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Taric Build Guide by Golleitrian

Taric- some builds of stones (a compilation of builds)

Taric- some builds of stones (a compilation of builds)

Updated on December 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Golleitrian Build Guide By Golleitrian 20 2 186,596 Views 55 Comments
20 2 186,596 Views 55 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Golleitrian Taric Build Guide By Golleitrian Updated on December 7, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Taric
  • LoL Champion: Taric
  • LoL Champion: Taric


LoL Summoner Spell: Clairvoyance


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Introduction...Read me

First of all, I would like to specify that I am francophone and dyslectic therefore I apologies for all mistakes you will find in this text.

This guide is a compilation of all the different possible builds for Taric. You should find all the viable options and I do say viable not optimized or best. The goal is that every Taric player, from normal game casual gamers to abusing the ranked button summoners or from since-beta vet to Lv1 noobs about to walk into the first smurf they have ever seen, finds the build of his dreams.

You also won’t find 10 thousand different runes pages, the rune page you find above is my personal favourite but there are many others good combinations that work as well if not better.

If you really want to get down to business with runes you can check this guide:

Runes Guide and tips from Searz

Since this guide is meant as a compilation of builds please don't -1 because of 1 build you don't like.

If I forgot a type of build and you have one to suggest please leave a comment below.

Even if I'm open minded to adding section or being more specific in my guide, it is and will always only be a guide about builds. Taric is too much of a versatile champ, in my opinion, to have 1 perfect way of playing him. THIS GUIDE IS ONLY AN INDEX AND A RESUME OF THE KINDS OFF TARICS THAT EXIST AND HOW TO BUILD THEM.

jhoijhoi wrote:
Holy guide, Batman! Very impressive.

IceCreamy wrote:
Just wow. No matter what kind of role you want to play Taric, you can find it right here. Good job anyways, definitely worth the +1 ;)

PS: Currently using ENTIDOTE to correct my text the most I can, sry for any mistakes that are still there.
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Summoner spells

Hey guys following the removal of 7 of my cheat sheets I have decided to make a Summoner spells chapter.


Clairvoyance: Even nerfed It is still the best support spell in the game.

Flash: Not as good as before but still tier 1. Only difference is other options enter tier 1.

Cleanse: Lifesaving against cc Heavy teams.

Exhaust: Very good for a tank Taric. Also really good for laning if your AD carry doesn't have it(since most of the damage comes from the enemy AD carry).

Surge: So good. At lower summoner level I used to use Rally; that was before people learned aoe buff awareness and that a started fight didn't have to end with one of the team butchered. Now I get to have my baby back. :( I'm sad I miss understood the patch, I taught it was still an aura. So, no. Forget about it. Surge is not worth it on Taric.

OTHER GOOD SPELLS (spells that can help lower level summoners or new player to Taric):

Clarity: Helps to manage mana early game.

Ghost: Not as good as Flash but still does the job.

Heal: A good spell for noobs. I am not trolling here, some people don't know how to maximise some spells; in that case it is better if you don't take them and stay with the basic.


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Skill Sequence

Hey guys following a debate with Wayne3100, which can be seen in the comment page 2, I decided to make a skill sequence chapter.

Personally I believe that Shatter should be max out first because of it's passive that is trully amazing since the majority of the dmg you will(should at least) take when laning will be AD.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

On the other hand I have come to use this skill sequence when faced with the very very annoying Zilean. It is not my favourite but I completely understand the reasons that would make someone use it as their main skill sequence. In this case your heal is needed because well that guy's bomb are big... let's say burgers. Also timing your stun properly will stop his ult. Alto that may be hard to do if you don't play Zilean or that the player doesn't have a readable rhythm.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This is the skill sequence I use for jungling.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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OK at first I didn't think that I would need to post a section about runes but you asked so I give.

And again if you want the math and/or a pro opinion go to Searz guide linked above.

For Marks:

Best marks:

- Greater Mark of Magic Penetration (Magic resist penetration) These are the runes that gives you the most burst damage increase.

- Greater Mark of Attack Speed (attack speed) These runes allow for better farming, jungling, mana regen(check Taric's passive), faster proc for on-hit items( Lich Bane).

- Greater Mark of Attack Damage (attack damage) Can replace marks of alacrity.

For Seals:

Best Seals:

- Greater Seal of Armor (armour flat) Always good for a tanky support.

