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Rakan Build Guide by GN_Duck LoL

Support GN Duck's Grandmaster Guide to Everything - Rakan

Support GN Duck's Grandmaster Guide to Everything - Rakan

Updated on November 18, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GN_Duck LoL Build Guide By GN_Duck LoL 301 17 272,343 Views 20 Comments
301 17 272,343 Views 20 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GN_Duck LoL Rakan Build Guide By GN_Duck LoL Updated on November 18, 2023
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Runes: Guardian (Detailed Explanation Below)

1 2 3
Font of Life
Bone Plating

Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Flash Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

GN Duck's Grandmaster Guide to Everything - Rakan

By GN_Duck LoL
Hello My Name Is GN Duck

I am a Grandmaster

support main.

I ended season 11 as Rank 1 Rakan [NA] and rank 22 World. I've been Rank 1 Rakan (according to League of Graphs) for a cumulative 15 months over the past 3 years. Rakan is my most played champion. I stream educational content. As of Season 12, I no longer compeite or play compeitively. I have coached collegiate and amatuer and love the educational side of League of Legends. I want this guide to be constantly growing, so please ask questions or challenge me on some of my points. Everything in this guide is from my own experience and is subject to scrutiny; in fact I encourage it! You learn the most when your ideas are put to the test and you're asked to explain yourself and your thought process.

If you find this guide at all helpful, please like it using the green thumbs up at the top! If there is anything else you'd like to see in the guide, have questions, or disagree with anything here - let me know in the comments! This guide will be updated weekly.
Rakan Abilities


Rakan periodically gains a shield.
Tip: Your passive cooldown is reduced by 1 second every time you land an auto-attack or ability. Be sure to auto-attack whenever you are fighting!


Flings a magical feather that deals magic damage. Striking a champion or epic monster enables Rakan to heal his allies.
Tip: Look for trades when this is up to minimize the damage you take.
Extra Tip: This works on Dragons, Baron and Herald. If you are walking by and need health, throw it at them!


Dashes to a location, knocking up nearby enemies on arrival.
Tip: This is Rakan means of engaging - don't waste it! Wait until the enemy is already crowd controlled before using it to guarantee that it lands.


Flies to an allied champion granting them a shield. Can be re-cast for free for a short duration.
Tip: Use this to not only shield your allies, but to close distance QUICK. You get two charges - be sure to have at least one up when you engage for a quick escape!


Gains movement speed, charming and dealing magic damage to enemies touched.
Tip: This effect lasts for 4 seconds and is extended by .25 seconds for each unique enemy hit. Don't rush - use this ability to gain movement speed to cover the distance before using your Grand Entrance. Emphasis on "don't rush'' - this ability lasts longer than you'd think.
Rakan Combos

There are quite a few fun ways to go about comboing with Rakan. Here are the main ones.

Basic Trade

The basic trade starts with a Grand Entrance, an auto and Gleaming Quill while the enemy is airborn, then a quick Battle Dance the escape before the enemy can retailiate.

Basic Engage

A basic all in is the above but with the added crowd control from The Quickness. Begin by activating The Quickness and then targeting the enemy with a Grand Entrance. With the quick dash from Grand Entrance, the enemy immediately becomes charmed and immobilized, making the knockup portion of Grand Entrance a for sure hit. Then, of course, you can use your Battle Dance to escape to your team as they come in to finish the kill.[/indent]

Player Navigation

There are two charges to Rakan's Battle Dance. This allows for you to naviate your allies quickly in battle to set up a quick engage or to shield multiple people. Additionally, Rakan Battle Dance functions on a buffered timer, meaning you can "queue up" the second charge of Battle Dance while the first one is still going. This also works with Grand Entrance, though if you try to queue 2 moves at once, only the most recently one will go.

The Martyr

With Rakan's exceptional mobility, he is often able to save his team from being chased down by the enemies. Simply use The Quickness to run into the enemies. You gain an enormous amount of movement speed. Couple that with a Grand Entrance and Battle Dance to your ally for a free scape.

Ult First, Ask Questions Later

A common mistake people will make is thinking that they HAVE to use Grand Entrance once they have ulted. Though it is a solid combo, consider using The Quickness first to charm and immobilize the enemy first, then using Grand Entrance to confirm that the enemy can not dodge it.

Leap Frog

A fun part about The Quickness is that you get a burst of movement speed the first time you connect with an enemy champion. In a team fight, you can use the enemy front line/tanks to catapult you into the backline. Simply use The Quickness, run into the enemy tank, and use that burst of movement speed to dash into their backline with a Grand Entrance.

The Boomerang

Just because you want to crowd control one target doesn't mean you can't crown control them all. The first taget you charm grants you movement speed and is charmed for 1-2 seconds (depending on level). Use that burst of movement speed to run straight into other enemies, charming them, then using Grand Entrance back on the initial target to further the crowd control. If you do it right, you get to charm multiple enemies while still doing maximum crowd control to your main target.

If you are learning Rakan or simply want to master his mechanics, I HIGHLY recommend getting into the Practice Tool. Put up a bunch of target dummies and get used to the combinations and how abilities ( Grand Entrance and Battle Dance interact, time, and buffer with one another.
Abilities - Standard Level Up
Standard Level Up Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

First Ability
Almost always start Grand Entrance on Rakan. The only time you wouldn't would be when you start Battle Dance. The only time you would start battle dance is if the enemy is getting level 2 first, and you have to take skill shots, crowd control, or an engage from the enemies.
Never Start Gleaming Quill

With Rakan, you never start Gleaming Quill. Rakan thrives when he has mobility and the ability to engage or peel. Starting Gleaming Quill brings nothing to the lane, and take away all level 1 and 2 kill pressure.

Second Ability
After the first level, you go Battle Dance (or Grand Entrance if you started with Battle Dance). Once you have these two abilities you now have kill pressure in lane. It allows you to engage and disengage with ease, or to run away and keep your distance if needed.

Third Ability
Go ahead and level up your Gleaming Quill here. It's great to keep you are your ally healthy in lane, plus the damage isn't too terrible. Be aware that it can take all of your mana, so use it sparingly.

Fourth Ability Onward
After you have a point in each skill, you go for a W Grand Entrance max - this drastically reduces the cooldown which is very important to Rakan's kit. After that, you make Battle Dance to maximize mobility and shielding for allies.
Remember: The healing from Gleaming Quill doesn't increase with leveling up - only the damage and cooldown do, which makes it an inferior max.
Abilities - Detailed and Broken Down

First 3 Points
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

You should almost always level the same. The exception would be situations where you want to start Battle Dance which is when you are in hook lane ( Thresh Pyke Blitzcrank Nautilus). This guarentees that you and your lane mate are safe from death level 1 and 2. Hook champions have insane kill potential. With Rakans Battle Dance, you are able to dash to your ally, take the Rocket Grab or Death Sentence, then quickly dash back to your ally.

