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Yorick Build Guide by ThaKinetic

Yorick - Ravenous Obliteration ( Top lane)

Yorick - Ravenous Obliteration ( Top lane)

Updated on August 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThaKinetic Build Guide By ThaKinetic 55 7 188,141 Views 63 Comments
55 7 188,141 Views 63 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ThaKinetic Yorick Build Guide By ThaKinetic Updated on August 3, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Yorick
  • LoL Champion: Yorick
  • LoL Champion: Yorick
  • LoL Champion: Yorick


Somehow, i decided to make yet another guide... Maybe just for showing you a very effective way to win a game. When you play games, you can't rely on anyone, you will get some incompetent people from time to time, but luckily the enemy will have so too.

So why choose Yorick? Well, alot more details about why to pick him later. The big thing is, that he can carry games. Carrying is what makes or breaks most games. If you can assist your team so greatly that your efforts eventually turns into a win, you have carried your team to victory.

I'm now introducing you to my Yorick guide. In this guide, i will cover why you should play Yorick, his good and bad sides, laning solotop, warding, combos, teamfighting, skill usage and item information along with information on enemy laners. This guide is the guide that i have used the greatest time making. Of all my guides.

Yorick is a great champion. He brings a mix of damage, utility and tankiness to the table, and has a strong early game presence, great late game teamfighting (Throught ulting your carry), and swarming ghouls to devour your enemy. He is also a very underrated champion, but without reason. Like Rumble and Swain, he is underplayed, but strong in the right hands.
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Why should you play Yorick?

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greater quintessence of desolation
Why should you play this strange zombie fella' with a shovel? He's just a champ out of many, i rarely see him anyways...? Yes why, let me tell you. You may have noticed in the previous chapter, that Yorick isn't a weak champion. Let's get on.

Why should you play Yorick?


Lane Bully

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Yorick is maybe the biggest (Besides Urgot) Bully in the entire game. His spells are ranged, spamable, with sutstain and does T O N S O F D A M A G E ! Not many champion in top lane will beat you.
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Counter to alot of common toplaners

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Enemy team first picked Shen, your team rages. Pick Yorick. No problem! Enemy team Olaf. No problem! Nearly all melee top laners get their ***es kicked hard by Yorick. His sustain is unreal, and the ranged harrass isn't something all champs withstand with ease.
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Unique champion

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No other champion is as Yorick. He is a tanky bruiser, able to spawn up to 4 "minions" to do his bidding, one of them revives a champion on his team, others have different purposes. Also, you seen any other champion looking like a Zombie Hunchbag From Notre-Dame with a Shovel??? Neither have i.
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Tanky, yet damaging champion

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He is tanky, and can still obliterate carries in a brief. Even if you sacrifice pure damage items, you will still have a good damage output, while the enemies have hard time taking you down. His base stats on spells are really strong, but scale rather weak late game, but well, champion's also got weaknesses ;)
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Strong Anticarrying

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This isn't a normal job for Yorick, but situational. I've once had a game where me and our jungler (Tanky DPS) were the only on our team cabable of doing damage (Other lanes were hard beaten and shutted down, no impact on the game). I had to kill their carries all the day. Ezreal fell quick when he tried to jump in with E for a kill, as my slow + damageoutput took him down. Their AP carry was not a big deal either. Thus came the point when enemies realized that i was the biggest threat (Killed the carries 4 times or so), and they decided to focus me, we lost, nobody else besides the jungler could do damage. But well that's a scenario. Think of it as this. If you have a good tank, and strong other lanes, just leave them to take over the enemy team, and get the carry. Most times this is not Yorick's job, but sometimes.
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Precious Pros / Critical Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Strong tanky champion
+ Great early game
+ Lane bully / Counter to
comming top laners
+ Ultimate creates another
AD carry ^^
+ Anticarries like a boss
+ Super unique champion, looks awesome
and fun to play!

- Mana hungry...
- Early ganks can set him behind
a bunch of champs
- His lategame is worse than most
bruisers ( Nasus, Olaf, Shen, Riven etc.)

Pros Explanation

  • + Strong tanky champion: He is a bruiser, in order to the metagame, he deals quite some damage and is hard to take down. Perfect for top lane.

  • + Great early game: His early top lane is unmacthable by only maybe Kayle (But he got sustain, she doesn't). Ranged strong attacks spamable all day, sustain like a boss and kiting n' stuff. It's quite alot of a bruiser to offer.

  • + Lane bully / Counter to common top laners: He bullies everyone. Sends 2 ghouls in your face all day. You want to lasthit? You can't. Want to harrass? Just healing back up. Want to towerdive? Great, cause even if you kill me, i'll return and avenge me (lol). He just does so much ranged damage, and can easily zone from 2-3+

  • + Ultimate creates another AD carry: Muahahahahha. Muhahahahahaha. Muahahahahah. Xaxaxaxaxaxaxa. Lategame your carry crits 900~ dmg 1.5 times a second. 75% of that? 675 crits. So 2 carry's hitting all day, and if the carry get focused, she get's 10 secs more for free. So broken lategame ;) It turns 5v5 to a 6v5. WITH MORDE ULT 7v4 :D

  • + Anticarries like a boss: He can do it, but it's not needed. If you don't have one to soak up dmg, do it, if noone kills the carry, do it, you can do it fast.

