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Pyke Build Guide by PykEugeo

Support ✔️ The Most detailed Guide ever made on Pyke [SUP] [MID] [ JGL ] [ADC] ✘

Support ✔️ The Most detailed Guide ever made on Pyke [SUP] [MID] [ JGL ] [ADC] ✘

Updated on August 29, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PykEugeo Build Guide By PykEugeo 377 41 731,694 Views 26 Comments
377 41 731,694 Views 26 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author PykEugeo Pyke Build Guide By PykEugeo Updated on August 29, 2024
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Runes: After Lethality Changes it's the Best

1 2 3 4 5
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Ghost Poro
Treasure Hunter

Cash Back
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


Exaust Power
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



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Champion Build Guide

✔️ The Most detailed Guide ever made on Pyke [SUP] [MID] [ JGL ] [ADC] ✘

By PykEugeo

Welcome to my guide! I'm PψkΣugeØ, Italian Pyke OTP, and in this guide, I'll be sharing all of my experiences with Pyke. Whether you're already a seasoned Pyke player or someone looking to learn the champion, I've got you covered.

After spending a considerable amount of time playing other champions, I eventually discovered that Pyke's kit and playstyle align perfectly with my preferences. However, I must admit that playing Pyke is not always a walk in the park (it requires some skill), but I'll show you the reasons why picking Pyke is worth it and why he's enjoyable to play.

Here are my mastery points and my rank: I finished Season 12 with the rank of Silver 4, but it's essential to note that I wasn't stuck at that rank. I simply preferred playing more drafts with friends rather than ranked games. During those drafts, I often encountered formidable botlanes, like Samira and Nautilus (both at Gold 2 and 1v2 winning botlane), and still managed to secure victories. This leads me to believe that my rank in the last season was somewhere between Gold 1 and Platinum 4. However, my goal for this season is to achieve Platinum 4, and I'll keep you updated on my progress throughout the months.

I started to upload videos on youtube, I leave you one of these to see, but I suggest you to see them more, to understand my playstyle. Sub me to see others video in future, and leave a like :).

My others guides and awards won:
✔️ The Most detailed Guide ever made on Pyke [SUP.] [MID] [ JGL ] [ADC] ✘
✔️ How pocovirtuoso got Rank 1 Rell in World with this Setup ✔️
✔️ Tank + Alistar = MUU!! ✔️
✔️ The Most Reliable guide on Leona ✔️
✔️ LeBlanc Sup Korean Pick: Turning Tricks into Triumphs ✔️

🎮 Elevate Your Pyke Gameplay with Replay Cast! 🚀

Greetings, fellow Pyke enthusiasts! 🗡️ I would like to dedicate this space to a site that has revolutionized my way of sharing my gameplay with the LoL community.

In my quest to enhance the Pyke experience, I stumbled upon a game-changing ally – Replay Cast! 🌟 This platform has revolutionized the way I share my epic Pyke moments, even on a modest PC.

Thanks to Replay Cast, I can effortlessly convert and upload my ROFL files to YouTube in stunning 1080p at 60fps, all while seamlessly queuing up multiple videos. The best part? It works like a charm on any PC!

But don't just take my word for it—check out my YouTube channel where I've showcased some jaw-dropping Pyke plays, all made possible by Replay Cast! 🎬 []

Imagine the thrill of showcasing your Pyke prowess with crystal-clear quality, irrespective of your computer's specs.
Thanks to Replay Cast, this dream is now a reality.

Here's how it works:

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But that's not all! As a token of gratitude for joining the Pyke revolution, I've secured an exclusive deal for you. Use my referral link [] to sign up and a special coupon code "PYKEUGEO" for an extra 10% off! 🤑

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Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your Pyke game and share your moments like a pro.
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See you on the rift, Pyke mains! 🎮 #PykeUGEO #ReplayCastRevolution

A excelent Roaming:
Pyke excels at roaming, allowing him to exert pressure on other lanes and set up successful ganks.
Ultimate Provides More Gold: Pyke's ultimate not only secures kills but also grants extra gold last his teammate who assisted in the takedown or himself if assisted in kill with R.
Easy Lane Ganks After Roaming: Following a successful roam, Pyke can easily gank his own lane, catching opponents off guard.
Execute Potential with Ultimate:
Pyke's ultimate ability allows him to execute low-health enemies, providing a reliable finisher in team fights.
Wall Passage with Phantom Undertow:
Pyke's Phantom Undertow enables him to pass through walls, granting him additional mobility and escape options.
High Mobility compared to most champions in League of Legends (second only to Talon).
Snowballing as an Assassin: If Pyke manages to snowball in the early game, he becomes a formidable assassin, increasing the chances of winning the game significantly.
Utility of Phantom Undertow for ADC and Early Game Kills: Pyke's Phantom Undertow not only provides utility for his ADC but also aids in securing early game kills.
Pyke is a Playmaker:
Pyke's playmaking prowess shines through his exceptional roaming, setting up successful ganks and catching opponents off guard.
If you prefer a cunning and aggressive playstyle, Pyke is the perfect champion for you. His kit not only allows him to outplay specific opponents but also catch late-game enemies off-guard with his powerful roaming ability, sometimes resembling a second jungler. Pyke's roaming is not only highly effective but also helps him multiply the gold earned every time he secures a kill or assist with his ultimate. This advantage allows him to build items for his ADC much faster than the enemy, giving your team a significant edge in the game.
Fragile Champion:
Pyke is squishy due to his passive, Gift of the Drowned Ones, which converts any bonus health from items into attack damage, making him vulnerable to burst damage from mages and other assassins.
Challenging Botlane Matchups: Pyke struggles against tanky, sustain-heavy, or high DPS enemies in the botlane, making these matchups challenging for him.
Roaming Setbacks :
A failed roaming attempt can halt Pyke's snowballing potential, as successful roams are essential for him to gain an advantage.
Susceptible to Ranged Poke: Pyke is susceptible to poke from ranged enemies, making it difficult for him to sustain in lane.
Late Game Reliance on Ultimate: In the late game, Pyke heavily relies on his ultimate, and without it, his impact on team fights diminishes.
Snowballing and Team Coordination: Pyke's effectiveness is heavily dependent on snowballing or having a cohesive team. If he falls behind or lacks team coordination, his impact can be significantly reduced.
Vulnerability to Hard Crowd Control (CC): Pyke's lack of crowd control immunity makes him susceptible to hard CC, such as stuns, roots, and suppressions.
Like any champion, Pyke also has some weaknesses. Apart from being an assassin and thus susceptible to being one-shot by mages and other assassins, his passive also prevents him from benefiting from bonus health items, converting them into attack damage instead. It's crucial to have a team that understands how to play around Pyke effectively. If he fails to snowball early due to enemy sustain or high DPS, it can be frustrating to continue the game, and surrendering might seem like the only option. Additionally, like any other champion, Pyke is vulnerable to hard crowd control, which can disrupt his plans and make it difficult for him to execute his plays.
Pyke's maximum health cannot increase except through growth (per level), instead he gains 1 bonus attack damage per 14 bonus health.
Pyke stores 9% (+ 0.20% per 1 Lethality) of the post-mitigation damage he takes from enemy champions as grey health on his health bar, increased to 40% (+ 0.4% per 1 Lethality) while there are two or more visible enemy champions nearby. He can store up to 80 (+ 800% bonus AD) grey health, with an upper cap of 55% of his maximum health.

When Pyke is not visible to enemies, he rapidly consumes his grey health to power heal for the same amount.

Target range: 400 − 1100 (Based on channel time)
Effect radius: 550
Width: 140 / 200
Cast time: 0.25 sec.
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 Mana
Cooldown: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 sec.
Physical Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 75% bonus AD)

ACTIVE: Pyke charges while being slowed by 20% for up to 3 seconds to increase Bone Skewer's range over the first second of the channel. Bone Skewer can be recast at any time within the duration.

RECAST: Pyke hurls his harpoon in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit, (knock up) pulling them towards his direction, during which they are also revealed, and slowing them by 90% for 1 second.

Releasing the ability within 0.4 seconds causes Pyke to instead thrust his blade in the target direction, dealing the same damage to the closest enemy champion, or closest enemy otherwise.

If the charge is silenced, interrupted or completes without reactivation, Bone Skewer is cancelled and the ability is put on cooldown full cooldown but refunds 75% of the mana cost. Bone Skewer's mana cost is refunded if it hits an enemy champion.

Cost: 50 Mana
Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 sec.
Detection radius: 600

ACTIVE: Pyke submerges into water, entering camouflage for 5 seconds and gaining 45% (+ 2% per 1 Lethality) bonus movement speed that decays over the duration. Enemy champions within 1500 units of Pyke are alerted of his presence and whether he can execute them with Death from Below.

Attacking or casting abilities ends Ghostwater Dive immediately.

Target range: 550
Effect radius: 110
Width: 110
Speed: 3000
Cost: 40 Mana
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 sec.
Physical Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 100% bonus AD)

ACTIVE: Pyke dashes a fixed distance in the target direction, leaving behind a Phantom.
After a 1-second delay, the Phantom homes back to Pyke to stun enemies around it and those it passes through along the way for 1.25 (+ 0.1 per 10 Lethality) seconds. Enemy champions hit also take physical damage.

Target range: 750
Effect radius: 125 / 282.5 × 100
Cast time: 0.5 sec.
Cost: 100 Mana
Cooldown: 100 / 85 / 70 sec.

ACTIVE: Pyke marks the target location with an X before striking it, executing enemy champions within the area that are below 250 − 550 (based on level) (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 1.5 per 1 Lethality) health. Other enemies hit and enemy champions above the threshold are instead dealt ( 50% of the amount as physical damage ).
If Death from Below hits an enemy champion or at least one is killed inside the X by an ally, Pyke will blink to the center of the X. For the latter case Pyke also gains the ability to recast within
20 seconds at no cost.
Each successful execution grants one to the last assisting ally, instead of its natural assist gold. In addition, each enemy champion killed inside the X by an ally during Death from Below's cast time grants Pyke one .

Game elements that increase health based on the champion's health (e.g Overgrowth) will increase the health before getting converted by Gift of the Drowned Ones, thus granting increased bonus AD.

Spirit Visage and Grievous Wounds, a debuff that reduces all of a unit's healing and health regeneration received by 40%, take effect after Gift of the Drowned Ones's healing cap.

Pyke's grey health does not have a time limit, and will stay on his health bar until Pyke leaves enemy vision or dies.

Since Pyke's maximum health cannot be increased, Gift of the Drowned Ones reaches the upper cap of 55% of maximum health at 40.25 − 172.85 (based on level) bonus attack damage.

Untargetable champions count towards Pyke's modified grey health storing.

The maximum amount of additional grey health storing gained possible from all lethality sources is 47.8 - 50.8 at 127 lethality. This is reduced to 23.9-25.4% while there are fewer than two enemy champions nearby.

Gift of the Drowned Ones is 93.75% gold efficient.

1 HP = 2.66 gold. (calculated with Ruby Crystal. 400g / 150 hp = 2.66)

1 AD = 35 gold. (calculate with Long Sword. 350 g / 10 ad = 35 g)

AD/HP (35 / 2.66) = 13.125 (this is to find where AD=HP, meaning 13.125 HP is equal to 1 AD. The equation would be 13.75 [HP] = [AD])

Pyke's passive converts every 14 bonus hp into 1 ad. so if you divide 13.125 by 14, you get 0.9375, meaning each bonus HP you buy is only 93.75% the gold value you get for each AD.

