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Meele DPS Champions- kill with skill- supreme damage

Meele DPS Champions- kill with skill- supreme damage

Updated on May 20, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author murtaghking Build Guide By murtaghking 7 4 13,593 Views 14 Comments
7 4 13,593 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author murtaghking Build Guide By murtaghking Updated on May 20, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere
  • LoL Champion: Xin Zhao
  • LoL Champion: Sion
  • LoL Champion: Nocturne
  • LoL Champion: Irelia
  • LoL Champion: Jarvan IV
  • LoL Champion: Dr. Mundo
  • LoL Champion: Nasus
  • LoL Champion: Garen


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



Hello, first of all I hope you enjoy to read this guide
About me and my LoL experience: I am level 30 and have about 400 Wins
My average score looks like: 12-4-6 (average of lost and won games with DPS champs)
I am not a killstealer! I just deal that much damage!
In 90% of all the games I play I have most damage dealt and 70% of the games most kills.
-> DPS champs deal more damage than others -> more kills

-> if you follow that guides and have the skills you can get such a good score, too

PLAY TOGETHER WITH YOUR FRIENDS: LoL is a Teambased game: communication => kills
Use Skype, Teamspeak or whatever you want to get a advantage

In this Guide I will to tell you how to play meele DPS champs because I like this way of building champs.

All the champs I will discuss are possible DPS champs... there are always different ways to build a champion so I will focus on this aspect.

Don't blame me for building characters as DPS which you prefer to play as Tank or anything else... i have tried all these champions and they all work good!!!
-> I will only tell you about DPS champs that I have brought in experienc

I will not talk about Master Yi because I don't like him... doesn't mean he's not good

I will tell you:
- A short overview of my favourite DPS champions
- What itmes to buy on these champs + build examples + damage calculations
- What is your job as a meele DPS?

What is DPS?
Damage per second (autoattacks) -> how much damage do you deal in 1 second with only autoattacks ... i will calculate the DPS for a lot of champs
remember 1000 DPS is much -> 6 seconds to kill someone with 3000 life and 100 armor

Effective health?
The damage you have to deal to kill a enemy
100 armor -> 1/2 damage -> effective health = 2 * Health

How long do you need to kill a enemy?
Effective health / DPS

Life regenerated:
This would be the life you would regenerate if you did the full damage... against 100 armor you deal half the damage and regenerate only the half amount of life
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The mindset of meele DPS

Your job is to deal a huge amount of Physical damage.

You could also call yourself a meele carry if you play as a DPS champ.

You should be allowed to steal kills sounds selfish... as far as you don't steal from another carry... people might not like you but they will get a lot more kills/assists later in return for letting you get that kills in early- and midgame

don't steal if you are fullequip yet... you will maybe reach fullequip first in your team

Remember: once you are feeded you kill everything and everyone feels like feeding you
+ the enemy tank is close to useless

You will be good at killing everything: you will be the one who hits the enemy tank most
... with some magic resist the tank can trust the spell combo of a mage, BUT: you will just hack and slash on him and look how he is going to die

example: 2500 DPS Enemy team effective health: 36000
-> 14,4 seconds to kill the total enemy team
effective life of 36000 of the whole team is normal for endgame...

DPS champions deal the most damage of all champion classes in the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe me... Most time I have the highest amount of damage dealt in a game... often two times more than the second best

Always buy a defensive item! Apart from Tryndamere and Sion all meele DPS champs are pretty squishy -> you will be focused and die fast
different to ranged DPS you are in the middle of the fight !
in ranked games buy 2 defensive items because it's safer

Stats you will want as a meele DPS (not including the defense):
1. !!! Lifesteal !!!
2. Attack Damage
3. Attack Speed
4. Crit Chance -> Crit Damage
5. Movement Speed

Why lifesteal? - survive + win every 1on1 fight + stay on high life in teamfigths
imagine: you lost more than half of your live because malzahar used his combo on you
-> you kill him with your autoattacks + are on high life again

Your biggest problems will always be:
1. CC
2. always to be focused
3. how to chase those enemies -> they will not want to face you 1on1
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You can choose what you want...

