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Annie Build Guide by EdisonKhoo

Support Annie - The Dark Child - How to Support by using Annie

Support Annie - The Dark Child - How to Support by using Annie

Updated on October 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EdisonKhoo Build Guide By EdisonKhoo 2 5 9,109 Views 25 Comments
2 5 9,109 Views 25 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EdisonKhoo Annie Build Guide By EdisonKhoo Updated on October 23, 2013
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Hi! I am EdisonKhoo, I am a SEA Player and welcome to my Annie Support Guide! This Guide is to teach you that how to support by using Annie. This is not a mid lane guide, if you want a mid lane guide you could find it here.

I have been maining support. The Support Champions I like to use the most are Thresh, Soraka and Annie.

Some of you may have disagree of Annie support, but I have try this in normal and rank match, so far I play Annie support most game I win the lane with my ADC.

Well this is my first guide in Mobafire so if you have any questions or feedback then just post in the comments, I will reply as soon as I can and those who give some positive or negative feedback I will also appreciate your help, you will get the credit too if you give me some good ideas and I don't like troll comments, so please don't troll, thank you for your cooperation.

And if you don't want support Annie, maybe you could try out 1000Lava's Annie guide which can be found it here.
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Below is a video, the support Annie is played by a pro player in Team Royal Club, Tabe:

LOL...don't be annoyed by the song if you can't understand Cantonese, because the song he sings is a Cantonese song, it is actually quite nice :).
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+If you build AP you could even help your ADC to kill the enemies if he died or he couldn't catch up
+Have a quite long duration of stun in early game
+She has a huge burst
+Her AA has a long range


-She is naturally squishy
-She doesn't have a "real" stun
- Summon: Tibbers could be taken down easily by Smite
-She is kinda bad in late game without Summon: Tibbers
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Offense tree and I put 9 points in the
Utility tree.

These masteries are standard for AP Annie. Since Annie is different from other supports(means that she doesn't have any sustain). I put my points to the Brute Force and Sunder since most of the time you should AA poke the enemies. You could also do a 21/9/0.

Alternative Mastery Trees:
offense tree and 22 points in utility mastery

I use these masteries if I match-up with someone with high CC like Alistar, Leona etc.
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Main Runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

This is the main rune set I use for support Annie.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration is for mage even though you are a support or if you land with someone like Graves or Corki.

Greater Seal of Armor will reduce the damage taken from the enemies ADC, that means you will stay in lane more longer.

Why I take Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist and not Greater Glyph of Magic Resist in my main rune set? Because we won't meet any AP guys early well except if their jungler is someone like Fiddlesticks. Another choice of glyph is Greater Glyph of Ability Power.

Annie doesn't need to waste this runes space for gold, this 15 AP will give you a big potential in lane.

Alternative Runes

greater mark of hybrid penetration

Not much people use Greater Mark of Ability Power, but if you want more AP in early game and deal some more nice damage in the late game, you could take this.
If you think you can poke your enemies with your AA, take greater mark of hybrid penetration, if you are facing up with Caitlyn, take Greater Mark of Magic Penetration since she will poke you back if you poke her.

Greater Seal of Ability Power well this also provides you more AP, you could take this if you want
Greater Seal of Health gives you more sustain, a little more health doesn't hurt.

You could take Greater Glyph of Magic Resist for early MR if your enemy jungler is someone like Fiddlesticks and Elise.
Greater Glyph of Ability Power another viable choice if you want early AP. Same reason as Greater Quintessence of Ability Power.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power use this if you want more AP in later games.

Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed giving you extra speed, well for you to escape the enemies but I don't recommend taking this.

Note: Actually the runes I use the most are Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, Greater Seal of Armor, Greater Glyph of Ability Power and Greater Quintessence of Ability Power. The main rune set's glyph is for those who doesn't know how to use their Molten Shield.
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Ability Sequence/Combos

Ability Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

The order by leveling your abilities are:
--> --> -->

Summon: Tibbers well it is your ult. You should always max it first.

Incinerate max this second,even though its range is short but it deals more damage than Disintegrate, max this before Disintegrate.

Disintegrate max this third as it deals lesser damage than Incinerate.

Molten Shield max this last because there is no other left you could max and its quite useful later on because if the enemy ADC attack you with their AA they will also get hurt.

1. You start of with Incinerate and charge it at the base until your passive is up, this could be useful when someone jungle invade or your team want to invade their jungle.
2. If you have 3 charges, don't quickly let it until 4 charges (well except if the situation needs to charge it), in order to surprise your enemies by using Molten Shield.
3. Before level 6, you could engage with your Disintegrate if your stun is up.


Here is to teach you how to do combos that how to engage or start off with what skill. (notes: before starting off this combo you must have your passive up]]

AA--> -->AA

First, charge your passive with incinerate at your base. Then after you help your jungler leash or after you help defend the buffs,you move into the bushes beside (except if it is warded), then if they enemy ADC walks near you, you quickly signal and then Incinerate to stun him. Then work with your ADC to harrass him (or maybe you could even get a kill if their support that can't help the ADC sustain like Blitzcrank).