  • + Super unique champion, looks awesome and fun to play: As it says, unique, looks awesome and is fun. HELL YEAH!

    Cons Explanation

    • - Mana Hungry...: The mana... The biggest issue of Yorick... He loves to spam spells, and it drains his mana all day. After manamune and some charges on his tear, it's rather ok tho'

    • - Early ganks can set him behind a bunch of champs: Just please, jungler, GTFO. Really. I can name Pantheon, Riven, Mordekaiser and so on. Lots of them. If you get ganked early, they get FB, and you get over 2 lvls behind you're screwed rest of the game. Get ganks yourself after that.

    • - His lategame is worse than most bruisers ( Nasus, Olaf, Shen, Riven etc.): His lategame usefullness lays in Omen of Death. Late, he is just an offtank with minor DPS (Lower than alot other Offtanks). Nothing really remarkable.
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Ridiculous Runes

  • Greater Mark of Attack Damage For damage, nothing more. For easier lasthitting, for harrass, yes, these are great.
  • Greater Seal of Armor Teams in the meta normally consists of an AD carry, AD oriented jungler, and a bulky AD top laner. And as you are top lane, armor is a good thing to have.
  • Greater Glyph of Magic Resist AP carries are great threats to you, as you focus on armor earlygame. You could switch with Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist if you prefer.
  • greater quintessence of desolation These are excellent for hitting hard, true damage to minions, and ignoring armor that laners buy against you (Smart enemies will go for MR but whatsoever).
spaaaaaaaaaaaace R
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Monstrous Masteries

Mastery Explanations

A Yorick solotop setup. Aimed at durability, lane presence, some nice MS and reduced death time. This setup makes you a bulky tank, and a force to be reckoned with.

Defensive Tree
  • In this tier, get 3 points in Resistance and Hardiness to get extra durability in lane.
  • 4 points Durability , to get more health/Lvl. 108 extra HP at lvl 18 is great! Also take 3 points in Vigor for the HP5.
  • Veteran's Scars for +30 HP.
  • 3 Points in Initiator for extra MS, and 3 points in enlightment for the CDR, more ghoul spam is always nice ^^
  • Skip the next tier and move to Juggernaut . 10% tenacity, 3% increased HP, awesome on any tanky DPS.

Utility Tree
  • We take Summoner's Insight for reduced flash CD/Teleport Casttime. Take Good Hands for 10% reduced death time.
  • Swiftness is good for extra MS, being able to kite enemies like a baws ^^
  • Ehmm, yes, Runic Affinity . If you ever get a red/blue buff (Either from enemies or granted by jungler, ex. if your jungler is Lee Sin and mid is Mordekaiser, he will give you blue) you will want it longer time. Take that!
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Superior Summoner Spells


The Best


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Flash is everything. It's your free "out of jail" card, initiation to catch a lone carry, juking, dodging.. I can't live without this spell on Yorick. This could be replaced by Ghost if you aren't a big fan of Flash
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This spell gives you the ability to roam bot and mid, and be at your tower when needed. It also gives you the upper hand against enemies in lane, as you can recall fast to get tear, then be back in 5 sec, not missing a single CS and continue bullying them.
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You could replace with Teleport, if you prefer going very aggresive or just vs a Swain or Sion. Your damage should be enough alredy, but if you want that lucker to die, go for it.
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The Good


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This spell can replace Flash, if you really prefer it, or vs some jungler that doesn't care 'bout flash (EG: Volibear, Singed, Darius)
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This spell is good, if the enemy team got some hard CC ( Amumu, Galio and so on), instead of wasting a slot for QQS, tho' i wouldn't recommend, as QQS is much stronger. Your choice :/
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Baiting tool #1 hueheuhue. It provides you withe the ability to trick enemies. Every single human is greedy. Just a little bit, especially in LoL. You can bait enemies into sick towerdives, and win the exchange by kiting around tower, and healing for the kill.
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It's a good bait tool, good for winning 1v1 and disabling enemy carry. Your support should get this, or your jungler. If you want it, take it, it's a good spell :) It slows enemies in ganks too!
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Yorick's Obliterating Skillset - Unholy Covenant



Unholy Covenant

Yorick takes 5% less damage and his autoattacks deal 5% more damage for each summon that is active. Meanwhile, Yorick's ghouls have 35% of Yorick's Attack Damage and Health.
This is a great spell for a bruiser like Yorick. His ghouls will scale on his HP and AD, meaning that if he has 3000HP the ghouls will have 1050HP. Same goes with damage. Also, by having all your ghouls out, you deal 20% more damage and take 20% reduced damage. Great passive!
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Yorick's Obliterating Skillset - Omen Of War, Pestilence and Famine

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Omen of War

(Active): Yorick enhances his next autoattack, in the next 10 seconds, to deal bonus physical damage. This enhanced attack summons a Spectral Ghoul once it hits. This ability resets the autoattack timer.
The Spectral Ghoul deals more damage and moves faster than the rest of the ghouls. While the ghoul is active, Yorick moves faster as well.