Stats yout champ will benefit from:
-attack speed, armor penetration, crit chance/damage
-armor, magic resist,health
-cool down reduction (on mundo)

don't use attack damage runes they're not worth it
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Summoner Spells

My favourite summoner spells are:

1. Exhaust: First Blood, focus a single target to kill it fast (remember: with the mastery point it reduces armor and magic resist by 10 -> helps a little bit)
2. Ghost: Chase and run away from enemies -> YOU HAVE TO BE FAST AS A MEELE DPS

You can use what you want but I would recommend those to you
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How to play a meele DPS

early game:
1. Watch out not to get harassed
2. Let the enemies push
3. Kill them at your tower -> communicate with your laning mate
4. don't go solo lane

jungling: most of them are viable junglers -> jungling will guarante a medium amount of experience and money + one more sololaner with a higher level + more ganks

Good laning partners:

they have good synergy with every DPS champ... my opinion: rammus is the best, shen the second best, blitzcrank the third, ...
they are all Tanks with abilities like: taunt / grab / throw / cc ulti
what also works: good slow/stun

mid game:
1. collect kills -> gank a lot... go together with any CC heavy teammate
2. Farm as much as possible
3. if you had problems in early game and don't do much damage: go into the jungle and kill minions... without items a meele DPS is useless in a teamfight and will just feed

end game:
1. teamfights! + farming!
2. never focus the tank
3. never initiate a fight - you are not a tank
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Thornmail = DPS horror scenario + armor stacking

What to do if a enemy buys thornmail?
if it is the tank, ignore him...
you need lifesteal -> regenerate more life than you lose
buy magic resist: get less damage

if a squishy or more enemies in the team buy this you need armor reduction/penetration

stacking armor:
the enemy tank will often stack armor -> ignore it
if at least 3 enemies are stacking armor -> conter them

What's your aim?
You want to have the enemies on a armor lower than 100
100 armor means 1/2 damage

Items you can use:

Remember: 1. Armor reduction 2. Armor penetration
Don't use more than 2 Item slots on these items
Remember: you already have something about 30 armor penetration because of the runes and masteries
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Why don't you really need defensive items on Tryndamere?
If you follow this guide you should be able to win a 3v1 maybe without using your ulti

Tryndamere is the best choise if you want to play on 3v3... some, including me, call hip OP on 3v3

Battle Fury
Tryndamere has a base 10% critical strike chance and it increases by 0.4% per 1% health he is missing.

Passive: Whenever Tryndamere kills or critically strikes a unit, he gains 3 Attack Damage and 1.5 / 2.25 / 3 / 3.75 / 4.5% Critical Damage for 15 seconds (stackable 8 times). Killing a unit or critically striking while not Bloodlusted applies 2 stacks instead of 1.

Active: Tryndamere consumes his Bloodlusts, restoring 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 health per Bloodlust (+150% of ability power).

Cooldown 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 seconds | Range 319

Mocking Shout
Decreases surrounding champions' physical damage by 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100, and enemies with their backs turned also have their movement speed slowed by 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60%. Lasts 4 seconds.

Cooldown 14 seconds | Cost 25 health | Range 400

Spinning Slash
Tryndamere spins through his enemies, dealing 50% of his Attack Damage +40 / 90 / 140 / 185 / 240 (+100% of ability power) damage to enemies in his path.

Passive: Slash's cooldown is reduced by 2 sec whenever Tryndamere critically strikes.

Cooldown 9 seconds | Cost 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 mana | Range 25000

Undying Rage
Tryndamere becomes completely immune to death for 5 seconds, refusing to be reduced below 1 health. His abilities have no cost during this time and he gains 4 / 6 / 8 Bloodlust stacks.

Cooldown 130 / 115 / 100 seconds | Range 400

How to use your abilities/ benefits from your abilities:
Helps in early game because you have not enough crit chance
Heal yourself / damage and crit damage bonus -> you will want to have it on 8 stacks in every fight
Use this for chasing enemies
Chase the enemies - escape - farm ... never forget that you can spin through walls with it
You will not die... Use your Bloodlust to heal half a secend before it's over... Use it early enough

How to kill the enemy:
run towards the enemy -> as he tries to run away use to slow him -> autoattack -> if he continues running:
if you want to make an ambush start with

Items you can use:
Starting items:
+ 2X
if you feel squishy:



Most time I sell my shoes in the end for a phantom dancer... because i have the money ant it is more effective:

