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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order W > Q > E
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Champion Build Guide
Pros and Cons + Couter Tips
Couter Ashe + Organize early ganks, try to take down Ashe to minimize Ashe's power later. + Once Ashe has her Ultimate R-Enchanted Crystal Arrow, do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. + Ashe doesn’t have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. + To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her W-Volley Volley damage for you. + Keep a constant eye on your champion's movements in the mid and late game as Ashe will usually throw out her Ultimate R-Enchanted Crystal Arrow “recklessly” in attempts to start the fight. Dodge it and then capitalise on the cooldown. + Ashe is really immobile and squishy. Try to catch her out of position at the start of the team fight so the enemy lacks consistent damage. + Items counter : Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen,... |
Lethal Tempo Delayed bonus AS synergizes well with how Ashe ADC likes to deal damage. Presence of Mind Is a great Ashe rune given the champion's mana dependency. Legend: Bloodline For additional sustain or to forgo lifesteal itemization. Coup de Grace Deal 8% more damage to champions who have less than 40% health. This is the best rune in its tree for almost every champion that wants to go into Precision since it's the one that simply does the most damage in your average game. Biscuit Delivery Gives ashe the ability to restore mana in laning phase. Consuming a Biscuit will instantly grant 50 mana and permanently increase your maximum mana by 50, in addition to its effects. Approach Velocity Gain 7.5% bonus movement speed toward enemy champions with impaired movement. This bonus is doubled to 15% toward enemy champions whose movement Ashe have impaired.Approach Velocity improves your chase and follow-up potential. It interacts very well with Ashe's +R passive Attack Speed Offense 10% Attack Speed Adaptive Force Offense 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Shield Flex 6 Armor |
Hail of Blades Helps Tristana duel very well. This keystone is by far the best one for Tristana at the moment since it helps u proc your passive and deal a high DPS with your three attack proc. Cheap Shot Is a strong Ashe rune because of the CC in Ashe's kit. Eyeball Collection For additional sustain or to forgo lifesteal itemization. Ravenous Hunter Deal 8% more damage to champions who have less than 40% health. This is the best rune in its tree for almost every champion that wants to go into Precision since it's the one that simply does the most damage in your average game. Biscuit Delivery Gives ashe the ability to restore mana in laning phase. Consuming a Biscuit will instantly grant 50 mana and permanently increase your maximum mana by 50, in addition to its effects. Approach Velocity Gain 7.5% bonus movement speed toward enemy champions with impaired movement. This bonus is doubled to 15% toward enemy champions whose movement Ashe have impaired.Approach Velocity improves your chase and follow-up potential. It interacts very well with Ashe's +R passive Attack Speed Offense 10% Attack Speed Adaptive Force Offense 9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Shield Flex 6 Armor |
Ashe Skill and Tips
Q - Ranger's Focus- Passive: When this ability is inactive, Ashe's basic attacks on-attack against non-structures will grant Focus stacks for 4 seconds. The duration is refreshed on structure attacks and stacks are lost by one every second.Active: Ashe gains bonus - Attack Speed for 4 seconds and causes her auto-attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. They trigger on-hit effects only once and they deal modified physical damage. |
W - Volley- Ashe fires a volley of 9 arrows in a cone in the target direction. All of them deal physical damage to the first enemy struck and slows them. Enemies won't take damage from arrows beyond the first one. |
E - Hawkshot- Passive: Ashe periodically stores a Hawkshot charge, up to a maximum of 2. - Active: Ashe sends a hawk spirit towards the target location. This spirit will then explode and provide vision of that area for 5 seconds. |
R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow- Ashe fires a missile of ice in the target direction which will grant vision of the area it flies through for 1 second. This arrow will stun the first target hit for 1-3.5 seconds (based on the distance traveled), and it will reveal the area around them for 1 second. Enemies around the main target take 50% damage but are only slowed. |
- Use W- Volley to poke the enemy's health as well as check the enemy
- Q- Ranger's Focus can regenerate basic attacks, so use it after you hit
- Use your E- Hawkshot to scout vision for your team by shooting it diagonally through the enemies jungle. Your team can see what jungle camps have been taken and which ones are still up. You might also spot the enemy Jungler.
- To initiate team fights, cast your Ultimate R- Enchanted Crystal Arrow on a target that is isolated or too far forward. Your team can then collapse and focus them down while they’re CC’d.If your lane is even and te enemy has little kill threat on you, once recalled, you could shoot your Arrow R- Enchanted Crystal Arrow
straight through the middle of the map to assist your Mid laner.