- Greater Seal of replenishment (mana regen flat) Help amazingly for early game babysitting, zoning and harassing.

Other Seals:

- Greater Seal of defense (armour/lv) A good alternative to resilience if you’re not jungling.

- Greater Seal of Evasion (dodge) A good alternative to resilience if you know you are going to take Ninja Tabi.

Close ...but no:

- Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration (mana regen/lv) You only take mana regen to help early game, you don't want, don't need extra mana ragen late game.

For Glyphs:

Best glyphs:

- Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction (cool down) Help you spam your stun and heal.

- Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power (Ability Power/lv) Most build can use a AP boost to help your heal amount late game.

- Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist (magic resist/lv) Always good for a tanky support.

Other glyphs:

- Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction (cool down/lv) Can be a good replacement for GoFocus. Better late game and less costly alto not as effective early game babysitting.

- Greater Glyph of Attack Speed (Attack speed) Great for junglers.

Close...but no:

- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist(Magic resist flat) I can't see a good reason to take this over shielding for a simple reason: you don't tank magic dmg early game because you lane against a support and an ad.

- Greater Glyph of Ability Power (Ability flat) You don't need more AP early game as much as you need it late game.

For Quint:

- Greater Quintessence of Ability Power (Ability power flat) Potency gives almost as much as Force and is more effective for most of the game.

- Greater Quintessence of Health (Health) Great for early game.

- Greater Quintessence of Gold (5GP10) Is a great help for supports when they need to ward.

- Greater Quintessence of Experience (experience) Helps to compensate for the lake of xp boost in the Jungle masteries I use.

- Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed (movement speed) Being just a little faster can be the difference between a heal on time and a dead team mates or a living enemy or a stunned and barbecued one.

Example of runes:

Example basic support


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Example jungler


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Example warder


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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Your masteries have the highest impact at low lvl and a lesser one as you get into late game, there for most of the time you need to take masteries based on your role.The New masteries for season 2 have a really fun principle which I like to call ''multi-pathing'' (to be honest I don't know if it makes sense to anyone else then me). What I mean by Multi-pathing is that each tree has more than a single path to follow; before the remastery that was only the case with defensive mastery or with some rare out of the ordinary champs.

One other thing I wanted to point out: Good Hands is no longer the automatic must for first row UTILITY.

PS: The masteries seen above are not set in stone for each build, not at all.

I tend to pick the masteries normaly used only by junglers so that zoning can be a little bit more forgiving during the early lanning phase. It is something I would never do on any other support.


This 0-9-21/9-0-21 option takes a experience income path in UTILITY and splash into DEFENSE or OFFENCE

Resulting in something like:


This 0-4-26/4-0-26 option takes both the experience and gold path in UTILITY with a very minor splash in either OFFENCE or DEFFENCE.

Resulting in something like:


This 0-15-15 option takes the gold income path and Sage in UTILITY and both the minion shield and the health path as well as Siege Commander in DEFFENCE.

Resulting in something like:


This 9-11-10 option takes the AP path in OFFENCE, both the minion shield and the health path in DEFFENCE and splash in UTILITY.

Resulting in something like:


This 9-21-0 selection takes the Heath path as well as the damage reduction path in DEFFENCE and splash into the AP path in OFFENCE. With the new masteries there is no reasons for a tank to splash into UTILITY except for Summoner's Insight .

Resulting in something like:


This 15-15-0 option takes the AD and AP paths form OFFENCE and the minion shield or damage reduction and Health path from DEFFENCE.

Resulting in something like:
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The next 4 builds are the 4 ways of supporting as Taric.

I would like to point out the difference between ''Support'' and ''Babysitter''. Those 2 terms get mixe up a lot.

Support is what you do for a team. Supporting can be compared to the Tanking and Damage dealing. Someone can be a Support and a Tank as well as many other combinations. A dedicated Support is not necessary for a team as many non-Support(/Babysitter) champs have some degree of support skills or items.