DPS: 2466 -> 1233 Life regenerated (this calculation is made without bloodlust up... this will increase your damage a little bit)
Example: Enemy 3000 health 100 Armor -> 2,43 seconds until death ... that's very short
any enemy who is too lazy to buy armor will die faster than he can react
Tank with 4000 Health and 200-250 Armor -> 8-9 seconds

against armor heavy enemies (you should have critical chance runes):

versus CC:

safe build:

replace guarian angel by another defensive item if you want

a cheaper build which will also make you a epic monster:

Infinity Edge is strong but expensive... this will give a lot of armor reduction/penetration + crit chance + attack speed + damage

I would call this the ultimate heal build:
Only if you are really overfeeded and can't get enough try this... maybe you won't like is but it works very well... also: this is the most expensive build

or even harder:

why do i use hextech gunblade on Tryndamere?
1. Ulimate heal besides the high damage output (Bloodthirst heals for 50 + 1,5xAP)
calculation: heal with 8 stacks on bloodlust:
2 hextech gunblades: 2080 (1040 with ignite on you)
3 hextech gunblades: 2920 (1460 with ignite on you)
No champion in this game can heal himself so much with such a little amount of AP
2. Your spinning slast has a 1,0 AP ratio + can hit all enemies if you have luck + you will heal yourself a lot with this ability because of the spellvamp(it will deal about 500-600 damage with the 2 hextech gunblades and more with the 3 hextech's)
calculation for the heal: you hit 2 enemy champions and 4 vasalls; because of the magic resist you deal an average of 400 damage (2 hextech gunblades)
-> 2400 damage dealt -> 50% spellvamp (1/3 for multitargeting spells) -> Heal for 400
With the passive you can use it all 3 seconds if you autoattack
3. With a Hextech gunblade you also get a huge amount of attack damage and Lifesteal... i just replaced the bloodthirsters
4. If you die you won't lose any stacks

- best autoattacks of all champions in the game
- if in he is feeded or not he will rock in the endgame (because of farming)
- very good farmer
- he heals himself a lot -> good laning
- he needs no mana for his abilities
- stronger than other DPS champs when he reaches level 6
- good at escaping and chasing enemies
- armor won't help a tank to survive your attacks, because you deal too much damage

- weak earlygame
- very item dependent
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A lot of people think garen is a tank or offtank... If you think so you haven't seen me killing a rammus with 250 armor and 3k live without last whisper in about 6 seconds (ok... the other enemies were feeding me because they didn't know how much damage dps garen deals)

Garen will regenerate 0.5% of his maximum health per second after not receiving damage for 7 seconds.

Decisive Strike
Garen gains a 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% speed boost for 3 seconds. His next attack deals 150% of his base damage plus 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 bonus damage and silences his target for 2.5 seconds.

Cooldown 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds | Range 300

Passive: Garen's armor and magic resist are permanently increased by 0.5 every time he kills an enemy unit. This bonus is maxed at 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25.

Active: Garen places a defensive shield on himself for the next 3 seconds, decreasing all damage taken by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.

Cooldown 30 / 27 / 24 / 21 / 18 seconds | Range 20

Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body for 3 seconds, reducing the duration of slows by 50% and dealing 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+120% of his bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to nearby enemies every second. Garen removes any slow effects on him at the start of the dance.

The bonus damage is further increased by Garen's critical strike chance. Damage to minions is reduced by 50%. This cannot damage invisible minions or wards.

Cooldown 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds | Range 330

Demacian Justice
Garen calls upon the might of Demacia to attempt to execute an enemy champion, dealing 175 / 350 / 525 damage plus 1 damage for every 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 health they are missing.

Cooldown 140 / 120 / 100 / 0 seconds | Range 400

How to use your abilities/ benefits from your abilities:
lane longer -> higher level -> stronger in midgame
remember it will hold on as long as you are not attacked -> you can lasthit minions without stopping this ability
extreme damage; !!!use it directly after a autoattack!!!
one of thwe few abilities that works versus towers
that's why garen can resist much damage even as a DPS champion
The judgement for all the sins they have done... main damage source in teamfigths
Killstealer ability number one.. but use it wise... only if you will get a kill

How to kill a enemy: -> autoattack -> - if he doesn't run and wants to attack you:
if he tries to run away use youmuu's active or ghost + and just see how his life drops
you can always finish with

personal tip: hide in the gras ready to use q

how to escape: movement speed boost: -> as they try to slow you:

