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Rek'Sai Build Guide by LordGrox

Jungle [S14] LordGrox High Elo Rek'sai Guide

Jungle [S14] LordGrox High Elo Rek'sai Guide

Updated on September 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LordGrox Build Guide By LordGrox 529 23 750,427 Views 26 Comments
529 23 750,427 Views 26 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LordGrox Rek'Sai Build Guide By LordGrox Updated on September 25, 2024
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Runes: Conqueror

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

With patch 14.19 it is not yet clear how Rek'Sais built path will change. For now, stick to the trustworthy items and wait till people figure out whats good and whats not.

Hello! My name is LordGrox, and I am a huge fan of Rek'Sai. I have been playing her exclusively in high elo EUW SoloQ for the past 9 years and have developed a deep understanding of the champion. In this guide, I will share some of my insights and strategies with you.

I stream on twitch from time to time!
Give me a follow to get notified when I go live!

If you want to talk about this guide, feel free to join the Rek'Sai mains community Discord!

Special Thanks



We're going to explore the basics of Rek'sai together. We'll start by choosing some runes, then we'll discuss the best items to get for her. Finally, we'll go over the optimal maxing order for her abilities.

There are 2 important keystones to choose from.

If you want to see detailed rune pages and explanations, please refer to the in-depth section!

Conqueror provides bonus AD, which is incredibly strong thanks to Rek'Sais bonus AD scaling on all abilities. As it does not provide any Attack Speed, your combo will have to be well trained in order to utilize this rune to the fullest.

Press the Attack synergizes well with Titanic Hydra due to the extr auto attack allowing you to proc the 3-hit passive faster. This rune offers more upfront damage than Conqueror, but does not provide any advantage until you actuall get all 3 auto attacks in.

For those who prefer domination, these 2 runes can be considered:

Hail of Blades is the attack speed rune from the Domination tree. It speeds up your combo and allows you to quickly hit a fully rage stacked E, making it excellent in burst scenarios. Do note that this rune provides no additional damage and does not scale, making Rek'Sais already existing scaling problems worse.

Electrocute is another bonus AD rune. This one scales with bonus AD (40%), and provides great burst damage even on small combos, making it yet another burst rune. The key difference to Hail of Blades is that it will deal bonus damage on top of your combo and that it scales into the mid/late game decently well. It has to be noted that Electrocute does not provide more damage than other runes. Combined with its high cooldown, this is a subpar damage choice.

Conqueror outperforms other runes especially in any extended skirmishes. Bonus AD and Healing are actually fairly benefitial and stacks can be gained even from your Smite or active items like Stridebreaker.

I would play Press the Attack if I were to play Titanic Hydra however, so keep that in mind.

Why are other runes not mentioned?

Go visit the "What not to pick" Section in the In-Depth Runes section for more information on other keystones!

If you want to see itemization, please refer to the builds section at the top!


+ Strong survivabilty
+ Skirmishing potential
+ Helps with playing as a semi-frontliner
+ High Sticking power
- Lower damage output
- Expensive items

Currently the only viable build. You can squeeze in more damage with item's like Eclipse, but there are no other real alternative builds.

Now that you've chosen a build (not like there's much choice at the moment) let's delve into the items.


Blue smite is the only smite you really need. While others are okay, blue smite excells at allowing you to make more plays due to the movement speed.

Not recommended, as you should be able to clear just fine without. Rek'Sai has enough sustain, so if you do struggle I recommend training your clears in practice tool.

The default trinket for every jungler. While you can buy Oracle Lens in anticipation of the enemy warding one of your jungle entrances (killing a ward at level 1 and sharing the exp with top or mid will give them level 2 on the first wave), it is usually better to take the Stealth Ward.

Once again a great bruiser item, a true allrounder you could even say. Stats are good, the active is massively helpful with the slow + movementspeed it provides against champions (and it even speeds up your aoe clear!) and the movement speed gained on physical damage.

