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Trundle Build Guide by Senpai Marlon

[In-Depth] ELOCopter - TRUNDLE TOP GUIDE [NEW/5.7]

[In-Depth] ELOCopter - TRUNDLE TOP GUIDE [NEW/5.7]

Updated on April 28, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Senpai Marlon Build Guide By Senpai Marlon 123,462 Views 5 Comments
123,462 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Senpai Marlon Trundle Build Guide By Senpai Marlon Updated on April 28, 2015
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Hey guys my name is Senpai Marlon and I am a high level League of Legends player but most of the time I am just haveing fun with friends and random people I talk to. I started playing way back in season 2 where I mained marksman but currently I am maining support especially tanks like Nautilus and Thresh. I like to be the person who tanks as much damage as he can and prepares kills for his carries along with giving the right calls to win the game.
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EuW - Level 30 - Senpai Marlon - Master I
My goal is to share my knowledge about roles. champions and general things to help you guys as much as I can. Fell free to pm or add me in League if you need help or have any questions. If you are interested in other guides feel free to check out my youtube channel and subscribe (click the banner for redirection).

Trundle is a physical damage bruiser/off-tank with an extremely strong late game scaling. The combination of Blade of the Ruined King, Spirit Visage and Frozen Domain gives Trundle a massive sustain and attack speed boost. Subjugate [/center] transfers almost half of your targets resistances along with 20-28% of their health to you which is incredible handy in sticky situations.


+ Massive sustain with Blade of the Ruined King, Frozen Domain
+ Extremly good scaling
+ Jungle, Dragon and Nashor control through Smite
+ Ability to gain jungle buffs to apply more damage

Trundel's Strengths

Trundle's massive sustain allows him to stay extremely long in lane and regen some of the taken damage. The combination of his skillset with the right items makes him to a feared late game beast.

Trundle's Limitations

Eventhough Trundle is pretty weak early on which means you will need some early help. The fact that he does not provide any kind of poke makes it hard to win trades against champions who can provide poke.


- Weak against poke damage
- Has to get his levels and items ( Blade of the Ruined King and Spirit Visage)
- no "real" disengage abilities besides Frozen Domain


Greater Marks of Attack Damage will boost your Attack Damage and are scaling pretty good with your "Q" Chomp.
Greater Seals of Armor are the best choice against a physical damage dealer. The combination between Greater Seals of Armor and the focus on your defensive masteries will provide you a significant surviveability boost. Use Greater Seal of Scaling Health if you play against an ap caster.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist are one of the best runes to use and definitly the best runes for the mid/late game. The scaling of the runes will starte at level 11/12 where they outscale Greater Glyph of Magic Resist. If you play against an ap catser use Greater Glyph of Magic Resist.
Attack speed is extremely recommended to provide enough susatin in order not to lose any surviveability. You can use Greater Quintessence of Life Steal if you are forced to play passive or just need/feel better with more sustain.

As Trundle you have to survive a lot of pressure and poke sometimes even camps from their jungler. In order not to die and fall off you should run a mix of offensive and defensive masteries. I can recommend 9/21/0 to maximise your sustain, resistances and your surviveability in general. Your loss of damage throughout this setup is extremly small.

Offensive Tree

Feast will restore 3 Health and 1 Mana per unit kill which is extremely good and a must for Trundle in order to sustain well. This does in fact stack with his passive King's Tribute.

The healing effect from Feast and the sustain in general can be boosted by Spirit Visage and Frozen Domain.

