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Renekton Build Guide by grammydatroll

AD Offtank Renekton - Nothing will stop me!

AD Offtank Renekton - Nothing will stop me!

Updated on December 13, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author grammydatroll Build Guide By grammydatroll 3,139 Views 1 Comments
3,139 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author grammydatroll Renekton Build Guide By grammydatroll Updated on December 13, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Renekton
    My General Solotop Build
  • LoL Champion: Renekton
    Tanky Solotop


SpacEEEEHello there,

I'm Grammy - a friendly troll, because WE EXIST! - and I play Renekton since a long time. With the Season 3 coming, I decided to make a guide about my newest experiences, observations. I'm here to give advices, tips, not a whole how-to-play this champion guide, because everyone plays it differently, no matter what champion are we talking about.

What can you find in this guide so?
First I hope everything. To be serious, I wrote down all of my experiences about items, runes or masteries as understandable as I could. I tried to avoid redundency, that's the reason why is the guide short at some chapters. I thought it would be unnecessary to talk about every single point of the mastery tree, because at the end, it would be still the same as now, but with a wall of text, which is not the goal to make a guide that everyone can understand.
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Pros vs. Cons

Pros vs. Cons


High Damage
Great Sustain
His abilities still not consumes health
Can escape from sticky situations
Easy to farm
Easy to farm without taking any damage
Tankyness without any tanky item
His ultimate can juke your opponents


Can be kited
Damage falls as the game progresses
Without kills or thousands of farm he's underpowered
Reaching 100 fury is hard
Keeping it while traveling is harder
Cant do too much against pokes
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Greater Mark of Armor Penetration:
With these runes you can do much better against tanky champions, or do even better against squishy ones.

Greater Seal of Armor:
Because damage is definitely not everything, we need to take runes that helps us survive. This will help against AD Champions.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist:
Like above, but this helps against AP Champions.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
These runes can help to have a bit more damage, so then you can harass efficiently, farm efficiently etc. If you think that, how you'll have enough AD in the end of the game, take 3x Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration instead.
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Offense Tree:
On Offense tree I take Summoner's Wrath to boost my Ghost and my Ignite.
Cooldown Reduction, Attack Damage, and Armor Penetration. All what Renekton needs.

Defense Tree:
On Defense tree I take Bonus Health, Armor and Magic Resistance for better survivability.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Renekton's passive is the Fury mechanism and over that it provides 50% more Fury below 50% Health. Sometimes you can take big advantages from it, because more Fury means more damage, so more damage to kill your enemies faster, longer stun and more healing via Cull the Meek.
This is your most important ability, because of the potency in it. At the beginning it's only a skill that helps you to build Fury faster, harass and farm. Later it will save your life, especially when you use it in a teamfight, above 50 Fury. The range of Cull the Meek slightly increases while the Dominus is active. - Surge or Wild Growth has the same effect, by the way:) Take it as first, for more damage and healing.
Your big-hitter. The initial damage of this ability is low, but the AD scaling is extremly big. Maxing it secondly is only important for shorter cooldown, because the initial damage will be always low. It's also resets the attack timer, so you can use it when pushing.
Always use this ability on targets with low armor, because it can destroy their half health - with Fury, of course.
This ability helps you to chase down targets or escape from sticky situations. The only handicap is the long cooldown and maybe the short range, if you can use Slice only, because there's no enemy in your way. Taking it as second, instead of Ruthless Predator is a viable way, if you are playing against a tank champion on top and the enemy jungler is tanky as well, since it deals equal damage with Ruthless Predator and penetrates your enemies' 35% armor.
The disadvantage of this, the longer cooldown on Ruthless Predator which means less stuns.
Renekton's ultimate, Dominus is an extremly powerful one. Gives 5 Fury every second, grants tons of health, and deals really nice AoE damage, combined with Cull the Meek and maybe a Ravenous Hydra, its deadly. You can juke your enemies with it, for instance you are being chased by a Riven, you run into a bush, shoot your ultimate then, when Riven arrives, you can stun her and then - maybe - kill her, meanwhile you have bonus health which helps to survive she's damage. So, it can turn the tables.
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Summoner Spells

Excellent Summoner Spells:
I take Ignite almost always, because this Summoner Spell can greatly help you when you are chasing an enemy, who's about to run away. Also, it gives +5 AD(and AP) when it's on cooldown, if you put a point on Summoner's Wrath .
My favorite summoner spell on Renekton. The reason is simple: You can get closer to the enemy's damage dealers - AD/AP Carry. And sometimes it's really hard. On top it's better for Renekton than Flash since most of the top champions are mobile, or has slow or maybe a movement speed boost.
I take flash instead of Ghost whenever my lane opponent has low-cooldown gap closer. Taking it gives you a chance to avoid the damage that would come after their gap closer. The second reason, is when I feel that I maybe could not escape from my opponent most of the time. So, mostly when I play against champions like Rengar.
Mediocre Summoner Spells:
Take Exhaust if you're going to play against a burst champion. With it, you can make his burst useless - or almost.
Non-Viable Summoner Spells:
Each one has it's own reason, for instance, why dont we take Heal?
Because we dont need it. We have a " Heal" from our Dominus, also we have health from autoattacks and our Cull the Meek.
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Viable Items

Offensive Items

Blade of the Ruined King
This item is great when you are facing against opponents with high health points.
Your Ruthless Predator gives you 2 or 3 ticks, that will heal ~90 if your opponent has 3000 HP, plus the 10% Lifesteal, which will heal you for another ~70-80, also it shreds your target.
The disadvantage of this item on Renekton is that how you dont have too much attack speed, so taking this item is great, however, only against 3 or more enemy with 3000+ HP.