--> -->AA

Okay now....this combo deals much damage but cost you alot of mana. If you are goin to start this combo, make sure that your enemy ADC is not someone like Sivir because she have Spell Shield that could block your stun.

--> --> -->AA-->

Okay, now you reach level 6 and you have gain the ability to Summon: Tibbers. When your passive is up, there are 2 ways to use this combo(or maybe more), 1. Hide in the bushes beside then if their ADC comes near you Summon: Tibbers them then follow up the combo. 2. When you have been pushed to your turret, press R and ready for any time to launch on their ADC if its in your R range then follow up the combo.
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Summoner Spells

Main Spells


Flash is basically a must normally. It is a free escape card, it could help you to "flash" over the wall and allows you to escape from enemies easily or you could use Flash to surprise enemies then stun them, most of my games I bring Flash.


This spell mostly are supports who should take it, well you can take another spell if someone in your team take this spell. Exhaust could help you chase down enemies or escape from the enemies because of the slow.

Others Spells


This is also viable since you could catch up to the enemies and stun them but still, you have Flash and Exhaust so you don't need to use this but its your choice. You could take this if you haven't reach level 12.
Replacement Spells: Flash


Like I said in Exhaust, this is one of the spell that can exchange with exhaust since you can''t sustain your ADC.
Replacement Spells: Exhaust


Well you could take this if you wanna roam but since you are a support you wont be roaming much, because most of the time you should stay by your ADC's side. I won't recommend you take this spell though.
Replacement Spells: Flash, Exhaust


Well you could take this if you want, sometimes if your ADC can't kill someone and you are more closer to the enemy, you could Ignite them.
Replacement Spells: Flash, Exhaust


This spell could help you reveal a small area of map or help you prevent from getting ganked, but sight ward should help you with that, this spell mostly is for some champs like Nidalee in order to secure her Javelin Toss.
Replacement Spells: Flash, Exhaust

The "Oh My God do not take" spells


Even though this spell provides you mana, but its 3 minutes cooldown and you could also buy mana potion for that, if you take this you will either need to replace Flash or Exhaust. So you better don't take this spell cause it kinda....bad....


Urm...stop dreaming are on the wrong game mode....


Well why do you need this? You are not going to be focused at all, if you do....then good!


Well taking this spells means that you are expecting yourself to die. If you took this spell and die once or twice, you probably waste a whole summoner. It has a ridiculously 9 mins cooldown. Don't take this spell unless you are trolling, don't troll please....(< is from xDanielWang's FOXFIRe AHRI HERE - AP AHRI; Season 3).


You are not a jungler.....and if you want to use Smite to clear waves go ahead. You will lose Flash or Exhaust and die to the enemies.
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Starting Items #1

Item Sequence

Stealth Ward 0
Stealth Ward 0
Vision Ward 75
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
These starting items are decent for a support. Wards and potions, you doesn't need to buy any other items than wards and potion from the start.

Starting Items #2

Item Sequence

Stealth Ward 0
Stealth Ward 0
Stealth Ward 0
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
The Faerie Charm is for that those who doesn't know how to save mana. Or else you could follow the starting items #1.

Early Game Items

Item Sequence

Sightstone 800
Nomad's Medallion 850
Ruby Sightstone 1600
Okay Early Game Items that means you must get these Items by Early Game. kage's lucky pick we buy this is because it will build to Morellonomicon later. Ruby Sightstone get this as early as you can because you need this for warding instead of buying wards, it also gives you 360 health. philosopher's stone is for most support that need to build into another useful item later.

Boots and Enchantments

Item Sequence

Mobility Boots 1000
Enchantment: Homeguard 450
Enchantment: Captain 450
Enchantment: Furor 450 choice. Sorcerer's Shoes gives you magic penetration, Mobility Boots is when you could roam and help other lanes. Enchantment: Homeguard is when you want to get back to lane quick, Enchantment: Captain most supports took this because it give allies that is near you 8% bonus movement speed. If you need to catch up to some enemies, buy Enchantment: Furor, it will increase your speed when you cast a spell. Actually I choose Sorcerer's Shoes than Mobility Boots. In my opinion, Annie isn't any giving allies sustain type, so she doesn't need this boots to rush to your allies. I use Sorcerer's Shoes for the magic penetration.

Core Items

Item Sequence

Twin Shadows 2400
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200
Morellonomicon's ability power, cooldown reduction and mana regen is good and + the passive, you could help your allies to take down the enemies much quick. Twin Shadows could be used as a bush checking item and slow 2 enemy champions when they are chasing/running from you. Shurelya's Battlesong have a 10% cooldown reduction and if you activate it, you and your nearby allies will gain 40% increase movement speed. It is usefull to catch up or run away from enemies.

