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Tryndamere Build Guide by superkind

Top Tryndamere: Climbing like a god

Top Tryndamere: Climbing like a god

Updated on September 17, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author superkind Build Guide By superkind 42 4 71,221 Views 2 Comments
42 4 71,221 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author superkind Tryndamere Build Guide By superkind Updated on September 17, 2019
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Runes: My new runes

1 2 3
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Nimbus Cloak

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4 5
New standard
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Tryndamere: Climbing like a god

By superkind
Who am I?
Hi I am superkind and play on EUW. I played on different accounts like "Armslicer", "superkind", "Flasher1996", "xxxTristanaxxx" and currently on "LloveIris"
I have over 4 million mastery points on Tryndamere (total) and play around mid diamond.
I started playing tryn to focus on macro instead of individual mechanics and managed to climb higher like that.
Pros / Cons

-Easy to pick up
-Really strong splitpusher
-Forgives a lot of mistake
-High damage output
-Solo carry is possible in lower elos

-Hard to master
-Hard to play in higher elos
-Mistakes hurt a lot in higher elo
-Bad teamfighter
-Selfish playstyle
Team Composition (Synergies / Counters)
Midlaners: Waveclear and AP or champs that roam and make picks or can siege.
( Anivia, Xerath, LeBlanc etc.)
Junglers: Tanks that have CC or Champs that can make picks. ( Elise, Malphite, Gragas)
ADC and SUP: Players that don't feed and have waveclear.

Avoid: Well nothing. Some matchups are really hard, but are doable. With proper macro you can basically win every game as long as your team plays around your pressure.
What runes do I take?

I usually look at players above my elo and try to understand what runes they take. For example foggedftw2 or the korean Grandmaster Tryndamere player.

Main Keystones :

: Best choice. It is easy to proc, gives true damage and AD.

: A lot harder to proc as conqueror. Also does less damage, because it doesn't give true damage. Might be useful against olaf, but conqueror might still be better.

: You have to stick on your target to make use of this rune and it also doesn't give true damage. It's worse than conqueror.

: Really passive rune. It is useable, but you will in general benefit more by going conqueror. Might be useful if you are new to tryn and play a hard matchup.

Sub keystones:

Line 1:
: Not too bad, but Triumph is a lot better.
: Best choice on that line. Makes diving a lot safer and can literally safe your life a lot of times.
: Well you have no mana and your ult is basically almost always up if you need it.

Line 2:
: Mostly used by EUW and NA tryndamere players. I like this option too. Gives you nice dps in early - midgame and makes orbwalking and taking towers a lot easier.
: Mostly used in Korea versus champs like Kennen or other hard CC top laners. Pretty straight forward.
: Mostly used in Korea insead of alacrity. Heals you a lot in fights if you have 1 more lifesteal item. I like this one too and actually don't know which option is the best.

Line 3:
: Weaker than Last Stand on Tryn, because you can fight forver with 1% hp as tryn.
: Might be good vs tanks like cho, but I think Last stand is better overall.
: Synergizes the best with Tryndamere kit.

Main Keystones :

: Pretty funny keystone if you play lethality and versus squishy targets. Probably the best rune for early game, but you miss a lot of damage later on if they build armor.

: Also funny versus squishy targets with the lethality build, but same problem as electrocute. You will have a lot of fun if you snowball tho.

: Could be somewhat useful as midlane Tryndamere, but to be honest. You are better of splitting and not roaming.

: Another fun rune, but I don't really think it is better than the options in the precision tree or even electrocute or dark harvest.

Sub keystones:

Line 1:
: More true damage to your true damage? Inefficient.
: Probably the best choice for laning. Actually heals a lot and might win you the lane.
: Also funny to use with lethality build. Can increase your damage by a lot if they don't build armor, but taste of blood is more consistent.

Line 2:
: Pretty nice, but I think the poro is better.
: Gives some nice vision and stats. I usually can cover enough with my trinkets, but probably the best option of the 3.
: Nice if you snowball.

Line 3:
: Probably best option for Tryn. It heals you A LOT.
: I don't really see a good use for that rune.
: Your spin gives you enough mobility.
: Your ult is almost always up, so basically useless.

