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LeBlanc Build Guide by PykEugeo

Support ✔️ LeBlanc Sup Korean Pick: Turning Tricks into Triumphs ✔️

Support ✔️ LeBlanc Sup Korean Pick: Turning Tricks into Triumphs ✔️

Updated on September 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PykEugeo Build Guide By PykEugeo 6,942 Views 4 Comments
6,942 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PykEugeo LeBlanc Build Guide By PykEugeo Updated on September 4, 2024
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Runes: To hard Poke [3q - full w]

1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Cash Back
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite




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Champion Build Guide

✔️ LeBlanc Sup Korean Pick: Turning Tricks into Triumphs ✔️

By PykEugeo

Welcome to my guide! I'm PψkΣugeØ (having as tag name #pyking in Korean), an Italian Pyke OTP, and in this guide, I'll introduce you to a fun and effective AP-burst champion to play in the botlane: LeBlanc. After dedicating countless hours to mastering Pyke and other playmakers, I discovered my passion for burst mages, particularly LeBlanc. Her aggressive kit and impactful crowd control abilities make her a formidable presence in any game. With her elusive playstyle, LeBlanc offers both safety and aggression in the laning phase, allowing you to control the flow of the game by carefully managing your spells. Playing LeBlanc support has been an exhilarating experience for me, and I'm excited to share everything I've learned about this unique and powerful champion.

Despite playing on a computer that runs at 30-40 FPS, dropping to as low as 20, I prefer not to play ranked (but in future i will do it just i get a new pc for gaming XD). However, I have gained extensive experience over the years by reading guides daily and facing smurfs of all ranks, including Platinum, Emerald, Diamond, Master, and even some Grandmaster players. In fact, a Master-level player once classified my skill level between Platinum and Emerald after watching just one game. I've been playing since Season 11, and I keep myself updated on the game every day since then. This guide is a culmination of my knowledge and experience, and I'm confident it will help you master LeBlanc support effectively.

Abilities & Tips
LeBlanc’s Abilities and How to Master them
Pros & Cons
Champion Strengths & Weaknesses
Summoner Spells
Best Summoner
Best runes
Best items for every situation
Best Tips to ward
How to freeze lane
How to play early-mid and late game
Best decisions to make in game
Dealing with your enemies
Working with your ADC
Thanks and personal notes
Mirror Image
INNATE: Periodically, when LeBlanc is damaged to 40% maximum health, she creates a clone of herself, after which they both instantly become invisible for 1 second.

The clone can basic attack but deals no damage, lasts for 8 seconds, and starts moving 1900 units towards a random place in front of LeBlanc decided the moment it spawns.

  • The clone has a leash range.
  • Using a basic attack breaks the stealth at the end of the attack windup.
    • Explanation of the windup atk
    • Explanation of clone
    • Explanation of invisibility
Sigil of Malice
ACTIVE: LeBlanc projects an orb at the target enemy that deals magic damage and marks them for 3.5 seconds.

LeBlanc's next damaging ability against the marked target will consume the mark to deal them the same damage again.

Sigil of Malice's initial mark deals 10 − 146 (based on level) bonus magic damage against minions and refunds 100% of its mana cost and 30% of its remaining cooldown if either the mark or its consumption kills the target.

COOLDOWN: 6 sec.
CAST TIME: 0.25 sec.
TARGET RANGE: Range center 700
SPEED: 2000

MAGIC DAMAGE: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 40% AP)
TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 / 340 (+ 80% AP)

  • Sigil of Malice and Mimic Sigil of Malice can detonate each other's marks.
  • If the target becomes untargetable, dies, or is too far away or no longer in sight during the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go on cooldown nor pay its cost (if applicable).
ACTIVE: LeBlanc dashes to the target location, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon arrival and leaving a return pad at the cast location for 4 seconds. Distortion can be recast after 0.2 seconds of the dash ending for the pad's duration.

RECAST: LeBlanc blinks to Distortion's return pad, regardless of range.

Distortion will cast at max range if cast beyond that.

COST: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 MANA
COOLDOWN: 15 / 13.75 / 12.5 / 11.25 / 10 sec.
SPEED: 1450
EFFECT RADIUS: Range center 240

MAGIC DAMAGE: 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+ 70% AP)

  • Distortion will be buffered and cast as soon as the cooldown ends if the player attempts to cast it within 0.5 seconds of the cooldown ending.
    • The RECAST will be buffered and cast as soon as it becomes available if the player attempts to cast it within 0.3 seconds of it becoming available to cast.
  • The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Moonflair Spellblade and triggering Force Pulse's passive.
  • Distortion and Mimic Distortion have independent return pads and LeBlanc can travel to both while they are active.
  • Distortion's pad duration starts once the dash ends.
Ethereal Chains
ACTIVE: LeBlanc flings an illusory chain in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits and forms a tether between LeBlanc and the target for 1.5 seconds, during which they are revealed.

MAGIC DAMAGE - applied: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 40% AP)

If the tether is not broken by the end of its duration, the target is dealt magic damage and is rooted for 1.5 seconds, during which they are revealed.

MAGIC DAMAGE - end trigger: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 80% AP)

COOLDOWN: 14 / 13.25 / 12.5 / 11.75 / 11 sec.
CAST TIME: 0.25 sec.
TARGET RANGE: Range center 950
WIDTH: Range model 110
TETHER RADIUS: Range model 865
SPEED: 1750

TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 130 / 190 / 250 / 310 / 370 (+ 120% AP)

  • What does Root mean ?
  • What does Tether mean ?
  • What does Revealed mean ?
  • Both the initial and the delayed damage can detonate Sigil of Malice.
  • Ethereal Chains and Mimic Ethereal Chains are separate debuffs, and can both be tethered to the same target without overriding each other. The Root icon root duration for either one are unchanged.
  • Spell Shield will block the tether's application and initial damage but not the after-effects of one already applied.
  • The tether remains for a minimum of 0.25 seconds regardless of distance.
  • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
ACTIVE: ACTIVE: LeBlanc casts a mimicked version of her most recently used basic ability, applying the same effects and dealing modified magic damage.

COOLDOWN: 50 / 40 / 30 sec.

Mimic Sigil of Malice: Deals modified damage and double damage upon triggering the mark.

MAGIC DAMAGE: 70 / 140 / 210 (+ 40% AP)
ENHANCED DAMAGE: 140 / 280 / 420 (+ 80% AP)
TOTAL DAMAGE: 210 / 420 / 630 (+ 120% AP)

Mimic Distortion: Deals modified damage.

MAGIC DAMAGE: 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 75% AP)

Mimic Ethereal Chains: Deals modified damage and double damage after the tether lasts its full duration.

MAGIC DAMAGE: 70 / 140 / 210 (+ 40% AP)
ENHANCED DAMAGE: 140 / 280 / 420 (+ 80% AP)
TOTAL DAMAGE: 210 / 420 / 630 (+ 120% AP)

+ Insanely Broken
+ 53.6% WR in Korea
+ After ShadowFl. dmgs are huges
+ Great Laning and Duels
+ LeBlanc is a Burst-Assassin AP
+ Hard CCs (for E+R)
+ Excelent for Roaming
+ If snowballing game is 80% won
Laning Phase:
  • High Burst Damage: LeBlanc has excellent early-game burst damage, allowing her to poke and pressure enemy laners effectively.
  • Strong Mobility: LeBlanc's abilities provide her with exceptional mobility, making it easy to dodge skill shots and engage or disengage from fights.
  • Crowd Control: LeBlanc can root enemies with her Ethereal Chains or Mimic Ethereal Chains too, providing crowd control that can help set up kills and assist jungler ganks.
  • Versatile Harassment: Her long-range poke allows LeBlanc to harass enemy ADCs and supports, creating opportunities for her ADC to farm and trade favorably.
  • Snowball Potential: LeBlanc's early-game strength can help snowball her lane if she gets ahead, providing significant pressure across the map.
Late Game:
  • Assassin Threat: LeBlanc can burst down squishy targets and quickly eliminate enemy carries, disrupting the enemy backline.
  • Vision Control: Her mobility allows LeBlanc to move quickly around the map, helping secure and deny vision in critical areas.
  • Pick Potential: LeBlanc's ability to quickly engage and burst makes her effective at catching out-of-position enemies and securing picks for her team.
  • Deceptive Playstyle: With her ability to distort in and out of fights, LeBlanc can bait enemy abilities and focus, creating openings for her team.
  • Zone Control: LeBlanc can use her combos to control areas of the map, forcing enemies to respect her presence and play cautiously.
- Study Pro Player Combos
- Vulnerable to Tank Supports
- High Skill Cap
- Difficulty with Disengage
- Risky Roaming
- Reliant on Snowballing
- Punishing Mistakes (wasting W and W+R)