Babysitter is what position you are in your team. Babysitter(bot) along with Solo (top), AP carry (mid), AD carry(bot) and Jungler(jungle) are the roles you must fill to have a complete team for the laning phase.
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Taric the gay babysitter

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Mana Potion 0
Stealth Ward 0
Nomad's Medallion 850
Boots 300
Heart of Gold 825
Mercury's Treads 1100
Aegis of the Legion 1200
Rod of Ages 2600
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200
Randuin's Omen 2700


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush


What to get:
This build is a classic for a support babysitting a range ad carry in bot lane. The core items of this build are:
- Shurelya's Battlesong
- Randuin's Omen
- Aegis of the Legion

Those 3 items give a really good supporting to most any champion in this role.

For boots you can pick between:
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity for heal and stun cd (if the game allows it get this one)
- Mercury's Treads for enemy team with heavy cc or mostly ap dmg (when in doubt always pick this one)
- Ninja Tabi for the rare pure ad enemy team

Since you play the role of a support you don't have the right to have 6 items, since you NEED to always have a slot for elixirs or/and mostly for wards, therefore your last item in your build must be chose carefully. In my opinion there are 3 items which stands out:

- Rod of Ages a really good item that will increase the effect of your heal and your survivability, not as much as the other 2 items, and if you while take this item get it after you Aegis of the Legion. (I recommend this item if the game allows it)

- Banshee's Veil always a safe bet.(In doubt always take this item)

- Guardian Angel for enemy teams with OMG burst but not so good sustained dmg.

Another possibility is to get Zhonya's Hourglass if your confident in your enemy reading skills you can take this instead of Guardian Angel.

When to get:

Faerie Charm + x Mana Potion + x Health Potion + x Sight ward

Early game:
step1- rush philosopher's stone
step2- if the game allows it ,which is rare, rush Heart of Gold; if not then buy Boots first then Heart of Gold.
step3- get your boots 2

Mid to Late game:
step1- get Aegis of the Legion.
step2- if you decided to take Rod of Ages, buy it now.
step3- now get Shurelya's Battlesong.
step4- now get Randuin's Omen.
step5- if you didn’t take Rod of Ages buy your fifth item.

Extra late game:
Now that you have your build ready and going, you can always change one of the luxury items to suit the game better.
And if you’re wondering what to do with the last slot:
Have you not listened to me?!?!? Don't buy a sixth item just WWWWAAARRRDDDSSS.
Taric the gay babysitter (Pros / Cons):

-Hard to kill (not so much since the ult change)
-Can give the equivalent of an extra B.F. sword and blasting wand to his whole team.
-Good at ganking and securing kills
-Very good zonner
-Very good self-healing (not so much since the ult change)
-Good Turret basher

-Can't solo a lane
-Usually gets destroyed if tries to 1v1
-Low dmg output
-Mana hungry (not so much late game since the ult change)
-Below average farmer (even at lvl 18 you need shatter and 2 auto attacks to kill minions on the classic build)
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Stick with the shiny Taric people

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Mana Potion 0
Stealth Ward 0
Nomad's Medallion 850
Mercury's Treads 1100
Aegis of the Legion 1200
Will of the Ancients 2300
Soul Shroud 2285
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush


This is my vertion of Quardah's build wich I Found on this site.
The original is called Taric the-one-man-six-auras.
Why so much auras? Your a support mate, if you are someone who has trouble with activing items then this build is better for you then the classic(since you can't profit from shuralya and omen as much, alto shuralya even without the active is worth getting) and if you are good at doing it its still always fun to try something new.

And then there is the fact that according to many high elo summoners the changes to the current metagame could result in no longer needing the classic kind of supports. So meaby a Taric who can be a little more in combat without sacrificing too much of his supporting will become the new main Taric.

What to get:

Unlike most build this build does not have a set of core items at all, unstead it has a list of items of wich the player will pick the 3 wich will or rather should help his team better.

By now some while ask them self ''Why Taric over other champs for this build?''. Because Taric already has an aura that is rappist as his ult as well as the highest armor buff aura in the game when Shatter is ready to cast..

