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Katarina Build Guide by SaltCat

Middle Katarina Deadly Dagger Guide 🔪

Middle Katarina Deadly Dagger Guide 🔪

Updated on June 13, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SaltCat Build Guide By SaltCat 16 8 43,949 Views 4 Comments
16 8 43,949 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SaltCat Katarina Build Guide By SaltCat Updated on June 13, 2022
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Katarina
  • LoL Champion: Katarina

Runes: Conqueror

1 2 3 4
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Standart summoners!
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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I am a 300k mastery Katarina player, i have been playing her for a while now, and i really love her!
I believe you can learn a lot from me, either if you are a new begginer Katarina player, or even a more experienced one! But keep in mind, Katarina is an extremely difficult champion, and it will take you a lot and i mean a lot of time to master her. She is not one of this free lp champions, you have to work for it!


1v9 carry potential.
Lots of room for skill.
Build Diversity.
No mana.
Excellent champ to onetrick or main.


- High skill ceiling.
- High skill floor.
- Easily counterpicked.
- Provides nothing to the team if she is behind
- CC destroys her.
- No sustain in lane.

Katarina can fit on every team composition, and with the season 11 changes you dont even have to care if your team has a lot of ap, because you can build ad! ( and ad builds are even better than ap LOL). The best team compositions are the ones that have good teamfighting, and they have at least on engager, something like Malphite for example, this can set Katarina up for insane damage output.

The number 1 rule is to not pick Katarina when you are against a heavy cc comp, just dont it will save you a lot of brain cells, it is almost impossible to play against such compositions. Now one more scenario picking Katarina is bad, besides counter picks of course, is when your team has pretty much no engager, or good teamfighting, this isnt as bad but its still something to keep in mind.

Small Tip, if you are not sure what your lane opponent will be, you obviously dont want to take wrong runes or shards. So you can see what champions they have banned. For example if they have a Lucian and a Vladimir, Lucian bans Darius and Vladimir bans Fizz, in that case Vladimir is more likely to play midlane because he banned a midlane champion, just check their bans so you can understand where they will play!

Fish is an overall unbalanced champ, no matter what you do or try, the time when he will be oneshotting you with just his Q will come. So level 1 you can poke him with your Q Bouncing Blades, level 2 you lose unless you leveled up first, level 3 same thing. For the laning phase try to poke him out with your Q Bouncing Blades and keep a distance, you can E Shunpo away from his E if he goes into you. Level 6 if you dodge his R you can easily kill him, if not then you are dead. As the game goes on he will kill you faster and faster, so i would reccomend getting mr as soon as possible, you can either go for Banshee's Veil if you are going ap or Hexdrinker and upgrade to Maw of Malmortius if you are going ad or tank. I personly ban Fizz every game and i suggest you do the same!

Kassadin I fear no man, but this thing scares me, he is a HUGE counter to Katarina you can be 10/0 and lose to a 0/10 Kassadin easily, but with the new season you can counter him by going an ad build. Level 1 try to poke him with your Q Bouncing Blades and start slow pushing the wave, when you hit level 2 immediatly use Q Bouncing Blades and Shunpo on him. Remember to use your auto attacks. Level 3 you beat him again. Until level 6 this match up is in your favor. But after it he can easily dodge your daggers, and get out of your R Death Lotus. Your best bet is to Shunpo on him then use W Preparation, then wait for him to use his R and finish him. In this match up, you should go ad everytime.

Lucian another ranged mid abuser.... Level 1 stay way back and farm with your Q Bouncing Blades also be carefull not to be in line with your minions, so he cant hit his Q on you. Level again play passively and farm, level 3 same thing, but every time he uses his E Shunpo on him and trade, thats your only window in this match up, bait his E then go in. Level 6 its a 50/50 match up, but if you bait his E it will be most likely a kill! If you are having a hard time against him build Seeker's Armguard early if you are going ap, or build a Chain Vest if you are going ad which you will upgrade to a Death's Dance later in the game, you can obviously go Plated Steelcaps if you want to.

