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Nami Build Guide by NaViFinley

QUITE In-Depth Nami Support Guide, Tips with ADCs [7.4]

QUITE In-Depth Nami Support Guide, Tips with ADCs [7.4]

Updated on February 28, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NaViFinley Build Guide By NaViFinley 40,088 Views 1 Comments
40,088 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NaViFinley Nami Build Guide By NaViFinley Updated on February 28, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Nami is a CC utility support. She is not a Blitzcrank who is all about engage, and she provide real support. IMO, Nami is about the efficiency of abilities, and knowing when to be where. With an average ADC, you can do very well because you can deal decent damage yourself, while being safe. Remember your job is to help your team to get kills and take objectives, and acquire vision.
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Greater Mark of Precision This may seem quite troll, this is what I use. The extra armor penetration allows you to poke a bit more damage early on and aa more damage on baron/drakes. Greater Mark of Magic Penetration only provide 0.25 more MP, and precision gives 1.13 extra Lethality. It's debatable whether the lethality is useful as it is not efficient early, but the Precision mark also gives you magic penetration. No other rune can accomplish this flexibility.

Greater Seal of Armor There is no other better choices for seals. The , considerable seal is Greater Seal of Scaling Health . Armor is good because the adc deals physical damage, and you will be taking damage from the adc most of the time. Scaling health seals are for AP mid.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction If you are famaliar to runes, you should know that 6 glypgs of scal. Cdr is 10% at 18, 2 greater quinttessence of scaling cooldown reduction is also 10%. Putting the 10% CDR at glyphs slots allow you to have Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist is just for filling up the 3 glyphs. Can replace with Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist for more late game MR, but the difference isn't big.

Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed is awesome. People run AP quints on AP supports but movement speed quints are my favourite, and I use it for most immobile champions. It allows you to position better, chase better, get to lane faster, and much more usages. As a support, your team needs you to be around, so movement speed is good. Your extra movement speed can save your teammates too as you can heal them and damage enemies near the healed. Combined with Mobility Boots, you have 470 movement speed out of combat. Using abilities on yourself triggers your passive with an extra 4.5%.


Runes Masteries are fixed (unless scaling with something). Make sure it's useful for the whole game.
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Only the debatable masteries :

Precision vs Intelligence

Your job is to cast more abilities and not deal more damage. An extra 5% CDR from start to end and raising the CDR cap is the best thing ever.

Recovery vs Unyielding

Your job is to survive and provide sustain for your adc instead of tanking the damage. You are unlikely to build a lot of armor and mr for to be effective.


Extra Armor and Mr under turret increases your survivability when being dived. Other 2 masteries aren't so rewarding.


TBH I think all 3 masteries at this tier are nice. As support though, Exhaust and Flash increase survivability and kill potential. Reducing their cooldowns by 31.5 and 45 seconds respectively is better than regen and resists.


Runes Masteries gives fixed stats(unless scaling with something). Make sure its useful for the whole game.
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Summoner's Spells


No excuse. Flash increases survivability in any occasion and allows you to get picks and outplay under your tower. Champions that don't use flash are those that relies on melee spells and AA like , , etc. Another champion that don't use flash is Singed.


Classic support summ. I think only Thresh uses Ignite as support. Exhaust saves lives and kills. Nowadays mid lane mages use Flash + Ghost but Exhaust is still better as the kill potential of a 2-man lane is higher.

NO OTHER MASTERIES ARE VIABLE IF YOUR ADC HAS Flash and Heal. Take Heal if they mistook their summs.
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Main Items

Starting Items

Spellthief's Edge

Standard AP support starting item. Maximize your tribute gold by poking enemies once a while. Try to land 2 bubbled AAs (not 3 because you can't get gold with your W) at a time.

First Back


Try not to buy it. See how your team reacts.

Warding and vision are basics. Learn them somewhere else.

Mobility Boots

Increases speed out of combat allows getting in lame faster, and escape faster. Cheap boots, good for supports.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

You are not Ionian, but if you want some earlier CDR, you can migrate there.

Tabi, Treads, Swiftness boots are situational. Just see enemy team composition and builds.

