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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Colossal Smash (PASSIVE)
Galio Passive Ability
Runic Skin - ,,Hi there, today we have Galio. First we have his passive. This passive take number of your magic resistance and calculate 50% of it then this number take and give u as a AP.'' ,,So, when i build more magic resistance than i will have more AP?'' ,,Yea, that is right.''
Resolute Smite - ,,When u cast this spell Galion fires blast from his eyes deal some dmg to enemies in target location and slow them.'' ,,So, you can secure kills with it?'' ,,Yea, u can even when it is used with Righteous Gust.''
Bulwark - This is very useful def spell, u will increase armor and magic resistance for few seconds, also when that target friendly unit or Galio himself receive dmg, he will be healed (this heal only Galio not target unit). ,,Wow, nice spell when you need heal yourself, or save aly.'' ,,Sure, but each heal he receive will heal him -20% of heal before.''
Righteous Gust - ,,This spell end small tornado in one direction you choose, when you come in path that tornado passed u will recieve small movement speed bonus. This will remain 5 seconds.'' ,,So, this is second spell for secure kills?'' ,,Yop, with this u can catch your target faster.''
Idol of Durand - ,,This will immobilize Galio and he will chanel for 2 sec, taunting all nearby enemies.'' ,,So nice sell in middle of teamfight.'' ,,Yea, becose after chaneling it will do dmg to surrounding enemies +5% for each hit agains Galio(max +40%).''
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