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9/26 - Added

9/28 - Added

10/8 - Updated

10/22 - Updated

10/23 - Revamped the item section.
10/29 - Updated

11/4 - Updated

11/4 - Updated

11/8 - Completely revamped

11/28 - Added

12/4 - Update: I am going to be doing a mega update on the items and masteries but it is going to take me some time to figure everything out to make Lee the best he can be. Excuse me if this is not updated for a while.
12/11 - Update complete on items and masterys. Will keep making changes as i discover new combinations and such. Overall: update complete.
12/22 - Added

Thinking about revamping this guide for season three with a whole new items list andchampion match up section.
This guide has been completely redone for S3!
Photo bucket is trolling me.
Computer broke. Its Fixed. Updates for all!
Figured out my password and username. Gonna work on guide when i get an opportunity too.
This is my first guide so i don't know how to do all that fancy stuff that people know how to do. What i do know however is Lee sin.
Lee Sin is a melee bruiser who has an extremely strong early game. He is also a incredibly fun champion to play whom pretty much never gets old no matter how many times you play him. He has no hard counters, is viable in high level play, and has incredible mobility. Lets get started shall we?

Extremely fun to play
High Skill Cap
Just an overall cool Character
Viable at high level play
Countered by none
High Mobility
Just unbeatable when mastered
High Skill Cap
Q is Unreliable
Weak late game
Transitions into a peeler late game (Peeling is the act of removing a enemy off a teammate with slows, stun, and knock backs.)
Gets banned in ranked or picked first quite a bit.
Extremely fun to play
High Skill Cap
Just an overall cool Character
Viable at high level play
Countered by none
High Mobility
Just unbeatable when mastered
High Skill Cap
Q is Unreliable
Weak late game
Transitions into a peeler late game (Peeling is the act of removing a enemy off a teammate with slows, stun, and knock backs.)
Gets banned in ranked or picked first quite a bit.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage You want the strongest early game possible and these runes will boost that significantly.
Greater Mark of Attack Damage To raise your early game damage as well.
Greater Seal of Armor When you top lane your most likely going to fight and AD champion. Taking armor seals will improve your survivability against these champions significantly.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist If your not fighting an AP top these are the better choice as they scale into late game better.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist If you know your going up against an AP top lane champ (Ie:
Kennen) it is better to take these as they offer more early game Magic Resist.





Personally this is my favorite way to play

I don't like doing this on

Highly Recommended

OK Summoner's

Summoner's you should not touch

One thing to know about
Lee Sin is that, you will never max the same skill. In order to prevail against all enemies you will max different skills based on what the match up is and what your enemy is building.
(Innate): After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 auto attacks within 3 seconds gain 40% attack speed and return 15 energy each.
This passive is absolutely amazing. It will increase
Lee Sins damage output by practically double. With this passive you should never really spam your abilities unless you absolutely have to for the situation your in. If you space your abilities out you will see a higher damage output
(Active): Lee Sin shoots a wave of sound in a line, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters and revealing it for 3 seconds. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike within the next 3 seconds.
Cost: 50 energy
Range: 975
When Q is pressed again. (Active): Lee Sin dashes to the enemy revealed by Sonic Wave, dealing a base amount of damage plus 8% of their missing health as physical damage. Monsters take a maximum of 400 damage.
Cost: 30 energy
Range: 1100
This is
Lee Sin's trademark ability. This is what hes known for. It is possibly the strongest early game ability there is, although it can be unreliable and experienced players will know how to dodge it. Max this first in lane when your fighting someone relatively squishy. (Ie:
(Active): Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally, shielding them both from damage for the next 5 seconds. If the shield is broken, half of the cast energy will return to Lee Sin. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.
Cost: 50 energy
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Range: 700
When W is pressed again.(Active): For the next 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains bonus lifesteal, spell vamp, and armor.
Cost: 30 energy
This ability when maxed will make you impossible to move in lane. This ability synergizes well with life steal items like a
Vampiric Scepter and
Bloodthirster Max this first when the enemy your facing has high amounts of harass. (Ie:
Yorick) Not only that but this ability can also be used to jump to near wards or even friendly
Noxious Traps.
(Active): Lee Sin smashes the ground dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies and revealing them for 4 seconds. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple within the next 3 seconds.
Cost: 50 energy
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Diameter of AoE: 350
When E is pressed again. (Active): Lee Sin cripples all enemies revealed by Tempest reducing their movement and attack speed. The movement and attack speed recover over 4 seconds.
Range: 500
Cost: 30 energy
I honestly love maxing this in lane first. Its great harass and pretty hard to dodge since its not a skill shot. Since it does magic damage but scales with AD its great to max agaisnt high armor laners. The only problem to maxing this first is that you push the lane with it pretty hard. Max this first against armor stackers. (Ie:
(Active): Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick, dealing physical damage to the target and knocking them back. Enemies the target collides with take the same amount of physical damage and are briefly knocked into the air.
No cost
Range: 375
Knockback distance: 1200
A great ultimate. It combines very nicely with his
Resonating Strike. You
Resonating Strike then
Dragon's Rage to do some heavy burst damage, then use the second part of
Resonating Strike to close the gap. Its very strong. This combo is effective against burst prone champions. (Ie:
Sion) One note: When fighting
Olaf save this combo for when he is almost dead because when
Olaf reaches low health he enters what i like to call "Man Mode" with his passive
Berserker Rage and becomes hard to kill. Using this combo will finish him off without him life stealing all his health back.