Full items

Ruby Sightstone

There is a trend in LCS of supports buying ruby sightstone first item. People think eye of the oasis is better and it is true. But with this build, your item actives are very important so ruby is better then oasis, as its 600 g cheaper. Doesn't give cdr, ap, mana regen like oasis does, but give 300 more health.

Frost Queen's Claim

One of the best actives in the game. Allows you to scout from far, and predict enemy plans. Use it to catch up with enemies in teamfights. It gives gold like spellthief so still poke in safety.


OP item, Gives nice stats and cdr, mana regen which = health regen from mikhail's crucible passive. Also gives 10% heal and shield power.

Redemption's active can be used in 4 ways.

1. The first type is an aggression. For example, Yasuo lands a good tornado and ult Your team is following up then. Use Redemption the moment Yasuo goes in. Redemption needs time to wind up so your team should be within the fight when redemption heals. This allows Yasuo a way out and a way for your team to get in.

2. Use Redemption as an escape. When 2 to 3 teammates are escaping, use it in front of where they are heading. This increases their survivability.

3. Use Redemption as sniping. When an enemy is escaping with lower than 10% health, use it to snipe them, or force them into your team. There was a clip in funny lol videos where 4 redemptions gets Quadrakill and a Nami getting triplekill.

4. Use Redemption for outplaying. I can't teach you how to outplay. This comes from experience. One thing for sure is its easier to outplay AP champions as they can't deal much damage without abilities.

Mikhael's crucible

Crucible is situational but it is usually useful. If not applicable, get Athene's Unholy Grail. If you know that this won't be applicable before game starts, don't take cdr runes as it will end up wasted. Don't spam the active as it is a kill/killed. Use when it can safe a teammate or get teammate a kill. Has a nice passive that gives you health regen equal to your mana regen. Works with Redemption and itself.

Athene's Unholy Grail

Crucible and Grail is just the passive trading for more CDR and the Blood Charges. You have to deal damage to gain blood charges so poke.

Guardian Angel

Gives nice armor and mr. The paasive wastes enemy time and allow your teammates to get away. Also decrease the chance of dying to dives. Support isn't tank but support's secondary job is "don't die" so GA does the job. If your survivability is no problem, get Zz'Rot Portal.

Zz'Rot Portal

Great item. Nice chunk of armor and mr, health regen, and movement speed near void gates and turrets. Increase escape chance by a lot and provides lane push and lane defense. Low elo don't know how, when and why to push lane. If you don't know how to Zzrot, don't Zzrot. (I think Nasus can stack Q from voidlings...)
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Situational Items

Situational items... As a support, item builds are very flexible. There is a ton of viable items.

In some games, a teammate gets super fed. If the Fed is a champion that can just snowball the game, some items can help him or her snowball. Champion that can just snowball are those like Katarina, Riven, Draven etc. They can solo carry when fed so your team's objective is to keep him or her safe/help him or her kill. Champions that can't snowball when fed are those that falls behind like Lee Sin, Pantheon and supports.

As a support this is naturally your job, and there are items that can help them snowball.

Knight's Vow

This is considered a troll item. As a ranged champion you gain 6% of damage dealt by your partner as heal and redirects 6% damage your partner takes at true damage. If it is someone like Draven, you heal for a ton. He will build life steal for sustain but the 6% damage reduction you gave him increase his clutch potential. For Katarina, you can take a lot of damage for her and allow her Hextech Gunblade to heal her up. This item should only be used when the champion SNOWBALL. You need to be in range to redirect damage and heal, but you gain speed and armor towards them, so it allows you to swim faster to them.

Mikael's Blessing

See above. Works well with a fed teammate obviously. But if you are really focussing on the fed, don't use for other teammates. This is wuite selfish but ya.

Locket of the Iron Solari

Snowball champions that are required to go in like Katarina or Yasuo greatly benefits from shields. This item gives nice armor and mr too, and is cheap. Gives NEARBY allies shields. Good for escaping together and going in. Use together with talisman of ascension to push or escape. Doesn't shield too much but the whole team can be shielded. Very effective lategame for its low cost.

