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Lillia Build Guide by Asternova

Jungle [12.18] "Your soul is blooming!" A Lillia Guide⭐

Jungle [12.18] "Your soul is blooming!" A Lillia Guide⭐

Updated on March 31, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Asternova Build Guide By Asternova 474 15 775,516 Views 39 Comments
474 15 775,516 Views 39 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Asternova Lillia Build Guide By Asternova Updated on March 31, 2023
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1 2 3
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Greetings, people! Welcome to my Lillia guide. I'm Aster, and today i'll try to help you learn more about Lillia, "The Bashful Bloom" and League of Legends!

Lillia is a skirmisher jungler with the ability of clearing camps with ease, and swiftly prance around the map with her fast movement speed. Her strengths are increased as the game goes on, mid-late game she becomes uncatchable and is able to burn enemies down while running around them, or turn fights to her team's favor with her amazing ultimate ability.
This guide was made by my point of view, so if you feel like i missed something or you have a different opinion on anything that you'd like to share, feel free to leave a comment in the discussion tab and i'll try to answer you as quickly as possible!

Short Biography:
"Intensely shy, the fae fawn Lillia skittishly wanders Ionia’s forests. Hiding just out of sight of mortals—whose mysterious natures have long captivated, but intimidated, her—Lillia hopes to discover why their dreams no longer reach the ancient Dreaming Tree. She now travels Ionia with a magical branch in hand, in an effort to find people’s unrealized dreams. Only then can Lillia herself bloom and help others untangle their fears to find the sparkle within. Eep!"
Color Story & Champion Theme:

+ Rewarding to play
+ High damage & good against tanks
+ Good kiting
+ Scales incredibly well
+ Powerful ultimate
+ Great clear speed
+ Built-in sustain
+ REALLY fast
+ Great teamfighter
Lillia is a character with amazing potential, she has both burst and DPS, and she's really strong against tanks/bulky targets because of her true damage & max health damage. She is extremely fast thanks to her Q passive, and has a powerful ultimate. Even though her early game is weak compared to most junglers, once you get to levels 6-9 your ganking and dueling potential are huge thanks to Lilting Lullaby, and putting levels into Q. As the game goes on Lillia's clear speed and amazing scalings more than make up for your early game if you manage powerfarm your way into mid-late game. On teamfights, your job is to prance in and out of them with your fast Q passive movement speed, damaging, harassing enemies, healing yourself in the process, and applying your passive on key targets so you can put them to sleep with your ultimate, and deliver a devastating blow with W.
- Tricky to master
- Squishy
- Weak to crowd control
- Bad early game
- Sleep that can be easily canceled
- Underwhelming ganks pre-6
- Only defensive ability is countered by Grievous Wounds
- Slow without AP items
- Counterpicks and counter items
While her kit is easy to understand on paper, Lillia has a lot of room for skill expression, her kiting gameplay might be a bit hard for some players to perform initially. Her early game is very weak since both her Q cooldown and mana cost are high, her bonus movement speed is not much, and her passive healing isn't great without AP eiher, meaning she's bad at 1v1s and vulnerable to invades. She has no hard CC without her ultimate at level 6, so her best early ganking tool is her E's slow, which on itself is already hard to land on smart opponents. On mid-late game teamfights, she's really fast, but her only defensive ability is a healing, she's still squishy, and a single crowd control ability is all it takes to pin down and eliminate Lillia. And even though her ultimate is strong, it has a lot of counters by being a sleep, and sometimes one of your allies might wake up an asleep enemy early, causing both of you to lose the kill.
Dark Harvest is the best keystone for Lillia, it matches her playstyle perfectly, it's easy to stack since she has DoT, and it scales really well, no reason to use any other Domination keystone instead of this one. Predator used to be a good alternative for early ganks, but after it's nerfs, it's not worth to use when it doesn't scale well. Electrocute also suffers from a similar problem, it's purpose is almost identical to Dark Harvest, but it's an early-mid game keystone, which Lillia doesn't take much advantage of. And lastly, Hail of Blades, which is unusable because Lillia is not an auto attack champion, so don't make your life a thousand times more difficult by playing her like one!
The best option here is definitely Cheap Shot, it procs on both E, R, and Chilling Smite, adding a nice amount of extra true damage to the mix. Taste of Blood isn't bad, but unnecessary since you already have the sustain from passive . Sudden Impact is also unnecessary because it only procs with W, and that ability isn't spammable enough to make use of this rune.
As a jungler, you want to switch to Oracle Lens in one of your first backs, so Ghost Poro is useless here. You can use Zombie Ward if that's your preference, but Eyeball Collection is "easier" to stack, so i would recommend going with that instead.
Ultimate Hunter is the best option here now that Ravenous was removed, having your ult up more frequently is invaluable for your skirmishes. Treasure Hunter feels very niche as a rune and doesn't match Lillia's playstyle, so i don't recommend using it. I can only see Ingenious Hunter being viable with niche strategies like Moonstone Lillia. Relentless Hunter should be Lillia's best option here since it gives her even more MV speed, right? Well... it's only out of combat MV speed, so it's not worth it.
Your best choice for a secondary rune set is by far Sorcery to boost your movement speed. Always go with Celerity and Waterwalking, the former works with your Q passive and increases your movement speed overall, while the latter gives you that extra AP on river and even more speed so you can skip between lanes faster. Nimbus Cloak used to be a viable option, but there's no reason to use it now that it got nerfed over and over and over and over again.
The attack speed excels to kite monsters at early levels, specially at level 1 when Lillia's Q cooldown is 6 seconds, but double adaptive is also viable here, choose it depending on your personal preference. Go with a MR or armor point depending on the enemy composition.
Conqueror is a great alternative to when you find yourself playing against teams full of tanks or bulky opponents, it's also incredibly easy to stack as Lillia thanks to her dream laden boughpassive. Resolve is the best secondary tree for the survivabilty points with Conditioning and Unflinching, but reminder that you can switch the latter for Overgrowth if you're not against enough CC to warrant using it, or Revitalize if you want to focus on healing (great if your team has an enchanter too).
Even though you'll lose damage with this, Phase Rush is still a top tier choice if you're looking for a defensive rune set. Great option to kite melee champions, threats that are hard to get away from, counterpicks, or against characters with slows (Examples of matchups you should use this rune are Olaf, Nasus, assassins, bruisers, etc..).

