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Ashe Build Guide by JccmSaysNom

Middle AP Ashe viable or just fun to play? [Bonus ARURF and URF bui

Middle AP Ashe viable or just fun to play? [Bonus ARURF and URF bui

Updated on May 16, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JccmSaysNom Build Guide By JccmSaysNom 131 47 1,437,826 Views 13 Comments
131 47 1,437,826 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JccmSaysNom Ashe Build Guide By JccmSaysNom Updated on May 16, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ashe
    AP Ashe v1.03 Burst Path
  • LoL Champion: Ashe
    Poke and lane domination runes
  • LoL Champion: Ashe
    Kleptomancy meme runes
  • LoL Champion: Ashe
    Up close and personal
  • LoL Champion: Ashe
    Midlane priority pack (Scuttle Control)
  • LoL Champion: Ashe
    Spam W until I get my ulti Ashe
  • LoL Champion: Ashe
    Ultra Rapid Freeze (URF build)


Arcane Comet
Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

Ultimate Hunter
Eyeball Collection

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Welcome to the oldest AP Ashe Guide, of which I always promise to add more to the guide and then forget! but feel free to tell me what it needs

For those wondering who would be stupid enough to make an AP Ashe guide: My name is Jccm I'm a D1/Master fill main, and no I don't play Ashe in ranked.
This build is made to encourage untraditional playstyles. Wether the build is really viable isn't a question, it is not. But this guide aims to make you a better player overall by teaching you the value of each and every spell and their individual scalings. Or just show you how you can play a champion you didnt want in ARURF.

In this build I will be going over the major aspects of playing AP Ashe aswell as a few mechanics and gimmicks that can be applied to other champions as well such as Ludens Echo procing on non magic spells like Volley.
This includes, but is not limited to, the insane amount of damage and CC that Ashe brings with her ult, and how much she misses out on if it does not connect.

Aswell as the value of the high BASE damage of her Volley which we will be taking advantage of in the early game. (This is no longer true, her base damages were gutted in a patch long ago, but it was the original intent of the guide)

Before you try it out, there are a few things you must know:

1. AP Ashe is without a doubt what other consider a troll build, this means that you might get flamed if you aren't queueing with friends.

2. With that said, this guide is a serious take on how to make it work and have fun at the same time.

3. An AP Ashe WILL fail, if the enemy team is full tank / off tank AND if she is not the in the lead of farming.

4. People WILL flame, when you tell them "I am AP Ashe"

5. AP Ashe is all about landing her Enchanted Crystal Arrow

6. Ashe is a strong support with her high CC and Hawkshot active, so if mid is occupied do not fret

7. When playing AP Ashe "KS" means "Kill Secured" and nothing else

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Pros / Cons


+ Lots of CC with Frost Shot & Enchanted Crystal Arrow
+ Global ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow
+ 450IP Champion
+ Extremely satisfying to play
+ Kit recently updated


- Squishy
- Item dependant
- Hard to master
- No dash nor escape
- Easily countered
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Welcome to Preseason and Runes Reforged
Good news! The new runes are wonderful for AP Ashe!
The not so good news, they are also really good on Zed.

None the less, it is preseason and with Kleptomancy, Aery, Comet and easy scaling from Gathering storm and Adaptive damage, we are undoubtably in the best time ever for AP Ashe.
Especially the Adaptive damage is amazing on Ashe, as it lets her start out with a Dorans blade and AD for her W in lane and transition into AP without losing anything.