Ok back to the list it includs but may not be limited to:
- Aegis of the Legion
- Zeke's Harbinger
- Abyssal Mask
- Soul Shroud
- Will of the Ancients
- Frozen Heart

example of sets:

Classic set for balance team: Aegis of the Legion + Soul Shroud + Will of the Ancients

For teams with a above average AD and most likely fewer mana bar: Aegis of the Legion + Zeke's Harbinger + Frozen Heart

For teams heavy on AP: Will of the Ancients + Abyssal Mask + Soul Shroud

For boots you can pick between:
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity for heal and stun cd (if the game allows it get this one)
- Mercury's Treads for enemy team with heavy cc or moostly ap dmg (when in doubt always pick this one)
- Ninja Tabi for the rare pure ad enemy team

When to get:

Faerie Charm + x Mana Potion + x Health Potion + x sight ward

Early game:
step1- rush philosopher's stone
step2- if the game allows it ,wich is rare, rush Heart of Gold; if not then buy Boots first then Heart of Gold.
step3- get your boots 2

Mid game:
step1- Get your first item
step2- Get your second item
step3- Get your tird item

Late game:
finish Shurelya's Battlesong

Extra late game:
Now that you have your build ready and going, you can always change one of the luxury items to suit the game better.
And if your wondering what to do with the last slot:
Have you not listen to me?!?!? Don't buy a sixth item just WWWWAAARRRDDDSSS.

Stick with the shiny Taric poeple (Pros/Cons):

Compared to the Classic Taric the Aura Taric is in my oppinion inferrior in ranked and normal games but it has pottential to really shine with premade teams.

- Great passive supporting (therefor easier to play)
- Less mana hungry
- Poeple while love staying around you (theoricly ingreasing your chance to survive)
- A premade team bassed around Taric's preselected items can be really strong.

- Easier to kill
- Less active suporting
- Sometimes you can't have a aura set that really helps most of your team
- Only 1 5GP10
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Taric the juiced up healer

Item Sequence

Stealth Ward 0
Nomad's Medallion 850
Ionian Boots of Lucidity 950
Tear of the Goddess 400
Morello's Evil Tome 2200
Archangel's Staff 2900
Will of the Ancients 2300
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush


This may sound wierd to some since this build has so much AP but this build is still a support build not a pure AP dps ******** taric build some poeple seems to think works.

Why would pure AP Taric not work as a dps: He will never do as much dmg as any other mages neither in burst nor in substained dmg, at best he can be called a bruser here.

Why would Ap Taric work as a support: Close to max cd + High mana regen + High AP = Abusive heal + constant arras
And as long has you have enought health to survive burst dmg you can abuse your ult so that you never need to B late game (exept to get wards). (not since the ult change wich increase the value of this built because of the much stronger heals)

What to get:

Unlike the previous builds this build doesnt have much room for change, well much being the key word. Alto you can change some I find that the above indicated items are the best mix of AP, Mana regen and cool down.

The standard core items:

- Archangel's Staff
- Morello's Evil Tome
- Will of the Ancients
- Shurelya's Battlesong or Randuin's Omen or Eleisa's Miracle

Other items that could be used:

- Rod of Ages
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Abyssal Mask
- Deathfire Grasp
- Zhonya's Hourglass

For boots you can pick between:
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity for heal and stun cd (if the game allows it get this one)
- Mercury's Treads for enemy team with heavy cc or moostly ap dmg (when in doubt always pick this one)
- Ninja Tabi for the rare pure ad enemy team

When to pick:

Choice 1: Doran's Ring

Choice 2: Faerie Charm + x Mana Potion + x Health Potion + x sight ward

choice 3: Ruby Crystal + x Mana Potion + x Health Potion + x sight ward

Early game:

Upon choice 1:

choice 1.1: philosopher's stone + Boots

choice 1.2: Heart of Gold + Boots

Upon choice 2:

philosopher's stone + Boots

Upon choice 3:

Heart of Gold + Boots

When you have that get your boots 2 and finish with Tear of the Goddess as your last early game item.

Mid game:

Rush Morello's Evil Tome, the cool down reduction is mandatory in this built

Finish Archangel's Staff, the AP and mana regen you get from this should put your heals up the roof.

Late game:

Sell your Doran's Ring
Buy you final item either Will of the Ancients or one of the above listed luxury items.

Finish your Shurelya's Battlesong or Eleisa's Miracle or Randuin's Omen

Extra late game:
Now that you have your build ready and going, you can always change one of the luxury items to suit the game better.
And if your wondering what to do with the last slot:
Have you not listen to me?!?!? Don't buy a sixth item just WWWWAAARRRDDDSSS.

Yup, no 6th item this build is still a support build.

Taric the juiced up healer (pros/cons):

Personaly this is my favorit build on Taric. I tend to play it every time the game flow allows me too. But, in many games, the Cons weigth more then the Pros; wich is way it's not the build I use the most.