His Q spell is a nice thing to have. When playing Yorick, we nearly always max it last (The only exception is DPS Yorick, who needs to max it second) but that doesn't mean it's bad. This will make Yorick deal extra damage with an AA, and spawn a Spectral Ghoul. You gain an additional MS boost too, And if that wasn't enough, you ghoul deals bonus damage! Note that it resets AA timer, so you can make a double attack.


- If you are running from an enemy, use Q on nearby minions to gain a movespeed boost.


Omen of Pestilence

(Active): Yorick summons a Decaying Ghoul at a target location, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies on the area for 1.5 seconds. While the Decaying Ghoul remains alive enemies near it are slowed.
His W spell unleashes a violent plague explosion, that spawns a Decaying Ghoul. This spell can be used to slow fleeing enemies, farm and kite. It got some serious burst damage combined with E, so max it second. This can be used to block incoming projectiles, more info below.

These scenarios below are things that could happen in normal games, were Omen of Pestilence saves your life.
  • You have a 3/0/1 score, and their jungler, you top lane enemy, and enemy mid ganks you. Morgana shoots her Dark Binding at you. If it hits, they kill you. Place you Omen of Pestilence in front of you as a shield, and make it block Dark Binding and walk away :)
  • Rammus is rolling towards you, and he wants to taunt you. Place down you ghoul to block his path.
  • Ezreal is sniping you at low hp, place down your ghoul behind you to take initial hit, thus lowering the damage for you by 8%.
  • You suspect the enemy jungler is nearby, as the laner appears aggresive. Place W in brush to check it.


Omen of Famine

(Active): Yorick deals magic damage to the target and heals for 40% of the damage dealt. A Ravenous Ghoul is summoned behind the target and it will heal Yorick for the damage it deals.
This is Yorick most infamous ability, his bread and butter, what makes him such a bully, his sustain, his life. This spell will deal quite some ranged damage, while healing you for a ridiculous amount. It's pretty spammy, but the downside is that it costs alot of mana in the long run. Max it first all times. All times. It spawns a Ravenous Ghoul too ^^
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Yorick's Obliterating Skillset - Omen Of Death



Omen of Death

(Active): Yorick conjures a revenant in the image of one of his allies that will have a percentage of their max health and attack damage. The revenant lasts for up to 10 seconds. If his ally dies while their revenant is alive, the revenant sacrifices itself to reanimate them temporarily by restoring them to full health and giving them time to enact vengeance. The reanimation will last for up to 10 seconds. During this time, the ally can use all of their abilities.
This is a unique ultimate, giving allies including yourself a chance to live once again. By using in on yourself or an ally, you will get a pet in their image, dealing less damage than the original. You can control it by clicking Alt + Leftclick where you want it to move/attack. If the ally dies when the pet is still alive, they get "reborn" and will be alive for 10 seconds, or until they are killed again. They kinda "control" the pet, and can use skills.

How to Use Omen of Death Properly

Here are some ways that you can use your ultimate with.
  • If you 1v1 someone, using your ult early will give the enemy 2 enemies to beat on. And if you die, you will be reanimated. Use it early if you feel safe, later if you think you will die.
  • Use your ult, and make it go for a low HP enemy at tower. While the clone will tank the tower, just walk up and kill the enemy. The clone is counted as a champion and will therefore keep tower aggro.
  • In teamfights, use this on your AD carry. Your carry crits 900? Then your pet will deal 75 % of the damage also! It's great, and gives the carry an extra chance to kill, if he/she get's focused down.
  • Don't just use it on allies when they die. If they can't benefit of it (Kill or help killing enemies) it's a waste. Rather save it for your team to profit off!
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Gearing up the Ghouls - Item Choices!


Core Items

Yes, one Health Potion and two Mana Potions. Why not 3 health potions? Because Yorick are so mana hungry. And by getting mana, you get sustain via Omen of Famine. So with Yorick, mana = sustain.

