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Teemo Build Guide by PsiGuard

AD Offtank Teemo - The Little Bruiser ft. Throatslasher

AD Offtank Teemo - The Little Bruiser ft. Throatslasher

Updated on November 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PsiGuard Build Guide By PsiGuard 48 10 68,839 Views 73 Comments
48 10 68,839 Views 73 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PsiGuard Teemo Build Guide By PsiGuard Updated on November 10, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo


Hi, I'm PsiGuard and I'm here with throatslasher to bring you this guide to top lane bruiser Teemo! In this guide, we will be discussing the optimal and situational options for runes, masteries, summoner spells, skill sequences and items for building teemo as a tanky bruiser in top lane. Later in the guide there is some information on gameplay and matchups to help you learn to play Teemo to his fullest potential. I hope you enjoy.

If you have any questions about the build, please consult the appropriate section of the guide before commenting to make sure your question hasn't been answered already. That said, if you do have any questions, comments or criticism, don't hesitate to leave us a comment below.


(for any abbreviations you don't understand)
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+Extremely strong ability to kite and harass.
+Counters a good number of top laners, namely autoattackers.
+Strongest level 1-2 top laner in the game with this setup.
+Decent escapes with Move Quick and Noxious Trap.
+Excellent split-pusher due to his shrooms and speed.
+Deals a lot of mixed damage which is hard to build against.
+Can peel bruisers off of your carries late game.
+Can farm safely and harass easily using his ranged attacks.
+One of the only champions in the game with a blind.



- Camouflage is useless most of the time.
-Doesn't have any damage steroids besides his passive.
-If he's caught, he's rather vulnerable to chain CC.
-Very little CC to speak of, necessitating a Frozen Mallet to kite.
-Doesn't have a power surge at 6 when he gets his ultimate.


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This is a nicely balanced setup with a good amount of offense and defense. You can get 10% arpen and mpen in the offense tree to boost both types of damage you'll be dealing as well as all the useful defensive masteries that you'll use for lane supremacy. Tough Skin and Indomitable are really effective at improving your harass and trade potential since they significantly reduce the amount of damage you take from minion aggro. Summoner's Insight and Improved Recall can help you get out of tight spots by getting your Flash off cooldown earlier or recalling a second faster if someone's coming to stop you from split-pushing.

This setup gives a lot of offensive power to abuse vulnerable laners while sacrificing a bit of defense and utility. Pouring so many mastery points into offense means you'll have to kite and harass carefully rather than trading directly, but you'll still have enough survivability for basic laning purposes.

Note: You can also adjust this setup to 19/11/0 if you're willing to sacrifice Executioner in favor of better trading.

This setup sacrifices some offense in favor of utility. The biggest thing you'll be missing is the magic pen from the offensive tree, but you'll be able to get an optimal amount of survivability and then throw some points into the utility tree for masteries like Expanded Mind and Runic Affinity . Definitely an optional setup if you don't expect to need the magic pen.
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Phase Rush
  • Greater Marks of Strength: While Teemo does deal a lot of mixed damage, runing for AD makes his autoattacks pack a punch, especially in early laning phase. These marks work great for strong harass and easy last-hitting.
  • Greater Marks of Destruction: Not a lot of people own these since they're so expensive, but the strong mix of penetration make them a viable alternative to AD. Your last-hitting will be a little weaker but you'll notice your spell damage from Blinding Dart and Toxic Shot will be hitting harder.
___ M


Phase Rush
  • Greater Seals of Resilience: Whether you're laning against an AD or AP top, you'll be facing minion aggro, autoattacks, jungler pressure and the occasional tower hit. Armor seals are very strong runes, especially against AD tops, and will help Teemo trade well with autoattack harass.
___ S


Phase Rush
  • Greater Glyphs of Shielding: MR/lvl is a fairly standard glyph set for top laners if you're in a matchup without much magic damage. The majority of AD bruiser tops won't have enough magic damage to warrant flat glyphs, so you can go with the scaling runes for more durability against mid game burst and team fight AoE spells.
  • Greater Glyphs of Warding: Against AP tops or some champions with a lot of mixed damage (such as Jax), you'll likely need more MR early game, which you can get with these flat glyphs. If you're unsure of your lane opponent or you don't have two available rune pages, these are your safest option.
___ G


Fleet Footwork
  • Greater Quintessences of Strength: AD quints give exceptionally high bonuses, higher than most other quints. They are indispensable for early game superiority, painful harass and good last-hitting.
  • Greater Quintessences of Swiftness: These quints trade some of your early damage for utility that'll be more noticeable throughout the game. While the MS isn't necessary for kiting, it does make it easier to reposition more quickly. Keep in mind that this lowers your early lane presence with the loss of AD quints.
___ Q
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Summoner Spells

_____ Ignite: This spell is the key to a strong laning phase. It is the spell that will give you the most kill potential, especially when combined with a jungler gank. Adding ~150 true damage on top of your formidable DPS gives Teemo a dangerous amount of lane presence. If you plan on winning your lane, this is the spell you're going to want to go with. _____

_____ Flash: With Move Quick, Teemo can escape champions as long as he isn't caught by CC. In laning phase, Flash can get you out of tight spots, especially jungler ganks, when you're CCd and need to create some distance to use your MS to escape. Often having Flash up can make the difference between an escape and a death, especially if you're close enough to your tower or you Flash over a wall. You can also use it offensively to secure kills, especially if your target uses Flash in an escape attempt. _____

_____ Teleport: This is a great tool for early game ganks and dragon control as well as late game split-pushing. Since you'll be missing Ignite, your laning will be less threatening than normal, so you better be sure to make good use of the spell. If Teleport ends up causing some kills and dragons to happen, it can be worth it. If you're going to spend more time in lane farming and fighting your lane opponent, take Ignite instead. If you do take Teleport, you should usually use it late game to split-push, then Teleport to your team if a fight breaks out. You can also Teleport to backdoor if your lane is already pushed, but you should only do this if your backdoor pressure is worth the loss of your presence at the fight. _____
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Camouflage Camouflage (passive): This passive allows you to stealth by ceasing movement and attack for a few seconds. It can be difficult to make use of effectively, but it offers a few defensive options and some offensive potential as well. You'll generally use the stealth either for survivability purposes (to lose pursuers) or for the AS steroid upon breaking stealth. You can press S to prevent Teemo from automatically acquiring a target, allowing you to stealth near enemies.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Camouflage is a great way to defend against a level 1 invade without putting yourself at risk.
  • While laning, you can stealth inside the brush for faster last-hitting and/or harass if you can spare the time to stealth.
  • Stealth before taking an objective like Dragon or Baron to increase your DPS when your team is ready to start it.
  • Camouflage gives you an edge in an ambush because of the DPS increase and the element of surprise. You can use it to catch roaming enemies as long as you can duel them (or you have backup from your team).
  • Camouflage can be interrupted if Teemo is knocked back by enemy spells like Monsoon or Stand Aside.