Items you can use:
Starting items:
good survivability in early game



Important about Garen: he needs a lot of running speed because he has no slow etc -> i always buy frozen malet

favourite build + maths:

stats at level 18:
Health: 3133
Armot / Magic resist: 111 / 108
Movement speed: 451
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 380 / 1,146 / 25%
Armor Penetration: 51
Crit chance / Crit damage: 57% / 260%
DPS: 833 -> 208 Life regenerated (You hit 1/2 - 1/3 harder if you use youmuu's active)
damage with your Q (+ bonus from trinity force): 1590 -> heal for 397
damage per second with E: 848 -> 2544 versus everyone you hit all the 3 seconds
do you believe now that he's strong as a damager? + he has more than 3k live and his ulti to do the rest


if you want to focus the hole team... a little less DPS, little less life
attack: run with Q into the middle and hit someone -> use randuin's active -> damage them with E

without crit chance:

DPS: 639 -> 479 Life regenerated
damage with your Q (+ bonus from trinity force): 1945 -> heal for 1459
damage per second with E: 768 -> 2303 versus everyone you hit all the 3 seconds

with more crit - if you get the money:

DPS: 1022 -> 256 Life regenerated
damage with your Q: 1787 -> heal for 447
damage per second with E: 1064 -> 3191 versus everyone you hit all the 3 seconds
but: you don't have the cool down reduction and armor penetration from youmuu's

all in all i prefer the 1. build which is a balanced version... if you get the money sell your youmuu's for another infiniti edge (-> build 3)

Just for fun (with full crit damage runes) - I would not recommend you to build garen that way !!! -> spin to win:

DPS: 1386 -> 693 Life regenerated
damage with your Q: 977 -> heal for 488
damage per second with E: 1692 -> 5076 versus everyone you hit all the 3 seconds
sounds strong but you won't survive
but: if you have kayle in your team you can do that... should be enough time to use your E

+ strong laner (high regeneration)
+ needs no mana
+ high initial damage + long silence
+ can resist a lot of damage without beeing build as a tank
+ high arial damage
+ stong ulti -> can turn a battle
+ high AD ratios
+ he can damage enemies while running with E
+ high speed boost to chase or escape
* very fast: 368 with decisive strike for 3 seconds

- no slow,stun, etc
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Dr. Mundo

Adrenaline Rush
Dr. Mundo regenerates 0.3% of his max health each second.

Infected Cleaver
Dr. Mundo hurls his cleaver, dealing damage equal to 15 / 18 / 21 / 23 / 25% of the target's current health (80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 damage minimum) and slowing them by 40% for 2 seconds.

Cooldown 4 seconds | Cost 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 health | Range 10000

Burning Agony
Toggle: Dr. Mundo deals 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+20% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies, and reduces the duration of crowd control effects on Dr Mundo by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.

Cooldown 4 seconds | Cost 20 / 28 / 35 / 43 / 50 health per second | Range 325

Increases physical damage by 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 for 5 seconds. Dr. Mundo gains an additional +0.4 / 0.55 / 0.7 / 0.85 / 1 damage for each percentage of health he is missing.

Cooldown 7 seconds | Cost 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 health | Range 300

Dr. Mundo regenerates 50% of his Max Health over 12 seconds. Additionally, he gains 15 / 25 / 35% movement speed.

Cooldown 75 seconds | Cost 20 percent of health | Range 20

How to use your abilities/ benefits from your abilities:
Helps a lot in the laning phase
slow + percentage damage...
nice damage all around you -> in the endgame you don't have to care about the life lost with it
100 bonus damage? you can use it close to all the time
i think it works like olaf: less life -> more damage -> more regeneration with lifesteal
use this + your lifesteal -> you will not die in a 3v1

how to kill a enemy:
throw as often as possible + use to maximize your damage output + if you have enough liefsteal jet
if the enemy is faster than you (should not happen if you hit with ):

escaping: just run and use if you have less than 1/2 life and have not escaped jet
throw behind yourself to slow them

Items you can use:
Starting items:
maximum usage of your passive



atma's impaler is not in this list because you won't focus to get a lot of life

build examples:
after you sold your boots for your infinity edge:

Running speed: 415
DPS (with full life): 1896 -> 948 Life regeneration

if you replace your frozen malet with another phantom dancer you get 2405 DPS ... compareable to tryndamere... with crit damage runes even a lot more: 2775
But: you have not such a good escaping and survivability ability -> you need some life

Another balanced build:

trinity force because you can Spam your Q and E -> you hit harder with your attacks