Laning Phase:
  • Limited Synergy with Scaling ADCs: LeBlanc works best with aggressive ADCs like Tristana or Draven, who can capitalize on her early-game burst and engage potential. She struggles with ADCs that scale into the late game, such as Kog'Maw or Aphelios, because she needs to snowball early and cannot effectively play a passive role focused on protecting her ADC while they farm.
  • Struggles Against Tank Supports: Tanky supports like Alistar and Braum are problematic for LeBlanc because they can absorb her burst damage and retaliate with crowd control, putting her at risk. Their resilience makes it hard for LeBlanc to secure kills and maintain lane pressure.
  • Squishy and Vulnerable: LeBlanc is inherently squishy, making her susceptible to all-ins and crowd control from enemy supports and ADCs. Getting caught can lead to quick deaths and loss of lane control.
  • Limited Wave Control: LeBlanc lacks strong wave-clearing abilities, making it challenging to manage minion waves or push the lane effectively. This can result in poor lane management and missed opportunities to roam or reset.
  • Difficulty Against Sustain Supports: Sustain supports like Soraka or Nami can mitigate LeBlanc's poke damage and keep their ADC healthy, nullifying her pressure and making it hard to secure kills in lane.
Late Game:
  • Falling Off in Late Game: LeBlanc's effectiveness diminishes as the game progresses, especially if she hasn't secured a significant advantage early on. Her burst becomes less impactful against tanky opponents, and she can struggle to influence team fights.
  • Limited Utility for Team Fights: While LeBlanc has some crowd control with her Ethereal Chains (E), she lacks utility abilities like shields and heals, which can be critical in late-game team fights. This limits her ability to protect her teammates and contribute defensively.
  • High-Risk, High-Reward Playstyle: LeBlanc's playstyle in the late game requires high-risk plays to execute picks or burst down key targets. Mistakes can lead to her being caught and killed, leaving her team at a disadvantage.
  • Reliance on Snowballing: If LeBlanc hasn't snowballed during the early game, she becomes a liability in the late game, providing little threat to the enemy team and struggling to make impactful plays.
  • Difficulty in Protecting Carries: LeBlanc lacks tools to effectively peel for or protect her ADC and other carries in the late game. Her ability to burst down enemy carries is less effective if they are well-protected by their team, making it challenging to take down key targets.

Flash provides LeBlanc with the ability to maneuver past obstacles and quickly reposition in fights. This is particularly valuable for initiating plays with her Distortion (W) and Sigil of Malice (Q) combo or for reaching enemy carries, allowing her to swiftly disrupt their positioning and control the battlefield.

Moreover, Flash enables LeBlanc to position herself optimally for her abilities, including her Ethereal Chains (E) and Mimic (R). By using Flash effectively, LeBlanc can enhance the impact of her burst damage and crowd control, significantly increasing her team's chances of securing kills and winning team fights.

Additionally, Flash can be used defensively to escape sticky situations, helping LeBlanc avoid dangerous scenarios where she might be caught out of position or threatened by enemy crowd control. This flexibility makes Flash an essential tool for maximizing LeBlanc's playmaking potential as a support.

When playing LeBlanc with Ignite, you gain a significant offensive boost, enhancing your ability to secure kills during skirmishes. Ignite deals additional true damage over time and reduces enemy healing, making it a powerful tool for exerting pressure on your lane opponents.

The use of Ignite increases pressure on opponents, forcing them to play cautiously and opening up kill opportunities, especially when combined with an aggressive ADC. LeBlanc can capitalize on this increased pressure with her burst damage and crowd control, giving your team an advantage during fights.

Ignite enhances LeBlanc's killing potential, especially in the early game, and can make the difference between a guaranteed kill and an escaping enemy. It helps pressure the enemy lane, allowing your ADC to farm more safely and deal damage more freely.

Finally, Ignite is particularly effective against champions with high healing or regeneration, such as Soraka, Vladimir Olaf or Briar, reducing their effectiveness and making kills easier during skirmishes.
Exhaust offers LeBlanc valuable utility and defensive capabilities during both the laning phase and team fights. By casting Exhaust on enemy champions, LeBlanc can significantly reduce their damage output like Kennen or Draven, making it easier for her and her ADC to survive incoming threats.

During the laning phase, Exhaust can be used defensively to mitigate damage from aggressive enemy champions or to neutralize all-in attempts from the opposing bot lane. This allows LeBlanc and her ADC to stay safer in lane and potentially turn skirmishes in their favor.

In team fights, Exhaust can be crucial for protecting key allies, such as your ADC or other carries, from burst damage or assassins diving into the backline. By casting Exhaust on priority targets, LeBlanc can help peel for her team and disrupt the enemy’s offensive capabilities, giving her team a better chance at winning the fight.

Additionally, Exhaust can be used offensively to hinder the effectiveness of high-threat enemy champions, such as assassins or hypercarries, by reducing their damage output and slowing their movement. This can create opportunities for LeBlanc and her team to capitalize on and secure kills during team fights or skirmishes.
Heal offers LeBlanc and her ADC valuable survivability and sustain during the laning phase and team fights. When cast, Heal provides a burst of health to both LeBlanc and her ADC, helping them stay in lane longer and potentially turn the tide of skirmishes.

During the laning phase, Heal can be used to quickly restore health in response to enemy poke or all-in attempts. This allows them to sustain through trades and maintain pressure in the lane, giving them an advantage over their opponents.

In team fights, Heal can serve as a clutch lifesaver, providing an emergency burst of healing to LeBlanc or her ADC when they are low on health. This can help them survive burst damage or execute a well-timed escape, potentially turning the fight in their favor.

Additionally, Heal can be used proactively to provide a small movement speed boost to LeBlanc and her ADC, allowing them to reposition or chase down fleeing enemies more effectively. This can be particularly useful during engages or disengages, helping LeBlanc and her team secure kills or retreat safely.
When playing LeBlanc with Teleport, you gain significant map mobility and strategic flexibility. This allows you to quickly join fights across the map, help secure objectives, and provide unexpected pressure in other lanes. Teleport can be used to respond to skirmishes, reinforce your team, or create advantageous situations by surprising the enemy team.

The use of Teleport enables LeBlanc to exert pressure in multiple lanes, forcing opponents to be cautious and facilitating plays across the map. This is especially useful for LeBlanc, who can use her mobility to roam and impact other lanes effectively. Teleport allows her to capitalize on this playstyle, offering opportunities to make impactful roams or provide crucial assistance in key moments.

Teleport enhances LeBlanc's ability to influence the game beyond her own lane, providing the potential to create advantages for her team in the mid and late game. It allows her to quickly join team fights, secure objectives, or apply pressure on other parts of the map, making it a valuable tool for maintaining control and momentum.

Finally, Teleport is effective for enabling split-pushing strategies or quickly returning to lane after roams, ensuring LeBlanc can maintain presence and pressure. This flexibility can be pivotal in games where map control and objective play are crucial, allowing LeBlanc to make plays that can shift the balance in her team's favor.

Comet and Manaflow:
Hard poke and mana:

Spoiler: Click to view

Cash Back and Biscuit Delivery:
Refund for each PowSpk and Mana Regen:

Spoiler: Click to view

Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm:
AP Bonus Scaling

Spoiler: Click to view

Speed Atk + AP + HP Scaling:

Spoiler: Click to view

Electrocute and Sudden Impact:
Hard Burst Early vs Squishy:

Spoiler: Click to view

Transcendence and Gathering Storm:
CDR and AP Bonus Scaling:

Spoiler: Click to view

Ghost Poro and Relentless Hunter:
Vision and Roaming:

Spoiler: Click to view

Speed Atk + AP + HP Scaling:

Spoiler: Click to view

The itemization for LeBlanc requires flexibility and adaptability. It's essential to carefully evaluate the game situation and the needs of your team to build a set of items that maximizes LeBlanc's effectiveness and support on the battlefield.