As expected, Smite is obligatory, it's impossible to play jungle without it. The real question is which one to use Chilling Smite or Challenging Smite? Chilling Smite is often the most popular option because the slow helps so you can be even more slippery, while also helping you reach long ranged enemies.

Challenging Smite is great against bruisers, tanks, and targets where the extra true damage and dueling potential will be better than Chilling Smite's mobility power.

Even though Lillia is a mobile champion, her only form of mobility is a movement speed buff, that's where Flash comes in. This spell is a must for a reason, it's high versatily. Wheter you want to chase an enemy, use it for a combo, escape, dodge an ability, etc... Flash has got you covered. Always bring this spell.
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| P ||
Lillia's abilities apply Dream Dust against enemies hit, which deals 6% (+ 1.2% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health total magic damage over 3 seconds, capped at 50 − 150 (based on level) damage against monsters.

Lillia heals for 24 − 75 (based on level) (+ 5,4% AP) against large monsters and 11 − 125 (based on level) (+ 18% AP) against champions over the duration of Dream Dust, reduced to 33% effectiveness for each target beyond the first. She may only heal against 1 monster at a time.
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| Q || Radius: 225 (Inner) /485 (Outer) | Cooldown: 6 / 5.5 / 5 / 4.5 / 4 | Cost: 65 Mana |
PASSIVE: Lillia gains a Prance stack for 6.5 seconds whenever she hits at least 1 enemy with her abilities, stacking up to 4 times, with the duration refreshing from subsequent ability hits. Stacks are lost by one every 1.5 seconds when the duration ends. Each stack grants Lillia 3% − 7% (based on level) (+ 3% per 100 AP) bonus movement speed.

ACTIVE: Lillia swings her censer around her, dealing 35 - 95 (based on level) (+ 40% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies. Enemies hit within the outer edge of the area additionally take the same amount as bonus true damage.
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| W || Dash Range: 350 | Effect Radius: 65 (Center) /250 (Outer Radius) | Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 | Cost: 50 Mana |
Lillia dashes, though not through terrain, and deals 80 -160 (based on level) (+ 35% AP) magic damage in an area around the target spot. Enemies hit within the center are dealt 200% increased damage.

Watch Out! Eep! deals 50% damage minions.
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| E || Lob Range: 700 | Roll Range: Global | Cooldown: 16 | Cost: 70 Mana |
Lillia lobs a seed at the target area that rolls forward indefinitely. The seed detonates upon colliding with an enemy or terrain upon landing or while rolling, dealing 70 - 170 (based on level) (+ 45% AP) magic damage to enemies in a cone, slowing them by 40% for 3 seconds and revealing them for 2 seconds.
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| R || Range: Global | Cooldown: 150 / 130 / 110 | Sleep Duration: 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 | Cost: 50 Mana |
Lillia casts a magical lullaby over all enemy champions affected by Dream Dust, which renders them drowsy for a 1.5 seconds, slowing them by 10%. After the duration, they fall asleep for a 2 / 2.25 /2.5 (based on level) seconds.