Defensive Tree
Hardiness , Resistance and Legendary Guardian will massivly boost your defensive stats along with health regen.
Armor Calculation
Trundle armor: 27,5
Runes: 9
Masteries: 5,5 + 5%
42x 5% = 44,1 Armor at level 1
Magic Resistance Calculation
Trundle armor: 27,5
Runes: 1,5 per level
Materies: 6 + 5%

35x 5% = 36,75 Magic Resistance at level 1
52x 5% = 54,60 Magic Resistance at level 6

Overall you are gaining more susatin through Feast along with resistances through your runes and the focus on the defense tree ( Hardiness , Resistance and Legendary Guardian ). This setup should help you to increase your sustain and your surviveability against poke and hard pressure.
Early Items
Your first buy should be a Bami's Cinder to improve your health and being able to rush Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk. The passive burning effect will give you a little bit of extra damage and will help you clear waves faster.
Skirmisher's Sabre is a "MUST" buy item on trundle. It provides an bonus 30 gold per large monster kill which will increase your overall gold while taking gromps and golems along with the active smite which reduces your targets damage by 20%. This is extremely usefull in duels.
Core Items
Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk is in my opinion the best choice. You will gain a 25 health multiplier along with a little bit of health which you will need in most matchups.
Spirit Visage should be your main magic resist item. It does provide one of the best magic resist stats along with cooldown reduction and an extremely handy passive of 20% more self healing.
Blade of the Ruined King is a really good choice and nice in combination with Spirit Visage and Frozen Domain. This combination will provide you 40% more self healing. The attack speed boost is amazing sustain, taking jungle camps and to take down towers (splitting).
Situational Items
Randuin's Omen is a good chocie if play against a heavier physical damage team. It will boost your armor and health along along with providing a strong active and passive ability. This item is extemely good with Frozen Heart.
Ravenous Hydra is the replacement for Blade of the Ruined King if your team has not a good wave clear or you have not to out duel your enemy. Blade of the Ruined King is good if your laner builds tanky stats.
Hexdrinker is a good choice if you are playing and WINNING against an ap caster like Vladimir or Lulu. It does provide you a little bit of magic resist and attack damage in order with a shield that will block up to 250 magical damage if you get below 30% health.
is only necessary if the enemy team has attack speed oriented champions like Jinx, Twitch, Vayne or Kalista due to the passive aura whcih slows their attack speed by 20%. In combination with Randuin's Omen makes it almost to easy to deal with their Ad Carry.
I would only recommend to buy a maximum of two offensive items on Trundle in most cases you will only need one ( Blade of the Ruined King or Ravenous Hydra).
King's Tribute
Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 % of their maximum health. The amount is increased at levels 5, 9, 12 and 15.
King's Tribute is extremely assential for your sustain and surviveability in lane. The range got buffed to 1400 (a Nidalee spear) which makes it slightly easier to lane against oppressive laners.
Trundle enhances his next basic attack, dealing 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 % of total AD) physical damage and slowing its target by 75% for 0.1 seconds.

This attack increases Trundle's attack damage by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 for 8 seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount for the same duration.
Chomp is an auto attack reset with a samll 75% slow. After using it your attack damage will be slightly boosted (20 on rank 1) which makes it good at dueling and in combination with Frozen Domain along with the possibility to use it on turrets. This makes trundle to a fast tower pusher and with Ravenous Hydra to a fast wave clearer as well.
Frozen Domain
Trundle coats a target 1000-radius location with ice for 8 seconds, gaining 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 % bonus movement speed, 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 % attack speed, and 20 % increased healing and regeneration from all sources while he is on it.
Frozen Domain is a great sustaining tool. Whenever using it you will gain a 20% self healing buff for the time stanging on the frozen field it creates along with a massive attack speed boost of 20% on rank 1 and 80% on rank 5. The movement speed boost you receive will help you at dueling, chasing or escaping. You can even use Frozen Domain for faster traveling.
Pillar of Ice
Trundle creates an icy pillar at a target location for 6 seconds, creating impassable terrain and slowing all enemy units by 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% around the pillar for .25 seconds. The slow duration is refreshed if enemies stay within the area around the pillar. Enemies caught in the center of the eruption are briefly knocked back.
Pillar of Ice is a great tool for cutting up escape paths. It slows your enemy and can even make them stuck if placed right. But keep in mind that this ability can screw up your team as it does provides the same effects to your teammates and yourself. Pillar of Ice counts as a knockback as well which makes it good for interupting teleports or abilities like Fiddlesticks's Crowstorm or Katarina's Death Lotus.
Trundle drains 20 / 24 / 28 % (+ 2% per 100AP) of an enemy champion's max health as magic damage and 40% of their armor and magic resist, half immediately and half over 4 seconds. The armor and magic resist bonus/reduction lasts for 4 after it has been fully applied.
Subjugate provides an insane stat transfer from your target to you. You will get 40% of your targets armor and magic resist added and 20% of his maximum health at rank 1. Use Subjugate on your Frozen Domain to gain 20% more health which gives you a unbelieveable amount of sustain and turnaround/bait potential.
oooo oooo