This passive is absolutely amazing. It will increase

Cost: 50 energy
Range: 975
When Q is pressed again. (Active): Lee Sin dashes to the enemy revealed by Sonic Wave, dealing a base amount of damage plus 8% of their missing health as physical damage. Monsters take a maximum of 400 damage.
Cost: 30 energy
Range: 1100
This is

Cost: 50 energy
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Range: 700
When W is pressed again.(Active): For the next 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains bonus lifesteal, spell vamp, and armor.
Cost: 30 energy
This ability when maxed will make you impossible to move in lane. This ability synergizes well with life steal items like a

Cost: 50 energy
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Diameter of AoE: 350
When E is pressed again. (Active): Lee Sin cripples all enemies revealed by Tempest reducing their movement and attack speed. The movement and attack speed recover over 4 seconds.
Range: 500
Cost: 30 energy
I honestly love maxing this in lane first. Its great harass and pretty hard to dodge since its not a skill shot. Since it does magic damage but scales with AD its great to max agaisnt high armor laners. The only problem to maxing this first is that you push the lane with it pretty hard. Max this first against armor stackers. (Ie:

No cost
Range: 375
Knockback distance: 1200
A great ultimate. It combines very nicely with his

Using this you can slow enemy's off your team mates. This will let your carries live longer, position better, and do more damage in team fights. This is also works with the active of

This is a better form of peel then

Thanks to
Your abilities can be used just as defensively as they are used offensively. For example lets pretend your playing
Lee Sin and your being chased through your jungle by an enemy team. You can run behind the golem spawn, Q the golem, then run away.


Items I don't recommend

You should star
Cloth Armor and five
Health Potion's because there's no other good starts other than that anymore. If you are on the blue team side, help your jungle with blue (if he starts blue). Get it down to just a little above half health and then run away so you don't steal exp away from your jungle. If you are on purple team side, guard your jungle's red so the other team doesn't try to steal it. Once in lane focus more on farming then harassing. If you see an opening where you can run up to your enemy and
Tempest or
Resonating Strike go for it, but remember farming is priority number 1. Sight ward are extremely important, not only do they help you with ganks but they also allow
Lee Sin to jump over walls by placing a Sight ward over it then
Iron Willing to it. You really always want a spare sight ward. If your having trouble with your lane match up call for a jungle gank. Your next B you should pick up either
Giant's Belt or
Warden's Mail for defense, or
Bilgewater Cutlass or
The Brutalizer for offense.

If you know what last hitting is then feel free to skip over this segment. Last hitting is when you wait for a minion to get low health and once it does you run up to it and hit it for the last hit of its health pool. This is the best way to farm as auto attacking minions will sometimes have them killed by your own minions and this is not good. The more minion kills, the more gold you get and the more gold you get, the more items and sight wards you can get.

You haven't hit your transition yet so you'll still be doing pretty good damage at this point especially if you got a few kills during your lane phase. You also should have a few power items bye now as well.(
Bloodthirster or
Warmog's Armor depending on how your building.) If your doing great in lane with something around 4 kills and beating your whole team in CS then feel free to give your jungle top lane for a bit. Jungles with often fall behind with only jungle CS so it really helps them catch back up. If you do, do this go out and help the lanes if they're in need for ganks.
Dragon's Rage is an extremely strong gank ultimate if you are able to knock the enemy away from his turret. If your not doing to well in your lane then keep farming it and call for jungle ganks so you can get some kills to bring up your gold a bit. This is also the time when your team will start going for objectives like Dragon. If you B and your team wants to kill dragon, instead of going top, go to mid and help them with it. If you are top and they decide to get dragon, don't bother going down, you'll never get there in time. If a teamfight erupts at dragon and your not there for it, push your lane and try as hard as you can to get a tower. That way if something horrible happens and your team gets destroyed at dragon you still got a turret and hopefully the dragon as well making it semi-worth it.

By now you have probably hit your transition. Your damage is now a bit lacking. This is when teamfights start happening. Do not stay top when your level 16 or higher. Instead follow your team and be there with them. If you stay top the other team will most likely come and gang up on you and kill you pretty easily. Now in teamfights in late game, you should not be the one initiating them unless you are the tankiest member on your team. Instead during a teamfight stay by your AD carry and peel (remove targets off of) him. Use
Tempest and
Dragon's Rage to do this. If you have acquired
Randuin's Omen you should also use this to help peel threats off your AD carry.
Frozen Mallet will also help with this quite a bit. The longer your carry stays alive for, the better your chances of winning the teamfight are. This is also the point in the game where Baron Nashor is the most important factor. Always have Baron warded. Its not just the supports job to ward, its a team effort and your part of the team. instead of a sight ward you may want to grab a
Vision Ward so you can clear the enemy teams wards at baron. Now if your team is ahead you may want to force a fight at Baron and try to wipe the enemy out then secure Baron for your team, or you can try to catch one member of the enemy team out of position, kill him, then go for Baron when its 4v5. If you get Baron use it to siege down the enemies base and try to win with it. It won't always happen like this, but this is generally how a game will go.

