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There are two sets of runes that I run on Brand. The first one that can be considered as standard for an APC. It gives you an early edge in terms of power and some defensive stats. The second setup, which I’m currently using, seems to fit the current Meta a little better. Overall these runes are meant to adress Brand's main issues early game and ensure a good chance of snowballing into mid and late game.
A deeper look:
For masteries I have two viable sets. You should decide on one of these two based on their team composition. If they have plenty of divers/assassins use the first one, otherwise just go with the second one.
ensure an even easier last hitting and some minor regeneration. Combined with a Doran's Ring it offers decent sustainability. Sorcery is pretty much self-explanatory. Mental Force and Arcane Mastery some useful ap, since you dont have any ap runes. Executioner : well, you execute someone faster. Archmage : More ability power. Arcane Blade : Even more damage with autoattacks, never a bad thing. Devastating Strikes : Some nice magic penetration, and some extra armor penetration with your basic attacks. say goodbye to those who flash away from your stun and get away with 10 hp Havoc : More damage. When was that a bad thing? |
: -3 dmg from basic attacks. Useful early and thats pretty much it. Small miracles late game to escape with 3 hp. Recovery : Somewhat useful during laning phase. Veteran Scars + Juggernaut means extra survivaility early game, and lategame, especially paired with a Rylai's Crystal Scepter & Liandry's Torment. |
This is my go-to Brand mastery setup. Offense page remains the same. I find the mana from Meditation , Alchemist and Culinary Master to be more than lifesavers. The extra 20 hp from the biscuit can mean surviving ganks, ignites & dots. Trust me, you'll love it. Also, Fleet of Foot + the MS quints give an extra 20 ms, without boots. Great for dodging skillshots. The extra range on your trinket allows for safer warding. In my opinion the utility page is all about hidden power. |
Summoner spells help in the utility segment. These have long cooldows, so use them wisely. I personally only make use of the following two spells.
Flash | Ignite |
Flash is mandatory. When things go bad I can just flash away to safety. It can also be used offensive to surprise an enemy with a full combo. A final way to use it, is to dodge an ability like Wind Slash to turn the tables and kill your opponent unexpectedly. Flash works over most walls. |
Ignite is quite useful. It has a range of 600. Securing kills has never been more easy. It also works wonders against healers. Always take it when up against Swain. |
- Barrier: A great summoner against harder enemies. The Barrier offers protection instead of offense. It scales better than Heal but does not offer effective health.
- Heal: Heal is a more team-oriented summoner. In teamfights you can save yourself or an ally with it. It offers effective health but scales worse than Barrier.
- Teleport: Great against hard opponents. You can go to your lane faster, or gank another lane when the enemy overextended. Teleporting to a turret decreases the cooldown by 60 seconds.
Brand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing 2% of their maximum health as magic damage per second for 4 seconds, for a total of 8% maximum health. Monsters take a maximum of 80 damage per second from Blaze (320 total damage). Range: 1500 |
Notes |
This passive is just simply AMAH-ZING! First thing you have to know about it is that it's affected by magic penetration & stacks with Liandry's Torment, doubles Liandry's Torment's damage with rylay's slow and also prolonges Rylai's Crystal Scepter's slow. It's perfect for harassing even tanks. 1st and most important rule. if you can't kill someone instantly with your e q w (r) combo, try to make the most of it, and let it tick two-three times before casting your next spell. this way the targets that wouldnt have died from insta combo, are more likely to die. 2nd, if you are behind, and i mean even wayyy behind, you can still deal tons of damage just by keeping your passive up. 3rd, take care when counting on your passive to finish off your enemies, when they have lifesteal. especially vs adc. they can either escape or even kill you. |
Brand launches a fireball forward that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits. If the target is ablaze, the target is also stunned for 2 seconds. Magic damage: 70/105/140/175/210 (+65% AP) Range: 1050 Cost: 75/80/85/90/95 Mana Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds |
Notes |