Since this is also a hydra, you can only build Titanic Hydra OR Stridebreaker!
Great way to get tons of damage for your 2nd item. As you usually want to dominate the mid-game, this can greatly help you with snowballing. This will leave you on the squishy side of builds, so take care when skirmishing/diving!
Great stats for a bruiser, as AD + Haste + HP really benefit you in every way. Extra (non-ult) ability haste also greatly helps you out when building this as 2nd item, especially for tunnel cooldowns. The damage is also not to be overlooked, as it can be easily stacked up to 4 for a 12% damage increase!
A nice staple for bruiser Rek'Sai. All stats are desireable + its passive allows you to stick to targets and shred some armor, which is especially good against other bruisers or tanks.
A third really strong choice for bruiser players. The AD and HP go well with the rest of your build, but the 20% tenacity is incredible value. Enemies will always try to shut down your engages with CC, so this item is an amazing remedy to solve those situations. Additionally, the shield is of course great to survive sudden burst from enemy carries.
Very basic bruiser item, good against AD heavy teams. Stats are of course desireable and it's passive damage cleanse can greatly increase the odds of your survival in teamfights.
Even though it is bugged, this item is still a great choice for bruiser players. HP synergizes with Titanic Hydra, AD is always welcome and AH is useful for using more high CD abilities like your E or R. The sustain from it's passive is another major reason to buy this item, granted that you utilize it well in teamfights.
As this item deals %Current HP damage, this item shines against bruiser/tank heavy teams. If you need to carry your team, this is an excellent choice to greatly enhance your damage. I would not recommend building this before you have 2 items done however, since you will be more squishy than usual.
Always good against AP heavy comps, as the shield will heavily deny their burst potential, which in turn allows you to demolish them instead.
Strong bruiser item due to it's active. While it passively enhances your AOE clear speed and gives decent bruiser stats, the active is what truly sets this item apart. With Conqueror you can stack up your combo way quicker as you can squeeze in another auto-attack at high speeds.

Since this is also a hydra, you can only build Titanic Hydra OR Stridebreaker!


Now before you look at these items, here's a SMALL DISCLAIMER:

While Rek'Sai top excells by building HP and abusing the passive HP% based healing, this isn't great for jungle. Your role is a lot more active and as such you do not have the option to farm Fury against minions to heal mid-fight. While these items can definitely be built later into the game, I would still not recommend them personally.

A pretty nice tank item. While tank items are not optimal, this can be a great item against teams with heavy AD / onhit damage.

Decent value against AD heavy comps and provides you with some additional movement speed. The hit now also scales with base AD (since 11.13), so that's kinda cool.

A decent item if your team has a healer, as it increases the heals you gain, as well as the bit of healing Conqueror provides. A decent choice against AP heavy teams.

Resistance Boots are currently meta. Pick them depending on the situation.
↗ Plated Steelcaps
Strong resistance oriented boots against heavy AD teams. Also provide damage reduction against auto attacks which is useful against ADCs and AA heavy champions.

↗ Mercury's Treads
Strong resistance oriented boots against AP and CC heavy teams. Also prodive tenacity, which is useful against CC heavy teams (even if they are not full AP).

→ Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Offensive boots choice similar to Berserker's Greaves, that instead capitalize on Ability Haste and Summoner Haste. While the stats they provide are great for snowballing etc., they leave you very squishy.

→ Berserker's Greaves
While they are playable, Berserker's Greaves will leave you too squishy with little benefit. If you want offensive boots, you are better off with Lucidity Boots.

↘ Other boots
Other boots aren't viable, due to the stats not benefiting Rek'Sai as well as the ones mentioned above. Movement speed is good, but Rek'Sai relies on combat stats, which these don't provide. (and no, you don't want to build AP, trust me)

Please note that personal preference can impact your choice and that all smites are valid options.

↗ Gustwalker Hatchling
This smite offers pretty decent movement speed bonuses on bushes and monster kills. This makes it faster to clear your jungle as it reduces the time you spend moving from camp to camp, but it will also be a great tool to get from A to B fast. Weave bushes into your walk paths and you will out-move everyone.

→ Scorchclaw Pup
Damage based smite that can help against tankier targets, but your job is usually do deal with squishy damage dealers or bruisers. Simply gets outclassed by the utility of blue smite.

→ Mosstomper Seedling
The defense route. You usually don't really want to pass on the utility capabilities of blue smite, so I don't recommend this. Suited for defensive players who seek more survivability.

In the upper section, I show 2 different maxing orders. Let's look at the advantages of either one of them.

Best in slot after the 13.11 buffs. The Q cooldown at level 5 together with ability haste items is insanely low and the sooner you hit it the better. While you sacrifice some E cooldown, the combat strength you gain is massive.


