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Shyvana Build Guide by blast

AD Offtank S3 Shyvana's Guide - How to train your Dragon

AD Offtank S3 Shyvana's Guide - How to train your Dragon

Updated on April 10, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author blast Build Guide By blast 3 6 5,198 Views 7 Comments
3 6 5,198 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author blast Shyvana Build Guide By blast Updated on April 10, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Shyvana
    Jungle A - Offensive
  • LoL Champion: Shyvana
    Jungle B - Defensive
  • LoL Champion: Shyvana

Introduction (w/ Pros and Cons)

Hey there, I'm blast. This is my very first guide on mobafire, of my favourite champion Shyvana, The Half Dragon.
I have read a lot of useful information about Shyvana on the internet, and mainly on mobafire or lolking's guides, but unlike most of them, my playstyle and builds are slightly different, so I'd like to share them with you, and hope you all do successful with it. :-) In the end you've got some fanart and comics, have fun!
Please take a moment to read the notes in the different builds above.

Pros and Cons: Shyvana's a powerful jungler, with high clearing speed but lacks of ganking potential. Doesn't have any slow or cc but makes up for it in speed, so she's ideal for chasing enemies or running from them. (Although you may do "better" ganks post-6, because you can drag enemies along your path with your ulti.)
She has great AoE potential, her W, specially in Dragonform burns and pwns everybody in your way, combined with Ravenous Hidra and Sunfire Cape it's scary...
You need melee range to harass, so you're very vulnerable and easy kiteable to ranged champions like Ashe, Vayne, Caitlyn, etc...

(English is not my native language, although I think I've already mastered it well, you may find some mistakes here, and if you do, a little feedback is appreciated.)
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There are those few dragons in Runeterra who have mastered the intense magical energies that course through their unique anatomies, evolving into an elusive Celestial Dragon. These powerful and enigmatic creatures spend most of their time hidden away from the lands of men. However, there are those who find themselves drawn to civilization and who take on human forms to immerse themselves in the world of humans. Occasionally, one finds itself drawn to the spirit of a human and they have relations. Sometimes, in the slimmest of odds, the union will bear fruit and that offspring will be one of the few half-dragons to have graced Runeterra. Shyvana is one such creature, born to a simple Demacian farm-girl and her Celestial Dragon father. Left to be raised by her mother, her oddities were something that couldn't be hidden from her community, though she was protected by her family. Once her family had perished in disaster, she was left alone for the first time - truly alone. Shyvana quickly became an outsider and it wasn't long before the community's fear began to put her in danger. Facing mortal danger at the business end of an angry mob, she was rescued by the traveling noble, Jarvan Lightshield. The noble was a man who strangely knew exactly what she was and took her under his wing. It wasn't long before she was offered a chance to use her natural skills in the service of Demacia, as Jarvan initiated her as one of the elite guard. Following Jarvan into the League of Legends was only natural.

Shyvana is a fierce warrior, with the blood of one of the most powerful magical predators in all creation flowing through her veins. Unlike some of her fellows, she is a subdued personality - somber, cool, and collected. However, when the moment strikes, her draconian heritage manifests and there are few that can stare her in the eyes and not feel the primal urge to flee.

"By the blood of my father, I will end you!"
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off-tank, Jungle A is obviously viable once you're confident with her too. But as Shyvana, I prefer to follow a more tanky build, be useful in the game, work as an initiator, make my mates fed while still being able to do great aoe damage in teamfights.

> Legendary Armor Because of your ulti's passive, you have the option to spend those 2 points in other masteries.
> I'm not taking a point in Relentless nor Tenacious , because with this build I'll probably buy a Mercury's Treads or a Spirit of the Ancient Golem, this stacks, but I prefer to invest in something else.
> Unyielding and Block will help you a lot in the early game, you think that little bit wont make much difference? It will. Remember from where all the early damage comes from - autoattacks - that's why these masteries are gold in ganks and early invades. It doesn't scale late game, you may say late game it is outscaled by Hardiness or Reinforced Armor . I've read it works with Darius Passive, Talon's dot, etc, but not with ignite. I still prefer to take them but it's all up to you.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

These are the runes I use on shyvana.

Rune pages with attack speed work very well with Shyvana, offensive or defensive, attack speed is a must. Armor and Magic resist for sustain, 9x Attack damage marks are very useful since I build much more health than AD, besides, you need this to clear jungling camps faster.

> 9x attack speed marks + 3x Attack damage quints work very well too. (+15.3% attack speed and +6.75 ad)
> armor penetration marks or quints work too.
> Movement speed. Shyvana, above any other junglers, is the only one in which I'm able to run more offensive runes. These aren't really necessary.
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3.03: Spirit of the elder Lizard got nerfed.
Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Incinerate damage reduced to 14-50 over 3 seconds from 15-66

I've reconsider this item a ton of times, it's way more useful to go more tanky and build a Locket of iron solari. Extremely useful in temfights and ganks. If you would still like a little of attack damage and regeneration take it anyways.
I've also removed Block from jungle mastery trees, it's optional, but I haven't changed my mind, still extremely useful early game. Unyielding is already good, so I prefer to spend that last point in more defense.