- Stronger and more spamable heals
- More harrass
- Higher dmg output
- Can farm

- Require you to farm a little middle game
- Only 1 5GP10
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Taric the shinny stone warder

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Mana Potion 0
Stealth Ward 0
Boots 300
Nomad's Medallion 850
Heart of Gold 825
Mercury's Treads 1100
Frostfang 400
Rod of Ages 2600
Randuin's Omen 2700
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

For masteries,refer above, I use THE GOLDY-SUPPORT or THE FULL-SUPPORT.

This a warder build meaning that you focus mainly on warding the map. In order to maximize this ability to buy and dispose of wards you need a high gold input so having multiple 5GP10 items is necesary.
I buy 3: philo, heart and kage. I use standard Taric boots: Merc.
This only lets you space for one item wich means you must get the best out of it so I take: Rod of Ages or Aegis of the Legion.
Remember to allways buy wards during the game and that when the need arise you are the Oracle boy.
Only complete your philo and heart when the game comes close to an end.

If you don't know how to ward :Here is a guide on warding.
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The next 2 builds are ways of tanking as Taric.

Taric can't reasonably hold top or mid therefor even if you have the role of tank your position is that of a babysitter in bot lane. That means you must let your AD carry last hit the minions.

You don't like it? You don't want to lack gold for late game?

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Taric: Cho'gath's Hillbilly little cousin

Item Sequence

Nomad's Medallion 850
Boots 300
Heart of Gold 825
Mercury's Treads 1100
Rod of Ages 2600
Warmog's Armor 3100
Guardian Angel 3200
Randuin's Omen 2700
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

For masteries,refer above, I use THE BABYSITTER or THE TANK.

Finally a none support Taric? Yes. Finally a none babysitter Taric? Nop. Even if you will tank late game you will still serve as a babysitter early game.

What to get:

The standard core items:

- Warmog's Armor
- Shurelya's Battlesong or Eleisa's Miracle
- Randuin's Omen

For boots you can pick between:
- Mercury's Treads for enemy team with heavy cc or moostly ap dmg (when in doubt always pick this one)
- Ninja Tabi for the rare pure ad enemy team

Other items you can use:
- Rod of Ages
- Guardian Angel
- Banshee's Veil
- Force of Nature
- Thornmail
- Aegis of the Legion

When to get:


Choice 1: Doran's Shield

Choice 2: Faerie Charm + x Mana Potion + x Health Potion + x sight ward

choice 3: Ruby Crystal + x Mana Potion + x Health Potion + x sight ward

Early game:

Upon choice 1:

choice 1: philosopher's stone + Boots
+ Heart of Gold

Upon choice 2:

finish Heart of Gold + Boots + philosopher's stone

Upon choice 3:

finish philosopher's stone + Boots + Heart of Gold

Now finish your boots 2.

Middle game:

Now you need to get an item that will buy you time to get Warmog's Armor. I see 2 possible canditate: Aegis and RoA. The thing is that if you decide to go part tank part support you could have just gone with an tanky aura build and that if you take Aegis you won't have any items with AP; On the other hand RoA has a nice amount of Healt and AP to get you going until Warmog.

So... buy Rod of Ages

Now rush Warmog's Armor

Late game:

Now get a complimentary tank item I recoment one of these:

- Guardian Angel good against balanced team with good burst
- Banshee's Veil good against AP heavy teams
- Force of Nature good against AP heavy teams and against balanced team
- Thornmail good only against AD heavy teams (since Taric doesn't have a good base magic resistence but a great base armor.
- Aegis of the Legion good against balanced team when your team has many tanky champs; but then again if so many champs are tanky why not go with an Aura Taric?

Recomend: Force of Nature, Guardian Angel or Thornmail.

You can now upgrade your G/P5 items

Upgrade your Randuin's Omen first

If you took Mercury's Treads then buy Shurelya's Battlesong but if you took Ninja Tabi buy Eleisa's Miracle.

Taric: Cho'gath's Hillbilly little cousin (Pros/Cons):

I for one really dislike the tank Taric for an obvious reason he isn't a full tank espicially since his ult revampe, he has the states but not the set of skills to fit the role of a tank. Compared to the other champs that we usually classify as tanks Taric doesn't even come close therefore he should never be a tank.