Galio is a hard match up, due to his tankiness and cc, but you can counter him by going ad. Level 1 poke him with your Q Bouncing Blades, level 2 you win vs him if he missed his Q, level 3 you also beat him(if you are ad ofc) just be carefull with his E. Always ward because of his insane gank set up. Level 6 ping every time he is missing because he can use his R to roam. If you see him using R push the wave as fast as possible, and either go to help if you see there is still time, reset, roam to the other sidelane. In general you beat him if you are going ad, always try to push the wave and look for roams.

Rumble not sure of what is he, is he a rat a squirl? No idea, anyway this match up is more on the annoying side. Level 1 farm or poke him with your Q Bouncing Blades

Malphite is THE attack damage counter, but Irelia has a lot of mixed ap damage with her kit, and she can build tank buster items.Level 1 he will most likely poke you with Q, but his Q level 1 is really weak and cost a lot of mana so you can easily stack your passive Ionian Fervor and then jump on him, level 2 it becomes harder because of his E attack speed slow but you can still win the trade, after level 3 he will start to win the trades until you have bork Blade of the Ruined King, i suggest you let him push and freeze infront of your turret, you can play for the highlight and dodge his R Unstoppable Force with your Q Bladesurge or with Flash. You can easily win this match up later in the game but the early game is the hard part if he gets a lead then he will oneshot you with full tank items like a balanced champ! I suggest you always build Wit's End in this match up because Malphite does ap damage and second because the mixed ap damage will make it hard for Malphite to build against you.

Vayne help.... help me.... pleaseeee, ranged top, the ultimate mental destroyer for toplane mains, but Irelia isnt any toplaner she is able to bring justice to toplane by DESTROYING those abusers with no soul,(disclaimer: we are gonna destroy Teemo abusers too!) Level 1 you lose, even if you have your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, you will win the 1v1 fight but when you retreat she will murder your hp bar because she is ranged so dont even try, i suggest you let her push and farm safely from distance, level 2 she can easily dodge your E Flawless Duet so play like its Fiora use your E on the ground and let her waste her Q Tumble then hit her, rush Plated Steelcaps in this match up it will make your life better,same for lucian, the extra movespeed will make it easier for you to go on her and the armor is insanely good.From level 6 and beyond if you are even at least you win it easily, you just have to care early game not to get poked.

Susan, our little doggy right here is weak early game, but dont let that fool you, Nasus will destroy you with his insane skillfull Q ability while he is a tank, you beat him at all levels until 6, what i suggest early game is top let HIM push to you, yes exactly, if you push into him you will give him exactly what he wants, by allowing him push to you, you will make the lane longer and that will make it easier for you to run him down, level 6 he can easily kill you so take care, susan while he is in his R form is really strong i suggest you run away with Q Bladesurge and fight him again when his R is down, rushing bork Blade of the Ruined King can be really helpfull and also Wit's End can make it hard for him to build against you.

Devil, this soul less creature brings nightmares all across the toplane mains, but we are here to make a stand, we are here to bring down TEEMO,starting Doran's Shield if you are a new Irelia player is a good idea, if you are a better Irelia player i suggest Corrupting Potion. Level 1 do not even try start E Flawless Duet and farm from distance, level 2 with your passive stacked you can EASILY kill him if you are 90% hp, if you are not just farm, you want to rush Mercury's Treads this item will make the game easier for you. when Teemo uses Q on you just stop aa him and use E Flawless Duet on him, when his Q expires go all in, this match up is really easy if you play it right, BUT if you mess up early game it will be a nightmare.

Quinn is annoying, her bird has actually a really nice personality, so level 1 you lose because of her E so play safe and farm from distance, level 2 you can win if you landed your E Flawless Duet, level 3 you can either use your W Defiant Dance while you are blinded or just run away, if you landed your E Flawless Duet it becomes really easy, you just have to care her E which can cancell your Q Bladesurge and put it on a cooldown, take care the early levels and dont let her poke you, after level 6 you need to ping EVERYTIME she is missing from lane, if you see her roaming either push the wave get plates and get a huge lead on her, or Teleport to help your team, it becomes easy if you just hit your E Flawless Duet and you dont let her poke you.