W Best start for Lane. The CC is nice if you choose to fight - the mobility is better. If the enemy gets level 2 first, it allows for a quick escape or to save your ally. If you get level 2 first, it allows for a clean all in fight. If this is a hook lane (as mentioned above), go Battle Dance first to minimize the damage from their engage.

E Best second start - the moblity lends it's to saving you in lane or securing kills. The shielding is very nice too. Once you have these 2 abilities available, you now get to start trading. The combo (illustrated above) is to Grand Entrance in, knockup, auto attack, then Battle Dance your way out.
If you went Battle Dance first, then level Grand Entrance here.

Q 3rd Level last, as it doesn't lend itself to engages, disengages, or mobility in lane. This ability is a mana sink - make sure you use it when your certain it will hit.

75% of the time Level Up Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

After your first 3 points are allocated, Max W Grand Entrance. This ability is the crux and foundation of Rakan. The higher its level, the lower the cooldown, meaning you get to use it more often.

Once this is maxed, or you are forced to level other abilities, max your Battle Dance second for improved mobility and shielding. Having this ability off cooldown allows for more engages and mobility around the field.

15% of the time Level Up Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This level up order is specifically good into hard poke lanes where you will be taking damage and want to mitigate it as much as possible ( Xerath, Karma, Lulu).

After your first 3 level ups, you will continue to put 3 points into Gleaming Quill. This allows for a shorter cooldown and more damage dealth. The amount healed doesn't change with more levels, but with a lower cooldown you get healed more often. You want to take 3 points into this to allow you to survive lane in miserable matchups. Consider this into double range matchups that want to trade into you frequently, but not all in matchups such as Leona or Thresh.

10% of the time Level Up Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
This leveling up order is a bit weird, as you go back and forther between Grand Entrance and Battle Dance, as opposed to maxing one first, then the other.

You do this to keep the cooldowns of both Grand Entrance and Battle Dance similar. At level 1, their cooldowns are 18 and 20 seconds long. At max level, they are both 12 seconds. This is a very situation level up set - you wanna go it when you decide you can't do much early game. You don't have kill pressure in lane, and can't make anything happen on the map. Think of it as a scaling mindset that will make you ready to dominate team fights once they begin.
Summoner Spell Selection

Summoner Spell Explanations for Rakan

For Rakan, the obvious go to is Flash and Ignite or Flash and Exhaust. 60% of the time, you should run Exhaust. Rakan is a great scaling champ, a champ who can peel, and a champ who engage. Exhaust is great for those games where the enemy has multiple assasins such as Zed, Kha'Zix, and Qiyana. Additionally, Exhaust is great when you have hyper carries such as Vayne, Jinx, and Aphelios - basically champions that don't have kill pressure in lane, but once they have 2 or 3 items, the game becomes "keep them alive and we win." Ignite is great for lanes where you have kill pressure against the enemy laners. Consider going Ignite with a Xayah, Draven, or even Kai'Sa. Additionally, if the other team has healing dependent champions such as Hecarim, Dr. Mundo, etc. If there is a Soraka, Sona, or Yuumi, go Ignite 100%.

When in doubt, you can't go wrong on either rune. If you are unsure, ask your lane partner what they prefer!
Runes - Standard

Here are your standard rune choices. In the section below you will have a breakdown analysis of every rune, its function, what it's good/bad for, and when to go it. If you're in a rush, you can't go wrong with any of these premades.

Runes - Detailed and Broken Down
Click any of the 3 below runes to jump to their secion

Guardian - 40% of the Time

Guardian will never NOT be valuable and applicable in your situation - it will always be the safe rune to go. Consider going Guardian if you plan on losing lane and/or there are assasins ( Zed, Talon, Qiyana, etc.) on the other team. If you are against a Caitlyn Morgana lane or Draven Leona, you shouldn't be planning on winning the lane. In these situations, you'll be focused on surviving and getting to that level 6 power spike. Guardian allows you and your lane mate to stay nice and healthy while you scale. Additionally, with Rakan Battle Dance, applying Guardian to an ally becomes very easy. If a Zed ever uses his Death Mark on an ally or a Leona uses her Zenith Blade, simply using your Battle Dance applies a massive guardian shield as well as your shield that comes with it.

Second Row Options

Font of Life - all around ok. Consistently gives small healing to allies when you crowd control them.

Demolish - Best when you know you will be pushed up in lane - best against weak laner opponent, or when you have AD carries that will push, such as Caitlyn and Jinx.

Shield Bash - This is a bait - You get a passive shield with Rakan which is nice and may lead you to believe that this rune is worth while, but let me tell you it's not. You will lose the shield almost right away in fights, thus losing you your resistences, and the extra auto attack damage from it never amounts to anything.

Third Row Options
Conditioning - Not worth it. Won't amount to much, and the other two in this row are invaluable.

Second Wind - Great for double ranged matchups that will be poking you down. Think "Am I fighting, or am I being hit from afar." Good against champions like Sona, Soraka, Karma, etc. Rakan lacks range in his kit, meaning he will be taking poke from the enemies, especially if it's a double ranged matchup.

Bone Plating - Best for laning against a melee support - Leona, Nautilus, Pyke, Blitzcrank, etc. Short bursts are preferred vs. long trades when you go Bone Plating, whereas Second Wind prefers poke.

Fourth Row Options
Overgrowth - Never worth it. As a support, you (out of all laners) are in lane the least. Won't ever amount to much.

Unflinching - Only go if against high Crowd Control teams and Leona. If you are against a Leona, 100% go this rune. If you see their team and there isn't a lot of crowd control then you are better off going Revitalize.

Revitalize Is a good run if you are planning on going items that amplify your shielding, such as Ardent Censer, Redemption, or Staff of Flowing Water. If you are planning on going tank Rakan (you're building Evenshroud or Locket of the Iron Solari and Zeke's Convergence), the extra shielding/healing from this run doesn't scale and is not worth the time.

Secondary Tree: Domination
Taste of Blood is a great rune in specific situations. If you are against enchanters or mage support ( Soraka, Karma, Lulu, Brand, etc.) that want to poke you down and trade with you, landing a Gleaming Quill will heal you 100+ hp, thus keep you healthy in this lane. Only consider this rune if you are in a lane where you can trade without dying (not worth in a Leona or Nautilus lane).

Zombie Ward is one of your go to runes on Rakan. It allows for more map control and gives adaptive damage which scales with your shielding and healing (and damage).

Ultimate Hunter will be your other go to run. Rakan The Quickness is so strong and valuable on the champ. If you don't have your The Quickness up, you can't provide too much in fights.

Relentless Hunter is fine if you plan on roaming around the map a lot, though I'd suggest sticking to Ultimate Hunter.

Stat Runes
The last 3 runes are up to your discretion. Adaptive and Adaptive are best. If the enemy is one damage (both AD or both AP), go ahead and go both runes of that resistance. Otherwise, stick to armor for your third.

