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Trundle Build Guide by TheQWERTYman

The Troll of the Lanes - A Comprehensive Trundle Guide

The Troll of the Lanes - A Comprehensive Trundle Guide

Updated on August 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheQWERTYman Build Guide By TheQWERTYman 7,861 Views 8 Comments
7,861 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheQWERTYman Trundle Build Guide By TheQWERTYman Updated on August 28, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



Hi, this is my guide to playing Trundle as a laner. Many people probably think that playing Trundle as a laner is useless, but it's also viable.


So, in other words, I will report every vote that's like 'this build doesn't have cookies.'

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Pros and Cons

-fun to play
-amazing off-tank
-not item dependent
-highly resistant to CC
-can deal with tanks easily
-really good early game

-needs items for good lategame
-needs melee range for damage
-can get mana hungry
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Summoner Spells

I usually take Exhaust and Ghost - typical spells that are probably the most versatile.

You can also take:
Heal - Don't see any need for it.
Cleanse - Also good, but you already attain high CC reduction.
Teleport - I sometimes take this if I'm solo top, but Trundle is already fast.
Ignite - Warwick or Mundo, need to finish off escaping enemies? Pick me!
Flash - Also very good, I sometimes swap this for Exhaust.

About Smite - Yes, Trundle is a great jungler, but this is a guide about laning. You can find alot of jungling guides, I even wrote one myself: click here to see it.
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Decompose - This is how you survive early game harassment and stay in lane. You heal yourself as things around you die. The heal is much more pronounced after foes like Baron die near you. You don't have to kill others yourself to heal yourself, you just need to be around.

Rabid Bite - Your bread and butter that applies on-hit effects. On activate, you reset your attack timer, and bite your target, increasing your AD, and decreasing your target's AD. This is great for 1v1 fights and doing alot of damage. You use this in teamfights to weaken the enemy carry. You usually max this first.

Contaminate - The first of your two steroid moves. You become faster and more resistant to CC on the marked area. This can be really effective when paired with Rabid Bite, and can let you win almost ANY 1v1. Also, use this when you know you are going to get CC'd or you need to escape ganks.

Pillar of Filth - Your disruption ability that reveals the area where it's cast. This is great for scouting, ganking, and disrupting foes. You usually set this up to separate carries from teamfights, or chasing and trapping champions.

Agony - Your second steroid move. You steal some health from your enemy, and claim some of his armor and MR. You do the same thing again over time in the next few seconds. This is why Trundle can be extremely tanky, and turn tanks to squishies. Try to use it on tanks with high defensive stats and good items.

Overall, this is why Trundle is not item dependent. Every skill he has doesn't deal alot of damage, but buffs Trundle and debuffs the enemy. He can reach nice AD with Rabid Bite, attack speed, movement speed, and Tenacity from Contaminate, and can become very tanky with Agony. So, that's why I just love this champion: you can troll anyone, while making yourself powerful.

So, how you max your skills really depends, but I usually follow this:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Phase Rush

These are both good for damage in early game, and I usually take armor penetration, because I just feel it does the biggest difference.



Phase Rush

All of these are good, and it's really your choice which one you'll pick. I usually take the mana / 5 Seals because I use my skills constantly.



Phase Rush

I find these best for Trundle, as you don't get much CD reduction.



Fleet Footwork

All of these are possible, health quints really help out in the early game, I take armor pen.

So, I usually end up using this:


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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How to use your abilities correctly

Decompose - If you choose to jungle, you can use Smite to trigger the passive, which might just save you, believe it or not. Also, try to be present when your allies try to take out golem / lizard; they have really high health and will heal you nicely.

Rabid Bite - Use this ability after a basic attack, as it resets the attack timer. Also, this ability lets you lunge a short distance to your enemy, making it a surprisingly nice chasing move. Also, in teamfights, never use this on tanks, use this on carries and anti-carries.

Contaminate - Never forget that you only receive the buff while you are on the marked ground, so don't use it until you start fighting. Also, when chasing or escaping, don't land it on your position, but in front of you, so you receive the speed buff for a longer duration. Once you know you are getting CC'd for sure, use this ability.

Pillar of Filth - This reveals FoW and bushes, so you don't have to 'facecheck.' By the way, make sure you know how to use this, you may trap a teammate and bring him to certain death. You can use this to block some passage ways, check jungle camps by placing the pillar on their position, and escape ganks. Seal off your teammates from enemy champions with this, check baron and dragon.

Agony - Never forget, you have to know which champion in the enemy team has the highest armor and MR, don't target Veigar, target someone like Rammus. Also, while you run away with low health, you can use it on creeps to gain that health you may need. Try not to use this while you are at maximum health, you heal once you use it.
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Some say that Trundle belongs in the jungle, and sucks in the lane. I disagree. I think Trundle is viable for both.