100% efficiency would be 8 AD for every 105 HP.

Mathematical calculations on the passive

Only the charged version of Bone Skewer will be intercepted.

This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.

Pyke can still use summoner spells besides Flash, Teleport, Hextech Flashtraption, and Mark/Dash while hurling the harpoon but he cannot perform any other action.

When an enemy is alerted, sharks will circle underneath their feet while a sound will be played to them that changes based on health threshold.

The maximum amount of bonus movement speed gained possible from all lethality sources is 254% at 127 lethality.

Mathematical calculations on the W

The dash distance can be extended to up to 900 units (estimated) when targeting across terrain.

Like most projectiles, the flying Phantom cannot hit targets whose center is behind the position it originates at or beyond the position it catches up to Pyke at, but the spell can hit targets behind its origin as long as their hitbox radius overlaps with the original unit Phantom's 110-radius check at the end of its lifespan.

The maximum increase in stun duration possible from all lethality sources is 1.27 seconds at 127 lethality, with the base duration included for a total of 2.52 seconds.

Mathematical calculations on the E

Applies raw damage to executed targets and area damage to targets above the threshold.

Raw damage is a type of damage that ignores all resistances and shields active on target. Invulnerability, (e.g. Divine Judgment) is only way to reduce raw damage, but Spell Shield will also negate its application where applicable. All current champion-sources of raw damage deal in excess of 100% of the target's current health, and so this damage type is often referred to as execution damage.
By default, raw damage will also ignore minimum health threshold and resurrection effects. However, all current interactions between champion-sourced raw damage have been handled to not-kill protected champions. It is worth noting that for Undying Rage and Lamb's Respite, the special-cased behavior to prevent affected champions from being executed will leave them on 1 health rather than the amounts specified by the ability.

The following effects trigger a champion to enter in spell shield against Q and ( only for
Nocturne, Sivir, Fiora, Pantheon* ) too R:

Braum's Unbreakable block Pyke's Q,E
( Pyke's Q,E are projectiles but R is not a projectile)

Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases block Pyke's Q, E
Fiora's Riposte block Pyke's Q, E, R
Malzahar's Void Shift block Pyke's Q, E
Morgana's Black Shield block Pyke's Q, E
Nocturne's Shroud of Darkness block Pyke's Q, E, R
Samira's Blade Whirl block Pyke's Q, E
Sivir's Spell Shield block Pyke's Q, E, R
Yasuo's Wind Wall block Pyke's Q,E (only in the direction of E on wall)
Edge of Night block Pyke's Q , E, R
Banshee's Veil block Pyke's Q , E, R
Pantheon's Aegis Assault block Pyke's E, R
*only if the shield is in the direction Pyke's R or E started*.

The following effects trigger a champion to enter in Unstoppable:

Aurora's Between Worlds block Pyke's Q,E (during cast time)
Briar's Certain Death block Pyke's Q,E
Camille's Hextech Ultimatum block Pyke's Q, E
Corki's Valkyrie block Pyke's Q, E
Hecarim's Onslaught of Shadows block Pyke's Q, E
Illaoi's Leap of Faith block Pyke's Q, E
Jarvan IV's Cataclysm block Pyke's Q, E
K'Sante's Path Maker block Pyke's Q, E
Kalista's Fate's Call block Pyke's Q, E
Malphite's Unstoppable Force block Pyke's Q, E
Nocturne's Paranoia block Pyke's Q, E (recast)
Olaf's Ragnarok block Pyke's Q, E
Ornn's Bellows Breath block Pyke's Q, E
Rammus's Soaring Slam block Pyke's Q, E
Rek'Sai's Void Rush block Pyke's Q, E
Sett's The Show Stopper block Pyke's Q, E, R (suppress him if pyke is in air)
Shyvana's Dragon's Descent block Pyke's Q, E
Tahm Kench's Devour block Pyke's Q, E
Udyr's Blazing Stampede block Pyke's Q, E
Vex's Shadow Surge block Pyke's Q, E
Vi's Cease and Desist block Pyke's Q, E
Viego's Heartbreaker block Pyke's Q, E
Warwick's Infinite Duress block Pyke's Q, E, R (suppress him if pyke is in air).
Yone's Soul Unbound block Pyke's Q, E (recast)

The following effects trigger a champion to enter in Dodge but this effect DOESNT WORK on Pyke's Death from Below:

Jax's Counter Strike blocks basic attacks Pyke
Nilah's Jubilant Veil blocks basic attacks Pyke
Shen's Spirit's Refuge blocks basic attacks Pyke

The following effects trigger a champion to enter in Invulnerability:

Ekko's Chronobreak nullify Pyke's R
Kalista's Fate's Call nullify Pyke's R
Kayle's Divine Judgment nullify Pyke's R
Kindred's Lamb's Respite nullify Pyke's R
Lissandra's Frozen Tomb nullify Pyke's R
Taric's Cosmic Radiance nullify Pyke's R
Tryndamere's Undying Rage nullify Pyke's R
Xin Zhao's Crescent Guard nullify Pyke's R (only invulnerable to champions a certain distance away)
Pantheon's Aegis Assault nullify Pyke's E, R (only invulnerable to non-turret damage coming from a specific direction)

The following effects trigger a champion to enter in Untargetable:

Aurora's Between Worlds block Pyke's Q, E, R (after taking a portal)
Camille's Hextech Ultimatum Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Elise's Cocoon / Rappel Dodges Pyke's Q,E,R (rappel)
Evelynn's Last Caress Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Fizz's Playful / Trickster Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Galio's Hero's Entrance Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Gwen's Hallowed Mist Dodges Pyke's Q, R ( E depend )
Kayn's Umbral Trespass Dodges Pyke's R
Kled's Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard dodges Pyke's R (untargetable for 0.5 seconds)
Lissandra's Frozen Tomb Dodges Pyke's R
Maokai's Twisted Advance Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Master Yi's Alpha Strike Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Rek'Sai's Void Rush Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Sylas's Hijack Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R (stealing correct ult )
Xayah's Featherstorm Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Vladimir's Sanguine Pool Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Viego's Sovereign's Domination Dodge Pyke's Q, E, R at the right time
Zed's Death Mark Dodges Pyke's Q, E, R
Bard's Tempered Fate Dodges Pyke's R (Q,E)
Ekko's Chronobreak Dodges Pyke's R (Q,E)
Zhonya's Hourglass Dodges Pyke's R (Q,E)
Mordekaiser's Realm of Death could dodge/block Pyke's R if used in right time on another Pyke's teammate

Death from Below cannot execute clones. They are always dealt 50% physical damage.

If the target is in a zombie state or does not enter the death state, Death from Below does not grant Your Cut nor the recast.

The following effects trigger a champion to enter a Zombie State:

If an enemy champion dies inside the X during Death from Below's cast time, Pyke will be shown as having received an assist in the kill feed, but this will not trigger takedown effects.

Death from Below cannot be interrupted; Pyke will always appear at the target location if enemy champions are caught inside the X even if he is moved (e.g. by being displaced) during the cast time.

The only exception is if he is being suppressed (e.g. by Nether Grasp, in which case he will not blink.

The following effects trigger a champion to Suppress:

The maximum execution threshold increase gained possible from all lethality sources
is 190.5 health at 127 lethality.

Mathematical calculations on the R



Choosing the right skin in League of Legends can indeed make a difference in the gameplay experience, as each skin can alter the visuals and sometimes even the animations of abilities. This can impact the way Pyke's ultimate ability, Death from Below, is perceived and potentially enhance certain synergies with specific champions.

In this section, I will provide insights and recommendations on which skin to use for Pyke based on different scenarios and team compositions. Certain skins may have better visual cues for his abilities, making it easier to execute combos effectively. Additionally, some skins might have thematic synergies with champions like Yone, Yasuo, Diana, Orianna and others, potentially enhancing the overall experience and performance during the game.

Consider factors like skin animations, particle effects, and thematic ties when choosing the best skin for Pyke in specific situations. Having a deeper understanding of how each skin can impact your gameplay can lead to more satisfying and successful matches.

The next section will delve into the various skins available for Pyke, highlighting their unique features and potential benefits in different game scenarios.
Vote for X
x 6/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 5.5 / 10 for more kills in the X
This is Pyke's basic Death from Below appearance, without any skin. While functional, its visual impact is modest, lacking the grandeur desired for achieving pentakills or multi-kills. Embracing a captivating skin enhances the ability's allure, elevating its lethal potential and dark allure. Opt for a skin whenever possible to fully unleash Pyke's true prowess, though if unavailable, the default appearance will suffice.
Vote for X
x 10/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 7/10 for kills in same X
I recommend using this skin in ranked games or whenever you want to perform at your best. The meticulous design of the blade's tip enhances the effectiveness of your grabs, making it easier to catch enemies. Moreover, the ultimate ability becomes a deadly tool for executing enemies from maximum range, even under their tower, before swiftly escaping. This skin's potential is immense, and it remains a solid choice even if there are champions like Diana, Yasuo, Yone etc. Embrace its power and make the most of it in your matches!
Vote for X
x 7/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 6.5/10 for kills in same X
The Blood Moon Pyke , with its modest design, offers a unique gaming experience for challenge seekers. The dark-toned blade adds an eerie touch to the Death from Below ability, making it perfect for those seeking a more subtle atmosphere. While it may appear unassuming, this skin proves to be an excellent choice for determined players. In competitive ranks, its presence is subtly menacing, improving grab accuracy and empowering long-range executions with the R.
Vote for X
x 7.5/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 7.5/10 for kills in same X
PsyOps Pyke skin offers a futuristic and cybernetic theme. Equipped with advanced technology, this skin is designed to elevate your in-game experience. The sleek and sharp visuals enhance the Dead Man's Trigger ability, making it a visual treat as you wreak havoc on the battlefield.
Vote for X
x 8/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 8/10 for kills in same X
PROJECT: Pyke , a skin with great potential for try-hard players and lethal assassins. Its slightly elongated X sides enhance precision, while the booming central part aids in securing multiple kills. Additionally, the skin's unique particle effects can disorient opponents, making it a formidable choice. With its futuristic theme and sleek animations, PROJECT: Pyke immerses you in a cybernetic killing spree, earning a more than favorable rating.
Vote for X
x 7.5/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 10/10 for kills in same X
Sentinel Pyke , an excellent choice for both try-hard players and skilled assassins. Its thunderous central part empowers multiple kills within the X. Ideal for matchups with champions like Yasuo, Yone, Diana, Orianna , and more, as it facilitates securing kills on multiple enemies, potentially leading to pentakills. The skin's visual impact is striking, immersing you in a sentinel's quest for justice.
Vote for X
x 10/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 10/10 for kills in same X
Ashen Knight Pyke , a skin with immense potential for try-hard players and multi-kills. Its thunderous central part empowers deadly executions within the X. The broken segment design adds a challenging yet satisfying element, rewarding precise strikes. With its "Dark Souls"-inspired theme and mythical status, Ashen Knight Pyke offers marvelous effects and immerses you in a dark and epic adventure. Embrace the power of the knight, dominate the battlefield, and let the awe-inspiring visuals strike fear into your enemies' hearts. Unleash the might of the Ashen Knight with every calculated move.
Vote for X
x 8-/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 7+/10 for kills in same X
Empyrean Pyke , while aesthetically captivating, may not be the most gameplay-friendly skin. Its unique X formation in the ultimate adds challenge and satisfaction when mastered. However, the Q effects make it difficult to predict successful grabs, leading to potential confusion. The R execution can also pose a challenge. Choose this skin for its visual appeal, but be prepared for gameplay intricacies.
Vote for X
x 8+/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 9-/10 for kills in same X
Soul Fighter Pyke , a recently released skin, possesses great potential for try-hard players and multi-kills, with its thunderous central part amplifying the thrill. The X formed by broken segments adds complexity, rewarding mastery with satisfying precision strikes. Similar to Sand Wraith Pyke , its efficiency shines through as it complements Pyke's gameplay mechanics.
Vote for X
x 9+/10 for pentakill
( killing 1 for 1 )
x 9/10 for kills in same X
Prestige Soul Fighter Pyke , an incredibly exceptional skin with immense potential for both try-hard players and multi-kills. Its thunderous central part intensifies the thrill of executions. The broken segments in the X add complexity, offering a rewarding challenge for skilled players. The skin's impressive effects and sounds enhance the experience, rivaling the greatness of Ashen Knight Pyke . Embrace the prestige and immerse yourself in the skin's allure, channeling its power for unparalleled dominance on the battlefield. Unleash the might of the Prestige Soul Fighter, leaving enemies awestruck by your lethal prowess.
As a support, one of your primary responsibilities is to provide vision control for your team. Proper warding can make a significant difference in the outcome of the game, and as a Pyke player, you can leverage vision to set up deadly plays and secure crucial picks.






