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idk don't die beg jg for help, either that or wait for riot to nerf her into the dirt
this is just my personal experiences but uhh basically like don't die and no way you get out roamed by this little girl right?
take corrupting because her sustain is balanced asf, also when you w walk back because her q range is shorter than your w range or something like that.
easy matchup lvl 2 if she comes in bait her stand in her dagger but make sure you make her go behind it because you win every trade close as long as you both have the same rune set
idk i only vsd this dude named oblivous but basically like if you manage to proc passive then you win trades as long as hes not in e form or his w just soaks your damage up
bait out windwall for ur w and also take his passive shield off, dont forget to proc passive on this dude so he can go cry like a little bald kid
shes easy but like if u lose u lose tuff, just try to juke her and dont let her bully you in lane
this dude annoying as hell idk wait for riot to nerf him or something lol, dodge his stun if you can and play around his ability cd, you lose most trades btw because hes a great balanced champion
ok so like right this champ is so freaking annoying but like pray to god that your bot lane and top lane and jg are like very very good at the game and you just feed off the 0/12 adc on the other team, also merc treads + null orb to piss her off lol (maw too if you really want)
you just win might be a little annoying at first but itll get better
ok so kass is supposed to get shit on by talon but a good kass will just abuse the freak outta you with silence the whole lane + everfrost so i suggest you man up and just kill him or something
bait out his jumping jack move and you should out trade this dirty ass sankar fish
idk toasty said it was skill matchup, just dont get caught by w i guess
charm annoying dont get caught by it you win
kinda hard idk how to vs
Twisted Fate
lol if you lose against tf as talon you suck, he might out roam tho try to match if possible
any champ you play into this blondie will lose if ur silver and below
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