- Harder to kill

- Not suppose to be the teams tank
- Less effective as a healer and as supporter
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Taric and his pal Gravity

Item Sequence

Boots 300
Heart of Gold 825
Boots of Swiftness 900
Rylai's Crystal Scepter 2600
Frozen Mallet 3100
Randuin's Omen 2700
Morello's Evil Tome 2200


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

For masteries,refer above, I use THE BABYSITTER or THE TANK.

This build has a really simple straigth forward idea:
SLOW DOES ***********ER DOWN!!!!!!!

What to get:

In order to do this we use this set of core items:

- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Randuin's Omen
- Frozen Mallet

If you want to maximise this ability to slow enemies:

You will want to get mana regen and cool down so that you can cast your stun as often as possible. The item that will secure both these needs the best is:

- Morello's Evil Tome

And getting there on time or gaining that small little edge in a chase can make the difference between a secured target or a lost kill, therefor:

- Boots of Swiftness

If you want to play it tanky support:

You will want to have even more healt, some magic resiste, some armor and if possible a helpfull aura. Wait a minute, isn't that our old friend:

- Aegis of the Legion

And not being stun is always fun:

- Mercury's Treads

If you want to play it full tank:

You will want to have even more healt, some magic resiste, some armor and if possible a helpfull aura. Wait a minute, isn't that our old friend:

- Aegis of the Legion

But since its not enougth choose your fullplate among:

- Warmog's Armor
- Guardian Angel
- Force of Nature
- Thornmail

And not being stun is always fun:

- Mercury's Treads

If you want to play it as support as possible with the core set:

Include in your build a :

- Shurelya's Battlesong

And not being stun is always fun:

- Mercury's Treads

Opinion on the matter:

This is all said trying to keep a very objective but honest view, I think the most expérience players understands perfectly why the fiew downside in the list could be more important then the upside in some high ELO games:

-Works well usualy, can be really OP with a good team and compatible champs but can also be close to completly useless compare to another tank.

-Works as a replacement for the Tank Taric.

-Other champs can rock this style of build much better then Taric.

-Rylai's effect is not being maximise since Dazzle stun while the target is slow and that all other spell are aoes. Still a good item to get.

-Bruise, arr*** and support to an acceptable lv.

-Is a beast at securing kills.

-Must stick to team (as most tarics must and all Taric should. actualy all champs should exept Master Yi).

-Without the Morello's Evil Tome of the first option your healing will be underpowered.
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Domage dealers

The next 2 build are ways of dpsing as Taric.

Taric can't reasonably hold top or mid therefor even if you have the role of a damage dealer your position is that of a babysitter in bot lane. That means you must let your AD carry last hit the minions.

You don't like it? You don't want to lack gold for late game?

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Taric the lich king(/bane)

Item Sequence

Nomad's Medallion 850
Berserker's Greaves 1100
Manamune 2900
Lich Bane 3100
Archangel's Staff 2900
Hextech Gunblade 3000
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

For masteries,refer above, I use THE BABYSITTER, THE TRYPATH or THE HYBRID.

This build is an AD/AP Taric wich focus on maximising the effect of lich bane.

What to get:

In order to do this your core set will be:
- Manamune
- Lich Bane
- Archangel's Staff

special Manamune moment:
I know some poeple have a phoby of this item and they believe it shouldn't exist but it is the best option in this build. Why? In this build you need to farm mid game a lot, you need to catch up for when you were babysitting, but building ap doesn't help enougth and since we are going to build Archangel's Staff we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Manamune will give you the AD you need to farm and will prepare to path for the staff, you got to know that both there passive mana pool increase do not stack together but rather count as the same(when you buy arc angel its unique passive goes rigth away to the same stack as Manamune and selling one doesnt lower the stacks). That means that when you have all your build finish you could sell manamune and replace it by lets say Infinity Edge or Rabadon's Deathcap or an other luxury item without loosing any mana aside from the 350 base stats. Basicly consider it a investment item like RoA and any 5GP10.

For your luxury items you can get:
- Hextech Gunblade Best bet for a final dmg that will finish off some final HP of your target.
- Will of the Ancients a more support item for when your team is AP based
- Deathfire Grasp Good for final dmg that will finish off some final HP of your target and also puts a other 5GP10. good if staying alive isn't a proleme.
- Morello's Evil Tome Very good if staying alive isnt a probleme.
- Rod of AgesCause sometimes you just need HP.

