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Master Yi Build Guide by NicknameMy

"Final" Yi, King of Jungle(more general Yi guide)

"Final" Yi, King of Jungle(more general Yi guide)

Updated on December 20, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NicknameMy Build Guide By NicknameMy 18 10 61,633 Views 40 Comments
18 10 61,633 Views 40 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NicknameMy Master Yi Build Guide By NicknameMy Updated on December 20, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
  • LoL Champion: Master Yi


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Cleanse



Thanks to Searz for the awesome guide format! You can find it here.


(for any abbreviations you don't understand)


And the Song, which synergies best with Master Yi at all:

You can find this guide now at Leaguecraft.
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What and why

This is a guide for Final Yi. The foundation stone of this build was set in Jimmix great guide, The Dark Art's of Master Yi. The main idea of this build is based on his guide.

Final Yi is a very good late game carry. He has 4k+ HP, high resistances and 300 AD. He is also a very fast jungler. Therefore, he can spend the most time in the jungle, and thus farming the gold, which he needs. You need at least 100+ neutral minion kills and a lot more, to farm the build.

Final Yi can also start very good team fights. Because of Frozen Mallet or Trinity Force, he slows everyone he attacks and the opponent can not escape. Only strong CC can stop him. But for this you have Flash or Cleanse.^^
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When to play

Final Yi fits in nearly every teamcomp. But he works best with a team, which can pass through the early-mid game, so Master Yi can carry at lategame. Also CC-Bots in the team, like Alistar or Cho'Gath, help him very much.

On the other side, Master Yi shouldn't be picked against heavy CC-Bots. He is very vulnerable to CC. Your best friends are your worst nightmare^^.

IEM: Triple Wriggle's Lantern

Master Yi fits perfect in the triple Wriggle's Lantern combo. Because of his natural high dmg and attack speed, he is also very good at early baron or dragon. If you want to play this combo, you need an auto-attack based top-laner ( Udyr, Warwick, Jax, etc...) and otherwise the normal setup (AP-carry mid, preferable Zilean, bot lane support, preferable Alistar, + ad-carry, preferable Caitlyn or Vayne). The AD-Carry, you and the top laner get Wriggle's Lantern. The proc on it will just own baron and dragon.
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Main runeset

Greater Mark of Alacrity
These runes are necessary for Wuju Style jungling. You need enough attack speed to clear the camps without to die. Also, you will get nearly no attack speed until really really late game. This runes compensate that.

Greater Glyph of Shielding
Magic Resist/level is the standard primary rune pick for junglers. They give you good survival through the game. And they are very cheap for that.
Greater Seal of Resilience
You need the Armor to over live the jungle. Without them, you will die. And the armor also helps with your early game tankyness. Armor can make a big difference.

Greater Quintessence of DesolationGreater Quintessence of Desolation
The armor penetration runes are also needed, if you want to jungle. With this runes and masteries you lower the enemy armor by 16, enough for jungling. This runes also increases your DMG massively late game.

Other runes worth considering


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Greater Glyph of Alacrity
Same reason as marks. You need enough attack speed through the game, so you have to buy runes for that. They are maybe only secondary runes, but they are definitely worth it. They increase your jungle efficiency even more.
Greater Seal of Evasion
Dodge is everytime an alternative to armor. If you luckily dodge an enemy attack, which would hurt you very much, you are the winner. But well, I like to have more sustained dmg reduction. Without the defensive masteries, dodge loses a bit of it's efficiency.
And now Nimbleness has been removed, so Dodge is even less viable.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Greater Quintessence of Strength
Considered by Searz. He said, AD-Quints are very good Quints for Yi(mobafire chat). I trust him and make them as alternative.
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ArP Quint vs. AD Quint

Two Graphs which shows you which Quintessence is better. ArP or AD?

Full Build:

lvl 1

full build

As you can see, AD is better as ArP earlygame, but weaker lategame. It is your decision. But i would choose ArP, because Yi has no spell which scales with an AD-ratio. He has also and AD and AS steriod, but no ArP steroid.
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Summoner spells

Every Jungler needs Smite. Smite is way too much uses to be ignored as jungler.