Mejai's Soulstealer

If your fed teammate is god, buy this. Keep assisting him or her and gain AP and movement speed. This is more like investing in your teammate but economics is a concept of LoL...

Generally situational items. Use to adjust your offense and defense, survivability, tankiness and utility.

Spirit Visage

Spirit Visage gives much more sustain in lane, health and cdr. I use it for Vladimir and sometimes on Renekton. Totally not related but I really like this item. You gain a lot of health regen from this item and the crucible/grail passive and this increases all healing by 25%. Works with any heal including Knight's Vow. Usually not so useful as when you finish this item , there should be more grouping/objectives/split pushing. If you will be poked hard, more regen snd heal are great.

Ardent Censer

Nice stats. Remember mana regen = extra health regen(grail/crucible). Gives CDR, some AP and extra heal/shield power. Doesn't give extra healing on yourself. Buffs attack speed so best to embrace your adc. +8% Movement Speed is awesome too.

Banshee's Veil

Classic defensive item against ap burst. Take this when enemy team has burst mages or generally more ap then ad.

Randiun's omen

Classic tank item. Good against AA based champions. Only buy if there is 2+ aa(crit) champions or 3 ad champions as you are likely to need MR too. Obviously if you have enough MR, this item gives you a chunk of health and armor.


Only take if enemy team has 4 ad champions and 2+ of them are crit based. Only buy if your team needs more tank and you are stacking armor.


Weird item. Stat wise its good. Point runner passive wouldn't stack with Zz'Rot Portal which you should have. Don't buy this if you have Zzrot already. Buy when multiple enemies have good eaveclears and voidlings becomes free gold for enemies. The active can be used to siege towers quickly and safe lives. It isn't point and click so be aware of the range.

Banner of Command

Push item. Good if enemy team doesn't have good ad waveclears. Obviously use on cannon minions. Doesn't work on super minions.

Hextech Rocketbelt

Some damage, some health, some ap, more mobility chase potential and escape. Because I play Vladimir I love this item. Can be very effective if you know how to use it. If not, don't buy.


More mana, health and AP. Gives mana and health sustain from Catalyst of Aeons passive. Does not stack with Rod of Ages. The active is straightforward. Damage slow in a cone. If you are high enough to Flash Everfrost Aqua Prison Zhonya's Hourglass on your team's target, do it. The 65% slow makes landing Q much easier.

It clearly states that theee is a cast time. You cannot fire the other way when escaping and you will stop for a moment before firing. Good for sacrifying yourself. R I P (clear change of language and style)

Talisman of ascension

Good for sieging as a team and escaping as a team. Gives health and mana sustain, works with grail/Crucible passive. Don't waste the active as it can safe your whole team's lives.

Frozen Heart

Buying this item usually cause you to end up with too much CDR. I take 10% CDR in runes so I can build more flexibly. If you are building this, don't take cdr runes.

Generally this item gives a good amount of mana, 20% cdr and very good armor. The passive isn't that useful as you aren't tank. Don't buy unless you will get dived/there's multiple melee champions.

Liandry's Torment

Actually very good if your team has multiple CCs. WORKS WITH Rylai's Crystal Scepter, randiun's omen, Iceborn Gauntlet etc. Bubbles procs Liandry and deals double damage. Good for delivering extra damage from backline.
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What NOT to buy

WHAT NOT TO BUY means you should VERY VERY RARELY needed to buy this item, or this item is VERY VERY RARELY viable.

Warmog's Armor

Seems good but not. You need to stack 300 health which limits your item pool. Health is good to keep yourself alive but other items are much more effective. Does give 10% CDR and a lot of regeneration. There is better choices of health items.

Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap and morellonimicon

Uh... Good items if your team is bm ing the enemies. I tried in poro king going full ap. The movement speed bonus from ult is awesome. But if you want AP as Nami, you should buy hextech glp/protobelt, as they give utility too.

Turbo Chemtank

What the, are you gonna dive them?

Theoratically useful if you use the active, run to enemies, Tidal Wave Flash Hextech Rocketbelt Turbo Chemtank Zhonya's Hourglass. Good luck pulling it off. Your team won't even know wtf are you trying to do.

