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More junglers for 3v3

More junglers for 3v3

Updated on October 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Teh Turtl Xpress Build Guide By Teh Turtl Xpress 1,766 Views 0 Comments
1,766 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Teh Turtl Xpress Build Guide By Teh Turtl Xpress Updated on October 6, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Cho'Gath
  • LoL Champion: Kha'Zix
  • LoL Champion: Maokai
  • LoL Champion: Malphite
  • LoL Champion: Nunu & Willump
  • LoL Champion: Trundle
  • LoL Champion: Xin Zhao
  • LoL Champion: Olaf
  • LoL Champion: Jax
  • LoL Champion: Rengar


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite




This guide is meant as a supplement for my 3v3 Jungle Guide

. It contains builds for viable junglers, that wasn't room for in the actual guide. For any other information, please follow the link above to the original guide!

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Update Log

00/10/2012 - Guide Published - Kha'Zix Patch

As Riot has announced changes to Spawn laser range/Nexus Turret placement and some very distinct changes to the TT jungle this guide might soon be obsolete, but I'll try updating it after the update!
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Do you really love making guides?

Eh, I guess it's fun, but it's a lot of work...

But the reason I made this supplementary guide was that I thought my actual guide was incomplete without having at least another 10 of my favourite 3v3 junglers included. I thought it would be very confusing to include them in the original guide as there would then be 10 champs with summaries at the top, but 10 without. I found it easier for you guys to make a supplementary guide, even though it meant tons of extra work for me. I don't actually mind as my perfectionism commands me to make this guide as good as possible.

For this guide I will just make sections for each champion, all the tactics and extra infocan be found in the original guide!
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Cho'Gath is a very fast jungler. His Vorpal Spikes gives him insane speed without using much mana. He scales incredibly well with AS and will continue to have a fast clear time. He is also one of the most sustained junglers with his Carnivore.


Cho'Gath is a good ganker, but only if you can hit his skill shots. This was made easier in a recent patch, but can still be tricky at times. His Rupture is a brilliant knock-up and slow, it's one of the best single CC's in the game. Feral Scream is also brilliant if used right, it can prevent an opponent from using escape mechanism, even Flash!


Cho'Gath is not the best duelist, but with his fast clear time, he can easily clear camps and leave very little for an enemy jungler. He also has a very easy time escaping with his Rupture in the narrow corridors of TT. His Feast is also incredible at stealing buffs and Dragon, you practically can't lose a Dragon to an enemy Smite.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 0/21/9 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in utility as they help me more than the AP and Magic Pen. 9-21-0 is also viable, but inferior IMO.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Vorpal Spikes scales with AS and the Greater Mark of Attack Speeds gives you a nice clear time. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Cho'Gath's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, which makes it hard to hit skill shots, since you'll be using them at max range more often than not. This can be fixed with increased MS. Although I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the ability to jump walls and land skill shots, I otherwise would be out of range to make. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max ult first for the obvious reason - it is the strongest spell and scales the most from getting levelled. Vorpal Spikes gets priority thereafter for the increased jungle speed and DPS. I will then max Feral Scream simply because it benefits much more from getting leveled than Rupture. Rupture has the same knock-up time and slow percentage with every level, only the dmg is increased. Feral Scream, on the other hand, gains duration on it's silence when leveled. Rupture deals slightly more damage than Feral Scream and has a better AP scaling, but since we won't be building AP, it doesn't really matter.


Philosopher's Stone

I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. If you didn't start with Boots, get them first, then procede to getting a Philosopher's Stone and a Heart of Gold. Now that you have a steady gold income, you need to get some damage. Cho'Gath gets natually healthy with Feast and you should therefore focus mainly on resistances and damage. Your main damage tool is Vorpal Spikes and the item, that best complement it is Wit's End. It provides AS, additional magic damage on your AA's and good MR. Only then would I ordinarily get Mobility Boots, they help you roam and makes engaging and landing skillshots easier. Alternatively, go for Mercury's Threads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. I would in most cases then get a Frozen Heart for the armor, mana and CDR. With Wit's End and your HP from Heart of Gold and Feast, you'll be extremely tanky. If they have no auto attackers, then you might want to skip it. Then consider upgrading Philosopher's Stone or Heart of Gold. If you don't think you need Shurelia's Reverie or Randuin's Omen, just keep them and sell them when you need to make room for another item. You should now consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, get a Force of Nature, Abyssal Mask, Aegis of the Legion, or any tanky item that complements Cho'Gath and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Abyssal Mask, Madred's Bloodrazor, Ionic Spark or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Cho'Gath is a pretty fast and very sustained jungler. He can deal good damage and still become incredibly tanky. His Feast has many uses and his great CC is especially good for the tight spaces of TT. I have mainly played Cho'Gath as a SR jungler and never played him in competitive 3v3, but he is certainly viable.
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The Hunt is On!


