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Choose Champion Build:
- Super Support Shen!
- Top Lane [WIP]
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Shen Owns Anyone
Hello All, thank you for visiting my very, very newbie guide. I am Naneo, here to bring you a Shen guide. Shen is one of the best tanks in the game, since he is pretty much just a tank depending how you build him. Today I shall tell you what I build in games. Honestly this build is based off of Armor, since I am under the assumption that you are going bottom lane. Well, have fun reading this guide. Please give me constructive criticism and feed back. :D // SPECIAL THANKS: My Thanks to jhoijhoi for the nicely fitted template, which you can find here. |
Pros / Cons
+ Epic SuperHero Save Move + Good Initiation + Tanks towers like they are nothing + Super Heals for your Team + Epic Personal Mini Shield Shen has the best global ultimate in the whole game. Locket of the Iron Solari is a great choice for Shen, just for the fact of its great shield and can restore Shen's shield when he ulti's another champion just like it did before. |
- Hard to master - Shen gets banned in Ranked. - Deals Minor damage unless AP Shen Shen is a champion that needs constant map awarenss. Without it, you will miss all your ultimates and can throw the game pretty pretty hard. Be sure to know when to ultimate. |
- Greater Quintessence of Armor: This will give you a tiny bit more armor, and will be able to tank more in the beginning
- Greater Mark of Armor: More Armor against that pesky ADC.
- Greater Glyph of Armor: More armor or Greater Glyph of Magic Resist against that mean support.
- Greater Seal of Armor: ADC's won't touch you.
Summoner Spells
Flash: Get away and positioning skill to catch run-aways or get a better taunt |
Exhaust: Exhaust is very useful since you are a support and you may need this to save your or your ADC's life. |
Teleport: More map mobility. Allows you to get around the map faster. I wouldn't put this on a support Shen, but if I am not support, I would greatly recommend this. |
Ability Explanation
Ki Strike: This works like a Sheen. Except it has a cooldown of 8 seconds and is triggered by basic attacks.
Vorpal Blade (Q): Your epic heal over time move. Restoring your health in battle with a warmog and this skill will allow you to stay in fights a little longer than most tanks can.
Feint (W): Super sustain shield go! Feint isn't as overpowered as it use to be, but I still level it up before any of my skills to avoid giving the other team unnecessary kills while Shen is being awesome on the battlefield.
Shadow Dash (E): Your initiation tool. You take 50% less damage from all sources for some time allowing you to become OP Tank Shen for a very short period of time.
- Stand United (R): Shen is the super hero to all ally champions on the battlefield. He saves their lives not once,as many times as he feels the need to.
Ability Sequence Order
// Feint allows sustain for laning phase. Damage is the second priority for a tank. You want to be able to sustain hits from the enemy Attack Damage Carry, Attack Damage Caster or Ability Power Carry, Ability Power Caster. |
Item Sequence
Warmog's Armor
Randuin's Omen
Guardian Angel
Ninja Tabi
thornmail is very useful early game due to its passive. You also get the benefit of 100 armor. |
Warmog gives insane health and takes care of the need for pots. |
Nice active and passive and 70 armor and 500 health for you. |
Allows you to stay in fights and come out of nowhere. |
Can be easily traded for merc treds. Boots are situational. |
Deathfire grasp size=40] | Some Ability Power and a nice active. |
Shen is one of my favorite champs in League of Legends to play. He has great CC, nice shield, and a healing tool. This was my Shen guide and I hope you like it! If I had any flaws then please tell me below! // SPECIAL THANKS: Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here. |
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