And since it's just more 5GP10 items are that cool pick one of these 2:

- Shurelya's Battlesong Regen HP and Mana; That's cool. Recomanded.
- Randuin's Omen If you can manage without the mana regen this is a other option that will slow your enemies allowing to finish them off more easly.

For boots you can pick between:

- Boots of Swiftness can be a good choice in some rare cases but keep it in mind.

- Mercury's Treads always the safest bet.

- Berserker's Greaves if you can pick this item.

Opinion on the matter:

This is all said trying to keep a very objective but honest view, I think the most expérience players understands perfectly why the fiew downside in the list could be more important then the upside in some high ELO games:

-Has the highest burst dmg of all the Taric build shown here( remember that both your aoe abilities reset you AA and that your heal also proc Lich Bane).

-If you were going with the Juiced Up Taric build(3rd) but that you realise your team doesnt require your support so much for some reason and you want to go full dmg this is the easiest dmg build to switch too.

-Other champs can rock this style of build much better then Taric.

-Heals are pretty good.

-Squishiest Taric Ever

-Very CD dependent. (Because of that you could say that this build is a none skill shot melee range vertion of Brand or other Burst mages)

- The enemy team NEVER EVER EVER IN A TOUSAND YEARS expect Taric to hit that hard. (some times they don't even check there HP bare before figthing you. ex: you can 1v1 AD carry that aren't too feed)

-Needs to farm a lot mid game

-No space for Ward.
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Taric the Jack of all stones (3v3)

Item Sequence

Mercury's Treads 1100
Nomad's Medallion 850
Guinsoo's Rageblade 3000
Malady 2035
Nashor's Tooth 3000
Will of the Ancients 2300
Guardian Angel 3200


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

For masteries,refer above, I use THE TRYPATH or THE HYBRID.

This is the AD/AP/AS Taric build.

This is my vertion of Sgtsmash's fourthbuild but since the key mecanik is still the same you can go check his build for more info.

The modifications I brought were base on my play still wich is very support oriented when it comes to Taric. All the core items give you AP so you don't have to go into melee to be effective.
I take either merc or tabi depending on the enemy team.
I replaced Abyssal by WotE because I find it gives you a better 1v1 capacibility and that it supports more the team.
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Dazzle in the JUNGLE

I know what you're thinking: Taric a jungler? Never heard of anything like that! What is this R-Tard thinking?

Well guess what? It isn't that dumb when you think about it.

Would you want a jungler who has an range auto hit 1.5 second stun?


Would you want a jungler who can come interfere your top lane fight with both a stun and a heal normally granting the kill and saving your ***?


But isn't Taric's jungle time slow?

Not at all. It's not as fast as Olaf, Karthus or Master Yi but it still very decent, A lot faster then Amumu. I use to think that his overall jungle was slow but that was mostly due to the fact that my route wasn't a really good one.

Can Taric handle a counter jungler?

I have bested a few Warwick, just saying. He can't take on all junglers but he is able to at least survive the encounter no matter who it is.

Is Taric a good ranked jungler?

The only real probleme with Taric is his unreliable ganks. They either work great or fail. I find that when you play with high skills player it is a lot easier to gank since they know how to lure or to engage properly to set a gank. The new jungle is big set back for Taric his strengh was in the fact he could clear the jungle the gank then b and buy both madred's razor and Boots but now not only does he no longer have the gold for it but many other champs can now also clear the jungle and then gank. In fact this is such a nerf to Jungle Taric that imo he no longer is a ranked viable jungler and I am not even sure if I can recommend it for normal game anymore.

What would I build as Jungle Taric?

You can start with the cloth armor and 5 health potion. I haven't explored all the possible starter items but this classic never lets down.

The fun part is that Jungle Taric can be ''fused'' with any other taric build. What I have posted below is a example of the transition from Jungle Taric to Classic Taric but it can translate to anything you want.

But that not what works the best. A tanky/AD jungle Taric is very strong.

What Jungle route should I take?

This is the best part of Taric. He can do the entire jungle and still gank at full health! Blue-Wolfs-Wraiths-Golems-Red-Ganks then B. Once you finished your first round you already have enough gold to buy both your Boots and Madred's Razors.