Ghost is like a Mini-Highlander for you. With ghost+highlander, you can outrun anyone(except Revive Rammus). If you are good with it, you can definitely pick it.

Teleport is a spell, which is mainly used to backdoor. Yi is one of the best backdoor champs in the game, so use it wisely. If you place a ward near enemy base, you can teleport on it and then push the towers down.
This is incredibly easy with Final Yi, cause he can survive any tower-shots.

Everybody loves Flash. Flash is never a wrong summoner spell. Wall hax and quick escapes can help you to stay alive, or to chase the enemy down, if Alpha Strike is on CD. Or you can use it in combination with Alpha Strike to catch the enemy.
After it's nerf, it is still good, but I prefer now Cleanse.

Master Yi's worst enemy is Crowd Control, like Stuns, Snares, etc. This spells take him completely out of game. If you easily can get out of them, this could decide every teamfight.
The last patch buffed Cleanse and now it will remove Exhaust. Because of that, it is way better than Flash, you can just continue fighting instead of jumping out. Still, this spell is the summoner spell which is the hardest to use, so need to know when to use it. I see many people fail with Cleanse.

After some testing, I found out, that exhaust is a really good summoner spell for jungle yi. He can gank anytime exhaust is up and no longer depends so much onto Lizard Buff. You can also beat down any other ad-carry with it.
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Many people should know Master Yi, because he is one of the oldest champs in League of Legends. But for newbie's, I write down the abilities. More about that in the "Tips and Tricks" section. To see, what a skill does, hold your mouse over it.

Double Strike
This skill is the skill, which makes Yi a very good Backdoor champ. Also this skill increases the jungle speed and make Attack Speed runes very good, cause you hit this more often with more Attack Speed. Finally, it can be used for harassing.

If you are very good at Yi, you can time this spell, when you need it most.

Alpha Strike
Alpha Strike is the skill, which decides, if you are a good Yi or a bad Yi. A bad Yi will use this skill everytime and get killed because he dived a turret with 4 people. A good Yi will hunt any champ with this skill down, even if they Flash.

This skill also deals good dmg. Never underestimate it. Most people underestimate Yi and get killed for that.

Your Teamfight skill. The heal is, well, not very useful. But the Armor and Magicresist are just GODMODE! You cannot die if you Meditate. But only use this spell, if the enemy CC is used. Cause CC can disrupt it like Nunu & Willump's Absolute Zero. Knowing, when to use it, is also a key to master Master Yi.

Wuju Style
What a spell. You get AD for NOTHING! NOTHING! 35 AD passive, 70 AD active. This makes this build viable, because you have enough AD, until you build more. Also, activate this spell everytime you hit something, because this maxes it effectively.

One of the best spells in the game. You get very much AS, MS and each time you slay an enemy, while this active, the CD are reset. This makes Yi the perfect hunter. You can catch anyone at anytime. Also the Anti-Slow-Buff helps with that. And with Cleanse, you can jump into 5 enemies, kill one low and run away. You will overlive if done well. This is also part of mastering Yi.
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Skill sequence

The main Source of Yi's dmg is Wuju Style. Activated at full level, it gives you freaking 70 AD. And 35 AD passively if it is off-cooldown. This skill is truly awesome. Also, as Final Yi you get not much AD earlygame, so this is your main source of it. This is why I max this skill first.

Yi has also a great gapcloser, which cannot be dodged. Alpha Strike. With Alpha Strike, you can reach any opponent with it and deal heavy dmg to minions. It increases jungle speed very much if upleveled, because of this, I max this 2.

Meditate is only needed for lategame teamfights, if you have to survive an heavy assault. You can tank with it all day long because of your HP. You don't need it earlygame, and it is a real one point wonder, so I max it last.

Of Course, get Highlander everytime you can get it. Well, it can be only 1 Highlander^^.