+ High damage
+ fast movement
+ high regeneration
+ maybe the best laner in the game (you can stay on the lane up to level 10 and get a lot of kills -> you port back with 4k gold)
+ strong without items
+ needs no mana
+ hard to catch
+ if you use your Q everytime you can and hit the enemies they will have to port back often / lose much life in endgame

- his abilities cost life
- the enemies will hate you: that's like the teemo effect... you will be attacked first -> play together with teemo to be the second one to be focused
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The undead champion...
Sion vs any DPS champion (both full equip) -> Sion wins
with his Ult Sion won't lose any 1on1 -> 2-3 hits = full life regenerated

Feel No Pain
Sion has a 40% chance to ignore up to 30/40/50 damage each time he is attacked. The damage reduction is calculated before armor benefits are taken into account.

Cryptic Gaze
Blasts a single enemy, dealing 70 / 125 / 180 / 240 / 300 (+100% of ability power) magic damage and stunning for 1.5 seconds.

Cooldown 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds | Cost 100 mana | Range 550

Death's Caress
Sion surrounds himself with a shield which absorbs 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+100% of ability power) damage. If the shield is not destroyed in 10 seconds, it will explode, dealing 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+100% of ability power) magic damage to surrounding enemies.

Cast again after 4 seconds to manually detonate.

Cooldown 8 seconds | Cost 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 mana | Range 550

Toggle: Increase Sion's damage by 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65, and he gains 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 maximum health per kill.

Cost 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 health | Range 1

Grants Sion 50 / 75 / 100% lifesteal and 50% attack speed for 20 seconds, additionally Sion's attacks heal surrounding allies for 25 / 37.5 / 50% of damage dealt.

Cooldown 90 seconds | Cost 100 mana | Range 1

How to use your abilities/ benefits from your abilities:
tanky without tank items ^^
one of the best stuns in the game: no skill required + low cd
but: high manacost especially in early game (cost:100 total mana:200)
not very usefull in the DPS build... use it to get less damage in teamfights
that's why you need no damage items in early game... but 2 vampiric scepters to stay alive...
wow: you can get infinite life: 2275 basic life is very much + the bonus... level this up first + farm a lot -> 3000 Health without health items
In teamfigths this is better than every support champion... heal your full team + you will never lose a 1on1 (if both are fullequip)

You will always want to get blue buff in mid and lategame !!!! Your team is stupid if they won't let you have it because your stuns help a lot with killing

How to kill a enemy:
Just and autoattack
use your only in teamfights or if you realy need it
in early game you have a high damage output

Special tip: solo dragon at level 6 with if you have been back yet and bought some attack speed/crit chance

Items you can use:
Starting items:
since he has lower life because of the last nerf
you don't want to loose life with



after selling your boots for a trinity force:

stats at level 18:
Health: 2525 + what you get from your E (-> about 3000)
Armot / Magic resist: 82 / 36
Movement speed: 441
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 497 / 1,617 / 50%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 100% / 305,51%
DPS: 2455 -> 1228 Life regenerated -> with your ulti you regenerated 100% + you have more attack speed

DPS with ulti: 2953 -> 2953 Life regenerated

related version:

stats at level 18:
Health: 2275 + what you get from your E (-> about 2700)
Armot / Magic resist: 82 / 36
Movement speed: 448
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 467 / 1,766 / 50%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 100% / 305,51%
DPS: 2519 -> 1259 Life regenerated -> with your ulti you regenerated 100% + you have more attack speed
-> cheaper, a little stronger, a little less life -> i prefer that build

DPS with ulti: 2986 -> 2986 Life regenerated

More defensive:

stats at level 18:
Health: 2650 + what you get from your E (-> about 3300)
Armot / Magic resist: 127 / 86
Movement speed: 437
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 340 / 1,498 / 45%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 50% / 255,51%
DPS: 905 -> 407 Life regenerated -> with your ulti you regenerated 100% + you have more attack speed
this one is a lot cheaper and more defensive than the other ones -> you will survive

i hope you understand why i prefer the 1. and second build and usualy don't use atma's impaler...

+ highest DPS
+ tanky without items
+ high regeneration
+ unkillable without stuns and slows
+ very good stun
+ good to collect a lot of early game kills
+ beats every meele DPS in a 1on1 if you react fast enough
+ needs no attack damage items in early and meid game to kill the enemies in a few seconds

- shield close to useless
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Xin Zhao

How to play Xin Zhao?
Read my Xin Zhao jungling guide...

