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Teemo Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 25.S1.3

Teemo The Swift Scout

Find the best Teemo build guides for League of Legends S15 Patch 25.S1.3. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Teemo build for the S15 meta. Learn more about Teemo's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!

Season 7 Guides
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Teemo Mid ap sustain

Guide by L000000 updated October 3, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

[7.17] Teemo Top Lane Full AP Build (OP) Thorough Analysis (

Guide by spqm updated August 30, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Classic and Hybrid Teemo

Guide by Exerxes updated June 14, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Deal with the Little Devil

Guide by Gym Leader Ryan updated May 15, 2017
  • In-depth
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Attack speed platinum Teemo guide

Guide by teemohentai updated April 14, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Teemo is so my New Main- How to Play Guide S7 - BonusSatis

Guide by BonusSatis updated March 23, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Teemo ADC Full Guide 7.4

Guide by L000000 updated February 23, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

(Patch 7.4) Teemo - The Swift Scout

Guide by TheSolidSnakeX updated February 22, 2017
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Highest DPS Build Possible [Twisted Treeline] 7.3

Guide by ZayikPvP updated February 8, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Teemo Push & Run

Guide by sexyteemo wsu updated February 1, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Make Teemo great again! Kappa Teemo the rise to respect

Guide by Kappa Teemo updated December 17, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide


Guide by CinnamonSlayer updated December 14, 2016
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Toplane Teemo - [Thread Rework]

Guide by Shakes_Beer updated December 13, 2016
Season 7 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Teemo Satan Himself build 7.21

Build by Cruelplatypus67 updated November 6, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide


Build by vipers31 updated November 6, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Teemo ap

Build by assasin0699 updated November 5, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Pluto8's Teemo (Any Lane)

Build by Gamermanic updated November 1, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Dizztro's Guide to Teemo! [7.21] (ALL ROLES)

Build by Dizztro updated October 29, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

Short & Simple Teemo Guide

Build by cash_carti updated October 28, 2017
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide
LoL Champion Teemo Build Guide

teemo Little Track

Build by GarenDoozer updated October 22, 2017
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Teemo Build & Runes

If you're looking for the best rune build for Teemo we've got you covered. Below you can find the best items and runes to build for Teemo, as determined by calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. If you are already familiar with how to play Teemo this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 25.S1.3. However, if you are a new Teemo player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this build is strong on Teemo!

Our Stats Powered By LogoOpen In New Window
Patch 15.3: 29,224 matches scanned * Each section of the build is rated independently of the others

Teemo's Runes

Teemo's Best Runes 51%

Win Rate 41% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
LoL Path: Precision
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Resolve
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Second Best

Teemo's 2nd Best Runes 50%

Win Rate 20% Pickrate

LoL Path: Precision
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Sorcery
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Third Best

Teemo's 3rd Best Runes 49%

Win Rate 12% Pickrate

LoL Path: Resolve
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Domination
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Teemo's Summoner Spells

Teemo's Best Summoner Spells 51%

Win Rate 82% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Second Best

Teemo's 2nd Best Summoner Spells 48%

Win Rate 15% Pickrate

Flash Teleport

Third Best

Teemo's 3rd Best Summoner Spells 52%

Win Rate 2% Pickrate

Flash Ghost

Teemo's Starters

Teemo's Best Starter Items 50%

Win Rate 88% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Teemo's Core Items

Teemo's Best Core Items 59%

Win Rate 16% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Our Stats Powered By LogoOpen In New Window
Patch 15.3: 29,224 matches scanned * Each section of the build is rated independently of the others

Teemo's Runes

Teemo's Best Runes 50%

Win Rate 69% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
LoL Path: Domination
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Sorcery
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Second Best

Teemo's 2nd Best Runes 47%

Win Rate 11% Pickrate

LoL Path: Sorcery
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Domination
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Third Best

Teemo's 3rd Best Runes 51%

Win Rate 3% Pickrate

LoL Path: Domination
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Precision
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Teemo's Summoner Spells

Teemo's Best Summoner Spells 49%

Win Rate 85% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Second Best

Teemo's 2nd Best Summoner Spells 45%

Win Rate 6% Pickrate

Exhaust Flash

Third Best

Teemo's 3rd Best Summoner Spells 48%

Win Rate 5% Pickrate

Flash Heal

Teemo's Starters

Teemo's Best Starter Items 48%

Win Rate 91% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Teemo's Core Items

Teemo's Best Core Items 67%

Win Rate 12% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Our Stats Powered By LogoOpen In New Window
Patch 15.3: 29,224 matches scanned * Each section of the build is rated independently of the others

Teemo's Runes

Teemo's Best Runes 45%

Win Rate 56% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
LoL Path: Domination
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Sorcery
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Second Best

Teemo's 2nd Best Runes 45%

Win Rate 20% Pickrate

LoL Path: Domination
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Precision
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Third Best

Teemo's 3rd Best Runes 48%

Win Rate 9% Pickrate

LoL Path: Precision
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

LoL Path: Inspiration
LoL Rune:
LoL Rune:

Teemo's Summoner Spells

Teemo's Best Summoner Spells 44%

Win Rate 66% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Second Best

Teemo's 2nd Best Summoner Spells 44%

Win Rate 22% Pickrate

Flash Gustwalker Smite

Third Best

Teemo's 3rd Best Summoner Spells 53%

Win Rate 9% Pickrate

Flash Mosstomper Smite

Teemo's Starters

Teemo's Best Starter Items 44%

Win Rate 59% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Second Best

Teemo's 2nd Best Starter Items 45%

Win Rate 18% Pickrate

Stealth Ward Health Potion

Third Best

Teemo's 3rd Best Starter Items 44%

Win Rate 12% Pickrate

Oracle Lens Health Potion

Teemo's Core Items

Teemo's Best Core Items 49%

Win Rate 16% Pickrate

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Teemo Counters

Learn Teemo's counters and discover matchups where they have an advantage! When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Teemo guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against!

