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ADC aCuria's Guns Blazing Miss Fortune Guide (Updated for 12.23)

ADC aCuria's Guns Blazing Miss Fortune Guide (Updated for 12.23)

Updated on January 10, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author aCuria Build Guide By aCuria 71 6 105,902 Views 1 Comments
71 6 105,902 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author aCuria Build Guide By aCuria Updated on January 10, 2023
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    PTA Alacrity (Default Build)
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    PTA Alacrity vs Regular Tank (Zac)
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    PTA Alacrity vs HP Tank (Sylas, Cho)
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    PTA Bloodline
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    PTA Bloodline vs Regular Tank (Zac)
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    PTA Bloodline vs HP Tank (Sion, Chogath)
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    Off Meta Eclipse Spellcaster Build
  • LoL Champion: Miss Fortune
    What to build based on Threat

Runes: PTA Alacrity

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Exhaust (Best Pick)
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Ability Order Q Max (Saves Mana)

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

aCuria's Guns Blazing Miss Fortune Guide (Updated for 12.23)

By aCuria
I am aCuria, a Miss Fortune main with over 500,000 mastery points. I first played Miss Fortune since Season 2, and mained her more seriously after her 2016 rework. Miss Fortune plays and itemizes differently from other ADCs, and I hope this guide will help you enjoy Miss Fortune as much as I do.

This guide is intended for Miss Fortune players who want to hard-carry their games in solo-q. To to this, the build tries to maximize Miss Fortune's duelling and teamfight power in the mid to late game. This is very different from "High Elo" Master / Challenger gameplay, where games end very quickly and therefore, early game power is prioritized.

Do note that it is easier to play Miss Fortune with the eclipse lethality caster playstyle, but it is much harder to hard-carry games with that build, as you cannot take down tanks.
Why Play Miss Fortune?
When I first started out playing League of Legends, I realized to crush lane one thing I had to improve on was my CS score. This meant that I preferred the support and jungle roles as I did not have to last hit creeps.

Miss Fortune is a good transitional champion for new players, as she is one of the easiest champions to CS "properly" with due to the extra love tap damage.

Miss Fortune's Strengths
- Easy to CS with
- Strong Teamfighting Champion with Bullet Time
- Many possible playstyles (PTA, Comet, R-Bot)
- Many viable items and item builds for different situations
- A perfect ultimate can turn a losing game into a win
- Bounce Q one-shots
- Blows up towers super fast with the right build
- Able to easily hit the 2.5 attacks / second cap
- Strong lane bully potential and good trading power with aa > q > aa
- Highest Attack Speed in the game at L18 with Strut active
- High movement speed with Strut passive

Miss Fortune's Weaknesses
- Auto Attack range on the short side
- Moderately Mana Hungry
- No escapes or dashes
- Poor 1v1 all-in capability before W max and some items
Combos and Mechanics

aa minion -> Bounce Q2 & aa > Q > aa

This clip shows 2 mechanics, firstly if you execute a minion with Double Up, the Double up bounce will critically strike. If you judge that Q cannot execute the minion (like in this clip) you can aa the minion to bring it into execute range first followed by Q. This combo is almost instantaneous, and needs abit of practice to get the timing right.

AA > Q > AA is the second mechanic shown. It is Miss Fortune's Bread and Butter combo, and is something that many inexperienced players mess up. They cast Q > AA and Miss Fortune loses allot of damage this way. If the Q bounces, The damage loss can be 210% ad + 180 damage (press the attack). Failing to execute this correctly can easily lose you a kill or teamfight.

In the example video, if I did not execute this combo correctly then Akali would have just walked away

Strut & Love Tap Reset Mechanics

Alternating auto attacks between 2 targets allows you to continuously proc Love Tap (Passive) and also have Strut permanantly activated, as Love Tap reduces the cooldown of strut.

Flash -> aa -> Q -> aa

Used to finish off fleeing enemies, This combo comes out almost instantly. Make sure your Q is off cooldown before flashing. Notice I did not flash after lucian, as my Q was on cooldown.

aa > Q > W > aa > aa > aa > ...

Miss Fortune's Extended trade combo, it is weak early game, but gets strong after Strut is maxed and Miss Fortune has items like Kraken, Infinity Edge. E can be delayed until after any existing Crowd Control spells end.