This is a standard burst build for LeBlanc: Sorcerer's Shoes provide maximum burst damage when the enemy team is squishy, chaining the passives given by other items to deal even more damage. Celestial Opposition has a passive that reduces incoming champion damage and slows nearby enemies upon losing the Blessed effect. It is very useful for LeBlanc, as it allows her to move closer when bursting damage, while being protected by the damage reduction from Celestial Opposition. Luden's Companion is one of LeBlanc's core items; it ensures she always has mana reserves to continue impacting the map with her presence and provides good damage output. LeBlanc's second power spike is when she builds Shadowflame, which allows her to crit enemies below a certain threshold of HP. It doesn't end here because, when you build Stormsurge, after dealing a large burst of damage with a combo that exceeds a certain % threshold, it adds additional damage that is also critted, allowing you to one-shot the enemy. If, in addition to this, you also add an item that provides magic penetration (thus adding more damage from bursts) and also heals allies in an AOE, then with Cryptbloom we reach the pinnacle of one of the best standard builds to rely on in most matches.

Celestial Opposition

Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
Choosing Celestial Opposition as a support item is recommended when you need to increase your resistance to enemy damage, particularly against opponents with high potential for melee or ranged damage. Its passive "Become Blessed" provides excellent utility in team fights by slowing surrounding enemies upon losing the Blessed effect. This item is especially useful for LeBlanc when you want to execute a full combo in a duel without taking too much damage, as it reduces a percentage of incoming damage for 1-2 seconds. This window of reduced damage is often sufficient to one-shot an enemy and safely escape. Zaz'Zak's Realmspike is a potent item for LeBlanc when you are experiencing a hard snowball and want to maximize your burst damage to secure as many kills as possible. The item's passive allows LeBlanc to amplify her damage output significantly and contribute to multi-target damage during skirmishes, making it particularly effective for quickly eliminating priority targets and dominating team fights. The item is especially valuable in situations where you're ahead and want to maintain aggressive pressure on the enemy team. By leveraging the explosive damage, LeBlanc can continue to pick off enemies efficiently and extend her lead.

However, for the late game, it is often recommended to sell Zaz'Zak's Realmspike in favor of Celestial Opposition. Switching to Celestial Opposition provides increased survivability with its damage reduction and crowd control utility, which can be crucial during late-game team fights. The missions associated with Zaz'Zak's Realmspike remain completed and won't reset when you make the switch, allowing you to adapt your build as the game progresses without losing progress.

Lost Chapter
The Lost Chapter is a crucial item for LeBlanc support, especially on the first recall. This item provides 40 Ability Power, 300 Mana, and 10 Ability Haste, making it an excellent choice for LeBlanc who relies on spamming abilities to deal damage and create pressure. Its passive effect, which restores 20% of your maximum mana upon leveling up, is particularly useful in the early game to maintain mana sustain, allowing you to stay active in lane and continue applying pressure without worrying about running out of mana. Building Lost Chapter early enhances LeBlanc's ability to poke and trade with enemies effectively, setting her up for successful ganks and skirmishes, and is the foundation for transitioning into her core items like Luden's Companion.
Amplifying Tome
The Amplifying Tome is a basic item that provides 20 Ability Power, making it a cost-effective option for LeBlanc support when looking to increase her damage output early in the game. On the first recall, purchasing an Amplifying Tome is a good choice if you don't have enough gold for more expensive components like the Lost Chapter. It offers an immediate power spike in damage, which can be critical for trading in lane and maintaining pressure on opponents. Additionally, the Amplifying Tome is a versatile item that builds into many of LeBlanc's core items, such as Luden's Companion, Cryptbloom, and other AP-heavy options, making it a flexible and efficient investment to further her item progression.
Sapphire Crystal
The Sapphire Crystal is a basic item that provides 250 Mana, making it a useful purchase for LeBlanc support when you need additional mana to sustain your presence in the lane. Picking up a Sapphire Crystal on the first recall is beneficial if you find yourself running low on mana frequently and want to continue poking and trading with enemies without having to back frequently. This item is especially valuable in the early game for LeBlanc, as her abilities require a significant amount of mana, and having extra mana allows her to use her abilities more liberally.

Additionally, the Sapphire Crystal is a key component for building into the Lost Chapter, which is a core item for LeBlanc. It helps to transition into more powerful items that grant mana sustain and ability power, such as Luden's Companion. Thus, investing in a Sapphire Crystal early can facilitate a smooth progression into your core items, ensuring that you maintain pressure on the enemy team throughout the early and mid-game.
Dark Seal
The Dark Seal is a high-risk, high-reward item that is often purchased by LeBlanc support for its potential to snowball games. It provides 15 Ability Power and 50 Health, and it has a unique passive that grants additional Ability Power for each stack of Glory, with a maximum of 10 stacks. You gain stacks for champion takedowns (kills or assists), making it an item that rewards aggressive play and successful skirmishes. Here's a closer look at the risks and benefits of this item:

  • Cost-Effective Power Spike: At a low cost of 350 gold, the Dark Seal provides an efficient boost in Ability Power and health, making it an attractive early-game item for amplifying LeBlanc’s damage output.
  • Snowball Potential: The unique passive allows LeBlanc to increase her Ability Power significantly by gaining stacks. Each kill grants 2 stacks, and each assist grants 1 stack, with a maximum of 10 stacks providing up to 55 Ability Power when fully stacked.
  • Synergy with Mejai's Soulstealer: The Dark Seal builds into Mejai's Soulstealer, an item that can further increase your Ability Power based on stacks. This synergy can lead to explosive damage potential if you manage to maintain and increase your stacks without dying.
  • Stack Loss on Death: One of the main risks of building a Dark Seal is losing 5 stacks upon death. This can significantly reduce your Ability Power if you have built up many stacks, making it a risky item to rely on if you are frequently caught out or targeted by the enemy team.
  • Reliance on Aggression: The effectiveness of the Dark Seal heavily depends on your ability to secure kills and assists. If you are unable to participate in takedowns, the item provides relatively low value compared to other Ability Power items.
  • Potential to Snowball Backwards: While the item can help you snowball when ahead, it can also set you back if you are unable to maintain stacks. This makes it crucial to balance aggressive plays with safe positioning, especially in team fights.
You will buy Boots if you have excess gold which will later allow you to buy more important boots. They are very useful for roaming and returning to lane sooner. Later I will better describe which ones to opt for based on the situations.

Control Ward
Purchasing a Control Ward on the first recall with LeBlanc in the bot lane can be crucial for maintaining vision control and preventing enemy ganks or roams. If you find yourself pushed back to base earlier than expected, it may indicate that your lane is struggling or that the enemy jungler has been applying pressure. Buying a Control Ward allows you to regain vision in key areas of the map, such as the river or the enemy jungle entrances, helping to prevent further setbacks and allowing you to safely resume laning. Additionally, placing a Control Ward in the river bush or the enemy tri-bush can provide valuable information about the enemy's movements, potentially averting future ganks and enabling your team to make informed decisions.

When playing LeBlanc support, the choice of boots can significantly impact her performance and effectiveness in different scenarios. Here’s a breakdown of when to build each type of boots:
Sorcerer's Shoes
Sorcerer's Shoes
Mercury's Treads
Mercury's Treads
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Luden's Companion

Lich Bane
Building Luden's Companion as the first item on LeBlanc support can be a highly effective choice when you want to maximize her burst damage and poke potential in the early game. Luden's Companion synergizes well with LeBlanc's playstyle by providing significant Ability Power and Ability Haste, which allow her to execute her combos more frequently and deliver substantial magic damage to her opponents. The item grants 95 Ability Power, enhancing the damage output of her abilities and making her a significant threat to squishy targets. Additionally, the 25 Ability Haste lets LeBlanc use her skills more often, enabling her to apply constant pressure on the enemy laners. The item also provides 600 bonus Mana, which helps her sustain her aggressive playstyle without running out of mana during prolonged engagements.

One of the key advantages of building Luden's Companion is its unique passive, which deals bonus magic damage to the target hit by LeBlanc's abilities and additional enemies within range. This passive increases her burst potential and makes her pokes more impactful, allowing her to chip away at the enemy's health bars effectively. The passive's ability to hit multiple targets is particularly useful in skirmishes and team fights, as it spreads the damage and increases her impact. This feature can be especially oppressive against squishy enemy champions with "low" mobility or poor defensive capabilities, such as Jhin, Jinx, Sona, or Nami. By building Luden's Companion, LeBlanc can punish these champions and force them out of lane or create kill opportunities for her ADC.

In lane, Luden's Companion enhances LeBlanc's ability to harass and zone enemies from minions, making it difficult for them to farm safely. This pressure can lead to significant advantages in lane control and allow LeBlanc to set up plays with her ADC. When paired with aggressive ADCs like Draven, Lucian, or Caitlyn, LeBlanc's increased damage output from Luden's Companion can lead to early kills and tower pressure, snowballing the lane in her team's favor. The synergy between LeBlanc's burst and her ADC's damage makes it challenging for the enemy bot lane to withstand their aggression, leading to potential dominance in the laning phase.