Volibear, i never understood his name, he is a bear and his name has bear in it, why not just call him bear anyway? Ahh besides my 200 iq thoughs about voli's name, that bear is just STRONK, level 1 you win with full stacked passive Ionian Fervor depending on his ability start, if he started W Frenzied Maul you lose, if he started his E Sky Splitter and you managed to dodge it you can win easily, level 2 you can beat him with full passive Ionian Fervor and if you landed your E Flawless Duet, level 3 you need to use your W Defiant Dance when he Q Thundering Smash on you, then use your E Flawless Duet and fight him, he wins extended trades because of his W healing, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King, also getting grevious early is a good option, level 6 you can beat him if you are even hp, later in the game you beat him, the laning phase is the hard part.

Jayce is an annoying champion, i want to say that people who play him are ranged top abusers, but he is also mellee so i cant decide, level 1 you beat him with full stacked passive, level 2 you beat him with your passive up Ionian Fervor and if you landed your E Flawless Duet, if not you lose, level 3 you lose the trade so i suggest you play safely,rush Plated Steelcaps it will help you a lot, level 6 if you are even in gold and hp you beat this guy,and later in the game even harder, you need to play the laning phase correclty and dont let him poke you or you will have a hard time.

Lucian, SOS help pleaseeeee. Another ranged top abuser, we are gonna teach him a lesson. Level 1 with full stacked passive Ionian Fervor you beat him if he started q or w, BUT, he can easily just aa you down while you retreat so i dont really recommend it, play safe and let him push for level 1, level 2 and level 3, then get your passive Ionian Fervor stacked and Q Bladesurge to a low hp minion close to him,start to aa him and use your E Flawless Duet next to him so he will waste his E, then land it and go for a kill, like all ranged toplane abusers, you lose early game if you dont play it right, but if you do it becomes an easy match up for Irelia, after level 6 you can easily kill him if you are even.

Rumble, i really have no idea what is he lol, is he a squirl or something? Please let me now in the comments i need help. So level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also win if you landed your E Flawless Duet, level 3 you lose the trade so dont try, let him push , dont let him poke you, and all in him when he is heated it will be easy for you, level 6 you beat him if you are even in hp and you can even get out his R with your Q Bladesurge, this is an easy match up if you survived the early game without being poked out,later in the game it becomes even easier for you to kill him.

Frog ok i am 100% sure this thing is a frog, i think, anyway step one) to destroy this frog stack your passive Ionian Fervor level 1 and fight him, step two) level 2 you want to also stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, step three) level 3 you want to play safe because he is stronger, step four) level 6 if you are about even in hp and gold you beat him easily,for the rest of the game you easily beat him if you rush bork Blade of the Ruined King and you permanetly outscale him. Step five) and the most important one is to go to grump and murder her, i think its her, that will make his mental go boom, in the early game be mindfull about his stacks.

Tryndamere, i really really hate Tryndamere abusers, they make my day worse, and i like to just step on them with Irelia, time you do the same. Level 1 you want to play passive farm with your E Flawless Duet from distance and let him push into you. Level 2 you also want to play passive, level 3 its the time you will start to be aggresive, fight him ONLY when his fury is low or he has none, that will make his damage potential lower. Level 6 if you are even in hp and gold you can beat him by outplaying him with your E Flawless Duet and Q Bladesurge, use your E Flawless Duet to cc him while he is in his R, and use your Q Bladesurge to have a little dance with him while his R is up, when its over you can easily go for the kill.

Poppy, is more on the annoying side of things. This annoying little yordle can be a nightmare for Irelia due to her W blocking our Q Bladesurge. Level 1 you beat her with Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also destroy her, after level 3 you still win vs Poppy but it becomes hard because of her W. I suggest that you push the wave the first levels and when the wave bounces just freeze. Play safer after level 3 and try to farm, after Blade of the Ruined King you destroy her, in teamfights be carefull because if Poppy's blocks your Q Bladesurge you are pretty much useless. But be on the look out, she can deal a great amount of damage too! Dont underestimate her, #season11 #rito #balance.