While tunnel cooldown reduction is greatly appreciated, on current Rek'Sai you really want to have your Q maxed as fast as possible, due to the fact that not only the cooldown decreases but also the %-based scaling increases. With it's low cooldown, your Q will be your main clearing + consistent damage dealing tool.


The chapters above explained the very basics: Runes and Items. These alone are a good basis to start playing a champion, but I haven't explained anything about the champion itself yet. Let's take a deeper dive into Rek'Sais kit and her jungle playstyle!

As you may already know, Rek'Sai is a shapeshifter, similar to champions like Elise or Jayce, meaning she can swap between 2 forms. For Rek'Sai this change of forms is triggered by her W, which unlike the 2 champions above has to be skilled.

I encourage you to read the ability descriptions yourself first to get a general understanding of what each ability does. This will help you make informed decisions about how to use them in-game.

Now let's delve into her abilities!

Our newly buffed passive goes hard. The base healing without items can already go as high as 400HP from full fury. Once you add items into the mix this can easily heal 600HP+ at lvl 18. Greatly helps with sustaining during clears and even in combat.


Her Q will add extra AD damage to your auto attacks. Now here's the juicy part: It will act as an auto attack reset. This means you can quickly strike twice in a row by auto-attacking once, pressing Q, and then quickly auto-attacking again. This is integral to every interaction you will have, so remember it!

Her W is a shapeshifting ability. The burrow does nothing aside from changing your form! Wait, I lied. You may have realised that while burrowed, your vision gets obscured, with a large circle AOE around you. That is your TREMOR SENSE! Inside of this AOE, every moving object gets revealed by a small ping every 1.5s. This is a huge advantage because it gives you vision outside of where you should be able to see!

Her E is a great tool against any target, but deals most damage against those with more HP. You always want to use it with max fury, as without you will lose the %-based damage! This ability no longer deals true damage.


Want range in your melee kit? Here you go! Her Q will send a missile flying towards the enemy, revealing them for 1.5s (while burrowed!). The range of this ability is similar to the AOE you see around yourself from being burrowed. Use it as a range indicator! Amusingly enough this ability scales with AP.

Her burrowed W is still a shapeshifting ability, but this one is important: it's your knock-up! 1 target gets knocked up for 1 second, while everybody else inside of the AOE gets knocked back. The knockup can be triggered by pressing W or using an attack move on a target. (This is important for later)

The bread and butter of Rek'Sai, her E will allow you to place a reusable tunnel on the map. This will take you through terrain and creates unique paths only you can take. Be aware that enemies can destroy these by standing on them!

Rek'sais finishing move: Void Rush. Apply any damage on an enemy and you will see them marked with your fin. Now, whenever you feel like it, using R on a marked target will burrow you in the ground for 1.5s, during which you become untargetable. After the initial timer, you will pounce on the enemy in a range of up to 1750 units (that's a lot), dealing missing HP% damage. This makes her R a great execution tool!


Now that you've had a good look at her abilities let's look at Rek'Sais combos, as well as some special interactions her kit provides!

Let's start with the basics.

Auto Attack Reset

The classic Auto Attack Reset

Every single time you attack something, you should do an Auto-Attack Reset (assuming your Q is up):

  1. Auto Attack
  2. Queen's Wrath
  3. Auto Attack

This should be used against every single target in the game. Learn to utilize this everywhere, as it provides extra damage and speed.

Basic Combo

The most basic combo, usually used against jungle camps and champions

A simple combo you also want to use against most single targets in the game. This should be your bread and butter against champions and jungle camps. This combo can always be executed and does not rely on large cooldowns.

  1. Prey Seeker
  2. Unburrow
  3. Auto Attack
  4. Queen's Wrath + Auto Attack
  5. Furious Bite
  6. Auto Attack <-- Conqueror stacked
Alternative Order:
  1. Prey Seeker
  2. Unburrow
  3. Auto Attack
  4. Queen's Wrath + Auto Attack
  5. Auto Attack
  6. Furious Bite <-- Conqueror stacked

Advanced Combo

The advanced combo. This is the full combo, it relies on all possible cooldowns (aside from summoner spells)

The most advanced combo. Used against champions for maximum burst. Be aware that this requires all cooldowns to be up in order to be fully executed. Of course, this can also be done without Scorchclaw Smite.

To help with understanding the combo, here's a slow-mo version:

WARNING: This combo still contains old Prowler's Claw. This combo is still valid, you just need to scrap the prowler's part.