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Ohh, my beauty <3 Spamming all day with this baby, and the more you spam, the more mana you get to spam further. Great huh? And some mana regen is also included :) Absolutely core!
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Get Mercury's Treads always. MR, and even more tenacity (45% total) will save your day many times. If your enemies have minor CC and are AD heavy, consider Ninja Tabi instead.
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Defensive Items

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Great item overall, provides massive HP boost and HP/5. It doesn't provide any resists tho', but who cares, 3k HP from one item? NP!
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This item is probably the best item in LoL. No ****. 99 Armor, 500 Mana, 20% CDR and overall 20% decrease in all surrounding enemies total attack speed. Yi with 2.0 AS will go to 1.6 AS! And it's not that expensive, when you got the Glacial Shroud there's only 1250G left for it!
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Frozen Mallet helps alot. It builds from Phage and provides us with a massive chunk of HP, some minor DMG and 40% slow on autoattacks! This and Omen of Pestilence will make the life sad for everyone.
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A nice item, 75 armor, some HP and a whooping 5% CDR (Joke?). The active serves as full carry shutdown kit. Let's look at it.

The carry has 2.0 AS, by attacking you and you use
active, he loses 70% AS! LOLWUT?! 0.6 AS left xD?
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Health regen, MR to piss of those pesky casters, and some nice MS boost. It's overall a great mage counter item to have. Depending on their team you should build this before or after Frozen Heart.
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Spirit Visage helps surviving a hard lane. But also comes in handy if you are vs. a caster top lane ( Mordekaiser, Rumble, Ryze etc.). Give it a shot if you feel like you want to. Also increases ghoul healing.
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Atma's impaler is both DPS and tanky item, it provides both, with +45 armor and 18% crit. Also, 1.5% of your HP is added as damage! Great on Yorick!!!
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A kinda wasted item. The armor is equal to Frozen Heart. Then we get a "riposte" like aura, that returns dmg in ya face. But just build MR and ArPen and this is so wasted. If the enemy team consists of Tryndamere Top, Lee Sin Jungle, Talon Mid, Draven Bot with Leona, this would be a good idea.
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This cape is bad. For the price, you can get so much more armor and health for the same price. Just don't. It's useful on tanks like Amumu and Rammus who needs to be in the fray for the cape damage, but not on Yorick.
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Great item, if you need the MR, and the enemy team got some sick CC initiaton you want to block ( Malphite, Amumu, Hecarim). Overall great item, replace with Force of Nature if you get it.
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DPS Items

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Best item you will get on Yorick <3. Builds from tear, and now, you will gain 1 mana per AA and 4 mana per ability <3 2% of your max mana will be given as AD. THis means items like Frozen Heart and Banshee's Veil will be more cost effective!
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If you play the prime build which focuses on farming and mid-lategame dominance, this will be a good item. Note, that tear won't be included, and you must care about using mana too often. But, you will gain alot of AD, lifesteal and armor, for you to crush the enemy laner with.
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This item is so ****ing awesome. Every single stat benfit Yorick. Also, the next hit proc synergizes so well with Omen of War, and makes you hit like a truck!
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Awesome item for Yorick. AS, damage and armor reduction is very good for him, if you play more as a DPS. It gives ghouls more damage too!
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Raw damage, lifesteal, what more can we wish? Be sure to stack it in lane, before fighting. It might be the tiny little difference. ANd guess what? More sustain!
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MR, and AD, and the nice anticaster shield. Most notably this could be build if the enemy got a Karthus, Anivia, heavy damage lategame mages. Get hexdrinker early, if so!
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This guy should only be bough on DPS oriented Yorick, and ONLY if your team lacks damage, has a good tank, and you really want to poop on the enemy. You are NOT an AD carry, but it can be taken for the Lulz.
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Finished Builds

My build

Versus AP heavy team

Vs AD heavy team

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Prime Build

DPS Oriented Yorick

Full tank


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Grievious Gameplay - Indepth Edition


This section is a very long section, and i will try at my best to seperate parts, add images and videos. This section will describe basic rules for Yorick, tips and tricks, and more indepth information on how to act in lane/teamfights. For information on Lane Opponents and Junglers, look in the section below.

Early Game 1 - 3

As you enter the Summoner's Rift, quickly press Tab and look on the enemy team. Who will you most likely go against in top? If it's a strong physical DPS laner (And im talking about earlygame, like Riven or Darius) you should get Cloth Armor + Health Potion and some Mana Potion, mix them as you like. Else, pick you boots and pots, and go for top. Defend your jungler if neccesary. If you are purple side, guard his Red Buff, and if you are blue side, defend the Blue Buff. At around 1:50, go for top, if you have to pull (Mid is melee like Fizz or Sion), do it, and rush top. Now for the laning game. As you enter the lane, make sure to establish dominance in the very early lvls. Lasthit all the minions in your lane, but keep an eye on your own creeps. When the enemy laner goes for a lasthit, quickly W and autoattack him (Ofcourse use E if you got it). Now look at the enemy laners reaction. Does he:
  • 1) Run away from your ghouls until they die?
  • 2) Attack the ghouls?
  • 3) Run to the nearest brush?