Main Keystones :

: I mean if you really want to go sorcery you can use that one, but conqueror is a lot better.

: Lacks damage and you can stick and escape from targets without it anyways.

: Hard to hit unless you slow before. Pretty much useless overall.

Sub keystones:

Line 1:
: Great against ap matchups or versus karthus.
: What is mana good for?
: I like this rune a lot on Tryn. Gives some nice extra mobility to finish off targets or to escape.

Line 2:
: Gives you 10% CDR at level 10. If you take the standard build you will end up with 40% cdr and basically be able to spin after 2 crits over and over.
: Was abused in korea, when it was broken, but I don't really see it anymore.
: Only good if you flash spin on somebody with lethality.

Line 3:
: Probably useless
: You are more in lane than in river. So probably also useless.
: Strong rune if games last long.

Main Keystones :

: Strong early game rune and used vs jax a lot lately.

: Useless on Tryn.

: If you play support Tryn. SURE.

Sub keystones:

Line 1:
: Great for taking plate stacks.
: Also good if you play sup Tryn.
: Where is your shield?

Line 2:
: I think it is actually not that bad on Tryn, because you don't build resitences.
: Great if you get poked a lot.
: The best keystone in this line.

Line 3:
: You don't need HP.
: Great for your sustain.
: Not that bad if you face a lot of CC.

Main Keystones :

: You lack damage, but they can't escape you. But they don't need to escape if you have no damage.

: Hard to proc consistently.

: I think it is not bad, but I don't like it overall.

Sub keystones:

Line 1:
: You are mobile enough.
: Great if you play AP and want to rush 45% CDR.
: Also good option if you want to build zhonias or GA later.

Line 2:
: Probably also great for rushing 45% cdr on AP tryn.
: I don't see a good use for it.
: I take it on support Tryn for the sustain since I max W.

Line 3:
: For AP Tryn for spin to win.
: Pretty nice to run somebody down.
: Never used it before.

Rune pages I use:
I basically use the standard runeset(you find it at the top) at the moment against everything, but jax. I could use it versus Jax too, but I like the page with grasp more against him. You can fiddle around with the korean pages too. They are different, but still work really well.
Summoner Spells
Flash + Ignite: Used in 95% of my games. Only exceptions are Riven, Jayce, Quinn

Flash + Teleport: Might be useful if you are new to tryndamere or want to play him more teamfight oriented, but I don't use that setup in general.

Flash + Ghost: I use that one versus champs that are very mobile or can kite well with no hard CC. Riven, Jayce, Quinn

Ghost+ Ignite: Used by a few players. Can be better than Flash + Ignite in certain matchups.

Teleport + Ghost: Mostly used in korea. I recommend you to watch korean gameplay before you use that one. It is akward to use.


Doran's Blade+ Health Potion: Most common start. Basically against every melee champ and champs you can beat level 1-2.
Doran's Shield+ Health Potion: Versus ramged champs like Cassiopeia or Teemo.
Long Sword + Refillable Potion: Really agressive start option, but really cost efficient.
Cloth Armor + 4x Health Potion: Against Pantheon or Quinn.
Rejuvenation Bead + 1x Health Potion: Very safe start to sustain and nice sell value to get items faster.

Use the standard start or the bead start if you face a ranged matchup. You usually want to rush Essence Reaver as soon as possible. After that you want to get your Infinity Edge and boots. I am only getting Berserker's Greaves at the moment. You have a lot of kill pressure on the enemy after boots by the way.

After that you usally want to get a Trinity Force. Then try to rush Guinsoo's Rageblade for the nice stats and afterwards get your Statikk Shiv to crit more reliantly without fury.

Lethality Oneshot:
I like to start with Long Sword and Refillable Potion and rush Statikk Shiv. Afterwards I build Stormrazor to have a nice burst. You should build boots inbetween. After this I look for lethality to burst even harder so I go for Duskblade of Draktharr and Youmuu's Ghostblade and close the build with Trinity Force.

AP Tryndamere:
Make sure you use the AP Tryndamere setup-
Start with the usual starting items and try to rush Nashor's Tooth. Afterwards get Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Then get Sheen for 45% CDR and make it to Lich Bane. Then you should look try to get Guinsoo's Rageblade and a Rabadon's Deathcap. As last item you can build whatever you feel like. Don't forget that AP tryn steal deals physical damage so lethality works.