But if theres a Blitzcrank, it may be useful. But against a Blitzcrank, buy Zhonya's Hourglass or Hextech Rocketbelt to dodge the grabs. Turbo Chemtank is generally inapplicable. Stats are fine, active useless. 200 more gold gives you Zz'Rot Portal, same price gives you Hextech Rocketbelt. Not worth at all.

Archangel's Staff, Seraph's Embrace

It takes time to be useful. You need to stack mana to make it useful, and AP isn't the most important stats you need. Stacking mana limits your item pool again, and your main items doesn't give mana (mana regen though). Give this to Anivia. I'm sure she will give you a warm hug. (Pun intended.)

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

SLOW DOES NOT STACK. ONLY YOUR W WILL SLOW. It gives 20% slow for 1 second, which is within Q's stun time, less than E's slow and less then R's slow. It basically cost 2600 for 300 health and 75 AP. (Just like rito selling skins o_O)

Trinity Force

Price isn't always proportional to usefulness. Don't be trolled by the price.

Basically any other full items should not be bought. If you decide to full AD, heres a recommanded build.

Essence Reaver
Infinity Edge
Blade of the Ruined King
Lord Dominik's Regards
Mercurial Scimitar
Berserker's Greaves

This should be able to take out an enemy within 3 seconds after landing a bubble. Remember to empower your AAs with E, and your ult can be used to chase enemies.

Why not Bloodthirster?

20% life steal is good, but it doesn't help too much to kill an enemy after landing a bubble.

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Skill Sequence

R > W > E > Q

Max ult Tidal Wave of course, like nearly every other champion.

Max Ebb and Flow then. W is your poke + heal and is your most useful ability.

Then max Tidecaller's Blessing. E is your buff ability.

Last, max Aqua Prison. Ranking this up reduces the cooldown but your job isn't to spam Q. Like champions such as Vel'Koz, Aurelion Sol, Veigar and Ahri, your hard CC maxed last.
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Passive : Surging Tides
Your passive gives allies movement speed when your abilities hit them. The movement speed bonus scales with AP and does not increase with level.

Tips and Tricks

Q : Aqua Prison
Your Q is your Hard CC. It has a 14 seconds cooldown at rank 1 so use it wisely. This is also your only self-peel ability besides your ult. 1.5 second stun is quite long and can lead to a kill at level 3-4 with the help of your jungler.

Tips and tricks

W : Ebb and Flow
Your W is an OP ability. You can pick an ally or an enemy to use it. It can deal damage to enemies and heal allies. Each target can be only hit once, hitting up to 3 targets. At 0 AP, each bounce reduces the next heal/damage by 15%, and each AP reduce the reduction percentage by 0.075.
Etc. 40 AP = 15-40x0.075 = 12% heal/damage reduction.

Tips and Tricks

E : Tidecaller's Blessing

Your E is your buff ability. It empowers the next 3 basic attacks of an ally, dealing a bit more damage scaling with your AP and apply a slow, also scaling with your AP. Remaining empowered attacks are indicated by bubbles orbitting around the person.
*bubble = empowered attack

tips and tricks

R : Tidal Wave

Your ult gives you and your team much more kill potential in lane and in teamfights. It knocks up enemies for a short duration and apply a fixed slow. The slow goes for 2-4 seconds depending on the distance travelled by the tidal wave.

tips and tricks
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Pros / Cons


Works well with most adcs
Strong ultimate
Easy Poke and heal
Hard CC
Self sustain


Mana Hungry/reliant
Hard to land Q
Timing reliant
Needs more communication than other supports
Can't carry bad adc
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ADCs with Nami

Different adcs have different specialties. Some needs more CC, some needs more peel. Below are brief guides to each adc. Some incompetitive adcs are not included.

Ashe is a kite and poke based adc. She is squishy and cannot self peel. With Ashe, your main job is to keep her safe. Her DPS is very high with Ranger's Focus and she has built in "10 year stun" Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Chain CC with ashe ult, then she can kite and chase with the slow her passive Frost Shot. Yet, she may be ganked between a fight so safe your Aqua Prison for the right moment. Ashe also has no mobility so she will have problems dodging skillshots, and will get bursted down before she can use Ranger's Focus.