This is your stun as long as your target is under the effects of Blaze. You can also use it to harass during lane phase, as your enemy is disengaging and you are safely positioned. Even though it will be level 1, it will apply your passive + if he fights back just w, and run. Half his hitpoints will be gone. Never enter a teamfight, where you can be directly targeted with your Q on cooldown, you will most likely die. With about 35% cooldown reduction and Sear maxed, it is possible to apply the stun without having to use other abilities. The cooldown of Sear will be lower than the duration of the Blaze it applies. |
After a short delay, Brand creates a pillar of flame at a target 250-radius area, dealing 75/120/165/210/255 (+60% Ability Power) magic damage to enemy units within the area. Blaze: Units that are ablaze take an additional 25% damage from Pillar of Flame. Range: 900 Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana Cooldown: 10 seconds |
Notes |
This is your hardest to hit ability with the best scaling, and should almost always be maxed out first. In lane you should use it to harass while farming the range minions. If the enemy is really badly positioned, use w on ranged minions and himself, follow immediately on the nearest minion with an e, the range minions will be cleared and you'll have a clear shot for Sear. Follow with some basic attacks and finish off with r, if possible. If you max this second, and i advise it in some situations, use it on the range minions, and use your e to damage the out of range enemy champion. (He will just assume you are maxing W, and won't fear your E) and then finish off with a Q and some basic attacks. This trick can help you in most of the situations when normally you wouldn't be able to reach the opponent. in teamfights, you should aim your Q at the range carries, if your position allows it without exposing yourself, and then nuke them down. use the reverse combo, to lay waste on their front line, by quin one bruiser, e, to spread your passive, and then w to make the most out of it. and r to finish them off. without front line thier carries will either die like flies or just flee and you can secure your objective. |
Brand blasts target opponent with fire, dealing magic damage. If the target is ablaze, Conflagration will also spread to enemies within 300-range of the target. Magic damage: 60/95/130/165/200 (+50% AP) Root duration: 0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds Range: 625 Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana Cooldown: 12 seconds |
Notes | This is the spell I max out first against high movement speed targets, as it's a click-on ability, you can miss it. I usually get into melee range to use it, one basic attack. One Q while still in clear range, auto-attack, and a W. Follow with auto-attacks and R to finish off as long as it is a clear kill, otherwise just stick to whatever you were doing: farming, securing perimeters, or objectives. |
Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire to a target that will bounce between enemies, dealing magic damage each time it bounces. It will bounce up to four times for a total of five hits, and can hit the same enemy up to three times. If a target is ablaze, Pyroclasm's next bounce will prioritize champions. Magic damage: 180/265/350 (+70% AP) Range: 750 Cost: 100 Mana Cooldown: 105/90/75 seconds |
Notes |
I started playing brand because of this skill. in DotA, lich was one of my mains, and this is her ulti, only fire version. Most important thing, if you see two carries next to each other with no minions around, insta ult and q then follow up with e + w. At least one will die. If there are minions around its extremely important not to use your ultimate unless they are affected by your passive, othwerwise you can just get one tick out of your ulti. If you plan on using your ultimate on an enemy next to a single minion, make sure the minion survives two jumps of your ultimate, otherwise, you'll miss jumps. Also, avoid using it at max range, as long as you rely on multiple jumps on a target to kill it, since it's travel speed it's pretty low, it can be easily dodged. If you are losing a 1v1 with a champion, with this spell you can win a 1v2. Since it's your ability with the highest range you can try, in desperate times, to use it to apply a slow (with your rilay), ONLY if you're absolutely sure the enemy can't Flash, jump, etc, and you can finish him off in one combo. |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
0 | Q | W | E | Q | Q | R | Q | E | Q | E | R | E | E | W | W | R | W | W |
- Pillar of Flame is maxed first. It scales best and is AOE. It's also your main harass ability.
- Conflagration is usually maxed second, as it's a click-on ability and makes farming easier.