(Against a Karthus, I would get Meditate at lvl 4)
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Tips and tricks

If you use Alpha Strike on a Minion, which dies, before you finish Alpha Strike off, you land at the position where you started. This move can be used well coordinated and also in combination with Smite to harass.

You can combine Alpha Strike, Wuju Style and Double Strike, to do epic harass.

Here you can see, how to use it:

If you want to train the activation of Youmuu's Ghostblade, press the button for it everytime you go into a fight. Even if it is on CD or not even bought.

Master Yi is a born towerdiver. With this build, you can easily fight enemy's under towers and kill them. Use Alpha Strike to close the gap and then finish the enemy off.

Master Yi is a great Backdoor champ. He can push towers and inhibs very very fast. Use this to your advantage!

Yi can escape nearly every trouble. With Cleanse and Highlander nobody can catch Yi. Jump into the enemies, kill one, and run your butt out of there.

If you find some more usefull tips, let me know, i add them to the list^^.
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Possible build


Core build sequence( Cloth Armor jungling):

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Boots 300
Madred's Razors 750
Wriggle's Lantern 1800
Mercury's Treads 1100
Phage 1100
Frozen Mallet 3100
Atma's Impaler 2300
Warmog's Armor 3100

Core build sequence( Vampiric Scepter jungling):

Item Sequence

Cloth Armor 300
Health Potion 50
Boots 300
Wriggle's Lantern 1800
Mercury's Treads 1100
Phage 1100
Zeal 1100
Giant's Belt 900
Atma's Impaler 2300
Warmog's Armor 3100
Trinity Force 3333

The Item's after the Core are highly situational. They can be nearly everything. This makes Final Yi very flexible, he can adjust his builds onto the enemies.

My Build:

Trinity Force full build sequence( Elixir of Agility jungling):

The 7. Item should replace Wriggle's Lantern

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Starting Items

+ 5
Cloth Armor + 5 Health Potion's
After the jungle rework, this item got hit very much. It has still its uses, but is no longer core. You should actually only use it if you want to invade the enemy safely. Otherwise, this has no uses.


+ 6
Elixir of Agility + 6 Health Potion's
This is also a new alternative item for the jungling of Master Yi. It is a high risk, high reward item and makes your jungling reall scary, because you can kill the enemy jungler very fast. Still, you should know, when to use it and how to use it. This needs very much experience.



Vampiric Scepter
Because of the jungle rework, this is the new best item for farming at the beginning. Just get it and stay in the jungle nearly forever. You should buy Cloth Armor at one point, to have enough armor. But otherwise, this item means farming.
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Jungle Items

These are the items, you can get through your jungling.

Cloth Armor
If you start with Vampiric Scepter, you need to buy Cloth Armor after first back.

Boots of Speed
You need Boots of Speed for ganks. With them and Red Buff, you can catch anyone.

Long Sword
A Long Sword increases your AD by 10. This maybe seems not much, but it helps. Also it builds into Madred's Razors. A very important item, as already said.

Madred's Razors
Madred's Razors boost your jungle speed enormously. The proc's are sometimes depend onto luck, but they are defenitly worth it. Without this item, you are a slow jungler.

Wriggle's Lantern
After you got a successful gank or farmed longer, you need to upgrade Madred's Razors. Wriggle's Lantern gives you a jungling survival it is ridiculous. With Wriggle's you can jungle infinite. And that really fast, even in the enemy jungle.

More about this in the jungle section.
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Core Items

This Items make Final Yi Final Yi. Without them, you aren't Final Yi!

Mercury's Treads
Mercury's Treads are vital for Yi. Yi is very vulnerable to stuns, snares, etc., so he needs to reduce it on any cost. Also, the magicresist helps you to overlive, until you have other magicresist items.

Atma's Impaler
Atma's Impaler is the key item to Final Yi. Final Yi is build mostly by hp, so this item transferes HP to AD. WOW! HP TO AD!!!. At the end, you have around 300 AD, that is very very much, if you think about, that you are very tanky.