First I would like to go over the burst path runes

Arcane comet allows for the highest damage from a single spell, as Electrocute requires more spells to activate.
The Ultimate Hat was pretty self explanatory, your damage and fun lie in your ultimate, and you want it up as often as possible. Personally I dont run low on mana often on Ashe so manabond is wasted and nullifying orb is extremely weak. (but it has now been removed and replaced with Ultimate Hunter in the domination tree)
Transcendence gives you 10% free CDR, which helps out a lot in getting off as many ultis as possible, even though you often won't gain the bonus AP from having above 40% cdr
Gathering Storm is free AP over the course of the game, so you can reach that sweet late game burst Cheap Shot procs every 4 seconds off your auto attacks, W and ulti and ends up being a good chunk of damage
Eyeball collection gives you free AP
Ultimate hunter, to make up for the loss of Ultimate Hat

As of patch 7.23 the Aery rune was nerfed on enemy proc's, but it's still THE best Rune for sticking to an opponent or doing continous damage
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I mentioned earlier the importance of being ahead in farm. Ashe only has one ability with an AP scaling (we are compensating by buying Lichbane or Nashors to give her 2-3 active damage sources), this means she needs to pack a ton of damage into these few damage sources, and therefore has to maximize the stat gain per gold spent.
Luckily with Patch 5.9 Hawkshot can now store 2 charges that we can use for Lichbane activation, and they have been given global range (perfect for sniping some kill from the other side of the map).
And we have been suplied with a new ability Frenzy, which synergizes well with Nashors, Guinsoos or even Wit's End.

Doran's Start?

Stat wise Doran's items are extraodinarily good, but lack the ability to be upgraded at a later point. The most usefull stat is the 70 health which allows most people to survive the early laning until they can get a better item.
However if you feel this is not a problem, go ahead and start with a or


Now to every female's favorite part of a guide, which pair of boots to pick.
As you should have learned by simply playing League every pair of boots are used for diffrent reasons and in diffrent matchups, situations etc. and I will not go into details about these factors but instead of what they do for AP Ashe

With Ashe's few magical abilities these boots sound like a total waste, however Ashe also needs to squeeze every single last drop of damage out of her Ult Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Lichbane, Nashors or the like.
This makes these boots one of the best choises, their flat Magic Penetration also helps to increase the otherwise low damage early game to more tolerable values.

- Combo these boots with Oblivion Orb and you have a total of 33 flat Magic Penetration, enough to leave enemies without MR items at 0 MR.

These boots give an insane 10% CDR for a cheap price, combine this with the mastery and you will already be half way to 40% CDR.
Personally I now prefer the Magic penetration boots at the expense of having to buy another CDR item, but I used to rush Lucidity Boots.

- Combo with Transcendence rune for 20% CDR with one item

Boots of Mobility doesn't grant any extra stats to Ashe during laning, and even comes with a lower speed than anyother pair during skirmishes, so why pick these?
The out of combat movespeed is the answer to that, many matchups require you to roam to win, and even if it isn't required it is highly adviseable to help out your fellow laners.
Boots of Mobility lets you roam from mid to top/bot and back to mid in half the normal time, which means twice as many possible ganks and objectives.

- Combo with your jungler or another roaming lane to grab objectives and do ganks
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Hall of Fame

Send your endgame stats of AP Ashe and I will place them here for all to see:

This can be done by PM'ing me or posting a link of the image in the comment section
Jccm says nom Accomplished during Patch 8.11

TheGreedyGnome Accomplished during Patch 5.9

Jccm says nom Accomplished during Patch 3.14

Ewcy Accomplished during Patch 5.13

Ewcy Accomplished during Patch 6.18
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January-29th 2019 patch 9.2, added Sylas matchup.
Had to redo most of the skill distributions since they had apparently been reset.
Some of the item builds disappeared prior to this date (I also don't know how this happened).
Changed the build backgrounds to different skins so it's easier to tell them appart. Removed the roam build (RIP adaptive damage).

November-11th 2018 patch 8.22 preparation for preseason, added new midlane matchups

June-3rd 2018 patch 8.11 updated runes for the new Ultimate hunter and Nimbus cloak, aswell as moved around some minor keystones to hopefully make up for these changes. Added the Midlane Priority build to assist junglers in claiming early Scuttle crabs, and winning river Skirmishes.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JccmSaysNom
JccmSaysNom Ashe Guide
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AP Ashe viable or just fun to play? [Bonus ARURF and URF bui

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