Here I will just show the Items and Builds:
Items you can use:
Starting items:
good survivability in early game




stats at level 18:
Health: 2386
Armor / Magic resist: 126 / 158
Movement speed: 442
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 306 / 2,313 (With W activated) / 25%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 32% / 210%
On Hit: 4% of the maximum life
DPS: 957 + 9,2% of maximum health-> 239 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 404 + 4% of maximum health
You have high armor and magic resist !!! -> you won't die fast
You have a lot of armor reduction and penetration: ca 75
W-E-Q combo: 1667 + 12% of maximum health + ca 2 hits in the air: 808 + 8% of maximum health
-> 2475 + 20% of maximum health

no on-hit ; more offensive:

stats at level 18:
Health: 2711
Armor / Magic resist: 101 / 83
Movement speed: 467
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 321 / 2,378 (With W activated) / 25%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 87% / 260%
DPS: 1826 -> 456 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 768
less armor and magic resist
not so much armor reduction and penetration
W-E-Q combo: 2759 + ca 2 hits in the air: 1536
-> 4295

full offensive version - high burst - low survivability (crit damage runes):

stats at level 18:
Health: 2261
Armor / Magic resist: 89 / 59
Movement speed: 447
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 431 / 2,411 (With W activated) / 50%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 100% / 305,51%
DPS: 2505 -> 1253 Life regenerated
damage every hit: 1039
not so much armor reduction and penetration: ca 75
W-E-Q combo: 4900 + ca 2 hits in the air: 2078
-> 6978

+ strong 1on1
+ strong in early, mid and late game
+ strong ganker (nearly as good as Nocturne)
+ heals himself without items
+ Strong AoE ulti
+ long attack range for a meele champ
+ Xin + Taunt/Stun -> lots of kills
+ gives the enemies the feeling that he's overpowered when he's fed (look at my last build example)-> a fed Xin can turn the whole game
+ good towerdiver

- Squishy (you will be focused)
- he has to deal all his damage in close combat -> he can be easy harrased in the laning phase (if he's not jungling)
- slow without items
- no escape mechanism
- the enemies will say that you play a noob character because you kill them very fast even in early game with low equipment
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In my opinion he's as good as Xin Zhao...

Umbra Blades
Every 10 seconds, Nocturne's next attack strikes surrounding enemies for 120% of his physical damage and heals himself for 15 / 20 / 25 per target hit. Nocturne's basic attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second.

Nocturne throws a shadow blade which deals physical damage 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+0.75 per bonus attack damage), leaves a Dusk Trail, and causes champions who are hit to also leave a Dusk Trail for 5 seconds. While on the trail, Nocturne ignores unit collision and has increased Movement Speed 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% and Attack Damage 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55.

Shroud of Darkness
Nocturne empowers his blades, passively gaining attack speed 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%. Activating Shroud of Darkness allows Nocturne to fade into the shadows, creating a magical barrier for 2 seconds which blocks a single enemy ability and doubles his passive attack speed for 5 seconds if successful.

Unspeakable Horror
Nocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing damage each second for total 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+100% of ability power) over 2 seconds and fearing the target for 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 seconds if they do not get out of range by the end of the duration.

Nocturne reduces the sight radius of all enemy champions and removes their ally vision for 4 seconds, this includes champions, minions, wards and towers. He can then launch himself at a enemy champion with a large range 2500 / 3250 / 4000. Deals 150 / 300 / 450 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage) physical damage on arrival.

How to use your abilities/ benefits from your abilities:
Good heal in early game + epic jungler - benefits from trinity force and crits + you will want to max your ult
harrasment while laning + escaping + catching
Spellblock is very important + you will benefit from the attack speed
Attention: if you have banshee's + this -> 1 spell will destroy both shields
I think that's why people call him the best ganker in game... sure he is
Nobody can escape you ; don't use it to killsteal or initiate a fight + remember you have to use it a second time to fly towards the enemy

How to kill a enemy:
+ (they might want to slow/stun you) + autoattack + +autoattack
if he still lives... i don't know how that could happen... and finish him

Teamfigths: start with to kill the one with fewest life

how to escape:
and run on your dusk trail + to block any slows/stuns
if they are to close:

Items you can use:
Starting items:
good survivability in early game



low crit - standard build:

stats at level 18:
Health: 2595
Armor / Magic resist: 111 / 134
Movement speed: 432
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 334 / 2,459 (If blocked a spell) / 25%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 17% / 210%
On Hit: 4% of the maximum life
DPS: 975 + 9,8% of maximum health-> 244 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 396 + 4% of maximum health
Q -> passive bonus -> 2 autoattacks -> E -> 2 autoattacks: 408 + 1188 + 792 + 280 + 792
-> 3460 + 20% of maximum health in 2-3 seconds

High crit (crit damage runes):

stats at level 18:
Health: 2595
Armor / Magic resist: 86 / 134
Movement speed: 432
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 329 / 2,104 (If blocked a spell) / 25%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 72% / 305,51%
DPS: 1716 -> 429 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 816
Q -> passive bonus -> 2 autoattacks -> E -> 2 autoattacks: 404 + 2448 + 1632 + 280 + 1632
-> 6396 in 2-3 seconds

+ strong 1on1
+ strong in early, mid and late game
+ strong ganker
+ escape mechanism
+ spell shield
+ heals himself without items
+ gives the enemies the feeling that he's overpowered when he's feeded
+ fast even without items

- Squishy (you will be focused)
- the enemies will say that you play a noob character because you kill them very fast even in early game with low equipment
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Jarvan IV

How to play Jarvan?
Read my in depth Jarvan guide...

Here I will just show the Items and Builds:
Items you can use:
Starting items:
good survivability in early game




stats at level 18:
Health: 2415
Armor / Magic resist: 190 (With the Flag) / 158
Movement speed: 437
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 330 / 1,674 (With the Flag) / 25%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 57% / 260%
DPS: 1056 + 6,696 % of maximum health-> 264 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 631 + 4% of maximum health
R -> 1 hit -> E -> Q -> 2 2 autoattacks: 779 + 631 + 260 + 511 + 1262
-> 3443 + 22% of maximum health in 3-4 seconds

High crit + burst (crit damage runes) - very expensive:

stats at level 18:
Health: 2990
Armor / Magic resist: 152 (With the Flag) / 59
Movement speed: 441
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 350 / 1,97 (With the Flag) / 25%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 100% / 305,51%
DPS: 2106 -> 527 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 1069
R -> 1 hit -> E -> Q -> 2 autoattacks: 809 + 2673 + 284 + 533 + 2138
-> 6437 + 10% of maximum health in 3 seconds

- strong laner and jungler
- high armor + shield himself
- teamboost
- good at harrasing
- high CC
- epic ganker

- if you fail your ulti and forget to klick R again to destroy it you and your teammates might die
- requires a lot of skill
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How to play Nasus?
Read my Nasus Offtank guide...

I just want to give you a special hint: Get blue buff to spam your Q
With Blue Buff + Youmuu's your Q has a cooldown of 2,4 seconds
+ Q can crit

Here I will just show the Items and Builds:
Items you can use:
Starting items:
good survivability in early game




After selling boots for another phantom dancer:

stats at level 18:
Health: 3255 (with ulti)
Armor / Magic resist: 97 / 133
Movement speed: 452
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 355 / 1,934 / 70%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 77% / 210%
DPS: 1268 -> 888 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 656
Example: 300 bonus attack on Q (I normally get that in a normal game)
E/R -> Q -> 5 autoattacks -> Q: 246 + 2050 + 3280 + 2050
-> 7626 + 15-20% of maximum health in 3-4 seconds

Very offensive build... works because he gets a lot of health with his ult + crit gamage runes!

stats at level 18:
Health: 2880 (with ulti)
Armor / Magic resist: 84 / 59
Movement speed: 452
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 435 / 1,934 / 70%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 100% / 305,51%
DPS: 2570 -> 1799 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 1329
Example: 300 bonus attack on Q (I normally get more in a normal game)
E/R -> Q -> 5 autoattacks -> Q: 246 + 3733 + 3280 + 3733
-> 10991 + 15-20% of maximum health in 3-4 seconds
-> 7522 life regenerated

I tried it out and most time i didn't even need the full combo to kill someone
what I normally do to kill a enemy: Q + 3 hits ... that's enough

I killed Baron in less than 14 seconds (with Blue Buff I would have been faster)
-> in a normal game a ward wouldn't help them to prehend you from killing the baron because they would not be there fast enough

+ with his ult he is very strong + semms unkillable in early game
+ strong nuke : Q
+ you can improve your Q + you can crit with it
+ you just need sheen + boots (2400g) to get a doublekill on your own
+ best single target slow in the game
+ reduces armor

+ mana problems
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There is just one thing to say about her: You can't touch me!