  1. Prey Seeker
  2. Prowler's Claw
  3. Scorchclaw Smite
  4. Unburrow
  5. Auto Attack
  6. Queen's Wrath + Auto Attack <-- Conqueror stacked
  7. Furious Bite
  8. Auto Attack
  9. Auto Attack
  10. Void Rush

Step 6. is simply an Auto Attack, but it uses Queen's Wrath for a quick Auto Attack reset.

I want to spoil some Rek'Sai main secrets I've learned over the years, so let's list them here:

Manual W and toggles

One of your most valuable tools in a gank/skirmish/anywhere is your W Unburrow. Hitting the knockup on a key target is of utmost importance. Here are things you should know:

Problem: the enemy is covered by minions. If you manually press W Unburrow, you are likely to miss the target and knock up a minion

Solution: manually right-click the enemy champion to guarantee a knockup

Right click toggle

Expanding on the problem shown above, you will notice that it can get hard to right-click an enemy champion properly. Luckily, riot provides tools to fix that. Enable these 2 settings:

Set a keybind for your champion toggle. (Whatever key you are comfortable with)
Turn it into a toggle instead of a button that needs to be held

With these 2 settings you can now toggle "champion only". Right clicks will no longer work on anything else, meaning you can no longer miss your knock-ups!
WARNING: This does not work with Auto Attack Move, only right click!

Auto Attack Move

Once again adding onto what I already said, you should learn to utilize "Auto Attack Move". For me this is bound to the key 'A'. It allows you to quickly perform AA's without having to hit a target with right-click. While I do trust you in that you are the absolute gaming golem, right-click master and a general high-end gamer, I recommend you get used to this. Having to hit right clicks is unnecessary when Auto Attack Move exists.
Do note that this does NOT work together with the champion only toggle!

The ult dodge

Let's look at 2 clips first to see what I'm talking about:

Dodging a dangerous Orianna R

Dodging a Qiyana R

Your R Void Rush makes you untargetable for 1.5s. Additionally, you will disappear from the map for a short period of time. This allows you to dodge all kinds of nasty damage and CC! Aside from being untargetable, this can also be used to dodge an ability predictively.

Here are some examples of abilities which are beneficial to dodge:


This list could go on for quite a while, and I may get around to adding more Abilities. Fact is: Incorporate dodging key abilities into your playstyle.

Ult Dodge 2: Sleepy boogaloo

Now ignore the joke title, because this one is important: Lillia with Lilting Lullaby and Zoe with Sleepy Trouble Bubble can apply the drowsy status effect, which will put you to sleep after a short timer. This can be dodged by ulting a target while still drowsy!

Ult reveal

Very situational, but an unexpected trick. Some champions can go invisible in combat. Stuff like Akali Twilight Shroud, Kha'Zix Void Assault or Shaco Deceive. These will usually stay hidden until they reveal themselves. Here's the important part: your R Void Rush reveals enemies! This means that if you use your R predictive on the enemy invisibility, they will stay revealed no matter the circumstances. This means you can reveal the enemy for your team to kill, making tools like Akalis Shroud useless.

The W landing ult

See how you land burrowed? You can instantly knock up again after landing!

The trick with this is to spam your W Burrow while you are in the air during your R Void Rush. It can be hard to pull off and isn't always doable since your W needs to be off cooldown. It does give you the advantage of landing ready to knock your target up, making it a decent engage tool.

The 1-way tunnel

A simple spell, but quite unbreakable. A 1-way tunnel outside of the drake pit. It can be used from the inside, but cannot be destroyed from the inside.

These tunnels are called 1-way tunnels because they are only really useful from 1 side. Please note that these are really useless. Don't waste your time doing these in a ranked game!

These can be placed at any thin wall in the game. Usually, you would want them from a side where it is harder for the enemy to break them, meaning your side (eg. Blue side places them from Blue side territory)

I covered some Interactions, now let's look at some dangerous interactions you need to watch out for!


Grounded status effect

Grounded effects make it impossible to use your E Tunnel, R Void Rush and Summoner Spell Flash. Getting grounded means you will be helpless, so avoid the effect as much as you can!

Champions that ground you are Cassiopeia, Poppy and Singed.