Dragon's Rage AT 6, 11, and 16!!!!!
I'll be adding videos as i face them and fraps them. (I sadly do not own a mic. Hopefully by watching them you guys can get an idea of what to do when versing an enemy you are unfamiliar with.)
Difficulty 1/5
Max your
Resonating Strike Vs this lane.
Whenever she
Twilight Shrouds run into the middle of the shroud and
Tempest. This will reveal her. Another alternative to this is to buy a pink ward and place it in the shroud when you're all-inning her.
Hexdrinker when facing
Akali will help significantly.
Not really much else to say,
Lee Sin pretty much counters
*Actual strategy coming soon*
Well Here's my best guess but keep in mind this is theorizing. I have not ever faced this match up. He seems to have a weak early game. Do you best to zone him as much as possible so he can't benefit from his sustain. If he chooses to fight you, you should win because in order to do more significant damage he needs to kill himself, which should give you the edge. I would max Q first, build
Bilgewater Cutlass if doing well, or
Warmog's Armor if I'm not doing so well.
Difficulty 0.5/5
Max your
Resonating Strike depending on preference or what hes building.
This lane is honestly extremely boring. You won't ever really kill him because he's pretty much just a farmer. He won't ever engage on to you unless there jungle is nearby.
Careful of being
Feast baited if/when you get him to low health on his turret. It hurts.
Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your
Iron Will Against this guy.
Darius will use
Decimate as his main form of harass. Try to dodge one and punish him for it but be careful as it does more damage if the blade hits you.
Vampiric Scepter will help sustain vs
Warden's Mail and a
Giant's Belt Will help keep his damage in line and he won't be as bursty.
Difficulty 1/5
Max your
Sonic Wave Vs's her.
An early
Giant's Belt Will take a toll on her damage.
Be careful for
Crescent Strike Harass. It's dodgeable by going straight to the left or straight to the right depending on what side
Diana is on.
If she tries to fight you in your minions two things will happen. A jungler will fly out of nowhere, or your going to beat the living hell out of her in a 1v1.
If she is spamming
Crescent Strike she will run out of mana very quickly. Once she does take full advantage of this.
Difficulty 2/5
Max your
Iron Will vs him. (if your confident on your abilities to dodge cleavers then feel free to max
This guy really isn't a top laner and he's extremely easy to gank so if you having problems with him, call your jungle over.
You beat him early game with damage, and with a maxed
Iron Will you can just regen all of the damage his
Infected Bonesaw's are doing.
Giant's Belt will help significantly to take all the damage he's doing.
Difficulty 2/5
A lot of people seem to have trouble with this one. If you feel confident enough max Q. If you don't feel confident enough max W.
Giant's Belt works wonders against her if you having a tough time.
Her early damage is pretty pathetic and she is also quite squishy so try to take advantage of that.
Try your hardest to hit level 2 before her and all in with Q and E if you started Q, however if you started W, try to hit level 3 before her then all in.
Try to Eat her
Neurotoxin's with your
Difficulty 3.5/5
I was completely wrong about this match up so I'm re writing it.
Fiora is actually not an easy lane at all for
Lee Sin
Max your
Resonating Strike vs her.
Fiora will play very passivly against you. She will farm on her turret because its incredibly easy for her. She will also wait for jungle ganks before engaging you. A good fiora knows that she will out scale you eventually which is the sad truth. The true key to winning this fight is not doing anything stupid, not pushing the lane uncontrollably, and not letting her farm on her turret. DO NOT use your
Tempest unless she engages you as it will push lane and give
Fiora exactly what she wants.
When she uses
Burst of Speed quickly double tap
Tempest and you will completely cripple her damage. (literally)
She has no escapes. If you need help with this lane, ask your jungle to camp top and she'll be easy enough to kill a few times.
If she uses
Blade Waltz try to
Iron Will to the minion closet to your turret.
Be very careful, if shes farming on her turret and not making any attempts to mess with you at all, a jungler may just be on his way.
Difficulty 3/5
Max your
Iron Will against him.
You can really abuse the fact that he's melee by bullying him around until he calls for a jungle gank.
By no means can
Fizz 1v1 you unless you fight him in his minions so don't be afraid to skirmish with him.
An early
Hexdrinker will help significantly.
Wait until he's out of your character model to
Sonic Wave him if he Q's into you.
Difficulty 1/5
With the recent buffs
Gangplank received to his
Parrrley I've started seeing him more and more but he Isn't a problem.
Now there's two kinds of
Gangplanks. One will shoot you with
Parrrley everytime its up, and the other will just farm away and completely ignore you. If your dealing with the first one (figure it out by level 3) then max
Iron Will. If your dealing with the second one, max either
Resonating Strike or
If hes being very aggressive against you then he's pretty much giving you the lane.
Gangplank early game is pretty terrible and you'll be able to beat the hell out of him.
If he uses
Remove Scurvy for your
Tempest and your level six, try to flash infront of him and kick him away from his turret.
Don't even worry about
Parrrley harass. Your
Iron Will sustain will keep you at full health or close and
Gangplank will run out of mana sooner or later.
Difficulty 3.5/5
I hate this guy so much, but with the recent early game nerf and the late game buff he's now a lot easier to deal with. Never underestimate him though. Max your
Iron Will/
Tempest first based on preference and play style. (Ie: if your being more of a team player max
Iron Will so you have health to teleport gank with.)
Armor completely shuts down
Garen. An early
Warden's Mail will be hell for him.
Once you get