Here's how to deal with each typer of players. By judging from their reaction, you can see how experienced they are against Yorick and how easily you can zone them. Here's what i can tell you:
  • 1) This type of players are just meat. They will run from all your ghouls, making them miss alot of XP and gold, and by the time they come back, you can harrass once more, allowing you too freely zone, without lifting a finger. These players are usually not very experienced on how to deal with Yoricks ghouls, and you will ruin their game completely.
  • 2) This can be good or bad. If they are some heavy damage early game champions, who got sustain, it can be pretty lethal, as they can negate your damage from ghouls alot ( Renekton, Lee Sin). If they just blindy attack ghouls, because they know they can't escape them, help your ghouls, move up to them, scare them and attack them. It will usually be too much damage, and they will turn to a type 1.
  • 3) Blaaa... These are annoying. The thing is, that ghouls resets all aggro, if the champion goes in a brush. Here is the deal about them. Use your E to harrass them. If they run into the brush, use W in there, and punish them. If they attack your ghoul, place W and autoattack. They are hard to deal with, but it's possible.

    Early Game 4 - 7

    As we take a step towards midgame, we also lvl our Omen of Famine alot more. Depending on matchup, you will grow stronger and stronger the closer you come to six. Keep doing the stuff you always do. You must zone them if possible, and by most champions it is, so keep doing it. Also, lasthit alot. As a toplaner, and more specified as Yorick, you will mostly be farming, AKA you will have farm equal to AD carries bot and AP mid, maybe more. A general rule of the thumb. If everthing goes well ofcourse...
    • 15 Mins. 100 CS~
    • 25 Mins. 150 - 200 CS~
    • 30 Mins. 200 CS+

    Also, be sure to join dragon fights and bot fights (Which results in a free Dragon). That's a major reason we choose teleport. As a teamfight at dragon is nearly breaking out, teleport to the ward that SHOULD be at dragon. If it isn't warded, teleport abit before, to the lane, and then join. A Yorick arriving in the middle of the enemy team, will confuse, and your team will gain the upper hand in a 4v5 fight. Don't forget to use ult on dying carries/or just to maximize damage. Remember. Use ult on carry early if you are winning, later if they might die. Tho' it's not really the most commong time for dragon fights, as they happen around 7 - 9.

    Be sure to ward your map. Buy a ward. Save a life. Or even 3+ lifes. It' essential to gain the upper hand, deflecting ganks, counterganking and such. Look at the image below to gain an idea on warding.

    This indicates where your team should ward. Don't think that all this is your priority. No. Everyone should ward, but here's where the key positions lay.
    • 1) Red is Baron and Dragon, indicating that these have a very high priority. Also, before baron spawns, it should still be warded sometimes, as you can see when people goes for you through riven and for your blue.
    • 2) Blue is for lane security. The one in top lane should be your ward. Notice that i don't place it in the brush. Why? Cause if you have a ward in the brush, you only see them when they are in the brush. If you place it a little to the left of tribush, you will see the whole entrance to toplane from river, granting you alot more vision.
    • 3) Yellow'ish is for overall map awareness. With these you can track enemy jungler, aswell as if he tries to counterjungle. Very useful wards.
    • 4) Green is for protecting buffs/Counterjungling buffs. It's very useful, but you should only ward enemy red, if you can manage.
    • 5) Purple is lategame wards, optional, but great. Sometimes.

      Mid Game 7 - 11

      Mid game is not much different than early game, you just become even stronger, skirmishes starts to happen and towers will be pushed. There's not too much to say about this. Your farm should be around 100~ in 15 mins. If everthing goes well, you have 2/0/X or 3/0/X or if you really stomp you could have 5 kills!



      This is a normal harrasing method, and you will be using it all time, to zone enemy champs. Why use W before E? Cause we want them to be slowed first, so they can't run from your healing ghoul, which will heal you alot. And here's the tactic for using it properly.

      Starting from lvl 2, you should steadily poke with this. At lvl 3, you should use it once. And keep hitting them. Don't let them breathe. Keep harrasing. As your ghouls fade, use more ghouls. After the lvls 4 - 5 you will be unstoppable in terms of harrasment and sustain. Be wary of mana though. Use a mana potion when below 70 mana.

      I will soon add a video of this, but for now, LoL Replay is very evil to me. Stay Tuned!

      // Information on what i did in the video will come when LoL Replay decides to work. I alredy have a replay with it, but you guys must wait abit to see it. Try out yourself? :D spacesacpefepfepfpefpefpefpefpe

      Late Game Teamfights

      In a lategame teamfight, there's important things you must look out for. First is Who To Focus. Secondly, Who to Protect. And lastly, What will your role be? Tke a look at the sections below.

      Who to focus

      This is a great question. Focusing is not always just "All go rambo to get Kog'Maw". If the whole team does that, the enemies will quickly pick out carries who try to run to the Kog'Maw in the backlines of enemy team. As for a tanky bruiser, you must be a Wall of Pain. Yes, a wall of pain. Depending on the situation, you must go for the enemy carries togheter with your jungler/tank.

