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Annie Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Annie Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Annie Jungle

Updated on November 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 2,957 Views 1 Comments
2,957 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Annie Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on November 21, 2024
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Runes: Zzap Zzap

1 2
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Annie Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Annie, the Dark Child
Burst, Mage, Support, Mid-Laner, Mana, Ranged, Magic
Clearing: Extremely Unhealthy [3:56]
Ganking: Some CC, Bursts Enemies
Speciality: One-Shotting
Why Jungle Annie? Annie isn't a good clearer whatsoever, but her stun allows her to catch some early laners off guard and score an early kill or assist. After her first item, especially if it is Luden's, Annie does a decent job at keeping up in the clearing department and can easily get kills on her own. A lot of her power comes from proper positioning and using your passive on R to catch enemies by surprise by doing your full combo while they can't move.
Pros and Cons


Easy Abilities
Easy CC
Low Cooldowns
Strong All Game
Has A Summon


No Escape
Awful Early Clear
Struggles with Objectives
Requires Good Positioning
Not the Best Teamfighter
Tibbers A.I.

This is a bit of a riskier build as it requires better positioning than the others and puts you in a dangerous situation, but is very rewarding if done right and the most optimal build for Annie Jungle with enough practice. After your first item, clearing speeds up a bit but is still far from graceful - you need to "farm" champions more than anything else which can be difficult if your team is stomping the enemy. Keep an eye on your flash and go for a kill everytime it is up.

Burn is centered around Tibbers and his AOE burn on summon and while he's still alive. He becomes the main powerhouse while you dance around him and let him get in the way of skillshots and stuns. Toss your abilities then E out of range while Tibbers goes to town on the enemy.

This AP build is more of a "safe pick" that trades survivability and mana for burst and killing/clearing power. It's a good starter build for Jungle Annie to get the hang of her kit and learn when to go in versus when not to, but it's not all that optimal if you somehow want to play this on a regular basis.
Skill Order

1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9

3 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13
Molten Shield

2 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
Summon: Tibbers

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
Annie starts level 1 for the low cooldown and second highest damage in level one abilities. Although W does more, it's better to get the more consistent damage with a low cooldown. Level 2 we take E for the shield and "thornmail" type of passive on her E. Level 3 we finish out our first abilities by taking W. Max out Q as it will be your primary damaging ability.
Ability Usage in Jungle
Annie generates a stack of Pyromania whenever she hits an enemy with Disintegrate or uses her other abilities. When she gains four stacks of Pyromania, her next ability will stun all targets hit. Annie gains maximum stacks of Pyromania when the game starts and upon respawning.

In the Jungle, Pyromania can give her enough time to back away from camps and kite them. Though it is her only form of CC and is most easily paired with Q or R to severely damage enemies, if not instantly kill them.

Annie hurls a fireball at the target enemy that deals magic damage. If this fireball kills its target, half of the mana cost for it is refunded.

In the Jungle, as this is Annie's lowest CD ability, it is her primary source of damage and most reliable ability. It's very easy to hit enemies considering it is a wide range point and click.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Annie releases fire in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the cone.

In the Jungle, Incinerate is best used with a full combo or to clear AOE camps like Raptors or Krugs. It should not be used with the stun unless it is necessary to do so to escape or other abilities are not up, as it can be unreliable and a bit awkward to hit on close range enemies.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Molten Shield
Annie grants herself or an ally and Tibbers a shield. This grants Movement Speed that decays after a short moment. While Molten Shield is active, enemies that deal damage to it take magic damage. This can only happen one time per enemy.

In the Jungle, Molten Shield is used to keep Annie alive during her earlier clears, to grant her a boost that makes up for her lack of mobility during ganks, and to help both herself, Tibbers, and a nearby ally escape.

The shield and the damage scale off of Ability Power.
Summon: Tibbers
ACTIVE: Annie summons Tibbers in a burst of flame, dealing a large amount of magic damage to enemies near him. Tibbers then remains on the field as a controllable pet for a period of time.

RECAST: Annie controls Tibbers.

Tibbers deals burning magic damage in a small circle around himself. This scales with Ability Power.
While out of combat for at least 5 seconds Tibbers heals himself every second and gains Movement Speed when moving towards Annie's location.
Tibbers enrages for 3 seconds on summon and when Pyromania stuns an enemy champion. During this time, Tibbers becomes ghosted and his base Attack Speed increases.
If Annie dies while Tibbers is active, he instantly heals himself for 50% of his missing health, becomes enraged for 10 seconds, and will target Annie's killer.

In the Jungle, Tibbers is used for objectives when teammates refuse to help. Though that is typically a rare event - most of the time, he is instead used when Pyromania is active to stun enemies on hit and have them endure the full R-Q-W combo. If this does not work, Tibbers can stay with Annie and help her in the rest of the fight or retreat to tank her jungle clear for her.

Annie cannot solo dragons, and to be honest, she shouldn't try to do any objectives outside of Voidgrub's unless it is a guaranteed free objective. Once mid-late game hits, this changes and she can go in to kill dragons and the like.

Annie benefits the most from Hextech Soul. The slow and extra zap-zap damage is great for Tibbers to chase and kill enemies.
Annie can solo these so long as she has lost chapter and a honeydew plant to eat throughout her clear. It is a slow clear, but with Smite anything is possible.. preferably both charges of it to smite the first and last grub. But it can be done with just one.

By the time Herald spawns, Annie has probably given up a few dragons, so I ignore Herald unless it is stealable. It's a relatively slow clear for her to do by herself.
Annie can't solo baron and she gains more from Elder Drake, as she wants to one shot enemies rather than wave clear.
Annie cannot solo Elder, but she should make it a high priority to get it with her team.


Red Side is not optimal for Annie's first clear due to the high damage from these camps and her extremely heavy mana usage. After her blueside clear, she should go to Raptors, Red Brambleback, Scuttle's, then come back and do Krugs another time. If there is a chance to gank at any point, go for it rather than farm. If Annie should be starting Blue Sentinel to allow for a mana regeneration buff. She is very mana heavy in the early game and single target camps are much easier to kite. She starts Blue Sentinel with a leash, goes to Gromp, then goes to Wolves.
Core Items

Sorcerer's Shoes > MAGIC PENETRATION
Annie doesn't really build magic penetration too often, or at least not early into the game. Sorc's makes up for this for a little while until she can build properly.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity > ABILITY HASTE
A personal preference type of pick, Annie can go Ionian Boots if you prefer to have a sloightly lower CD on your abilities.

EARLY GAME: Annie has perhaps one of the weakest first clears in the game - if you don't get a leash, that is. While she can solo clear (starting from blue buff, always start there) it is most optimal to have teammates give a thorough leash. Even so, she usually can't full clear before scuttle is up, so looking for easy ganks with passive up and going to scuttle early is your best bet.
MID GAME: Annie can hold her own as a Jungler after she buys her first item, especially if it is Luden's Companion. By this point in the game she can't quite one shot, but she can win 1v1's with some of the lower hp characters in the game and walk away with Tibbers to help her with her clear.
LATE GAME: Assuming Annie hasn't completely gone overboard with deaths, she should be able to be ahead of some of the enemy team or be close to catching up with her opponent in the jungle. She likes to look for easy picks in the backline or punish out of place squishies. She is a bit weaker in a teamfight due to her zap-zap burst, so she should dance in and out of range as much as possible as to not get caught out.
Patch Notes
10/23/2024: Guide Created.
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