Frozen Mallet/Trinity Force
Frozen Mallet. The first HP-Item. It gives you not only AD and HP, it also gives you a very good slow. With this item, nobody escapes you. This is vital, if you want to catch enemies or if you have to initiate a teamfight.

Same count's for Trinity Force, but it gives you very much more stats and dmg, but for that, less HP. Read Trinity Force vs Frozen Mallet.

Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Armor is simply the item with the most HP. It gives you, if maxed ~1500 HP, very much. And it gets transferred to AD by Atma's. If you have this item, it is gameover for the enemies, if your team is not a complete fail.
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Trinity Force vs Frozen Mallet

Here is now an optional item for Frozen Mallet. Trinity Force! Why?

Jebus McAzn said:

Consider the many champs that you MAY have been considering Frozen Mallet on. Now take that item out and replace it with Trinity Force . Improvement or no?

Frozen Mallet only costs around 800 gold less than Trinity Force, but doesn't offer MUCH more. It gives 700 health compared to Trinity Force's 250, and 20 AD compared to Trinity Force's 30.

What else are you getting? A permanent slow, okay. But Trinity Force isn't exactly unreliable. You have a 25% chance to inflict a slow, which doesn't sound like much, but after just 2 attacks that's a 44% chance. After three, it's 58%. After four, it's 69%.

The point is, if you can land just a few attacks on a champ, you're more likely than not to inflict the slow on them. And on top of that, Trinity Force gives a TON more stats and a damage proc on top of that for less than 800 gold.

So why would you ever get Frozen Mallet? Who were the champions that may have bought Frozen Mallet a few months ago? Kog'Maw, Teemo, Olaf, Master Yi, Udyr, etc. Now replace those items with a Trinity Force and see what happens.

Trinity Force Kog'Maw is getting very strong lately. He can really abuse the proc because of his ultimate and the movespeed helps immensely in teamfight positioning, and the AP doesn't hurt.

Teemo, not so much. You're a close-range DPS who's really squishy and who also does NOT spam abilities, meaning that Frozen Mallet may just be a better buy.

Olaf actually can do quite well with Trinity Force but sometimes opts for Frozen Mallet because you're building Atma's Impaler later on and you want to be tankier. Still, Trinity Force Olaf is quite possible.

Master Yi? Saintvicious's recent Yi guide incorporates Trinity Force. Alpha Strike+ Trinity Force is super strong and with Highlander, you'll be spamming in teamfights. Trinity Force lets you push towers faster as well.

Trinity Force has been core on Udyr for weeks now.

In short:

Buy Frozen Mallet only under one or more of the following conditions:
-You're super squishy and you want the extra health, but you don't want to build purely defensive like a Banshee's Veil.
-You don't spam abilities very often and you can't abuse Trinity Force very well.
-You WANT to build tanky because you're offtanking or you've bought an Atma's Impaler and Frozen Mallet is more cost-effective.
-Your attack speed is slow and you have a much smaller chance of getting the slow proc off.

Otherwise, do Trinity Force. It's just so much better.

Nighthawk said:

You get Trinity Force on carries/people who want damage or want some damage but mainly tank. You want Frozen Mallet on people who want tank and already have damage.

If you go Yi and you build Boots, IE, PD, BT, you build Frozen Mallet cause you have damage and want tank
If you go Yi and you build boots, Atma's, BV, IE, you build Trinity Force cause you already have tank and you want more damage.

on someone like Jarvan IV (who has the highest base armor in the game) with Wriggles, Mercs, Warmogs, Atma's, you get a triforce cause you have enough tankiness and now you need damage, not a FM, even if you do have atma's.

Well, it is your decision which you buy.
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Optional Boots

Berserker's Greaves
Berserker's Greaves give you much much needed attack speed. But you loose very much tankyness if you don't get Mercury's Treads. And CC can easily beat you down.

Ninja Tabi
Mainly used if the enemy team is AD-heavy. The Armor and the Dodge help, to avoid those pesky AD-Champs. Synergies very well with Greater Seal of Evasion.
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Situational Items


Early-Mid game items:

Avarice Blade
If you don't have a very good earlygame and no successful ganks, pick that one up after Wriggle's Lantern or Mercury's Treads. Later build it into Youmuu's Ghostblade

Overall good items:

Infinity Edge
Wow, your dmg will explode if you pick this baby up. You definitly need a Infinity Edge, if you want to deal high dmg.