The next instance damage taken by the sleeping targets wakes them up and deals an 100 - 200 (based on level) (+ 40% AP) additional magic damage.
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Your jungle starter item, you will always purchase either this, or Emberknife depending on the match. Purchase this item if you want to updrage your Smite into Chilling Smite after using the spell 5 times.
Your dueling option, go for this instead of Hailblade if you want to upgrade your smite into Challenging Smite.
Refillable Potion
Also mandatory, this item will make sure to keep you topped up in the jungle if your HP while clearing or after fighting!
Stealth Ward
Vision is key, make sure to place your first wards in spots where you will make the most out of them.
The upgraded version of these boots that you choose should be your main goal at your first back, Lillia absolutely needs the extra movement speed early game.
Lost Chapter
Lost Chapter (or at least some of it's components) is your main goal after you've built your boots if you're going to build Liandry's or Luden's. Really well rounded item, mana to make sure you won't run out of it, AH to lower your cooldowns, and 40 AP to get you started.
Leeching Leer
Opposite to Lost Chapter, you should build Leeching Leer if you're going to purchase Riftmaker. Good dueling item thanks to the omnivamp and the HP, the main downside however is that it doesn't grant you mana, you have to be careful with that fact.
Dark Seal
Great item for snowballing, grab this if you have some extra gold or a lead. You can even upgrade it into Mejai's Soulstealer if you have a good amount of stacks.
Control Ward
Control wards are essential every game, try to get at least one every time you can. The ability of denying vision to your enemy and granting it to yourself is ectremely powerful.
Oracle Lens
Always switch your trinket to Oracle on your first back. As a jungler, you will be roaming around the map for most of the game, this trinket will allow you to remove vision while doing this, take out as many wards as you can!
Liandry's Anguish
The standard option. Know that you can never go wrong with Liandry's, the burn damage is awesome combined with Lillia's passive, and the stats are amazing as well, besides AP and 600 mana, it also grants a lot of AH to make sure you can keep spamming your spells. Liandry's can be used on every scenario, but it excels against tanks and targets that build a lot of HP.
Luden's Tempest
Even though Liandry's can be used on a lot of situations, you have other mythic options that are better depending on the match. Luden's Tempest as an example is amazing against squishy targets, the burst it offers is lethal against them, while also granting magic pen and extra movement speed for you. Make sure to purchase this item against compostitions made of around 4-5 squishy champions.
What Riftmaker lacks in clear speed and mana, it makes up for it with damage potential and sustain that are essential for extended fights. Get this item with Conqueror when you're against tanky comps. Even though this item is very strong, you have to be concious about your mana with it since it grants none. Staying in the jungle to regen your mana because of your jungle item, clearing your Blue Buff and Gromp (and eating some Honeyfruits around the map) will help you ease this problem.
Demonic Embrace
Demonic Embrace is a core item for a reason, it has great stats, a passive to make sure that you'll get rewarded with more damage by building tanky items, and of course, it gives you the infamous 7 seconds burn damage when paired with Liandry's. Build this as a standard item, or at 2nd or 3rd if you're against really tanky compositions.
Cosmic Drive
Cosmic Drive is all you could ask for in an item. It gives you a LOT of AP, AH, HP, and even movement speed to make you even faster! Plus, it has a Phase Rush like passive that gives you 40 AP for free. Build this as a standard item, or 2nd/3rd if you want to extend a lead and you're not against a super tanky coms.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
These boots are extremely strong right now, you get a lot of AH and even summoner spell AH o lower your Flash cooldown for a low price, allowing you to save more gold to spend on other items! Purchase this as a general option.
Mercury's Treads
A great option for fighters, get these boots if the enemy team has a lot of CC or magic damage.
Plated Steelcaps
Similar to Mercury's, but if the enemy team has a lot of physical damage instead. Great against ADCs, bruisers, and assassins.
Sorcerer's Shoes
Good against fragile targets because of the magic penetration. Go for this if you're against a squishy composition or if you're ahead just want to snowball.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Almost a core item, Zhonya's is a must on almost every AP champion's build for a reason, specially when assassins are meta. This item is perfect on Lillia because she can use it after ulting when enemies are drowsy so she can stay safe until they fall asleep, or just for more survivability in general. You will find yourself building this almost every game, go for it if the enemy team has a lot of AD threats, assassins, or burst in general.
Banshee's Veil
Zhonya's counterpart, get Banshee's Veil if the enemy team has a lot of dangerous AP champions. Generally they have CC abilities that can get easily get you killed, the spellshield should help with that.
Morello has some pretty decent stats for Lillia, and she spreads the effect very well thanks to her AoE abilities (mainly her Q). Get this item if the enemy team has a lot of champions that rely on healing.
Mejai's Soulstealer
Mejai's stats are PERFECT for Lillia, you get HP, bonus movement speed, and a HUGE amount of AP. This item is amazing for snowballing, upgrade your Dark Seal into this if you managed to get a lot of stacks and you want to snowball the game.
Void Staff
Your damage option against enemies building MR or full squishy compositions. The main problem with Void Staff is that it doesn't grant you any form of resistance or bulkiness, dodging enemy abilities and engaging at the right time is even more important with this item.
Shadowflame on the other hand is an alternative option to Void Staff. It doesn't give nearly as much magic pen, but it's essential if you're against enemies with a lot of shields, like Lulu, Sett, or bruisers with Sterak's Gage.
Rabadon's Deathcap
The item of absolute destruction, this item is crazy on Lillia because of her high scalings. It's quite costy, but effective, go with this item if you're fed or as a late game purchase to boost all of your abilities.
Dead Man's Plate