Items in depth:

Cheapest item you can get to have waveclear. You need it to pressure the lane and it makes farmign a lot easier.

It gives you movementspeed which you need to stick to targets and also a lot of attackspeed to push faster and orbwalk easier.

Best item if you face an AP top that can CC you a lot like Kennen.

Best boots if you face a toplaner that pokes you a lot with AD spells or autos. Quinn, Pantheon

Gives you a lot of movementspeed, crit and attackspeed. Also the passive is great to ult in time. Really nice item to rush on Tryndamere.

Really good item in combination with Phantom Dancer. It gives you a lot of sustain and it makes you almost immortal. Also the 10% CDR helps a lot in fights.

With this item you always have 100% Crit on Tryndamere as long as you have Phantom Dancer. Also gives you some extra true damage. Fits Tryndamere really well.

If you finish this item you will most likely have 40% CDR. This means you can spin every 2 crits, which makes you overmobile. The mana stats and HP are pretty wasted, but this is probably the best option to build as last item.

Almost always the last item you get, since you build Tiamat 1st but never upgrade it. Afterwards you should always buy some elixiers.

If you have to buy time for your team in teamfights or feel like you get oneshot all the time by an AD assasin like Rengar, Zed or even Talon.

If you need to pass CC to win games. For example a Twisted Fate defends against you. Get this item and destroy his face with your longsword.

Awesome to chase down enemies with a lot of kiting like jayce or quinn.

The other option to get waveclear on tryn. It has a lot of damage but it takes forever to get this item and usually people who get statikks get tiamat 1st. Not really costefficient in my opinion.

Really good item to melt tanks right now since you don't take conqueror anymore. But melts tanks better than mortal reminder.

Really good item to melt tanks right now since you don't take conqueror anymore. Pretty nice passive for stuff like fiora or mundo :P

The other items mentioned are basically for fun purpose and are unecesary to discuss unless you really want me to explain why.
Battle Fury: Gives you 35% crit max and you should not look for fights if your ragebar is not above 66%.

Bloodlust: Heals you depending on your fury. It also gives you some nice AD values. Don't use it just, because you can use it. You should always keep fury if you don't need the heal.

Mocking Shout: Missing that spell can be fatal. Try to memorize how your enemy moves and in what direction they look when they dash back. Also champs like yasuo turn around when using Q for example so wait for them to use the spell before you cast your W. Also you only slow them if they look away from you, but the AD reduction applies always.

Spinning Slash: Don't waste that spell too much. Sometimes losing CS is better than using spin to get them. You should only use it in melee range if you can last hit the enemy with it. You can also enlarge the range and redirect the spin with flash+skip auto animation.

Undying Rage: Don't hesistate to use that spell too early. Better too early than too late.
How to lane as Tryndamere
You basically want to push the wave and all in the enemy level 1 and 2 (don't forget to use pots) as tryndamere and make the second wave bounce back. After that you let the wave push towards you and try to soft freeze or freeze the enemy. Obviously you can't do that in most cases, but keep it in mind. At level 4 you have a nice all in potential aswell. Also don't forget to ward for example after the 2nd wave is pushed in and also keep always an eye on the map. Around level 6 you should really look to kill the enemy aswell and abuse the mistakes they do to get tower gold from the plates etc.

Warding Guide:


Level 1: He will start with Q and try to last hit while hitting you in the same time. Be careful of his damage when he has electrocute. If he wastes his Q spin on his face and go for a long trade. You will still win the trade if he only hits the 3rd Q on you.

Level 2: Try to shove the wave into his tower if possible or let him push into you depending on the Level 1 you had.

Level 3+: Going in if he used his Q is recommended here, but respect his damage.

Level 6+: Really hard to kill, because of his annoying ult. You can try to time your ignite to kill him after his ult, but this one is really hard to pull off.
Don't try to tilt. I know this matchup sucks.


Level 1: Usually she starts with Q and shoves you in. You should look for a spin through 2 or 3 melee minions and try to make a long trade on her. Also avoid to get hit by her Q if she wants to last hit 3 at once with her spell.