This counter data is for Teemo TOP in Plat+ games. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Teemo. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick.

Teemo Skins

Find Teemo's skins and when they were last on sale. Never miss a sale for your favorite skin by using our Wish List feature! You can also find all Teemo skins and chromas on Teemo's skins page.

Teemo's Abilities

Teemo's Guerrilla Warfare
Guerrilla Warfare Teemo's Passive Teemo's Passive
Teemo's Passive
Teemo's Passive
If Teemo stands still and takes no actions for 1.5 seconds, he becomes stealthed indefinitely. After leaving stealth, Teemo gains the Element of Surprise, increasing his attack speed by 20 / 40 / 60 / 80% for 5 seconds.

In addition, moving inside brush for 1.5 seconds also allows Teemo to become stealthed.
Teemo's Blinding Dart
Blinding Dart Teemo's Q Ability
70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Teemo shoots a dart at the target enemy, dealing them 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of ability power) magic damage and blinding them for a short duration, causing all their attacks to miss for 2.0 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3 seconds. The blind duration is doubled against minions and monsters.
Teemo's Move Quick
Move Quick Teemo's W Ability
Passive: Grants 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28% increased movement speed until struck by a champion or turret. The passive is restored 5 seconds (static cooldown) after last being struck by a champion or turret.

Active: For 3 seconds, Teemo gains double his passive movement speed and will not lose it even if he is hit.
Teemo's Toxic Shot
Toxic Shot Teemo's E Ability
Teemo's Passive
Passive: Each time Teemo attacks an enemy, he will poison the target, dealing 9 / 23 / 37 / 51 / 65 (+30% of ability power) magic damage on hit and 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 (+10% of ability power) each second for 4 seconds. The duration of this poison will be refreshed with every subsequent attack, but the damage does not stack.

The total damage is increased by 125% against monsters.
Teemo's Noxious Trap
Noxious Trap Teemo's Ultimate (R) Ability
75 / 55 / 35 / 35 / 35
Teemo's Passive
Teemo places a trap which stealths and arms in 1 second. It detonates if an enemy steps on it, dealing 200 / 325 / 450 (+55% of ability power) magic damage by poisoning nearby enemies, applying a 30 / 40 / 50% slow and revealing them for 4 seconds. The traps last 5 minutes. Teemo will store one every 35 / 30 / 25 seconds, and can have a maximum of 3 / 4 / 5 stocked up. Each cast requires and uses a trap. After death, Teemo respawns with 2 mushrooms.

Casting traps on existing Noxious Traps causes them to bounce 3 / 4 / 5 Teemos further in the direction they were originally tossed.

Questions About Teemo


Latest Questions

I was playing teemo yesterday and halfway through the game his E stopped wo

I was playing teemo yesterday and halfway through the game his E stopped working and I couldn't enable it. Any ideas as to why?

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Buenas!, alguien sabe por que no puedo usar el disparo toxico?. Cuando lo quiero lanzar me sale de que no se le puede ejecutar. Puede ser por mi nivel? (soy nivel 9)

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Which person do you hate more?

Who is more annoying to fight, Teemo or Yasuo? Who is more annoying to fight, Master Yi or Zoe?

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Hello guys, i really struggle playing against teemo in top lane. whos good against him?

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Does Teemo's poison ticks proc electricute

Does Teemo's poison ticks proc electricute, I play teemo and wonder if this happens because most of the time I dont get 3 hits with teemo in the laning phase but I see soeme people rul electrucuteon teemo

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Teemo AP or on-hit

I used to play AP Teemo which mainly buffs Q and the mushrooms. But now I find that on-hit deals insane damage with PTA rune. Which one is better in the current meta, and why?

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Why does everyone hate teemo

Teemo is a champion which often gets heat from the community and is hated immensely. I would love if this community could come together and have a civil discussion if teemo really is the plague that should be cleansed, I never understand why he...

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Mid Lane Advice??

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substitue for teemo?

So teemo will get a rework soon, the idea, he is terrible on any role and build except jungler on hit build, and probably support, so i need some sugestions of champions similars for top lane and mid, which i mainly play. I was thinking about...

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how to use teemo e

toxic shot. i dunno how to use i'v tired from trying so it's time to ask you guys howw do i can use e?

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I would to like counter or play safe in top against a cho'gath

i have a problem against cho'gath top with teemo, how i can deal with this problem

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Is Fiddlesticks and Teemo fucked in Season 7?

Anyone know? Fiddlesticks seems screwed this season with the plants and jungle changes.

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People looking at my guide cannot see my build at first glance.

Just as the title, says, it looks like nobody can see my build when they look at the mobafire link. For example: [img=] You can clearly see the build below mine has the build being readily displayed, meanwhile...

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How do i Counter Teemo in Toplane with trynda or vlad?

How do i counter this litle devil??

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What is the fastest way to build AP with teemo?

Guys, How can i do more damage early in the game with teemo. somehow i just cant seem to get his AP high enough. Any advise?

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