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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Jungle

14 Apr

Views: 1373 Jungle

I've been monkeying around with Volibear since Sejuani is pretty close to permaban in Ranked Silver. He is pretty beast. Last night I made a Swain **** two crows when I flash Qed in on him from the river bush. If he hadn't of flashed instantly he would have been a dead bird.

I also solo killed a fairly fed Caitlyn while only having cloth armor and my runes for protection. Thank you The Relentless Storm.

For crowd control Volibear brings a displacement via Thundering Smash and a slow via Sky Splitter.

Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder is both...
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09 Apr

Views: 2207 Jungle

If you Smite it you get health back. If you deal the killing blow to it you get Crest of Cinders from it.

Using Smite on the Red Brambleback

Using Smite on the Red Brambleback will restore a large amount of health instantly (20% of your maximum health). This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

The Red Brambleback gives off green bubbles if the Smite bonus is available. Once the bonus is harvested, the effect disappears until the Red Brambleback respawns. This is only visible to champions with Smite.

Gaining health by smiting the Red Brambleback is...
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03 Apr

Views: 1590 Jungle

If you Smite it you get mana back. If you deal the killing blow to it you get Crest of the Ancient Golem from it.

Using Smite:
Using Smite upon the Blue Sentinel will restore a large amount of mana over 2 seconds (25% of your maximum mana). This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn.

Dealing the Killing Blow
This unit regens 25 flat mana regeneration per 5 seconds and 0.5% of their maximum mana (or energy) per second and has 10% cooldown reduction on their abilities. If slain, this buff transfers to the killer.

Gaining mana by smiting the Blue...
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03 Apr

Views: 2132 Jungle

Using Smite upon the Ancient Krug will grant you Gift of Heavy Hands for 90 seconds, causing every 6th basic attack to stun minions and monsters. Additionally, you can attack a tower to expend the buff early - dealing a large amount of bonus true damage (65 + 15 x level). This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn, and only by smiting the Ancient Krug - Smite cannot be used on the small Krug.


First 1-2 jungle clears for autoattack based jungle champions, which often includes even tanks like Nautilus who typically run Attack Speed Marks if not...
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