      As your tank initiates, and your AP begins to combo, you must quickly throw your spells on the closest enemy AD carry/AP Carry/Support. I include supports, because certain ones like Soraka of the damned, will crazy heal her team if let alone. You must never ever chase Ezreal or oher carries if they flee from the fight. You team needs you, and most certainly, your carries needs you. Also, by playing Yorick, i've got a feeling that W actually got a scare factor. Enemies will be a little more scared to fight when a violent explosion comes out, they get slowed and Yorick chases them. Use this well. If you have a Shaco, Talon, LeBlanc or a fed Tryndamere on your team, they will most likely do the killing and you should look for next section.

      Who to protect

      Who to protect? Let me say this in short. Damage dealers. You are basically their shield they don't have to hold. As a bruiser, you must protect your teams damage dealers. In priority, this is.

      1) AD Carries : These are maybe the most important players on a team. They deal very heavy damage, but are, squishy. Carries usually have a range around 550 - 650 and some even higher. It's plenty for a gapcloser like cutthroat. Therefore, enemies will love to get their filthy hands on them. Especially the girl carries :P Now for being serious, good enemies will focus the carries. So your job is to pin off enemies trying to kill him/her, and take hits ( Dark Binding etc.) for them.

      1) AP carries : These are nearly equal to AD carries, but their DPS varies. Some are complete burst mages. They rely on one single combo, and from then they deal rather moderate damage. Some are sustained and deal a heavy amount of damage over periods. You must do just as the AD carries, protect them.

      Who should we protect then? Let's take an example game. Look below
      Your Team

      Yorick 5/6/X - 228 CS

      Draven 9/1/X - 345 CS

      Annie 3/5/X - 201 CS

      Amumu 1/5/X - 123 CS

      Leona 0/4/X - 37 CS
      Enemy Team

      Darius 3/6/X - 212 CS

      Ezreal 5/7/X - 205 CS

      Ryze 11/3/X - 345 CS

      Nautilus 2/0/X - 167 CS

      Soraka 0/2/X - 21 CS

      This could be an example game. Over time, their bot lane lost greatly. You Draven is critting around 1000 with his Q, and he is in strong focus. Meanwhile, you crushed Darius top (Which you should !) but ganks and teamfights gave you alot of deaths. Annie was significantly outplayed by Mr. Pro Ryze and fed early game, and he farmed and snowballed into late. He can now onecombo your draven.

      So to be very simple. In this scenario, it's the duty of Amumu, Annie, and Leona to lock down Ryze. After that, Draven should kill him, with YOU infront. You must protect him. Always ult him, as your DPS increases by alot. Secondly, go for ezreal. He isn't really fed, and his farm is worse than most on his team. By killing Ryze before he could devastate, you won.

      Your role overall?

      Simple. You are a shield, and a damagedealer. You must ult your AD carry, only ult your AP carry if he/she is really fed and dieing. You must pin off enemy assasins and bruisers from your carry. Simple as that. It can be hard to learn, but consider trying it.
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Top Lane Matchups - What to crush, and what not to crush!

Attention summoners. This is a work in progress. I will try to update this weekly. Right now it includes half of the matchups Yorick can meet in solotop. Stay tuned!

Easy - Medium

If she ever goes top, it will not be that hard to beat. Early on... Good Akalis will harrass from twillight shroud from lvl 2, whenever you come by to lasthit. You give a ****. Use W when she shrouds for a poke (Put an extra point in it at lvl 5 if you feel it's neccesary). Anyways, harrass her nonstop when she is out of shroud, and place a Vision Ward in lane. Post 6, she will be more dangerous, get a Negatron Cloak early and if she jumps, use E/W/autoattack/Q and back off abit. Not a big deal if you shut her down early.


This guy is so rare, i haven't really played alot against him . But i know that he is a "I just farm and i don't give a ****" champion. Whatever you do to harass him, he will heal back from minions. If you zone him, really, really early (lvl 2 gank firstblood) you might keep him away from healing at minions. Don't push to his turret as he can easily lasthit and regen HP and mana. If you don't manage, don't bother harrassing, get ganks, and farm up, help your team as much as possible.


This is surprisingly easy. Yorick is the #1 counter to Darius atm. You really crush him because of this. Darius is prone to 3 things. Kiting. Range. Sustain. And you have everything. Farm up in the very early, if he uses Decimate, use your E to recover. When you reach lvl 3, zone him and win. If he pulls you, throw all your spells, use your Q to get MS, and when he backs off, turn around and use another E. He will be screwed.


Hmm, yes, not the biggest deal. The only reason he is medium, is due to his ult. After 6, no kills for you unless you kicked his *** hard in early game. Dodge cleaver by staying behind minions, and if he tries to run at you for a 1v1, back off and kite him with your spells. Always take ignite in this matchup. Get ganks early and he is more ****ed than he would be anyways. Not that hard.