Giant's Belt/
Warden's Mail or both the lane gets very easy for you. Just farm and when ever he tries to harass you with
Decisive Strike try to double tap
Iron Will before it to block a good portion of his damage. (if you press Alt-W it will instantly activate
Iron Will on yourself. You then just have to press W again.)
difficulty 4/5
Max your
Tempest vs her.
Shes very powerful and has a lot of sustain, but early game (I mean levels 1, 2, and 3) you completely crush her in damage. Try to abuse that.
When ever she uses
Hiten Style double tap
Tempest to slow her down. Then proceed to combo her as normal. You should never really fight her 1v1, just go through your full combo then
Iron Will to a minion.
If you're having trouble with her an early
Warmog's Armor will dissolve her damage.
Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your
Iron Will for this guy.
Be very careful of his
Demacian Standard,
Dragon Strike, and Auto attack passive combo. It does a lot of damage early game.
If he's using
Dragon Strike to harass you can just sustain through it.
Be very careful of jungle ganks with
Jarvan IV and always keep a sight ward on you at level 6. His
Cataclysm will make you an easy target for a 2v1 if you aren't able to put a ward out of his ult then
Iron Will to it.
Difficulty 4/5
Max your
Jax uses
Counter Strike you can double tap
Tempest to reduce the amount of damage he will do during stun.
A normal jax will build
Phage rather quickly so be careful for jungle ganks.
You should not have a problem with him Pre-level 8, but then he starts getting a lot stronger so try to shut him down early.
Bilgewater Cutlass will help kill this guy easily because of his high mobility.
difficulty 2/5
Max your
Resonating Strike first, or if you're not comfortable in your ability then max
Iron Will instead.
Try your hardest to farm through his auto attacks using
Iron Will to block some of the damage.
Be careful about his
To The Skies! / Shock Blast and
Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate (cannon) combo. When he gets 2
Doran's Blade's it starts hurting a lot.
Also be careful of his
Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate, it hurts the most out of all his skills, and he can harass with it. If he does try to harass with it, try to
Resonating Strike him then follow him after the knock back and punish him for it.
If you manage to kill him once, getting a
Giant's Belt will make his damage non-existent.
Difficulty 1.5/5
Max your
Resonating Strike vs this guy.
If he tries to
Thundering Shuriken you, that leaves him open for your
Resonating Strike so pay close attention to his movements.
If you land your
Resonating Strike on him, he will most likely
Lightning Rush away unless he has a death wish. So when you get to him double tap
Tempest as quickly as you can. And yes this will leave you out of energy so just auto him twice and walk away. When walking away juke back and forth to dodge his
Thundering Shuriken that he will most likely throw.
Hexdrinkeris nice vs
Kennen if you are having trouble with him.
Bilgewater Cutlass is a great option to kill him with because hes hard to catch with his E and this will slow him down to a reasonable amount.
Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your
Resonating Strike first.
If he uses his
Leap to engage on you, punish him with combos.
Try to fight him in your minions as
Taste Their Fear will do less damage.
Careful if he goes stealth, a jungle gank may be approaching.
Warden's Mail will help with this lane.
If your going to gank him, do it early. If and once he takes the evolve on his
Leap its almost impossible to get this guy.
Difficulty 1/5
People say this guy counters every AD champ on top. Well they are quite mis-informed. Max your
Tempest against the rock.
He has an extremely weak early game. His
Seismic Shard's will do very little to you even if he max's it and even less if you can
Iron Will it. You will outsustain him unless hes fed.
Malphite stacks armor to do more damage, which is why its a good thing that
Tempest does magic damage. You will be able to a lot of damage to him early on but as the fight goes on, you will see an enormous damage drop. When this happens just
Tempest him constantly to try and widdle him down.
There is one problem to what i said above this.
Malphite over and over will push your lane pretty damn hard. This will leave you open to ganks. His
Unstoppable Force is one of the strongest ultimates in the game. So becareful when he randomly does that and a jungler comes out of nowhere. Map awareness vs this lane will help significantly.
Difficulty 3/5
I actually find this guy quite tough. He has annoying harass and with that shield he's very tanky. Max
Iron Will against him.
Mordekaiser will purchase a
Doran's Shield at some point throughout the match up. If he does that and buy's
Ninja Tabi max your
Tempest second.
Early game you will out sustain his
Siphon of Destruction pretty easily and he'll wind up killing himself too. Abuse his terrible early game as much as you can and aim to all him bye level 2 or 3.
If he uses his ultimate,
Children of the Grave, Do NOT fight him unless he's at 20% health and your at 100%.
Difficulty 0.1/5
This is the most boring lane in the game. You will never die to him, but with the way most
Nasus play, you'll never kill him either. This will be a lot like the earlier
Cho'Gath match up.
Max your
Resonating Strike vs this guy.
You out sustain him heavily so he will be pushed onto his turret most of the time. If he suddenly starts running at you, a jungler is nearby and his
Wither is one of the strongest slows in this game.
If he's stacking a lot of armor which he might do to farm the lane better, max your
Try to deny his farm as much as you can. He's a late game monster and will dominate every thing with a farmed up
Siphoning Strike.
Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your
Sonic Wave
In this new meta, every
Nidalee ever is ap now. Try to all in her bye level 1 or 2 and you will win lane easily. This is a match up where its ok to start
Doran's Blade
An early
Bilgewater Cutlass/