- Sear can either be maxed second, for a stun on a lower cooldown ad a bit more damage, or maxed third if you face a nimble opponent / focus on farming.
- Pyroclasm is maxed whenever possible. Which means levels 6,11 and 16. This also means a powerspike, use it in your advantage.
Full build example
Starting Items
You should always start with doran and potions. You have enough ms, not to buy boots if you face a syndra, and the extra health is better. |
First Back
I recommend another doran's ring against burst champions, and when you're a little behind. Get boots as well to get to lane faster, and be able to doge skillshots more easily. A ward for jungle protection. |
I recommend Chalice of Harmony when you're snowballing, or when you're in a farmlane with ranged harass. If you're going for Morellonomicon (facing someone like Swain or an AD opponent) then you should build Forbidden Idol instead. |
Mid game
You need your tier 2 boots for more mobility as you start roaming and magic penetration. In some matchups (against a lot of CC) you can get Mercury's Treads. The Haunting Guise is a good early item and you want to get Liandry's Torment anyway. For mana regeneration, you really need the Chalice of Harmony (or again, Forbidden Idol instead). |
Finishing your Chalice of Harmony early on is a good idea against AP opponents. It offers a nice amount of ability power and 20% CDR. Don't get it if you need the penetration and bulkiness of the Liandry's Torment + Rylai's Crystal Scepter's combo. |
This has become quite the popular item. It's pretty cheap and offers 80 AP. But it's the 20% CDR that makes it priceless. Rush it instead of Athene's Unholy Grail if you don't need the MR. As CDR is quite important you should either have this one or Athene's Unholy Grail. |
If the enemy has a bit of MR and you need extra damage and health, you can go Liandry's Torment and Rylai's Crystal Scepter. The Rylai's slow applied by a spell cast will amp the damage from Liandry's Torment from that same spell cast. Together it works wonders with your passive. Your DoT will be insane. Never fight without blue though if you sold your Chalice of Harmony. You need the CDR and mana regen to be at your full potential. |
See above. Brand has no escape either. If you keep getting caught, this might be a great pick. It offers extra CC which might help you escape in certain situations by permanantly slowing and damaging your attacker. On top of that, 100 AP is not to be sniffed at. You can also swap out Rylai's Crystal Scepter's for Morellonomicon if you went Liandry's Torment if you really want CDR. |
THE mage item. 156 flat ability power, plus a 30% increase of your previous and future ability power. Great item and a must-have. As your fourth item this should be worth the while. |
Builds out of Seeker's Armguard. Try to stack it first before completing the item. Zhonya's Hourglass puts yourself in stasis for 2.5 seconds, rendering yourself untargetable and invulnerable for the duration, but also unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time on a 90 second cooldown. This can be a lifesaver as the enemy is forced to attack someone else, or in a clutch fight where they get finished by your DoTs while you are saved by the stasis. |
If they stack MR or someone on the other team bought a Locket of the Iron Solari, get Void Staff. The 35% Magic Penetration will work wonders. Above that you gain another 70 ability power. |
When you're going to lose lane against an opponent like Fizz, you can get this item. Aim for farm and lategame. |
Another defensive item. Sometimes the abundance of Ability power in the other team forces you to build this one. It's a great item if there's another APC on your team as well. Never get it with Void Staff as it lowers the penetration you would get from the item. |
A great item to prevent your getting caught out. Get it if they have a good engage which can be denied by the item. They will probably look for another victim if they see a Banshees glowing around you. |
Besides the standard items, there's consumables. You can be as powerful as you want, but still lose when there's a lack of them.