Ionian Fervor
Each nearby enemy champion (to a maximum of three) reduces the effectiveness of Crowd Control on Irelia.
1 Champion: 10%
2 Champions: 25%
3 Champions: 40%

Irelia dashes forward to strike her target for 20 / 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 (+1 per Attack Damage). If it kills the target, Bladesurge's cooldown refreshes and refunds 35 Mana.

Hiten Style
Irelia is skilled in the art of Hiten, passively giving her physical attacks 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 health restoration. Activating Hiten Style adds 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 true damage to her physical attacks for 6 seconds.

equilibriums strike Equilibrium Strike
Irelia's attack balances the scales, dealing 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+50% of ability power) damage and slowing the target by 60% for 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 seconds. However, if the target has a higher Health % than Irelia, then the blow stuns the target instead.

Transcendent Blades
Irelia summons 4 spirit blades which she can fling at her enemies. These blades deal 85 / 135 / 185 (+40% of ability power) OR (+0.6 per bonus Attack Damage) magic damage to enemies that they pass through, and she heals for 20% of that damage.

How to use your abilities/ benefits from your abilities:
The enemies can't gank you that easy... buy mercury's treads to get the maximum CC reduction
You can't dash through walls! Use it to lasthit minions... in laategame you can use enemy minions to jump towards or away form a enemy
High life regeneration... also versus towers + absolute damage -> you will want to max your attackspeed
equilibriums strike Try to use it as you have less life than the enemy -> 2 seconds stun is a lot
Last hit enemies who run away or into the range of a tower (high range)

how to kill a enemy:
-> -> autoattack -> if he tries to run away use equilibriums strike -> if you haven't killed him yet and he is on low life shoot him:

how to escape: just run... use equilibriums strike on the enemies chasing you... if there are enemy minions with low life on the way where you want to escape.

Starting items:
good survivability in early game



After you sold your shoes for another phantom dancer (you don't have that much CC reduction but more damage)

stats at level 18:
Health: 2645
Armor / Magic resist: 114 / 109
Movement speed: 447
Attack damage / Attack speed / Lifesteal: 281 / 2,334 / 25%
Crit chance / Crit damage: 77% / 210%
DPS: 1211 + 175 true damage + 9,3% of max Health-> 303 Life regenerated
average damage every hit: 519 + 75 true damage + 4% of max Health
W -> Q -> 4 autoattacks -> E -> 2 autoattacks: 441 + 2076 + 295 + 1038
-> 3850 damage + 450 true damage + 24% of maximum health in 3 seconds
If you use your Ult: 1144 damage to everyone hit

+ CC resistance
+ a lot of heal
+ strong laner
+ safe jungler
+ strong ganker
+ true damage
+ can stay on the lane for a long time

- weak in early game
- very item dependent
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What champion to chose? - main advantages

- doesn't need any defense item to survive
- OP on 3v3
- massive area damage
- high survivability
- i would personally call him the mage killer
Dr. Mundo
- high survivability
- the cleaver -> percentege damage
- heals himself + his team a lot
- doesn't need defense items
Xin Zhao
- good cc -> strong ganker
- stronger than the average in early and midgame -> one time feeded he is unstoppable
- stong ganker
- unique ulti -> can turn a teambattle
Jarvan IV
- ulti = 95% kill chance
- high survivability
- 2 Jump abilities
- strongest on-hit ability in the game (crit + more damage with every kill + low cd)
- high lifesteal + a lot of life with his ulti -> he will not die
- high CC resistance
- deals true damage

champions that can jump,spin,eg. towards the enemy:

champions that have to run towards the enemy:

Good Junglers:

Strong Laners:

stong CC:

medium CC:

low CC:

champions that can't survive without defensive items:

champions that don't depend that much on defensive items:
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I hope that I could help you with my guide.. please leave a comment below

I will continue working on that guide as i experience more DPS champs

Please comment my guide... I will improve my guide and future ones

Please tell me what champions I should also test... I will maybe add them

I know how to count! I was often best in Math in school + i have tried those builds... they really do that much damage
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