The Brutalizer will help kill her easily.
If you're having trouble sustaining against her autos then put and extra point in
Iron Will at some point.
Be very careful of her
Aspect Of The Cougar form. It's burst is very deceiving.
Difficulty 1.5/5
He's a very annoying champ. Max your
Iron Will, but if your more confident in your abilities then max
Resonating Strike first.
If he
Reckless Swing's you, punish him for it by comboing him.
If he uses
Ragnarok do not try and fight him. Do your best to kite it out.
Tempest will shut down his passive
Berserker Rage for the most part but if hes life stealing it all back, refer to the QRQ combo video under the skill
Dragon's Rage in skill breakdown. It will burst him before he can life steal anything.
You can use
Iron Will to dodge
Undertow but if your maxing it, its better to just try and dodge them yourself.
Try to built some health at some point so his E does not one shot you.
Difficulty 1.5/5
I use to think
Pantheon was a counter to
Lee Sin. Hes not. Max your
Iron Will first.
This lane is incredibly easy. You out sustain his spears pretty easily. If you see him running up to you
Iron Will yourself or a minion and negate a good chunk of its damage. Though if you do this a lot a smart
Pantheon will start baiting your
Iron Will before throwing a
Spear Shot
Warn your team when he is level 6. He can use his ultimate
Grand Skyfall to gank other lanes.
Do not stay in lane if your health is 15% or lower. He gets automatic critical's on you from his
Heartseeker Strike passive.
Sunfire Aegis completely shuts his damage down.
Difficulty 1/5
Never EVER under estimate this champion. Max your
Resonating Strike vs this tiny thing.
Do not stand next to walls.
Heroic Charge will stun you if you do. Otherwise it just push's you away from her. (If she charges you and does not hit a wall, punish her for it.)
Be an overall bully against her.
I would recommend saving your gold to buy
Bloodthirster instead of
Hexdrinker. She's not really an early game threat so there is no need for it.
Do not stay in lane with low health. Her ultimate,
Diplomatic Immunity is possibly the strongest diveing ult there is.
Difficulty 4/5
Max your
Iron Will first against this angry croc.
His early game damage is very high. Don't start anything with him until you have a few points in your
Iron Will.
Always try to double tap
Iron Will when he charges into you.
Be careful of diving him with his ultimate,
Dominus, it makes him hella strong.
Getting an early
Sunfire Aegis will cripple his damage.
Difficulty 3/5
With the new buff that this guy didn't need, i finally have enough info to put a difficulty on this guy.
Max your
Iron Will first.
If he pounces on you from a bush, double tap
Iron Will and try to fight him.
If he uses his ultimate,
Thrill of the Hunt, right in front of you, try to catch him with a
Tempest to reveal him.
Warden's Mail will make him do next to nothing. Always try to fight him when he has 3 ferocity or less.
Difficulty 3/5
Iron Will against the exile.
Riven will normaly build
Bloodthirster's but before that she will have no sustain. Abuse that.
Try to double tap
Iron Will if shes about to burst you, after burst give her a taste of your own abilities then lifesteal all your health back.
Sunfire Aegis will help this lane a lot.
If she dash's toward you, she's going to try and stun and combo you. To avoid this try to
Iron Will to a minion to get away from the stun. If you do this successfully try to combo her since her stun is down.
Difficulty 2/5
The nerfs to rumble only made this lane easier. He never beat
Lee Sin to begin with.
Lee Sin has a far stronger early game. Max your
Resonating Strike.
If he tries to bully you with
Flamespitter, wait till he pass's your minions then hit him with a
Resonating Strike and burst him. If he does not pass your minions which a good
Rumble won't then iron will to the one closest to him and combo him.
Hexdrinker and an early
Phage work nicely.
If he randomly uses his ultimate,
The Equalizer Know that a gank is a coming from the jungler.
Never sit in
Rumbles ultimate
The Equalizer, it can turn the tide of a fight easily.
Difficulty 3/5
Max your
Iron Will/
Tempest depending on what you feel more comfortable with.
He's very hard to kill in lane later on but hes weak pre-level 7. Starting
Doran's Blade is definitely an option.
Warn your team when he reaches level 6. He will start looking for people to use his ultimate,
Stand United on. If he does use his ultimate in lane try to help your team by
Dragon's Rageing it to stop him from teleporting. It will not stop the shield however though. If he does teleport try to push as much as you can.
Be careful of his taunt,
Shadow Dash, its extremely strong for when a jungle is ganking you.
The Brutalizer and
Bilgewater Cutlass will help more than anything else in this lane.
Mercury's Treads will also help.
Difficulty 4/5
Max your tempest first.
Do not let
Singed just run around you with
Poison Trail if he gets close to you, burst him but do not chase him.
Shut him down as quickly as you can. He will get VERY tanky!
If you know your fighting a singed try to get a very disruptive jungle like
Maokai or
Nunu & Willump.
Doran's Blade is the best option in my opinion as if he tries to run around you to farm early you will basically kill him for it.
Difficulty 1/5
Max your
Resonating Strike against
You should be able to destroy him with double
Doran's Blades. Hes fairly weak before he gets his ultimate and you can really abuse that.
If he goes for a
Nevermove try to
Iron Will to the minion closest to him and punish/kill him.
His ultimate,
Ravenous Flock, is very strong, BUT you can still easily burst him down pre-level 9. Thats when it starts to get stronger.
Swain Uses his ultimate to sustain in lane, try to abuse him the second it ends.
Doran's Blade is definitely the best option against this guy. Note that if you don't kill him early on this lane will not be easy.
Difficulty 1/5
Max your
Sonic Wave.
Armor shuts down
Talon pretty hard.
Sunfire Aegis will work perfectly.
If you don't feel confident fighting talon, rush