Luden's Companion also enhances LeBlanc's roaming potential, enabling her to transition quickly between lanes and apply pressure across the map. The item’s cooldown reduction and mana boost support her aggressive roaming playstyle, allowing her to impact other lanes by ganking or assisting her teammates. The increased burst damage can be instrumental in securing kills when roaming to mid or top lane, providing her team with early map pressure and advantageous situations. This can be particularly beneficial in games where your team needs an early advantage or when the team composition benefits from a support who can contribute significant damage in skirmishes.

While building Luden's Companion requires confidence in your ability to play aggressively and effectively utilize LeBlanc's abilities, it can be a rewarding choice when executed properly. LeBlanc must capitalize on her mobility and cooldown resets to maximize the item’s passive damage, weaving in and out of fights to apply her damage while avoiding being caught out. Good positioning and map awareness are crucial to ensure that she can safely engage and disengage, making the most of Luden's Companion's benefits.

In conclusion, Luden's Companion is a powerful first item for LeBlanc support in games where you want to maximize her damage output and poke potential. It is most effective against squishy, low-mobility opponents and when paired with aggressive ADCs who can take advantage of the increased pressure LeBlanc provides. By building Luden's Companion, LeBlanc can amplify her burst potential, apply lane pressure, and impact other lanes through effective roaming, ultimately contributing significantly to her team’s success in the early and mid-game.
Building Lich Bane as the first item on LeBlanc support can be a powerful strategic choice when you need to maximize burst damage and mobility in the early game. This item complements LeBlanc's playstyle by enhancing her ability to weave in auto attacks between abilities, allowing her to deliver substantial burst damage in quick succession. Here’s a detailed explanation of why and when this item can be effective:

The main benefit of building Lich Bane on LeBlanc support is the enhanced damage output it provides through its unique passive. This passive gives a significant boost to her burst potential, adding extra magic damage to her basic attacks after using an ability. With 100 Ability Power and 15 Ability Haste, Lich Bane increases her ability to combo frequently and deal higher damage, which is especially useful for executing squishy targets quickly. The 8% movement speed bonus also helps LeBlanc in repositioning and making plays across the map, further enhancing her role as a mobile and elusive support.

In lane, Lich Bane allows LeBlanc to apply consistent pressure on opponents by integrating empowered auto-attacks into her usual ability rotations. This increased threat level can zone enemies from minions, making it difficult for them to farm safely. LeBlanc can utilize the bonus damage from Lich Bane to harass enemy champions effectively, especially when paired with aggressive poke-heavy or all-in ADCs. For example, when paired with champions like Draven or Lucian, LeBlanc can help secure kills in lane, thanks to the extra burst potential Lich Bane provides.

The ideal matchups for building Lich Bane first on LeBlanc support are those against teams with squishy champions who lack mobility or defensive options. Champions like Jhin, Jinx, or Xerath are particularly vulnerable to LeBlanc’s burst damage and benefit from the additional pressure Lich Bane can provide. The extra burst from the item allows LeBlanc to punish these champions effectively, either forcing them out of lane or setting up kill opportunities for her ADC. Additionally, in matchups where the enemy team has a lack of reliable crowd control, LeBlanc can freely engage and disengage, making the mobility and damage from Lich Bane even more potent.

LeBlanc’s roaming potential is also enhanced by Lich Bane, allowing her to transition quickly between lanes and pressure other areas of the map. The increased movement speed makes it easier to dodge skill shots and outmaneuver opponents, while the enhanced burst damage can help secure kills when roaming to mid or top lane. This can be especially impactful in games where your team needs early map pressure or where your team composition benefits from an aggressive support who can contribute significant damage in skirmishes.

However, building Lich Bane requires a confident playstyle where you can capitalize on opportunities to engage and disengage effectively. LeBlanc must utilize her mobility and cooldown resets to maximize the impact of Lich Bane’s passive, weaving in and out of fights to apply her damage optimally. It’s essential to have good awareness of your positioning and timing to ensure you can safely execute your combos without being caught out.

Shadowflame is an excellent second item for LeBlanc because it significantly enhances her burst potential and ability to finish off low-health targets. With 120 Ability Power and 10 Magic Penetration, Shadowflame increases the damage output of her abilities, allowing LeBlanc to deal even more significant damage to enemies, especially those with magic resist.

The item's unique passive makes magic damage and true damage critically strike enemies below 35% health, dealing 20% increased damage. This passive synergizes well with LeBlanc’s playstyle as an assassin, enabling her to execute low-health targets more efficiently and secure kills with her combos. This critical strike bonus is particularly useful for finishing off opponents who might otherwise escape, making Shadowflame a crucial item for maximizing LeBlanc's kill potential.

Overall, Shadowflame is a powerful power spike item for LeBlanc, allowing her to maintain her role as a high-burst assassin throughout the game. It is especially effective against squishy opponents and teams that stack magic resist, helping her pierce through defenses and remain a constant threat.
Stormsurge is a potent item for LeBlanc support to consider building as a second or third item, depending on your build path. It offers 95 Ability Power, 10 Magic Penetration, and 8% Movement Speed, all of which enhance LeBlanc’s burst damage and mobility, making her an even more formidable threat on the Rift.

One of the key strengths of Stormsurge is its unique passive that synergizes well with Shadowflame. When LeBlanc deals 35% of a champion's maximum health within 3 seconds, she applies the Stormsurge effect, granting her a 35% movement speed boost for 2 seconds. This allows her to reposition quickly, chase down fleeing enemies, or escape dangerous situations. After 2 seconds, Stormsurge strikes the target with lightning, dealing magic damage based on her Ability Power. If the target dies before the lightning strikes or from the lightning itself, it detonates in a large area around them and grants LeBlanc 30 gold. This passive works exceptionally well with Shadowflame because the increased damage from Shadowflame's passive critical strikes on low-health targets also affects the Stormsurge detonation, further amplifying her execution potential. This means that the detonation itself benefits from the critical strike damage, making it more likely to finish off nearby low-health enemies and maximizing her burst capability in team fights.

The synergy between Stormsurge and Shadowflame enhances LeBlanc’s ability to finish off enemies with low health efficiently, making her an even more effective assassin. The additional Magic Penetration from both items ensures that her damage cuts through enemy resistances, allowing her to burst down squishy targets more effectively. The combination of increased movement speed and burst damage from these items enables LeBlanc to execute quick and devastating combos, catching enemies off guard and contributing significantly to team fights.

When considering your item build, Stormsurge is an excellent choice after Shadowflame if you need additional burst damage and movement speed to capitalize on LeBlanc’s playstyle. Alternatively, if you build Lich Bane as your first item, you can follow it with Shadowflame and then Stormsurge to maximize her damage output and execution potential. This build path ensures that LeBlanc remains a constant threat throughout the mid-game, allowing her to roam effectively and secure kills, ultimately leading to her team's success.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Zhonya's Hourglass is an essential item to consider as a second item for LeBlanc in specific situations, particularly when facing teams with heavy AD (attack damage) compositions or dangerous enemy assassins like Zed, Talon, or Kha'Zix. With 120 Ability Power and 50 Armor, Zhonya's Hourglass not only enhances LeBlanc's damage output but also provides valuable survivability against physical damage threats.

The core strength of Zhonya's Hourglass lies in its unique active ability, which allows LeBlanc to enter stasis for 2.5 seconds. During this time, she becomes untargetable and invulnerable, rendering her immune to all damage and crowd control effects. This stasis can be crucial in dodging lethal abilities, such as Zed's Death Mark or Kha'Zix's Void Assault burst, effectively nullifying their kill potential. By timing the activation of Zhonya's Hourglass correctly, LeBlanc can outplay enemy assassins and avoid being burst down in critical moments.

Building Zhonya's Hourglass as a second item is particularly advantageous when the enemy team comprises mostly AD champions or when they have fed AD threats. The 50 Armor helps mitigate incoming physical damage, making it harder for AD champions to eliminate LeBlanc quickly. This is especially useful in games where the enemy team relies heavily on AD-based champions to carry fights, as it allows LeBlanc to stay alive longer and contribute more to skirmishes and teamfights.

Moreover, Zhonya's Hourglass can be a game-changer in teamfights. By going into stasis, LeBlanc can disrupt the enemy team's focus, absorbing key abilities and buying time for her team to reposition or retaliate. This can be particularly effective if LeBlanc has already engaged and dealt significant damage, as it forces the enemy to either waste cooldowns on her stasis or redirect their attention elsewhere. Using Zhonya's Hourglass strategically in a teamfight can help turn the tide in your favor, providing your team with an opportunity to capitalize on the disruption and secure advantages.