(Future: If Sanguine Blade would be available at Summoner's Rift, I would get it instead of Infinity Edge)


Banshee's Veil
Banshee's Veil is just an awsome defense item. It gives you magicresist and a bubble, which can catch enemy cc. This item is mainly against casters and a standard item, because you have atm few magicres.

Warmog's Armor
Yeah. Get another one^^. Just lulz them again and you will be truely painfull.

Randuin's Omen
Randuin's Omen has a great slow for attack speed and movement speed, which makes it the perfect item against auto-attackers. With Randuin's Omen, Trynda+Co will no longer be a problem.

Quicksilver Sash
Quicksilver Sash is the Anti-Hardcore-CC. If you see, that the enemy has Malzahar, Warwick, Skarner or Mordekaiser, consider this item. You can cleanse their painfull ult's with it.

Guardian Angel
Everyone wants a second live. If you, as Final Yi, somehow die, revive and Meditate, well, enemies will cry^^. It has also good armor, so consider it against more ad based dmg.


Youmuu's Ghostblade
Yoyo's, the best offensive item on yi. It is a mini-version of Highlander, so it synergies very well. You just have to activate this and Highlander and enemies are freekills. It also has crit and armorpen, which also synergies well. And CDR, well, Yi normally needs no CDR, but it can only help^^.

Madred's Bloodrazor
Madred's Bloodrazor is an item, which you buy, if the enemy is stacking health and armor. With this item, you can get through those tanky dps. Btw, if you see an enemy getting Madred's Bloodrazor or has Kog'Maw, consider heavy magicres.

Stark's Fervor
Stark's Fervor is a great team item. It gives you and your team attack speed, hp-regen and lifesteal. A great item at all, if your team is more autohit-heavy. If s.b. other in your team has it, you could also consider Bloodthirster/(Future:Sanguine Blade)

The Black Cleaver
This baby you should get, if the enemy has <150 Armor(look at Item Graph). You can shredd really fast through the enemy and the AS-boost is also nice. If you don't like this item or the enemy stacks more armor, you should get Last Whisper. But remember, nobody should focus tanks.

Sword of the Divine
Get this item, if you want to push towers really hard or if you play against Jax. It has the highest AS in game, so it helps you very much.

(notice i only mentioned offensive items, which lower the enemy defence and give AS. This is very important, because this is, what you are missing.)

Mixed Items:

Wit's End
This item is great, if you want to get more beefy, but do not loose much attack speed. I think it is perfect to combine it with Infinity Edge, if you want a more aggresive build than Banshee's Veil+ Youmuu's Ghostblade but a more passive build than Infinity Edge+ Black Cleaver.
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Item Graph

Here you can see graphs for how good an item is.


As you can see, Black Cleaver wins if you have 2 or 3 stacks.

If you want to watch it more in detail, download the program "Graph" and open in it the file
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What did the jungle rework change?

1. It raped the sustain path and the offense path. The lvl 4 path is now a big sustain path and you can't lvl up at golems to 2.
2. Counter jungling is easier than before. A bit of a buff to Master Yi. You actually counter jungle now by stealing the big creep at every camp. Alpha Strike is useless for this.
Still, you can deal with it better than others with Wuju Style. And you can ambush people like before. This power has actually a bit increased, because you get more farm out of the jungle.
3. A completly new route for counter jungling has been introduced, which will mean OMG power to Yi.

Quote from stonewall to the new jungle Yi:
Master Yi - He is one of the few junglers who became very strong with the remake. The remade jungle falls to pieces before him. He clears it insanely fast and keeps up with it thanks to his steroids and alpha strike. He can invade better than most atm since he can just wipe a camp and leave and, if he times things, can be back in time to steal it when the enemy jungler thought it was going to be back for him. If there is a fight between junglers - Master Yi's build in steroids usually give him the edge especially if he ambushes the target. His ganking is still suffering due to the hot laners now but with assistance he can turn most champions to mush.