Blinding Dart (Q): For bruiser Teemo, this ability is used primarily to ensure you can win trades against autoattackers during the laning phase. Combined with his strong harass and range advantage over most top laners, Teemo can use Blinding Dart to buy himself a few seconds of protection from enemy autoattacks. In team fights you'll usually want to cast Q on the enemy AD carry if you can reach them or one of the enemy bruisers if you're peeling for one of your own carries.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Blinding Dart deals decent damage on its own, so you can incorporate it into your harass for a bit more punch, especially if you max it second.
  • Watch out for champions that can use abilities during your blind. Sometimes stopping their autoattacks won't outright win you the trade.
  • You can use Blinding Dart to mess up your opponent's last-hits if you can spare the mana to do so.

Move Quick (W): This is a small but significant ability that gives Teemo a movement speed advantage over all but the quickest champions. Keep in mind that the passive only deactivates upon receiving damage from champions or turrets, so minion aggro won't cancel it. You can activate the ability to give yourself a short, uninterruptable MS boost which comes in handy for chasing or fleeing.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Try to avoid taking any counter-harass while kiting to keep Move Quick's MS bonus active.
  • Many champions have gap closers to close the distance, but usually with relatively long cooldowns. Activate Move Quick to create some distance after you lose the passive.
  • Teemo is quite vulnerable to CC, especially long duration slows and stuns. Generally you'll want to wait until the slow or stun expires before activating Move Quick or the short boost will go to waste.

Toxic Shot (E): This is Teemo's primary source of damage. Toxic Shot gives Teemo a lot of extra harass potential without costing any mana. Since this ability is always active and is procced by autoattacks, you'll draw minion aggro whenever you harass. Toxic Shot has an extra on-hit proc in addition to the poison, so it scales nicely with attack speed.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Toxic Shot requires you to draw minion aggro to harass. Break aggro quickly by stepping into brush in between shots to avoid a lot of damage from minions.
  • The poison effect is easily proccable and long-lasting, so it's a great way to annoy champions who have passives that require taking no champion damage for a certain amount of time (e.g. Granite Shield, Perseverance, Strut)).
  • As long as your poison is ticking, you are dealing spell damage to your target. Keep this in mind when harassing near an enemy turret since you'll draw turret aggro until the poison stops ticking.
  • If you are leashing and/or helping your jungler clear a smaller camp at level one, you might want to delay taking Toxic Shot so you don't accidentally kill anything with the poison.

Noxious Blast (R): Teemo's ultimate ability uses an ammo system rather than a lengthy cooldown. You can store up to three mushrooms which cost mana to place but otherwise have pretty much no cooldown (CDR reduces it takes to store new mushrooms). Each mushroom takes one second to activate when placed. Mushrooms grant a small amount of vision, and persist for 10 minutes or until activated or destroyed. Mushrooms slow and deal damage over time when detonated as well as revealing the enemies affected for a short time. Mushrooms are stealthed and can only be destroyed when they are detected with true sight.

Tips and Tricks:
  • Mushrooms can slow down enemies very effectively when placed in narrow choke points.
  • Placing mushrooms inside bushes will give you sight inside the brush until the mushroom is destroyed or expires.
  • Mushrooms are not wards. They can be cleared more easily and give much less sight. Don't stop buying wards just because you hit level 6.
  • Mushrooms are great deterrents to ganks if you can predict enemy gank paths and prepare accordingly. Use them to lane and split-push more safely.
  • If your melee opponent is 'all-inning' you, you can place a shroom directly on top of them between auto attacks to increase your dps slightly and prevent their escape.
  • You can place shrooms in your desired escape path(s) to escape pursuers. Try to prepare this ahead of time so you don't have to stop and cast Noxious Trap while you're fleeing.
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Skill Sequence

Teemo's skill sequence can vary slightly based on the matchup, but the following two sequences should serve for most situations.
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This sequence offers the best tools to deal with enemy autoattackers. Most of the time you'll use this against bruiser tops that incorporate autoattacks in their DPS (which is the same type of champion that Teemo excels against, so you should use this sequence a lot). Toxic Shot is maxed as your primary source of harass and DPS. Blinding Dart is maxed next for the increased burst in trades and the crucial blind duration. Move Quick just needs one point since you'll be relying on Q to trade rather than kiting exclusively. Obviously get Noxious Trap whenever possible since the damage scales up really nicely, the slow % increases with level and you'll be able to store shrooms more quickly.

> > >

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This is an alternative sequence generally designed to fight champions that don't rely on autoattacks to deal damage. Most of the time, this means an AP top (hopefully this doesn't happen too often since Teemo does better against autoattackers). Max Noxious Trap and Toxic Shot for the same reasons as above. You can then max Move Quick for extra mobility. Since Blinding Dart isn't going to be very useful until you get into group fights, you can invest in more movement speed instead for more lane safety, better overall mobility and nearly inescapable aggression. If you find yourself needing your Q to blind more, feel free to stop maxing W and put points into Q instead at any time. You could even use the first sequence against AP tops if you prefer Q burst over W MS.
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Starting Items


Boots are essential on Teemo. Early mobility allows you to kite and harass effectively, retreat when necessary and avoid skillshots and jungler ganks with greater ease. 3-4 Health Potions will keep you sustained in lane for a good amount of time.

Early Game

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AD and sustain are important early attributes for Teemo's laning phase, so you'll have to decide whether to get Wriggle's Lantern or two Doran's Blades. Generally Wriggle's is preferable against AD tops for the armor boost (and other nice benefits) while Doran's Blade gives you some extra health to protect you from AP tops.

Mercury's Treads are going to be your best option for boots2 most of the time. If your lane opponent and/or enemy jungler has any CC that threatens your ability to escape or DPS, you'll probably need merc's to deal with it. If you're in a very light CC environment, you can consider Berserker's Greaves for more aggression (usually if you already have an advantage) or Ninja Tabi for better trading (against a champion like Nidalee, this can be effective).