Glacial Augment - 40% of the Time

WHHEEWWW - For once Rakan Support has options as to what key stone to go. Instead going Guardian you now have the option of going Glacial Augment. Glacial Augment is invaluable when it comes to furthering Crowd Control and peeling Assasins off of your carries. When considering Glacial Augment, you want to mainly look at your laning phase as well as your role on your team. If you have a lane where you have an even 2v2 or have kill pressure, go Glacial Augment. It provides more crowd control, and the damage reduction to the enemy carry is invaluable. When looking at assasins and considering whether you should be going Guardian or Glacial Augment, ask yourself how easily you can crowd control the enemy. If it's a Zed, you know you just simply need to press The Quickness, and E to your ally. Because of this guarenteed application, Glacial Augment will be better. If it's an enemy like Qiyana, you may get stunned at the same time as your carry when she uses her Supreme Display of Talent, meaning you won't be able to proc your Glacial Augment. This is when Guardian would become superior. Another way to decide which rune to go can be found by looking at your team. Do you have front liners or engagers ( Cho'Gath, Zac, Sejuani)? If so, you may not need to stats that come from the Resolve tree - go Glacial Augment. You will be squishier and more likely to die, but it doesn't matter since your team can tank the damage. The slow for Glacial is invaluable in the middle of a team fight.

Second Row Options
Perfect Timing is the preferred rune to take. It offers the option to dive and force early fights around objectives which can catapult your early game - plus it allows you to rush a Zhonya's Hourglass in those specific situation outline in this guide.

Hextech Flashtraption is a fun rune, though not ideal. Having Hexflash allows for you to more readily use your Flash in lane to secure kills or pressure. With Hextech Flashtraption, you can trade your flash off cooldown to take away the oponent ADC's flash. Addiitonally, the play making potential on Hextech Flashtraption is defintely there.

Magical Footwear is never worth it. You want your Tier 2 Boots ASAP - this delays it immensely. Tier 2 boots on Rakan is a huge power spike.

Third Row Options

Future's Market is the go to rune, though everything in this row has value. With Future's Market you get an earlier power spike (rushing Tier 2 Boots) which allows Rakan to make an impact on the early game.

Minion Dematerializer (MD) is a swell rune to take, though has different application than the others in the row. MD allows you to maintain prio in lane by securing those pesky canon minions - really good in lane where you are scared to step up (such as a Leona lane).

Biscuit Delivery is a great rune. Rakan has a weak laning phase - using Gleaming Quill keeps you healthy, but hurts your mana pool. Biscuit Delivery gurantees you will always have the mana for a Grand Entrance or Battle Dance if needed.
Fourth Row Options

Cosmic Insight is your go to rune here, though the other 2 still have places. Reducing the cooldown of your Flash and Ignite is very nice to stay ahead of the enemies, plus gives Item Haste, meaning if you go Locket of the Iron Solari or Shurelya's Battlesong, those active cooldowns get reduced.

Approach Velocity only really has a place if you have an Ashe or Jhin ADCs or someone who provides Slows and Crowd Controls. The extra moement speed to catchup is very nice.

Time Warp Tonic is only useful if paired with Biscuit Delivery. Otherwise, not super worth.

Secondary Tree Sorcery or Domination

Taste of Blood is a great rune in specific situations. If you are against enchanters or mage support ( Soraka, Karma, Lulu, Brand, etc.) that want to poke you down and trade with you, landing a Gleaming Quill will heal you 100+ hp, thus keep you healthy in this lane. Only consider this rune if you are in a lane where you can trade without dying (not worth in a Leona or Nautilus lane).

Zombie Ward is one of your go to runes on Rakan. It allows for more map control and gives adaptive damage which scales with your shielding and healing (and damage).

Ultimate Hunter will be your other go to run. Rakan The Quickness is so strong and valuable on the champ. If you don't have your The Quickness up, you can't provide too much in fights.

Relentless Hunter is fine if you plan on roaming around the map a lot, though I'd suggest sticking to Ultimate Hunter.

Nimbus Cloak is very valuable on Rakan. Flashing straight into The Quickness provides so much movement speed that you can catch the opponents all the way across the lane, EVEN IF THEY FLASH AWAY. It's a nice rune to have, though the downside is that you HAVE to use your summoners for it to be effective. Rakan isn't the type of champ who wants to use his Flash on a whim.

Celerity - No reason not to go it as it pairs nicely with Nimbus Cloak, and nothing else really synergizes with Rakan's kit.

Stat Runes
The last 3 runes are up to your discretion. Adaptive and Adaptive are best. If the enemy is one damage (both AD or both AP), go ahead and go both runes of that resistance. Otherwise, stick to armor for your third.

Predator - 15% of the Time

This keystone is used the least, but still has its place on Rakan support. A few conditions need to be met to confidently go Predator.
  • You must have 1 or more front liners on the time outside of you ( Zac, Sion Poppy, etc.).
  • You should have a lane partner who scales well into the late game.
  • You must have a lane partner who can be safe in lane. With Predator you can be roaming and leaving lane alot. You can't leave your Ashe alone against a Draven and Leona, but you can leave your Ezreal alone against a Jhin and Janna. Rule of thumb - if your ADC can't 1v2 or scale really hard, then don't go Predator.
Tips: When you decide to go Predator, it's all about gettings picks (meaning you catch one enemy off guard or alone - opposite of team fights), starting team fights (meaning you will be going in first, not the enemy team), or roaming/ganking.
Predator will leave you very squishy, as you won't have the luxury of the full Resolve tree and Guardian, nor will you have the extra Crowd Control from Inspiration, Glacial Augment. This is why it's important that you aren't the only tank/front line.
Remember - because you are so squishy, you don't really win the 2v2 in the botlane in most matchups. This is why your lane partner's champion is very important in deciding what keystone rune to go.
Best times to roam are off of a a reset (walk mid instead of botlane) or when the enemy is pushing INTO you (allows your ADC to be safe).

Second Row Options

Cheap Shot is not a great rune. You won't be able to proc is consistently, and when you do, the damage is not too relevant.

Taste of Blood is a great rune in specific situations. If you are against enchanters or mage support ( Soraka, Karma, Lulu, Brand, etc.) that want to poke you down and trade with you, landing a Gleaming Quill will heal you 100+ hp, thus keep you healthy in this lane. Only consider this rune if you are in a lane where you can trade without dying (not worth in a Leona or Nautilus lane).

Sudden Impact Not great, but the magic pen will do the same amount of extra damage as Cheap Shot does.

Third Row Options

Zombie Ward is always a great rune for supports and the best for Rakan. It helps with gaining and maintaining vision on the map, as well as gives a little bit of bonus Ability Power which scales with your shielding and healing.

Ghost Poro - Gives decent vision - especially in a matchup where you are pushing in and may be ganked a lot. You get to constantly have the river bush warded. This rune isn't as good as Zombie Ward, but it's not terrible.

Eyeball Collection - Not worth it, don't need the adaptive damage.