An epic video from Stonewall, which describes jungle Yi:

Master Yi is one of the hardest jungler in league of legends. It is not, because he is hard to play. It is beacuse, you have to know any champ in the game.

Things you have to know:

  • You have to know the champs you gank.
  • You have to know the jungle route of the enemy jungler.
  • You have to know how to ambush the enemy jungler.
  • You have to know various gank styles.
  • You have to know your own strength and weaknesses.
  • You have to know how how many cc does the enemy have.

Before you know this, you shouldn't start jungling with Master Yi. The thing is, as Master Yi, you always try to steal exp from the enemy jungler. This is done by stealing his camps. If you meat the enemy and you know you are stronger, just wipe him out. If you are weaker ore even, you have to care about what he does and where he is. Because of that, jungle Master Yi heavily relies onto Clairvoyance. You should team up with a support champ that knows how to use Clairvoyance. This way, you know what the enemy jungler does and can outfarm his jungle.

Actually, that is a bit of wall of text. Just watch the Master Yi commentary video from stonewall. It show's you anything said and even more.

Level 4 sustain path

Just to get lvl 4. This is the most common jungle route and used to be farming the biggest amount of gold.

NEW AGGRESSIVE ROUTE:(best ambush possible)

As I said at top, this is the new most aggressive jungle route with Yi. If you can pull it off, the enemy jungler lost everything, if you fail, you gave the enemy jungler a big bonus. High risk, high reward. You can also start with an Elixir to give you supreme jungle control. With this one, you will just rape the enemy, but for the price of 250g. Means, if you can't kill him, you wasted money. Also, high risk, high reward.

Start with Cloth Armor + 5 Health Potion's or Elixir of Agility + 6 Health Potion's.
Wolves->Golem->enemy Lizard
Try to kill him at Lizard-bush after it, if you find him, just kill him.(he will not have high HP, for sure)

Most enemies have no escape at lvl 2/3 except Flash, which you counter with Alpha Strike. It should be a guranteened kill. CV helps very much with this route. Again knowing your enemy helps very much, too. For example, don't try it against jungle Shaco.(Do it against wraiths bush camp Shaco, of course, cv helps again.)

All in all, if you know what you do, Master Yi is one of the best junglers in the game. But, it is very hard to get it done. As I already said, he is one of the harder junglers and you have to know many things to do it.

Jungle Videos completly wiped out Rammus as Master Yi. Strong jungler path, enemy jungle start.(before jungle rework)
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Earlygame/Midgame teamfights should never happen. As Final Yi, you are really weak at this stage, the only thing you can do is pick enemies off. You also die fast, so come in last. Tell your team, that they shouldn't start teamfights. First teamfights shold start if you have Frozen Mallet/ Phage+ Giant's Belt and Atma's Impaler


At Lategame, if you finished your core, you are a tanky dps. The role of the tanky dps is, to go after your tank, which initiates, and pick of the most important target. You can survive nearly everything, because of your freaking tankyness. Use Alpha Strike to close the gab to, lets say, Annie, and melt her down. After that switch to, e.g. Ashe, which deals less dmg then Annie because she was less fed. Kill also her. In the time, you kill them, your complete team should focus these 2 carries. This is the way to success.

If the carries are dead, you won the teamfight!

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Master Yi is probably one of the best backdoorer in the game. Only Sivir and Twisted Fate can be better than him. He destroys towers really fast with the combination of high as, damage procs vs creeps on Alpha Strike, bonus damage through Wuju Style and Double Strike. If the enemy leaves a lane open with minions pushing into their base, feel free.

I found videos, which show, why Master Yi is that great on it. Video 1 shows you when to backdoor effectivly.
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Every champ has to ward. But there are many good warding-guides out there.

Read Warding helper - More than your eyes can see for that.