Your third choice is between Phage, Wit's End and Ionic Spark. Deciding which to get first is important. Getting Phage earlier gives you more threatening harass and better kiting with the on-hit slow while giving you more AD against enemies with MR, while picking up Wit's End or Ionic Spark will increase your magic DPS (strong versus armor stackers) and give you some MR or health to deal with magic damage. Generally if you're in a matchup with a lot of magic damage, get Wit's End. If you're not facing much magic damage or you want to abuse an early advantage in lane, get Phage or Ionic Spark.

Mid-Game Options

Wit's End is a terrific item on Teemo regardless of your top lane matchup. There will always be some magic damage on the enemy team and usually you'll get hit with AoE damage and sometimes direct burst from the enemy AP carry in team fights, so the extra MR is definitely an important stat. The DPS from the AS boost and the on-hit proc are what makes this item so powerful though, so don't underestimate its offensive potential.

Ionic Spark is another great option for DPS and pushing power. Its on-hit proc rivals the strength of Wit's End and is about the same price, so you can sacrifice some MR for a bit of HP and faster pushing. If you're planning on pressuring top lane in mid game instead of roaming and team fighting, this item will give you a really fast split-push without sacrificing damage potential. Use your discretion when choosing between Ionic Spark and Wit's End. You can even get both of them if you can afford to build DPS over survivability.

Frozen Mallet (especially with the upcoming nerfs to Phage and Trinity Force) is an incredible tool for kiting and gives a good amount of health in case you're caught by burst or CC. Not only will this allow you to DPS more safely, but it also gives Teemo some useful team fight utility since you can use the on-hit slow to peel bruisers off of your carries. Also works really nicely when split-pushing since you can slow down pursuers or even kite them to death unless they send multiple champions to cut you off.

Quicksilver Sash is a great survivability option, albeit situational. You can use it to remove ANY debuff, including stuff like Exhaust, DoTs, stuns and suppression. If you're threatened by 2 or more particular long-lasting CCs, this can get you out of one in an instant which can be incredibly impactful on a duel or team fight. The active works very well on spells like Impale, Children of the Grave, Enchanted Crystal Arrow and Exhaust. Don't worry too much about team fight CC unless you're carrying since disables that are cast on you are not used on your carries. You can usually pick this up after Frozen Mallet (maybe earlier if you're laning against someone with suppression) since it's stronger in smaller skirmishes where the enemy team won't have multiple successive CCs. If the game goes long enough and it's appropriate, you can replace this late game with Guardian Angel.

Late Game Options

Guardian Angel is generally my go-to survivability item. It turns you into an annoying source of DPS that is really difficult to kill. The prospect of revival allows you to use bold positioning to draw aggro off of your carries and onto yourself. If the enemy team decides not to focus you, you still have the slow from Frozen Mallet and a great amount of DPS. Keep in mind that the passive becomes pretty useless if you just get caught and killed, so make sure you're with your team when you make use of the revive.

Even though we haven't built much AD, Phantom Dancer is a fantastic item on Teemo simply for the AS and MS (crit is nice too of course). Attack speed works with the procs on Wit's End/ Ionic Spark and Toxic Shot (as well as your AD) to increase your DPS and the MS gives you unparalleled mobility and kiting ability. PD turns Teemo into a dangerous split-pusher and a formidable team fighter. Don't be scared off of buying it just because we don't have an Infinity Edge to go with it; crit isn't the main attraction.

Bloodthirster is a nice item to round off the build, especially if you didn't buy Wriggle's Lantern (you can replace it late game if you did). The AD will work with Phantom Dancer's stats to give you a nice boost in DPS, particularly physical damage rather than the magic damage that you've accumulated with Wit's End and Toxic Shot. Lifesteal also makes you a very strong duelist and forces the enemy team to use burst to kill you rather than just whittling down your health. This usually draws attention away from your carries, but if it doesn't then you can deal a ton of DPS and kite while the enemy team tries in vain to ignore you.

Madred's Bloodrazor is an iffy item. It's quite expensive and stat-wise it seems to synergize with Teemo fairly nicely, but the problem is that most targets with enough health to make the proc formidable will have magic resistance to back it up, so it's often not as efficient as it could be. You can build this item if you notice the enemy bruisers and/or tanks have health (and armor probably), but not much magic resistance. If you see a fair amount of MR on the enemy team, you're probably better off with a different item.
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Laning Phase


Teemo has a lot of good or fair top lane matchups, so his early and mid game pressure on the lane can be quite significant. Pressuring your lane (especially in an easier matchup) means denying your lane opponent farm while getting a lot of gold and XP yourself, which can be done by a mix of pushing, zoning, harassing your adversary out of lane and even killing him if you get the chance. Abuse your range advantage to zone and harass and your mushrooms to keep you safe from ganks while you pressure the lane. If you play it right, Teemo can come out on top of most matchups, allowing you to split push or team fight when you're nicely farmed.

Harassing and Trading

Effective harassment with Teemo is quite simple, but key to your success in lane. Against all opponents, Teemo's main form of harass is simply his autoattack imbued with Toxic Shot. Some opponents simply have no answer to this since Teemo is an effective kiter with his range and move speed, so you should look to harass these vulnerable champions early and often. Harassing without trading means you have to make use of good positioning and constantly drop minion aggro (ducking into the brush can accomplish this quickly) to avoid taking more damage than you deal. You can also throw a Blinding Dart in as part of your harass for some extra damage, especially if you're maxing it second.

While harassment is generally your ideal way of getting an edge in lane, sometimes your lane opponent won't let you get away with it. When your opponent answers your harass with damage of their own, it becomes a damage trade. Teemo is very good at trading with enemy melees since he has the mobility to kite and Blinding Dart to give him an edge in small engagements. When trading, simply fire your Q and autoattack, stepping back towards your tower between autoattacks in order to draw your opponent into a more vulnerable position, exposing them to more minion aggro, potential ganks and getting closer to the safety of your tower. Moving backwards while trading is a mild form of kiting since your opponent (if they're melee) will have to move to catch up in between hits while you'll be in range the whole time.

