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Teemo Build Guide by krishtNA

Summoning Satan :Playstyle Guide

Summoning Satan :Playstyle Guide

Updated on May 28, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author krishtNA Build Guide By krishtNA 158 9 4,868,767 Views 92 Comments
158 9 4,868,767 Views 92 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author krishtNA Teemo Build Guide By krishtNA Updated on May 28, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Teemo
    [Satan goes TOP]SemiAP OnHit
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
    Teemo Jungle [Doesnt work like
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
    Support Satan [BOT]
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
    Satan will Tank[TOP]
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
    AD Satan


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Table of Contents

1. Read Me First
Who am I and what is this ??

2. Pros & Cons
What are the Pro's and Con's of playing Teemo ?

3. Teamfighting
How to teamfight with Teemo

4. Shrooming
Locations for placing shrooms

5. Shroom Baits
Clever Usage of Shrooms and Baits

6. Controlling Tilt / Manipulating
Reducing tilt and using your opponent's tilt to your advantage

12. Summary
Summary of the guide

Hello my name is krishtNA and im another one of those Teemo lovers out there (Not in the enemy team T_T ) and Teemo was my first main and will always be my favorite.
I play at Garena (Pfft...) and you may catch me playing some normals as im always testing new builds.
Enough said about me ,
This Teemo guide focuses a lot on the build and less on the skill (Since Teemo is just easy to play and doesn't have much of combo's or such. You Blind + Shroom + Auto and you wreck people)

PS:The items/build guide is no longer accurate(since I have stopped playing LoL). You can however learn a lot of stuff from this guide on playing Teemo. Only the builds,items and masteries are outdated not his playstyle. I for one believe that Teemo's play style wont change no matter what change they do to him .

If you want a thorough Teemo guide check this one out, in my opinion its an awesome guide and covers Teemo from all aspects(and better than mine !) :

Sovereign Kitten's Guide


+ Extremely Effective On-Hit Build with insane sustain

+ Shrooms are good for health.

+ Insane Map Control with shrooms

+ Has a Global Taunt can be used to bait towards shrooms

+ Cute.


- Squishy early game

- Requires some knowledge and skill on Kiting , Poking and Zoning

- Has a Global Taunt that can lead to level 1 cheese ganks from the enemy jungler

- No real escape mechanism (W is not so OP)

- Can be CC'ed real hard

CamouflageCamouflage : You turn invisible
This passive is a tricky one to use. You can use this to escape ganks and cheese kill junglers in their camps.It gives you up to 80% AS on coming out of invisiblity which can really be used to surprise - assassinate people

Blinding Dart : Makes the enemy miss their AA's
The blinding dart allows you to turn the tides of the battle . It makes champions like Master Yi and Tryndamere useless lategame for 2.5s . If used precisely , it can be used to win 1v1 battles early game . It also resets your AA timer

Move Quick : Well , its called Move Quick :/
Grants % Movement Speed passively until taking Champion or Turret Damage . When activated gives 2x % Movement Speed for 3 seconds . This skill is powerful late game allowing you to escape fights and chase enemies down . The passive is a huge bonus but you need to avoid getting damaged to not lose it .

Toxic Shot : Adds a DOT to your AAs
This ability is the reason why most toplaners (Fk u pantheon) are afraid of Teemo . It applies a DOT that deals damage and provides exceptional harass early game . Late game it might just be enough to kill enemies escaping with a sliver of HP

Noxious Trap : Satanic Shrooms
I dont think there is any expalantion I need to give about this ability . Im pretty sure all of us have died walking over a Shroom while escaping . These traps or shrooms give so much map control for Teemo allowing him to control Epic Monsters like Dragon , Baron and Rift Herald . It can also be used to protect yourself from ganks by shrooming the lane entrance .

Support Satan

Note : If you do plan on playing support your ADC might flame you as he "might" have had some bad experiences AGAINST a Teemo. So you have to do your best.

Why play Support Teemo ?

  • Well its simple , Teemo has a BLIND with him that completely shutdowns ADC's and post 6 he has shroom's that give so much Vision through out the game.

How to play support Teemo

  • Don't just spam your Q on the enemy ADC , wait for the right moment and Q when you want to engage.
  • Shroom all entrances to you lane first so you can ensure that ganking becomes hard.
  • Now with this setup , we have 45% CDR and 290 AP. This means you get a mushroom every 11 seconds that deal 600 DMG (at max rank ) a.k.a an exploding ward that stays for 5 mins EVERY 11 secs . This is the key to getting Vision on almost the whole map . On top of this your blind is a 2.5s CC and goes on a 4.4s cooldown !

    Another important matter is that through out the laning phase you will have to poke the enemy down so as to get gold from you Frost Queen's Claim

Some people say Teemo is useless in team fights but with the Runaan's Hurricane and Hextech Gunblade , You now can focus multiple targets apart from blinding the adc and also have some sustain .
With this AP build carrying hard as Teemo is no problem

Although there are a few things that you can also do in teamfights
  • You can shroom the lane of the team fight so your team mates can escape safely after a team fight.
  • You can try to throw or bounce a shroom into the enemy team if they stick together
  • If they are pushing as a team , shroom the sides of the lanes


For "Only Blue Team" shrooms, that indicates you are pushing out as blue team and spending time on their side of the map. If instead you are defending more as blue team (purple is in your jungle), use the "Only Purple Team" shroom setup instead.

