aatrox appeared among the ranks of the Protectorate. With but a few words, he urged the soldiers to fight to the last before throwing himself into battle. His presence inspired the desperate warriors. At first, they could only watch in awe as this unknown hero cleaved through their enemies, his body and blade moving in unison as if one being. Soon, the warriors found themselves imbued with a potent thirst for battle. They followed Aatrox into the fray, each fighting with the furious strength of ten until they had won a most unlikely victory.

Aatrox vanished after that battle, but the Protectorate army's newfound fury did not. Their surprising triumph led to many more until they were able to finally return home victorious. Their countrymen hailed them as heroes, but though they had saved their entire civilization from destruction, darkness lingered in the mind of each warrior. Something within them had changed. Over time, their memories of battle faded, only to be replaced with a grim revelation: their acts of heroism were, in fact, brutal atrocities committed by their own hands.

Tales like these appear among the myths of many cultures. If they are all to be believed, Aatrox's presence has changed the course of some of the most important wars in history. Though these stories remember him as a savior in dark times, Aatrox's true legacy may be a world filled with conflict and strife.

"Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight."
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Team Work

How I use Aatrox in team based fights is to utilize Dark Flight to enter combat. Make sure your team is close enough behind you so you don't get singled out early on in the fight, also if your starting to get focused use Massacre to gain your life back or sustain during the fight. If your engaged in a single target you have a great advantage because of your insane lifesteal, so when your target runs use Blades of Torment to slow them down and Dark Flight to knock them into the air. If you really want the kill use Blades of Torment Flash in and use Dark Flight to knock them into the air. Inbetween these abilites use your basic attacks as much as possible to maximize damage.
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Item Sequence

Berserker's Greaves 1100
Blade of the Ruined King 3200
Infinity Edge 3600
Bloodthirster 3400
Phantom Dancer 2650
Randuin's Omen 2700
This is the Build you aim for in Aatrox Jungle
[] I use these items for Aatrox Solo Top

Items to consider
Under certain Circumstances if the majority of the enemy team is building armor I would recommend

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Skill Sequence

This is the ability sequence I use for Aatrox, maxing Blood Thirst, Blood Price first, and Dark Flight Second. The Reason for maxing Dark Flight Second is because Aatrox is a AD champ and Dark Flight is an AD ability. Blades of Torment is magic damage and is used for slows and tactical advancement in lane, not to apply damage to a specific target only to benefit your chase on the champ.
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For spells I use Flash and Smite for Aatrox jungle, Flash Ignite for Aatrox Solo top. In combat this is what to do under these circumstance
You Attack them (with Jungle)
First alert your jungle to gank top.
Then when he arrives in the brush at the river (considering its not warded) use Dark Flightto knock them up. Immediately after the knock up your jungle should have came out of the brush. (if not already) Use Blades of Torment to slow them to deal damage to them as they try to run away. If one is getting away or the slow wore off and you think you can still get the kill: Flash in and use your Ignite and basic attacks to pick up the kill.
You Attack them (As Jungle)
After You have at least reached level 4, and have the Elder Lizard's Buff, Approach the top lane through the River and into the brush, (considering if it's not warded) when your teammate is close enough to them, initiate the fight with Blades of Torment and an instant Dark Flight. Assuming your solo top has gotten involved at this point and they are getting away, use Flash to get ahead of them, and basic attack the weakest opponent.
He Attacks you (with jungle)
What I use to get away in this situation is: use Blades of Torment on their jungle, being ready to juke any slow or stunning skill-shots from their team. use Dark Flight combined with Flash (Assuming its not on cooldown) To escape the gank. Its the same idea when your attacked without jungle.
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Attack-Damage,Armor-Penetration, and Attack-Speed. For defense I aim for Armor,Health,and Magic resist to increase durability.
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Summary And Thanks

I would Like to Thank any and all for reading or commenting on this. Hopefully this will help those that are having trouble with playing Aatrox. Leave a comment in the Discussion to tell me how I did, any opinions as to the items or any other item or option related to the guide.
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