Aatrox, damn no jokes for this one, he is just a sword,indeed he is just the sword check his lore, so EVERYONE believes Irelia is the counter to Aatrox sadly its not that true, the only advantage Irelia has over him is the mobility and the outplay potential. So level 1 you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and aa him, yes aa NOT use Q Bladesurge when he tries to Q you then you want to use your own Q Bladesurge to dodge it.Level 2 you also want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him ,but, you want to play like everychamp that has an ability to dodge your E Flawless Duet, use it next to him, wait for him to waste his E and then use it. Level 3 same thing, you can use your W Defiant Dance in order to block his Q, and use your own Q Bladesurge to dodge his W or Q. Having grevious wounds early game is ESSENTIAL so always do so. Level 6 you beat him by just doing the same thing, dodging his abilities. You beat this guy until he is like 6 items but even then you still have a chance.

Gangplank i cant remember a pirate joke right now oh well.... you escaped that lucky you. Level 1 you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him ONLY if he wasted his passive on a minion.Level 2 you also beat him if his passive is down and you can use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his E. Level 3 you can also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor and his passive down. This is an quite easy match up if you apply these things, level 6 you beat him if you are even hp. Later in the game he becomes stronger so take care, the only thing you need to take care is his passive early game which is really strong and his E barrels.

Dr. Mundo, he thinks he is doctor but he isnt.... no joke coming to my mind. So level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and beat the **** out of him, level 2 also stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, level 3 you can beat him also.This is a relatively easy match up and you wont have much trouble, you need to get grevious wounds early game, and rush bork Blade of the Ruined King. Thats the way to beat this doctor.

Sett awwww he love his mama<3. So level 1 you beat him, level 2 also but you need to use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his W, level 3 its equal and you can win it only by outplaying him with your Q Bladesurge, stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, use your E Flawless Duet, your E does not cancell his W so dont try,but you can use it for a free land while he W. Use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his W damage and you will be good to go, level 6 you beat him if you do the same things,after that you permanetly outscale him, if you are having trouble in the laning phase you can get Plated Steelcaps to reduce a lot of his damage.

Camille ah yes the scissor lady, who never skips leg day!Also one of my mains, so level 1 you play depending the ability she started, if he started Q Precision Protocol you want to play passive, if she started W Tactical Sweep you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight her, if she started E Hookshot you will also stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight her. Level 2 you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 3 you also beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, you can try to dodge her W Tactical Sweep with your Q Bladesurge or even her E Hookshot. Try to fight her when you know her passive shield is down, if you saw her using it its around a 16 second cooldown, after level 6 she has easily dodge your R Vanguard's Edge with her R Hextech Ultimatum so be carefull, if you get snowballing early game it becomes a really easy match up, if not you will have a hard time, she outscales you really hard as the game goes on.

Yasuo, if you see the enemy Yasuo is a mastery level 7 then dont worry he will int and feed and you get fed easily. So level 1 you beat him so stack your passive Ionian Fervor and jump on him. Level 2 you also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked BUT you need to take care of his E because he can dodge your E Flawless Duet easily, level 3 you also beat him but he has now two abilities to dodge your E Flawless Duet his W and his E, level 6 you also destroy him but he can dodge your R Vanguard's Edge with his E and his W so take care, this is an easy match up if Yasuo doesnt get ahead early game.

Akali, so level 1 you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked but you need to take care because he can dodge your E Flawless Duet with her W or E, level 3 same thing you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, take care with your E Flawless Duet and dont miss it and you can use your W Defiant Dance to block some of her passive damage. Level 6 its all about if you will be smart with your R Vanguard's Edge and you wont miss it, if you did not miss it then you will win if you are even.

Garen, IONIAAAAAAAAAAAA, haha you see? He says demacia so Irelia says ionia funny right? No? :(, level 1 you beat him with you passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked BUT you need to fight him inside your minion wave so his E fidget spinner will do less damage. Level 3 same thing fight when your passive Ionian Fervor is fully stacked, try to fight in your minion wave so you take less damage, there is nothing really that you can do to outplay him he just wants to run at you with Q and then E thats all, you beat him easily, getting Plated Steelcaps will reduce a lot of his damage potential.