Youmuu's Ghostblade
Before delving into the gameplay, let's explore some fundamental concepts for the role of an assassin support like Pyke. Understanding lethality and armor penetration is crucial. Lethality was (in season 13) a scaling effect tied to the player's level, but now (in season 14) it's become a flat variable who affixes the opponent's armor, enhancing damage output against opponents with low armor. It proves effective against tanky enemies or those building armor, allowing Pyke to deal substantial damage where it might otherwise be lacking.

Against Squishi Champ
Exactly! The formula for calculating flat armor penetration is as follows in S14:
Flat Armor Penetration = Lethality × (0.6 + 0.4 × level ÷ 18).
In Season 13-
In past Season 13 formula Lethality was multiplied by a coefficient that increased with the champion's level. This meant that Lethality was more effective on higher level champions. In Season 14 instead, the formula was changed so that Lethality penetrates armor evenly, regardless of the champion's level. This change aims to make Lethality more consistent and predictable.

Against Tanks
Pen. Armor
Lethality is the sister stat of bonus armor penetration and is applied to the target after clearing bonus armor penetration.
In a scenario where you would have 20 flat armor penetration from lethality and 30 bonus armor penetration, the target would lose 30 of their armor, before losing the fixed amount of 20. At 200 armor, for example, the target would be reduced to 140 from bonus armor penetration and then to 120 from flat armor penetration.
(200 - 30% bonus armor pen) - 20 flat armor pen = (200-60)-20 = 140-20 = 120
Tips and Last considerations
Absolutely, Lethality is an essential stat for assassin champions aiming to snowball in the early game. It provides a significant damage boost, especially during the early levels, allowing assassins like Pyke to punish opponents in the bottom lane with low base armor. AD champions such as Senna, Draven, Jhin, and Varus can also benefit greatly from lethality if they manage to survive the laning phase.

However, it's essential to recognize that lethality becomes less effective against champions who stack a lot of armor. In such cases, building items with bonus armor penetration is more efficient as it allows you to bypass a significant portion of the opponent's armor. As the game progresses and enemies build more armor, considering armor penetration items over pure lethality becomes vital for maintaining your impact in team fights and against tankier opponents. Balancing lethality and armor penetration is key for adapting your build to different situations and maximizing your damage output as an assassin support like Pyke.

PTA If snowballing

Spoiler: Click to view

DMGs reducted If even
Celestial Opposition

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Synchronized Souls > Mov. speed & enhanced recall
Spoiler: Click to view

Mercury's Treads > Tenacity
Spoiler: Click to view

Boots of Swiftness > Counter Slow
Spoiler: Click to view

Ionian Boots of Lucidity > For CDR
Spoiler: Click to view

Zephyr > For ATK speed (AFTER LIV 15)
Spoiler: Click to view

Ferrari Assassin
Youmuu's Ghostblade

Spoiler: Click to view

+Lethality+ bonus

Spoiler: Click to view

Lethality Energized
Voltaic Cyclosword

Spoiler: Click to view

To reset ASAP next R
Axiom Arc

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Breaks Excess Shields
Serpent's Fang

Spoiler: Click to view

+AD+ bonus endlessly

Spoiler: Click to view

Spell Shield
Edge of Night

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Ward Destroyer
Umbral Glaive

Spoiler: Click to view

Tenacity + MR
Wit's End

Spoiler: Click to view

Best against IE
Randuin's Omen

Spoiler: Click to view

Best against Burst AP
Maw of Malmortius

Spoiler: Click to view

Chempunk Chainsword

Spoiler: Click to view

Lord Dominik's Regards

Spoiler: Click to view

Best to Farm
Profane Hydra

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Best against Atk speed
Frozen Heart

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Profane is better
Titanic Hydra

Spoiler: Click to view

No shield 30% hp
Sterak's Gage

Spoiler: Click to view

No motive to have 2 exe
The Collector

Spoiler: Click to view

Hail of Blades
Hail of Blades is undeniably the key rune for Pyke, offering unparalleled benefits due to its unique hit-and-run playstyle. When combined with Bone Skewer (E), this rune allows Pyke to quickly engage and disengage in fights. After landing a hook, Pyke can unleash all three Hail of Blades-enhanced auto-attacks in rapid succession, significantly increasing his burst damage and catch potential. This burst of damage is especially effective during the early game, making Hail of Blades the go-to choice for Pyke players looking to dominate the laning phase.
Cheap Shot
Cheap Shot: With Phantom Undertow (Q) at his disposal, Cheap Shot becomes an excellent choice for Pyke. The stun effect of Phantom Undertow activates Cheap Shot, dealing bonus true damage to the target. This added damage can make a difference in securing kills or poking down opponents, enhancing Pyke's overall threat as an assassin support.
Explanation of Sudden Impact
Ghost Poro
Ghost Poro is invaluable for Pyke as a vision-centric support, enhancing map awareness and control. This rune leaves a Ghost Poro where each ward expires, providing additional vision points on the map for an extended duration. It allows Pyke to track enemy movements, particularly the jungler, by controlling the river and jungle entrances. This helps Pyke's team predict enemy moves, set up counterganks, and secure objectives like Dragon and Baron. The extended vision duration aids Pyke in planning safer roams and making impactful plays.

With Ghost Poro, Pyke can establish dominance over key areas by placing strategic wards in high-traffic zones, river crossings, deep vision on blue/red buff enemy and objective areas. This limits the enemy's options and makes them vulnerable to Pyke's presence. The rune complements Pyke's hit-and-run style, allowing him to set up vision in enemy territory and disappear, leaving the enemy guessing his whereabouts. Overall, Ghost Poro plays to Pyke's strengths as an assassin support, granting him an edge in tracking enemies, controlling vision, and setting up game-winning plays.
Explanation of Zombie Ward
Treasure Hunter
As an assassin support, Pyke heavily relies on snowballing and obtaining gold advantages. Treasure Hunter plays a pivotal role in this, providing extra gold for each unique takedown or assist on different enemy champions. The incentive to roam and secure kills aligns perfectly with Pyke's playstyle, making this rune a top choice for him. This additional gold enables Pyke to reach his item power spikes faster, ultimately increasing his effectiveness in the game. Compared to Ultimate Hunter, which reduces the cooldown of his ultimate, the potential for increased gold income is more advantageous for Pyke's overall performance and impact in matches.
Cash Back
The new Cash Back rune in the Inspiration tree, replacing Magical Footwear, can offer significant advantages for Pyke. This rune provides an 6% gold return on the purchase of legendary items, giving you 180 gold back on a 3000 gold item. This immediate gold return can be reinvested into other items or wards, providing a continuous economic advantage throughout the game. Unlike Magical Footwear, which locks you into a specific purchase and provides free boots after a certain time, Cash Back offers flexibility by allowing you to benefit from any legendary item purchase, enabling you to adapt your build according to the game's needs without waiting for boots.

Early game, Pyke benefits from the gold boost provided by Cash Back, helping him complete his core items faster and enhancing his effectiveness in roaming and skirmishes. As the game progresses and you purchase more legendary items, the gold advantage that is provided by this rune far exceeds that of the Magical Footwear. This replaces the old Future's Market, which involved managing debt and interest, with a simpler and more straightforward economic benefit.

Additionally, the extra gold from Cash Back synergizes well with Pyke's playstyle, which relies on mobility, assassinations, and quick item spikes. The economic boost helps Pyke reach his power spikes faster, enhancing his ability to secure kills and assist his team. The additional gold can also contribute to building situational items that can turn the tide in fights. Overall, Cash Back provides Pyke with a consistent and flexible economic advantage, allowing him to adapt dynamically and maintain his role as an effective assassin support.
Cosmic Insight
Secondary Rune Alternative: Resolve

Secondary Rune Alternative: Precision

First Combo - x 3? ?

Spoiler: Click to view
Second Combo - x 3? ?

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Third Combo - x 3? ?

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Fourth Combo To Kill - ? ?

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Fifth Combo To Chase - x 3 )

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Sixth Combo - x 3 x #?? ?

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As a Pyke player, it's essential to know how to deal with champions that have abilities like invulnerability, untargetability, suppression, spell shields, sustains and dashes, which can counter Pyke's kit. While it may seem daunting, mastering the art of adaptation and survival is crucial to succeeding with Pyke.

When facing champions with invulnerability or untargetability effects, patience is key. Remember that these effects have a duration and will eventually wear off. Instead of going all-in immediately, focus on staying alive during this time. Play a more cautious style, using your mobility to dodge skill shots and avoid getting caught. Once the invulnerability or untargetability wears off, seize the opportunity to strike back and secure a kill.

Learning the timing and audio cues of these abilities can greatly improve your ability to respond effectively. For example, when an enemy uses Zhonya's Hourglass, watch for the stasis effect to end, and quickly follow up with your ultimate to secure a kill.

Champions with dashes can be tricky to deal with as they can easily dodge Pyke's abilities. To counter this, try to bait out their dashes before going all-in. Feign an engagement and force them to use their dash defensively. Once their dash is on cooldown, capitalize on the opportunity and go for the kill.

Regarding champions with sustain abilities, focus on short, bursty trades rather than prolonged engagements. Sustaining champions can outlast Pyke in prolonged fights, so it's better to strike quickly and retreat. Use your combo to deal significant damage, then disengage before they can heal back up. Keep in mind that your ultimate ignores shields but not healing, so target champions with low health and avoid wasting your ultimate on high-health sustainers.