Level 2: She will probably look to max E now. Try to shove the 2nd wave into her tower so it bounces back.

Level 3+: Let the wave bounce back to you and look for openings when she uses her spells. You can try to bait her E to force an all in, but keep in mind that getting hit can cost you the lane.

Level 6+:Annoying ult makes all inning her impossible unless its on CD. GL HF


Level 1: Will max Q. Spin through 2 or 3 lwo life minions and go for an all in.

Level 2: Shove the wave into his tower and let it bounce back. He will probably max E now.

Level 3+: If you want to all in her now, you should wait for anivia to waste her Q. Use W and WALK to her and spin only if she used her Wall. You can obviosuly spin instantly if she used both Q and W.

Level 6+: You can't probably kill her 1 v 1, but it is possible if she used her CC spells.


Level 1: Will probably max Q. All in her by last hitting melee minions with your spin while spinning on her and go for a long trade.

Level 2: Shove the wave into his turret and let it bounce back. Care for her passive, it might put you really low life.

Level 3+: You can all in her if she has no passive stacks or just 1.

Level 6+: Same story as level 3+, but care about her burst. It has no animation time.

Aurelion Sol:

Level 1: All in him by spinning through low life melee minions and go for a long trade. He will probably max W level 1, but if he doesn't take it dodge his Q.

Level 2: Now he will have W and Q. Try to shove the wave in or let him push into you depending on your level 1.

Level 3+: Free kill as long as you hit your W and he wasted his Q.

Level 6+: Push the lane if he goes for roams. You can't follow him. Also respect his burst. If he lands R on you, he will hit Q too.


Level 1: Will push level 1 with his W. All in him by spinning and last hitting the 3 or 2 melee minions.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: He has no CC, so all in.

Level 6+: Force his ult or wait for him to use it, before you run over him.


Level 1: He will probably max W and try to push in. Try to last hit the melee minions and make a long trade vs him.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: Make him waste his Q and he is free to kill.

Level 6+: Same es Level 3+, but respect his damage.


Level 1: Can start with Q, W or E. You can all in her if she start with W and E, but be careful. Her passive might mess up the level 1 all in. You can also beat her level 1 if she start with Q, but you need to play it perfectly and maybe get a lucky crit.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: If she misses her E, all-in her. If she uses her W spin into her if you have more than 60% fury. Go for a short trade she will E into a wall and then into you press Q and outrun you.

Level 6+: Same es Level 3+, but now you have ult for better all ins.

This matchup is not that easy if you are a beginner, but with experience you can see nice oppurtunities.


Level 1: Here we have 2 versions of cass players. Phase rush and Comet Cass players. Comet cass will probably start with Q and get you low with dorans ring. You can all in her if she uses this method. If she uses phase rush, she will probably start with corrupting pot if I am not wrong and run you down with her E. You will regret if you missuse your spin in this matchup so play it smart.

Level 2: Just play safe.

Level 3+: When you hit level 4 you will have your W. Wait for her to have phase rush on cooldown and all in her. It is pretty hard, but doable. Your W will almost be ignored if you use it while her phase rush is active or not on CD.

Level 6+: Same es Level 3+, but you probably need to dodge her ult.


Level 1: Can either max E, Q or W, but it doesn't matter. Look for an early long trade on him. Be careful of his level 1 E and grasp.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: Make him waste his Q or even dodge it with your spin and he is free to kill.

Level 6+: Same es Level 3+, but respect his damage. I usually ult around 25% HP.


Level 1: This matchup depends on the setup of darius. Sumwise you will either see Ghost Flash, Teleport Flash and Ignite Flash. Runwise you will see Phase Rush and Conqueror. You can beat any version besides the Ignite version. Conqueror can be hard to 1 v 1 even if he doesn't have ignite. You will see him start with W or Q level 1. If he start with Q spin into him if he Qs or out of his Q if you want to play passive. His W is resetting his Auto which makes him really strong level 1. I recommend to go for short trades (1 auto and spin out) and let him push in this case.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1. Also don't use your spin to last hit under tower. Darius might level up his hook level 2 and chunk you really hard.