In conclusion, while Zhonya's Hourglass is not always the go-to second item for LeBlanc, it is an excellent choice in games where you face heavy AD threats or dangerous enemy assassins. Its active ability provides a critical tool for outplaying opponents and surviving dangerous situations, while the additional Armor helps LeBlanc withstand physical damage. When built in the right circumstances, Zhonya's Hourglass can significantly enhance LeBlanc's survivability and impact in fights, allowing her to continue being a dominant presence on the battlefield.

Cryptbloom is an invaluable item for LeBlanc that offers a blend of damage, utility, and cooldown reduction, making it a versatile choice in her item build. With a total price of 2850 gold, it provides 70 Ability Power, 30 Magic Penetration, and 15 Ability Haste. These stats enhance LeBlanc's burst damage and ability to apply pressure on the enemy team, while the unique passive offers significant utility in teamfights.

The 70 Ability Power increases LeBlanc's damage output, while the 30 Magic Penetration ensures that her abilities can cut through enemy magic resistance more effectively, amplifying her damage against both squishy targets and those with some magic resist. This combination makes Cryptbloom a potent item for maximizing LeBlanc's damage during mid-game skirmishes and teamfights, representing a key power spike in her build.

The 15 Ability Haste is particularly valuable for reducing the cooldowns of LeBlanc's abilities, allowing her to engage and disengage more frequently and maintain a higher level of pressure throughout fights. This contributes to her ability to execute her high-impact combos more often, making her an even greater threat to the enemy team.

The unique passive of Cryptbloom creates a healing nova at the location of an enemy champion you recently damaged and subsequently took down. This nova heals allies for 50 (+50% of Ability Power) and has a 60-second cooldown. This passive adds significant team utility, providing an AoE healing effect that can be crucial in prolonged engagements. The healing can turn the tide in fights by sustaining your team and enabling them to stay in the fray longer, particularly when combined with LeBlanc's burst damage to secure quick takedowns.

Overall, Cryptbloom is a powerful item for LeBlanc because it combines damage enhancement with a valuable utility component. The item acts as a strong power spike by boosting her ability to deal magic damage and providing a healing benefit that supports her team. This makes it a highly effective choice when looking to maximize both individual impact and team contribution during the mid-game and early late-game phases.
Void Staff
Void Staff is a powerful item for LeBlanc that provides 95 Ability Power and 40 Magic Penetration. It is particularly useful for cutting through high amounts of magic resistance, making it an essential choice when facing enemies who build significant magic resist, such as tanks like Leona, Rell, or Sejuani.

However, due to its higher cost of 3000 gold compared to Cryptbloom, and its more specialized use, Void Staff is often built later in the game or as a secondary option. While the increased Magic Penetration is crucial for maximizing damage against heavily armored opponents, Void Staff lacks the utility that Cryptbloom offers. Cryptbloom provides not only 70 Ability Power and 30 Magic Penetration but also grants 15 Ability Haste and has a unique passive that heals allies on takedowns. This healing nova can significantly impact team fights by providing additional sustain to your team, which can be particularly valuable in extended engagements.

In summary, while Void Staff is indispensable for dealing with high magic resist, its higher cost and lack of utility make it a less frequent choice compared to Cryptbloom, which offers more versatility and support in addition to its damage components. Therefore, Void Staff is typically prioritized when dealing with opponents who heavily invest in magic resistance, but Cryptbloom is often built earlier for its utility and overall effectiveness in a broader range of situations.
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon's Deathcap is a powerhouse item for LeBlanc when you want to maximize her damage output and enhance her burst potential. With 140 Ability Power, it significantly boosts her ability to deal magic damage.

The unique passive increases your Ability Power by 35%, which means all your Ability Power items contribute more to your total damage. This amplification effect makes Rabadon's Deathcap particularly effective as a late-game item or a third major item, providing a substantial boost to your damage and allowing you to execute enemies with even greater efficiency.

Building Rabadon's Deathcap is ideal when you are ahead and looking to maximize your damage output in team fights or when finishing off high-value targets. It synergizes well with other Ability Power items, turning your already high burst damage into a devastating force. It’s especially effective when the enemy team has not heavily invested in magic resistance. In situations where the enemy is building magic resist, consider getting items like Cryptbloom first to ensure you can penetrate their defenses.

Alternatively, if you have already built Cryptbloom and the game is progressing, switching to Rabadon's Deathcap can offer a significant increase in your overall damage output. This item will further amplify your burst potential, making you a more formidable threat in team fights and skirmishes.
Banshee's Veil
Banshee's Veil is a valuable situational item for LeBlanc when you need to counter heavy AP (ability power) compositions or deal with high amounts of crowd control. It provides 120 Ability Power and 50 Magic Resistance, boosting both your damage output and survivability against magic damage.

The unique passive of Banshee's Veil grants a spell shield that blocks the next incoming enemy ability, with a cooldown of 30 seconds. This shield can be crucial for protecting LeBlanc from key crowd control effects or critical abilities that could otherwise prevent her from executing her combos or engaging effectively. The cooldown of the shield is reset if you take damage from champions, making it essential to time your engagements and positioning to make the most of the shield.

Building Banshee's Veil is particularly useful in matches where the enemy team has strong AP champions or significant crowd control. It allows LeBlanc to engage more safely, mitigate incoming damage, and avoid being locked down by crucial enemy abilities. This can be especially important when facing champions who can easily burst her down or disrupt her positioning, such as Ahri, Lissandra, or Anivia.
Mejai's Soulstealer
Mejai's Soulstealer is a situational item for LeBlanc that can be highly effective when you're experiencing a strong snowball and are looking to capitalize on your momentum. Priced at 1600 gold, it provides 20 Ability Power and 100 Health, enhancing your survivability and damage output.

The unique passive of Mejai's Soulstealer allows you to gain 4 stacks for each champion kill and 2 stacks for assists, up to a maximum of 25 stacks. If you reach 10 stacks, you gain an additional 5 Ability Power per stack and 10% bonus movement speed. This makes the item particularly valuable for snowballing scenarios where you are consistently securing kills and assists. The increased damage and movement speed from stacking Mejai’s can significantly boost your effectiveness in skirmishes and teamfights.

However, if you die, you lose 10 stacks, which can set back your progress and reduce the item's benefits. Therefore, Mejai's Soulstealer is best used when you’re ahead and can leverage its snowball potential, maximizing your burst damage and mobility. It’s less reliable in games where the risk of dying is high or if you are not able to build up stacks quickly. In those cases, focusing on more consistent power items like Shadowflame or Cryptbloom might be more prudent.
As a support, one of your primary responsibilities is to provide vision control for your team. Proper warding can make a significant difference in the outcome of the game, and as a LeBlanc player, you can leverage vision to set up deadly plays and secure crucial picks.

Knowing where to place your wards is vital for maintaining map awareness and controlling key areas. Here are some essential warding spots for LeBlanc:

1. River Brushes:
River Brushes:

Spoiler: Click to view

2. Tri-brush:

Spoiler: Click to view

3. Enemy Jungle Entrances:
Enemy Jungle Entrances:

Spoiler: Click to view

Clearing enemy wards is a crucial aspect of vision control, and for LeBlanc, utilizing the red trinket ( Oracle Lens) is a game-changer in this regard. As a support, denying enemy vision is one of your primary responsibilities, and the Oracle Lens allows you to do it with unparalleled efficiency.

1. Control Wards:
Empowering Map Awareness and Safety

Spoiler: Click to view

2. Roaming and Surprising:
Vision Control in Action in Full Swing

Spoiler: Click to view

3. The Red Trinket:
Revealing Secrets and Asserting Dominance

Spoiler: Click to view

In the realm of League of Legends, vision control reigns supreme, and as a skilled support player piloting
LeBlanc, you possess the power to turn the tide of battle through strategic warding. To further elevate your vision control game, this section delves into the importance of visual aid when it comes to placing wards effectively.

Securing Strategic Vision on the Blue Side:

Spoiler: Click to view

Gaining Deep Vision Against Invisible Junglers:

Warding against invisible junglers like Evelynn, Shaco, Rengar, Talon is crucial for staying one step ahead in the game. With their ability to sneak around undetected, having deep vision becomes your greatest ally in keeping track of their movements and thwarting their surprise attacks.