Overall, learning to adapt and adjust your playstyle based on the enemy team composition and their abilities is crucial for mastering Pyke. By honing your survival skills and choosing the right moments to strike, you can become a formidable force on the Rift, regardless of counters or unfavorable matchups.

The most serious counters in fact for Pyke (without contradicting myself with those lists that I have listed in the samples section) are the dashes and sustains (not shield-type, only the cures, since the R passes through any shield (except Sivir etc.)).

Let's start with the first one, the dash. There are several champions who abuse the dash to dodge Pyke's attacks.
Here is a list, I hope exhaustive, of all the champions who give dash their skills:

Click to see Dash List

Let's continue talking about sustain now, that is only about the cures that are able with the right timing to make you fail your X ( Death from Below). Here is a list, I hope exhaustive, of all the champions who give sustain (cure or lifesteal) their skills:

Click to see Sustain List

Since I would be wrong not to add even those who abuse life steal through items, I will list both a list of objects and the champs that can most abuse them, be careful to Heal.

It sounds like you have a specific playstyle in mind that you believe works well with Pyke as a support. It's great to have a consistent approach that you find effective. However, keep in mind that adaptability is essential in League of Legends, and the best approach may vary depending on the specific game, team compositions, and opponents you face.

While your described playstyle might be effective in many situations, don't be afraid to adjust and adapt your strategy as needed. Different ADCs and team compositions may require different approaches, so staying flexible and open to change can make you a more well-rounded and successful Pyke player in the long run. Experimenting and learning from each game will ultimately make you a stronger support player overall.

You can get started with the playstyle I described Here if you are new to Pyke or want to improve on Pyke.

Tier S Synergy - ( Samira and Pyke )

Click to see Samira and Pyke Synergy

Tier S Synergy - ( Kaisa and Pyke )
Click to see Kai'Sa and Pyke Synergy

Tier S Synergy - ( Nilah and Pyke )

Click to see Nilah and Pyke Synergy

Tier S Synergy - ( Miss Fortune and Pyke )

Click to see Miss Fortune and Pyke Synergy

Tier S Synergy - ( Tristana and Pyke )

Click to see Tristana and Pyke Synergy

Tier A Synergy - ( Aphelios and Pyke )

Click to see Aphelios and Pyke Synergy

Click to see Aphelios' Weapons and Pyke Synergy

Tier A Synergy - (Ezreal and Pyke )

Click to see Ezreal and Pyke Synergy

Tier A Synergy - ( Xayah and Pyke )

Click to see Xayah and Pyke Synergy

Tier A Synergy - ( Vayne and Pyke )

Click to see Vayne and Pyke Synergy

Tier A Synergy - ( Caitlyn and Pyke )

Click to see Caitlyn and Pyke Synergy

Tier B Synergy - ( Ashe and Pyke )

Click to see Ashe and Pyke Synergy

Tier B Synergy - ( Lucian and Pyke )

Click to see Lucian and Pyke Synergy

Tier B Synergy - ( Twitch and Pyke )

Click to see Twitch and Pyke Synergy

Tier B Synergy - ( Sivir and Pyke )

Click to see Sivir and Pyke Synergy

Tier B Synergy - ( Kalista and Pyke )

Click to see Kalista and Pyke Synergy

Tier C Synergy - ( Draven and Pyke )

Click to see Draven and Pyke Synergy

Tier C - ( Jinx and Pyke )

Click to see Jinx and Pyke Synergy

Tier D Synergy - ( Kog'Maw and Pyke )

Click to see Kog'Maw and Pyke Synergy

Tier D Synergy - ( Zeri and Pyke )

Click to see Zeri and Pyke Synergy

Tier D Synergy - ( Smolder and Pyke )

Click to see Smolder and Pyke Synergy

In this section, I will briefly discuss the ADC and support champions that pose the greatest challenges for Pyke, regardless of the specific ADC he is facing. These champions can be considered as Pyke's worst counters due to their abilities that can shut down his engage and assassination potential.

Tier S++ Counter ( Morgana )

Click to see Counter Morgana

Tier S+ Counters (Blitzcrank and Thresh)

Click to see Counters Blitz and Thresh

Tier S+ Counters (Soraka and Lulu)

Click to see Counters Soraka and Lulu

Tier S+ Counters (Rell and Leona)

Click to see Counters Rell and Leona

Tier S Counters (Alistar and Braum)

Click to see Counters Alistar and Braum

Tier A Counters (Lux and Karma)

Click to see Counters Lux and Karma

Tier A Counters (Zyra and Pantheon)

Click to see Counters Zyra and Pantheon

Tier A Counters (Nami and Zilean)

Click to see Counters Nami and Zilean

Tier A Counters (Seraphine and Milio)

Click to see Counters Seraphine and Milio

Tier A Counter (Rakan)

Click to see Counter Rakan

Tier B+ Counters (Nautilus and Vel'koz)

Click to see Counters Nautilus and Vel'Koz

Tier B Counters (Janna and Sona)

Click to see Counters Janna and Sona

Tier B- Counters (Brand and Bard)

Click to see Counters Brand and Bard

Tier B-- Counters (Taric and Yuumi)

Click to see Counters Taric and Yuumi

I built this tierlist on Lulu to show you all the dangerous matchups that also involve the opponent's adc... based on this, I think it's easier to identify which opponents can put you in more difficulty without having to explain in words. The Tierlist may change in the future, so don't see it as something permanent.

I built this tierlist on other echanters different than Lulu to show you all the dangerous matchups that also involve the opponent's adc... based on this, I think it's easier to identify which opponents can put you in more difficulty without having to explain in words. The Tierlist may change in the future, so don't see it as something permanent.

I built this tierlist on tanks + CC to show you all the dangerous matchups that also involve the opponent's adc... based on this, I think it's easier to identify which opponents can put you in more difficulty without having to explain in words. The Tierlist may change in the future, so don't see it as something permanent.

I built this tierlist on grabbers engage-disengage + CC to show you all the dangerous matchups that also involve the opponent's adc... based on this, I think it's easier to identify which opponents can put you in more difficulty without having to explain in words. The Tierlist may change in the future, so don't see it as something permanent.

I built this tierlist on mages burst/poke CC and Pantheon to show you all the dangerous matchups that also involve the opponent's adc... based on this, I think it's easier to identify which opponents can put you in more difficulty without having to explain in words. The Tierlist may change in the future, so don't see it as something permanent.

I built this tierlist on last category of enchanters to show you all the dangerous matchups that also involve the opponent's adc... based on this, I think it's easier to identify which opponents can put you in more difficulty without having to explain in words. The Tierlist may change in the future, so don't see it as something permanent.

I built this tierlist on Brand, Bard and Rakan to show you all the dangerous matchups that also involve the opponent's adc... based on this, I think it's easier to identify which opponents can put you in more difficulty without having to explain in words. The Tierlist may change in the future, so don't see it as something permanent.

As a support, one of your primary responsibilities is to provide vision control for your team. Proper warding can make a significant difference in the outcome of the game, and as a Pyke player, you can leverage vision to set up deadly plays and secure crucial picks.

Knowing where to place your wards is vital for maintaining map awareness and controlling key areas. Here are some essential warding spots for Pyke:

1. River Brushes:
River Brushes:

Spoiler: Click to view

2. Tri-brush:

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3. Enemy Jungle Entrances:
Enemy Jungle Entrances:

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Clearing enemy wards is a crucial aspect of vision control, and Pyke's item, Umbral Glaive, is a game-changer in this regard. As a support, denying enemy vision is one of your primary responsibilities, and Umbral Glaive allows you to do it with unparalleled efficiency.

1. The Power of Umbral Glaive:
Unleashing Vision Control Prowess

Spoiler: Click to view

2. Control Wards:
Empowering Map Awareness and Safety

Spoiler: Click to view

3. The Red Trinket:
Revealing Secrets and Asserting Dominance

Spoiler: Click to view

4. Pyke's Vision Dominance:
Opportunities from Ward Denial

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5. Roaming and Surprising:
Vision Control in Action

Spoiler: Click to view

6. Psychological Pressure:
The Mental Impact of Sweeping Enemy Wards

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When it comes to rune choices for vision, Ghost Poro and Zombie Ward both offer valuable benefits for Pyke's vision control strategy.

Ghost Poro:
Unleashing the Power of Ghost Poro

Spoiler: Click to view

Zombie Ward:
Sustaining Vision with Zombie Ward

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Ultimately, the choice between Ghost Poro and Zombie Ward depends on your playstyle and the phase of the game. If you prefer early aggression and proactive map control, Ghost Poro can be a solid choice. On the other hand, if you prioritize sustained vision and control in the late game, Zombie Ward may better suit your needs.

It's important to experiment with both runes and assess which one complements your vision control strategy and overall gameplay as Pyke. Adapt your rune choices based on the flow of the game and the specific needs of your team to maximize your impact on the battlefield.

In the realm of League of Legends, vision control reigns supreme, and as a skilled support player piloting Pyke, you possess the power to turn the tide of battle through strategic warding. To further elevate your vision control game, this section delves into the importance of visual aid when it comes to placing wards effectively.

Securing Strategic Vision on the Blue Side:

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Gaining Deep Vision Against Invisible Junglers:

Warding against invisible junglers like Evelynn, Shaco, Rengar, Talon is crucial for staying one step ahead in the game. With their ability to sneak around undetected, having deep vision becomes your greatest ally in keeping track of their movements and thwarting their surprise attacks.

Spoiler: Click to view

By diligently maintaining deep vision with well-placed wards and utilizing Control Ward to unmask invisible threats, you can neutralize the advantage of stealthy junglers. This proactive approach to vision control will not only protect you and your teammates from ambushes but also empower your team to exploit the weaknesses of these elusive opponents, leading your team to victory in the Summoner's Rift.
Securing Strategic Vision on the Red Side:

Spoiler: Click to view
Gaining Deep Vision Against Invisible Junglers:

Warding against invisible junglers remains crucial on the Red Side, just as it is on the Blue Side. With stealthy champions like Evelynn, Rengar, Talon and Shaco sneaking around undetected, having deep vision becomes even more critical to track their movements and thwart their surprise attacks.
Spoiler: Click to view

By upholding diligent deep vision with well-placed wards and making strategic use of Control Ward, you can neutralize the advantage of stealthy junglers, regardless of the side you play on. This proactive approach to vision control will protect you and your teammates from ambushes and empower your team to capitalize on the weaknesses of these elusive opponents, leading to success in the Summoner's Rift.

Vision control is a pivotal element in enhancing your team's macro play and overall strategic decision-making on the map. Properly placed wards can provide valuable information that translates into securing crucial objectives and executing successful rotations and picks.

Baron Control: Having vision around the Baron pit is paramount when it comes to securing this game-changing objective. By placing wards in key areas like the river, enemy jungle entrances, and the Baron pit itself, your team gains essential information about the enemy team's movements. Vision around Baron allows your team to detect enemy attempts at sneaking the Baron, providing an opportunity for a decisive contest or potential pick on unsuspecting opponents. Additionally, vision around Baron can serve as a baiting tool, enticing the enemy into unfavorable fights and creating opportunities for your team to gain the upper hand.

