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Poppy Build Guide by Minho

Powerful Poppy ♡

Powerful Poppy ♡

Updated on August 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Minho Build Guide By Minho 16 2 16,595 Views 44 Comments
16 2 16,595 Views 44 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Minho Poppy Build Guide By Minho Updated on August 28, 2012
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I. Introduction

Hey everyone! My name is BloodRaine and I bring you a Poppy guide! Poppy is a strong solo top champion that can crush most lane opponents she is up against. She is very mobile and can easily lock down a target and kill them. She excels at initiating and can score multikills with ease. She is a great champion to choose for solo top, but requires skill to master. Her kit allows her to snipe out the enemy carry and get out safely. She deals tons of damage while being able to soak up some herself. This is my first guide here on MobaFire, so please be easy on me ;) Here is some good music to listen to while reading the guide! :D

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II. Positives and Negatives

Positives and Negatives


Very mobile
Gap closer
Great 1v1er
Amazing burst
Kewl ultimate
Fun to play :)

Unreliable stun
Bad at farming
Easily shut down
Susceptible to ganks
Requires skill to master
Current skins 975 :(
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III. Masteries

♡ Offense Tree ♡


♡ Defense Tree ♡

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IV. Runes


Phase Rush
spa spa M


Phase Rush
  • Greater Seal of Armor: The only marks you take on Poppy. We are going to be solo top, meaning most enemies run on AD. This reduces their damage by A LOT, so there is no other option for your seals.
spa S


Phase Rush
spa spa G


Fleet Footwork
spa spa Q

This is our rune page that we run on Poppy. This allows you to dish out tons of damage, while being able to soak up damage and move swiftly. Poppy relies on mobility to catch up to opponents so she can crush them, and this rune page allows her to do that.
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V. Summoner Spells

Novice: Heal + Flash
Intermediate: Ignite / Exhaust + Flash
Experienced: Ignite + Ghost

♡ Preferred Spells ♡

There is no summoner spell more fitting for Poppy than Ignite. Dealing additional damage and providing healing reduction, often deals the finishing blow to injured enemies. This allows you to ensure a kill on the champion you decide to lock down.
This is the perfect utility spell for Poppy. This allows you to get back in lane quickly, and it also allows you to chase down the enemy you locked down. In combination with Paragon of Demacia, you will catch your enemies. Also, this allows you to get in range for E + Q combo.
This is a fairly decent spell on Poppy. Exhaust ensures that your enemy won't get away, as the only CC you have is unreliable. This also reduces the damage your enemies do, so it makes it easier to 1v1. Also, exhausting the enemy carry in teamfights mitigates the damage they deal out.

♡ Other Options ♡

A viable option for Poppy. Heal provides many things that benefit Poppy. It is fairly easy for an enemy to overlook Heal, and try to 1v1 you. This also allows you to "heal bait" your enemies. A great spell, but there are more viable options.
Another utility spell that performs well with Poppy. In addition to providing a second gap closer, it also allows you to escape ganks easier. Although, Ghost is better for Poppy. Considering this is a one time chance, Ghost allows you to chase enemies for longer periods.
ONLY if you are jungling Poppy. This allows you to clear camps faster, so this is for jungle Poppy. The best spell for jungle Poppy, but you do better in solo top. In addition, this grants you the ability to steal / secure Baron or Dragon.
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VI. Skills and Skill Sequence

K Valiant Fighter: A really "OP" passive. This innate ability is what makes Poppy an exceptional duelist. Also, at low health, people will fail dive you so many times that you just learn to laugh at it ^^ Thanks to Berzerk for the following note. K

NOTE: Lets clear up a common misconception of this passive right now, this does not 1/2 the 10% of the hp damage you take, it halves any amount after the 10%. (IE: Annie tibbers you, it would do 40% of your HP BUT with your passive 40%-10%= 30%/2 it reduces 15% of the damage meaning you will still take 25%. In essence, subtract out 10% before making the reduction calculation because the first 10% will always hit and wont be reduced.)