If your lane opponent can't answer your harass or retreats from a trade, try to get a few more autoattacks off and even a Blinding Dart if it's up. This works especially well if you break even in a trade, since your opponent will have to walk away to retreat out of your range. You don't have to stop attacking until the enemy minions or tower start to outdamage your harass.

Zoning and Wave Control

Zoning is an important skill to learn for any laner, especially if you want to create an advantage top lane. You can zone your opponent from the minion wave by first harassing them to a point where they don't want to engage you directly, then positioning yourself between them and your dying minions. If you've been harassing well, simply using your presence, keeping up your farm and occasionally throwing out an autoattack or two can really compound to any small advantage you've created.

Wave control is also a key element of laning and often separates decent laners with annoyingly strong ones. Getting a feel for the flow of the minion wave and how to manipulate it can create zoning opportunities, keep you safe from ganks and allow you to apply pressure to the lane at appropriate times. Generally you want to "freeze" the minion wave just out of range of your tower, which gives you the easiest access to farm with the quickest escape route while your opponent will be extending to CS, leaving them more vulnerable to ganks from your jungler. When you kill your opponent, you force them out of lane or you don't fear a gank from their jungler and you want to apply some pressure, push the lane to their tower quickly. The tower killing your minions will make it more difficult for your opponent to CS and will usually reduce their inclination to attempt any trades or harass. Be careful when you do so, since it gives the enemy a chance to freeze the lane at their tower. Usually recalling after a successful push isn't a bad idea since by the time you get back to lane, your opponent will have pushed the wave back to a more workable position.

Ways to push your lane:
  1. Aoe clears (In Teemo's case, this means Noxious Trap.)
  2. Autoattacking enemy champion (This draws aggro to you instead of your allied minions. Using spells to harass, however, will not draw aggro.)
  3. Intercepting minion wave (Also draws minion aggro. You may want to do this to prevent the wave from hitting your tower.)
  4. Wave hits your tower (The tower pushes back the wave by clearing it more quickly than if you were last-hitting.)
  5. Autoattacking repeatedly between last-hits (This is the least mana intensive way to push your lane.)
  6. Last-hitting without interference (This is more of a subtle one that some people miss. Last-hitting a wave of minions pushes it very slowly. If you are farming and your opponent is not, you will start to push towards them.)

Keep these factors in mind when attempting to freeze your lane or push it rapidly. Usually whenever you trade with your lane opponent, the wave will start to push in one direction or the other. You can use your positioning to force your opponent to push if they are forced to use AoE abilities around minions to trade, but keep in mind that they may do the same to you.


Warding is the best way to foresee and escape ganks from the enemy jungler or mid laner. In laning phase, there are only a few warding spots you'll need to worry about. Typically there are three routes that the enemy jungler or mid laner can take to get to you unless they have a long range teleport/jump/dash ability like Paranoia, Destiny or Grand Skyfall.

Note: Noxious Traps give a small amount of vision and can work to supplement your warding, especially against lane ganks and tribush ganks.

1. Direct river gank: This route can be covered by warding close to blue team's ramp up to blue buff. If the enemy jungler has a dash ability that can scale the wall, you may want to move the ward a little close to your lane to make sure he can't slip past it.

2. Tribush gank: While often this kind of gank also comes from the river, sometimes the enemy jungler or mid laner will come through red/purple team's jungle behind baron pit. This gank is more common if you are on blue team since the tribush is directly accessible from red/purple team's jungle. It's still dangerous if you're on red/purple team though, since the jungler may take the time to go all the way around through your own jungle to get behind you. Warding inside the tri-bush is the best way to avoid these ganks, though if you're on red/purple team you might be okay with a just a ward by the entrance to blue team's blue buff jungle as long as your mid or jungler has your team's wraith camp warded so the enemy jungler
or mid laner can't sneak into your jungle through there.

3. Lane gank: This is often the most difficult gank to pull off, but it can be very effective since the side brush in top lane is not often warded. To execute this kind of gank, your lane opponent will usually push the wave to your tower while his jungler sneaks from his lane into the side brush at the edge of the map. When the wave resets, your lane opponent will often try to bait you into blowing cooldowns in a trade near the brush, then the jungler will jump out for an easy 2v1 kill. Avoiding this gank is easier for Teemo than most champions. Simply keep at least one Noxious Trap in each of the lane bushes and the enemy jungler won't be able to sneak through them. This also helps you maintain brush control since your lane opponent won't be able to enter brush without being slowed and damaged.

Note: Beware of stealth champions like Evelynn. She can bypass your sight wards without being seen, so you'll have to invest in vision wards to ensure you don't get ganked unexpectedly (or just hit her with a mushroom :D).

Good places to lay mushrooms

Accepting Jungler Ganks

When your jungler is trying to gank your lane, the worst thing you can do is telegraph your intentions. Telegraphing a gank is when the laner unintentionally signals to his opponent that the jungler is nearby through a sudden change in playstyle. Usually this manifests in the form of reckless aggression whenever the allied jungler is set to gank. When accepting a gank, first inform your jungler of the enemy ward placement if you've been paying attention to where your opponent has placed wards (or if they placed any at all). If your jungler seems to be in position unseen, bait an engage from your lane opponent (careful of telegraphing) or signal your jungler to engage first if they have some CC to start with (usually an Exhaust, red buff or stun spell will do). Remember to use Ignite to finish off a low opponent if they would escape otherwise.
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Lane Matchups (by throatslasher)

Note: The following section is written by throatslasher and is from his perspective. These matchup evaluations assume that the Teemo and his lane opponent are both strong players.

Typically, Teemo excels against champions that aren't very powerful without levels and/or items. Teemo can exploit champions that have early game weaknesses. Some matchups get easier as the game progresses, but most lanes become more difficult. It's important when you're against champions with poor early games to press the advantage and abuse them as much as possible. The bigger the lead you forge early, the easier the lane becomes later. When we mention you should prioritize Move Quick or Blinding Dart, that typically doesn't mean you should max it by level 9. A good rule of thumb would be to level the skill three times when you have hit level 5, and then dump as many skill points in Toxic Shot as you can.

Difficulty Legend:

Very Easy - Teemo can win this matchup in his sleep. Your lane opponent should have 0 kill potential on you 1v1. This lane should be easy enough to dominate. Even with jungle ganks, it will still be hard for you to be put behind in this lane. Unbridled aggression is key.