Chain Vest. It will make laning vs him much easier.
If your beating
Talon in a fight he will most likely use his ultimate,
Shadow Assault to run away. Try to
Tempest him the second he does it.
Difficulty 2/5
Max your
Iron Will first. Its just way to hard to hit this guy with
Resonating Strike.
You generally out sustain him. If he tries blinding you with his
Blinding Dart when your last hitting then use
Tempest or
Sonic Wave to get it. If you use
Tempest and hit HIM with it, jump on him and try to get an early advantage.
If your gonna call your jungle over to gank him, try to do he before he receives his ultimate
Noxious Trap. It makes him annoyingly hard to gank.
Warmog's Armor will work well vs him.
Difficulty 1/5
This lane match up is quite like
Fioras except its MUCH easier. Max your
Resonating Strike unless hes stacking armor. If hes stacking armor max
Try to bully him so he has to use his rage to heal with
If he has full rage it may not be wise to engage on him.
If you engage on him double tap
Tempest and you will most likely win the fight.
Sunfire Aegis is overkill against him.
Difficulty 5/5
This is probaly the hardest lane for
Lee Sin to deal with. Max your
Iron Will against him.
Wilding Claw does magic damage, so if you know your vs'ing him, use flat Magic Resist runes instead of per level ones.
Mercury's Treads are a must have against him.
Try to beat him early. If you get an edge on him then this lane will be A LOT easier.
I've found that having
Hexdrinker can work vs him to reduce his
Wilding Claw initial damage, but this leave you open to his auto's after it. Also
Vampiric Scepter will help you a lot as well.
Udyr is pretty easy to gank early on.
Difficulty 1/5
This lane is not hard but can be tricky. Max
Sonic Wave first.
Her early game is pretty weak from what I've seen so far.
Lee Sin just absolutely stomps her.
Try not to stand in front or behind your minions. Her
Relentless Force can hit you for basically free damage.
If she
Vault Breaker's toward you, combo her with
Sonic Wave and
Tempest and you'll just about always out damage her. If she tries to stand there and fight you, bring her into your minions and kill her. Honestly you don't even need the minions.
Blade of the Ruined King is great for this lane if your having a tough time with it.
Difficulty 2.5/5
Vladimir won't stack armor so you can max your
Resonating Strike. If he is stacking armor max
Tempest. If you feel hes poking you for way to much damage feel free to max
Iron Will.
Vladimir has a pretty weak early game. Try to abuse that.
If he's using his
Tides of Blood to harass you (its the one that hurts him to use) try to land your
Resonating Strike on him and go for a kill.
Hexdrinker works nicely.
Difficulty 3/5
Tempest is a must for this lane. Max it first.
Hes an auto attack champ. If he tries to fight you, double tap
Tempest so it takes a while for him to build up his
Careful for jungle ganks.
Volibear will use his
Thundering Smash and throw you back making it much easier to kill you.
Don't fight him when his passive,
The Relentless Storm, is up or your
Ignite is down.
Difficulty 2/5
Sonic Wave first.
He's weak from levels 1, 2, and 3 so starting
Doran's Blade can really mess with him.
Don't let him use his
Hungering Strike on you to much. It does significant damage early game.
If you fight him straight up, double tap
Tempest to negate a good portion of his damage and sustain.
Careful for when he hits level 6. His ultimate,
Infinite Duress, combined with a jungler is almost a guaranteed kill on you.
Difficulty 1/5
Max your
Iron Will against him.
Warden's Mail and 3 points in
Iron Will and this monkey won't be able to do anything to you.
If he use's
Nimbus Strike to harass you,
Tempest the second he does it so he can't stealth out.
Careful for his ultimate,
Cyclone its very strong and can set up ganks well.
If you see him stand in one place for a few seconds he might of just used his
Warrior Trickster and is trying to set you up for something.
Difficulty 1/5
The new buffs for
Xin Zhao has made him a very viable champion now, but that doesn't mean hes strong in top lane. Max your
Resonating Strike against him.
If he trys to engage on you, double tap your
Tempest and you will pretty much win the fight. The only form of harass he has is a all-in ability
Audacious Charge. If he uses it, combo him.
Sunfire Aegis works very nicely against him.
Difficulty 4.5/5
A hard lane for pretty much all top laners. Max your
Iron Will against him.
Use your
Iron Will to heal off his ghouls.
This will be a hard match up early on but if your confident try purchasing a
Doran's Blade first and go for a kill early.
Call for jungle ganks early.
If you kill him early you will pretty much keep killing him.
Difficulty 1/5
Max you're
Sonic Wave first.
Zac is a pretty annoying champion to deal with simply because of all his regen, however he is EXTREMELY weak levels 1, 2, 3,and 4. Apply as much pressure as you possibly can.
If you're confident try starting
Doran's Blade against him.
If you see him starting his
Elastic Slingshot try to
Safeguard to a minion the second he launches to get away from it.
Elastic Slingshot does a ton of damage if it hits.
Try to not use any summoner's popping his passive
Cell Division. Its pretty much a waste.
If you pop
Cell Division and do not have much health after the engagement, don't try to force killing him, just leave unless you absolutely know you can finish it.
Difficulty 1/5
Max your
Sonic Wave first.
This guys
Razor Shuriken is a rather strong form of harass, although it is weak if he has not used
Living Shadow to boost it. You can generally ignore it if he just throws 1 at you early game but it starts getting strong at level 4 so be careful.
Try to all in
Zed before he gets his
Living Shadow. Most
Zeds will get it at level 3. He is very vulnerable until then.
If you are having trouble in this lane, a early
Warden's Mail and
Vampiric Scepter will absolutely help.
Zed uses
Death Mark try your best to get away from him until his delayed explosion effect happens. This will limit his ultimate VERY much and make his damage very low.

