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jhoijhoi's review & discussion service

Creator: jhoijhoi June 29, 2011 5:44pm
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 2:39am | Report
lol Searz, Wrath gives people the benefit of the doubt, and gives good advice most times ^^
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 3:04am | Report
Keels' Renekton Guide
Verdict: A very good 3v3, Twisted Treeline Renekton Guide
Possible Improvements: Needs to work a bit on the gameplay aspect, some reformatting, as the all-centred text is a tad irritating.

1) No need to put sight wards in your purchase order ^^

2) Your Ability Sequence is a bit messy

3) Dominus does magic damage, so you may as well put a point into Archaic Knowledge

4) Awareness is vital to hitting level 6 before the enemies.

5) :/ Did you know Steve Irwin died?

6) Your "What's different about this build?" section is a bit too spaced out. Try and write professionally too, as this will come off better than text like "NUMBA ONE!!!"

7) Pros/Cons could use some colour (green for positive, red for negative, ect)

8) Cut down on your Summoner Spells section (don't list useless spells unless you really need to point it out)

9) "and it only costs a meager 75 gold. Since only two items on my build break 2k gold, " - missing text

10) I'm Australian, so this offends me, "Now oim gonna jam my thumb up 'is bu'ole!"

11) As PsiGuard said, those ionian boots should be swapped out for Merc's or Zerk's.
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KoH_pHresh's Forum Avatar
Apr 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 5:27am | Report
thnx :D
imma rework my guide like now :)
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 5:40am | Report
^ be sure to post back here for a re-review! Am always willing to help.
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<Magic Man>
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 5:44am | Report
UUHHHHHHHH, I lengthened my Jax guide a little more...
any suggestions?

For my masteries do you want me to go in depth on each specific "trait"?

<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 6:10am | Report
Blydden's Ezreal Guide
Verdict: Absolutely fantastic Ezreal guide. Extremely in-depth, and very explanatory of every possible aspect of Ez gameplay.
Possible Improvements: Very desperately needs colour, coding and some more aesthetics. Videos of gameplay would be great. A great guide, informative to the max - but very unattractive without colour and wikicodes.

Constructive Criticism:

1) D: Not even one level of Essence Flux at level 3?

2) No Flash?! Double Flash (Flash + Arcane Shift) guarantees safety

3) An early Catalyst of Aeons would be beneficial (perhaps after Vampiric Scepter).

4) Problem with 21/9/0 mastery set up, is that you're not getting the benefits of Awareness which will push you to level 6 faster. Hitting level 6 is vital to a good early game.

5) All your images are broken. PM me and I'll give you access to my photobucket. I've bought Pro, so it may as well be used. All you have to do is +1 my guide :P

6) You may like to list some other Runes that would suit Ezreal.

7) Don't list useless Summoner Spells unless it's necessary to do so.

8) I think you need a dash of colour to your "Skills" section. Also, Essence Flux isn't as useless as you make it sound to be o.O An enemy on low health hiding behind some minions? Boom, Flux Shot.

9) As above. You need some colour in your Item Build section.

10) Some of your items are not situational at all - ie, you'd never get them. Randuins? Thornmail? Frozen Heart? Aegis? Also, lol, you have Zeke's Harbinger twice.

11) o.O Absolutely love your Gameplay sections. So in-depth and very very informative. Just need some serious colour and coding to make it readable and not a huge block of text.

12) In your "How To Counter Your Fellow Middle Lane Champions" section, perhaps you should order the champions by difficulty. Also, the general tips should probably be in a new section, as it's way too long and unwieldy looking.

13) The whole "check your opponent's summoner spells" should be under Summoner Spells section. So you'd have your description of Flash then "If the enemy has Flash" etc etc.

14) Screenshots of the places you can Arcane Shift through would be great.
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♡ sig by Jovy ♡
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 6:22am | Report
Bryun: Quick criticism of the reworked Jax guide (plus a +1 for it!!)

Constructive Criticism:

1) In your "Skills" section, you should make the actual beginning skills stand out. Different colours/size.

2) Same goes for the Runes. And Summoner Spells too.

3) Your Masteries section is so short it may as well be merged into the Summoner Spells section? Just have the yellow heading, and the two lines as dot points?

4) Your gameplay section is still a little lacklustre

5) Again the colouring for the main items to differentiate the item from the description (in your Items section)

6) Tips & Tricks can be merged into the Gameplay section under a large yellow heading for comprehension.
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KoH_pHresh's Forum Avatar
Apr 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 6:35am | Report

Here is my Reworked guide


P.S +1 for taking a look at my guide and giving criticism ;)
orochinagi's Forum Avatar
May 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 6:37am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

Orochinagi's Blitzcrank Guide
Verdict: A comprehensive Blitz guide, that covers the basics.
Possible Improvements: There needs to be more colour/coding throughout the guide to make objects, champions, abilities and spells stand out. Some more colour would be beneficial. Some screenshots (like of the range of Rocket Grab) or videos of gameplay (hooking someone to the tower, fisting and killing them) would be cool to see. A screenshot of the walls Blitz can grab over would be great for new Blitz's.