Easy - This matchup is still extremely easy, but they will have SOME kill potential at certain points in the laning phase. You should still win this matchup handily, but if you make some mistakes, it's still loseable. They can typically take advantage of jungle ganks.

Formidable - This matchup is typically a skill matchup. You probably have a range advantage on them, or are stronger in the early phases of the lane, but they can outpace you with levels and farm. These matchups can be won by a skilled Teemo. Knowledge and cautious play will win this lane.

Challenging - Maybe teemo wasn't such a smart pick. You probably won't have much of a chance to kill them or put easy harass on them. Focus on cs'ing, and wait for jungle ganks. This matchup will be won by your jungler or lost by your mistakes. Extreme caution recommended.

Very Difficult - How could you let this happen? Abandon hope, all Teemos that play this matchup. I am assuming you're playing draft, in which case, 1 of 2 things happened. Either you picked Teemo into this matchup, or you picked Teemo before they picked their top, in which case, SHAME ON YOU. Just farm. Read the matchups below to see if how to play it, but to be safe, you should probably just go for cs.

_____ Akali - (Very Easy pre-6, Very Difficult after level 6)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Akali top is not common anymore, but just in case you see one, you should know you completely smash Akali pre-6. Akali has an awful early game. Her only way to fight back is a single Q, which you HEAVILY out damage with Toxic Shot. Beat her to death from levels 1-4 and forge a gold and level lead. Once she hits level 6, you might be boned. It's highly advisable to attempt to push hard and harass her under tower. If you secure some early kills, it's advisable to take her tower so you can join your team as soon as possible (safety in numbers). If your jungler is dedicated to ganking top, you should purchase a pink ward early. When he ganks and she shrouds, drop a pink ward in the shroud to guarantee she can't be sneaky.
(Tips: shrooms reveal stealth champions. carry a pink ward if you're extremely ahead to prevent her from using stealth while dueling.)

_____ Cho'Gath - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Cho'Gath has only one tool against you, and that is his ridiculous sustain. The trick to crushing a chogath in lane is to stay mobile to dodge his Rupture while harassing the **** out of him without pushing the lane. CS as normal, and when he attempts to cs, start auto attacking him while kiting to the brush. You should be able to get 2-4 auto attacks on him at level 1 while ducking into the brush to take minimal to no creep aggro. If you force him to start chugging pots at level 1, you're winning the lane. Rinse, repeat.
(Tips: Try your hardest not to push. Cho can easily cs off tower and completely sustain all the harass you put on him. If you see him Rupture, immediately activate Move Quick to dodge it.)

_____ Darius - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This matchup requires some careful consideration. Your auto attack range is dangerously similar to the range on his Apprehend, so mobility is key. Darius won't typically get Apprehend until level 4, but some players will get it at level 2. You should be able to completely abuse him from levels 1-4, but be wary of jungle presence. If you die to darius early during a gank, it will be extremely difficult for you to recover in lane. If he lands Apprehend on you, immediately blind him, activate Move Quick, and run for the hills.
(Tips: Darius has no mobility and no escapes, you should encourage your jungler to make plays top early and often. Darius falls apart to early jungle pressure. Even forcing his Flash will make him play scared for an extended period of time)

_____ Fiora - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: R>Q>E>W
Early Itemization:

Teemo excels against pure auto attackers. You can easily abuse Fiora and there's not much she can do about it. She has no CC and she will have trouble keeping up with you when you activate your W. With a few early levels in Q, the only damage she can truly dish out to you will come from her Riposte and Blade Waltz.
(Tips: Put two levels in Blinding Dart by level 4 and leave it there. The extra duration on the blind should keep you safe enough. If you start losing for some reason, start dumping more points in Q. If you're worried about jungle ganks, max Q first. When you get jumped by Fiora and her jungler, blind Fiora, and she will deal zero damage during the gank.)

_____ Gangplank - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Gangplank has fallen out of the meta because his kit and damage are extremely underwhelming. He will have to choose between Parrrleying you and using it for cs. He will typically choose to farm with his Q, but in case he does Q spam you, you can easily out damage him with a few auto attacks. Abuse him starting at level 1, making sure to keep brush control to drop creep aggro. If he Qs you in response, he will aggro YOUR minions, taking free damage and pushing the wave in your favor. Build lots of armor and sustain and freefarm. Blinding Dart does not affect Parrrley.
(Tips: When you are all-inning Gangplank, make sure you Ignite him early. If he levels Remove Scurvy, (most smart players will) he can burst heal for 200-350 health, negating your efforts. Ninja Tabi wrecks Gangplank.)

_____ Garen - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is one of Teemo's easiest matchups. Your poison counters his passive, similar to malphite's passive. Abuse him from the brush from level 1 onward. Put a second point in your move quick at level 3. You can even skip blinding dart until later for maximum early harass and safety.
(Tips: When garen runs at you with his Decisive Strike, activate move quick and run away. It's imperative you finish your tier 2 boots at the same time or before garen to stay safe and mobile.

_____ Irelia - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>Q>E>W
Early Itemization:

This is a pretty good lane for teemo. I skip wriggle's against Irelia because I feel getting some quick health is optimal for surviving her true damage. Irelia's early game sucks, so completely abuse her when she tries to cs from level 1-4. If you can shove a couple waves into her tower before level 5, she can't farm off tower very well. Harass her as she tries to cs, but don't take any tower shots. At 5 and after, her mana pool increases and she has a much easier time farming off of tower. When she Bladesurge's on you, blind her. Don't activate move quick until after the stun duration ends.
(Tips: If you're worried about early aggression, put 2 points in blind at level 4, then max toxic shot. It should give you a bigger window to escape unscathed when she combos you. Irelia has no mobility. If your jungler can swing top, it shouldn't be a very difficult gank to pull off, especially if you have her sucking on pots.)

_____ Jarvan IV - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

If Jarvan goes DPS, he might be problematic. His Q poke can be quite devastating with some AD and armor pen behind it. If he opts for tank, you can abuse him early and often from the brush. His only threat is his knockup. Constantly be on guard. Once you see him throw his flag. Immediately activate Move Quick and run. If you are fleeing and he throws his flag along your escape path, bait him to Q to his flag, and immediately reverse direction to avoid the knockup. Then, if you have to, run through him to safety. Be careful of his ultimate. If you get caught in his ultimate, blind him and drop a mushroom to aid in your escape.
(Tips: Warding and shrooming properly will save your life. Jarvan shouldn't be able to kill you 1v1, but he can certainly make you easy prey for his jungler. If you suspect he's going to ult you and it's unavoidable, wait to activate Move Quick until the ring disappears.)