Deep Jungle Wards: Placing deep wards in the enemy jungle can lead to successful picks and rotations. These wards grant your team insights into the enemy jungler's position and roaming patterns. Knowing where the enemy jungler is allows your laners to play more aggressively when the jungler is far away or set up plays when they spot the enemy jungler on the opposite side of the map. Additionally, deep wards in the enemy jungle enable your team to spot enemy rotations, leading to more informed decisions and strategic movements across the map.

Adapting your warding strategy throughout the game is essential for maintaining effective vision control and maximizing its impact. In the early game, warding focuses on protecting the laning phase and preventing surprise ganks. Placing wards in river brushes and near jungle entrances safeguards your lanes and alerts your team to potential threats.

As the game transitions into the mid-game, warding becomes more centered around objectives and map control. Vision around Dragon and Baron becomes critical, allowing your team to secure these powerful buffs and contest enemy attempts. Control of key areas in the enemy jungle and river becomes crucial for setting up picks, invades, and rotations.

In the late game, warding takes on a different priority. Vision around major objectives like Elder Dragon and Baron is essential, as these objectives can determine the outcome of the match. Additionally, warding potential flanking routes becomes vital, as late-game team fights often pivot on surprise engages or catches. Warding deep in the enemy jungle and flanking paths can help your team anticipate and counter these maneuvers, giving you a strategic edge in crucial engagements.

Warding is a collective responsibility that involves the entire team. While supports play a significant role in vision control, all team members should actively contribute to the effort. Each player can purchase control wards to clear enemy vision and maintain crucial areas. Additionally, regularly using trinkets to sweep for enemy wards and establish vision in key locations is vital for maintaining map control and staying ahead of the enemy.

Communication is also crucial in team-wide vision control. Players should share information about enemy movements and vision denial to make better-informed decisions. Working together to set up vision in crucial areas can lead to better coordinated plays, successful rotations, and strategic map control.

Remember, vision is a valuable resource that can turn the tide of the game. By making vision control a team effort and adapting your warding strategy to different phases of the game, you enhance your team's overall performance and increase your chances of securing victory in the Summoner's Rift.

Playing as Pyke support, you have the opportunity to make impactful invasions into the enemy jungle. Utilizing your Bone Skewer (Q) ability, you can set up potential kills for your team. The map shows specific locations marked with circles and arrows, indicating where you should stand with your Q ready to use. These points provide excellent angles to catch opponents off-guard. Alternatively, if you choose not to invade, position yourself at the designated points to wait for enemies. If no one arrives, assist your jungler with the red or blue buff to provide a helping hand.

As you arrive in lane, refrain from killing any minions with your World Atlas' passive to ensure you have two stacks available when the second wave arrives. This will grant you an advantage in reaching level 2 faster. Unlock your Phantom Undertow (E) after Bone Skewer (Q) and, if you reach level 2 before the enemy ADC, engage them from the bush to catch them by surprise, dealing significant damage and stunning them with your E. Utilize the bushes to remain stealthy, giving your opponents less time to react to your Bone Skewer. Prioritize engaging the enemy ADC, except when facing champions like Soraka or supports out of position. Continue poking until you secure a kill, ideally before level 6, or wait until you have your Death from Below (R) for a more impactful engage. Remember to place vision in the river and other crucial locations as we'll cover later in the guide.

As soon as your support item transforms ( Runic Compass because you have finished the 400g mission, buy the red trinket ( Oracle Lens) and some Control Ward.

When you complete Runic Compass (800g), you will get from the quest Bounty of Worlds and decide whether to choose between Bloodsong (typically if you are snowballing 3-0 or 4-0) or Celestial Opposition if the laning phase is very even and there are threats of bursts in the other wools (for example LeBlanc, Evelynn in mid-jungle).

Around 9-10 minutes, you'll unlock boots, and by 15 minutes, you should be able to buy Synchronized Souls, enhancing your roaming potential to assist other lanes, especially your jungler or mid laner in danger. If you opt for Mercury's Treads or other types of boots, focus on your lane and prioritize kills if possible. If your lane is passive, consider roaming to other lanes, although this may result in some lost experience. Find a balance between helping other lanes and staying relevant in experience.

By the mid game, you should have accumulated valuable knowledge about Pyke's optimal build, effective champion strategies, and skill combos, equipping you with the prowess to secure kills while minimizing deaths. During this phase, capitalize on your understanding of Pyke's strengths and leverage them to gain an advantage in skirmishes and team fights.

Engage the enemy ADC when they find themselves isolated from their team, taking advantage of Pyke's ability to swiftly eliminate vulnerable targets. Additionally, use your vision control prowess to provide crucial sight for your teammates, safeguarding them from potential ambushes and enemy rotations. Keep in mind that Pyke's Ghostwater Dive (W) is a handy tool for scouting bushes, offering vision even when your Oracle Lens is on cooldown.
One of Pyke's unique abilities is his potential to deliver a financial windfall to his team. Coordinate with your jungler to target high-value bounties and execute precise plays using Death from Below (R). Successfully eliminating enemies with your ultimate ability triggers Your Cut, a lucrative reward that grants additional gold to both you and your teammates.

Pyke's X consistently provides a substantial boost in gold income, making it a highly valuable asset in turning the tide of challenging games. Whether you find yourself behind or even in the match, Pyke's X offers a path to reclaiming control and leveling the playing field. Embrace the opportunity to seize advantage from the jaws of adversity, using Pyke's financial prowess to bolster your team's chances of victory.

As you enter the mid game, prioritize communication and coordination with your team. Strategize effectively, executing plays with precision, and maximize your gold potential with well-timed Death from Below (R) executions. Remember that Pyke's X can serve as a game-changer, tipping the scales in your favor and setting the stage for a triumphant comeback.

Embrace the power of Pyke's X and turn the tide of the mid game in your favor. With strategic planning, effective communication, and skillful execution, you can dominate the battlefield, accumulating wealth, and steering your team towards victory.

For Pyke, the early and mid game are your prime opportunities to shine. During these phases, Pyke's strengths are at their peak, allowing you to assert dominance on the battlefield and make a significant impact. However, as the game progresses, especially against scaling champions, Pyke's influence can gradually wane. Therefore, it becomes crucial to seize victory within the first 30-40 minutes of the game.

To fully capitalize on Pyke's potential in the mid game, adopt an aggressive playstyle and prioritize vision control to secure critical objectives. Use your roaming abilities strategically, making calculated invasions into other lanes or the enemy jungle, granting your team the edge they need. The mid game is all about establishing numerical superiority, be it in team fights or objective control. Coordinate with your teammates, ensuring that your abilities are employed at the opportune moments and in synergy with their skills.

As the game transitions into the late game, continue to leverage Pyke's unique ability, X, to accumulate coins and increase your team's wealth. Additionally, maintain a vigilant presence on the map through the utilization of Ghostwater Dive (W), granting consistent vision to thwart ambushes and surprise attacks.

As a playmaker, Pyke's role goes beyond dealing damage. Your ability to execute precise plays, engage in timely roams, and secure bounties is pivotal to your team's success. Leadership and shot-calling are crucial in the mid game, particularly if you have gained an early advantage. Use this opportunity to apply relentless pressure on your opponents, coordinating with your team to secure crucial objectives and establish map control.

Your prowess as Pyke hinges on your ability to seize opportunities, unleash decisive plays, and rally your team towards victory. Embrace your role as a support playmaker, guiding your team through the mid game with strategic vision control, calculated invasions, and relentless aggression. Your impact in this phase of the game can be the determining factor between victory and defeat, so strive to be the unstoppable force that leads your team to triumph on the Summoner's Rift.

Here I have shown in yellow the points where to place the ward in the botlane, in red the Control Ward and in white any other ward during the course of the game.
If the game extends beyond 30-40 minutes, the late game can be challenging for Pyke. At this stage, the matches become chaotic, with massive damage output and potential confusion. Approach team fights with caution and analyze the situation before engaging. Prioritize targets who are the biggest threats or those with high bounty rewards. In general, the priority is to eliminate the enemy ADC, followed by the jungler, mid-laner, support, and top-laner. However, this scheme might change depending on the enemy team composition or the threat they pose.

Try to prioritize kills like this:
1) ADC
2) Jungler
3) Mid-laner
4) Sup
5) Top-laner

This scheme cannot always be followed, in fact a Soraka in the opposing team is enough to change the whole scheme. Try to figure out who has the most impact in team fights, and try to eliminate those first, after who does the most damage in dps (adc or jungler or mid).

Warding becomes increasingly crucial in the late game. Secure vision around major objectives like Baron and Dragon, as they can turn the tide of the game. Control Ward play a vital role in maintaining vision control and denying enemy wards. Always ensure you have enough Control Ward to place them strategically during crucial moments.

Additional Tips for Late Game:
  • Always stick with your team to avoid getting caught alone.
  • Coordinate with your team and ping the objectives you want to contest or secure.
  • Use your Ghostwater Dive (W) to gain vision in key areas or to escape from dangerous situations.
  • Take advantage of the unique map spots where your Phantom Undertow (E) can go through walls to make epic escapes or chases.

Remember that late-game team fights can be decisive, so it's essential to remain focused and patient. Be ready to utilize your Death from Below (R) to execute low-health enemies and secure bounties. Communication and teamwork are key to achieving victory in the late game.

Adapting to Different Phases of the Game:

As Pyke, your warding strategy should evolve throughout the game's different phases:

✦ Early Game Warding (Level 1-5):

During the laning phase, focus on placing wards in the river and the nearby bushes to prevent ganks and gather information about the enemy jungler's movements.

✦ Mid-Game Warding (Level 6-9):

As the game transitions to the mid-game, your warding priorities shift towards crucial objectives. Place vision around Dragon and Rift Herald, and use Control Ward to maintain control over these areas. Additionally, deep wards in the enemy jungle can provide valuable information and set up successful picks and rotations.

✦ Late-Game Warding (Level 10+):

In the late game, securing vision around Baron becomes paramount. Vision denial with Control Ward is essential to prevent the enemy team from gathering information and setting up ambushes. Keep an eye on flanking routes and critical paths that enemies might use to surprise your team.

Playing as Pyke mid, you have the opportunity to make impactful invasions into the enemy jungle. Utilizing your Bone Skewer (Q) ability, you can set up potential kills for your team. The map shows specific locations marked with circles and arrows, indicating where you should stand with your Q ready to use. These points provide excellent angles to catch opponents off-guard. Alternatively, if you choose not to invade, position yourself at the designated points to wait for enemies. If no one arrives, you can back in your lane.
When playing Pyke in the mid lane, your approach will vary depending on the matchup you face. If you find yourself against a poke-based mage, it's essential to exercise caution in the early levels. Allow the minions to reach your tower before engaging them, as this prevents constant damage over time from the enemy spells. Maintaining a safe distance until the right opportunity arises is crucial.

Once your opponent's guard is down or they make a positioning mistake, seize the chance to surprise them with an engagement near your tower. Use Bone Skewer to hook them into the radius of the tower, punishing them if they decide to retaliate. Utilizing the tower's damage in your favor is vital during such engagements. Additionally, securing the first of the minions under your tower grants your jungler an excellent opportunity to gank your lane and secure early-game kills, which sets the tone for a successful mid game.