Gnar what is that angry little..thing?Also not sure if its in the ranged top abuser list. I am not sure please tell me in the comments, so level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 same thing but you need to take care with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it easily, level 3 you also beat him IF he is in his mini form, you never but NEVER want to fight him in his mega form, like please dont do it, its not that you will lose but he is stronger so you are doing exaclty what he wants, level 6 it becomes even easier with your R Vanguard's Edge. Getting Plated Steelcaps will greatly help if you are having trouble, also rush bork Blade of the Ruined King will also help, easy match up overall just care his early game poke and dont fight in his mega form.

Illaoi, and gangplank were lovers , useless information but i am just letting you know! So level 1 you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor fully stacked, level 2 you also beat her if you land your E Flawless Duet, level 3 and beyond you need to dodge her E before fighting her everytime, level 6 you can fight her after dodging her E or doing a 500iq play and bait her R then use your Q Bladesurge to run away, you can beat her easily if you are even and dodged her E.

Kennen, annoying ranged top abuser, so level 1 you lose dont try, level 2 if you landed your E flawless due and have your passive Ionian Fervor stacked you win easily, level 3 you will lose if the Kennen abuser has at least 0,0001 iq, which most have so you lose ;D, level 6 you can beat him easily, you outscale him the only hard part about this match up is the early game poke he will do to you, rush Mercury's Treads if you are having trouble.

Kled and scaarl, never forget scaarl he is litteraly carrying Kled. So level 1 you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, you can use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his Q, level 2 same thing but you want to be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his E, level 3 you beat him easily with full stacked passive Ionian Fervor BUT you have to fight him only when his W is down, if not dont go all in, level 6 it becomes even easier to run him down with your Vanguard's Edge, as the game goes on you will hard outscale him, just DONT fight him when his W is up and you win!

Tree, Irelia is friends with nature, she would never hurt anything not even a fly! So you question yourself why Irelia is about to cut down that tree, and the answer is that he is a tank abuser! Level 1 you can win if you stacked your passive Ionian Fervor, level 2 also if you land your E Flawless Duet of course!Level 3 same, you straight up beat this tree, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King and you will melt him, really easy match up, just take care of his saplings and his Q because it can cancell your Q Bladesurge.

Mordekaiser, nah no jokes this time, he is just a metal knight that wants to kill everyone take their souls and build his empire in the after life, you know simple things! So level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor fully stacked, level 2 same thing, you can use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his Q or E, level 3 you will lose the trade if you are equal hp unless you dodge at least one Q or his E, use your E Flawless Duet while he Q for a free land, level 6 if he is smart he can dodge your E Flawless Duet with his R,meaning that when you E Flawless Duet to a place he can use R and your E Flawless Duet will dissapear so be carefull, relatively easy match up if you focus on dodging his abilities, you also outscale him.

Olaf, vikings discovered america before colombus btw did you know that? Anyway level 1 with your passive Ionian Fervor fully stacked you can win vs him, level 2 if you landed your E Flawless Duet you also win,level 3 you lose if you are equal hp, level 6 you beat him again with your R Vanguard's Edge, getting grevious wounds early game is essential and mandatory, get it every time, either Ignite or Executioner's Calling.

Riven, meh no jokes, so level 1 you want to play passive and start E Flawless Duet and farm safely, level 2 you also want to play safely you can get W Defiant Dance if riven gets aggresive in order to block her damage, level 3 this is when you will start to fight her, stack your passive Ionian Fervor and use your E Flawless Duet on the ground and wait her to use her dashes then land it and go all in, level 6 its an outplay match up if you use your W Defiant Dance to block her damage which is all physical and land your E Flawless Duet you will kill her easily, if you want you can also try to dodge her R2 with your Q Bladesurge if Riven gets ahead and you are having trouble against her just build armor, all her damage is physical.

Singed so this madman going around toplane, inting while farming my wave behind my own turret lol. So level 1 if you have stacked your passive Ionian Fervor you destroy him, level 2 same thing stack your passive Ionian Fervor hit your E Flawless Duet and you have got yourself a kill! Level 3 singed has now a lot of ways to stop you, with his flip and ground, this is an easy match up for Irelia overall and Singed doesnt really have any skill shot or something to outplay him, if you hit your R Vanguard's Edge it should result in a kill after level 6, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King so you will melt him even faster, he likes building hp, the only thing that makes Singed a threat is his ground which can easily stop you and in a teamfight for example result in your death.