_____ Jax - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>E>Q>W
Early Itemization:

I find this matchup to be fairly easy, thanks to Jax's terrible early game. You should start abusing him from level 1. Once he hits level 3, you can only harass him while hugging the brush. That will give you a window to escape if he tries to Leap Strike you. Once he finishes his Phage, he becomes a threat.
(Tips: Forge an advantage early. When he turns on Counter Strike, retreat, to a bush if possible. If he leaps onto you, blind him. If you are worried about early aggression, which you probably shouldn't be, throw a second point in Blinding Dart early.)

_____ Jayce - (Challenging)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This matchup got easier with the recent nerfs, but not by much. Jayce has lost some of his burst potential, and he's extremely mana hungry now, but he can certainly still outtrade you. I find it's best to concentrate on farming. You should toss some harass his way when he commits to last hits. Jayce's weakness is his lack of sustain and his high mana costs. Fortunately, to burst you down, he has to basically commit, which means if you can forge an early life lead, he won't be able to fight you with dying himself.
(Tips: once he hits level 5, stay away from your caster minions, he may be looking to put some harass on you while picking up some free caster minions. Abuse the brush, but always watch for acceleration gate bombs. If he initiates on you in any way, blind him. It will hinder the passive on his ultimate and reduce his damage greatly.)

_____ Kayle - (Challenging)
Skill Priority: R>Q>E>W
Early Itemization:

I personally have trouble with this matchup. I believe she has equal to greater range than you. I have yet to dominate this matchup, so I'd personally recommend you just farm. Your blind will cause her ranged auto attacks to miss, but she might get off 1 or 2 before the blind takes effect, so don't count on it to save you or win trades.
(Tips: You can harass her when her Righteous Fury goes on cooldown. If she is maxing Reckoning, You need to build early magic resist and Mercury's Treads instead.)

_____ Kennen - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is a decently easy matchup for bruiser Teemo, but a laughably easy lane for AP Teemo. As bruiser Teemo, you should probably concentrate on farming since he can outrange you with a few well placed Thundering Shurikens. You can try to forge an early lead at levels 1-2 by harassing him when he tries to auto attack, but otherwise, try to farm.
(Tips: If he's level 6 and he Lightning Rushes at you out of the blue and you have no vision of the river, you should probably Flash. If you want to switch to AP runes and masteries, you will have a better laning experience, but hey, this is a guide for BRUISER Teemo.)

_____ Kha'Zix - (Very Difficult)
Skill Priority: R>E>Q>W
Early Itemization:

Kha'Zix is a very new champion against whom I don't have much experience. His sustain in lane isn't much to speak of, but he does have a fair amount of damage potential if he catches you alone with his Q. If he tries to duel you with stealth, place a mushroom on top of yourself to deal some damage, reveal him and reduce his mobility. You should ward your top bush to deny him bush control and keep him from proccing his passive. From what I've been told, this is an EXTREMELY difficult matchup. Keep an eye on his movements and ward appropriately so he can't freely roam for kills on your mid or jungler, since Kha'Zix is an excellent ganker.

_____ Lee Sin - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is a pure skill matchup. If you can stay mobile and dodge his Sonic Wave, you can freely abuse him. This is a typical top scenario where whoever kills the other one first will dominate the lane. Ward properly. Your Q counters his passive ( Flurry).
(Tips: When your jungler ganks lee sin, make sure they know not to gank when Lee Sin has a creep wave approaching, or until he's used his safeguard. If Lee Sin maxes his Safeguard / Iron Will, he'll get a huge armor spike when it's active, meaning you should transition into Wit's End quickly.)

_____ Malphite - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is a very easy lane for Teemo if you know how to handle it. You need to abuse brush control to prevent your lane from pushing while punishing him for cs'ing. Malphite's primary source of damage comes from his Seismic Shard. This damage is all magic damage, and it costs him a good chunk of mana to use it. Pick up an early Negatron Cloak and a few Doran's Blades. Be wary at 6.
(Tips: Once Malphite starts to build armor, you should transition your build into Wit's End. If you've been doing well in the lane, you will rip him to pieces when you finish it.)

_____ Nidalee - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is somewhat of an even lane. You certainly outtrade her early, but she has decent sustain. You should focus on cs'ing in this matchup. Go for some early harass when she tries to cs and notice her reaction. If she doesn't fight back, you can continue to poke her in an attempt to drain her mana early. She gets a huge spike in power at level 6. Shroom the top brushes in the lane because that is likely to be her escape path if she wants to abuse her passive.
(Tips: If you hit a Bushwhack, DON'T FIGHT HER. Her traps shred resistances. Also, early game, once she runs out of mana, you need to get hyper aggressive on her (pre-6) and force her to go home. Shove a couple waves into her tower and go home yourself.)

_____ Olaf - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>W>E>Q
Early Itemization:

In this matchup, your success will be determined with how well you can dodge axes. Boots are entirely your choice since Olaf does so much true damage. You can go Ninja Tabi to mitigate some of his axe and auto attack damage or you can go Mercury's Treads to reduce the CC from the axes. Merc treads might be better for mid to late game. I would get 2 early levels of Move Quick just to ensure you have enough speed to stay mobile, but I would still dump a lot of early points into Toxic Shot.

_____ Pantheon - (Very Difficult)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This lane sucks for Teemo. Not only can he outtrade you, he has a gapcloser AND a stun, which sucks. Your only shot for winning this lane is having an aggressive jungle presence. Pantheon falls apart to ganks because of his lack of mobility. Pray your Maokai or Lee Sin feels like pitching a tent top lane, because otherwise, this lane will be hell.
(Tips: When executing a gank on Pantheon, you don't want your jungler to be in between Pantheon and his tower unless his stun is on cooldown. Otherwise, he will use his stun to jump to your jungler and towards safety.)

_____ Renekton - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is, on paper, a great matchup for Teemo. Same deal; hog the bush and abuse him from it. I believe Renekton can be threatening for Teemo if he does a decent job of taking little harass. He's going to have to decide at level 1 whether he wants to cs OR avoid damage. He does have a gapcloser and a stun, so he is still somewhat of a threat. Early armor can help mitigate some of his damage. After the recommended build, you have two choices. You can go for Frozen Mallet. If you get mallet, he can never kill you 1v1, but you probably can't kill him either. If you get wit's end, you get a huge spike in damage, but you can be killed in lane if he gets his hands on you.
(Tips: When he dashes toward you, activate move quick and try to juke into brush while you retreat. If he catches you and a stun is imminent, blind him. As the lane progresses, you should overtake him. Concentrate on cs, early Ninja Tabi is important.)