Level 3+: If he wastes his E you can look for an all in. Make sure that you don't spin into him if you go for an all-in. You want to W him and walk up to him till he uses his Q and when you see him use his Q spin into him to give him no healing and no stack. Care for phase rush darius, he might outrun you and kill you if you overextend.

Level 6+: Same es Level 3+, but respect his damage.

You need a lot of experience in this matchup, but it might get easier over time.


Level 1: Doesn't matter what she maxes you are stronger level 1.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: You can try to freeze the wave if your early 2 levels were strong or maybe force her to TP back to lane.

Level 6+: Same es Level 3+, but respect her damage.

Dr. Mundo:

Level 1: He will max Q level 1, but I have seen some max E level 1 too. You should be able to beat him level 1 either way. Just don't get poked for free.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: You can probably freeze here and you might also kil him around this time in an all-in.

Level 6+: His ult is really strong, but you can beat him. Especially with ignite just don't let him outrun you.


Level 1: He will max Q level 1 and try to hit CS while hitting you. Try to force fights whenever he used his Q for CS, but don't try to miss too much CS.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: His passive can be really annoying if you look to kill him. His W is easy to dodge as Tryn.

Level 6+: You will probably get aids trying to kill him, but with some jungler help it can be easier. Patience is key here. Maybe you get some lucky crits and suprise him.


Level 1: Avoid getting hit with vitals. She will start with Q and annoy you all lane. If she hits nothing with her Q she is basically free to kill. She is really strong level 1 so I would let her push into you.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: Her W is like a malphite E level 5. So try to avoid trading further if she hits you with it. If you manage to dodge it kill her. Also don't use ignite before she used her W.

Level 6+: Stand next to a wall if she uses her Ult to avoid giving her the last stack. The rest is same as level 3+


Level 1: Doesn't matter what he maxes you beat him level 1.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: You might be able to freeze against him.

Level 6+: Try to dodge his ult with your E or even sidestep it. It is really easy to dodge.


Level 1: Doesn't matter what he maxes you beat him level 1.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: You might be able to freeze against him.

Level 6+: Just push the wave if he ults to help somebody. Free turret plating for you!


Level 1: Doesn't matter what he maxes you beat him level 1. Just don't get poked down too hard. If he uses Grasp be careful of his damage.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: If you want to kill him spin on his barrel 1st and then go on him. Also Ignite before he uses his W.

Level 6+: His ult doesn't really safe him from you.


Level 1: Doesn't matter what he maxes you beat him level 1.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: Only use your W if he used Q already. His Q nullifies all slows.

Level 6+: Respect his ult damage or you die.


Level 1: Spin through 3 low life melees and make a long trade.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the wave or play passive and let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: Try to spin on him make 1 auto and let him use his jump. His jump has a long CD so the next time you E on him you can W and kill him.

Level 6+: Just respect his fury bar aswell
Also use Ghost Flash. This fishy rat is slippery af.


Level 1: Play passive unless he used his spell for a dumb reason. Can either be W which will heal him hard in a 1 v 1 or Q.

Level 2: Bounce the wave or play passive.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when her E is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Just play back

Level 2: Stay passive under tower.

Level 3+: If he ever wastes his E, all-in him.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: You can try to make a long trade level 1.

Level 2: Try to bounce back the second wave.

Level 3+: If she ever misses her E, all-in her.

Level 6+: Disengage if she uses ult and if you really want to fight her in her ult make sure to ult in time and ignite before the tentacles hit you.


Level 1: Fight her level 1 in a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: Dodge her E with your spin offensively and run her down.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+. Just don't walk through her ult.

Jarvan IV:

Level 1: Fight him level 1 in a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: Free all in if he wastes E or Q.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: Make a short auto spin trade and bait his E like this and then go for a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: Try to bait his E by walking up to him. Don't spin out of it unless you are low life. After his E you will be low, but you win the all in. Only use spin if he used Q.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: Play back level 1.

Level 2: Also play back level 2.

Level 3+: You can try to all in at this point. Key here is to W him and walk up to him till he uses his E in melee form and then you spin after him. Everything else will fail.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: Fight her level 1 in a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: **** his face.

Level 6+: Do it harder now. GG


Level 1: Fight him level 1 in a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: Just run him down like the dog this champ is.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+, but safe spin for his ult.


Level 1: Let her push.