You mainly ward with Wriggle's Lantern.
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Saint Yi vs Final Yi

Here is now the section, where i show Saint Yi vs Final Yi:

And the Winner is:


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Squishy Yi

Some people prefer Squashy Yi, the opposite of Final Yi. He has very high dmg, but dies really fast. If you prefer that, you need a good timing. You go into fights last after the enemy used his cc. You Meditate if they want to nuke you down and then run away.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Explanation: Cleanse is a must for squishy Yi, 1 CC and you are dead.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Explanation: You need your Meditate earlier, because you can easily nuked down. Otherwise the same.

Explanation: You need a good balance between survival, lifesteal and damage. I think this build is perfect for that. Don't forget, that you can build situational items, if you need them. Against any surpression, i would get Quicksilver Sash.

Build with QSS:

Item Sequence

Cloth Armor 300
Boots 300
Wriggle's Lantern 1800
Mercury's Treads 1100
Zeal 1100
B. F. Sword 1300
Phantom Dancer 2600
Infinity Edge 3400
Quicksilver Sash 1300
Black Cleaver 3000
Bloodthirster 3400

You loose some survival and the slow. But for that, enemy champs with surpressions or Mordekaiser will just hate you.

( Bloodthirster should replace Wriggle's Lantern)


As squishy Yi, it is all about the right moment. The moment, you can go in and rape them.

When to go in?
  • Enemy's used their main CC and can't interrupt you very hard with the existing CC.
  • The enemy main carry gets dangerous low, so he has to retreat. You can kill him and make it a 4vs5. Then you can focus down the other carry's.
  • Enemy's are just dumb...
  • If your team has more members at the fight
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Not the guide for you... Read AP Yi - Its Legit.
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Other Yi-Builds

Some other famous Yi-builds:




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After I know now nearly all Items of Dominion, this is my suggested Yi-Build for it:



Skill sequence:

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA You need all 3 abilities at lvl 1. Wuju Style, because you need attack damage. Alpha Strike, so you can defend points better and Meditate, so you can regenerate yourself at points and if s.b. attacks you at a point, he will fail. You need to level Meditate over Alpha Strike, because you only need Alpha Strike to brake the enemy capture. Leveling Meditate makes you towerhugg like a boss. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Summoner Spells:


Item builds:

Squashy Yi

Item Sequence

Ruby Crystal 400
Long Sword 350
The Brutalizer 1337
Berserker's Greaves 1100
Phage 1100
Youmuu's Ghostblade 2700
Targon's Buckler 400
Frozen Mallet 3100
Zeke's Harbinger 2250
B. F. Sword 1300
Infinity Edge 3400
Sanguine Blade 3000
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Time for Lulz

Now, the time has come for a lulz-build. I present you: AP-Hybrid "Final" Yi. It is nearly everything the same, except I get Rod of Ages instead of Warmog's Armor. Also, I get AP-Items, like Rabadon's Deathcap or Lich Bane. If you Meditate, you simply cannot die and Alpha Strike deals way more dmg. Also, Lich Bane proc's boost your dmg output even more.

But because you get the AP very late, you should use the same skill order. Only Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist should be changed to Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power, so Alpha Strike deals a bit more dmg through game. 9/0/21 masteries are also viable, but the jungling gets harder.

Item Sequence

Cloth Armor 300
Boots 300
Wriggle's Lantern 1800
Mercury's Treads 1100
Phage 1100
Frozen Mallet 3100
Atma's Impaler 2300
Catalyst of Aeons 1300
Rod of Ages 2600
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Lich Bane 3100

Or you play Yi like that:
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Gameplay Video

I made a little Game to create a gameplay video. You can also see some of my mistakes, like diving GP into Nexus turrets^^.
Megaupload(Maybe broken, idk)
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Closing statements

THX for reading the whole Guide. THX to Searz, THX to Jimmix.

This is the future of Yi. Hopefully he gets not nerfed^^.

Never forget:


BTW: You can also try this with Tryndamere or Gangplank now^^.
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Your Results

I will post some of your moments with this build here. It can be game stats, it can be multikills. It can be whatsoever.

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