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Wukong Build Guide by my name is hated

Assassin [S5 - 5.13] Wukong - Demon at Jungle

Assassin [S5 - 5.13] Wukong - Demon at Jungle

Updated on July 21, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author my name is hated Build Guide By my name is hated 31,138 Views 4 Comments
31,138 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author my name is hated Wukong Build Guide By my name is hated Updated on July 21, 2015
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Hey guys.
my name is hated here, I'm currently Plat IV at EUNE server.
Started playing at s4 and made it to Gold III if I remember well, then I had half year break and now I'm back into the game, also decided to start working on this amazing guide for you guys.

Why my guide?
I am main jungle, but I play well at any lane if I have to. My main junglers are: Wukong, Sejuani, Rammus and Kha'Zix. I feel comfortable with Wukong, at jungle/top/mid. This guide is only about jungle but most information are general (difference in playing him at lane is harrasing/trading, becouse at jungle you mainly go all in during ganks).

It isn't obviously finished, I will try to work everyday to add new chapters and improve appearance of my guide.
If you already enjoy content I included, give me feedback and click + at top right corner.

02.07.15 guide published
03.07.15 added Runes chapter
04.07.15 added Masteries & Overview chapters
07.07.15 added Skill Sequence & Explanation chapter
07.07.15 made small changes across the board
10.07.15 reworked Introduction
15.07.15 added Items chapter
21.07.15 applied some visual changes

I am currently waiting for banners, so next update will provide huge changes.

My impression about patch 5.13:
- Devourer enchantment became king at jungle,
- tank meta is gone, Last Whisper is more situational now,
- Shyvana, Kayle and Master Yi are played often,
- Needlessly Large Rod changes allows AP champs to get their powerspikes earlier.
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"How to Dominate" is offensive, carry oriented way to play Wukong.
I do not claim it's the only one but imho it's the best one (for soloq).
Guide contains build & playstayle explanation.

What kind of champion is Wukong?
He is high burst, due to his nice AD ratios and AS buff, champion.
His resistances are high thanks to Stone Skin, so he benefits more from additianal hp over AR/MR.
Playstyle is tricky, becouse you have dash and CC, but you don't have reliable dissengage tools.
Your Warrior Trickster is 1.5s stealth but it's predictable and easily countered by Vision Ward or Oracle's Lens.

Abbreviations explanation:
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Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush

3x Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction for 5.01%CDR. Together with 3 points into Sorcery and items: Stalker's Blade - Warrior, Black Cleaver you end with max 40%CDR.

6x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist gives 18 MR. Combining it with Stone Skin which grants us up to 40 MR we have 53.4+18+40=111.4 MR at best at lvl 18 which grants around 53% AP dmg reduction. Most AP casters/assasins take 9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration (0.87x9=7.83). This gives us 103.57 MR (after subtraction) and about 51% AP dmg red. So vs ap's without Void Staff we still stay above of 50% AP dmg red, which is kinda essential.

9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage equals 8.55 AD. Why these over Greater Mark of Armor Penetration or Greater Mark of Attack Speed ? Greater Mark of Attack Speed are quite popular at curret jungle meta due to high clear they provide, but since you start with Nimbus Strike and max it first, your AS is already nice from the begining of the game(30% AS buff) and at level 9 you end with godlike 50% and with CD you get with items your 4s AS buff will have 4.8cd. Greater Mark of Armor Penetration seems good pick, but 30% armor reduction from your Crushing Blow plus up to 30% from Black Cleaver and 10 armor pen from Warrior Enchantment (+ Last Whisper if you go for offensive build) allow you to melt tanks already. Greater Mark of Attack Damage works well with your high AD ratios on abilities and compensate your weak early levels.

9x Greater Seal of Armor are just essential. Some junglers can take Greater Seal of Scaling Health ( Sejuani) but good early stats are must for wukong to be able clear safely.

9x Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage for faster jungle clear and better ganks. Works well with your Ad ratios (same case as reds) and are stronger than Greater Quintessence of Life Steal, becouse they scale better into mid/late game and grant you better ganking power. After Ravenous Hydra your sustain will be enough and LS quint's are not enough to skip this item, so going for dmg over sustain is here better choice.