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Madred's Razors 750
Boots 300
Wriggle's Lantern 1800
Mercury's Treads 1100
Frozen Mallet 3100
Banshee's Veil 3100
Atma's Impaler 2300
Spirit Visage 2900


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

For masteries, refer above, I use THE TRYPATH.
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Taric: one of the rare support who can ''rock'' DOMINION

Item Sequence

Boots 300
Ninja Tabi 1100
Guinsoo's Rageblade 3000
Thornmail 2700
Hextech Gunblade 3000
Warmog's Armor 3100
Lich Bane 3100


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

For masteries,refer above, I use THE TRYPATH or THE HYBRID.

This is my build to Dominion Taric. Finding a viable Taric was hard since it needed to be able to fairly 1v1 any champ he encounter, to be able to finish of someone(wich was the biggest problem, I would often get the enemy to 5% healt while being myself at 50% but ending up dead because auto attacks could not finish the job), to dive like a BOSS(to tank the turret) and to suceed the Dominion quests.

I find that a Tanky dps works best for dominion. Your welcome to try my build or to experiment and meaby find a better more efficient build, in wich case I would apreciate you telling me what changes you used and I will post it up or if you decide to make a guide of your own I could poste a link.

Item Sequence

Guinsoo's Rageblade 3000
Thornmail 2700
Hextech Gunblade 3000
Warmog's Armor 3100
Lich Bane 3100

First thing to know is that you are mostly a controler(you should start bot at all time unless Heimerdinger is in your team). What I mean by controler is that you can defend a spot by yourself rather well and that you can (with help sometimes) concer really any point by tanking a turret that cant really hurt you. And remember that any target you stun under a alied control point will get hit at least an aditional 2 times by the turret wich can be a outcom changer.

The second is that if you play Taric your aiming for midlength game, thats were you shine. After the early game champ start falling behind but before the nightmare lategamers take the stage. That means that if your team doesnt feed the enemy carries you will be able to delay them for a long time. You are the anti-AD carry(wich is why I takeTabi).

List of Items Wich you should have if you want to try your own build:

Item Sequence

Thornmail 2700
Hextech Gunblade 3000

By experience I can tell you that Taric CAN be an OP dominion champ(I do say can most of the time it's not the case). In some games the enemy team needs to send 2 or 3 high dps to shut me down. There was this one time, for exemple, were I 1v3 an Pantheon, Vayne and Gangplank and it resulted in only Pantheon standing with close to 0 healt. Sounds exagerated? Not really when you think about it. Thoese 3 champs among others need a big amount of gold to be a real treat. In that game they did not get any kills early game (thanks to there Cassiopia who is a GOD KSer early game) but on the other hand I got feed thanks to a really dumb teemo bot; The result was that I was able to shut them down for a really long time before we lost. To give you an idea of how the game was going this was the score after around 10min: 85-430. Yup we were loosing that bad. About 10 min later 35-60. And we had lost about 20 sec after that.
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What has change/ is changing/ will change

The remastered mastery patch:
-Masteries have been updated to Masteries 2.0
-The equivalent of Cheat sheets have been added to each build.
-The order of chapters as well as the index has been changed to be more organise.
-Cheat Sheets Have been removed. Not the builds just the Cheat sheets. I have left 1 Support, 1 tank and 1 Warder Cheat sheets for people who are in a hurry to find a build for a game.
-A Skill section has been added due to the removal of Cheat Sheets.
-A summoner's spell section has been added due to the removal of Cheat Sheets.

Added a link to a guide about warding in the Taric the shiny stone warder chapter.
Added inward link fron index to all builds.

The Jungler section has been Updated.

Updated masteries a little.
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Thank you for you're help

A special thanks to:

Searz: For his amazing guide on runes which gave me hours of fun (reading and making sure he had the good data (which he has :P)) and the help it was for playing League of Legends which eventually lead to this guide.

Jhoijhoi: For her ridiculously long(that being said in a good way) guide on how to make guides. If only I had found it before starting this guide it would have saved me hours of raging. Sadly I’m too lazy to erase and use her template which would look so much prettier then what I have but I will make sure to use it on my next build(if there is one).

BananaZoRz: For teaching me how to play League of Loading.

And everyone who comment and suggest me knew stuff to improve my guide.
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