She is just ****ed. Poop on her all day. Harrass, harrass, harrass. She jumps on you? Ok just W/Q/E and backoff. She haven't got a chance, and you must ruin her life. All day. All night. Care for early ganks. She will most likely ask for some. And not to mention, she has a very little sustain compared to you. GG.


It's pretty much the same as Fiora. This guy got ranged harrass. But it uses his mana quickly like yours. On par right? Ohh wait you got 2.. And a slow. And ridiculous sustain. And a movespeed boost... Did i mention crazy sustain? You poop on him, all day, if he Q's, u just E him, and win the trade due to your healing. Zone him all day. A fed GP can win the game like a baws.


Just kite him and you will be fine... It's not the hardest thing in the universe. Harrass him, kite with Omen of Pestilence if he goes Q, if he goes in a brush to heal, don't facecheck, W in there, and then go for cancelling his passive. Care not to overextend, some CC from junglers will allow him to catch up, and hell's loose.


She is annoying, but not hard to deal with. You MUST harrass her early, or she's snowballs into midgame. Harrass her all time, and if she tries to attack you when she reaches midgame status, quickly cast your spells and kite her. By killing her early, you win the midgame. But be careful, as she scales greatly with lvls, and got some Ok sustain.


To be honest, i've only played Jarvan IV in top myself, never faced him as Yorick. But to see out of his playstyle, he should be rather easy. He got no sustain, and he poke is minor until some lvls. Care for junglers, as he synergizes well with alot of them. As he begins to get defensive stats, you will maybe see him jumping on you. Kite. Him. All day. All night. Party boy music! :D


Im not sure what to feel about him. He is easy prey pre 6. Just make his life hell, ruin his farm and dat stuff. But as Jax gains some lvls, he will begin to be able to fight back, meaning that if you harass him, he will E/Q/autoattack/W/E Stun and continue to beat up. This can be hard. He is that kind of character that always is strong. His base stats are really cool too. If you can ruin his life so much that he will never get his items, you will win. Early ganks, harrass all day. Also, buy negatron togheter with glacial kinda early.

Medium - Hard

Kayle is a relatively new champion to solotop. Props to the guy who thought kayle top might be good. She is growing in popularity, and not without reason. She is that kind of champ that can beat unknowing players from full, to barely 20% HP, just by autoattack constantly. Her autoattacks are very strong with her E, which gives them extra damage, splash damage and range. Same range as Graves, actually. Her Q is a nuke, her W gives her minor sustain, and her Ult gives her invulnerability. If the game was with no junglers, she will beat you early, you will gain advantage abit into early, and then she will dominate midgame. She has no sustain, but a vamp scepter is enough for her, and you will not win this lane, if it wasn't for your jungler and her ****py her early sustain. Early ganks will win. But she is still strong, don't be too confident.


This lane is kinda equal. At early lvls, you will easily poop on him, as he haven't got any sustain. But. As his harrass get's stronger and he get's his revovler, he will be equal to you. Dodge shurikens by staying behind minions, care for ganks, as he can stunlock you two times or even three times if he is skilled. His harrass is stronger if it hits, but your sustain is greater. You run on mana, he runs on energy. So, i would say that a good CC jungler will win here. Else, you wil just farm up, and he will destroy late. Try harrassing him, it helps alot.


He is tricky. I once played Lee vs a Yorick, and i lost the lane quite abit. But i threatened him alot. He will most likely max his W, and use when you harrass, no negate ghoul damage and lifesteal back. Treat him as a type 2. Don't let him. Beat him up all you can. When he reaches six he might go more aggresive. Rule of the thumb, don't let him hit you with Q. If he does that, he will be able to burst you alot, and return to minions with his W. Outfarm and win the game.


Malphite counters everything that relies on autoattacks. Luckily you aren't one. He get's rewarded for building armor, and ur spells to Magic damage. On that point you have advantage. Malphite got some strong harrass in the form of Seismic Shard and can get very tanky if farmed. His ult is deadly combined with a jungler. Try to zone him alot, he runs OOM faster than you, and do not harrass with his shield up. Autoattack it down when he lasthits, and unleash hell.


It's a long time since i saw a good Mordekaiser top. They tend to go mid, but if he goes top, you have a few problems. First is he got ranged harrass like you. Second is his shield, that negates your harrass. Now for the good things. You have a hell lot more sustain than he have. More damage early. And he is extremely easy to gank. One gank, flash down. Next one is nearly free. Do not stand among your minions. He WILL use his E on them all + you, and gain a large shield + farm. Force him to use E on you, and beat him up with ghouls. Care for ganks, because a fed Mordekaiser can be a threat.