Fourth Row Options

Ultimate Hunter is a great rune to go, though when you have Predator, Ingenious Hunter gets way more value.

Ravenous Hunter - Don't go, gets no value.

Ingenious Hunter - This is your go to rune, and most important one when you are going Predator. This rune lowers the cooldown on Predator tremendously, as well as your Locket of the Iron Solari, if that is what you choose to buidl.

Relentless Hunter Its not bad, just not as good as the above.

Secondary Tree Sorcery or Resolve

When choosing your secondary tree ask yourself - will I be taking the brunt of the damage, or will I be empowering my allies? If you are in a losing lane or if you are the only front line/ tank, you'll probably be dying more - go Resolve. If you aren't in charge of taking the damage and just need to empower your allies (shielding and healing and peeling), go Sorcery.

Nimbus Cloak is very valuable on Rakan. Flashing straight into The Quickness provides so much movement speed that you can catch the opponents all the way across the lane, EVEN IF THEY FLASH AWAY. It's a nice rune to have, though the downside is that you HAVE to use your summoners for it to be effective. Rakan isn't the type of champ who wants to use his Flash on a whim.

Celerity - No reason not to go it as it pairs nicely with Nimbus Cloak, and nothing else really synergizes with Rakan's kit.


Font of Life - Go if they have a double ranged botlane - heavy poke lanes ( Lulu, Karma, Soraka. Keeps you healthy.
Bone Plating go if they have a melee/hard engage team comp ( Leona, Blitzcrank, Rell)


Unflinching if they have crowd control heavy support ( Leona, Galio, Nautilus)
Revitalize if you do not need Unflinching - it's a great rune that synergizes well with Rakan kit.

Stat Runes
The last 3 runes are up to your discretion. Adaptive and Adaptive are best. If the enemy is one damage (both AD or both AP), go ahead and go both runes of that resistance. Otherwise, stick to armor for your third.

Item Selection

Table of Contents

Starting Items

When it comes to starting support item, you have two options. You can go Relic Shield or Spellthief's Edge. The better option is Relic Shield - Rakan lacks in range and poke, meaning he won't be able to stack Spellthief's Edge as consistently as other supports. That being said, Spellthief's gives a nice bit of mana regen that feels very nice for Rakan in the early game. Consider only going Spellthief's Edge in melee matchups where you are able to auto attack frequently, or in dominating matchups where you will be fighting alot.

When in doubt, though, it's always safe and ok to go Relic Shield. Be sure to use relic stacks to manipulate the wave to your advantage - use it to get level 2 before your opponents.

First Back

Sapphire Crystal or Tear of the Goddess: A rather unknown trick that I operate with is on my first base buying one of these items. They provide a mana pool that is invaluable for Rakan early game, plus they are decently cheap. Sapphire Crystal builds into Zeke's Convergence which is a situational item for Rakan. If they have a beefy front line (lot of HP or resistences) and you have an attack speed based carry ( Jinx, Twitch, even Ezreal), odds are you will be going this item. If you aren't planning on going Zeke's Convergence, go Tear of the Goddess. This item provides a wonderful mana pool, plus is builds into Fimbulwinter - another situational item on Rakan.

Tip: Buy one of these items even if you aren't going to build them into anything. They have great resell value (meaning you won't lose too much gold for selling), and provide an enormous advantage in the early game.

Boot Selection

Rakan gets a wide variety of boots to choose from with almost no wrong answer. It is best to rush tier 2 boots, regardless of which ones you pick. Early game stats are unequivocal, and the movement helps tremendously in your laning endeavors. Tier 1 boots are always a first buy must have.

If the majority of the damage on the enemy team is AD, go plated.
Define Majority Take a look at at their team. Count how many of them do damage - ignore the support if they are enchanter. Ignore Jungle and top if they are purely tank. Then count how many do AD, how many do AP. If it's a tie, go Plated Steelcaps if they don't have Crowd Control, and go Mercury's Treads if they do.

Against champions like Leona, these boots come in clutch. If there are 3 or more serious CCs on the other team, go Mercury's Treads. Even if they are heavy AP, but have no crowd control, Plated Steelcaps may still be the move. Don't go Mercury's Treads for the Magic Resist.

Only go if you have multiple front liners on your team - meaning you will not be the only one taking damage. Boots of Swiftness are great for gap closer, but don't provide you with any life saving resistences.

These are your go to boots on Rakan. If they don't have a team that is full of 1 damage type, it's not always worth to go Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads. Rakan thrives off of cooldown reductions - having your summoner spells up and your The Quickness up will be the deciding factor in many team fights.


No. Going Mobi's will cost you every engage. Odds are you will take damage before getting to your opponents, which costs you so much movement that is CRUCIAL to Rakan.


Into an All Attack Damage Comp

Rakan is great as a support because he can fill so many different roles depending on the game. Tank, Peel, Engage, CC, buffing, and debuffing As support, he synergizes amazingly with many defensive items.

When you are against an all AD team comp, itemization gets very straight forward - ARMOR ARMOR ARMOR.
Bramble Vest will be your first, most efficient purchase. Regardless if the other team has insane healing or not, getting this piece first is powerful. The stats are great for a 800g piece, for starters. Not only that, but Thornmail scales off of bonus Armor, meaning every purchase going forward is multiplied.

After buying this (and plated Plated Steelcaps) ask yourself - is my ADC (or APC) in danger of getting one shot? Are there assasins'? If so, start building your Locket of the Iron Solari (start with Kindlegem, HP is better at the start of game, plus CDR is nice). If the answer is no, there's no burst damage or assasins' to worry about, go Evenshroud.

After your mythic, finishing Thornmail is not a priority UNLESS they have big healing ( Soraka, Sona, Yuumi, etc.).

For your last item, ask yourself what your job is

Am I the only front line?
Am I the one who starts the fight, or has to stand in front of my whole team in a team fight? (i.e. there are no other tanks or front liners on your team, or just 1?

If Yes, build Zeke's Convergence or Zhonya's Hourglass.
Am I on peel duty?
Are there multiple assassins' or divers that will be fixated on focusing my carry?
If yes, build Anathema's Chains or Zeke's Convergence.
Am I looking to make picks?
If yes, Dead Man's Plate or Anathema's Chains.

Anathema's Chains - This is great when there is an assasin on the enemy team OR if there is one dedicated carry (such as a Vayne or Jinx) on the enemy team. Attach it to the biggest threat.
Zeke's Convergence - This item is great when pair with an ally who is attack speed based or spams abilities (such as Ziggs, Ezreal, Jinx, etc. there alot). It's great for burning through tanking front liners or helping to burst down an assasin in the back line.
Thornmail/ Bramble Vest - Is invaluable against all AD comps. Can't go wrong with going it first.
Zhonya's Hourglass - Good against Pyke and if you are the only front line. If you are the only front line, it helps to stall the fight after you engage to let your team help, make room for yourself, and allows for your cooldowns to return.
Dead Man's Plate - Always a great call when into full AD. The pick potential is great - be sure not to auto attack during team fights or you will lose the bonus movement speed.
Vigilant Wardstone - When level 13 hits, get the Vigilant Wardstone. It's unmatched in utility, and the stats aren't half bad. Don't get it before, though. Not worth the money. Only get if you have no high priority items to purchase.