I'll be adding videos as i face them and fraps them. (I sadly do not own a mic. Hopefully by watching them you guys can get an idea of what to do when versing an enemy you are unfamiliar with.)

Difficulty 1/5
Max your

Whenever she


Not really much else to say,

*Actual strategy coming soon*
Well Here's my best guess but keep in mind this is theorizing. I have not ever faced this match up. He seems to have a weak early game. Do you best to zone him as much as possible so he can't benefit from his sustain. If he chooses to fight you, you should win because in order to do more significant damage he needs to kill himself, which should give you the edge. I would max Q first, build

Difficulty 0.5/5
Max your

This lane is honestly extremely boring. You won't ever really kill him because he's pretty much just a farmer. He won't ever engage on to you unless there jungle is nearby.
Careful of being

Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your



Difficulty 1/5
Max your

An early

Be careful for

If she tries to fight you in your minions two things will happen. A jungler will fly out of nowhere, or your going to beat the living hell out of her in a 1v1.
If she is spamming

Difficulty 2/5
Max your

This guy really isn't a top laner and he's extremely easy to gank so if you having problems with him, call your jungle over.
You beat him early game with damage, and with a maxed

Difficulty 2/5
A lot of people seem to have trouble with this one. If you feel confident enough max Q. If you don't feel confident enough max W.

Her early damage is pretty pathetic and she is also quite squishy so try to take advantage of that.
Try your hardest to hit level 2 before her and all in with Q and E if you started Q, however if you started W, try to hit level 3 before her then all in.
Try to Eat her

Difficulty 3.5/5
I was completely wrong about this match up so I'm re writing it.

Max your

When she uses

She has no escapes. If you need help with this lane, ask your jungle to camp top and she'll be easy enough to kill a few times.
If she uses

Be very careful, if shes farming on her turret and not making any attempts to mess with you at all, a jungler may just be on his way.

Difficulty 3/5
Max your

You can really abuse the fact that he's melee by bullying him around until he calls for a jungle gank.
By no means can

An early

Wait until he's out of your character model to

Difficulty 1/5
With the recent buffs

Now there's two kinds of

If hes being very aggressive against you then he's pretty much giving you the lane.

If he uses

Don't even worry about

Difficulty 3.5/5
I hate this guy so much, but with the recent early game nerf and the late game buff he's now a lot easier to deal with. Never underestimate him though. Max your

Armor completely shuts down

Once you get

difficulty 4/5
Max your

Shes very powerful and has a lot of sustain, but early game (I mean levels 1, 2, and 3) you completely crush her in damage. Try to abuse that.
When ever she uses

If you're having trouble with her an early

Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your

Be very careful of his

If he's using

Be very careful of jungle ganks with

Difficulty 4/5
Max your


A normal jax will build

You should not have a problem with him Pre-level 8, but then he starts getting a lot stronger so try to shut him down early.

difficulty 2/5
Max your

Try your hardest to farm through his auto attacks using

Be careful about his

Also be careful of his

If you manage to kill him once, getting a

Difficulty 1.5/5
Max your

If he tries to

If you land your

Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your

If he uses his

Try to fight him in your minions as

Careful if he goes stealth, a jungle gank may be approaching.

If your going to gank him, do it early. If and once he takes the evolve on his

Difficulty 1/5
People say this guy counters every AD champ on top. Well they are quite mis-informed. Max your

He has an extremely weak early game. His

There is one problem to what i said above this.

Difficulty 3/5
I actually find this guy quite tough. He has annoying harass and with that shield he's very tanky. Max


Early game you will out sustain his

If he uses his ultimate,

Difficulty 0.1/5
This is the most boring lane in the game. You will never die to him, but with the way most

Max your

You out sustain him heavily so he will be pushed onto his turret most of the time. If he suddenly starts running at you, a jungler is nearby and his

If he's stacking a lot of armor which he might do to farm the lane better, max your

Try to deny his farm as much as you can. He's a late game monster and will dominate every thing with a farmed up

Difficulty 2.5/5
Max your

In this new meta, every

An early

If you're having trouble sustaining against her autos then put and extra point in

Be very careful of her

Difficulty 1.5/5
He's a very annoying champ. Max your

If he

If he uses


You can use

Try to built some health at some point so his E does not one shot you.