E > R

E slows enemies, so you can land more ticks of R

Flash -> E -> R

Often used in teamfights when their front line has engaged on you. Flash backwards to get away, and use R to melt down the enemy team

Stutter Stepping

Stutter stepping is moving in between auto attacks, while still auto attacking at full speed. Is quite easy to execute early game, but is harder to pull off without losing dps as you attack speed increases.

Securing Assists

Getting assists has become increasingly important, as you need this to stack your and Runes. is a perfect skill for securing assists, and you can see an example of this in the above clip.
2v2 Teamfighting
In a 2v2 fight, you should attempt to do the following:

1) Use E to slow
2) Land the aa > q > aa combo
3) Use R when they are out of aa range.

A common mistake is to use R straight away. Miss Fortune has huge burst on her AA Q AA combo, its worth 300% ad + 100 + PTA + Kraken, and possibly 400% if Q bounces. PTA also increases your ultimate damage.

The below clips show you what a 2v2 teamfight should look like.

Notice we were losing badly in the above clip, having fed 7 kills. In spite of this we could pick up the double kill

In the above clip from the same game, I was more fed and could 100-0 Jhin with the aa q aa combo.
Item Build Philosophy
I use a script to simulate Miss Fortune gameplay, which brute forces through every possible item combination. The item combinations are then rank ordered by damage dealt.

I then look through the item combinations to consider for utility before making recommendations in this guide. It is difficult to determine the best builds through just trial and error, expecially in the preseason where items change every few weeks.

It is my personal view that Miss Fortune should itemize against the tankiest target on the enemy team. Assasins and mages have a very hard time taking down tanks, so this job falls to the ADC.

If there are no tanks on the enemy team, then I typically would then optimize for a 3000hp / 150 armor target. Champions like Sylas has 2480 base HP and 95 base armor. This increases to 146 armor with zhonyas and runes. Items like Rocketbelt, Morellonomicon, Cosmic Drive, and his innate healing can push his effective hp beyond 3000.

The situation is similar for AD squishies, Eclipse, Edge of Night, Plated Steelcap, Chempunk Chainsword, Black Cleaver, Goredrinker are common items on assasins, and will push their stats close to or beyond 3000hp / 150 armor.

Regarding what combos to look at, typically I would consider

"Burst Damage" = aa > q > aa damage
"Sustained Damage" = aa > q > aa, .... (aa for 4s, the duration of W)
Newbie Build
Newbie Build S+ Gameplay Example
This section is an explanation of the newbie build options. (Do look at the relevant skill, rune and item build in the "Newbie" Tab above)

Summoner Spells

Exhaust is extremely strong on MF at all stages of the game. While is easier to use, is so important that new MF players should spend their time mastering how to use exhaust correctly!

The reason why exhaust is better is as follows:

L2 MF = 637hp, enemy + needs 637+427 damage to kill you
L18 MF = 2151hp, enemy + needs 2151+1434 damage to kill you

As heal is only worth 90 to 345 extra hp, Exhaust is 5x better than heal for keeping you alive if you use it at exactly the right moment. Exhaust even scales with lifesteal, and since end game bloodthirster MF can heal for 3000hp + 350 shield hp over the 3s duration, is worth 3667+ hp late game which is 10x better than heal. Therefore, newbies should take exhaust and learn to use it effectively!


This is the best rune on Miss Fortune now. 12% damage increase is strong at all stages of the game. needs >100 stacks to beat , which is neigh impossible to achieve. Comet is only situationally good before L6 (if they have a healing support its useless), so is by far the best rune to take.

is very strong on Miss Fortune as she can maintain it more easily than other champions and it helps keep strut ms active. is only better after you get several kills, while while ensures you get that first few kills. makes your 1v1 power weaker and is not really worth taking. If you dont spam skills on minions MF doesnt really run out of mana easily

needs 10 stacks (250cs or 10 kills) to max out, while requires 15 stacks (375 cs or 15 kills). I personally think is stronger because you get full power from it much earlier in the game, and simply buying an early Vamp Scepter will give you the needed lifesteal.

also has a nicer build path (Kraken LDR IE BT). The build path (Kraken Sanguine LW IE) is slightly less dps in 1v1s but is allot worse in teamfights. becomes stronger 1v1 at 5 items (much more lifesteal with Bloodline AND Sanguine AND BT), but it is much more important for newbies to secure early game power and get to the the late game in one piece, before worrying about how to make their 5/6 item build stronger.

is just the best rune, MF often uses ult on a full-hp team, where gets full value. She isnt good at chasing down low hp champions, so isnt nearly as effective. is better as long as the enemy has 10% more HP than you, which is more or less always since even supports get HP on their first item these days, and most top lane / mid lane mythics have HP.