All credits goes to EV UTDZac for making this map.
PS:Only for beginners who dont know where to shroom.

The more shrooms you have one the map , the more you can lure your opponents into.
If your opponent is smart he will not chase you but if he is raging / underestimates you , just lure him into some shrooms turn back and Q and AA and there you go another kill.

Inhibitor Lure

If your team has an inhibitor that is not destroyed and you know that the enemy team is pushing to come and get it , You can Shroom near the inhibitor(3-5 shrooms) and go INVISIBLE.Once they step on it they will lose chunks of their HP , then you pop out and start attacking them and get some kills.
Please do note that you may lose the inhibitor in this process

Base Defense Lure

If the enemy team is pushing down a lane where the inhibitor has been destroyed and is hoping to end the game , Shroom the entrance to the base and go invisible in the entrance . When the Tanks , Bruisers and Supports etc of the enemy team go in the frontline and engage , the ADC stays at the backline (which happens to be near the entrance where you went invisibly) and dishes out damage on your team . During this period of time , you get out of camouflage and kill the ADC down with AA-Q-AA-AA-... along with Hextech Gunblade .
Your team thus receives a major advantage and will win the teamfight .

Pink Ward Lure

Place a pink ward at the border of the bush in such a way that the ward is not inside but its outside the bush but on the border and Shroom heavily around the ward and go invisible inside the bush.

When a enemy sees the ward , he will try to destroy it and will go near it but then boom your shrooms explode and you can pop out and kill him.

Please do note that you have to predict your opponents movements / bait him.
Also note that this trick may not work more than once.
This trick is also useless against ranged champion T_T

Dealing with Gap Closers

Are you annoyed by blinks and gap closers ?
Feel annoyed when that Lee Sin Q's you and gets back to safety without getting hit ?.
To counter this , you will have to shroom the place you are standing in so that when they reach you , they get rekt by the shrooms.
Repeat this 3-5 times and from then on , they will think there is a shroom at your location and wont blink to you thinking there is a mushroom at that location.

Handling Tilt

Tilt is something common among st almost all LoL players .Everyone gets tilted in a while.

In my opinion ,tilt only pulls you down more as it clouds your ability to think .Remaining tilted will help nobody but the enemy .Do not blame anyone or any event and minimize the tilt no matter what happens .

If you want to play LoL ,you need to keep on thinking logically to bring on the maximum out of the situation(whether losing or winning) you are in .

How to deal with Tilt ?

  • Meditate (No seriously ,it helps a LOT when trying to concentrate. If you are going to do meditation ,do it properly .Just closing your eyes and thinking about LoL will not help you )
  • Play a different gametype/game, do something fun that will help you forget about what you are tilted until you are ready to dive back in.
  • Play with a friend
  • Get off your computer; watch TV, sit outside for a bit, eat something and take your mind of LoL.
  • Take a nap .
  • Exercise. Probably the best way. You’ll feel great about yourself, and it will take your mind off of League for a bit. Even if it’s only for a few minutes it will work .
  • Literally anything besides playing League will also help .
  • Keep your team together ,do not let them fight . If A calls B a noob , remind A that he too was once a noob and B is also learning the game.Applies to you too.If someone actually better than you calls you a noob ,accept it (it will be hard to accept it,however it is worth it) remind him that he too was once a noob and did not magically turn into a good player .

Using tilt* as a weapon ?

*The enemy's tilt

  • If tilting is bad ,letting your opponent know that you are tilted is the worst .
  • If your opponent is making stupid or unreasonable decisions then you your opponent might is tilted .
  • If your opponent whines about his (or) her teammates ,it is a clear indication of tilt .
  • To make your opponent more tilted ,use taunts and laughs(more effective on teemo than any other champion) and sometimes chat taunts .
  • Inducing tilt in your opponents will enable you to lure them into your shrooms more easily.They wont think and will step into any trap that you have planned in advance .

Playing it dirty ?

/all chat is the key here

This part might be against the ethics of many people but it is very effective .

Stirring up fights in the enemy team can help you in unimaginable ways .

  • Finding the victim is the first part of this process .The victim is someone who is usually tilted .
  • The perfect victims are players who uses /all chat to blame their teammates and to justify that they are better and are being pulled down by their teammates .
  • You can stir up fights by pointing out mistakes the enemy team makes .Eg :Pointing out mistakes made by the enemy support to a tilted adc who is tilted(or) feeding will turn the
    adc into a perfect victim .
  • Stirring up fights within the enemy team will make more players tilted .
  • Try your best to manipulate the enemy team in any way possible given the opportunity .

Teemo is one of the champions out there who is flexible enought to play at any lane.
Some people think Teemo is toxic but Teemo is fun to play.

If you are fed as Teemo and you know to shroom effectively then there is pretty much no way the enemy team can win.

NOTE:Don't Always stick to this build , sometimes you have to modify the build accordingly to your lane match-ups

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League of Legends Build Guide Author krishtNA
krishtNA Teemo Guide
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