Example Build

Item Sequence

Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Morellonomicon 2200
Twin Shadows 2400
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200
This is the final build for my Annie support guide, the last space is for you to buy wards since the 3 wards from Ruby Sightstone is not enough.
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Bad Items

This section is to tell that some items that are not good with Annie.

Spirit of the Jungle Buffs

Just.....not for you......

Hextech Gunblade

This item is more aimed at hybrid champions, not so useful on Annie.

Lich Bane

This items is for some AP champions that needs Auto Attack to kill the enemies, but you are a support and AD Annie? Okay, but I don't think so.....

Iceborn Gauntlet

Erm....this item focus on defensive more and mostly only ADC buys this item, you are an offensive AP Support, so yeah you should focus on offensive more.

Trinity Force

You are not a hybrid and don't act like one! When I first play this game I was like: "Oh My God this item is so expensive and have so many stats in it, it should probably be very useful!" well for beginners, let me tell you, its not. You could see that most pro players using ADC champions like Ezreal buy this, well you ain't any ADC so you shouldn't be buying this either.

Athene's Unholy Grail

As you can see, "Unholy" so that means it is very bad =o(just joking xD). Annie isn't a mana spammer so she doesn't need some mana regen. Athene's Unholy Grail is more focus on champions like Sona.
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Well below are the pictures that show you how to ward, if you don't know how to ward check the pictures below:

These bushes needs to be warded, some enemies jungler come from the bush and surprise you

Ward these place in order to prevent jungler ganks. Ward up above when the dragon spawns to prevent your enemies sneak to it

Well you could Vision Ward here in order to clear your enemies ward, that way you could sneak to the dragon

Ward the buffs no matter you are purple or blue team, that way you could secure the buffs and you will know that the enemies is taking/not taking you buffs.

Ward the tri-bush to prevent ganks

Its a must to ward the objectives like baron

Of course there are other places needed to ward but depends on the situation, or you could just ward the whole map to keep track of your enemies xD.
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Annie Vs. Other Supports

This section is to cover that how Annie fight with other supports.

Don't Hate
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Okay...First, Annie actually could do well with any ADC that could poke the enemies. Well below is that what ADC fits how well with Annie and those are my own opinions, if you have your opinions you like to share it out, feel free to leave a comment :). Another thing is that the ADC champions I written are the ones that I play with before :).

Don't Hate
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Well here's the conclusion :):

Okay, after everything above we know that Annie could actually support too. So hope you guys have fun by using her. I will appreciate a +rep or/and a +1 if you like my guide, if you -1, please leave a feedback ^_^

Below are some screenshots I that use Annie as a support scores :)

My scores:



Note: These matches the runes I am using are: Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, Greater Seal of Armor, Greater Glyph of Ability Power and Greater Quintessence of Ability Power.
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Change Log

14/10/2013 - Guide Created! :D

15/10/2013 - Updated the runes section and Special Thanks section since now I realise that not every support need gold quints and always follow your own build to show how it works well.

15/10/2013 - Updated the build section and add greater mark of hybrid penetration into the ALternative Runes section.

15/10/2013 - Updated the masteries section and items section.

18/10/2013 - Change the Difficulty to Pre-6 and Post 6 in the Annie Vs. Other Supports section.

19/10/2013 - Added a New Alternative Mastery to the Masteries Section and Added Athene's Unholy Grail to the Bad Items Section.

23/10/2013 - Updated the Runes Section
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Special Thanks

I want to thanks to the other guides and the one who leave a good point in the comments, because they help me make my guide successfully and be sure to check out their guides ;).

-Special Thanks to jhoijhoi's Making A Guide.

-Special Thanks to 1000Lava's Annie - The Nukers Guide (S3).

-Special Thanks to Kinesis's Taric Support - Why Gems Are Truly Outrageous (March Update).

-Special Thanks to xDanielWang's FOXFIRe AHRI HERE - AP AHRI; Season 3

-Special Thanks to Totallynotn00b's Leblanc - Patience, summoner.

-Special Thanks to Halipupu's Your Friendly Neighbourhood Support

-Special Thanks to gabmed's Chaining Kills - Aggressive Support Tank (In-Depth) 2.5

-Special Thanks to gleebglarbu's Gleebglarbu's Challenger Guide to Annie Support. From her guide I understand that use the sets you always works well with. Not some sets that doesn't suit for example like I never use Greater Quintessence of Gold and I put it for Annie. This is the reason why I redo my guide.

-Special Thanks to Laggermeister(although he speak quite....) but his comments does help me.

-Special Thanks to Vynertje and point out which mistakes.

-Special Thanks to sirell to make me understand that if I tell other people to check out other people's guide, why would I make my guide from the start.

-Special Thanks to xIchi who teach me a lot :).

-Special Thanks to Ragnar Fox :).
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