+ unlike Eyeball Collector + Bloodline, does not need kills to stack up. + is better early game and super late game, while while Eyeball Collector + Bloodline is better mid game assuming you can get the runes fully stacked. Therefore newbies should just take + and not worry about having getting enough takedowns to secure a mid game power spike.

is preferred to because it makes last hitting easier. has better trading power in lane, and is not even better in sustained fights unless you can get an extra aa off.

Item Build

A newbie is probably going even or losing lane most of the time, so the correct itemization is simply maximizing damage / gold spent. Therefore should be rushed, and can be bought early if needed since we have no lifesteal from runes. is my reccomended 4th item, and utility can be bought for items 5/6.
Alacrity Build (Kraken Slayer)

Kraken gives Miss Fortune more sustained DPS than any other mythic item. and it is the best at taking down tanks. It is also highly flexible, with as strong situational items.

At this start of this clip, my team was losing with a 15-23 scoreboard. I went for the Kraken build, as there was at least one tank (Sejuani, Aatrox) on the enemy team, which makes the Eclipse burst build a poor choice.

I went with the highest early game damage Kraken build (Kraken into Collector), following the rule of always building damage when behind on ADCs. Notice I had to play quite safely because I lacked the lifesteal from Bloodthirster, but with barely sufficient damage I managed to find some shutdowns and carried the game. Do note that Collector has been nerfed since, and I no longer recommend it. Collector is also pretty terrible late game.

Note that going for the "highest damage" build is usually a bad idea. You usually need the utility from bloodthirster to 1v5, and then take objectives safely afterwards. You should go for the "highest damage" build when losing badly, and you need to somehow get one kill in a teamfight (and the shutdown gold) to come back in the game.

As there was an Aatrox on the enemy team, the Kraken Manamune build is not viable because Grevious Wounds was a mandatory buy.
Eclipse Build

This build is all about one-shotting enemies with aa > q > aa.

Do not use this build if there is one or more tank on the enemy team, because as the AD carry it is your job to deal with the tanks and this build cannot deal with high armor and high HP targets.
Anti Tank Powerspikes
In this analysis we look at anti-tank powerspikes for Miss Fortune. While Leona's Stats are used here specifically, this data should extend to all tanks. The computation for these builds assumes an a > q > aa combo, followed by aa's for the duration of

844 (recommended)

1318 (recommended)

2263 (recommended)

2955 (recommended)
2828 (Get instead)
2796 ( shield is extremely useful)
Anti ADC Powerspikes
In this analysis we look at anti-adc powerspikes for Miss Fortune. While Draven's stats are used here specifically, this data should extend to all adcs. The computation for these builds assumes an a > q > aa combo, followed by aa's for the duration of


2197 Recommended
2143 Recommended

3675 Recommended
3439 Recommended
3434 Bloodthirster > Sanguine by 3 items

5118 Recommended
Good Items on Miss Fortune

Blood Thirster

Bloodthirster is a great item on Miss Fortune, It gives you a 350 hp shield and 20% lifesteal, which massively increases her survivability.

Bloodthirster synergizes with Miss Fortune's strut movement speed passive, as the passive is not lost when taking damage to the shield. (you lose it when taking damage to your HP bar)

In the video clip, for the first teamfight, Ammumu was a threat to me because I only had a small amount of omnivamp from my runes. In the second teamfight, with Bloodthirster Ammumu was no longer a threat to me as I could heal through his damage.

Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer is an incredibly strong item on Miss Fortune, because she can instantly proc the true damage passive with aa>q>aa, and also can itemize for strong dps synergy with the true damage passive through reaching the 2.5 attack speed cap.

Just Kraken, strut, runes and boots is needed to hit the cap. Her synergy with Kraken is probably the best among all the champions.

Historically, items that provide both high amounts of Attack Damage, and situational attack speed have been strong on Miss Fortune. For example old , (40% attack speed active) and , which gives her 80% situational attack speed.

Infinity Edge

Infinity Edge increases crit damage from 75% to 110%, but this passive requires 60% crit to activate. At 100% crit chance, this is a 210% damage increase on auto attacks. Note that 2 crit items and IE is already a 166% average damage increase from crit.