It doesn't grant any form of AP to help you scale, but the tankiness and the extra movement speed that this item gives shouldn't be underestimated. This is your go to option against full AD comps or if your team doesn't have any tanks and you're the most likely to get focused.
Frozen Heart
Reminder to only use this item when going with the Riftmaker Conqueror build. It'll grant you the mana that build lacks, but the main selling point is the armor, pick this item up if you need the survivability!
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Good item for kiting enemies because of the slow, also good for AP fighters thanks to the HP it gives. Unfortunately, it's not a core item for Lillia anymore like it used to be on S10 because it's outclassed by Demonic Embrace and Cosmic Drive as an AP bruiser item, and the necessity that AP characters have for survival items like Zhonya's Hourglass or anti-healing effects like Morellonomicon right now.
Spirit Visage
Only go for this item if the enemy team is completely made of AP champions. The increased healing effect pairs well with Lillia's passive, or if your team has a healer in it too.
Moonstone Renewer
It's not a meta item on Lillia anymore, but it's still a fun mythic to use on off meta strategies like healer Lillia or support Lillia, make sure to get a Staff of Flowing Water with it too if you're going with this (DON'T TRY IT ON RANKED).
Staff of Flowing Water
Like mentioned above, Staff is a good item to pair with the Moonstone off meta build, it grants AP and AH buffs for your teammates and yourself!
Elixir of Sorcery
Don't forget to get an elixir if your build is full or if the game is about to be decided in a fight and you don't have enough money to buy another item!
The jungle is the most unique role in League due to it's PvE aspect rather than the PvP aspect of every other lane. It might be tricky for begginers, but we'll go step by step on how to master it's basic concepts, starting by how to clear your camps:
Kiting is a core technique to kill monsters, it's when you walk up to an enemy attack them, and retreat to get out of their attack range to avoid damage, heal, and to have both your cooldowns and auto attack timer up again so you'll take as little damage as possible from them while still dishing out yours. Kiting takes practice, but it's essential to have a healthy clear and duel enemy champions.
The monsters are the source of jungle's uniqueness, your job is to farm those camps, clearing them one by one through kiting and abusing their patience level. Now, let's see some brief explanations on how those monsters work and how to clear them effectively:
One of the 2 main large monsters. Red buff is essential, it grants a passive healing when you're out of combat and enhances your auto attacks with extra true damage and slows. You should aim to clear it as early as possible since the red side jungle offers a healthy clear to Lillia. It's not an easy monster to kite early on, but you should use Smite on it to make your life easier. It spawns at 1:30 and respawns 5 minutes after being cleared.
Krugs are a very bulky multi-monster camp, that comes with it's ups and downs. They spread into smaller versions of themselves, use Smite on the larger and medium Krugs since they take ages to kill, and keep dragging the smaller ones to the direction where you're going so you can Q one-shot them and keep your movement speed buff for as long as you can. They spawn at 1:42 and respawn 2:15 minutes after being cleared.
Raptors are by far the easiest camp to clear as Lillia, they spawn at 1:30 and respawn 2:15 minutes after being cleared. They're ranged, but your AoE damage will outheal them and quickly kill them. After starting the camp, try to run behind the larger Raptor to drag all the smaller ones to your position so you can use W and get the 200% damage off on as much raptors as possible.
The other main large monster. Spawns at 1:30 and respawns 5 minutes after being cleared. Blue's mana regen and AH is amazing for AP junglers, and Lillia is no exception. Clear it as early as possible too, it's a really slow camp, extremely easy to kite with Qs and AAs, but you can Smite it. Another important tip to reduce your clear speed if you're at level 3 or above is to farm both Blue buff and Gromp at the same time, you can pull both of them into a sweet spot in between their camps and clear them there(i showcased how to do it in this video right here), it takes some practice, but it's a really important trick.
Gromp is one of the hardest camps to clear, it takes a long time to do it and it's not easy to kite since it's ranged, but it's attack speed is reduced with time and you'll get HP and mana restored after clearing it. Definitely Smite it if possible. Spawns at 1:42 and respawns 2:15 minutes after being cleared.
The wolves spawn at 1:30 and respawn 2:15 minutes after being cleared. Similar to Raptors, you can pull the wolves together and use W center to hit all 3 of them. Not much to say about this camp, easy to clear with your AoE, Smite isn't needed.
Scuttle is a passive monster that spawns at 3:15 and respawns 2:30 minutes after both crabs are cleared. Easy to kill, but there's a chance that the enemy jungler might want fight you for it. The monster doesn't give much value early game anyways, so it isn't worth the hassle of fighting for it like it used to be, if you feel like it's safer to skip it, do it.
Small tip: if you think that no one will try to steal your Scuttle or if you need to clear it as fast as possible, you can use Smite to remove the shield instantly. This is really useful for junglers like Lillia that have no CC to use on monsters.
The Blast Cone is a plant the knocks away all units in it's radius, useful for champions that can't go through walls normally. The inner cone first spawns around 1:20 minutes and respawns between 5 and 7 minutes after. The outer cone spawns around 5:10 and respawns around 5 and 6 minutes after.
The Honeyfruit is a plant that drops 5 fruits that can heal you and restore your mana, but it slows you for a bit, good to use if you need to restore HP quickly, but can't afford to go to base yet. The first one spawns around 6 minutes and respawns between 5 and 7 minutes after.
The Scryer's Bloom is a plant that reveals all enemies in an area when destroyed. Use it to get a quick glance of areas where you normally wouldn't be able to see (a location warded with a Control Ward as an example), or areas that are way too dangerous to walk into to get vision. The first one spawns between 3 and 3:30 minutes and respawns between 5 and 6.5 minutes after it's use.
Ganking is the act of flanking an enemy laner, it's one of the core parts of playing jungle, here are a some things to take into consideration before trying to perform one:

Who has the most resources. This is really important, you don't want to gank a a lane where a fed enemy is sitting with HP, Summoner Spells, and level advantage because of the possibility of you dying to them alongside your laner. On the opposite side, ganking a lane that has wasted spells like Flash, important cooldowns like their ult, or is low in HP might be a way better shot.

Will the enemy jungler be here to countergank? And if the answer is yes, ask yourself if you can win a 2v2 situation before engaging or if it's better to just leave. Also, always try to countergank to help your laner if you see the enemy jungler approaching them.

If they have vision in your location. It's easier to gank enemies when they don't have vision on you, so make sure to use Oracle and Control Wards to make your job easier.

The enemy's positioning. Catching overextended champions is what you should be aiming to do most of the time, it's infinitely easier to secure a kill on them when they're far from their own tower, here's a graph showcasing this in a scenario where your team spawned on the blue side of the map:
Champions positioned in areas 1 and 2 are ganks you can easily do by approaching from the river or tribush. Area 3 is way harder, but doable if your ally has CC, or if the enemy is low with no resources left. Area 4 is a tower dive, they're very dangerous, so only go for those if you're ABSOLUTELY sure that you can get the kill.

You can also hide in one of the bushes inside the lane when the enemy doesn't have vision on it to surprise gank them, just ping your ally laner to bait them into fighting before jumping in.
To start things off, know that ganks aren't one of Lillia's main strenghts at all. Your objective in the early game is to farm your way into a good mid-late game, but that doesn't mean that early ganks aren't doable. Lillia has no hard CC pre-6, so the best scenario to pull off a gank is to not force them and only go for one when the enemy is mispositioned near your team's tower, or if your ally has any form of hard CC that will help secure the kill, then use your Prance movement speed from a nearby camp to reach the lane quickly ( Raptors for mid, Gromp/ Krugs are the best for bot/top, and Scuttle for all lanes) then you can throw a Swirlseed when you're close to the enemy for a guaranteed hit.