Sion, so level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and jump on him, level 2 do it again stack your passive and go on him, you can easily stop his Q with your E Flawless Duet which is a reason why this match up is easy for Irelia, you get a free E Flawless Duet land while you stop his core damage ability! Level 3 you have now 3 ways to counter his damage, one with your Q Bladesurge mobility, two with your W Defiant Dance damage reduction, and your E Flawless Duet to stop his Q. Level 6 you straight up beat him but he can just R away every time which is the reason why its so annoying. I suggest that in order to counter that you just Q Bladesurge on him and being behind him so if he R he will stop at you, then you kill him. Rush bork Blade of the Ruined King.

Urgot, meh i dont like crabs, one crab snatched my finger once, so i have such hate for this one! So level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked but only if you dodged his E, level 3 until level 9 you want to try and fight him while his W is down, level 6 you can kill him with your R Vanguard's Edge and you can also try and dodge his R with your Q Bladesurge. Urgot will eventually outscale you actually, the fight will be close but it will be in Urgot favor, so try to end the game as soon as possible, getting Plated Steelcaps early will help you a lot also.

Monkey, monkey see, monkey die thats what you want to do. So level 1 with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked you easily win vs the moneky, level 2 you also dominate the moneky, level 3 monkey is now stronk, so you want to be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his E and W, an another tip i can give you is to use your W Defiant Dance everytime you see him E on you, OR you can do an even better 200iq play and use your E Flawless Duet and land it for free while he uses E on you. Level 6 you beat him if you are even hp with your R Vanguard's Edge BUT you need to be carefull with your Q Bladesurge monkey can use his R to cancell your Q Bladesurge as the game goes on you will beat this guy even harder.

Yorick just a guy who commands souls or something like that. Level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and Q Bladesurge on him.Level 2 you also beat him if he has no ghouls, level 3 you destroy him too but you need to care about his ghouls they do a lot of damage, if he got you in his W you can easily get out of it with your Q Bladesurge if there is no minion nearby you can aa the wall to destroy it, or just Q Bladesurge on Yorick or his ghouls. Level 6 you beat him, Yorick will be splitpushing for the majority of the game so you should match him and dont let him take down your turrets for free.

Kayle, she is such an angelic person lol. This is a really easy match up for Irelia early game before 6 you destroy her no matter what, after 6 Kayle becomes ranged but she is still weak, while she uses her R dont sit there and attack her she doesnt take any damage, you can still use you on her if you want to gapclose. Level 11 she starts to be strong but if you are even in hp you will beat her, level 16 she is a monster you can still kill her if she has no R but if she does or you let her kite you then she will kill you very fast.

Cho'Gath, so level 1 you destroy him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also win vs him, and you can use Q Bladesurge to dodge his Q, level 3 he has his W which can be really annoying for Irelia, but you can easily dodge his Q with your Q Bladesurge and his W but its a bit tricky, in general you destroy Cho'Gath easily, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King and you will melt him easily, also get Wit's End as one of your core items in order to make it hard for him to itemize vs you.

Vladimir, this bloodsucker, will pay for abusing this champion. Level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and smack him like really hard, level 2 same thing but be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his W, level 6 you also destroy him but you need to be extra carefull with your E Flawless Duet and R Vanguard's Edge , because he can dodge them both with his W, get Wit's End as one of your core items, having grevious wounds can also help against him, you will beat this guy for the majority of the game, late game he is super STRONK so try to end the game early.

Yone, like his brother if you see a mastery level 7 Yone remind yourself that he is gonna run it down. So level 1 with your passive Ionian Fervor you beat him, level 2 also,, level 3 you need to be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his E Soul Unbound. Level 6 you murder him with your R Vanguard's Edge just care because he can R Fate Sealed away so try to be on top of him so he wont escape, you win vs Yone for pretty much the whole game, but if he gets ahead it can be hard, get Plated Steelcaps if you are having trouble vs Yone and Wit's End can help also because he deals mixed
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