Thanks for the feedback regarding the videos... will try to get some of those sorted out.


Constructive Criticism:

1) A small thing, but Glyphs of Celerity are better late game, whereas Glyphs of Focus are better early game (will give you more grabbing power). Focus: 5%, Celerity: 8%. It's only a difference of 3%, and you don't achieve the full 8% until level 18.

They are pretty much evened out at lvl 12 and they start giving benefits after level 13. During early game Rocket Grab can be a real mana eater and thus it won't end up being spammed that often. Personally I believe most games will extend past level 12-13 and that's why I picked the Glyphs of Focus over the Glyphs of Celerity.
Besides the reasons mentioned before, it'll also allow you to have the Static Field cooldown under 20 secs.
Even still, i've added alternative runes section and included Glyphs of Celerity.


2) I was going to argue that levelling Power Fist over Overdrive would be better, but I wasn't aware of Rocket Grab's cooldowns. And as generally you're combo-ing the two, it'd make sense to keep it at equal cooldowns.

I believe that leveling Power Fist brings out nothing except a lower cooldown (minor reduction too). I think that Overdrive makes you move around faster and makes it easier enter/escape fights (and change positioning for hooks)


3) If you're going for survivability, I'd chuck in a Banshee's Veil somewhere in that build, or at least an early Catalyst of Aeons, seeing as it'd give you more mana for your abilities, and for Mana Barrier.

After having the core (or at least Tear of the Goddess + Sheen) the mana problems start to disappear. Mana consumption of overdrive and power fist are quite low and easily restored. The build isn't exactly cheap to fit in the early catalyst.
Regarding the Banshee's Veil... I leave that choice open for the final 2 slots as described in the item section. I don't feel it's "a must" but it surely is a helpful item if they have lots of magic damage.


4) Mastery Tree set up is fine, just wondering why you put a point in buffs when they should be going to the natural casters/dps on the team.

The utility tree doesn't really have anything that would benefit Blitzcrank that much. Increasing mana pool is pointless since it only effects the base mana which is low. Adding more points to increase the hp/mana regen by 1% is not significative.
Even tho you shouldn't be going for the buffs, you'll most likely end up getting some at a point of the game (after a kill, stealing enemy jungle buffs, etc). So if you do get the buff, it'll last longer and be a good way to sustain your shield.


5) Throughout your guide you should be using more of the wikicoding. ie: Rocket Grab, Overdrive. You need to add the coding so that all the text is broken up by the images.

On the first version of the guide I had used icon tags. Afterwards i've updated to use the flat brackets tags but it seems i've missed a few of them.


6) "Ghost. Seriously? You've got Overdrive and you got speed boots. Why would you need to run even faster?" Merc's are not speedy boots ^^

Fixed. Changed text to:
- Ghost. Seriously? You've got Overdrive and you got the boots (rank 2 speed). Why would you need to run even faster? Wouldn't it be better to flash or cleanse? And if you think this isn't enough speed... something is wrong.


7) In your "Skill Sequence" section, you need some colour and distinction between LoL's description of the ability, and your own explanation. This can be achieved in many ways, and I'm sure you'll find a set-up that will suit you.

Was using only list tags on the official description of skills. Added up green color to my comments.


8) I just quickly scrolled through your guide and noticed you didn't add any large wikicoding anywhere.
[icon=blitzcrank size=50]

will yield

You can play around with the sizes to see what you like best. Generally I go 30 for icons of small explanations ( Exhaust), 40 for important explanations ( Last Whisper) and 50-60 for titles/showing abilities/summoners to head a section.

Currently doing a revamp to the Runes/Masteries/Summoner Spells. Splitting them to individual sections and using Searz's template :)


9) Coding error: "get theicon=Boots of Speed. Blitz is slow"


Thanks for reading and for the feedback. +rep :)
7. Shouting Demacia, either irl or in /all, has been known to improve your game play.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 7, 2011 6:40am | Report
SSgtHugin's Jungle Ezreal Guide
Verdict: A very interesting guide for a very interesting concept. Written well, and informative in the places it needs to be
Possible Improvements: Some organisational issues (needs to format sections to look neater, move some sections around). Pretty much everything about Ez in the jungle is covered in this guide ^^

Constructive Criticism:

1) No need to list Long Sword + Health Potion in your purchase order. It should be pretty obvious to the reader :)

2) That's a very expensive build... :/

3) No, you shouldn't ever get Last Whisper and Black Cleaver together ^^

4) Probably should remove Sword of the Occult from your item list.

5) In your "Core Items" section, it'd be neater if those items were next to each other and centred. Speaking of aesthetics, look up Searz's guide formatting and use columns to neaten up your situational items section.

6) Your summoner spells section should be at the top of the guide, not at the bottom. Also, the icons are way too large. It just looks messy. Additionally don't list the spells that you don't need to list, unless essential to list.

7) "Leash", not "leach" :P

8) A good jungling Ez guide! :3
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