Post 6 you have unlocked your ultimate, and with that now you have a hard CC tool that's great for ganking and dueling. At this point in the game you should also have a little more AP, meaning your bonus movement speed will finally start to kick off. With all of this, your gank timings are more forgiving and you're able to be more aggressive with the huge damage output from W + R. Note, if you ever get a successful gank, help your ally clear the minion wave, it's an easy job because of your Q, and it helps everyone! You get some extra XP and gold, while your laner can go back to base and have a good positioned wave waiting for them when they return.
Invades are when you and your team try to sneak in the enemy team's jungle to get surprise kills and steal camps at level 1. I wouldn't suggest that you should try to invade as Lillia because she's not exceptional at it, your best tool at level 1 to help on them is E, and you don't want to take that instead of Q, otherwise you will sacrifice your early clear. So always take Q at level 1, and only go for invades if your team is confident on it and has better early game champions or champions with more CC compared to the enemies to get potential kills, examples are Lux, Blitzcrank, Morgana, Ashe, etc...
Because of Lillia's weak early game, other junglers might try to invade you to get an advantage. To prevent this, ward entrance spots like the pixel bush on both sides or the tribush if you spawned on blue side just as you leave spawn, and position yourself in a place that you will have a good line of sight of one of the entrances of the jungle while being safe of enemy attacks. Ask the laner(s) on the opposite side of where you will start clearing to ward your buff camp if you're afraid it will get stolen.
But sometimes having knowledge on the enemies' position doesn't change anything and you still get invaded anyways, what to do in this scenario? If your team has a number advantage or better level 1 champions, you can try to fight to get a few kills and chase the enemies out of your jungle. If this is not possible, retreat, not dying that early on is the worst thing that could happen to you, so you should steal the enemy jungler's buff on the opposite side of the map in response, or if that's not possible too, start clearing your other buff instead, just know that your early game will get significantly harder if you choose this option.
Counterjungling is the act of stealing the enemy jungler's camps when they're unable to get them, like when they're performing a gank in the other side of the map, respawning, or doing an objective that you aren't able to contest. Doing this will put them behind in XP and gold, and it's really easy to do as Lillia with her fast clear, prioritize doing this when it's safe to do so instead of just farming your own jungle, because clearing one of your camps will put you on a 4 CS advantage over your enemy, but stealing theirs will double your advantage to 8 CS (since it's +4 for you and -4 for them, get it?).

Objectives are important entities around the map that grant bonuses and advantages to the team who controls it. Objectives in League of Legends are currently the Elemental Dragons, the Rift Herald, Baron Nashor, the Elder Dragon, and the Turrets. In this chapter we'll go through what makes each of them unique, their strenghts, weaknesses, and when to claim them.
Before we go into the other objectives, let's talk about the Elemental Drakes, as they're the most important ones, and because they have the Elemental Souls. Elemental Souls are powerful combat effects granted to the team that manages to slay 4 dragons, each dragon gives a different buff, and each type of dragon has a different soul, after 2 dragons have been slayed, the soul will be the one of the third dragon, and the map will change accordingly.
The first dragon will spawn at 5 minutes, and there will be a 5 minute interval between the time the next one will spawn after one was slain.
The Cloud Drake grants percentage slow resistance and our of combat movement speed when slayed, it's soul grants bonus permanent MV speed and a huge speed boost after casting your ultimate ability. Gusts of wind breeze through the jungle, increasing the movement speed of all who are nearby. As you can guess, this is one of the best souls for Lillia, it makes you uncatchable with all of this mobility, but it might not be a priority for your teammates.
The Ocean Drake grants missing health regeneration every few seconds, and it's soul heals you and restores your mana when you damage an enemy. Water surrounds the map, and Honeyfruits bloom all around. Ocean is a really good soul for bulkier champions and bruisers, and Lillia is no exception. Being a skirmisher, it's really important for her to stay alive, this soul should help with this.
Mountain Drake gives armor and magic resist, and it's soul gives you a shield after staying outside of combat for a few seconds. The map gets more natural terrain and rocks added. This is another amazing soul for Lillia, being tankier is really important, since she's naturally quite squishy, don't pass on it!
Infernal Drake is known for it's offensive power, it grants bonus attack damage and ability power, and it's soul allows your attacks to trigger an explosion around your target for additional burst damage. The map becomes fiery, destroying a few jungle walls, allowing for more mobility, and also spawning more Blast Cones aroung the map. This dragon is basically bonus damage, no one can go wrong with it, avoid giving up on this soul.
Hextech Drake's bonus effects are ability haste and attack speed, and similar to Infernal Drake, it's soul makes your attacks emit a discharge attack to your target and nearby enemies, damaging and slowing them. The map is upgraded with Hexgates, clicking on one of them will teleport you to another location, good to get back to combat from base faster. Perfect soul for offensive power, can't go wrong with it.
Chemtech Drake grants bonus damage to targets that have more current health than you, the soul revives you for a short amount of time after dying. The map gets covered with smoke, stealthing all of those who enter it (the only way to reveal enemies is with control wards and Scryer's Bloom, normal wards don't work), and also granting them bonus damage to enemies that have more current health than them. This is another strong general drake, annoying to go against, created for outplays.
Now that the drakes are out of the way, let's get into the other objectives.
The Rift Herald is a powerful epic monster, she's quite easy to clear by yourself, since hitting her eye in the back will deal a huge amount of damage, and she doesn't deal much damage by itself if you retreat after noticing that her charged attack incoming. You're granted the Eye of the Herald after clearing her, it takes your trinket's slot space and gives you a faster recall, using it will release the Rift Herald, that will look for a nearby lane and crash in an enemy turret, dealing massive damage to it. Try to use her in a lane that already has a weak turret, or a lane that's your teammate is struggling in, just make sure that they're nearby to share the gold from the platings. She spawns at 8 minutes and respawns 6 minutes after being cleared if the first was cleared before 13:45 minutes.
The Baron Nashor is the most notorious League monster, it's a team effort to clear. When slayed, your team is granted Hand of Baron for 3 minutes, this buff gives you bonus attack damage, ability power, faster recall, and an aura that empowers nearby minions. This is the perfect monster to take down turrets and inhibitors, as the push potential from minions shouldn't be underestimated. It spawns at 20 minutes, replacing the Rift Herald, and respawns 6 minutes after being cleared.
Arguably the most powerful monster alongside Baron Nashor, the Elder Dragon is the ultimate game-ender. It spawns 6 minutes after the 4th dragon has been slain and respawns at the same rate. This objective is another team effort, just like Baron, clearing it will grant your team the Aspect of the Dragon, for 2:30 minutes, making your attacks burn your enemies, and damaging them below 20% health executes them. This should take priority over all other objectives, the sheer execute power is almost unbeatable.
Elder Dragon > Dragon Soul > Baron Nashor > Rift Herald
Every objective is important, but it's also vital to know which one to prioritize over the other. Elder Dragon comes first, it gives a powerful execute that will surely turn every fight to your team's favor, it should be prioritized over the others, but games will hardly reach the point that it'll spawn. Dragon Soul is the second you should prioritize, this is the big reward for all the drakes that your team has slain. Dragon Soul is also a permanent reward, which is the reason why it's superior to Baron, even though the latter has a great push potential to take down structures and finish games. Rift Herald is also a good objective, but isn't nearly as important as the other ones as it can be neutralized way easier.
Ideally, you should look to clear an objectives if:
-Your team has a numbers advantage, meaning that if you have more players alive, or players able to contest the objective, you'll have a higher chance of winning a fight.
-The enemy jungler won't make it in time to contest. In this case, if they're dead or ganking a lane at the opposite side of the map, you have to try to complete an objective if possible, the enemy jungler is the only one besides you with Smite, and thus, the only one with a dangerously high chance of stealing your objective.
When the game starts, your main objectives as a powerfarming jungler are: Get a good first clear, contest scuttle if possible, gank if you see an opportunity, and keep farming the jungle. Now let's cover how to achieve this in details.
The first clear is extremely important for every jungler. When playing Lillia, you want to quickly clear camps with your AoE abilties, abusing the monsters' patience bar while using your fast movement speed to kite them with auto attacks.