Last Whisper
With a Last Whisper you can do well against highly armored enemies like Rammus, Amumu or Malphite. The disadvantage of this item is that, how it gives armor penetration only - and attack damage -, but no cooldown reduction or health - which is important as well.

Maw of Malmortius
The Maw of Malmortius is a great choice when you have to play against an AP champion on top, like Vladimir or Akali. It gives - initially - a nice amount of attack damage which is even more as your health falls. The biggest potency in this item, however, is not the attack damage, it's the shield plus magic resistance, which is - obviously - important against AP champions, especially if they can poke without having to worry about their mana - Akali/ Vladimir

Mercurial Scimitar
I have never tried this item before, so I dont really know how this works on Renekton. Anyway, it can be useful in situation like the enemy has at least 1 CC each champion. The bonus magic resistance is great, and the movementspeed bonus from the active is not bad either.

Ravenous Hydra
Currently my favorite item for Renekton. The whole item is great. In early, helps with laning by the lifesteal and the health regeneration. However, we take it later only, because the real power of this item shows up when you are about to deal high damage via autoattacks. With this item your Ruthless Predator becomes your 2nd Cull the Meek, the difference is only that it stuns, not heals you. The item's active is really great to, worths to use it in teamfights, so always keep an eye on the cooldown of the Ravenous Hydra.

The Black Cleaver
This item synergizes well with Renekton's Ruthless Predator, since stacking it without moderate attack speed is hard, but your big hitter helps you out - as always. The HP it gives is not too much, still it gives you some tankyness in early.

The Bloodthirster
Bloodthirster was a great item in season 2 for Renekton, now it's a bit worse. Taking it, however is still a good choice, but not in the early game, because Black Cleaver or the Ravenous Hydra outscales it. Since this item provides the biggest lifesteal/attack damage in the game, taking it early under some circumstances is viable - Circumstance: You have activated GodMode on Renekton by being fed, and you can take Rabadon's Deathcap still you'll be fed as hell.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
Youmoo's Ghostblade was my favorite item in Season 2, since it gave everything what was needed,. Now this item can be replaced by Black Cleaver. If you still like it, because of the Active, you can take it. By the way, I always take this item when I have to buy Blade of the Ruined King against high HP champions, since the attackspeed buff synergyzes well with that item.

Defensive Items


Frozen Mallet
I'd rather say that the Frozen Mallet is a defensive item - for us, at least -, since this is the only item that gives nice sustain. Always take it, since you can chase down targets effectively, or you can escape by attacking the champion(s) who's(e) chasing you, slowing down him with it.

Banshee's Veil
This item is the best against all the champions with long cooldown burst or CC, or against champions with debuff's that they can apply on you if they can hit you with their spell. In the first case, these champions are Karthus, Brand, Malzahar etc. The second instance is LeBlanc, Brand, Sejuani etc.

Randuin's Omen
Excellent item against enemies whose stacking Attackspeed. The disadvantage is that, how the debuff is definitely not long, and the fact that the Active is not as useful as like on a tank, since you dont have tons of armor/magic resist.

Shurelya's Reverie
The best initiator item. Only take it, when the enemy has AoE slows, and the support's Shurelya is not always enough to chase down any of the enemy. On lane, take it only when you cant reach your enemy without taking damage, so against Teemo or Vladimir. And remember to use the active when you and your team trying to escape. ^^

Sunfire Cape
This item is only necessary when you have to tank towers, because the jungler, or someone else is not enough tanky. The health it gives, and the decent amount of armor helps you to do that. The passive is not the greatest passive of the history, but even more AoE magic damage while your Dominus is active, so be happy.

Guardian Angel
Take it every single time when you play Renekton. Coming back from death after you almost killed all the enemy, since you weren't focused, but they still got you, and then finishing what you've started is satisfying. Really.


Mercury's Treads
Take it when you dont need too much armor against your enemy on top, since it will help througout the whole game. Tenacity rulz.

Ninja Tabi
Take these boots if you are being denied on top, because your lane opponent can poke you to "walking dead" situations. Of course, only against AD champions.


space space
When you are tanking/the only melee
For chasing
When the enemy pushed your lanes
When you always need your Ghost.
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Thanks to.../Resource

Thanks to jhoijhoi for her awesome guide. - Making a Guide - jhoijhoi -
My friends and my bro, because they helped me to test theories and stuff.
The players I played with to justify things in the guide.
Mom, who made me coffee when I was tired to finish the guide. :)

Pictures at Ability Sequence chapter are from the official League of Legends wiki.

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- Guide released on 2012. 12. 12. 12:12:12, local time. :)
- More updates pending - these are: Tanky Renekton build, Team Work chapter, etc.
- Extending the guide with your observations.
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To you, summoner, who read my guide

I hope you got all the needed information, if not feel free to tell me what should I do differently, or which part of the guide could be improved. I welcome criticism, if it helps me to improve the guide.
Have a nice day!
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