Silence status effect

A usual silence is always a danger, as it keeps you from using your abilities/Summoner Spells/Items. A special case that you should know about is Sorakas E Equinox. Standing inside of it means you can still auto-attack while burrowed, but you will not knock up! Remember this, as you can still abuse the situation to get some quick AAs in.

Nearsight status effect

As with Silence, this is also a common danger, but it is enhanced by Rek'Sai being burrowed. This already reduces your sight radius by a ton. If you get the Nearsight effect while burrowed, your sight radius will get so small that it gets almost impossible to find targets.

Be aware of this against Graves, Nocturne and Quinn!

Blind status effect

Only the devil Teemo himself can apply this status effect to you. While blinded, auto-attacks will not grant any fury! Try not to waste your Q while blinded, as deal no damage and lose your procs.


Let's take a look at some nasty interactions you should watch out for:

Dangerous Champion Interactions

I've explained the basics of the kit so far, now let's talk about tunnels. Rek'Sais burrowed E Tunnel allows you to place a tunnel at a fixed range. This tunnel is your main form of engage and also your greatest ganking tool.

There's no big secret to tunnels. There's no hidden image Rek'Sai mains keep to themselves on where to tunnel. Use them in the jungle to get to camps faster but be wary of the large early game cooldown - you still need them for ganks.

WARNING: I currently do not have a proper image of the map from the top. As such, I can't provide a good image. Generally, tunnels should be used whenever you need them - dont hesitate to just place some down for convenience, especially once you have some more cooldown reduction.

I've explained basic ideas for Rek'Sai, as well as proper setups. Now I want to focus on her main role: the jungle.

Please take note that I will not cover off-meta roles like top or mid.

Before I go into the details, let's clarify what pathing even means. Pathing defines the path you take while going through the jungle. It gets changed by the camps you take, the order you take them in and the ganks/invades you do in between.

I've greatly compressed this entire section into a single image as to give you a better idea of what to do:

The idea

  • This path will be followed on either side of the map.
  • This pathing is largely an alternative to match against full clear junglers.
  • Instead of full clearing, the idea is to force a level 3 gank (at any lane really)
  • After getting in a (hopefully) successful gank, you will want to resume your clear
  • This path will leave you 2 camps down after 2 full clears, but should help you apply more pressure to the map, getting early leads.


  1. Clear your birds (You can even start W at lvl 1, as it makes no difference in clear speed)
  2. Clear Krugs
  3. Clear your Red Buff ( Smite it!) Then, gank any lane. Should you gank your
    red-side sidelane (in the image above that would be your botlane), you usually want to backport and buy some Long Swords.
  4. Resume the clear and get your blue-side crab OR your blue, depending on the timer
  5. Get blue or the crab, whatever remains
  6. Resume your full clear, starting at Gromp. From here on out, clear towards your red-side

Please note that as of now I will not be going into great detail on later pathing. Pathing is a very difficult construct and is best learned through experience or through other sources. I do not think a written guide will do a good job in explaining these high-level concepts, and as such I will merely advise you to seek help on other platforms, such as Youtube or on dedicated Jungle Main Discord Servers.

Rek'sai is a champion that excels at ganking, diving and skirmishing in the early game. In this section, I want to go into details of how a gank should look like and what to watch out for when picking a lane to gank.


Picking a lane to gank has multiple facets. Let's start with the basics:

1. Win Condition

Picking by win condition is usually a good idea in a more meta-gamey way.
Consider the following:
  • Which lane can carry your game to victory?
    Think of Hyperscalers like Kassadin or Kayle, think of people with really good win rates on their champions and OTPs. In the current meta is also usually a good default to play for your adc / bot-lane, as they can usually carry the game once ahead.
  • Which lane enables you to get objectives?
    For the early game, this will usually be bot lane. They can help you get Dragon and even help you contest Rift Scuttler. You can also consider other lanes for help with Rift Herald.
    Additionally, you can think use these lanes to cover invades.
  • Which lane can you kill to get a lead yourself?
    While Rek'Sai isn't the best scaling champion, getting an early lead in kills and lane tax can give you a significant advantage over the enemy jungler. Think about lanes that can be killed for free: CC on your side, no escape on the enemy side.
  • Which lane is playing good/bad?
    While theory is great, press Tab and look at the scoreboard. Is a lane feeding? Vastly behind in CS? Think about "Never gank a losing lane" and then decide whether it's worth it to put effort into this lane.

