[14.3] Rank #1 Fiora NA | Challenger Fiora Main Guide - Updated Daily | FIORA BUFFS OP

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Recommended Items
Runes: vs Easy Matchups
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Q>E>W
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Stupid Damage Early Game and Constant Kiting. Plus Hourglass are Broken which is the main reason you even see Mages Top-Lane. [1]Start with Corrupting Pot and Play Passive. [2]Parry her Ultimate/Turn Around(Comes with Practice) [3]Rush Mercury Treads. Get Quicksilver Sash if you don't want to get Mercury Treads against their Team comp.
Very good to have because you can stack her E passive insanely fast with your Q + E.
Very good to have because you can stack her E passive insanely fast with your Q + E.

Fiora currently has 2 different Keystones she can safely pick. It's not crystal clear how much one is stronger than the other but

Conqueror now stacks up to 10 times. Your

*Don't bother taking

The main Keystone you can always use is

I've already Established that

I will Keep my Explanations as Comprehensive as needed and also Provide External Links to Videos you can watch to help you understand what I'm talking about. No matter how much I explain some things, you wont understand until you play the champion yourself.
During the Laning Phase You're looking to Solo Kill your Enemy Laner depending on the Match-up. Since you took

How to get a Favorable Trade in Lane?
There are two things that will win you trades in the Early-Game. The First is Minions which deal a surprising amount of damage. You can use the to your advantage by building up a Large Minion wave of your own and Trading in the safety of your minions. Additionally, you can use the Bushes to reset Minion Aggro after Trading as it will considerably reduce the damage you take from Minions.
The Second way to win Trades is to learn the Cooldowns of your enemy laner. You can abuse this quite easily especially in Low-Elo. If a Jax uses his Q to kill a minion you can walk up and trade since he has lost considerable Kill Pressure until he gets his cooldown back. You also need to Learn to trade Quickly(Check out some Combos you can do with Fiora at the bottom}so that you can do the Maximum amount of damage in the shortest amount of time and then back away.
Wave Management
This is going to be your main way to Rack up a CS Lead, Set up successful ganks and create pressure in the Lane. Here's a video explaining Wave Management.
Freezing is a great Strategy you can use to Rack-up a CS advantage or Set up a Gank for your Jungler. Here's a Video explaining All About Freezing. The Magic Number for a Perma Freeze is 4. If you get 4 Ranged Minions right infront of your turret, you can Freeze the lane Indefinitely provided that you do not have

Advantages of Freezing:
- Denies EXP and CS if You have Kill-Pressure on the Enemy Laner.
- Forces Enemy to Over-extend in Lane making Ganks Easier for your Jungler.
- Creates Pressure which may attract the Enemy Jungler to your lane just to break your Freeze
- Safety from Ganks.
Slow Pushing is another wave Management Technique. Once you get

Advantages of Slow-Pushing:
- Denies CS.
- Your Large Minion wave Forces Enemy to avoid taking Trades.
- Minions do a ton of damage to the Enemy Laner if they try to Trade.
- Provides time to Roam or put Deep wards in the Enemy Side.
Split-Pushing Starts during the Mid-game. Before you Run to a Side-Lane and start pushing, remember that your job is Not just taking Turrets. Turrets are important but taking "Objectives" is what you're actually supposed to do. Slow-Push a Wave into the Enemy Turret and Ping your Jungler to Help take the

At 20 Minutes the

When to try and take turrets during a Split-Push?
If you Mindlessly push waves into turrets and try to take them down you're only asking to be killed. Here the game will test your prowess of looking at the Mini-map. If you see 4 people on the map who are not in your vicinity, then you're free to push-up to the turret since there's only one person who can come to stop you. The Number of people you can simultaneously take on in a side-lane depends on your items/match-ups. The more people you can force to come to you, the better it is for your team.
Here's a video on Split-Pushing. It focuses largely on Pro-Play but you should still get something useful out of it.
Where to ward during a split-push?
When Splitting you should have both a

"Just because the enemy hasn’t found

Once you hit the 40 Minute-Mark, your

Split-Pushing Should be done before the 40 Minute Mark because it is not as Effective from Now. By this time you should have taken Atleast The Tier 1 & 2 Turrets of All Lanes and you're gonna need your team to take those inhibitor turrets. Splitting during the Late-game is not a good idea unless you have

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