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By diligently maintaining deep vision with well-placed wards and utilizing Control Ward to unmask invisible threats, you can neutralize the advantage of stealthy junglers. This proactive approach to vision control will not only protect you and your teammates from ambushes but also empower your team to exploit the weaknesses of these elusive opponents, leading your team to victory in the Summoner's Rift.

Securing Strategic Vision on the Red Side:

Spoiler: Click to view

Gaining Deep Vision Against Invisible Junglers:

Warding against invisible junglers remains crucial on the Red Side, just as it is on the Blue Side. With stealthy champions like Evelynn, Rengar, Talon and Shaco sneaking around undetected, having deep vision becomes even more critical to track their movements and thwart their surprise attacks.

Spoiler: Click to view

By upholding diligent deep vision with well-placed wards and making strategic use of Control Ward, you can neutralize the advantage of stealthy junglers, regardless of the side you play on. This proactive approach to vision control will protect you and your teammates from ambushes and empower your team to capitalize on the weaknesses of these elusive opponents, leading to success in the Summoner's Rift.

Talking of wave management, LeBlanc wields strategic prowess as a support. With her versatile toolkit, she navigates the delicate balance of controlling minion waves to gain advantages for her team. From orchestrating fast pushes to orchestrating freezes, each technique serves a distinct purpose in her quest to secure lane dominance and pave the path to victory.

1. Fast Push
Accelerated lane clearance

When your ADC decides to fast push, your role as LeBlanc is to help them quickly clear the wave and push it towards the enemy tower. This strategy is useful when you want to reset the wave or create pressure on the enemy tower. Use your abilities to clear minions efficiently and provide protection for your ADC during the push.

2. Slow push
Gradual lane buildup

Slow pushing involves killing enemy minions at a slower pace, allowing your minion wave to build up over time. As LeBlanc, you can assist your ADC by selectively damaging enemy minions to maintain a slow push. This strategy is effective for building a minion advantage, creating opportunities for turret dives, or setting up for objective control.

3. Freeze
Wave Freezing

Freezing the wave involves maintaining an equilibrium near your tower, denying the enemy ADC access to farm safely. As LeBlanc, you can assist in freezing the wave by only last-hitting minions and zoning the enemy bot lane duo away from the minion wave. Freezing is advantageous when your team wants to deny the enemy ADC farm or set up for jungle ganks.

LeBlanc Support is a dynamic and high-impact champion renowned for her explosive burst damage and exceptional mobility. Her playstyle revolves around creating opportunities through precise engages, disrupting opponents, and securing kills with her potent combos. Unlike traditional supports who might focus on shielding or sustaining their allies, LeBlanc thrives on aggression and quick, decisive plays.

Mastering LeBlanc involves understanding and executing her various combos to maximize her impact. Her skillset requires precise timing and positioning to unleash devastating burst damage and secure kills.

This chapter will delve into LeBlanc’s playstyle, focusing on her approach to engaging and trading in lane, her role in teamfights and objectives, and how to effectively utilize her combos to dominate the game. Understanding these aspects will be crucial for maximizing LeBlanc’s potential and leveraging her strengths to control the battlefield and secure victories.

In addition to her engaging and trading strategies, mastering LeBlanc's combos is crucial for maximizing her impact in the game. To aid in this, I am providing two valuable video resources. The first video offers a detailed explanation of LeBlanc’s combos for those who wish to dive deeper into the mechanics and intricacies of her playstyle. It covers various scenarios and how to effectively execute her abilities for optimal damage and utility. The second video presents a quick-reference list of essential combos, designed for immediate use in gameplay. This streamlined guide allows you to quickly familiarize yourself with key combinations and apply them effectively in your matches. Both resources are aimed at enhancing your proficiency with LeBlanc and improving your overall performance in both laning and teamfighting scenarios.


In the early game, LeBlanc Support excels at engaging and trading through her high burst damage and exceptional mobility. While she may lack the sustained damage of traditional ADCs, her ability to quickly eliminate or significantly damage opponents makes her a formidable presence in lane. Utilizing her Q, Sigil of Malice, and W, Distortion, effectively allows her to initiate trades and capitalize on opportunities for quick bursts of damage. Her passive, Mirror Image, creates a clone when her health falls below a certain threshold, which can be used to bait enemies and make an escape. This passive is particularly useful for creating confusion and dodging skill shots.

To maximize her effectiveness in lane, LeBlanc should focus on landing her Q to mark enemies, followed by an immediate W for burst damage and crowd control. This combo can catch opponents off guard and secure early trades. Her E, Ethereal Chains, provides an additional tool for disrupting enemies and setting up kills, especially when combined with her Q and W. Timing and positioning are crucial; engaging when enemies are out of position or have used their key defensive abilities can result in significant advantages.

In the laning phase, LeBlanc should aim to apply constant pressure by poking and harassing enemies with her abilities. Avoiding minions while using her Q ensures maximum damage output, and coordinating trades when enemies are near their minions or under their tower can create advantageous scenarios. Engaging with LeBlanc is further facilitated by effective vision control, placing wards in enemy jungle entrances or key areas to track enemy movements and identify opportunities for aggressive plays.

Roaming is a vital aspect of LeBlanc's early game strategy. As a highly mobile champion, she can quickly transition from lane to mid to assist her jungler or mid-laner in securing kills or objectives. Properly timed roams can create significant pressure and open up opportunities across the map. Her high burst damage makes her an excellent candidate for executing swift ganks, especially when coordinated with her team.

Vision control is essential for LeBlanc, enabling her to make informed decisions about when and where to engage. Placing wards in enemy jungle and river areas helps track enemy movements and set up successful roams or invades. During early jungle invades, LeBlanc can use her mobility and burst to assist her jungler in securing vision and objectives, further establishing map control.

As LeBlanc transitions into the mid-game, her roaming and vision control become even more critical. Consistently applying pressure in lane, setting up ganks, and maintaining deep vision in enemy territory can significantly impact the flow of the game. Her ability to quickly eliminate key targets and create opportunities for her team makes her a valuable asset in establishing map dominance and securing objectives.


In teamfights, LeBlanc Support shines through her ability to quickly burst down key targets and disrupt the enemy team. Her primary role is to identify and eliminate high-priority targets, such as enemy carries or squishy champions, using her exceptional burst damage and mobility. Engaging with LeBlanc should focus on catching opponents off guard, utilizing her Q, Sigil of Malice, to mark targets, and following up with her W, Distortion, to deliver a swift and powerful combo. Her E, Ethereal Chains, can also be used to lock down and control key enemy champions, especially if they are overextended or isolated from their team.

Effective teamfighting with LeBlanc involves precise positioning and timing. Ideally, you should wait until the enemy team has used their key defensive abilities or is out of position before diving in. This allows you to maximize your burst potential and reduce the risk of being caught or focused down. Since LeBlanc is relatively squishy, engaging from a flanking position or after your team has initiated can help mitigate the risk of being targeted. Her mobility with W and the active portion of her E enables her to reposition quickly, making her a difficult target to pin down and allowing her to strike effectively.

When it comes to objectives, LeBlanc’s role is to create opportunities for her team and secure map control. Her ability to burst down opponents can force enemies to retreat or respawn, giving your team a window to take objectives like Dragon, Baron, or turrets. Additionally, her roaming prowess and vision control are crucial in establishing dominance around key objective areas. Placing wards in strategic locations can provide valuable information on enemy movements and help set up successful objective takes or defensive maneuvers.

During objective fights, prioritize using your abilities to eliminate or incapacitate key enemy champions who pose the biggest threat. This can be achieved through quick and decisive bursts of damage, combined with effective use of crowd control from your E. Pay close attention to the positioning of enemy carries and use your mobility to flank or catch them off guard. It’s also essential to coordinate with your team to ensure that engages are well-timed and that you can leverage your burst damage without overextending.

As the game progresses into the mid and late game, LeBlanc's impact on teamfights and objectives becomes even more pronounced. Continuously apply pressure on enemy carries, create picks, and use your high burst potential to swing the tide of fights in your team’s favor. By maintaining vision control, securing key objectives, and making precise engagements, LeBlanc can help lead her team to victory and dominate the battlefield.