Consumables | |||||||
This is the starting trinket and helps in the laning phase. It should not be upgraded at any stage of the game. The ward lasts for 60 seconds and has a 120-second cooldown. This means that you’re vulnerable for exactly one minute when you don’t have any more wards. |
Get the lens when laning phase is over. It can be used to clear wards at primarily Dragon and Baron. When recalling, always use it first. Recalling on an enemy ward on low health might not be the best idea. It can be upgraded to Oracle's Lens when stealth champions are doing good. Always upgrade it when full build. |
Stealth wards grant vision. Vision wins games. This is used to prevent ganks, sneaky barons/dragons & invasions. Always buy at least one when recalling. Taking the warding pressure off of the support is always nice. Maybe he’ll let me transform him when I do. |
This ward lasts until destroyed. It can be used to bait enemies into a trap if they want to destroy it, It spots other wards and you can prevent ganks from stealth champions. Place one in the brushes in the river whenever possible. |
- Health Potion: Health potions heal you up obviously. You gain 150 health over the course of 15 seconds. Staying in lane for a long time is a must when you want to get farmed and these make it possible.
- Mana Potion: Early game, Brand's mana-hungry. There's no arguing about that. Buying a mana potion or two on the first back is a possibility when not receiving the second blue buff.
- Elixir of Sorcery: Grants +40 ability power, 15 bonus mana regen, and "Sorcery" for 3 minutes. Damaging a champion or tower inflicts a bonus 25 true damage. This effect has a 5 second cooldown versus champions but no cooldown versus towers.
- Elixir of Ruin: Grants 250 health, 15% bonus damage to towers and Siege Commander for 3 minutes. Nearby minions gain 15% bonus damage to towers and gain movement speed based on champion's movement speed. Great when you're sieging.
Lastly, there's an option to upgrade boots to tier 3. Always upgrade them when full build. They can be upgraded sooner as well depending on the situation. There are three different viable enchantments.
Enchantments | |||||
The most popular echantment. More of a defensive one. Two possible uses. 1. Allied base is under attack. Healing as fast as possible to get back into the fight is necessary. These boots offer fast regeneration and an amzing speed boost to get back into action. 2. When playing the roaming game, these boots offer a fast regeneration and speed boost to get back to middle lane ASAP. |
The best option when having Flash and Teleport as Summoner Spells. It decreases the cooldown by 20% and grants a movement speed boost of 30% for one and three seconds respectively. Buy it as soon as possible. Preferably right after buying tier 2 boots. |
Because of Brand's rather slow nature, this enchantment helps out amazingly. Kiting is even easier and so is roaming. Overall pretty good. Get these when having the feeling of lacking speed. |
Following advice contains things you'll have to keep in mind while playing Brand to make the most out of him. I cannot hold your hand whil you're playing, but I can give you this advice to make understanding Brand and the game a little easier.
Practice makes perfect!
I can't stress this enough, how important it is to have a better positioning. starting from lane, all the way to teamfights. For instance, if you have warded the left side of your lane, try to stay close to that side. If the right side of the lane isn't warded, and the enemy stays very close to it, yet you don't remember seeing him ward it (this is more than obvious), don't get baited, no matter his hp. There is a 90% chance that the enemy jungler is waiting for you. People are not very subtle when it comes to baiting. Just keep an eye open for obvious mistakes, and don't fall for them. Especially in higher ranks. As for the team fights, you should always be in a safe position. A dead damage dealer, deals no damage. This shall be your mantra. Staying alive, forcing enemies to come to you through your front line, is always better than dying for just one kill. Always keep an eye for your other carry. Saving him, thus forcing enemies to make a more dangerous play for a low health carry, is worth more, than just killing a carry and leave your team to die. |
Making smart use of your passive is something you have to master. There are a lot of interesting combinations to be made and these will be explained below. First, we have to understand what each ability does when the target is already ablaze.