_____ Rengar - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

I haven't played this matchup yet. I know AP Rengar is dead, and your lane opponent will most likely build AD. When you go to lane, click on him and check his stats. If he has any AP, he's probably building towards AP. If he has a load of AD, he's going AD. If he doesn't have ANY ad or AP, he's either spec'ed for magic pen or armor pen, and you have to see how the lane goes. You need to keep your distance from the top brush to prevent him from jumping to you. When you can afford it, go back and get Ninja Tabi and a few wards and pots. Throw a ward in the river and in the top brush he's been camping to deny him brush control.
(Tips: I don't have any tips other than if he jumps on you, blind him. Shroom the top brush extensively to keep him out of it.)

_____ Riven - (Formidable)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

I believe this is a skill matchup. Your Blinding Dart completely negates her passive, but she is still a gapclosing champion with a stun. She gets her full kit at level 3, so try to abuse her as much as possible before then. If she gets unexpectedly aggressive by 'Q'ing into you, activate move quick and run away. When she turns back to farm, try to turn back as well and get an auto attack (or two) off.
(Tips: Be careful spamming Move Quick. It has a long cooldown and it CAN drain your mana. Armor, health, and sustain are your friends.)

_____ Rumble - (Very Difficult)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This lane is really bad for Teemo. He's melee, but he can farm from a decent range until he's ready to kill you. You can attempt to abuse him very early, but he can probably still secure cs with his Electro-Harpoon. This lane is entirely winnable with a bucket-load of jungle pressure. If you can kill him twice early, you can snowball the lane with Wit's End and Phage. Otherwise, he'll eventually outpace you and become a huge threat.
(Tips: Call for ganks early and often. Stand behind creeps to avoid his E. You can bait him into using it by suddenly charging him. When you see him prepare to fire, immediately duck behind creeps. This will put his E on cooldown, and may make him miss some early cs.)

_____ Shen - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is an easy matchup for Teemo. His Shadow Dash is fairly short range, and easy to predict. You should take advantage of the brush and abuse him when he tries to cs. His only method of sustain is also his only method of harass. You can out trade him, and if you throw a Vampiric Scepter in the build, you will out sustain him. If he uses Stand United to assist a teammate on the map, you need to push the wave and put as much damage on his tower as possible.
(Tips: Always watch his energy. If he's holding back on using his Feint and his Vorpal Blade, he may be saving his energy to set up a jungle gank. Try to keep your distance from him unless he is 50% hp or less. If he's low health, he can't taunt you without dying himself. If he taunts you in this situation, ignite him and continue autoattacking him. If he flashes away with barely any health, Flash after him and secure the kill IF their jungler cannot kill you afterwards. Killing Shen in this situation is NOT worth giving the enemy team kill gold AND assist gold.)

_____ Singed - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is one of Teemo's easiest lanes. Abuse, abuse, abuse. He has no way to fight back. If he attempts to go for a cs at level 1, pop him with several auto attacks. Rinse, repeat. If you see him start to Mega Adhesive, anticipate where it will land, activate Move Quick, and change your direction erratically to dodge it.
(Tips: If he survives the lane and starts farming behind you tower, you can consider picking up an Ionic Spark instead of Wit's End. This will help you push the wave faster, but your overall damage will suffer.)

_____ Trundle - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Not much to say since it's so rare and such an easy matchup. Abuse him, he can't fight back.
(Tips: Just abuse him.)

_____ Tryndamere - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: R>Q>E>W
Early Itemization:

The classic counter lane. Harass when he goes for cs, but be mindful to secure as much cs yourself as possible. He can't hurt you with a few ranks in your blind, but he can CC you for his jungler. If you get ganked, blind Tryndamere and run.
(Tips: Try to anticipate when he's going to use Mocking Shout. If you time it perfectly, you can turn around for a split second when he activates his cc and dodge it completely. This holds true for Casseopeia as well. When he uses Undying Rage, count to 4 slowly before igniting him. His Bloodlust is his main source of sustain and he gets most of his Bloodlust from last hitting minions. If he desperately needs some fury, Q him right before he gets a last hit and start auto attacking him. Either he will retreat defeated, or he will sit there and auto the minion while waiting for the blind to end, all while you pummel him.)

_____ Udyr - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This lane is a push. Once he gets some levels, you can't kill him, and he certainly can't kill you. You should try to bully him early, but you should mostly focus on CS. You don't see many Udyrs top nowadays due to his passive nature. If your jungler is setting up to gank your lane, you should attempt to burn some of his health in preparation for the gank. If he picks up an early ninja tabi, replace wriggle's with a couple of Doran's Blades and postpone mercury's treads so you can get a faster Wit's End.
(Tips: Farm, farm, farm. Try to secure as close to 100% of the cs as you can.)

_____ Vladimir - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Teemo fairs extremely well against Vladimir due to Vlad's piss poor early game. Don't be afraid to trade with him pre-6. Zone him as hard as you can. Shove waves into his tower if he plays passive. Vlad has an extremely hard time farming off of tower before level 7. You should be heavily out cs'ing Vladimir by level 6.
(Tips: Hexdrinker will give you a lot of security from Vlad's ultimate, Hemoplague, as well as a needed bump in magic resist. Vlad can't contribute much when his jungler ganks for him, but you can still get put behind if their jungler has a good amount of cc.)

_____ Volibear - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

This is an easy lane, but I gave it a 5 because his jungler is a huge factor here. You can easily abuse him in lane. When he attempts to fling you, activate Move Quick and run away. If he can't catch you, he can't hurt you. It's quite easy to abuse him while he tries to cs off tower. Be wary of ganks in this lane, he should be calling for help pretty early.
(Tips: Ignite him right when his passive, The Relentless Storm, kicks in.)