As a playmaker support, LeBlanc stands as a beacon of strategic influence on the Summoner's Rift. With her ability to initiate and dictate the flow of team engagements, she transcends the traditional role of a support, becoming a pivotal figure in orchestrating macro-level plays. Whether it's leading the charge in coordinated jungle invasions, facilitating mid lane ganks with her crowd control prowess, or spearheading objective control with her disruptive presence, LeBlanc embodies the essence of a Burst Mage support. In the hands of a skilled player, her strategic acumen and decisive actions can tilt the scales of battle in favor of her team, securing victories through calculated macro plays and unparalleled map control.
Mid lane ganks
As LeBlanc, coordinating ganks on the mid lane can be highly effective, especially when accompanied by your jungler. Utilize your crowd control abilities to initiate and lock down enemy mid laners, creating opportunities for kills or summoner spell burns. Communicate with your mid laner and jungler to ensure successful ganks and capitalize on overextended opponents.
Jungle Invasions
Invading the enemy jungle alongside your jungler is a proactive way to establish vision control, deny resources, and apply pressure across the map. With your Burst-Combo a surpraise (E+Q+R+W) and crowd control, LeBlanc can assist in securing kills or forcing enemy junglers out of their territory. Coordinate with your team to invade when you have lane priority and ensure proper vision coverage to avoid potential counterattacks.
Objective Control
Supporting your team in securing objectives like dragon is crucial for maintaining map control and securing victory. Use your crowd control to zone enemies away from contested areas, providing opportunities for your team to secure objectives safely. Additionally, coordinate with your team to set up vision around key objectives and rotate accordingly to contest or secure them when they spawn.
Map Awareness and Rotation
As a support, maintaining map awareness is paramount. Keep track of enemy movements, objectives timers, and potential gank opportunities to make informed decisions. Rotate efficiently between lanes and objectives to provide assistance where needed, whether it's protecting your ADC during sieges or roaming to assist other lanes in securing kills or objectives.
Baron Control
Having vision around the Baron pit is paramount when it comes to securing this game-changing objective. By placing wards in key areas like the river, enemy jungle entrances, and the Baron pit itself, your team gains essential information about the enemy team's movements. Vision around Baron allows your team to detect enemy attempts at sneaking the Baron, providing an opportunity for a decisive contest or potential pick on unsuspecting opponents. Additionally, vision around Baron can serve as a baiting tool, enticing the enemy into unfavorable fights and creating opportunities for your team to gain the upper hand.
Deep Jungle Wards
Placing deep wards in the enemy jungle can lead to successful picks and rotations. These wards grant your team insights into the enemy jungler's position and roaming patterns. Knowing where the enemy jungler is allows your laners to play more aggressively when the jungler is far away or set up plays when they spot the enemy jungler on the opposite side of the map. Additionally, deep wards in the enemy jungle enable your team to spot enemy rotations, leading to more informed decisions and strategic movements across the map.

In this section, I'll delve into bot lane matchups, focusing on how LeBlanc support fares against various types of enemy supports. I'll categorize them based on their playstyles: engager-disengagers, peelers, tanks, mages, enchanters, poke mages, poke burst, and playmakers. It's important to note that some supports may fall into multiple categories, and item builds can significantly impact their playstyle. Additionally, the support matchup often holds more weight than the ADC matchup, particularly in higher elos, influencing lane dynamics and overall strategy.
Enchanter Champions

When playing LeBlanc Support against Enchanters like Lulu, Soraka, and Sona, you need to adapt your approach due to their focus on shielding and healing their ADCs. Enchanters are designed to mitigate incoming damage and sustain their ADCs, which poses a challenge for LeBlanc. Her explosive burst damage can be diminished by the consistent healing and shielding that these supports provide, making it harder to secure kills if they react promptly.

To overcome the defenses of Enchanters, timing is crucial. You should aim to engage when their key abilities are on cooldown. For instance, wait until Lulu has used her Whimsy or Soraka her Wish or Equinox before diving in. This way, you can maximize your impact when their defensive tools are unavailable. Consistently applying pressure and punishing mistakes are also key. By harassing the support and ADC relentlessly, you can force them into awkward positions, making it easier to land your high-damage combos.

LeBlanc’s mobility allows you to position yourself effectively to exploit these windows of opportunity. Engage when the Enchanter is out of position or their abilities are on cooldown, and use your burst damage to eliminate them or significantly disrupt their ability to protect their ADC. Even if you don't secure an immediate kill, your role is to pressure and create openings for your team.

In teamfights, focus on targeting the Enchanter when they are separated from their ADC or when their defensive abilities are on cooldown. LeBlanc’s ability to quickly eliminate key targets can be decisive in these scenarios. By maintaining constant pressure and seizing moments when the Enchanter is vulnerable, you can make a significant impact and tip the scales in your favor.

If you find that you are unable to gain an advantage in your lane, consider roaming to help other lanes or the jungle. LeBlanc’s mobility and burst damage make her effective at assisting your midlaner or jungler in securing kills and creating opportunities elsewhere on the map. Roaming can help you snowball your team’s advantage and compensate for any difficulties you face in your lane.
Playmaker Champions

When playing LeBlanc Support against playmakers and tanky supports like Pyke, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Rakan, Leona, Alistar, and Nautilus, your strategy must be adapted due to their aggressive and disruptive playstyles. These champions are designed to engage and create opportunities for their team, often with high crowd control and burst damage. This presents a unique challenge for LeBlanc, who relies on precise engagements and high burst damage.

To counter these playmakers and tanks, positioning and timing are crucial. Engage carefully when their key crowd control abilities are on cooldown. For example, wait until Blitzcrank has used his Rocket Grab, or until Thresh has burned his Flay or Death Sentence. This approach helps you avoid their strong initiation and reduces their ability to lock you down or disrupt your burst combos.

Consistently applying pressure is key. Harass these champions when they try to engage or when their cooldowns are not available. By forcing them to use their abilities defensively, you can create openings and make it harder for them to capitalize on their engage tools. LeBlanc’s mobility allows her to reposition effectively and exploit these moments of vulnerability.

In teamfights, focus on identifying and targeting the playmakers when they are separated from their team or when their crowd control abilities are on cooldown. LeBlanc can take advantage of her burst damage to quickly eliminate these key disruptors, which can shift the balance of the fight in your favor. Even if you don’t secure an immediate kill, your role is to pressure and displace them to create opportunities for your team.

If you find that you are unable to gain an advantage in your lane, consider roaming to help other lanes or the jungle. LeBlanc’s mobility and burst damage make her effective at assisting your midlaner or jungler in securing kills and creating opportunities elsewhere on the map. Roaming can help you snowball your team’s advantage and compensate for any difficulties you face in your lane.
Poke-Burst Mage Champions

When playing LeBlanc Support against poke-burst mages like Ziggs, Lux, Zilean, Morgana, Brand, and Vel'Koz, you need to adapt your approach due to their ability to inflict substantial damage from a distance. These champions are designed to poke and burst down enemies with high-range abilities, which can pose a challenge for LeBlanc, who typically excels in close-range engagements and quick bursts.

To counter poke-burst mages, positioning and timing are key. Engage carefully when their major abilities are on cooldown. For example, wait until Ziggs has used his Satchel Charge or Lux has burned her Light Binding. This helps you avoid their high-damage skills and reduces their ability to harass or burst you down.

Consistently applying pressure is crucial. Harass these champions when their abilities are on cooldown or when they are positioned too aggressively. By forcing them to use their spells defensively or miss their skill shots, you can create openings for yourself and your team. LeBlanc’s mobility allows her to dodge incoming skill shots and reposition effectively to capitalize on these windows of vulnerability.

In teamfights, focus on targeting the poke-burst mages when they are separated from their team or when their key abilities are on cooldown. LeBlanc can leverage her burst damage to quickly eliminate these high-damage threats, which can help tilt the fight in your favor. Even if you don’t secure an immediate kill, your role is to apply pressure and disrupt their positioning to create opportunities for your team.
Peeler-Tank Champions

When playing LeBlanc Support against peeler tanks like Tahm Kench, Thresh, Braum, Alistar, Nautilus, Leona, and Taric, you need to adjust your strategy due to their role in protecting and defending their team, particularly their ADCs. These champions are designed to absorb damage, apply crowd control, and shield their carries, which can pose a challenge for LeBlanc, who relies on high burst damage and precision.

To handle these peeler tanks effectively, focus on positioning and timing. Engage when their crowd control and defensive abilities are on cooldown. For example, wait until Braum has used his Winter's Bite or Nautilus has burned his Dredge Line or Depth Charge. This approach reduces their ability to peel for their ADCs and disrupts your burst damage.

Consistently applying pressure is key. Harass these champions when they are vulnerable, either because their crowd control abilities are on cooldown or they are overextended. Forcing them to use their abilities defensively or reposition can create openings for you to exploit their ADC’s positioning. LeBlanc’s mobility allows her to navigate around their defenses and capitalize on these moments of vulnerability.