While these points can serve as a general framework, don't decide too early on what to gank. Games don't follow set patterns and neither should you. Go with the flow and don't cast away a lane in champ select!

2. Lane states

Warning: the content in this section is outdated and needs a revisit. I have removed it temporarily, so as to not spread misinformation.

3. CC, Escape tools and self peel

Consider champions on both sides:
  • Do they have engage/disengage tools?
    Think about mobility. Stuff like Camille's E Hookshot, Ezrael's E Arcane Shift. Many champions have similar tools. Either wait for them to be used or find a situation where using them still puts them into kill range. Consider if your teammate can help you out by using a similar tool!
  • Do they have CC tools?
    Can they stop your gank? Can your teammate set up a gank? Think about abilities like Lissandra's W Ring of Frost or Malzahar's R Nether Grasp. Be careful with enemies using them on you! Watch out if your teammate has recently used their CC tools!
  • Can they self-peel?
    Can they help themselves avoid damage? Will it be easy to escape your W Unburrow? Think about abilities like Vladimir's W Sanguine Pool or Fizz's W Playful / Trickster! Either wait for them to be used or find a situation where using them still puts them into kill range.

This chapter will explore some more detailed information about Rek'Sai.

I want to explain some more details about the current rune choices on Rek'sai.


Let's take a look at some numbers to give you a better idea of what we play and why:

Some explanation about the graph

  1. This graph tells you how much damage particular runes add to a full combo
  2. Bonus AD (for calculations) is used from a game-set with averages per level. Therefor bonus AD values are only approximations, but generally withing acceptable margins.
  3. For both Conqueror and Press the Attack, you need to keep in mind that both runes provide more damage after your initial combo, which the other runes cannot.

How this graph was created


Press the Attack and Hail of Blades provide the most upfront damage at just about all levels. Electrocute can hold its own and is followed by Conquerorand First Strike.

It should be fairly obvious that First Strike provides least damage and is therefor already out of the equation. Electrocute deals less damage than the likes of Press the Attack and is therefor also irrelevant.

Finally, runes to actually consider are Press the Attack, Hail of Blades and Conqueror. Hail can be a choice for those that need the attack speed, but generally it is accepted within the community that the rune only really serves as a crutch to bad combos.

Both Press the Attack and Conqueror have the benfit of providing even more damage after a succesful combo, which I cannot consider when creating the graph. Therefor, these 2 should be the best runes for straight damage.


Earlier I mentioned that other keystones aren't really played. If you are interested in the reasoning, expand the spoiler below:

Other Keystones and why we don't play them


Let's pick the primary rune page first:


Let's take a look at the main rune tree for Conqueror: Precision. I will explain the best rune picks in this tree, and explain which ones are good and why.

Absorb Life
Meaningless effect as you never require this little sustain.
The best Row 1 rune, as it provides extra HP and extra gold. Useful in saving you in clutch situations thanks to the HP you obtain from kills.
Presence of Mind
Will be swapped to Triumph in-game. (You don't have a mana/energy resource)

Legend: Alacrity
The most commonly used rune from the 2nd row. Provides Attack speed which enhances not only your clear speed in the jungle, but also your combo speed.
Legend: Haste
Some extra haste can be benfitial but on Rek'Sai you will usually require the bonus attack speed more.
Legend: Bloodline
Not played, as lifesteal is not necessary on Rek'sai. The other 2 runes are simply better.

Coup de Grace
A commonly used rune in the 3rd row. It provides a flat %damage increase on low HP targets, making it a generally decent pick. Note that this does not increase the true damage of Furious Bite.
Cut Down
The counterpart for Coup de Grace. The choice is pretty much up to you, although I personally prefer this one so that I can dish out more full HP damage, which in turn allows the execute part of your R to deal more damage.
Last Stand
Not really played because you usually sustain well and don't want to play fights on low HP anyways. Also provides no benefit while ganking targets when you are at full HP.


Another tree to consider is domination.

speed similar to Conqueror.

Cheap Shot
The usual pick for the first row. Provides a little bit of extra damage, more than Sudden Impact. Is triggered on every knock-up (if off cooldown).
Taste of Blood
While some extra sustain isn't bad, getting more damage in an offensive tree such as domination is usually a better idea. As such this isn't needed.
Sudden Impact
Slightly less damage than Cheap Shot as it can only be triggered by your Tunnel or R, therefor worse.