Into an All Ability Power Damage Comp

First Buy: Mercury's Treads. Follow this up with a Negatron Cloak. Stacking early MR will make you an unkillable.

Your inventory should look like this - Mercury's Treads, Negatron Cloak, Pot/Refillable, Control Ward and a Tear of the Goddess.

Finish your Force of Nature here for your first tiem, even before your mythic - it's that powerful. Once stacked, you get 20% reduced Magic Damage plus movement speed that in VITAL in kiting and keeping up with the enemies.

Once you have this down, it's time to look at the game as a whole. Similar to the ALL AD team comp, ask yourself, is your carry dying fast? Multiple assassins' or divers or a Syndra who wants to outplay your carry? If so, go Locket of the Iron Solari. Keeping them alive is ideal. AP dealers typically rely on burst ( Evelynn Syndra Orianna Veigar, etc.). Building a Locket of the Iron Solari will help a lot.

Is your carry fine? If they aren't in danger of being one shot, go either Shurelya's Battlesong or Evenshroud.
Evenshroud - Go if they have a beefy front line, such as Zac, Ornn, or Galio.
Shurelya's Battlesong - If they don't have a big health pool on their champions, go this. It's a staple and standard for Rakan.
Third or Fourth Item Options

Chemtech Putrifier - If they have healing on their team, this is a must.
Mikael's Blessing - This is a great item as it gives magic resist, amplifies healing/shielding, and gives the cleasning effect. Go this if they have crowd control on their team - it's a must.
Staff of Flowing Water - Great item if you feel like you don't need to be tankier. If you deem that you don't need more magic resist, this is your go to item. It provides great cooldown reduction for you and your allies, gives mana regen which is needed, and provides AP.
Ardent Censer - Not my favorite item. Typically doesn't amount to much unless you have multiple AD carries on your team, such as Kindred Quinn Jinx, etc.
Fimbulwinter - Odds are with my guide you started with a Tear of the Goddess for early mana. At this stage in the game, you get to choose to keep the Tear and make it into a Fimbulwinter or to sell it for inventory space. Fimbulwinter is great if you are the only front line or the only one engaging. The health pool and shield passive it applies feels very nice. If you have other people soaking up damage, though, it may be best to sell the Tear of the Goddess and move to a different item.
Abyssal Mask - Consider this if you have 1 or more high AP damage dealers on your team. It's a WONDERFUL item that not only makes you more tanky (steals MR from enemies), but increases magic damage dealt against them.
Zeke's Convergence - Not worth it against all AP damage dealers. If you want the extra damage, you can get a similar effect with Evenshroud.

Into 1 AD or 1 AP - Rest of Team is the Opposite

Say you are against a team that is all AP... and then they have a Jinx. Now what? Do you build an armor item? OF COURSE YOU DON'T!

Anathema's Chains - This lovely item will solve all your worries. Simply go this item after your mythic (stacking early game HP is very nice), attach it to the 1 AD or 1 AP damage dealer, then itemize according to the above ALL AP or ALL AD comp.

Against Mixed Damage Dealers

Unfortunately, not every game can be against all of 1 type of damage. When this is the case, Evenshroud Locket of the Iron Solari and Shurelya's Battlesong each become viable.

Shurelya's Battlesong - This is great if you have atleast 1 (or more) tanks or front liners on your team. This allows you to not worry about taking the brunt of damage so you can focus on the utility of it all. Additionally, if you have hard engage champions such as Hecarim or if they have high mobility champions that want to run you down, Shurelya's Battlesong comes in clutch.
Evenshroud - This is a great item if you need to amplify your teams damage. If they have a tanky team with a lot of health and resistences, this mythic comes in clutch. Additionally, if your team has primarily one type of damage (all AD or AP), this item helps tremndously as the other team has an easier time negating damage.
Locket of the Iron Solari - think about your carry(s). If they are in danger of dying to assasin or a Syndra one shot, go Locket. If you deem that your mission is to solely keep your carry alive, this is the item to go.

Remember - Buying an early Tear of the Goddess or Sapphire Crystal is still very helpful to Rakan in the early game, even if you don't plan on building Fimbulwinter or Zeke's Convergence.

Think through the next 10 minutes of the game - will you be stuck in lane the whole time, or do you see yourself running cross map or fighting in the jungle? What will your role be? Building Rakan is very dependent on what role you are assuming. Deciding on your role will help you itemize from here. Use the below outline to decide what role you are filling and how to itemize accordingly.

Role Explanations

Front Line Tank

If you are the only tank or front line on the team, you must build a Evenshroud or Locket of the Iron Solari first item. If your carry is safe without you, go Evenshroud. If you need to help keep them alive, go Locket of the Iron Solari. Now ask yourself, do you need MR or Armor, who is/are their damage dealer(s)? Once you decide that, reference the above Item sets to determine what item to build. If you are the only front line, it's best to itemize tanky items as opposed to enchanter items (such as Staff of Flowing Water or Ardent Censer.


They have Assasin or a run-you-down comp or you have a hyper carry ( Aphelios, Vayne, Twitch, Jinx). Your job is to keep them alive. Go Locket of the Iron Solari. You can go Shurelya's Battlesong as a form of peeling - gives the movement speed to your carries can help outrun the enemies. This comes down to preference and feel of the game
Next, look into building an Anathema's Chains (to prolong the CC you put onto those killing your carry.
Chemtech Putrifier is a great item if they have healing. Since you aren't the front line, you don't need Thornmail for healing reduction.
Redemption is a great item here. Empowers your shielding/healing, and provides an active heal that can save your carry.
Abyssal Mask is good if your carry is AP based, or if you have multiple AP damage dealers on your team.

Pick/Play Maker

Here you go Shurelya's Battlesong. This item is core to Rakan and empowers him in the best way - mobility. Having Shurelya's Battlesong is crucial on Rakan when you can manage it. The only downside is that it make you squishy. You can confidently go this mythic when you have other damage soakers on your team.
Staff of Flowing Water
Chemtech Putrifier
Mikael's Blessing

Item Breakdowns - When to Use and When Not

Abyssal Mask -
First build if you have an all AP team - the stats are great and the passive is unmatched. It empowers your whole team while giving you AMAZING stats and damage reduction.
Build it 2nd or 3rd if you have a 2 or 3 AP team members.
Not Worth if your team has 1 or less AP.

Anathema's Chains - Extends CC duration and reduces up to 30% damage from a designated target.
Never go wrong building this item.
Best into comps that have (1) damage dealer of AP or AD, while the rest of the team is the other.
Best into comps with 1 designated carry.
Best into (1) assassin comp - allows you to lockdown the assassin so that your carry can live and make distant.