In teamfights, focus on targeting the peeler tanks when they are separated from their ADCs or when their key defensive abilities are on cooldown. Use LeBlanc's burst damage to quickly eliminate or disrupt these protective champions, shifting the fight’s dynamics in your favor. Even if you don’t secure an immediate kill, your role is to pressure and displace these tanks to create opportunities for your team.

If you encounter difficulties in your lane, consider roaming to assist other lanes or the jungle. LeBlanc's mobility and burst damage make her effective at helping your midlaner or jungler secure kills and apply pressure across the map. Roaming can help you turn the tide in your favor and make up for any challenges you face against peeler tanks.

In this section, I'll explore the synergies between LeBlanc support and various ADCs, focusing on their compatibility and effectiveness in different playstyles. I'll categorize ADCs based on their strengths and playstyles: Snowballing Champions, Long Range Hypercarries, Poke/High Range AD Carries, and Short Range All-In ADCs. It's crucial to understand these dynamics as they heavily influence lane dynamics and overall strategy, often outweighing the significance of the ADC matchup in higher elos.
Snowballing Champions

When paired with snowballing ADCs like Jhin, Draven, Tristana, Samira, Lucian, and Twitch, LeBlanc Support can forge a highly effective and aggressive synergy. These ADCs excel at securing early kills and building substantial leads, which aligns perfectly with LeBlanc's burst damage and ability to create high-impact plays.

With Jhin, LeBlanc can capitalize on his ability to deal significant damage from a distance, especially when he can set up his critical hits. LeBlanc’s crowd control and burst can create openings for Jhin to land his deadly shots and secure kills, leading to a powerful snowball effect.

Pairing with Draven, known for his aggressive early-game play and snowball potential, is particularly potent. LeBlanc can help set up kills with her burst damage and crowd control, allowing Draven to accumulate his Adoration stacks and build an early lead. The combination of Draven's damage and LeBlanc's ability to initiate and disrupt can dominate the lane and snowball the game.

When paired with Tristana, LeBlanc can leverage her explosive burst to complement Tristana's jump and high damage. Tristana’s ability to dive in and deal damage up close pairs well with LeBlanc's aggressive playstyle, creating a formidable duo that can pressure the enemy team and secure early kills.

With Samira, LeBlanc can enhance her all-in potential. Samira’s ability to deal high damage in close quarters and her strong ultimate synergize well with LeBlanc's burst damage and crowd control. Together, they can create devastating engages and capitalize on their combined damage to snowball the game.

Lucian’s mobility and rapid-fire attacks make him a great partner for LeBlanc. LeBlanc can initiate fights and apply pressure, allowing Lucian to follow up with his high burst damage. This synergy can quickly overwhelm opponents and create opportunities for both champions to secure kills and build a lead.

Lastly, with Twitch, LeBlanc can set up kills by disrupting and catching enemies off guard. Twitch’s stealth and poison damage can be devastating when combined with LeBlanc's burst damage. The combination of surprise attacks and high damage output can lead to a strong early-game advantage and successful snowballing.

In these pairings, effective coordination and aggressive play are crucial. LeBlanc can use her burst damage and crowd control to set up kills and create pressure, while snowballing ADCs can capitalize on these opportunities to build leads and dominate the game. This synergy allows both champions to make a significant impact and drive the game in their favor.
Long Range Hypercarries

When paired with long-range hypercarries like Xayah, Aphelios, Vayne, Kog'Maw, and others, LeBlanc Support can create a dynamic and potent synergy. These hypercarries excel in late-game scaling and sustained damage, and they benefit from the protection and positioning that LeBlanc can provide. While LeBlanc generally thrives in aggressive playstyles, she can adapt her approach to maximize the effectiveness of these hypercarries.

Among these champions, Vayne pairs particularly well with LeBlanc. Vayne’s mobility and high damage output complement LeBlanc’s aggressive playstyle, allowing them to capitalize on each other's strengths. Vayne can often engage enemies with her stealth and mobility, creating opportunities for LeBlanc to follow up with her burst damage and disrupt the enemy backline. This synergy allows LeBlanc to play aggressively, pressuring the enemy and securing kills, while Vayne scales into a formidable late-game threat.

On the other hand, while Xayah, Aphelios, and Kog'Maw are powerful hypercarries, they generally prefer a more passive lane phase to farm and scale. LeBlanc's aggressive approach can sometimes be less synergistic with their slower-paced early games. However, LeBlanc can still provide valuable pressure and crowd control to protect these ADCs during their scaling phase, helping them reach their full potential in the late game.
Poke/High Range AD Carries

When paired with poke/high-range ADCs like Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Varus, and Ashe, LeBlanc Support can create a highly synergistic and effective combination. These ADCs excel at dealing consistent damage from a distance and applying pressure through their ranged poke abilities, which complements LeBlanc’s aggressive playstyle and high burst damage.

With these ADCs, LeBlanc can take advantage of her ability to create opportunities through aggressive plays and crowd control. For instance, pairing with Miss Fortune allows LeBlanc to set up potential kills with her burst damage, while Miss Fortune can follow up with her area-of-effect abilities to quickly clear out enemies. Similarly, with Caitlyn, LeBlanc's burst damage can complement Caitlyn's long-range poke, making it easier to secure kills and maintain lane dominance.

Ezreal's mobility and poke damage work well with LeBlanc's ability to quickly engage and burst down opponents, especially when combined with Ezreal's skill shots that can poke enemies from a distance. For Varus, LeBlanc can help set up opportunities for his high-damage abilities, making it easier to secure kills and apply pressure. Lastly, with Ashe, LeBlanc can capitalize on Ashe's crowd control and long-range poke, creating a formidable combo that can dominate the lane.

In this synergy, LeBlanc can focus on engaging enemies and disrupting their positioning, while these high-range ADCs provide sustained damage and poke from a distance. This combination allows for a strong laning phase and effective pressure, enabling both LeBlanc and her ADC partner to maximize their impact on the game. Effective communication and coordination are key to leveraging their combined strengths and securing a decisive advantage in lane.
Short Range All-In ADCs

When paired with short-range all-in ADCs like Kai'Sa, Tristana, Xayah, Lucian, Aphelios, Kalista, and Vayne, LeBlanc Support can create a potent and aggressive synergy. These ADCs thrive in close-quarters combat and excel at diving onto enemies to secure kills, which aligns well with LeBlanc’s burst damage and high mobility.

For ADCs like Kai'Sa and Tristana, LeBlanc can capitalize on their ability to quickly close the gap and deal substantial damage up close. Kai'Sa’s passive and ultimate allow her to follow up on LeBlanc's engages and burst, while Tristana’s explosive damage and jump make her a formidable partner in aggressive plays. Together, they can overwhelm opponents with coordinated all-ins.

When paired with Xayah and Lucian, LeBlanc can synergize with their ability to engage and deal damage at close range. Xayah’s mobility and feathers make her a strong partner, as LeBlanc can set up kills and disrupt enemies, allowing Xayah to follow through with her high burst damage. Similarly, Lucian’s rapid-fire and mobility complement LeBlanc's burst, creating opportunities for fast and decisive kills.

With Aphelios and Kalista, the synergy relies on LeBlanc’s ability to engage and create space for these ADCs to capitalize on their all-in potential. Aphelios's versatile damage and Kalista’s mobility and high damage output can turn aggressive plays into a significant advantage. LeBlanc can help initiate fights and provide the burst needed to secure kills, while these ADCs deal the sustained damage required to finish off enemies.

Lastly, pairing with Vayne is particularly effective due to Vayne’s high mobility and damage in close combat. LeBlanc's burst and crowd control can set up perfect opportunities for Vayne to deal damage and apply pressure. This combination allows both champions to leverage their strengths and dominate skirmishes.

In these pairings, effective communication and coordination are essential. LeBlanc can initiate engages and provide burst damage, while short-range all-in ADCs can follow up with their close-quarters prowess to secure kills and apply consistent pressure. This synergy can create a powerful and aggressive lane presence, making it easier to control the game and secure objectives.

Thank you for reading my guide up to this point, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you liked it, leave a +vote and a comment if you want to ask me something.
Stay updated because my next guides will be: Nautilus support, Lulu support, Nocturne Jungler, Jarvan IV Jungler and Talon Midlaner.
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✔️ Tank + Alistar = MUU!! ✔️
✔️ How pocovirtuoso got Rank 1 Rell in World with this Setup ✔️
✔️ The Most Reliable guide on Leona ✔️
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