Kha'Zix is a pretty slow jungler. His main damage dealer Taste Their Fear is a single target nuke, that deals much more damage to isolated targets. This makes incredibly awesome to do Lizard and Dragon, but it's pretty meh for farming camps. Sure, it's low cost, low CD, but it deals next to no damage. The alternative farming methos is his Void Spike, which also has next to no damage, albeit it is AoE. The only good thing about Kha'Zix' jungle is his sustain, his Void Spikes heals a decent amount and makes jungling decently easy.


Kha'Zix is a pretty meh ganker. At least on SR, because on TT he is pretty great! Kha'Zix only has his passive Unseen Threat as CC, which is a problem on SR, where you're not always near a bush. In TT, on the other hand, you're always near a bush. Apart from his little CC, Kha'Zix depends solely on his mobility and burst. He is an assassin and his ability to jump walls is incredibly usefull.


Kha'Zix is, as mentioned before, a painfully slow jungler. That also means that he can't ninja-steal camps easily. Luckily, if he gets caughts with his hands.. eh, scythes..? in the cookie jar, you just jump away. His is incredibly hard to catch and even more so on TT, where there are walls everywhere. His ability to jump also helps his ability to steal objectives, just stroll in, Smite, and jump out. If you can't walk in, jump in and Flash out.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. SInce Kha'Zix is so slow, you need the runes that maximize you jungle speed. That is best done with Greater Mark of Attack Speed, but if you insist on having greater burst, AD or Armor Pen Marks will do as well. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Kha'Zix is a hunter/assassin, he has great mobility, but still needs to be faster than his prey. This is done with Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, although you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints if you feel like you're fast enough.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >


> >

I max Void Assault first for the evolutions. It doesn't benefit from being leveled, but the evolutions are critical. I then level Taste Their Fear since it is your primary damage source and it scales well with leveling. Void Spike comes third, mainly because its damage/heal scales better with being leveled than Leap does. Leap is solely a utility spell and its damage is rather puny.

For evolving, I will usually start with Taste Their Fear at level 6 for the insane extra damage and range. Leap is, as previously mentioned, primarily a utility tool, and evolving it will increase that utility massively, you'll be impossible to catch and will be able to dart in and out of fights. It also makes your assassinations easier; jump in, kill, jump out. You might want to consider evolving Leap first if you really need it. I then evolve his ultimate Void Assault because he changes color!1! Besides from that, the extra stealth and insane damage reduction is way more usefull than a cone on Void Spikes.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. I also often opt for Hexdrinker at this time because you'll be jumping in the fray, and it will soak a nice bit of burst. It also gives tons of damage. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Kha'Zix and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Kha'Zix is a below average farmer, ganker and counterjungler. He is pretty bad in comparison to most other junglers. But when he isn't jungling, when you're team fighting, very few other champs can execute enemies like Kha'Zix can. He is also one of the best at getting Dragon. If used right, he is pretty much an upgraded version of Shaco, that doesn't suck late game. I haven't played Kha'Zix in competitive 3v3, but I've played him plenty elsewhere.
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Tree jungling.. the Irony


Maokai isn't the best jungler for 3v3 farmwise. He gains a lot from having blue buff, but can certainly also work without. Maokai is a very effective jungler for level 1, as he can stack his Sapling Toss. His Arcane Smash is effective at farming camps and will help his passive Sap Magic proc more and thereby give him sustain. When Maokai has plenty of mana, he is one of the fastest junglers.


Ganking is where Maokai shines. He has a ranged hard CC/gap closer and a knock-back/slow, that synergize incredibly well. Along with his strong CC, he also has a good burst.


Maokai can easily scout the jungle with Sapling Toss


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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Rock Solid (If you know what I mean..)


Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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Time to Troll!


Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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Xin Zhao

Here's a Tip.. And a Spear behind it!


Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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I'm OP? Your Mom's OP!


Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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Imagine if I had a real Weapon!


Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

> > >

I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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The Hunt is On!


Udyr's jungle speed is pretty good. As I like to max Wilding Claw instead of Wingborne Storm, I lose a bit of jungle speed. It isn't a lot as many of the camps contain few, but high HP creeps, which are easier to clear with Wilding Claw. Udyr is also quite tanky with Iron Mantle, enabling him to do buffs early on. He can also easily solo the Dragon as early as level 6 or 7 with Madred's Razors. Wingborne Storm Udyr is also highly viable, just use a regular 5v5 build for him, albeit not as tanky late game as you would on SR.