Anyway, once you get in lane, your trolling begins. You can do simple harassment with Pillar of Filth -> attack -> Rabid Bite.
Try to disrupt your enemies with your pillar, and last hit only. Don't push.
Try to camp in bushes if they don't have skills that could reveal you. Once they reach the bush, unload.
It's very simple.

And, of course, you need to know with who should you lane with, and against who should you avoid laning against.

You can always go ahead and lane with one of these:
These are always your best friends,
that have good CC and can grab kills for you. Your Pillar of Filth combines well with their stuns and snares.

Now, you should avoid laning with champions like Udyr, who have very low lane presence, and really can't do much in the lane. You need a support champion, CC champion, or tank champion with you.

You should avoid laning against:
They can be a nightmare, and can zone you out of the lane, kite you, or destroy you from a long range. You should lane against champions like:
If you lane against slow champions with low health, you can literally 3 hit them sometimes. Besides, they can carry their team later, you need to stop them, and stopping them is quite simple in early game. Smack them to their death. (:

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Your role in the team

Anti-carry. You're an anti-carry, and a beefy one. Your role in the team and teamfights is very simple: disrupt their carry and kill the if possible. This means that you need to take out that Kog'Maw or Ashe before the fight starts.

Disrupting enemy carries is fairly simple, and ridicolous. If there's someone like Malphite on their team, and has huge armor and magic resist, use Agony on them. Then, their carry will sense danger and run. Stop them with Pillar of Filth and use Contaminate once they're slowed. Unload all your damage onto them, and kill them if possible. After you do your job, get out of range. Wait for the teamfight to start, and burst in unloading every your skill. Your priority is: carry > support > off-tank > tank.
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Ah. Probably the most important part. This is how I usually build Trundle.

Item Sequence

Frozen Mallet 3100
Youmuu's Ghostblade 2700
Aegis of the Legion 1200
Atma's Impaler 2300
Guardian Angel 3200

It gives me nice HP, vast armor and magic resist, good AD overall, and Youmuu's Ghostblade paired with Contaminate can give me nice attack and move speed. But, of course, this is just how I build him. You should prioritize your items accordingly.

But, this is a guide for you, not for me. First off, we need to make sure what do we start off with.

It's really your choice. You need to prioritize and know what you're doing. The Elixirs can be a good choice, but I don't take them too often. Boots are good if you want nice mobility in lane. Potions are always needed for survivability. Doran's items are really nice, but don't build into anything. You can go for Long Sword or Ruby Crystal if you want to rush Phage.

Now, as boots go:

Really optional. I recommend Mercury's Treads if they have at least 3 CC champions. Berserker's Greaves if you are building pure offense. Ninja Tabi against at least 3 AD champions. Ionian Boots of Lucidity are a rare pick, but can be nice too. I usually take Mercury's Treads as smart people get some CC for their teams.

Defensive items. Everyone needs them, except people who play in 300 ELO. (*cough* Supremelore *cough*)

Everything is optional. Aegis of the Legion is great overall and stacks with your ult nicely, Force of Nature and Thornmail are nice against AP / AD heavy teams, Guardian Angel is a perfect last item for you, Hexdrinker owns Karthus all the way, Phage, which can later turn into Frozen Mallet, is a MUST. Sunfire Aegis is not my favorite option, but it can do. Randuin's Omen is a great anti-AD-carry item, and Banshee's Veil saves you from nukers every time.

Offense. Hmm... lots of choices

Hmm... Atma's Impaler is great when you have enough health, Infinity Edge can be nice, but you don't get enough crits for it. Last Whisper is great against tanks, but Black Cleaver can top it. You can pair Cleaver with Zeke's Harbinger for nice armor reduction. Trinity Force is GREAT for Trundle, his Rabid Bite applies on hit effects. Sword of the Divine > Jax.
Sword of the Occult is quite risky, but great when you get enough kills. Bloodthirster is very nice, and a 'luxury item', but you have to survive all the time. Youmuu's Ghostblade is great with Contaminate. Wit's End > Armored casters. Manamune ca be rushed, but makes you too squishy. Phantom Dancer - only if you get Infinity Edge.

I'd say Atma's Impaler, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Black Cleaver and Trinity Force are the best offensive items for you. The others are quite situational.
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Thanks for reading my guide for Trundle, I hope you like this build and appreciate it, as it took me some nice time to do it. Rate and comment below. Thanks!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheQWERTYman
TheQWERTYman Trundle Guide
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The Troll of the Lanes - A Comprehensive Trundle Guide

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