K Devastating Blow: Poppy's signature ability. Due to the fact that it gives her hammer a glow, it deals a ton of damage. By late game, you will be taking out half of an enemies HP. Also, this makes beefy enemies QQ so hard. You will be shredding through your enemies with this ability. K

Tips and Tricks

K Paragon of Demacia: One of the greatest W abilities ever created. Paragon of Demacia allows you to trade effectively, because it gives you bonus AD / armor. This is one of her abilities that allows her to excel at 1v1ing. Paragon of Demacia also provides a speed boost, making you difficult to gank. K

Tips and Tricks

K Heroic Charge: A really effective ability, but difficult to use. This ability is what makes Poppy require skill to master. Although, when you land it properly, you can kill your enemies quite quickly. Heroic Charge is mostly used for the stun / gap closer, so it's going to be maxed last. K

Tips and Tricks
  • Watch your enemy's movements. If they are near a wall, use this and wreak their face.
  • Heroic Charge also targets minions. Use it when running from an enemy.
  • Heroic Charge to an enemy attempting to Flash away.
  • Lock down the enemy carry with Heroic Charge.

K Diplomatic Immunity: This will make your enemies QQ so hard. This allows you to do extraordinary things to your enemies, making you one of the most valuable members on your team. By using Diplomatic Immunity on a squishy, it almost guarantees a kill for you. Very strong ultimate, no downsides to it. K

Tips and Tricks

--> --> -->

Put a point in Diplomatic Immunity whenever you can. Max out Devastating Blow first, then move onto Paragon of Demacia. Max Heroic Charge last since you mostly use it for the gap closer / stun.
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VII. Items

♡ Core Items ♡

philosopher's stone

Every build has a core build. A core build consists of items you always get in every single match without fail. The items listed above are our core items. This little core build is providing everything you need in early game: Movement Speed, Health, Health Regeneration, Mana Regeneration, Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Bonus CC, AND bonus gold income. This will help you to stay in lane pretty long and earn quite a bit of gold.

♡ Starting Items ♡

So you have come across the ultimate sustain starting items. Regrowth Pendant provides so much health regen that you will basically stay in lane forever. Also, since this builds into our early Philosopher's Stone, it fits right into our build. Poppy needs that extra sustain, and this provides just that. Only other starting items I will start with because Boots provides much more that benefits Poppy.

So these are the items I mainly start with. It provides the mobility you need to harass and quickly get between minions to last hit. This also makes you less susceptible to ganks because you will have a movement advantage over your enemies. You will start with 398 movement speed in total when combining your boots, runes, and masteries. The perfect pair of starting items for Poppy.

Other pair of starting items that I like to run on Poppy. I grab these when I know I will lose trades with my enemy. For example, Riven is an exceptional level 1 duelist. So I grab these because I will need the extra armor and pots. 5 pots does wonders for you in lane, so don't take it for granted.

♡ Item Explanations ♡

Item Sequence

Trinity Force 3333
Hextech Gunblade 3000
Maw of Malmortius 2800
Guardian Angel 3200
Bloodthirster 3400

  • Mercury's Treads: There are no other better boots for Poppy other than Mercury's Treads. These provides tenacity, magic resistance, and movement speed. Not only do I get this for the defensive stats it provide, I mainly get this because of the tenacity. Tenacity reduces the duration of CC applied to you, so these are perfect for Poppy. Poppy's weakest point is early game, and having these will make it a bit easier because you won't get wreaked by CC. The PERFECT boots for Poppy, but of course, there are other boots that fit certain situations.

  • Trinity Force: The best item to get on Poppy. Everything it provides benefits you. It gives you bonus movement speed / attack speed, health / attack damage / slow, mana / damage proc. Okay, the best thing about this item is the slow and the Sheen proc. This will make your trades more effective, allowing you to dominate your lane. The movement speed it gives makes you a lot more mobile and durable. Trinity Force is the perfect item for Poppy.

  • Hextech Gunblade: Another great item to get on Poppy. It provides you with the sustain you need and another amazing thing, A SLOW! Since Heroic Charge is not the most reliable stun, this is a "backup CC". It gives you a slow to go along with the Phage proc from Trinity Force. It synergizes so well with your abilities. This is your next major purchase after Trinity Force.

  • Maw of Malmortius: "A low health Poppy is a dangerous Poppy." So this is another great item that synergizes well with Poppy. It gives you 1 AD the more health you are missing, so people will underestimate you low health. Also, when below 30% health, you obtain a shield that absorbs 400 magic damage. This is a great item when you are 1v1ing / initiating. People won't expect the shield and they will panic, blowing their abilities everywhere! Also, this provides magic resist. So it not only gives offensive stats, it gives defensive stats as well!

  • Guardian Angel: By far one of the strongest items available in League. This by far allows you to completely wreak faces on the enemy team. By giving you a revive, you are able to initiate into the enemy team without worrying too much. Poppy excels at multikilling, and by buying this item, it's basically "insurance". An overall great purchase for Poppy.