Possible changes:


Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest

Main difference is you get your 5% CDR instantly but you sacrifice 9 MR late game. Viable pick if you are against agressive jungler or you wanna play more agressive early. Also if you have problem with sustaining early this setup should allow you to clear easier (better solution than LS quint's).
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Offense tree:
3 points Sorcery for 5%CDR combined with runes and core items brings us to 40%. Better than invseting into Fury since you already have ( Nimbus Strike) AS buff (4s duration with 4.8cd) and your most skirmishes are based on aa/ability/aa/ability ... combos (aa resets, skill animations cancels).

Butcher and Feast for better clear. Butcher gives little bit more dmg when clearing and Feast a bit sustain. 3hp and 1mana seems bad but its only 1 point at 2nd tier of tree. Clearing one side of the jungle (counting rift scuttler) grants us 21hp and 7mana or 30hp and 10mana depending which one we consider, also is usefull while "taxing" :).

Double-Edged Sword over Expose Weakness since you are going to deal tons of dmg by yourself.

Now most controversial point: Spell Weaving and Blade Weaving over 2 points into Warlord . I won't show detailed calculations here (don't wanna bore you stiff) but overall Warlord wins at basic wukong combos becouse weaving masteries are more beneficial in prolonged fights/skirmishes when they stacks reach 2/3%. Making just simple calculations weavings grants 3% more dmg if they are stacked and warlod 3.5% more AD, its clear weavings wins becouse our skills initial dmg does not benefit from AD and it does from %dmg increase but at 0/1%stacks our constant 3,5% Warlord offers more. Also yearly when our AD isn't high (early 1-5 levels when we didn't yet buy The Brutalizer and our AD is below 100), which means initial skill dmg is our main source of dmg, weavings serve us better. Can't really decide for you in this matter, pick based on your prefferences.

Dangerous Game since you are frontline and in most cases you will be the one picking kills - 5% or 10% hp return in tf is lifesaving.

All others are standart.

Deffense tree:
Standart jungle setup, nothing to explain.
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Skill Sequence & Explanation

Wukong's armor and magic resistance are increased by 4/6/8 for each nearby enemy champion. The amount is increased every 6 levels.

Nice passive during teamfights but doesn't make you tanky during duels/small skirmishes. Worth considering while itemizing, becouse if you use it to it's limits you get nice pool of resistances. That's why I claim wukong benefits more from hp than AR/MR. Getting Warmog's Armor instead of for instance Frozen Heart.

Calculations to used example

Wukong's next attack, within 5 seconds, will deal 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+1.1 per attack damage) physical damage and will reduce the enemy's armor by 10/15/20/25/30% for 3 seconds.

Very nice skill - increases your range by 125 to total 300, cooldown goes on after you cast your enchanced aa, not imidiatelly after pressing q !
It's aa reset, it's aa by itself so it procs Trinity Force or Ravenous Hydra unique passives. Casting it before Nimbus Strike makes it go off immidiatelly after your dash lands (but it's not the most effective combo). Generally this skill + core Black Cleaver make you a tank shredder. Your Cyclone followed with your Crushing Blow reduces opponent AR by 55% for 2s (2s is the last tick of BC) - for everyone in you team! Despite nice AD ratio it's bad early game (outclassed a lot by Nimbus Strike), due to low initial dmg.

Calculations to used example

Wukong becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds and leaves an uncontrollable decoy that doesn't attack or move on the place he activated it. The decoy will deal 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies after 1.5 seconds.

Your main escape and outplay tool (cd activates imidiatelly after casting spell, not after decoy dissapears - worth noticing). It can tank some spells for you like Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Charm or Rocket Grab. If you use just before the skillshot land your opponents in most cases won't even notice its a decoy and burn some more spells on it. Most opponents assume you will run same directon after using it, so don't do so. There are many ways how to deceive opponents using this skill. Despite you are mele champion you can do some free dmg and escape after with Warrior Trickster, but be aware - always keep track on your opponents inventory, becouse if they have Vision Ward you become helpless and probably it will force your Flash. It's also the reason why your ganks are so deadly. Always be sure to Warrior Trickster out of line of sight and make sure spot where you leave your decoy is not warded (check Jungle - Clearing and Ganking chapter - upcoming).