Difficulty 1.5/5
I use to think

This lane is incredibly easy. You out sustain his spears pretty easily. If you see him running up to you

Warn your team when he is level 6. He can use his ultimate

Do not stay in lane if your health is 15% or lower. He gets automatic critical's on you from his

Difficulty 1/5
Never EVER under estimate this champion. Max your

Do not stand next to walls.

Be an overall bully against her.
I would recommend saving your gold to buy

Do not stay in lane with low health. Her ultimate,

Difficulty 4/5
Max your

His early game damage is very high. Don't start anything with him until you have a few points in your

Always try to double tap

Be careful of diving him with his ultimate,

Getting an early

Difficulty 3/5
With the new buff that this guy didn't need, i finally have enough info to put a difficulty on this guy.
Max your

If he pounces on you from a bush, double tap

If he uses his ultimate,

Difficulty 3/5

Try to double tap

If she dash's toward you, she's going to try and stun and combo you. To avoid this try to

Difficulty 2/5
The nerfs to rumble only made this lane easier. He never beat

If he tries to bully you with

If he randomly uses his ultimate,

Never sit in

Difficulty 3/5
Max your

He's very hard to kill in lane later on but hes weak pre-level 7. Starting

Warn your team when he reaches level 6. He will start looking for people to use his ultimate,

Be careful of his taunt,

Difficulty 4/5
Max your tempest first.
Do not let

Shut him down as quickly as you can. He will get VERY tanky!
If you know your fighting a singed try to get a very disruptive jungle like


Difficulty 1/5
Max your

You should be able to destroy him with double

If he goes for a

His ultimate,


Difficulty 1/5
Max your

Armor shuts down

If you don't feel confident fighting talon, rush

If your beating

Difficulty 2/5
Max your

You generally out sustain him. If he tries blinding you with his

If your gonna call your jungle over to gank him, try to do he before he receives his ultimate

Difficulty 1/5
This lane match up is quite like

Try to bully him so he has to use his rage to heal with

If he has full rage it may not be wise to engage on him.
If you engage on him double tap

Difficulty 5/5
This is probaly the hardest lane for

Try to beat him early. If you get an edge on him then this lane will be A LOT easier.
I've found that having

Difficulty 1/5
This lane is not hard but can be tricky. Max

Her early game is pretty weak from what I've seen so far.

Try not to stand in front or behind your minions. Her

If she

Difficulty 2.5/5

If he's using his

Difficulty 3/5

Hes an auto attack champ. If he tries to fight you, double tap

Careful for jungle ganks.

Don't fight him when his passive,

Difficulty 2/5

He's weak from levels 1, 2, and 3 so starting

Don't let him use his

If you fight him straight up, double tap

Careful for when he hits level 6. His ultimate,

Difficulty 1/5
Max your

If he use's

Careful for his ultimate,

If you see him stand in one place for a few seconds he might of just used his

Difficulty 1/5
The new buffs for

If he trys to engage on you, double tap your

Difficulty 4.5/5
A hard lane for pretty much all top laners. Max your

Use your

This will be a hard match up early on but if your confident try purchasing a

Call for jungle ganks early.
If you kill him early you will pretty much keep killing him.

Difficulty 1/5
Max you're

If you're confident try starting

If you see him starting his

Try to not use any summoner's popping his passive

If you pop

Difficulty 1/5
Max your

This guys

Try to all in

If you are having trouble in this lane, a early


Well...that's about it.
If you feel i have made a mistake somewhere feel free to point it out and ill give it another look.
Thanks for reading my guide on
Lee Sin.
If anyone notices spelling mistakes or broken coding please tell me. I typed this extremely late at night so its bound to be wrong in places.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS MADE THIS GUIDE NUMERO UNO!! i honestly didn't think it would become as popular as it has thanks a lot.
If you feel i have made a mistake somewhere feel free to point it out and ill give it another look.
Thanks for reading my guide on

If anyone notices spelling mistakes or broken coding please tell me. I typed this extremely late at night so its bound to be wrong in places.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS MADE THIS GUIDE NUMERO UNO!! i honestly didn't think it would become as popular as it has thanks a lot.
Ever wondered what my lee sin looks like? Well i sometimes stream for fun randomly if you want to check it out the link is Here!
I'm just some random silver 5 (capable of Gold but i don't want to put in the effort) top laner who trolls around a lot. My preferences are assassin type top laners even though they have kind of went out of style. My favorite champs in the Top lane are Fiora, Riven, And of course Lee Sin.
Why should you follow a word this guide says? Try it for yourself and hopefully that will answer that question ^.^.
I'm just some random silver 5 (capable of Gold but i don't want to put in the effort) top laner who trolls around a lot. My preferences are assassin type top laners even though they have kind of went out of style. My favorite champs in the Top lane are Fiora, Riven, And of course Lee Sin.
Why should you follow a word this guide says? Try it for yourself and hopefully that will answer that question ^.^.
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