Level 2: Still let her push.

Level 3+: If her E is on CD and you are level 4 you can all in her in that time.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: You can try to fight him in a long trade level 1.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: You can try to fight him if you have no passive stacks on you and his spells are on cooldown which will almost never happen, because he only needs to auto you to get a single stack which is ridicolous to me.

Level 6+: Guess what? He gets even more stacks on you now. Time to jump. JK, but it is still annoying as **** to deal with him.


Level 1: Short trade level 1. If he uses Q on you let him pull you into him use 1 auto and spin out to have a even trade or even winning the trade.

Level 2: Even if he is low don't try to kill him, he will get his passive.

Level 3+: You can try to all in him with full rage bar, but it is still not easy. Your best chances in my opinion are getting him out of his mount and wait for a gank.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: Fight her level 1 in a long trade if she starts with Q. If not play passive.

Level 2: Play passive or let the wave bounce. Most likely option 1 vs her.

Level 3+: If she used the chain You can try to make short trades against her by spinning into her and making 1 or 2 autos depending on her reaction time.

Level 6+: You shouldn't be able to beat her now.


Level 1: Fight her level 1 in a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: Try to fight her by using W level 4 and walking up to her and then using your spin after her if she E's out. You probably need to safe your W and walk up to her without it which is hard.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: Play pasivve

Level 2: Play passive

Level 3+: If he ever uses E offensively go all in.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+.


Level 1: Fight her level 1 in a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: I think you can all in her if she wastes Q.

Level 6+: Hard to kill, because she has so much CC now. You basically have to wait for her to waste almost 50% of her kit to kill her.


Level 1: Fight him level 1. He is not tanky early on. Also try to bait his E if he maxed it level 1.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: You might be able to freeze or force his TP around this stage.

Level 6+: Respect the speed of his ult. It is actually really fast and does some damage.


Level 1: Easy to kill level 1, because he has no CC. Just spin throught the 3 melee minions in the 1st wave and last hit them while hitting malz with the spin and chunk him hard.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: If you want to run him down make sure that you get his passive with your spin so you can slow him afterwards with your W.

Level 6+: You can actually go for an all in if he hard engages on you with ult.


Level 1: He will start with Q. You can spin on him if he used it. You should try to stay behind him so you can keep on hitting him.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: You might be able to freeze or force his TP around this stage.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+ tbh.

Master Yi:

Level 1: Fight him level 1 and make sure that you don't get hit by his passive. He actually can win against you early on if you don't play around it.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: You can probably kill him around here or force a freeze.

Level 6+: Don't waste your W if he has ult up. Nothing else to do.


Level 1: I recommend to play passive, because he gets a lot of shielding.

Level 2: Still keep on playing passive.

Level 3+: You can try to foce an all in at level 4 when he doesnn't have minions to shield himself + you both are pretty healthy AND your rage bar is at least 60%.

Level 6+: Around this time it should be easy.


Level 1: Wait for her to waste Q and all in her. She probably starts with W. You could try to force a fight against her.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave or play passive depending on early game.

Level 3+: Same as before. She probably won't use the blackshield to predict your W.

Level 6+: Respect how long she can CC you and you are fine. Also repsect her stopwatch if you want to dive.


Level 1: Contest every minion. He has to use Q on them to get stacks and has no spell to counter such trades.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: You might be able to freeze or force his TP around this stage.

Level 6+: Ignite him before he ults and respect the reduced Q CD when he ults.


Level 1: He basically wins every trade with his shield so just look to push the wave in.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: You can fight him if he used his shield, but it is still almost impossible to win against him 1 v 1, because he has so much CC. Your best bet is to make him go ooom and outsustain him, but he will probably TP back and frustrate you.

Level 6+: Even more CC now and same as level 3+.


Level 1: All in her if she used her CC.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave or let her push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: Same as level 1.

Level 6+: Same as level 1 aswell.


Level 1: Surprisingly hard to beat early on. He has a lot of waveclear and his passive gives him sustain. I would say he beats you early on, but I might be wrong this matchup is rare, but I guess you win if he doesn't push early on.

Level 2: Try to bounce the second wave or play passive. He will max his E and make long trade impossible. The only way to win trades right now should be by walking up and going for autos till he uses his E for 1 second and then spin out.