On the other hand, when facing assassins like Zed or Talon, a different approach is necessary. Engaging them requires careful consideration, as their burst damage potential is high. Try to avoid unnecessary confrontations that would only result in you taking more damage than your opponent. Instead, focus on trading evenly in terms of health and resources, minimizing their kill pressure on you. Again, the tower can be your ally in these situations, providing a safe zone for you to farm and deter aggressive plays from the enemy assassin.

As Pyke mid, your playstyle should revolve around calculated aggression and capitalizing on your opponent's mistakes. Your roaming potential and ability to set up ganks with Bone Skewer make you a formidable presence on the map. In the mid lane, maintaining vision control and assisting your team with well-timed roams can be game-changing. Embrace Pyke's potential as a playmaker in the mid lane, utilizing your unique skill set to dominate the laning phase and transition into a decisive mid game where you shine as a game-changer for your team.

Furthermore, to maximize your potential in both farming and team fights, consider purchasing Tiamat as your first item. Once upgraded to Profane Hydra, Tiamat offers exceptional utility and damage output. The item provides 20 Ability Haste, 60 Attack Damage, and 18 Lethality, making it a well-rounded choice for Pyke.

The unique passive of Profane Hydra is particularly useful for Pyke as it deals additional physical damage to other enemies within 450 units of the target damaged by your basic attacks and abilities. This can be especially impactful during team fights, allowing you to deal significant AoE damage to multiple opponents at once.

His active ability provides a powerful tool for initiating fights, finishing off weakened foes, or turning the tide of battle in critical moments. It adds a versatile dimension to your arsenal, allowing you to adapt your playstyle and maximize your impact in various situations.

Overall, Profane Hydra provides excellent lethality, wave-clearing capabilities, and additional damage to enhance your impact in both the laning phase and team fights. By integrating this item into your build, you can unleash Pyke's full potential and dominate the mid lane, transitioning into a formidable playmaker for your team during the mid game and beyond.

Between levels 6 and 9 as Pyke mid, your roaming potential becomes a significant asset for your team. By this point, you should have unlocked your ultimate, Death from Below (R), which greatly enhances your ability to impact other lanes. Around 9-10 minutes, when you unlock your boots, and by 15 minutes, when you purchase Synchronized Souls, your roaming potential reaches its peak, allowing you to assist other lanes, especially your jungler or botlane/toplane, in critical situations.

If you decide to go for Mercury's Treads or other types of boots instead of Synchronized Souls, it's essential to focus on your lane and prioritize securing kills if possible. However, if you notice that your lane remains relatively passive or uneventful, you have the opportunity to roam to other lanes to create advantageous opportunities for your team. Keep in mind that roaming may result in some lost experience, so finding the right balance between helping other lanes and maintaining your own lane's relevance is crucial.

If, in addition to roaming, you also prefer to farm, you could build Berserker's Greaves which can be evolved into Zephyr after level 15 (try to remember this) by spending 2000 gold. This will give you a greater advantage in farming when you merge it with Profane Hydra.

As Pyke mid, you possess the ability to exert immense pressure across the map with your mobility and crowd control. Make strategic decisions regarding your roams, and coordinate with your team to create outnumbered situations or secure objectives. By leveraging your roaming potential effectively, you can become a game-changer for your team and tip the scales in your favor during crucial mid-game skirmishes and engagements. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to roam and capitalize on your opponents' mistakes, transforming the game in your team's favor.

By the mid game, you would have accumulated valuable knowledge about Pyke's optimal build, effective champion strategies, and skill combos, equipping you with the prowess to secure kills while minimizing deaths. During this phase, capitalize on your understanding of Pyke's strengths and leverage them to gain an advantage in skirmishes and team fights.

Engage the enemy ADC (or mage midlaner if you aren't behind) when they find themselves isolated from their team, taking advantage of Pyke's ability to swiftly eliminate vulnerable targets. Additionally, use your vision control prowess to provide crucial sight for your teammates, safeguarding them from potential ambushes and enemy rotations. Keep in mind that Pyke's Ghostwater Dive (W) is a handy tool for scouting bushes, offering vision even when your Oracle Lens is on cooldown.
One of Pyke's unique abilities is his potential to deliver a financial windfall to his team. Coordinate with your jungler to target high-value bounties and execute precise plays using Death from Below (R). Successfully eliminating enemies with your ultimate ability triggers Your Cut, a lucrative reward that grants additional gold to both you and your teammates.

Pyke's X consistently provides a substantial boost in gold income, making it a highly valuable asset in turning the tide of challenging games. Whether you find yourself behind or even in the match, Pyke's X offers a path to reclaiming control and leveling the playing field. Embrace the opportunity to seize advantage from the jaws of adversity, using Pyke's financial prowess to bolster your team's chances of victory.

As you enter the mid game, prioritize communication and coordination with your team. Strategize effectively, executing plays with precision, and maximize your gold potential with well-timed Death from Below (R) executions. Remember that Pyke's X can serve as a game-changer, tipping the scales in your favor and setting the stage for a triumphant comeback.

Embrace the power of Pyke's X and turn the tide of the mid game in your favor. With strategic planning, effective communication, and skillful execution, you can dominate the battlefield, accumulating wealth, and steering your team towards victory.

As a Pyke player, the early and mid game are your prime opportunities to shine. During these phases, Pyke's strengths are at their peak, allowing you to assert dominance on the battlefield and make a significant impact. However, as the game progresses, especially against scaling champions, Pyke's influence can gradually wane. Therefore, it becomes crucial to seize victory within the first 30-40 minutes of the game.

To fully capitalize on Pyke's potential in the mid game, adopt an aggressive playstyle and prioritize vision control to secure critical objectives. Use your roaming abilities strategically, making calculated invasions into other lanes or the enemy jungle, granting your team the edge they need. The mid game is all about establishing numerical superiority, be it in team fights or objective control. Coordinate with your teammates, ensuring that your abilities are employed at the opportune moments and in synergy with their skills.

As the game transitions into the late game, continue to leverage Pyke's unique ability, X, to accumulate coins and increase your team's wealth. Additionally, maintain a vigilant presence on the map through the utilization of Ghostwater Dive (W), granting consistent vision to thwart ambushes and surprise attacks.

As a playmaker, Pyke's role goes beyond dealing damage. Your ability to execute precise plays, engage in timely roams, and secure bounties is pivotal to your team's success. Leadership and shot-calling are crucial in the mid game, particularly if you have gained an early advantage. Use this opportunity to apply relentless pressure on your opponents, coordinating with your team to secure crucial objectives and establish map control.

Your prowess as Pyke hinges on your ability to seize opportunities, unleash decisive plays, and rally your team towards victory. Embrace your role as a support playmaker, guiding your team through the mid game with strategic vision control, calculated invasions, and relentless aggression. Your impact in this phase of the game can be the determining factor between victory and defeat, so strive to be the unstoppable force that leads your team to triumph on the Summoner's Rift.

Here I have shown in yellow the points where to place the ward in the botlane, in red the Control Ward and in white any other ward during the course of the game.
If the game extends beyond 30-40 minutes, the late game can be challenging for Pyke. At this stage, the matches become chaotic, with massive damage output and potential confusion. Approach team fights with caution and analyze the situation before engaging. Prioritize targets who are the biggest threats or those with high bounty rewards. In general, the priority is to eliminate the enemy ADC, followed by the jungler, mid-laner, support, and top-laner. However, this scheme might change depending on the enemy team composition or the threat they pose.

Try to prioritize kills like this:
1) ADC
2) Jungler
3) Mid-laner
4) Sup
5) Top-laner

This scheme cannot always be followed, in fact a Soraka in the opposing team is enough to change the whole scheme. Try to figure out who has the most impact in team fights, and try to eliminate those first, after who does the most damage in dps (adc or jungler or mid).

Warding becomes increasingly crucial in the late game. Secure vision around major objectives like Baron and Dragon, as they can turn the tide of the game. Control Ward play a vital role in maintaining vision control and denying enemy wards. Always ensure you have enough Control Ward to place them strategically during crucial moments.

Additional Tips for Late Game:
  • Always stick with your team to avoid getting caught alone.
  • Coordinate with your team and ping the objectives you want to contest or secure.
  • Use your Ghostwater Dive (W) to gain vision in key areas or to escape from dangerous situations.
  • Take advantage of the unique map spots where your Phantom Undertow (E) can go through walls to make epic escapes or chases.

Remember that late-game team fights can be decisive, so it's essential to remain focused and patient. Be ready to utilize your Death from Below (R) to execute low-health enemies and secure bounties. Communication and teamwork are key to achieving victory in the late game.

Adapting to Different Phases of the Game:

As Pyke, your warding strategy should evolve throughout the game's different phases:

✦ Early Game Warding (Level 1-5):

During the laning phase, focus on placing wards in the river and the nearby bushes to prevent ganks and gather information about the enemy jungler's movements.

✦ Mid-Game Warding (Level 6-9):

As the game transitions to the mid-game, your warding priorities shift towards crucial objectives. Place vision around Dragon and Rift Herald, and use Control Ward to maintain control over these areas. Additionally, deep wards in the enemy jungle can provide valuable information and set up successful picks and rotations.

✦ Late-Game Warding (Level 10+):

In the late game, securing vision around Baron becomes paramount. Vision denial with Control Ward is essential to prevent the enemy team from gathering information and setting up ambushes. Keep an eye on flanking routes and critical paths that enemies might use to surprise your team.

Playing as Pyke jungler, you have the opportunity to make impactful invasions into the enemy jungle. Utilizing your Bone Skewer (Q) ability, you can set up potential kills for your team. The map shows specific locations marked with circles and arrows, indicating where you should stand with your Q ready to use. These points provide excellent angles to catch opponents off-guard. Alternatively, if you choose not to invade, position yourself at the designated points to wait for enemies.

When you start on one side of the map you are pathing TOWARDS the lane on the other side of the map ie. The lane that you are pathing TOWARDS is the lane you believe has the best chance of succeeding if you gank them. So how do you determine which lane you want to path towards? Here are some checklist items you want to ask yourself before camps spawn:
  • How much CC/Set-up does my laner have? (Can they lock down the enemy champion during the gank?)
  • How easily can the enemy escape a gank? (How much mobility does the enemy champion have?)
  • Is my laner in a good 1v1 or 2v2 matchup? (You will want to gank for your teammates that are in a favorable matchup)
  • Where is the enemy jungler most likely to gank? (Can I safely counter gank them if I am there?)
  • Will the lane that I am pathing away from be safe without early jungle help? (Am I screwing over my lanes by not helping them?)
These are all important questions that you want to be asking yourself not only as a Pyke player, but a jungler as a whole. Remember that the ability to read an early game properly is a skill that will develop over time. The more you play Pyke the more you will learn his limits and early game patterns. Do your best to analyze where you want to start while loading into the game and trust your gut when deciding where to path. After some practice you will easily get your pathing down!

The lane in which you decide to gank will be the one in which on the opposite side you will have to kill the buff. To do this I recommend that you always place a Stealth Ward in the buff bush opposite where you are getting your buff, then go back to base and buy Oracle Lens.

Pyke's Biggest problem is that he's a bad farmer if he doesn't have the Tiamat, so you have to try to get a monetary advantage right away to buy it asap in order to both farm more easily and to get an additional advantage.

I show you some ideal paths that Pyke can follow, but I leave the choice up to you.