  • Bloodthirster: Apparently, you have stumbled upon this lovely little item called Bloodthirster. I cannot tell you how much I love this item. It gives you everything Poppy needs. The Lifesteal you get from this item is so lovely! Also, the bonus damage will allow you to wreak! This also gives you a motivator to cs more ^^ This is more of a luxury item, as you hardly ever get this far in a game.

♡ Boots ♡

Mercury's Treads
There are no other better boots for Poppy other than Mercury's Treads. These provides tenacity, magic resistance, and movement speed. Not only do I get this for the defensive stats it provide, I mainly get this because of the tenacity. Tenacity reduces the duration of CC applied to you, so these are perfect for Poppy. Poppy's weakest point is early game, and having these will make it a bit easier because you won't get wreaked by CC. The PERFECT boots for Poppy, but of course, there are other boots that fit certain situations.

Ninja Tabi
So you have stumbled upon these lovely pair of boots. Well, they definitely benefit Poppy well. If you are taking heavy AD from your enemy, or you are losing trades, then get these boots. They are the second boots that I would consider on Poppy good. It gives you armor, movement speed, and damage reduction. Yes, it does provide damage reduction, but not from structures. So this means you take 10% less damage, which is good. It's a good pair of boots, but I prefer tenacity over damage reduction because Poppy is highly susceptible to CC.

Boots of Swiftness
Boots that can possibly fit into a Poppy build. Since Poppy relies on mobility to wreak faces, so these are options. These only provide movement speed, meaning you are extremely susceptible to high mobile ganks. You might get stunlocked so I don't take these boots. Only get these boots when you are ahead of your enemies in CS and kills. If you aren't, stay away from these. Although, they can come in handy in certain situations.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Apparently, you have made your way to these cooldown reduction boots. If you have looked at Poppy's cooldowns on her abilities, you will know that they are long. So to solve this problem, we get cdr. That is the reason these boots are options for Poppy. Also, late game, these will make your Devastating Blow on like a 1 second cooldown. That is massive considering that during late game, you will take out half their HP with one Devastating Blow. These are optional boots for Poppy if you don't need the defensive stats.
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VIII. Alternative Items

  • Infinity Edge: Crits crits everywhere! A really good purchase if you are going glasscannon Poppy, but make sure you are running 21/9/0 so you can take advantage of Lethality .
  • Phantom Dancer: MOAR MOVEMENT & ATTACK SPEED!?!?!
  • Youmuu's Ghostblade: *engage* *enemy runs* *activate* "___ has slain ____!"
  • Wriggle's Lantern: One of the best items to buy for offense and defense. Provides a ward, lifesteal, damage, and armor. Perfect.
spa O

spa spa D

spa spa H
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IX. AP Poppy

fill fil fil
kage's lucky pickphilosopher's stone

fil fil fil



Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

No explanation needed really, just 2 shot them ^^
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X. Jungling

fill fil fil
philosopher's stone

fil fil fil



Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

While Poppy excels at top laning, she can be a very powerful jungler. She isn't the best jungler, but she can wreak faces while being a jungler. With her kit, she is able to counterjungle with ease. Being able to counterjungle is an important strength every jungler requires, and Poppy demonstrates that with flying colours. She can completely dominate a game while jungling, and she has decent clear times. She is an overall good jungler, and can completely snowball out of control. She is a highly underestimated jungler, which is what makes her a great pick.

Blue Buff Route

Red Buff Route
  • Get a leash for wraiths . Heroic Charge the big wraith and AA the tiny ones.
  • Head to red buff - make sure to get a good leash. Smite when it can "1 shot" it.
  • Gank top/mid; depends on which lane is easier to gank.
  • Clear wolves.
  • Head to blue buff. Smite when it can "1 shot" it.
  • Clear wraiths.
  • Go to double golems. Focus the big one, Smite the tiny one.
  • Recall - Rinse & Repeat.
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XI. Credits

For those people that helped me with this guide:
  • Lady Jai - Her stupefying guide on Making a Guide.
  • Sir Searz - His informative and awesome thread on templates.
  • Sir Chris - His informative and awesome guide on columns.
  • Lady Kat - For the beautiful banners in this guide. Visit her signature shoppe here!
  • Lady Lillian - Her beautiful line dividers.
  • Sir ShadowNet - His awesome ability buttons ^^
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XII. Summary

fill fil fil

philosopher's stone
fil fil
greater mark of desolation



I hope you enjoyed reading my guide! Have fun playing Poppy. Make sure to wreak faces! All feedback is appreciated, remember to vote and comment. If you feel like I deserve it, hit dat +Rep button ;)

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