You might be asking "What the hell are these summoner spells. No Flash? and why the hell should I use Smite as a top laner?
In my opinion Flash is not necessary on Trundle. Frozen Domain provides a massive movement speed boost which will get you out of most triky situation. Your tankiness and sustain will help you as well. A quick combination of Subjugate and Frozen Domain with or without Spirit Visage will heal you from zero to half health in less then 1 second.
A import part of the game is how to position yourself and hot to move and where to stand in lane. Flash always gives you the safety of making a mistake and just flash out to be safe. And in my opinion this is extremely contra productive for your practise. I do understand that everybody has his own playstyle and might or moght not like to play without Flash but i would recommend to try it out and practise it.
ooo Teleport ooo Teleport is in my opinion necesarry and recommended to pick as a top laner. The global map presence and playstayle possibilities are necessary to make good plays. Teleport is good for splitting and being able to regroup with your team if a fight starts along with the possibility to secure Dragon or Baron Nashor.
ooo Smite ooo Smite can provide you different bonuses depending on what you are smiting and which jungle item along with which upgrade you are choosing. In my opinion Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk is the best choice. You are gaining much needed health and are able to smite your target for a 3 seconds dot and a 20% damage reduction debuff. This comes extremely handy at dueling or reducing damage of assasins. Smite also makes you able to get jungle buffs to apply extra damage. Gromp's poisen buff is good for dueling and wave clear. Its good in combination with your Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk's "sunfire" passive. Krug's buff is good for tower pushing as it applies extra damage to turrets. Because Chomp is an auto atatck reset it will help you prock more often.
ooo Vladimir ooo Shyvana
ooo Pantheon ooo Irelia
ooo Riven ooo Jax
ooo Rumble ooo Ryze
ooo Darius ooo Gnar
ooo Fiora ooo LIssandra
ooo Nasusooo
Early Game
What you should do is taking Gromp for the level 2 advantage and the poisen buff. If your jungler starts at Gromp you can eighter go and take Krugs or just Smite Gromp's and take the buff. I would recommend taking Krugs instead to get a dew Health Potion's and a Stealth Ward. This gives you more sustain and vision if you have pushed the lane.

Farm as much as you can along with avoiding as much damage as you can. If their jungler started at blue side you should ward your trybush at 2:40 just to be safe. Always try to trade damage in smaller fights to know how strong your laner is (at certain points of the game). Get your first items along with other objectives to maximise your pressure on top lane.
Mid Game
There i would recommend playing the split "push"/objective game. This means that you should at least be able to drag two players to your lane so your team is able to take Dragon 's or even Baron Nashor. If the situation gets sticky you always can use Teleport to assist your team. The double Smite on your team allows you to take Dragon's or even Baron Nashor at earlier stages of the game and more unexpected.

Your main focus should be the outher turrets and Dragon untill your team isable to sneak Baron Nashor . At this point you can siege mid and take the first Inhibitor.
Late Game
In the late game Trundle is almost unstoppable. His susatin and regen is incredible high which is extremely usefull for peeling or tanking. At this point of the game you should definitely take Baron Nashor and start getting more Inhibitors. Try to catch one essentiell player in order to take Baron Nashor . If this does not work you can always try it the sneaky way and pull someone at the other side of the map in oder to force Baron Nashor .
23.04.2015: Guide created
23.04.2015: Adding "Guide Collection"

Upcomming Updates:

24.04.2015: Overwriting explanations & Table of Content
25.04.2015: rewriting gameplay
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Senpai Marlon
Senpai Marlon Trundle Guide
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