Level 3+: Same as level 2, but he can spellshield your spin now.

Level 6+: Same as level 3+, but he can ult you after your ult now too :).


Level 1: He beats you level 1, because of his passive.

Level 2: Let him push and wait for your level 4.

Level 3+: You can try to all in him now. Make sure you Ignite when he uses his W and maybe it is smarter to wait for level 6 to go really safe.

Level 6+: Your W is useless against his ult, but your ult ****s him really hard. Just don't let him run away from you and chase you down after your ult.


Level 1: I actually think he beats you level 1 so try to let him push into you.

Level 2: Wait for your level 4 and stay healthy.

Level 3+: Spin through his fire breath and W him if he turn away from you to all in him to death.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Start cloth and 4 pots and play passive.

Level 2: Let him push you in.

Level 3+: At level 4 you can try to fight him with gank help or if he wastes his W for whatever reason.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Also push hard as **** if he ults to roam and take his turret plates and tower.


Level 1: She beats you level 1, because her base damage is broken. Also has a ton of waveclear with it AND a shield. YE KMS BOI.

Level 2: Let her push you in and avoid getting hit by her dumb Q.

Level 3+: At level 4 you can look for long trades. Make sure you don't use your spin if she has her W up.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, just now she has ult and can knock you away. If you are lucky you can dodge it.


Level 1: Start cloth and 4 pots and play passive.

Level 2: Let her push you in.

Level 3+: If you stay healthy and have rage, use your W to slow her and walk up to her till she uses E and then spin after her and kill her.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Also push hard as **** if she ults to roam and take her turret plates and tower.


Level 1: Actually not hard. Fight him when his W is on cooldown.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Try to freeze and look for all ins when his W is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Also push hard as **** if he Qs to roam and take his turret plates and tower.


Level 1: If he starts with Q, you can all in him level 1. You probably can even all in him level 1 if he starts with W as long as you fight in your minions.

Level 2: Bounce his wave.

Level 3+: This is tricky. Make sure he doesn't have rage and walk up to him to make him use his dash. Afterwards W him and spin after him to kill him.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Make sure you ignite him before his ult is casted.


Level 1: Spin on her face if she used one or two Qs level 1.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: If she used her W for whatever reason or if she goes agressive on you while you have fury all in her.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Respect her ult damage.


Level 1: No CC so go for a long agressive trade.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Around here he gets a lot of damage, because of his spell scaling, but you can go for an all in if he wastes his harpoon.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Spin through 3 melees and make a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: All in him when he used his W.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: You are pretty much even early on. It depends on your wavecontrol and trade mechanism.

Level 2: Make sure you look for fights if his W is on cooldown.

Level 3+: Same as level 2, but now you can run after him, because of your slow.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Also push hard as **** if he ults to roam and take his turret plates and tower.


Level 1: You can smash him level 1 as long as he doesn't get away from you.

Level 2: Let him push you in or bounce the second wave depending on level 1.

Level 3+: If he flings you. Slow him and spin after him + smash him in a long trade.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Proxy him if he proxys you, but also take enemy jgl camps inbetween :).


Level 1: Dodge his Q level 1 by spinning through it and smash him in a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the second wave.

Level 3+: Same as level 2.

Level 6+: Same as level 2, but also don't try to force kills too hard if he plays passive. It is more likely that you will kill yourself by playing too agressive.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when his E is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, but ignite him before he can ult.

Tahm Kench:

Level 1: Play passive unless he used his devour. Also only go for 1 auto and spin out trades.

Level 2: Play back.

Level 3+: You should really only go for short trades unless his eating and Q is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Push his tower when he roams.


Level 1: Will probably outdamage you level 1 so play passive.

Level 2: Play passive.

Level 3+: When she misses her E on you go all in.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+,. Push her hard if she roams.


Level 1: He should be stronger level 1 so play passive.

Level 2: Wait for your level 4. Also spin out of his W.

Level 3+: Whenever he used his spells and didn't hit you all in him.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, but ignite him before he can ult to see him walk.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on by spinning through 3 low life melees and last hitting them.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: If he uses his Q, go hard on him. You can even forget the first part if you are ahead, just make sure that you don't hit him while blinded instead follow him till the blind is over to not get kited.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, but try to avoid shrooms. Oracle lense might be helpful as long as you respect the enemy jungle.