Some Decoy outplay techniques

Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+0.8 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to each enemy struck. He also gains a 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% attack speed bonus for 4 seconds after using this skill.

Dash, decent dmg, aoe and AS buff - all bruiser can wish for. Great for clearing jungle or pushing lanes, AS buff is also nice at destructing towers (but you can't use Nimbus Strike directly upon them). Allows to jump through walls as long as you have there target and vision. Kinda intuitive skill and I think doesn't need more explanation

Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around for up to 4 seconds, dealing 20 / 110 / 200 (+1.1 per attack damage) damage every second and knocking up enemies once per cast. Wukong gains an additional 5% movement speed bonus every half second for the duration of the spell, with the bonus disappearing once he stops spinning. Wukong cannot attack or use other abilities while Cyclone is on, but he can deactivate it at any time. Maximum total physical damage to a single target is 80 / 440 / 800 (+4.4 per attack damage).

Fact worth noticing is its initial dmg. At level 1st (generally equals one enchanced aa per second - stronger by 20 + 0.1AD) and 2nd it's low. At final level and your CORE item's it transforms into game changing skill. Early game used mostly during ganks after your Nimbus Strike, aa, Crushing Blow combo to lock enemies or at early dragon fights. Worth launching during duels/small skirmishes but using it during tf on 3 or more people unleashes its real capability. Works well with Black Cleaver and Randuin's Omen, becouse they allow you to stick to enemies easier while spinning (blue smite substitues those 2 during early game). Also ultimate dmg procs apply armor shred passive debuff of BC.

Cyclone vs Waltz?

Ability Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Ability sequence for a jungler is all about decent clear and good ganks.

Starting Nimbus Strike becouse of highest initial dmg and AS buff. This skill is crucial during your 1st, 2nd and 3rd camp - otherwise you simply cant clear them (beside maybe your 1st one becouse of leash). Taking Crushing Blow instead is silly idea, less dmg, less AS, and AR reduction is wasted ( Baron Nashor, Dragon and Rift Scuttler are the only jungle monsters having AR/MR over 20).

After, 1 point into Warrior Trickster, good usage of this skill allows you to tank about 2 aa. While you are doing your 2nd camp (most likely red/blue) you take 2 hits less from large monster and overall 4 less from small ones.

Finally at lvl 3 get your Crushing Blow - aa reset is nice, also makes your ganks viable (you can perfom you combo: Nimbus Strike, aa, Crushing Blow + chilling smite).

Further sequence is obvious (I already proved superiority of e over q - check Crushing Blow explanation above).

For more information about using your skills at early levels check Gameplay chapter (upcoming).
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Short explanation of items and how they affect Wukong.
Hope it will provide enough information for you to decide, when to buy what.

Price: 3300
Rating: GOOD
Except Mercurial Scimitar highest AD item you can get. Allows you to instaclear camps, and due to active can be used to expand your combo. Sustain is great during tf and defending/sieging (allows you to life steal whole poke they throw).
Price: 3728
Rating: MEDIUM
Generally all stats beside AP are somehow usefull. Taken mostly becouse of "spellblade" but high price and components not very supporting Wukong make this items viable only if you snowball hard. Prefferably replace BC with this item (fill build with cdr item).
Price: 2300
Rating: GOOD
Not best as first offensive pick becouse of low AD, but complementing your build with this item increases your dmg output by alot - 35% armor pen passive.


Price: 3000
Rating: GOOD
Provides mix of offensive and deffensive stats, also only AD item wth 20% cdr. Wukong benefits greatly from both passives. "Rage" increases your mobility which allows you to get out of sticky situations or reposition better during Cyclone. AR reduction is great becouse you have massive AOE to stack it quickly.
Price: 3700
Well it's mostly adc-item, but decent pick for bruisers in certain situations. Make sure you need it, becouse costs hell a lot of gold. Used mostly to negate long CC like Petrifying Gaze, Terrify or puncturing taunt. Due to nice stats it's good late game item, but unless your snowballing hard get it after your deffensive item.
Price: 2700
Rating: MEDIUM
Not bad for top/mid wukong but since you have Stalker's Blade - Warrior - I rather do not reccomend getting youmuu (which provides similiar stats, just more mobility thanks to active). At lane consider this item after Ravenous Hydra and Black Cleaver if you are snowballing.