Ideally, your first clear should go like this:
Red side is the best one to start as Lillia, it's way healthier because of camps with multiple monsters like Raptors, and because you can clear both Blue Buff and Gromp at the same time at level 3. You can use Smite early on either Red Buff or Krugs to reach Blue Side faster.
But sometimes you want to start Blue side instead if you want to play for your laner(s) on Red side to help them right after clearing in case they're easier to gank or need the early help. In this situaton, your clear should be like this: This isn't your ideal clear, but it's important to recognize when to go for it. Krugs used to be a skippable option back in Season 11 since they take a bit longer to clear, but now they're the best way to reach level 4 early. Use the movement speed from your passive after clearing them to quickly gank a nearby lane, get to Scuttle crab, or counterjungle.
After your first clear your objective is really simple, clear all your nearby camps while playing around objectives, because if there's a nearby fight, you can quickly prance your way there to help your team, and possibly secure a Dragon or Rift Herald if you're successful.

Of course, you can modify this strategy if the situation asks, if one of your allies is constantly getting pushed into tower as an example, you can start playing around that side of the map to help them, and possibly secure a few kills (just know that this makes the objective from the other side of the map vulnerable, so ask for one of your laners to ward it, or place a pink ward there yourself). Alternatively, if you see the enemy jungler doing this, you should try to secure the objective on your side of the map if possible, gank a lane if you see the opportunity since they won't be there to countergank, or at least steal a few of their camps with your fast clear speed to get an advantage.
Fights for objectives have become even more important now, and you're starting to scale, what to do now?
Because of the extra AP you should have by now with 2-3 items, both your clear speed and Prance movement speed should be faster, allowing you to keep high CS numbers while zooming around the map at Mach 3 to help your team get kills on mispositioned enemies.
Vision wins games, activate Oracle Lens to remove enemy wards and deny them information about your team, while using your movement speed to go from ward to ward and destroy as much of them as possible. Additionally, place Control Wards while you're doing this in key locations, like the river, objectives, and even the enemy jungle if you're counterjungling. Clearing the Rift Scuttler is also essential to gather vision in the middle of the river and objectives for 90 seconds.
You won't be running around trying to get into as much 1v1s as possible as Lillia unless you're ahead because she thrives with her team, but dueling is a core part of a skirmisher's kit. Here are a few tips on how to perform one:

Against melee opponents, you have kite them with your abilities, basically using your bonus movement speed to run around them and keep them in the distance of your outer Q radius to land the true damage while not allowing them to damage you (E's slow helps a lot in achieving this). Since they'll want to close as much distance as possible on you, that makes their movement extremely predictable so you can land your W.