Serylda's Grudge

Serylda's Grudge is a very interesting item for Miss Fortune, as it gives Bullet Time a 30% slow for its duration. In this game, I would not have been able to take 2 the 2 kills without Serylda's Grudge, as they would have simply walked out of Bullet Time.

I chose to itemize Serylda's Grudge instead of Lord Dominik's Regards as they had only one tank (Darius) and Darius is also succeptable to being kited around with slows. Serylda's Grudge would also be the go-to item if the enemy team does not have any tanks.

Lord Dominik's Regards

Lord Dominik's Regards is the go-to armor pen item against high HP targets.

Mortal Reminder

This is the go-to item for grevious wounds, as Chempunk Chainsword is a bad item on Miss Fortune, even with mostly Lethality items. It is very important to purchase an early Executioners Calling against teams with healing, and you can complete Mortal Reminder as a 5th or 6th item.

Sanguine Blade

80% situational attack speed is very strong when an assasin is diving you in the back line. However, with Kraken you will over-cap on attack speed when buying this item, as 65 (Kraken) + 80(sanguine) + 28 (runes) = 173, while you only need 130 to hit the cap with strut active. This makes Sanguine inefficient with the Kraken build.

There is a build suggested by a popular youtuber Build: Sanguine > Kraken > Bezerkers but I do not think it is good. You gain 12 lethality (sanguine) but lose lifesteal, shield and crit (Bloodthirster) and have the same amount of attack speed at L18 since you overcap.

Wit's End

You certainly lose some damage buying this, but its the best MR item for Miss Fortune against sustained magic damage threats. 80 on hit magic damage and 30 attack damage is quite decent, and Wits End is an item that scales well with attack speed, which is great with Kraken as Miss Fortune caps out her attack speed with just Wits End and Kraken.

I would skip Bezerkers Greaves when itemize Wits End, as Kraken + Wits + Stut already hits the 2.5 attack speed cap. Choose different boots, or just keep it at tier 1 for a yoummus 6th item.


While Galeforce is strong at 1 item, it falls off really fast. From 2-6 items it is much worse damage wise than kraken. It is often picked in professional games, where early game power is incredibly important. For carrying soloq games, Kraken is better as it scales strongly into late game.

Against some compositions, the dash from Galeforce may be worth it to dodge certain skills like Gragas's Ultimate. However, it is very situational and I dont think its a good item most of the time.

The Collector

I think The Collector is an over-rated item on Miss Fortune.

Infinity Edge is a much stronger 3rd crit item, as it increases average damage from 145% (60% crit) to 166% (60% crit + IE passive). This is 14% more damage, which absolutely trumps a 5% execute

Bloodthirster is a stronger 2nd crit item almost all the time for Miss Fortune than The Collector. I have noticed many players going for Kraken Collector BT as they start to feel the need for lifesteal after building Collector. This is simply inferior to Kraken BT IE for both damage and survivability.

The 4th and 5th item slots are permanently occupied by Last Whisper and Boots, and by the time you get to the 6th item usually some kind of utility like Maw or Mortal Reminder is necessary.

The lethality from The Collector is also completely negated by a $300 cloth armor. For these reasons, I dont think The Collector is a good buy unless you are losing badly, and need the maximum damage 2 powerspike to hunt for shutdowns.

If you do build this, you would want to replace it at 6 items

Blade of the Ruined King

BOTRK is no longer as good on Miss Fortune as it used to be, as it took heavy nerfs to damage. It is still a good item when enemies are stacking excessive amounts of health, but other items like Mortal Reminder or even Wits End / Maw take priority

Starting Items

The standard ADC starting item, it gives Miss Fortune everything she wants early game. If you find yourself losing lane, you can buy up to 3 Doran's Blades to help you survive early game.

A tear start is mandatory for comet and manamune builds. With tear, you want to use your mana advantage to poke down the enemy bot lane before an all in, as you lack the ad and health from doran's blade. The tear start is weak into sustain lanes , dorans blade is better in this case.

This only works into very weak sustain lanes, eg soraka support
Summoner Spells


I strongly reccomend Exhaust as the go-to summoner spell for Miss Fortune in soloq, as Exhaust gives you the best chance of winning 1v1 fights. Miss Fortune can have 2716 Health + Shield from Bloodthirster and Overheal. With Exhaust active, an assasin would have to deal 4526 damage to kill you, effectively giving you potentially 1800 extra HP in a 1v1 situation.

The example video shows you how to use exhaust. I would probably have died here if Brand's damage was not reduced by 40% by Exhaust.