_____ Warwick - (Very Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Warwick can't handle your harass. If you abuse brush control, he won't be in range to Q you and he'll be forced to start using his Hungering Strike on minions, slowly draining his mana. You have complete control of this lane until he hits level 6. Once he does, be aware that you will melt if you get caught by Infinite Duress with your pants down. You should, however, be able to forge such a huge lead early that he might even have trouble bursting you down at level 6 with his jungler. It depends highly on whoever his jungler is, though.
(Tips: Come out swinging at level 1 and harass him heavily when he tries to cs. If you can burn all of his potions by level 3, consider the lane won. It should only get tougher for Warwick as the lane goes on.)

_____ Wukong - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Wukong is another auto-attacking gapcloser. He's not particularly dangerous until level 6. Your primary goal here is to secure cs, harass, and push to his tower. It's extremely easy to abuse him as he attempts to cs off of tower, but make sure you don't accidentally take any tower shots. When he is poisoned, if you step in range of the tower, it WILL attack you.
(Tips: Bush control is key here. If you use the bush to your advantage, you can mitigate the attack speed buff on his Nimbus Strike. When you pop out of the brush to harass, he will Nimbus Strike onto you and ready his Crushing Blow. If you immediately duck into the brush, he should be unable to catch up to you to hit you with any auto attacks, draining his mana. Ward often: Wukong's Cyclone can make you easy prey during a jungle gank.)

_____ Xin Zhao - (Easy)
Skill Priority: R>Q>W>E
Early Itemization:

This matchup is very easy for Teemo, but it can be extremely dangerous. Xin Zhao has a gapcloser, which sucks for Teemo. He's an auto attacker, which is great for Teemo. You will win this lane if you are smart and can sniff out a jungle gank. Always harass him from brush. When he starts to get aggressive on you, it's a telltale sign that you're getting ganked. Ward early, and ward often. If you get first blooded early (which is Xin Zhao's specialty) you will probably get blown away for the rest of the lane.
(Tips: Xin can farm off tower pretty well, and he has moderate sustain. You want to zone him from creeps without pushing. Pop out of the bush, abuse him, pop back into brush. Freeze the wave at your tower if you can, and call your MIAs.)

_____ Yorick - (Impossible)
Skill Priority: R>E>W>Q
Early Itemization:

Don't play this matchup. You will lose every trade. You will only have a snowball's chance in hell if your jungler ganks and gives you the first blood gold. If that happens, you want to take his tower ASAP and group with your team. You'll have good dragon control with your Wriggle's Lantern and Yorick sucks at pushing. Return to top lane every once in a while to mop up big creep waves. However, it is way more likely that you will just get completely abused in lane.
(Tips: Tips? The best tip is to not play this matchup.)
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Split-pushing is an important skill for any top laner to know, but it's especially key on Teemo since he's very good at it. Good use of wards and Noxious Traps makes Teemo a very difficult champion to gank, allowing you to split-push quite safely. If you plan to focus on split-pushing in mid game, I suggest picking up an Ionic Spark to help you push waves more quickly.

Split-pushing is an alternative strategy to team fighting in mid and late game. The idea is that you leave your team to a 4v5 and push top lane instead, forcing the enemy team to send someone to stop you while your team stalls them. If your team can avoid a full-on engagement and stall, you can get a lot of farm and lane pressure for free. Sometimes if your team is strong enough (often if you won top lane handedly), they can actually win or at least break even in a 4v5. If this happens, you can get a tower or two at no cost, or even an inhibitor if the game is late enough.

The key to split-pushing is preparation and a measure of game sense. Preparing to split push with Teemo is pretty simple - just buy a couple wards, get an Ionic Spark if you can and place wards and mushrooms between top lane and the enemy team in order to spot and slow down anyone that tries to intercept you while you're pushing. The game sense part is a little more difficult, since split-pushing can be risky if your team isn't up to a 4v5. If your team gets caught and killed while you're busy pushing top, you will not out-push the entire enemy team. Sometimes you need to stick with your team to avoid losing towers or objectives like baron and dragon, so split-pushing isn't an option. The best advice I can give for split-pushing appropriately is to be mindful of your team's goals and how effectively they can stall and resist tower dives. This takes mostly practice, so try to learn from your mistakes and recognize when the risks of split-pushing outweigh the benefits. Don't forget to communicate your intention to split-push to your team so they know to stall the 4v5 if they can help it.
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Team Fights

Teemo doesn't have as much CC or anti-carry potential as most bruisers, but he does have a lot of DPS and can kite pretty effectively. Use Blinding Dart on the enemy AD carry (if you can reach them safely) or on an enemy bruiser that threatens one of your own carries. Use Frozen Mallet to peel enemies off of your carries and kite them with the slow as long as they remain the biggest threat. Don't be afraid to attack tanky champions instead of focusing carries, since bruiser Teemo has a lot of DPS, not burst. You are not the most important member of your team and you should keep that in mind when deciding to go for a vulnerable target or peeling for your team. Don't forget you can place Noxious Traps in team fights to give your carries a place to retreat through as it'll slow down and damage their pursuers.

If your team is victorious, use Frozen Mallet to slow down any fleeing champions for your team to finish off (you can use Move Quick to catch up to them if you have it). Flash in for a last hit if it's appropriate. Your team can then choose to push, dragon, baron, take buffs, or recall to base and shop. Team fights near the enemy tower usually call for a push, while a victory in the jungle may leave dragon or baron unguarded. Keep an eye on the enemy death timers when deciding which objective to pursue, since they increase throughout the game. If it's still relatively early in the game, the enemy team can be back to fight you again in as little as 30 seconds.
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Closing Statements

Thank you for reading this guide to top lane bruiser Teemo brought to you by PsiGuard and throatslasher. I hope some of all of it will prove useful to you. If you appreciated the guide or approve of the build, feel free to hit the Like button up top. Be sure to let us know in the Discussion section if you have any questions, comments or suggestions and one (or both) of us will get back to you. We appreciate criticism, as long as it's constructive.

I look forward to reading your comments, and good luck in your future Teemo games!
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Special Thanks

I'd like to thank the following people who have made significant contributions to my guide and have helped me to both improve the guide and my own understanding of build mechanics.

throatslasher: For his collaboration on the guide and for sharing some of his insights into Teemo (and other LoL-related subjects) with me so we could make this guide the best it could be.

And to all those who made minor contributions to my guide and pointed out mistakes I missed. I really appreciate your help and I'm sorry I can't take the time to thank you all personally.
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Change Log

11/04/12 - Guide published.
11/05/12 - Added Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed to the Runes section.
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