Price: 3500
Rating: BAD
5 more AD, 8% more life steal, useless passive and 200g more? Outclasses by Ravenous Hydra and you do not need 2 sustain items. Just don't buy it.
Price: 3800
Rating: BAD
"Draven's got his Infinity Edge!" and lets stick to this. You are a caster not autoatacker, just NOPE.
Price: 3200
Rating: BAD
Same case as IE - you are not autoatacker. You benefit only from half of stats it provides. Wasted gold.

Price: 3200
Nice replacement to LW if they have high AP dmg and squishy comp - I would dissuade getting it vs 2/3 tanks even if they have 2 high burst AP champs. Don't buy it with Mercurial Scimitar.
Price: 2850
Rating: GOOD
My favourite deffensive item. Amazing stats, decent passive and active which you utilize in 100%. Any questions?

Price: 2500
Rating: GOOD
Good hp pool increase item with inbuild regen. Good as your 2nd deffensive pick if you already bought resistances you need.


Price: 2750
Rating: GOOD
Your main pick vs AP dmg - better than some others MR items due to good hp it provides. UNIQUE passive is good if they have CC initiator like Annie or Sejuani, but rather useless vs poke comp.
Price: 2750
Rating: MEDIUM
Amazing item, just not on Wukong. Similar stats to Banshee's Veil just more stable passive (which does't support our monkey - 12% life steal Hydra + some hp regen x 20% is middling). To make use of 10% cdr you would have to skip BC.
Price: 2450
Rating: BAD
Get this instead of BC if you are going for some kind of shabby deffensive build for kitties (screw censorship), lowers your burst by a lot. After Black Cleaver changes, FH doesn't fit in most AD bruiser builds, imho needs rework.

Price: 2800
Rating: MEDIUM
In terms of AR/MR it's better than GA, also grants nice hp regen. That's ALL, as a jungler you don't really benefit from its splitpush capabilities, becouse you have to be around objectives with your team. On the other hand if you play at toplane its nice addition to your build as one of your final items.
Price: 3300
Rating: MEDIUM
More expensive Warmog's Armor with slight differences. "Medium" grade becouse it's kinda situational. Good supplement if you didn't go Stalker's Blade (or you already swaped it for Skirmisher's Sabre) either Randuin's Omen, becouse it adds slow to your kit.
Price: 2800
Rating: MEDIUM
Amazing item vs champs like Vladimir, Swain or Ziggs - etc. If your support doesn't go for it from w/e reasons you can consider picking it yourself - if it fits your team needs. Mostly ignored becouse you either waste 10% cdr or sacrifice your BC.

Price: 2800
Rating: GOOD
50/50 resistances are not bad but becouse of your Stone Skin and fact GA provides no hp - it's mostly taken as your second deffensive item (for example after Warmog's Armor) or on the grounds of it's passive. But if you die and you won't be able to utilize it to change fates of battle, for the next 5 minutes this item get's a MEDIUM grade at highest. Picking it really depends on playstyle.
Price: 2100
Really good item in view of its price. Nice pick vs full AD comps or as your 3rd/4th deffensive item vs ad oriented ones (one APC). My build debars 3 deffensive items, so I advice to pick it only vs full AD teams. Viable option if you play top, becouse then your core is Ravenous Hydra, Black Cleaver, Boots (no warrior, which is essential only at jungle).

Price: 2600
Rating: MEDIUM
Good mix of deffense/offense. Problem is - it's item for tanks. Passive dmg around lvl 11 equals about 40 AD (during e, aa, q combo - 3 sunfire procs; during cyclone - 5 procs). You won't be able to stay in the fight long to let Immolate do significant dmg. I prefer to go for Randuin's Omen.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author my name is hated
my name is hated Wukong Guide
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[S5 - 5.13] Wukong - Demon at Jungle

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