Here is another example of a late game 6 item 1v1 fight, where Exhaust let me easily beat a 6 item lucian. Having exhaust also allowed me to itemize Maw against the Fiddlesticks and Maokai threats, knowing that Exhaust will let me beat Vayne and Lucian 1v1.

An example of a perfectly timed exhaust letting me 1v1 a katarina, facetanking through her ultimate.
Other Builds

Bullet Time Bot build

This is a "For Fun" Build centered around maximizing Bullet Time (R) damage. It is not good because you are much weaker when your ultimate is on cooldown, and landing a good Ultimate is team reliant. The burst build does plenty of Bullet Time (R) damage anyway.

Shieldbow Build

I do not reccomend building shieldbow on Miss Fortune, It is almost never the right choice
  • feels very weak, building both is likely not viable
  • has not only more damage but also more survivability against AP than
  • Note: You cannot use both Shieldbow and Maw as they share the same named passive
  • Bloodthirster has more synergy with Strut, as damage absorbed by the shield will not disable Strut's Movement passive.
  • Bloodthirster's shield can also be regenerated quickly after a fight, while Shieldbow has a massive cooldown on its passive.
  • Purchasing both Bloodthirster and Shieldbow means Miss Fortune will have very low damage.
  • Worse survivability compared to Bloodthirster when Shieldbow passive is on cooldown (20% lifesteal + 350 shield) vs (12% lifestal + 200 hp)
  • Large damage loss going Shieldbow over Kraken
  • Miss Fortune is unable to actively abuse Shieldbow's passive, unlike champions like Samira who times her all-in when Shieldbow passive is off cooldown
  • when losing and dying allot, itemizing pure damage on an ADC is a better choice to try and get some shutdown gold to make a comeback.

The shieldbow build is very situational, I think it is only semi decent if you are facing allot of AD Burst (Use Maw into AP Burst) but even against AD Burst may be better since it does more damage, and has an arguably stronger passive than shieldbow.

Galeforce Build

I dont think Galeforce is a good pick, unless you need the active for some reason. Note that the active does not go through walls. It does have an "increase spread" effect when used during Bullet Time, but this is rarely useful enough to pick Galeforce over Kraken Slayer.
Skill Description
The skill Description is better left to the wiki page rather than a guide, but here are some points you may not know about the skills.

Love Tap (passive)
- Love Tap (passive) means a "double damage" auto attack after level 13 (+100% bonus ad)
- Love Tap (passive) has no cooldown
If you alternate between 2 targets, you will proc love tap's increased damage every hit

Double Up (Q)
- Double Up (Q) roots you in place, so dont use it when chasing (just auto attack)
- Double Up (Q) procs love tap on both the first (Q1) and second (Q2) hit
- Double Up (Q2) can critically strike
- Double Up (Q2) has 100% critical strike chance if Q1 kills its target

Strut (W)
- Strut (W) increases your attack speed by 100% for 4 seconds
- Miss Fortune will hit the cap of 2.5 attacks / second at L18 with Strut and 130% attack speed from items and runes
- Strut's Cooldown will decrease by 2s every time she Love Tap's a new target
- Alternating auto attacks between a minion and a tower allows you to keep Strut permanantly activated
- Alternating auto attacks between the two nexus towers allows you to keep Strut permanantly activated
- Alternating auto attacks between different minions allows you to keep Strut permanantly activated

Make It Rain (E)
- You gain vision in the area the spell is cast, making it useful to check bushes with
- Its a great way to get free assists, and collect dark harvest stacks
- It barely does any damage, so use it more for the utility (Vision and Slow)
- Use this to check brushes.

Bullet Time (R)
- Miss Fortune's Signature Spell
- Each wave is considered a different damage tick, so each wave will proc Black Cleaver's CARVE passive
Bad Items for Miss Fortune

While Rapidfire Cannon, increases Q range, these zeal items seriously hurts Miss Fortune's damage, while providing very little utility.

Rapidfire Cannon only increases Q range by 1.5 teemos, which is negligible. Yoummus Ghostblade is a much stronger item for chasing down enemies.

As Miss Fortune already has the highest attack speed in the game, she needs allot of attack damage to boost her damage per second output (dps). The more attack speed you have on a champion, the more important attack damage becomes for boosting dps.