3.5 Balance up:
Spirit of the Ancient Golem

New Recipe: Spirit Stone + Kindlegem + 450 gold = 2000 gold (total cost reduced from 2300 gold)
No longer grants +30 Armor
Now grants +10% Cooldown Reduction

Spirit of the Elder Lizard

New Recipe: Spirit Stone + Long Sword + Long Sword + 500 gold = 2000 gold (total cost reduced from 2300 gold)
Attack Damage reduced to 45 from 50
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Skill Explanation

Shyvana's autoattacks enhance her abilities. Each attack will do the following to the abilities:
> Twin Bite - reduce its cooldown by 0,5 secs.
> Burnout - extend duration by 1 second to a maximum of 6 seconds.
> Flame breath - deal 15% of the ability's bonus damage to the debuffed target.
> Dragon's Descent - restore 2 Fury, extending Dragon Form time.

The next basic attack will strike twice, the second attack damage correspond to 80/85/90/95/100% of Shyvana's AD.
You will max this ability second. In Dragon Form it will hit all enemies in front of you. Procs with Sheen.

Aoe damage and speed.
Scales off AD and deals magic damage. Max this first. Very useful when jungling. When entering a fight, only use when you're fairly close to enemies so you can hit them and benefit from your passive, use it too soon and you'll only have 3 seconds of this and a long cooldown. In Dragon Form, this will leave a trail behind you dealing the same damage to enemies standing on it.

Skillshot that burns 15% of targets Armor for 4 secs. Any basic attacks while having the debuff on will deal 15% bonus of the ability's damage.
Awesome when laning, kinda useless in the jungle. Max this last. Never forget to E the tanky guys in teamfights. In Dragon Form, will deal damage and apply the debuff in a cone.

Your ultimate, available with 100 fury. Passive: Bonus Armor and Magic Resist; When in Dragon Form the bonuses are doubled. Active: Shyvana transforms into a dragon, she "dashes" forward and drags enemies in her path dealing 200/300/400(+70%AP) magic damage, once active she loses 6 fury per second.
Great skill for turret diving, works as gap closer or to escape over walls. Each basic attack while in Dragon Form restores 2 fury, making this last longer. Always use this on teamfights, combined with AoE items such as Sunfire Cape or Ravenous Hidra you will deal massive amounts of damage.
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Skill Order and Combo

Skill leveling importance
> > >
> > >

Leveling W first it's mandatory, you need the speed to help lanes and counter-jungle and you need the AoE to farm more easily.
Flame breath is really, really good against squishies because of the passive and against top laners, because of the armor reduction, but I find twin bite way more useful when jungling. Flame breath is more profitable than twin bite in any stage of the game, but because it is a skillshot, the armor reduction doesn't scale, and assuming you won't probably hit all shots, take a point at level 3/4 and max it last (I normally take it at 3, when I start ganking, I like this for extra damage). When laning, reconsider maxing this second.

Your basic combo is W, start triggering passive, E to reduce armor and spam Q - twin bites and basic attacks to trigger passives until they are dead.
You can work well as an initiator, but since your AoE damage is extremely necessary in the fight, it wouldn't be wise to ulti in and get killed immediatly. Your role in teamfights is to jump in the right time, tank damage for your team, protect the carries and just spam all spells in dragon form, ever since they all will do AoE damage. x)
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Ganking / Jungling

As a jungling Shyvana, helping your team in lanes it's not so easy. You can't stun, fear, taunt nor slow any enemy, you only have 1 chasing/AoE skill, if you want to aid someone, always warn your mates to let the enemy push, if your team really wants to get a kill, or just to terribly zone an enemy just try to position yourself in the closest entrances to the enemies' turret (image); enter with burnout, don't use it too early or you won't trigger the passive, use flame breath first for some bonus damage and twin bites. Post-6, you can turret-dive with your ulti to finish low health squishies.

Best routes to gank as a blue or purple team.

Warding: Like a good LoL player you are, you must aid your team in any way you can. I'm not talking about ganks, I'm talking about map vision. This isn't a work only for the supports; while they ward the river side, you ward your and their jungle camps, buy 2/3 the first time you go back to shop, get a Wriggle's Lantern or bother buying tons of wards. Not only for offensive purposes but to defend yourself and your jungle aswell. Just do it.

As Shyvana, you have the option of DOING WHATEVER YOU WANT in the jungle, you're fast and your damage is awesome at early levels, so invade or not invade are your first options. If the enemy jungler is a blue-dependant squishy like amumu or maokai, no doubt I'll go there and ruin their jungle. I usually start with "my" wraiths and red, if the enemy would probably start at their red, I run for their blue. If I see there's no point in counter-jungling so early (besides, if their jungler is Olaf or Jax, I wouldn't like to encounter them), I start ganking at level 3, as soon as I finish clearing the "red monster zone".
But that's me, you have the option of taking any route you please, clearing your and their camps in record time, because well, you're just Shyvana and you do it because you can. Remember, you can't start going to their jungle as soon you read this guide or bought her, just like getting used to Shyvana, counter-jungling with her or any different champion requires practice - so be careful not to waste any unnecessary time and miss farm, otherwise, the one with the early game ruined is you.

Here's a good jungling route for you. Start at Shyvana.
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Counter-picks and more

Junglers you won't have any problem encountering:
Melee squishy champs like Amumu, Maokai, Nautilus, Darius. Evelynn, Hecarim You outdamage them by far early levels.

Stay away from:
(Specially high-ranged champions that can stun-lock/kite you) Swain, Elise, Jayce, Kha'Zix, Olaf, Jax, Nocturne.

Thanks for reading my guide. Since I have a fair winrate with shyvana, and it's one of the champions I've most dedicated my time with, I thought I could share with you this information, for all the newbies Shyvs or someone just looking for other points of views and tips. Please leave a comment or vote. It's my first, so if you feel like this guide needs some more info or chapters, I hope for a little feedback from you. :)
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Some Fanart

by runescratch
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