- Ashe gradually returned to the professional tournament. Revolving around the 2 cores of iteam Wit's End and Guinsoo's Rageblade, the long range gives ashe a lot of advantages. - Lulu helps Ashe push lane faster + Lulu can completely use Q- Glitterlance on waves of minions that are full of blood when both are trying to push minions faster to go to other things.Don't worry Lulu won't eat all your minions :) - Turn Ashe into a monster in the mid and late game + Lulu can help Ashe shoot a lot more "force". + W- Whimsy both increases movement speed and also grants Ashe attack speed. + E- Help, Pix! will also give Ashe some armor and the ability to deal extra damage on each hit + Both of these champions also have a lot of ability to slow down the enemy and Ashe can use it to kite enemies to death. Of course, it will be difficult for anyone to approach and defeat Ashe when Lulu is by her side to protect her. - Cons: Need to rely heavily on protecting Ashe + Lulu is a good champion that protects teammates however since Ashe is not very mobile, she still needs to give Ashe first priority in teamfights + It also means that the other teammates will not receive the best protection because Lulu already has to pay attention to Ashe too much. + A Lulu player who knows how to use the skills W- Whimsy, E- Help, Pix! or R- Wild Growth properly on both enemies and ourselves will be the key to the success of this strategy. |
- This is a safe, remote attack couple that specializes in dealing with impatient subjects. The pair's ability to poke and heal can defeat any enemy when going head to head. - As a marksman with the ability to poke as well as long range, Ashe can improvise when going with all other marksmen. - Sona doesn't have strong control though but Sona's ability to poke and heal is very difficult for any support champion to catch up - Sona's blood poke when laning is very strong, with support champions that are not too mobile, skill sets without CC if faced with Sona, it will be a real nightmare. - And most of all, Sona has a weapon that can reverse the game very well that is the Ultimate R- Crescendo. With this skill of hers, Sona can help teammates have more advantages in teamfights if they can use multiple targets, control the enemy, and bring victory to their teammates. If the stack of CC is good between R- Crescendo and R- Enchanted Crystal Arrow, the ability to finish the enemy is very high |
- Ashe is a very strong marksman, but she lacks mobility, so she needs a lot of protection and support - Braum is a pretty comprehensive support in both defense and attack So he was perfectly suited to go with Ashe . When going with Ashe the power of this bearded man is even more powerful.This couple from the Freljord possesses the ability to slow as well as stun very effectively - Hardly any traditional support AD carry pair can match Ashe – Braum in the early game - Braum's Passive - Concussive Blows pairs well with Ashe,Braum has a stack of Concussive Blows on an enemy with Q- Winter's Bite or basic attack, which Ashe can utilize to quickly stun enemies. When using Guinsoo's Rageblade that power increases even more. - In addition, Ultimate R- Glacial Fissure also provides enough control for Ashe to comfortably discharge damage. Combined with R- Enchanted Crystal Arrow, the enemy will stand motionless to death if there is no Cleanse or Quicksilver Sash - Overall, the strength of this duo is due to skills like born for each other. If they work well together, this will be a Support + ADC capable of destroying the opposing duo right from the laning phase. - Attention + When operating the Ashe + Braum pair, it is important to understand that this is a strong support ADC pair and needs to apply pressure early. + Fully warding and thoroughly crushing the enemy is the mission of this duo + Take the opportunity and attack as soon as the opponent makes a mistake in the position + Both Ashe and Braum require very high player skill to master the skill set |
- Ashe is a good poke champion with her W- Volley and long arm span but she lacks mobility, afraid of champions with a lot of CC and ability to close like Leona. Therefore, choosing Leona as a support for Ashe has just eliminated 1 enemy as well as Leona's skill set will give Ashe a lot of advantages. - The strength of Draven – Leona's ADC support pair is in a very good laning phase. The amount of control coming from Leona and the damage from Ashe is what makes any opponent afraid - With Leona's Passive- Sunlight also helps Ashe deal a considerable amount of magic damage - Once Ashe has poked a decent amount of health Leona just rushes in with E- Zenith Blade and put all cc on the enemy. Enemies will have to lose summoner spells if they don't want to lose lane - The power of Leona + Ashe couple is very mutant at Lv6. With 4 skills that all have control effects from this pair: Leona Q- Shield of Daybreak E- Zenith Blade R- Solar Flare , Ashe R- Enchanted Crystal Arrow, it is difficult for any enemy to survive.Not only that, with R-Ashe's long range, it's easy for the jungle to gank - Mid and Late game R- Solar Flare is a very good ability to initiate teamfights with the ability to stun and slow a wide area |
From version 11.5 Ashe gradually returned to professional tournaments. Professional Gamer uses more attack speed items than crit it revolves around 2 core iteam Wit's End and Guinsoo's Rageblade, it makes more use of the ability to apply hit effects rather than crit
These are the 3 core iteams that are most suitable for Ashe at the moment, it is trusted by many gamers |
How to play Ashe
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