Phantom Dancer, Rapidfire Cannon, Runaan's Hurricane and Guinsoo's Rageblade give you little to no attack damage, and are mathematically bad item choices for Miss Fortune. Rageblade simply does less damage than Infinity Edge, and has negative interactions with Bullet Time crit scaling.

Immortal Shieldbow

Miss Fortune works incredibly well with Bloodthirster, and purchasing both Shieldbow tends to leave you with insufficient damage. Unlike champions like vayne, who has allot of free damage in her Kit, Miss Fortune is reliant on items for damage, and you lose too much damage going for Shieldbow over Kraken.

Do note that against magic damage threats, the and combination gives you more survivability and more damage with Kraken.
Getting S+

One question that comes up occasionally is "How do I get S / S+ on Miss Fortune"
The video above is a very boring one-sided normal game, where I get a S+ score.

Below are some stats you may find useful.
06:30 044cs 1/0/0
10:08 086cs 1/0/0
12:00 109cs 1/0/0
14:30 134cs 2/0/2
19:30 197cs 5/0/3
24:30 243cs 8/0/8

The game ended here, but my completed build would have been

Shen / Leona Counter:
Zed / Kata Counter:
Boots Upgrade:

Here is another example of a very messy "S" Game.

Thoughts on Runes
Is the best Keystone rune on Miss Fortune for carrying your lategame fights. is often used for a strong early game, but it starts to fall off horribly after Level 6. Some people like but this only works against targets below 50% hp, and you need an unattainable number of stacks to make it deal more damage than

is terrible on mf because pta kills both squishies and tanks much faster. By the time you aa 12x to stack conqueror the war is over. The only ADCs who take conqueror are Aphelios Ezreal and Samira. Ezreal because he has no other rune to take after klepto was removed. Samira because she can get 6 stacks instantly with her 6 attack passive. Aphelios can get 7 or more stacks with Severum Q. Dont take this rune

This is the best rune for Miss Fortune in its row. Damage to shields will not deactivate Miss Fortune's movement speed passive, and gives you 10% more effective HP after buying some Lifesteal, which is fantastic into Assasins and in 1v1s Buy an early Vamp Sceptre when taking these runes.

is the strongest rune in its row for Miss Fortune, most of the attack speed items are terrible on Miss Fortune, so getting more attack speed in runes is great. You need this rune to hit max attack speed with + + + +

was once the strongest rune, but it now takes 50% longer to stack, and gives a reduced 9% lifesteal. Early game is clearly better because is a similar amount of healing to . Late game, is potentially stronger 1v1 because Lord Domnik's Regards adds up to 48.5% lifesteal which is incredible for 1v1s. However relying on for attack speed is not good in teamfights.

is my go-to rune in its row, As the ADC killing tanks is your job, and lets you kill tanks better. Even against targets with just 10% more HP, will do more damage (5%) than (3.2%) on average. Since most of the support items give HP, is bound to be useful in lane too.

You dont need against squishies as MF can easily burst them down with AA > Q > AA and is bad because we should be at full HP most of the time with

Ravenous Hunter is the strongest secondary mid game after you have your core items (Kraken BT) and the extra omnivamp kicks in. The omnivamp is worth 0.75*2000 = 150hp against a 2000hp opponent (assuming you kill him). It’s fantastic for taking baron and in 1v1s but the disadvantage with this is that if you are losing, the rune does absolutely nothing because you need to get kills/assists to stack Ravenous Hunter.

Inspiration let’s you reach your Kraken + BT powerspikes earlier because you save 300g on boots (and selling the biscuits can help rarely) The biscuits let you pressure harder in lane because you have more mana. is a viable alternative over , and can be good with supports who have roots as opposed to hooks.

+ is ironically the strong early game option, as the AD from kicks in at level 1. can be stronger at 15-30 min, provided you get all the stacks for these runes. Past 30 min, is very strong
Kraken Manamune Build (Has been nerfed)
As Manamune has been nerfed, this build isnt that strong anymore.

Kraken Manamune is the strongest DPS build that Miss Fortune has.
  • Miss Fortune has the highest attack speed in the game with Strut active. This makes her a very strong user of and
  • With 2 items and , Miss Fortune will almost hit the attack speed cap of 2.5 at level 18

However, this build has a big weakness, which is a lack of utility
  • gives you more damage than , so in this build you HAVE to itemize , because its better to skip than to skip damage wise.
  • The the only item you can drop in the build is , but this is usually a bad idea.
  • Therefore if you need utility , go for the regular Kraken build instead.
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