Ardent Censer -
Best if you have attack speed based allies ( Kog'Maw, Jinx, Twitch).
Best if you are on peel/empower duty.
Bad if you are primary engage.
Compare it to Redemption, Staff of Flowing Water, Mikael's Blessing - these are the core enchanter items that you can build. Figure out which is best for your situation.

Banshee's Veil -
Only good into all AP comp - even then it's not great. Takes away a lot of power from your team and Rakan doesn't do anything special with the extra damage.
Can be good if they have a Leona or someone who can stop your engage with one ability ( Janna, Malzahar, Thresh).

Bramble Vest -
RUSH into all AD
RUSH into Soraka, Yuumi, Warwick, Sona, things of their nature IF you are taking on the front line/tank role. If you are peeling or are going in and out of fights, Chemtech Putrifier gets more value.
If they aren't majority AD damage, not worth.

Chemtech Putrifier - Healing Reduction is required if they have healing. As a support, it's your job to get this item or Thornmail.
Best if you are NOT the front line.
Best if you have designated carries.
Required if they have healing.
In most games, you will go this or Thornmail. Ask yourself - Am I taking damage, or am I trying to stop damage from being done? If you are the tank, go Thornmail, if you are empowering your allies, go Chemtech Putrifier.

Cosmic Drive -
Not worth going. You need to use 3 abiltiies to gain the movement speed/extra AP, and by that point you'e used your full combo, meaning the extra stats are worthless.
I don't have any good situations for this item.

Dead Man's Plate - My personal favorite, though it's not great, honestly.
Don't build into AD light comps.
BEST into multiple AD comps.
BEST if you DONT have to peel carry
BEST if you are roaming/moving around the map a lot
BEST if you are looking to make picks
Don't build if you are on peel duty, meaning there are plenty of assasins or backline divers.

Everfrost -
Situational - Only build if you are going Predator - if you are going Predator you have decided that you are on "pick" duty or damage duty. Pairs well with Ingenious Hunter - this is a selfish mythic item, meaning that you are mainly playing for yourself or for fun.

Force of Nature -
First build if their team is all AP or all but 1 AP
Go 2nd or 3rd if they only have 2 or less AP
BEST when you are primary engage/frontline.
Don't build if 1 or less AP threat.

Frozen Heart -
BEST into all AD comp, or 3+ AD
BEST if they have multiple AD carries (ADC, Graves, Kindred, Quinn, etc.) Attack speed based champ will suffer.
Don't build if on peel duty.
Don't build if you are the only engage/front line. Other items will be needed instead - the lack of HP pool will kill you.
Don't build if they have 1 or less AD threats.

Fimbulwinter -
Great if you bout an early Tear of the Goddess, which I highly recommend (that or Sapphire Crystal).
Great if you are on engage/tank duty.
Not ideal if youa re peeling - when you are peeling and empowering your allies, they are typically the target of the damage. You're better off going items that help them.
Tear start is great on Rakan even if you aren't planning on building this item. It has good resell value later into the game. Hold on to it until you need the inventory space.

Gargoyle Stoneplate -
Don't build. Ever.

Hextech Rocketbelt - Look, I am not a fan of this, but I understand in some elos this is a fine item to go.
When you go this item, you are choosing it in the same situation where you would go Shurelya's Battlesong. This is a selfish build that doesn't benefit your team, but is good if you are trying to solo carry. Pairs well with Predator and Ingenious Hunter.

Knight's Vow -
It's not super great on Rakan. Most of the time it gets you killed more then it saves your ally.
Consider if you have 1 win condition, meaning that if your carry dies, you lose the game.
Vayne Jinx or a carry jungler.

Locket of the Iron Solari -
Great Item.
Best in peel situations.
Not great when you are the only front line.

Mikael's Blessing -
Great into crowd control champions ( Lissandra, Leona, Sejuani, etc.]].
Great into AP heavy comps - it gives a decent amount of magic resist.
Bad if they have no crowd control.
Bad if they are all AD dealers.
Compare it to Redemption, Ardent Censer, Staff of Flowing Water - these are the core enchanter items that you can build. Figure out which is best for your situation.

Randuin's Omen -
Only build if into an all AD team. Build this instead of frozen heart for the extra HP
Best against Crit based champs - Yasuo, Yone, Jhin

Redemption -
Great in most any situation.
Great when peeling as it empowers your shields/heals and provides the active AOE heal.
Great when the enemy has a team comp that wants to run at you ( Hecarim, Jarvan IV, Galio).
Not great when you are the only front line. If you are taking all the damage, it would be better to go tank items.
Compare it to Staff of Flowing Water, Ardent Censer, Mikael's Blessing - these are the core enchanter items that you can build. Figure out which is best for your situation.

Spirit Visage -
Never go. It's not worth it. Rakan doesn't synergize with healing, making this item obtainable only for it's stats, which can be gain with abyssal mask and then some.

Staff of Flowing Water -
Best when you aren't the front line.
Best with AP damage allies and people who benefit from cooldown reduction.
Best when you are on peel duty.
Compare it to Redemption, Ardent Censer, Mikael's Blessing - these are the core enchanter items that you can build. Figure out which is best for your situation.

Thornmail - Healing Reduction is required if they have healing. As a support, it's your job to get this item or Chemtech Putrifier.
ALWAYS GO if they have 3+ AD damage dealers.
Consider going if they have healers (soraka, yuumi, etc.)
Consider going if you are the front line - the stats or wonderful and stack well with bonus AD.
Never go if they are all or mostly an AP comp.
In most games, you will go this or Chemtech Putrifier. Ask yourself - Am I taking damage, or am I trying to stop damage from being done? If you are the tank, go Thornmail, if you are empowering your allies, go Chemtech Putrifier.

Vigilant Wardstone -
Great in every game and every situation.
Do not buy before level 13 - not worth. It doesn't give you the full stats and effects until you are level 13.
Great into stealth champions such as Evelynn and Twitch (for the extra pink wards).

Zeke's Convergence -
Best paired with attack speed based allies like Jinx and Twitch.
Best against tankier enemies with big health pools.
Poor against assasins and other squishy carries.
Poor into majority AP dealing enemies.

Zhonya's Hourglass -
Best when you are the only front line/engager.
Best specifically into Pyke.
Good into all AD dealers.
Bad when your job is to peel.

Botlane Carry Matchups/Breakdown

Playing With

Lane/Early Game
Aphelios is a hyper carry king. This means that he only gets more and more powerful as the game goes on. Going Guardian here is a fantastic idea regardless of the matchup; this allows him to scales through the game safely without losing much in lane. There is no reason to force fights in this lane. It's best to scale, get your support items stacked, and look for roams. Having your Aphelios go 0-0-0 by 15 minutes is NOT a bad thing. Be sure to stack your support items constantly - the sooner you can have wards on the map, the better. Once level 6, you typically win all ins, depending on the comp. If Aphelios has his purple stun gun, let him start the fight with a root. Use that crowd control to follow up with a Grand Entrance and the quickeness to maximize crowd control. When in doubt, follow what aphelios does. If he is playing agressively and up, follow suit. If he is further behind, just chillin, use that time to roam or passively get your support item stacked.