Zombie Ward
A good rune for vision control. Use this in combination with Sweeping Lens to gain free vision and AD.
Ghost Poro
While this also provides vision control, it is not picked due to junglers requiring a Sweeping Lens, meaning you can no longer proc the effect.
Eyeball Collection
If you are less focused on vision control and more on gaining flat chunks of AD, this is your rune. Get free AD on kills, which can help with snowballing.

Treasure Hunter
Great rune for snowballing early leads into significant gold advantages. The best rune in this row currently.
Relentless Hunter
Decent because it helps you roam the map faster, but has not use outside. The movement speed isn't really that useful because you need to stat check others with early leads, so gold is preferable.
Ultimate Hunter
Not picked as your ult already has a decently low cooldown and this rune has diminishing returns. Other runes are simply better


Now that you've picked your Primary tree, it's time to select the secondary. There are multiple viable options, and it's up to you to decide what to play. Note that you can't play the same tree twice.

Meta Combinations:
+ Domination
+ Sorcery
+ Inspiration
+ Sorcery
+ Precision


For secondary runes, I will not go over every single choice but instead, list the best ones. Select the ones you like the most and try out which runes fit you!
The standard rune for precision. Always a good pick thanks to the health and gold.
Legend: Alacrity
The most commonly used rune from the 2nd row. Provides Attack speed which enhances not only your clear speed in the jungle, but also your combo speed.
Legend: Tenacity
A less commonly used rune in the 2nd row. Useful against heavy CC teams, as too much CC can lock you down from getting any engages. With this, you will have to sacrifice clear/combo speed!


For secondary runes, I will not go over every single choice but instead, list the best ones. Select the ones you like the most and try out which runes fit you!
Nimbus Cloak
A strong secondary keystone for anyone that likes closing gaps. Will only provide 5% movement speed increase when using any Smite, but will give 25% movement speed increase with Flash. This makes Flash a gap closer which does not need to instantly connect with the enemy. Has been nerfed in patch 11.13.
Absolute Focus
A flat bonus AD increase whenever you are healthy. Should have almost permanent uptime in the jungle thanks to Refillable Potion and Fury of the Xer'Sai. Will also provide AD for most ganks, as you usually engage the enemy at high percentages of HP.
Great help with roaming through the river as it provides MS and bonus AD. Will support you in contesting the river objectives Rift Scuttler, Dragon and Baron Nashor, while also aiding any skirmishes you might have.


For secondary runes, I will not go over every single choice but instead, list the best ones. Select the ones you like the most and try out which runes fit you!
Zombie Ward
A great 2nd Row rune for vision control and obtaining bonus AD. Get's better the more you play around vision and Oracle Lens, as it provides great counter vision on the enemy without having to use your own wards.
Eyeball Collection
As an alternative to Zombie Ward this is a good pick for anyone that has less focus and vision and more focus on just killing. Will also provide decent bonus AD, but loses the benefits of vision control.
Treasure Hunter
Provides you with a ton of bonus gold that can be used to snowball your already strong early game. Will help you get your key items before your opponents.


For secondary runes, I will not go over every single choice but instead, list the best ones. Select the ones you like the most and try out which runes fit you!
Magical Footwear
Great rune as it saves you from having to buy boots yourself and additionally provides some free extra movement speed. With these you can even delay your T2 boots choice by quite a bit.
Cosmic Insight
The other Inspiration rune, great for reducing the cooldown of Flash and Smite. Item cooldown is an additional nice-to-have!

At multiple points in this guide, I've mentioned the importance of bonus AD in Rek'Sais kit, and the significance of runes like Conqueror in increasing your damage. Let's take a quick look at what I mean:

(+ 25% bonus AD) x1 time
(We assume Q is level 5 for simplicity)
(+ 50% bonus AD) x3 times
(+ 100% bonus AD) x1 time
(+ 100% bonus AD) x1 time
(Auto Attack)
(+ 100% bonus AD) x4 times

These are the damage sources in 1 Combo. All of them scale with your bonus AD,

adding up to 775% bonus AD in total scaling.

This is a significant value, and should not be underestimated. It is the main reason as to why bonus AD is so important on Rek'sai.

In this chapter, I want to talk about ways of getting good at Rek'Sai and playing her in the jungle.

Disclaimer: Opinions you will read here may not be objective. They reflect my understanding of the game. While I would never consider myself a "good" player, I think I am qualified to give a few opinions on how to get into higher Elos (namely D1 and Master).