Udyr is a good ganker as he can stun every 5 seconds and packs quite a decent burst with Wilding Claw. His lack of a gap-closer is somewhat made up for with Flash and the speed of Blazing Stampede.


Udyr is good at interupting enemy junglers, as he can stun and run away from most after stealing a buff or just a major creep. He can also just apply the Wilding Claw DoT, stun and run away, weakening the other jungler and maybe forcing him to recall. Udyr is also a strong duelist, which means that if you find the other jungler and he has about the same HP as you, or less, you will be able to kill him 1v1.


Masteries Link

I like to build junglers tanky and have maximum benefit from masteries and Runes at around level 6-10, because the first dragon fight usually determines the further pace of the game. I usually go 9/21/0 for the tankiness it provides as you will die a lot if not tanky on TT. Glasscannons are really risky. I go for the nine point in offense as they help me more than the extended buff duration - the extension gives you maybe 4-5 seconds more on the Green and White buffs. 0-21-9 is also viable, but inferior IMO. A third choice is 9-12-9, which gives you both offense, defense and utility, I have made an example in Udyr's masteries - These are my choice of masteries if I can allow myself to be less tanky early on.



I use similar runes to those I use on SR. Wilding Claw scales with AD and the Greater Mark of Attack Damages gives you a nice burst. Greater Mark of Attack Speed will provide faster clear speed and is the best other option. You need Armor to jungle and those are best found in Greater Seal of Armors, they are the only viable choice of Seals when jungling with boots. For Glyphs, I choose to go for the Greater Glyph of Magic Resists because it gives a good MR boost early on. Flat runes are generally best on 3v3 as the crucial action will take place pre-level 10. Udyr's main disadvantage is his lack of gap-closer, but this can be fixed with increased MS. ALthough I opt for Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed, you can also use AD, AS, HP or Armor Quints.

Summoner Spells:

I go for Smite because it increases my jungle speeds and enables me to steal buffs/objectives. I use Flash for the ability to close gaps and to escape. Many of the walls in TT are so thin that you will be able to escape most places.

Alternatively, you could swap Flash in favour of Ghost if you want - I just prefer Flash for the Flash/ Blazing Stampede ganks. You could even go Exhaust, Ignite or Heal, which will hurt your engaging- and escape ability, but will boost your ganking and team fight potential.

Skill Sequence:

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I max Wilding Claw first for the extreme damage it provides, then Iron Mantle for the tankiness, then Blazing Stampede for the extra speed on activation and lastly I get three points in Wingborne Storm as I have to and because it is good for pushing and "Stance Dancing". You might want to pick a point in Wingborne Storm earlier if you are doing a lot of pushing, it's great for that.


I start with Boots and three Health Potions, they will improve your early jungling speed and ganks. Alternatively, start with a Cloth Armor and five Health Potions - they are safer and better for inexperienced junglers. You should really only start with something else if you're not planning on building a Wriggle's Lantern, and if you are you should start with Boots or Cloth Armor and not Vampiric Scepter. Although it is possible to jungle with, it slows down your rushing of Madred's Razors. You want to rush Madred's Razors as you want to get the dragon before you have gotten enough gold for an entire Wriggle's Lantern unless you got 2 really early kills. When you are done fighting over the Dragon or just ninja-stole it, you will want to finish your Wriggle's Lantern, then procede to getting a Heart of Gold and a Phage. Heart of Gold isn't mandatory, but it will give you some needed HP and a solid gold income. Only then would I ordinarily get Mercury Treads or Ninja Tabi, depending on the other team's damage distribution and amount of CC. If they have decent magic damage, get a Hexdrinker as it provides massive amount of AD and MR for the price and the shield often tricks Casters. Then finish Trinity Force or alternatively Frozen Mallet. Only get Frozen Mallet if you need more HP, Trinity Force gives you much more damage and utility. When you've finished either, you should consider what you need; if tankyness is the issue, upgrade your Hexdrinker to Maw of Malmortius, buy an Atma's Impaler even if you've bought Trinity Force or you could buy Warmog's Armor, Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature or any tanky item that complements Udyr and that you feel is the optimal choice for the situation. If you don't feel you have the damage you want, go for Atma's Impaler, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster or, again, whatever you find would complement you the best in the given situation. One of the traits of good players is the ability to adapt their build to different situations - it's all about experimentation and experience, something I can't help that much with.


Udyr is a strong and reliable jungler. He is also quite versatile and can be built effectively both on-hit, AD, tanky, squishy etc. He also has great utility and CC, but is easily killed early game, even with my tanky runes since he had to be in-your-face to do anything and is therefore the easy target. I have played him as a 3v3 jungler the most and have around 75% win ratio with him in 65 games.
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