Basic combo- - You can either harass with only Pillar of Flame or do your full combo to hurt your enemy. Mark your target with Blaze by using Conflagration first. When Sear lands (stuns), that means you can't miss your Pillar of Flame. This will deplete your mana, so don't overdo it. Using Conflagration first also means getting closer into the enemy's range. Think before you act. Ideal is to engage when the enemy's abilities are on cooldown. Waveclear- - For when you want to clear a wave as fast as possible. Use Sear to mark a minion with Blaze, Conflagration to spread blaze to the other minions and finalize with Pillar of Flame to kill the entire wave, making use of the 25% damage increase. Chasers- When you're being chased, just throw your Pillar of Flame at the feet of your enemy, followed by Sear. If they want to dodge it, they'll lose ground on you. If they don't dodge it, they're stunned. Should be a free escape, unless they Flash your abilities. Nuke- - - - When the enemy is low enough, you can use this combo to finish him off. To make Pyroclasm bounce when nuking a single target, you ideally want to be next to an enemy minion wave, marking them with Pillar of Flame to make sure your ultimate bounces at least twice to your target. This, however, is not always possible and hopefully one hit of your ultimate is enough. |
Laning phase
The laning phase is one of the most important things in the game. Your either win it, lose it, or make it a farmlane. Zone your enemy from farming minions by using Pillar of Flame when he goes in for a last-hit. You're a lane-bully, live up to that name. If your opponent is missing or he just recalled, push the lane as fast as possible. When your minions are finished off by a turret, that's money and experience they'll never earn. If your opponent is off to gank another lane, spam pings to the lane he's going to gank. Push your lane again and either follow-up on the gank, or keep pushing if the gank will most likely not be successful. |
At level 6 you get a powerspike. If you hit 6 before your opponent, don't hesitate and go all-in. He might be caught off-guard, resulting in a free kill or lane advantage.
Place a ward either in the brush or a bit further if possible. Brand has no escape ability meaning he's prone to getting ganked. Linger around the side you warded at all times to prevent your death.
But wait, I'm not the support you may say... nonetheless, ALWAYS WARD. If you have 100 gold left from buying items, but still got potions, buy a Vision Ward and place it in the river bush. You already did that and the ward is still up? Buy a Stealth Ward and place it at the drake, or the other river bush. |
Helping your team
Always keep an eye on your teammates. Always rush and help your jungler if he is in need of help. But keep focused. If he's alone, getting wrecked by three enemies, just push a lane instead.
When the enepy midlane turret is destroyed, ping for Dragon or go help another lane. If the middle lane remains empty and the enemy jungler is showing in another lane, push for the next turret.
You have to make dicisions that are most beneficial for your team, even if that means making a particular, less-skilled player mad.
Late game
There is one thing above everything else, that I can't stress enough. Don't solo after the 30 minute-mark. Unless you can kill 5 of them together, then you can go solo end game. But that'll not be the case.
Either keep farming if enemy minions are at your side of the map or stay grouped and go for objectives. Taking turrets wins games. Don't be afraid to ping for one if two or more enemies are farming another lane, or some of them just recalled.
After a major fight, if you win it, rush an inhibitor. If no lanes are pushed and you most likely won't be able to reach an inhibitor in time, rush Baron Nashor.
If you just lost a fight and the enemy went for an inhibitor, go for Baron Nashor. The enemy will either have recalled, offering you some time to take it down, or they will be at Baron Nashor themselves, most likely at low health. This means you can turn the game around if you're in time to stop them.
Brand is a terrifying AOE mage. A well-placed ultimate can win games. Do not use it without thinking. You want it to bounce on the squishies as much as possible, while staying at a safe distance. If you're caught and you die before throwing out any spells, your team just lost major damage.
The trick is to hang back until most CC has been blown.
The ideal situation is catching an enemy on his own, turning a teamfight in a 5v4, resulting in a free siege.
But we can theorycraft as much as we want, you can only get better by practicing. And that's entirely up to you to get the right feeling.
Doesn't matter if you're a new player or a veteran to brand, he is an amazing champion to play, very realiable and somehwat considered a safe pick. With some practice he can be your key to quick ascenion through ranks.
If you have any qustions or suggestions, feel free to comment and I'll answer asap.
Thank you notes
- NRS - For the dividers and abilites chapter coding.
- Raitoundoo - For writing this guide.
- Foxy Riven - For spelling fixes, writing of some of the chapters, coding and artwork.
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