Do you want to improve? Good. Now let's get your brain into the proper mindset. Here are some rules to follow:

  1. Play for improvement, not for LP
    Stop thinking about your LP. Set your mind on getting better, and LP will follow. Dodge games that look unplayable in champ select, and don't get mad at losing some LP.
  2. NEVER blame anyone else but yourself for losing games
    One of the greatest mistakes most players make. Yes, there are unwinnable games. But your focus should never be on your teammates, as they are outside of your control. If you ever catch yourself thinking about your teammates, focus up and stop it. You make mistakes every game. Find them, fix them.
  3. Analyse replays
    Go into your replays. Look to find obvious mistakes. Explore different options of what to do, note the good and the bad.
  4. Disable Chat
    Unless you are Master+ and you are confident that communication can help your games, disable your chat. The chat provides little benefit and only serves as a platform for toxicity.
  5. Know when to stop
    Tilted? Mad? Tired? Stop playing. Forcing 10 games a day won't make you better if you can't focus on your games. Find a point to stop every day, or at least take some breaks to reset your mental and mind.

Now the points here are a bit short, but they convey the general message well enough:
Focus on yourself, and only yourself.

One of the most integral parts to actually getting good at Rek'Sai are her mechanics (the micro). While many Rek'Sai players think that they are "good" at her, most mechanics often leave room for improvement.

The Combo

Let's start with the combo. I already linked an example of a proper combo further up in the guide, if you haven't read it look here.
The first thing I usually recommend for anyone below Master+ is to train your combo in practice tool. For me, the setup looks like this:

WARNING: The numbers here are out-dated. The general idea is the same regardles!
  1. Go into practice tool
  2. Select your usual Runes
    My runes
  3. Ingame, level to 6, fully stack runes, disable turrets and minions
  4. Buy a smite of your choice.
  5. Skip to 01:30 using Ctrl+Shift+O, use instant cdr from Ctrl+X and obtain Blue Smite by smiting 5 times
  6. Set up enemy target dummies and 1 friendly dummy for vision, preferably on a lane with space
  7. Start training your combo. Use Ctrl+Shift+O and Ctrl+X to reset everything between attempts

After the initial setup, it's time to train your combo! A proper combo on a target dummy should deal ~2470 Damage (If you followed the setup properly). Now the damage is secondary, the main point of this all is to obtain the maximum DPS. What does this mean? It means to train your combo until you can pull off about ~595 DPS against target dummies consistently. If you can do that, your combo will good enough and won't hold you back.

TLDR: Go into practice tool, set yourself up for combos, learn to get the highest possible DPS.

The small things

I've already listed some sneaky mechanics, most of them only known to OTP's. These are small things, but getting to know them and actively using them in-game will give you yet another small edge over your opponents. While this is a more time-intensive step, try forcing them as often as you can.


If you've looked at the 03:15 full clear I linked earlier, you will see that kiting camps greatly enhances your clear. This is something that you need to train if you want to clear properly. Try this in practice tool, see how far you can take camps and when they reset. This is important if you ever want to properly clear, and as it's something you can train this is not limited by your elo. If you want more examples, look at replays of other high elo Rek'Sai players.

Now it's time for some harsh reality. Macro is something that can barely be thought in a guide, and I won't attempt it as the topic is vastly more complex than anything else. Jungle macro resolves around so many factors that it is best thought by playing or by a dedicated coach.

My advice for getting better macro:

Watch guides on the early game

The early game is the most linear macro, and oftentimes there are only a few good options, making it a lot easier to learn from outside the game. There are some great guides on youtube on how to master early game pathing, and I implore you to seek them out.

Play more

Yes, sounds pretty dumb but it's always true. Playing more means you can improve more, and with time macro decisions will become more obvious. This process means learning it yourself, but that is how just about everyone will learn macro at some point.

Jungle Tracking

Jungle Tracking means following the path of the enemy jungler without actually seeing them. You will have to understand the pathing of different champions and predict where they are at different stages of the game. This is incredibly hard but gets more consistent the better your enemies get.

Don't waste too much thought on this. This will come more naturally as you play the game, so as always, "play more".

Whew, you read/scrolled all the way down here! Good job! If you have any feedback, please let me know here or come join us in the official Rek'Sai Mains Discord:

Now that the important stuff is done, let's just get this over with:


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