Team Fights
Your main objective in team fights will be to empower and protect Aphelios, as he has the ability to do insane damage. If they have assasins, go Locket of the Iron Solari. If they have a standard front to back team fight, go Evenshroud to boslter his damage. If they have divers ( Wukong, Irelia, Hecarim) consider going shuryela's battlesong for the kiting speed. Unless it's a free pick, focus on using your The Quickness to peel and empower Aphelios, as opposed to diving their backline. When in doubt, ask your ADC what he needs from you - they almost always have opinions!

Playing Against

Lane/Early Game
Capitalizing on Aphelios early game is the way to go. Call for your jungler as often as you can to set up ganks. If you have a strong lane partner, you can go for the 2v2s as long as you focus the Aphelios and not the support. Care around 2 guns - the Chakram and Gravitum. Chakram will do a lot of damage to you, especially if you are dashing into melee range of him. Consider waiting out this gun if you don't have a jungler with you. Gravitum will root you out of the air, which really hinders Rakan as a champion.

Lane: Main thing is to make sure you are not standing on or next to your carry - if Alistar enagages on both of you, you will lose the trade. If only you or your lane partner get targeted, you are able to dash away or turn onto the enemy ADC and use Grand Entrance to mitigate the trade.

Team Fights: If Alistar is looking for an engage, your goal is to charm him with The Quickness after he uses his Headbutt, but before his Pulverize. It's not as difficult as it looks. Simply be his target or intercept him while Ulting when he Headbutt you or your ally. He will immediately be charmed for 1-2 seconds, giving your team time to kite his Pulverize.
Support Matchup Breakdowns

Engage Support Enemies

For engage support enemies, it is vital that they make the first move. Whether its Leona or Alistar, you have to wait for their engage before you use your abiltiies. In general melee range engage matchups, the first one to pull the trigger typically loses the trade. It's very important to recognize that as Rakan, your abilities are easier to dodge than others, meaning you can not waste them and that they MUST be directed towards the correct target. If the enemy goes in on your lane partner, you MUST look at their carry, not their support. Don't ever use that Grand Entrance on Leona, but look to use it on their Jhin or Jinx and then Battle Dance your way out. Biggest goal in these matchups is to save your lane partner from the most damage possible.
Below are specifics on all matchups.

Lane: Main thing is to make sure you are not standing on or next to your carry - if Alistar enagages on both of you, you will lose the trade. If only you or your lane partner get targeted, you are able to dash away or turn onto the enemy ADC and use Grand Entrance to mitigate the trade.

Team Fights: If Alistar is looking for an engage, your goal is to charm him with The Quickness after he uses his Headbutt, but before his Pulverize. It's not as difficult as it looks. Simply be his target or intercept him while Ulting when he Headbutt you or your ally. He will immediately be charmed for 1-2 seconds, giving your team time to kite his Pulverize.

Lane: Rakan is great in this matchup. Simply stand in front of your ally at all times. If Blitzcrank hooks, you take it and can simply dash out, or better yet, use that hook to then Grand Entrance to the enemy ADC and turn the fight. Be careful not to be knockuped up in the air - it will cancel your ability.

Teamfight: Similar as laning. If you can take the hooks for your team, Blitzcrank becomes useless.

Tip: If he hooks, press R The Quickness immediately. He grabs you, pulls you in, you charm him so he can't E, you get a burst of movement speed and are closer to his allies, and engage from there. I can it hijacking the hook.

Lane: Each lane. Always take the Winter's Bite for your ally. You are able to dash away, making him useless.

Team fight: The only thing you have to worry about is him is his Glacial Fissure. If the timing is good for Braum. he can knock you out of the air and cancel your Grand Entrance. Same with his passive, Concussive Blows. If the stun is about to hit you, don't use your dashes. If you get stunned mid air, you freeze in place and lose your cooldown.

Laning: Get Mercury's Treads. You can NOT use abiltiies in this lane first, otherwise you will lose the trade (unless you have a jungler to help you). Stay on the opposite side of lane as your lane partner. Whenever Leona goes in on you, you dash away. Whenever she goes in on your lane partner, you NEED to Battle Dance to your ally for the shield/ Guardian, then look to Grand Entrance to their CARRY. Do NOT Grand Entrance the Leona. Your job here is to crowd control the carry (the follow up damage), or zone them away from the fight. You then use second charge of Battle Dance to dash back to the ally and disengage. Leona auto attack stun will cancel your mid air engage or disengage and take away it's cooldown. It's a scary matchup.

Team fight: Use Leona to leap frog in fights - the combo detailed above. Whenever she engages, use The Quickness on her to get you the movement speed to reach their backline (counter engage). Additionally, this will charm her for 1-2 seconds, which allows your allies to kite away,.

Lane: Same as Leona, just not as scary. You should when this lane easy.

Team fight: For the most part, just ignore him. He doesn't provide much to team fights.

Maokai - GO Mercury's Treads
Lane: I know this sounds like a cop out, but it's the same thing as Leona, only Maokai ult is even worse for Rakan. You HAVE to play lane opposite of your lane partner, and you HAVE to wait for him to use his cooldowns before you can go in. His Bramble Smash can cancel your dashes, his Twisted Advance will stop you in his tracks, and his Nature's Grasp is a nightmare that stops whatever you are doing.

Team fight: After his Nature's Grasp is done, you are free to do whatever. He does not provide much after that, it's kind of just a wating game.

Lane: Make sure you are always behind minions. His auto attack will root you and cancel any dash you are currently in. His Dredge Line will do the same. It's best to play reactive, dodge skill shots, keep your distance, and engage when his abiltiies are on cooldown. You scale better, so just survive lane.

Teamfight: Wait for his engage before you go in, or make sure you can get to the enemy backline before he gets to you. He counters Rakan hard, but as long as you play around his abiltiies you will provide more than him.

Tip: Don't bring his Depth Charge into your team.

Lane: Play reactive. Her Steadfast Presence blocks your whole mode of playing. If it's not on cooldown, don't dash. Play away from your carry - meaning if Poppy engages on your ADC, you'll have plenty of distance to
Grand Entrance onto the enemy ADC to mitigate damage.

Team Fight: Start with The Quickness. Run to her and touch her for the movement speed. If she hasn't used Steadfast Presence, this gives you a second to dash while she is charmed. If she did use it, it gives you a second to get our of her range before dashing across the fight.

Tip: Be patient and wait our her Steadfast Presence before dashing.

Decently easy matchup. Wait for his engage, then turn. He's a sitting Duck and can't provide anything past his intial burst.

