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League of Legends Forum: New Player Help

New to the game? Ask questions here! Players can also stop by to offer advice and mentoring.
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Topics Recent Activity Views Posts
Sejuani Thoughts? by FunkMan » Mar 10 @ 01:08pm So I've never ever played... FunkMan Mar 10 @ 01:08pm 19,469 5
How to Jungle by Papayalord » Mar 28 @ 02:37pm Well... have been playing lol... Papayalord Mar 28 @ 02:37pm 20,945 5
throw me a bone? by MacktheTruck » Mar 28 @ 07:18am ok well i recently started... MacktheTruck Mar 28 @ 07:18am 1,110 5
Which champions to buy first? by Scandaliche » Feb 26 @ 01:43am 1 2 Hello everyone, which... Scandaliche Feb 26 @ 01:43am 22,754 12
Problems mid-late game, HELP! by Jozzlin » Mar 21 @ 09:54pm Hello again! I seem to be... Jozzlin Mar 21 @ 09:54pm 899 4
Solo-top, in need of a mentor! by Sosa » Mar 26 @ 08:00am Hello, I'm a pretty decent... Sosa Mar 26 @ 08:00am 822 2
Need help with MORD. by f174NZA » Mar 15 @ 02:41am So i've begun to play someone... f174NZA Mar 15 @ 02:41am 1,118 7
Mentor for a level 13 by DTStudios » Mar 27 @ 06:09am Basically i need someone that... DTStudios Mar 27 @ 06:09am 834 2
Melee DPS.... by theshogunlol » Mar 24 @ 11:35pm Hi, I am debating between... theshogunlol Mar 24 @ 11:35pm 19,586 5
Critiquing my gameplay? by FunkMan » Mar 13 @ 07:26pm Hey guys, So I've played a... FunkMan Mar 13 @ 07:26pm 737 3
Gragas any good? by ShenMasterFlash » Mar 12 @ 09:40am Hey guys, Just curious about... ShenMasterFlash Mar 12 @ 09:40am 19,942 5
League of Legends - Help Center by Nemo » Mar 14 @ 11:08am HELP CENTER... Nemo Mar 14 @ 11:08am 20,444 4
learning a tank by Derk_TheJerk » Mar 23 @ 03:03pm I am good at playing Katarina,... Derk_TheJerk Mar 23 @ 03:03pm 1,397 5
new to game by sirvenomik » Mar 19 @ 05:37pm new to game was looking to get... sirvenomik Mar 19 @ 05:37pm 820 2
Need a Tank mentor by AlphaMF » Mar 6 @ 09:55pm Okay I really like playing tanks... AlphaMF Mar 6 @ 09:55pm 1,407 5
I need a Yorick Mentor by AlphaMF » Mar 21 @ 08:43pm title says it all. IGN AlphaMF AlphaMF Mar 21 @ 08:43pm 709 1
HOW TO COUNTER FIORA??? by f174NZA » Mar 8 @ 12:56pm 1 2 I play WW as my main, I can take... f174NZA Mar 8 @ 12:56pm 7,650 11
Riven Help Nao Q_Q by Clannad462 » Mar 16 @ 10:02pm I've been reading guilds and... Clannad462 Mar 16 @ 10:02pm 1,417 6
AD vs AP Ezreal by LOLsKenJennings » Jan 28 @ 01:30pm 1 2 Hey guys, just been playing a... LOLsKenJennings Jan 28 @ 01:30pm 24,504 15
Jungle Nunu or Lane Nunu? by LockCORE » Mar 14 @ 10:15pm Hey there everyone. Just as the... LockCORE Mar 14 @ 10:15pm 29,418 3
Best Counter Junglers? by JPBucketz » Feb 24 @ 10:45am So, I'm playing at low ELO,... JPBucketz Feb 24 @ 10:45am 23,022 9
J4 or Trundle? by Aeacus11 » Mar 12 @ 06:48pm Been seeing an increase in... Aeacus11 Mar 12 @ 06:48pm 20,677 7
Bot games IP gain limitation by arukomp » Mar 1 @ 01:22pm 1 2 Hello. I noticed I can only play... arukomp Mar 1 @ 01:22pm 22,194 16
Sion vs Dr.Mundo by ChaosPT » Mar 13 @ 05:33pm So in a solo top who would have... ChaosPT Mar 13 @ 05:33pm 24,221 2
Need help using Ahri by q475814444 » Mar 13 @ 11:51am I just started playing. can... q475814444 Mar 13 @ 11:51am 1,347 2
AP Warwick by ChaosPT » Mar 9 @ 12:16pm viable? couldnt find a build... ChaosPT Mar 9 @ 12:16pm 20,025 6
Tank help by AlphaMF » Mar 4 @ 11:24pm Okay I really like Tanks but I... AlphaMF Mar 4 @ 11:24pm 19,415 4
Jarvan Tips? by FunkMan » Mar 6 @ 04:45pm Welp, I'm hooked. I've spent all... FunkMan Mar 6 @ 04:45pm 19,344 4
How can he do that? by BoredomIsFun » Mar 8 @ 12:23am How can he simply cover that... BoredomIsFun Mar 8 @ 12:23am 19,419 4

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