Level 1: Beats you level 1, because of his Q that acts like an autoreset that steals AD.
Level 2: Still play passive.

Level 3+: Full fury means you can try to all in. Make sure to not use your spin unless he used his pillar.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, but ignite him while his ult is on.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on unless his spells are not on cooldown.

Level 2: Bounce the wave or let him push depending on level 1.

Level 3+: If his W is on cooldown you can try to make a long trade, but care this champ has insane base damage.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, don't ult too early when he pulls you in. You will waste about 1 second ult time.


Level 1: Play passive she will kite you hard.

Level 2: Let her push you in and don't get too low.

Level 3+: If she condems you for whatever reason you can try to all in her level 4.

Level 6+: Only recommend to fight her when her ult is on cooldown. She is almost perma invisibile and can kite so well.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on. He will max Q level 1.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when his E is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, but respect his burst on his ult.


Level 1: Let him push you in. His waveclear is insane and you probably lose fighting him in 6 minions.

Level 2: Play passive and stayl calm.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when his E is on cooldown. Your chances to kill him are a lot higher when he used Q too. It slows really hard.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on by spinng through 3 low life melee minions.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when his W is on cooldown, but you can also try to walk around it.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when his W is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, igniting him before he can use his pool might kill him.


Level 1: He beats you early on so play passive.

Level 2: Still play passive.

Level 3+: I think your best bet is to fight him levl 4. Make sure you ignite him while his passive is on. Also make sure to not waste your gapcloser. His E can interrupt it.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, but safer. Respect his W damage and his R damage if he goes ap.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Really hard to kill, because of his sustain. Your best chances to kill him is by baiting his fear and then going ham on him.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+. Ignite him while he ults you to reduce healing.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill unless you **** up really hard.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on or let him push if he pushes hard.

Level 2: Bounce the wave or play passive depending on level 1.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when his E is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Play passive he basically has an autoreset level 1 and will outdamage you.

Level 2: Still play passive.

Level 3+: At level 4 you can kill him, when you have fury. Make sure you don't waste spin and that you don't chase him too far. This matchup is tricky and needs experience. Also don't use W unless he Qed. His champ turns around when he uses Q and might fck up your slow.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+, but your ult will help out a lot.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on, but respect his grasp and Q damage.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Don't spin when his W is not on cooldown. He will cage you and smash you.

Level 6+: His ult gives him some nice damage so respect it, but the rest should be the same as level 4+.


Level 1: I think you beat him level 1 so go for a long trade.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when his W is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on or play passive if he pushes hard.

Level 2: Bounce the wave or let him push.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when you bait his W.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: He can make you completely useless with his E :/

Level 6+: Try to fight him when his spells are on cooldown. Everything else will be doomed.


Level 1: Go for a long trade early on.

Level 2: Bounce the wave.

Level 3+: Basically a free kill when her E is on cooldown.

Level 6+: Same as level 4+.
Where do I need to push?
Usually you want to push on the opposite side of the most important objective right now. Your champ is not made to teamfight. You should in 95% of the cases always be bot around minute 20 and push. If your team dies for whatever reason trade objectives instead of trying to defend them. As tryndamere you play your own game. Your champ is designed to take and not to give, so take everything you can get... Their jungle camps their farm their lives their souls. Also take herald if you win top hard and place it midlane if enemy mid is roaming or dead so you can get some nice extra gold and map control. I also recommend that you should watch videos of warding when you split to avoid deaths. 1 death can const you the game as tryn.
In the midgame you want to have tower 1 top taken and look to take enemy camps ward the enemy territory. You also want to take rift herald whenever you can and place it mid to open up the map and get even more map control. Around minute 20 you want to go bot since baron is about to spawn. Avoid grouping with your team unless you find no other way to win this game. Tryndamere is bad in teamfights and should look for flanks.
Look for spin flash combo on targets with low hp that are carrying the enemy team. Also keep up with splitting unless the enemy has a hard engage comp. Try to stay safe and ward whenever you can.
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stopped playing but the matchups are still the same
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