If you want to gank bot/mid follow this based on whether you start on the blue or red side:
If you want to gank top/mid follow this based on whether you start on the blue or red side:

In the Baron pit of Summoner's Rift, you'll find the Voidgrub and Voidmite, two types of neutral monsters. The Voidgrub camp consists of three epic Voidgrubs that spawn four lesser Voidmites every 12 seconds during combat. Voidgrubs have an initial spawn time of 6 minutes and a 4 minute respawn time.

Defeating this camp rewards gold and experience, while also granting a stack of the Touch of the Void buff to all team members for each Voidgrub killed. This buff increases damage to structures and adds a stack of Hunger of the Void for each Voidgrub beyond the fourth. When engaging with structures, Hunger of the Void summons allied Voidmites that attack nearby enemy structures.

Each Voidgrub can respawn up to two times per game, with the camp permanently despawning at 13:45 (or 13:55 if in combat). A group of Voidgrubs respawns only if it was defeated before 9:45. The Rift Herald spawns in the same location at 14:00.

It's essential to seize this opportunity, especially when you have lane priority in mid and top and the jungler is not nearby. Ensuring you gather at least two stacks of the Touch of the Void buff can be crucial for maintaining lane pressure and preventing the opponent from gaining an advantage.

For securing objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald, Pyke's strength lies in his ability to set up plays and provide crowd control for his team. When it comes to contesting these objectives, communication with your team is crucial.

Before attempting to take Dragon or Rift Herald, ensure that you have secured a favorable position in your lane. This could mean pushing out the wave and establishing lane priority or getting a kill in your lane, allowing you to roam safely without risking the enemy laners following you. Similarly, communicate with your top or mid/bot laners to ensure they are in a strong position to help you secure the objective.

Keeping track of the enemy jungler's position is vital when attempting objectives. Utilize Control Ward to establish vision control around the objective area. If the enemy jungler is visible on the other side of the map or if you have information on their whereabouts, it becomes safer to attempt the objective. However, if the enemy jungler is invisible, like Evelynn or Shaco, or if you have no vision on them, exercise caution and be prepared for a potential ambush.

When attempting Dragon or Rift Herald, make sure to communicate with your team and coordinate your abilities effectively. Pyke's Bone Skewer can be used to engage or disengage, making it a valuable tool for securing objectives. Use your Phantom Undertow to reposition and create advantageous teamfight positions.

Overall, successful objective control with Pyke involves good communication, vision control, and strategic positioning. Assess the state of the game, make informed decisions, and be prepared to adapt to the ever-changing conditions on the map. By doing so, you can capitalize on Pyke's strengths and turn crucial teamfights in your favor, securing objectives and leading your team to victory.
Roaming and Ganking as Pyke jungler is one of the key aspects of your gameplay during the mid-game phase (levels 6-9+). With your Synchronized Souls, Tiamat, and Serrated Dirk, you become a roaming force to be reckoned with, capable of surprising enemies in other lanes and turning the tide of battles in your team's favor.

If, in addition to roaming, you also prefer to farm, you could build Berserker's Greaves which can be evolved into Zephyr after level 15 (try to remember this) by spending 2000 gold. This will give you a greater advantage in farming when you merge it with Profane Hydra.

Here are some tips to enhance your roaming effectiveness:
  • Map Awareness: Keep a close eye on the minimap and pay attention to lanes that may need assistance. Look for overextended enemies, vulnerable laners, or potential opportunities to secure kills.

  • Coordinate with Laners: Communicate with your laners to set up successful ganks. Ping your intentions or use the chat to signal your approach. Make sure your teammates are ready to follow up on your engagement.

  • River Control: Maintain vision control around the river and key objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald. Control Ward and regular wards are essential for spotting enemy movements and ensuring safe roams.

  • Pathing: Optimize your jungle pathing to efficiently move between lanes. Utilize Pyke's Ghostwater Dive (W) to quickly traverse the map, catching opponents off guard.

  • Target Priority: Prioritize ganking lanes where your presence can have the most impact. Focus on lanes with immobile champions or enemies without escape abilities, making it easier for you to land your Bone Skewer (Q) and secure kills.

  • Execute Engagements: When approaching a lane for a gank, try to come from unexpected angles to catch opponents off guard. Use your Phantom Undertow (E) to close the gap quickly and follow up with your combo to maximize crowd control and burst damage.

  • Objectives and Counterganks: Keep track of enemy jungler movements to predict their gank attempts. If you spot the enemy jungler ganking a lane, consider counterganking to turn the situation in your favor.

  • Taxing Lanes: After a successful gank, consider staying in the lane to help push the wave and deal some damage to the enemy turret. This technique, known as "taxing," denies the enemy laner resources and allows your laner to back or roam.

  • Map Pressure: Your roaming presence exerts map pressure, forcing the enemy team to play more cautiously. This can create opportunities for your team to secure objectives or catch enemies off guard.

Remember, as a Pyke jungler, you are not only looking for kills but also assisting your laners in securing advantages and taking objectives. Efficient and strategic roaming can swing the momentum of the game in your team's favor, allowing you to set up plays and carry your team to victory.

By the mid game, you would have accumulated valuable knowledge about Pyke's optimal build, effective champion strategies, and skill combos, equipping you with the prowess to secure kills while minimizing deaths. During this phase, capitalize on your understanding of Pyke's strengths and leverage them to gain an advantage in skirmishes and team fights.

Engage the enemy ADC (or mid mage if you arent behind) when they find themselves isolated from their team, taking advantage of Pyke's ability to swiftly eliminate vulnerable targets. Additionally, use your vision control prowess to provide crucial sight for your teammates, safeguarding them from potential ambushes and enemy rotations. Keep in mind that Pyke's Ghostwater Dive (W) is a handy tool for scouting bushes, offering vision even when your Oracle Lens is on cooldown.
One of Pyke's unique abilities is his potential to deliver a financial windfall to his team. Coordinate with your jungler to target high-value bounties and execute precise plays using Death from Below (R). Successfully eliminating enemies with your ultimate ability triggers Your Cut, a lucrative reward that grants additional gold to both you and your teammates.

Pyke's X consistently provides a substantial boost in gold income, making it a highly valuable asset in turning the tide of challenging games. Whether you find yourself behind or even in the match, Pyke's X offers a path to reclaiming control and leveling the playing field. Embrace the opportunity to seize advantage from the jaws of adversity, using Pyke's financial prowess to bolster your team's chances of victory.

As you enter the mid game, prioritize communication and coordination with your team. Strategize effectively, executing plays with precision, and maximize your gold potential with well-timed Death from Below (R) executions. Remember that Pyke's X can serve as a game-changer, tipping the scales in your favor and setting the stage for a triumphant comeback.

Embrace the power of Pyke's X and turn the tide of the mid game in your favor. With strategic planning, effective communication, and skillful execution, you can dominate the battlefield, accumulating wealth, and steering your team towards victory.

As a Pyke player, the early and mid game are your prime opportunities to shine. During these phases, Pyke's strengths are at their peak, allowing you to assert dominance on the battlefield and make a significant impact. However, as the game progresses, especially against scaling champions, Pyke's influence can gradually wane. Therefore, it becomes crucial to seize victory within the first 30-40 minutes of the game.

To fully capitalize on Pyke's potential in the mid game, adopt an aggressive playstyle and prioritize vision control to secure critical objectives. Use your roaming abilities strategically, making calculated invasions into other lanes or the enemy jungle, granting your team the edge they need. The mid game is all about establishing numerical superiority, be it in team fights or objective control. Coordinate with your teammates, ensuring that your abilities are employed at the opportune moments and in synergy with their skills.

As the game transitions into the late game, continue to leverage Pyke's unique ability, X, to accumulate coins and increase your team's wealth. Additionally, maintain a vigilant presence on the map through the utilization of Ghostwater Dive (W), granting consistent vision to thwart ambushes and surprise attacks.

As a playmaker, Pyke's role goes beyond dealing damage. Your ability to execute precise plays, engage in timely roams, and secure bounties is pivotal to your team's success. Leadership and shot-calling are crucial in the mid game, particularly if you have gained an early advantage. Use this opportunity to apply relentless pressure on your opponents, coordinating with your team to secure crucial objectives and establish map control.

Your prowess as Pyke hinges on your ability to seize opportunities, unleash decisive plays, and rally your team towards victory. Embrace your role as a support playmaker, guiding your team through the mid game with strategic vision control, calculated invasions, and relentless aggression. Your impact in this phase of the game can be the determining factor between victory and defeat, so strive to be the unstoppable force that leads your team to triumph on the Summoner's Rift.

Here I have shown in yellow the points where to place the ward in the botlane, in red the Control Ward and in white any other ward during the course of the game.
If the game extends beyond 30-40 minutes, the late game can be challenging for Pyke. At this stage, the matches become chaotic, with massive damage output and potential confusion. Approach team fights with caution and analyze the situation before engaging. Prioritize targets who are the biggest threats or those with high bounty rewards. In general, the priority is to eliminate the enemy ADC, followed by the jungler, mid-laner, support, and top-laner. However, this scheme might change depending on the enemy team composition or the threat they pose.

Try to prioritize kills like this:
1) ADC
2) Jungler
3) Mid-laner
4) Sup
5) Top-laner

This scheme cannot always be followed, in fact a Soraka in the opposing team is enough to change the whole scheme. Try to figure out who has the most impact in team fights, and try to eliminate those first, after who does the most damage in dps (adc or jungler or mid).

Warding becomes increasingly crucial in the late game. Secure vision around major objectives like Baron and Dragon, as they can turn the tide of the game. Control Ward play a vital role in maintaining vision control and denying enemy wards. Always ensure you have enough Control Ward to place them strategically during crucial moments.

Additional Tips for Late Game:
  • Always stick with your team to avoid getting caught alone.
  • Coordinate with your team and ping the objectives you want to contest or secure.
  • Use your Ghostwater Dive (W) to gain vision in key areas or to escape from dangerous situations.
  • Take advantage of the unique map spots where your Phantom Undertow (E) can go through walls to make epic escapes or chases.

Remember that late-game team fights can be decisive, so it's essential to remain focused and patient. Be ready to utilize your Death from Below (R) to execute low-health enemies and secure bounties. Communication and teamwork are key to achieving victory in the late game.

Adapting to Different Phases of the Game:

As Pyke, your warding strategy should evolve throughout the game's different phases:

✦ Early Game Warding (Level 1-5):

During the laning phase, focus on placing wards in the river and the nearby bushes to prevent ganks and gather information about the enemy jungler's movements.

✦ Mid-Game Warding (Level 6-9):

As the game transitions to the mid-game, your warding priorities shift towards crucial objectives. Place vision around Dragon and Rift Herald, and use Control Ward to maintain control over these areas. Additionally, deep wards in the enemy jungle can provide valuable information and set up successful picks and rotations.

✦ Late-Game Warding (Level 10+):

In the late game, securing vision around Baron becomes paramount. Vision denial with Control Ward is essential to prevent the enemy team from gathering information and setting up ambushes. Keep an eye on flanking routes and critical paths that enemies might use to surprise your team.

Playing as Pyke adc, you have the opportunity to make impactful invasions into the enemy jungle. Utilizing your Bone Skewer (Q) ability, you can set up potential kills for your team. The map shows specific locations marked with circles and arrows, indicating where you should stand with your Q ready to use. These points provide excellent angles to catch opponents off-guard. Alternatively, if you choose not to invade, position yourself at the designated points to wait for enemies. If no one arrives, assist your jungler with the red or blue buff to provide a helping hand.