Easy - Hard

Nasus is maybe one of the most tricky characters to face. No i'm lying. He is the most tricky champion you will face. It's a "Can you manage" or not. Either you will beat him hard, or he will survive early and carry. 2 things you must know. Little weak Nasus. Ha! Are you kidding me? No. He isn't always so weak as people tells you. He got some sick lane sustain. And a good Nasus is somehow, always gonna get his Siphoning Strike farmed. The other thing. A good jungler, on both teams will gank top. Their teams jungler will gank to get Nasus farmed, and your teams jungler SHOULD gank alot, to prevent him. Beating on Nasus early game is easy. He will sometimes get a Q here and there. If you get the lane too pushed, he will heal from Q due to his 14% lifesteal at lvl one... To beat him, the lane must not be pushed. The best thing you can do is simply delaying him. He will on a point get a strong Q, but you should make it happen very late. Zone, zone zone, do not push, gank him, kill him and whatsoever. As he gets tankier, he can ignore you, and afk farm. If you get alot of ganks early, zone him, outfarm/lvl, it's easy as pie. But if do not manage, you can expect him ignoring his surroundings for 30 mins, and then carries his team to Viktory.


Nidalee is a very strong toplane. She got ranged poking autoattacks all day, and good sustain + AS buff from E. Her sustain isn't on par with yours, and she is dependant on mana if she uses it too much. She will constantly be in the brush. Treat her as a type 3. Beat her up, outsustain her, and by lvl 6, she must be kited abit more. Her Q in cougar can execute you at low health, be careful.


This champion is so broken. Even more broken than Yorick. Massive true damage nuke on a short cooldown. Lifesteal and damage steroid that scales of HP. Ranged harrass + slow and No CC, super tanky ultimate of goodness. Early lvls you are fine, but he will kill you at 6. After 6, he ignores your pity attemps to kite him, and wins all 1v1 thanks to his beserker. His true damage is on short cooldown and is more than you can sustain back. Nerf his E and then beat him.


Pantheon has a weak 1 - 3, and very strong later in earlygame - midgame. you win the lane by far early, but he will hit very hard around 7 - 9. He got mana issues like you, and got ranged harrass. But you got sustain. It's a sustain battle, and you will be able to force him out. Do not get stunned, as Pantheon is 2x as dangerous when he is in your face. You can 1v1 him safe when you got Glacial Shroud / Frozen Heart.


Poppy is a wrecking machine if played well. To be honest, she can't do anything to you early game. Her earlygame is weak, and yours is strong. If you keep harassing her, she will be forced back alot. You can also score kills if you play well/she plays bad. The main reason that i set her to medium is due to her ult, and her mid/lategame. Later in the laning phase she can crush almost anything, and this is a time you must keep out of her range. Even without many items she can do massive damage midgame, but she is item dependant lategame. You may not have much trouble, but if you get ganked alot, you may. Don't let her farm up for late. She crushes any carry.


Renekton is straight out wrecking. His earlygame damage is tremendous, but he doesn't have the range. Always kite him. Don't let him get up close. If you see his blade changing color while he runs towards you, kite. It will deal massive damage, and stun. So, how to counter him? Survive. Farm. Sustain. Poke him as you can, conserve your mana pre tear, as he got sustain too. Later when you got more armor you can safely poke/engage at melee range. He will be treated as a type 2.
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Thanks for reading guys!

For now at the initial release, this is what i got. I hope that you all learned quite abit by reading this, and that you like this guide. It took many many hours to make this, and i viewed the guide around 130 times before releasing it, just to modificate. I hope you feel pleased that you clicked on your guide. Support me with a +1. It's all this guide needs for more people like you to discover it. So for now, thanks for reading ~

- ThaKinetic

Also a lil' request. If someone reads this guide, and is able to make a banner for it, I would be very grateful. I guess i can't really make one, so help will be appreciated :P
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17/07-12 : Guide released!

18/07-12 : Added Mordekaiser, Malphite and Nasus to matchups. Increased visual performance on Special Thanks section. Fixed some mistakes.

19/07-12 : Reworked Nasus matchup due to comment, added keondre in the Special Thanks. Fixed minor mistakes.

22/07-12 : Added Nidalee, Olaf and Pantheon the baker to matchups.

28/07-12 : Added Poppy to matchups, changed masteries abit, fix'd some coding. Added Afish123 to Special Thanks.

04/08-12 : Added Renekton to matchups. Damn i'm lazy, only one at a time. Soon i will take all the last matchups in one, gotta be around next weekend. Also gonna give information about his nerf. Stay tuned!
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Special Thanks

space Jhoijhoi - She is the most wellknown guide author on the site. She inspired and helped thousands of guidemakers with her guide, about making great guides. I learned all my BBCoding and tricks from her, and i will have to thanks her again. MobaFire loves you <3

All my viewers. Includes you! - Thanks for taking time to read teh guide, hope you enjoyed it :)

Keondre - For +scout to my guide. Thanks alot :)

Afish123 - For helping me to fix coding errors, and pointed out that i shouldn't take Evasion .
space T
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