Enchanter Enemies

Rakan has an advantage when it comes to enchanter supports. Enchanters lack when it comes to all ins or hard engages, which Rakan can muster. Additionally, Rakan has descent sustain against enchanters that like to poke. This is an ideal time to level up 3 point into Gleaming Quill before maxing Grand Entrance. Second Wind will be your go to rune with Guardian. If you got Glacial Augment (which you can) be sure to go Future's Market to get those early tier 2 boots. This allows you to have more map agency than an enchanter out of lane, and helps with dodging skill shots/trading with enchanters in lane. Go Sweeping Lens to start and take control of the bushes in lane. By sweeping their wards, you are able to stay as close to them as possible without takes any poke or harrass from them. Additionally, your team fighting early is stronger, meaning you should be calling for ganks, fights in river, fights around objectives, and roams where you can.
Laning: Be sure to focus down the ADC UNLESS it's a Soraka lane, where you will focus down Soraka.
Team fights: You offer more in terms of crowd control and team fight cabilities. Don't be shy to start fights.
Specific mathup details below.

Lane: This is a great game to roam. She provides little kill potential onto your ADC, but unfortunately her Howling Gale can block most of your engages, meaning theres not much to do in lane. Take this matchup to practice roaming and playing with your jungler.
Team Fight: Just keep an eye on her and know where she is. Typically you can play around her knockups. Be patient, don't use your Grand Entrance unless your sure she can't react to it or doesn't have the cooldowns up.

One of the more brutal matchups. Her mobility keeps her ahead of your engages, while her short cooldowns and decent range keeps you off the wave and poked down. Play around her cooldowns - if she just used her Mantra Inner Flame, look to engage. You ideally want to engage onto the enemy carry, but using Grand Entrance on [[karma] isn't terrible. Just make sure you "drop in, drop out" as Rakan says and don't over stay your welcome.
It's a rought lane to roam in unless you ADC has good wave clear or mobility. Karma loves to push in the wave and if you aren't there when the minions crash, your ADC will suffer.

Lulu - A very neutral matchup. She has a stronger trade into you, meaning if you miss your Grand Entrance, you will be punished hard. That being said, if you land the knockup on the carry of the lane, you will typically win that fight.

Morgana - Nightmare lane - her Black Shield nullifies your engage, and her binding roots you out of the air. Play the map by roaming and following the jungler.

Nami - If she E's her ally, back off. If any of her cooldowns are down, looks for a fights. She's very squishy. It's ok to focus her over the ADC because of how quickly she dies.

Sona - You win lane hard. Be agressive - if you knock her up, she dies. She scales and becomes very powerful late - if you ever see a chance to crowd control her, go for it. Could when you the fight. Focus her in lane as well as team fights.

Soraka - Boring lane - she out pokes you and out heals any trade you do. A great game to go Predator and work the map.

Special Matchups

Bard is an even matchup to Rakan. He out roams, out ranges, and has decent mobilty. Best thing to do here is to keep your waves pushing in as much as possible to keep bard in lane. If he's ever gets in range, go for the engage. If he roams, push your lane and dive their ADC. Unless you have Predator, you can't match his roams so don't try. Win bot.

Pantheon - He is not a great support, but he can snowball a game if you aren't careful. He will either look to roam all game or fight non stop. If he roams you HAVE to call out each roam for your team. You do not need to follow - simply kill the ADC left behind. If he stays and fights, you HAVE to save your cooldowns until AFTER he jumps on you or your AD. Follow the guidelines mentioned with Leona in this situation. You outscale and he falls off if he can't get kills early.
Pyke - This is a fun matchup because Rakan counters Pyke hard. Your dashes make it impossible for him to lane his stun. Take every Bone Skewer for your carry, then dash back to them. This is one of the few games where you are allows to go Zhonya's Hourglass to avoid his ultimate ability. Go double armor runes in this matchup.

Senna - one of the worst matchups. Don't trade or walk up - letting her farm souls off you will cost you the game. Get level 6 as quickly as you can and try not to let her farm souls off of you.. Consider Predator and roam mid and with jungler to win the game.

Shaco - Start Sweeping Lens and you win. Shaco supports don't typically go Flash, so it's alright to focus him in fights.

Taric - At the moment, the champ is awful. Just ignore him and focus the enemy carry and you'll when every fight.

Thresh - Never engage first on Thresh. His Flay makes that impossible. It's very important that you focus the enemy carry whenever Thresh uses his Death Sentence. If Thresh hooks your ally, you need to make sure you are using Grand Entrance on the enemy carry, or atleast zoning them away from your ally.

Mage Enemies

If any of the above champions ever uses part of his combo and misses, look for the engage. It's the best way to counter mage supports. Make sure you are playing on a paralell line or in triangle with your ADC so they aren't stuck taking all of the skill shots (explanation on what this means below). Mage support are very easy to deal with if you capitalize on their cooldowns. If they miss a skill shot, you pressure and play up and look for a engage. Additionally, this is a great time to alternate your abilties when leveling up. Instead of just maxing Grand Entrance, consider 1 point Grand Entrance, 1 point Battle Dance, and back and forth. Having your E up to shield ally is very nice in this lane.

Laning: take bush control. Looking for opening when they miss their abiltiies. Past that, go Guardian and Second Wind and chill. Additionally, this is a fine time to bring out the Predator Rakan. In this lane, you typically get poked down and can't do much unless the enemy miss plays. Counter this by playing the map, roaming, following your jungler around, securing objectives, and ganking mid.

Tips on specific Champs:

Brand- If he misses any part of his combo, go in.

Lux - If her Light Binding is down, go in. Her Light Binding will root you mid air and cancel your Grand Entrance, so avoid engaging head on.

Swain - if his Nevermove is down, go in. honestly, even if it's up, go in anyways. He's very weak in lane.

Vel'Koz - Rough lane. If he misses his abilties, go in. With their short cooldown, it may be best to roam and play for the jungle.

Xerath - If he ever gets close enough to engage on, go. He melts. Otherwise look to roam and make plays on the map. Predator is good here.

Zilean - His Time Warp is a massive counter to you. Ask for your jungler to gank often or just roam.

Zyra - If her Grasping Roots are ever off cooldown, GOGOGOGOGOGO. Free kill. Otherwise just chill and scale. Her Grasping Roots will root you in mid air and waste your Grand Entrance cooldown, so play accordingly. Similar to Lux.

Playing in parallel and triangle formation: These refer to playing on the same the same line of scrimmage as your ally. If they are pushing further than you, then they have to take poke and skill shots from both support and ADC. If you are pushed further than they are, then YOU are the one who takes both. Playing on the same parallel line as ADC means you split the damage, and if one of you trys to trade, then both of you can easily. This is the best way to counter Mage support.

A friend of mine "" made a wonderful and short video explaining this whole concept, linked below. If you found the content helpful, consider dropping him a Subscription and like the video.

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