Playing Pyke in the ADC role requires a unique approach due to his melee nature. Your laning strategy will heavily depend on the matchup you face, and dealing with ranged ADCs may seem daunting at first. However, with calculated aggression and intelligent positioning, you can turn the tables in your favor.

Against poke-heavy ADCs, it's crucial to remain patient during the early levels. Allow the minions to push towards your tower, ensuring you can farm safely without constant harassment from enemy spells. Use the brushes to your advantage, staying hidden and avoiding unnecessary damage.

Once you spot an opportunity where the enemy ADC or support overextends or makes a positioning mistake, seize the moment to strike. Pyke's strength lies in his ability to engage and disengage quickly with Bone Skewer and Phantom Undertow. Capitalize on their mistakes, hooking them into unfavorable positions under your tower, where they will face both your damage and the tower's retaliation. This surprise tactic can often catch opponents off guard and lead to early kills.

On the other hand, facing burst-heavy ADCs like Tristana or Lucian requires a different approach. Respect their damage potential and avoid all-in engages unless you have a clear advantage or proper support from your team. Instead, focus on trading efficiently, using your passive Gift of the Drowned Ones to regenerate health after successful engagements. Remember to utilize the brushes to maintain vision control and remain unpredictable in your movements.

Communication and synergy with your support are essential in the bot lane. Coordinate engages and follow up on your support's crowd control abilities to maximize your kill potential. Your ADC capabilities come into play when opponents make mistakes, allowing you to capitalize on their mispositioning or misplays. Utilize your mobility and crowd control to punish enemies who underestimate your all-in potential.

As Pyke ADC, you are a playmaker with the potential to snowball the lane and transition into a dominant mid game. Embrace your unique skill set, combining calculated aggression with patience to control the lane and turn skirmishes in your favor. Remember, Pyke thrives on creating opportunities and punishing enemies for their missteps. With the right mindset and execution, you can become a formidable force in the bot lane and pave the way for a successful game for your team.

Furthermore, to maximize your potential in both farming and team fights, consider purchasing Tiamat as your first item. Once upgraded to Profane Hydra, Tiamat offers exceptional utility and damage output. The item provides 20 Ability Haste, 60 Attack Damage, and 18 Lethality, making it a well-rounded choice for Pyke.

The unique passive of Profane Hydra is particularly useful for Pyke as it deals additional physical damage to other enemies within 450 units of the target damaged by your basic attacks and abilities. This can be especially impactful during team fights, allowing you to deal significant AoE damage to multiple opponents at once.

His active ability provides a powerful tool for initiating fights, finishing off weakened foes, or turning the tide of battle in critical moments. It adds a versatile dimension to your arsenal, allowing you to adapt your playstyle and maximize your impact in various situations.

Overall, Profane Hydra provides excellent sustain, wave-clearing capabilities, and additional damage to enhance your impact in both the laning phase and team fights. By integrating this item into your build, you can unleash Pyke's full potential and dominate the mid lane, transitioning into a formidable playmaker for your team during the mid game and beyond.

Around 9-10 minutes, you'll unlock boots, and by 15 minutes, you should be able to buy Synchronized Souls, enhancing your roaming potential to assist other lanes, especially your jungler or mid laner in danger. If you opt for Mercury's Treads or other types of boots, focus on your lane and prioritize kills if possible. If your lane is passive, consider roaming to other lanes, although this may result in some lost experience. Find a balance between helping other lanes and staying relevant in experience.

If, in addition to roaming, you also prefer to farm, you could build Berserker's Greaves which can be evolved into Zephyr after level 15 (try to remember this) by spending 2000 gold. This will give you a greater advantage in farming when you merge it with Profane Hydra.

By the adc game, you would have accumulated valuable knowledge about Pyke's optimal build, effective champion strategies, and skill combos, equipping you with the prowess to secure kills while minimizing deaths. During this phase, capitalize on your understanding of Pyke's strengths and leverage them to gain an advantage in skirmishes and team fights.

Engage the enemy ADC when they find themselves isolated from their team, taking advantage of Pyke's ability to swiftly eliminate vulnerable targets. Additionally, use your vision control prowess to provide crucial sight for your teammates, safeguarding them from potential ambushes and enemy rotations. Keep in mind that Pyke's Ghostwater Dive (W) is a handy tool for scouting bushes, offering vision even when your Oracle Lens is on cooldown.
One of Pyke's unique abilities is his potential to deliver a financial windfall to his team. Coordinate with your jungler to target high-value bounties and execute precise plays using Death from Below (R). Successfully eliminating enemies with your ultimate ability triggers Your Cut, a lucrative reward that grants additional gold to both you and your teammates.

Pyke's X consistently provides a substantial boost in gold income, making it a highly valuable asset in turning the tide of challenging games. Whether you find yourself behind or even in the match, Pyke's X offers a path to reclaiming control and leveling the playing field. Embrace the opportunity to seize advantage from the jaws of adversity, using Pyke's financial prowess to bolster your team's chances of victory.

As you enter the mid game, prioritize communication and coordination with your team. Strategize effectively, executing plays with precision, and maximize your gold potential with well-timed Death from Below (R) executions. Remember that Pyke's X can serve as a game-changer, tipping the scales in your favor and setting the stage for a triumphant comeback.

Embrace the power of Pyke's X and turn the tide of the mid game in your favor. With strategic planning, effective communication, and skillful execution, you can dominate the battlefield, accumulating wealth, and steering your team towards victory.

As a Pyke player, the early and mid game are your prime opportunities to shine. During these phases, Pyke's strengths are at their peak, allowing you to assert dominance on the battlefield and make a significant impact. However, as the game progresses, especially against scaling champions, Pyke's influence can gradually wane. Therefore, it becomes crucial to seize victory within the first 30-40 minutes of the game.

To fully capitalize on Pyke's potential in the mid game, adopt an aggressive playstyle and prioritize vision control to secure critical objectives. Use your roaming abilities strategically, making calculated invasions into other lanes or the enemy jungle, granting your team the edge they need. The mid game is all about establishing numerical superiority, be it in team fights or objective control. Coordinate with your teammates, ensuring that your abilities are employed at the opportune moments and in synergy with their skills.

As the game transitions into the late game, continue to leverage Pyke's unique ability, X, to accumulate coins and increase your team's wealth. Additionally, maintain a vigilant presence on the map through the utilization of Ghostwater Dive (W), granting consistent vision to thwart ambushes and surprise attacks.

As a playmaker, Pyke's role goes beyond dealing damage. Your ability to execute precise plays, engage in timely roams, and secure bounties is pivotal to your team's success. Leadership and shot-calling are crucial in the mid game, particularly if you have gained an early advantage. Use this opportunity to apply relentless pressure on your opponents, coordinating with your team to secure crucial objectives and establish map control.

Your prowess as Pyke hinges on your ability to seize opportunities, unleash decisive plays, and rally your team towards victory. Embrace your role as a support playmaker, guiding your team through the mid game with strategic vision control, calculated invasions, and relentless aggression. Your impact in this phase of the game can be the determining factor between victory and defeat, so strive to be the unstoppable force that leads your team to triumph on the Summoner's Rift.

Here I have shown in yellow the points where to place the ward in the botlane, in red the Control Ward and in white any other ward during the course of the game.
If the game extends beyond 30-40 minutes, the late game can be challenging for Pyke. At this stage, the matches become chaotic, with massive damage output and potential confusion. Approach team fights with caution and analyze the situation before engaging. Prioritize targets who are the biggest threats or those with high bounty rewards. In general, the priority is to eliminate the enemy ADC, followed by the jungler, mid-laner, support, and top-laner. However, this scheme might change depending on the enemy team composition or the threat they pose.

Try to prioritize kills like this:
1) ADC
2) Jungler
3) Mid-laner
4) Sup
5) Top-laner

This scheme cannot always be followed, in fact a Soraka in the opposing team is enough to change the whole scheme. Try to figure out who has the most impact in team fights, and try to eliminate those first, after who does the most damage in dps (adc or jungler or mid).

Warding becomes increasingly crucial in the late game. Secure vision around major objectives like Baron and Dragon, as they can turn the tide of the game. Control Ward play a vital role in maintaining vision control and denying enemy wards. Always ensure you have enough Control Ward to place them strategically during crucial moments.

Additional Tips for Late Game:
  • Always stick with your team to avoid getting caught alone.
  • Coordinate with your team and ping the objectives you want to contest or secure.
  • Use your Ghostwater Dive (W) to gain vision in key areas or to escape from dangerous situations.
  • Take advantage of the unique map spots where your Phantom Undertow (E) can go through walls to make epic escapes or chases.

Remember that late-game team fights can be decisive, so it's essential to remain focused and patient. Be ready to utilize your Death from Below (R) to execute low-health enemies and secure bounties. Communication and teamwork are key to achieving victory in the late game.

Adapting to Different Phases of the Game:

As Pyke, your warding strategy should evolve throughout the game's different phases:

✦ Early Game Warding (Level 1-5):

During the laning phase, focus on placing wards in the river and the nearby bushes to prevent ganks and gather information about the enemy jungler's movements.

✦ Mid-Game Warding (Level 6-9):

As the game transitions to the mid-game, your warding priorities shift towards crucial objectives. Place vision around Dragon and Rift Herald, and use Control Ward to maintain control over these areas. Additionally, deep wards in the enemy jungle can provide valuable information and set up successful picks and rotations.

✦ Late-Game Warding (Level 10+):

In the late game, securing vision around Baron becomes paramount. Vision denial with Control Ward is essential to prevent the enemy team from gathering information and setting up ambushes. Keep an eye on flanking routes and critical paths that enemies might use to surprise your team.
Thank you for all the support and encouragement throughout this guide. It's not the end, but just the beginning of a journey to continuously improve and adapt to the ever-changing League of Legends landscape.

I will make sure to keep this guide up-to-date with any future patches and changes that may impact Pyke's gameplay. Your feedback and engagement are invaluable in making this guide helpful to others who may need it.

Remember, League of Legends is a dynamic game, and mastering Pyke requires constant learning and adjustment. Keep practicing, experimenting, and refining your skills to become an even better Pyke player.

If you liked the guide, please like it so that it will be more visible to others who need it than you did.

Thank you so much for achieving this goal:

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I would like to say a huge thank you to the Staff and admins who at the beginning of the year rewarded my guide which had just been published among the featured guides for just a few months, this gave me the right enthusiasm to continue improving it months after months.. at 1 year almost effectively since the creation of this same guide... thinking every week what I could fix.. repair.. another fix.. and make my guide more readable.. despite all the dislikes that I received especially in this period who tried to demotivate me.. but they failed.. I would like to sincerely thank the judges for being able to actually value my guide and making me so happy today.

I would like to thank Fruxo and Hades4u for the help they gave me weeks ago in the problems I had which also prevented me from updating and improving it due to a bug I think.

I would like to thank all my opponents that I have met in recent years in my matches because they have made driving what it is today.

Thank you once again for being a part of this guide, and let's continue this journey together. Good luck on the Rift, and may your hooks be sharp and your ultimates true!

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