Against ranged opponents, you have to use your movement speed to dodge skillshots and to keep up with them, because they'll try to get as much distance as possible away from you. Once you've closed enough distance (and preferably after your enemy has wasted their mobility tools if they have any), use your W in the direction they are walking towards to hit the sweet spot. Swirlseed or Chilling Smite's slow are great against them (and speaking of Smite, remember to use it on a nearby camp if you're dueling on the jungle and you need a free heal, sometimes this can be the difference between life and death).
Avoid teamfighting mindlessly around the map, this will likely result on your team getting picked off, or at least wasting resources like spells or long cooldowns that would be far more useful if used on a fight for a Dragon or the Rift Herald.
Late is similar to mid game, but if you got to this stage in the game, you have scaled even more! Unless you're far behind, of course. Your movement speed and damage output are unreal at this point so you can shred your enemies with ease, late game is your reward for all the powerfarm and hardwork, make good use of it! Nevertheless, remember to prioritize objectives over kills, yes, you can and you should abuse your power, but objectives are what wins games, always remember that.
Teamfighting is a core part of League's mid-late game, and understaing how to play one correctly is more than crucial to have a good game. As Lillia, your objective in teamfights is to be constantly moving in and out with your movement speed while wreaking havoc by whittling the enemies with your burn damage, healing yourself, and applying crowd control (repeat the first three steps until you win). Now here are a few examples on how to perform this:
When both teams are just about to fight, your job is to constantly spam Swirlseed to poke them, you can take a relatively good chunk out of their health because of Lillia's passive DoT. And if your E manages to hit 2-3 key targets while doing this, you can activate your ultimate to put them to sleep. Just make sure that your team is actually able to follow up before ulting, otherwise it's better to use your ultimate on another opportunity.
As the name suggests, this is a really simple way to have impact on a fight. Stack your passive as much as you can in nearby minions or monsters, run into the middle of the enemy team, apply passive to as much of them as you can and use ultimate, then you either run away or use Zhonya's while you wait for them to fall asleep... so you can come back and finish them.
You should try to perform this after your team has already engaged, since the enemies won't have time to focus on you.
Similar to the above, this is one of the most infamous ways to play Lillia, this is a devastating teamfighting combo, the enemies won't have enough time to react. Perfect for starting fights, or if your team lacks engage.
yes, i died right after because i forgot to wait for my team, but you get the point, it works 99% of the time! ( •́ ∧ •̀ )/
Not every game is the same, unfortunately, there will be situations where you will be weaker than your enemies/allies. But fortunately for us, Lillia is a champion with a solid amount of utility, so you still have some playstyle options.

Keep fishing for good ultimates, Lilting Lullaby's power shouldn't be underestimated even if you're behind, getting a good ultimate for your team is still a priority. Keep using E or try to get Flash + Q + R + Zhonya's plays if you have that item, so you're team can sweep the enemies while you're safe, sound, and now coming back to the game with the takedown gold!

Watching over the backline is something that's very overlooked in most situations. Carries, supports, and squishy champions on your team are key targets for enemy divers and assassins, if you see that they're likely in danger because of this, you can adapt a "warden" playstyle by staying in the backline to help them against these threats and even being able to get a pick off on them in the process.
Swirlseed has multiple uses, and because of it's global range, there are a lot of spots around the map that Lillia can throw one to get intel for her team, poke enemies, get a global sleep, or get a movement speed stack if it hits something. Some of these might take a few tries to perform, but a few attempts at practice tool should be enough for you to master them! Here are some of the most useful ones:
Bambi is a really fun and strong champion, nothing beats the feeling of speeding through the map while putting your enemies to sleep for all eternity. If you want to main or even just play one match with Lillia, Go for it! She's completely worth it.
And this was my Lillia guide! This was a lot of fun to make, and i'll make sure to keep updating it. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and like i said in the beginning, i hope that it helped you improve or at least appreciate Lillia a little bit more!
A big shout-out to my friends for all the words of encouragement.
Thank you for all the comments and helpful feedback left in the discussion section!
Thank you to @ Silverman43 and MOBAFire for awarding this guide an honorable mention in the Season 12 Guide Contest and first place in the Midseason 12 Guide Contest!
Guide written and coded by me.
Video footage and banners edited by me.
And of course... a huge thanks to you for reading!⭐
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Asternova Lillia Guide
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