IMPORTANT : As slows don't stack, nly the stronger applies until its duration is over, then the weaker slow applies for the remaining duration.

Extra tips :

Her crit is "more slow" not "more damage"
Ranger's Focus are treated as autos, so your E empowers them.
When she is chasing in front of you, you can W Ashe and the water will bounce to her target (if in bounce range)

Caitlyn has the longest base AA range in LoL so can poke easily with her AA and her Q. She has no built in hard CC so she needs your CC. If you land your Q, she can out dps the enemy when the enemy isn't even in range. Her ult can finish people off at a distance. She can self peel with traps and self knockback so use your CCs for offense. Her only wave clear is her Q until she builds Runaan's Hurricane. She will have hard times dealing with multiple enemies so leave your ult for disengage.

Very long Extra tips :

Her ult Ace in the Hole can be blocked by her teammates. If you see she ult and the enemy(s) are trying to block it, apply CC to the blocker. If her team tries to block, you should ult to stop them. Use your CC and if he attempts to dodge, Cait should hit her initial target.

Caitlyn has no AoE except for Piltover Peacemaker. She can't deal with multiple targets at the same time before Runaan's Hurricane.

Bounce W far when she is kiting.

Bubbles GREATLY increase her poke and chase power.

If you have good communication, bait enemies into bushes with multiple traps.

Draven is known for his high damage and global ult.

Should have picked Taric instead

Ezreal is a mobile caster with a global ult. Ezreal has no CC until he builds Iceborn Gauntlet. With his passive Rising Spell Force, he can proc bubbles quickly and apply CC. Ezreal has no waveclear but he will Q minions. Ezreal's burst and DPS is both very high. You can CC enemies for his burst and heal him during his ability spamming. Without Arcane Shift, he has no mobility. Switch between defence and offence depending on that.

Extra Tips

Ezreal's burst is skillshot reliant. Your CC is the best help.
Hold enemies in an area when Ezreal ults from far.
Trueshot Barrage travels much faster then your ult.

The Virjhin

Jhin's laning is about trading and genrally outdamaging the enemy. He has Dancing Grenade for waveclear and very strong poke. His base AD is incredible and can kill at early stages of the game. He needs a deadly fluorish mark to root with it, so focus your poke to enemies at half health, then Jhin can turn them into art. Jhin has low attack speed early so he can't proc all bubbles on enemy champions, but the slow is good enough for him. His lotus trap deals tonz of damage so play around his traps too. Like Ace in the Hole, Curtain Call can be blocked. Don't focus too much on the first 3 shots, but do your best to ensure the 4th shot hits. Your ult has similar range as his and your ult is stronger then most support ults, so level 6 is a big powerspike for your duo. IF YOU DUO WITH A JHIN FRIEND, YOU TWO CAN BE GOD.

Playing around lotus trap

When Jhin is coming to lane, his traps remains. Bait enemies to his trap(s). They are then slowed, so land an easy Q. They will either flash or take damage. W around and stall, Jhin can land a long range W. Continue stalling with your E while Jhin ults. The enemy killed is guarantee to be salty.
(Doesn't work on champions with dashes/blinks, don't use on tanks)

Extra Tips

Jhin is vulnerable when reloading.
Mikail's Crucible is very good to help Jhin because he needs the time to deliver the damage.
Jhin will be focused down as he is squishy.
Use Knight's Vow on Jhin. I healed half of my hp from a Dancing Grenade before with Spirit Visage.


Jinx is a classic hypercarry. If you can get Jinx fed early, you have 70% chance of winning the game. Jinx is squishy and her only self peel is Flame Chompers! Which needs time to arm. Nami isn't the best support for Jinx as "she needs a big tank to peel for her" (i forgot where i saw/hear this) but you are more then enough as long as Jinx knows when to retreat (opposite of her personality). Getting Jinx kills is very simple. Land your Q after she Zap!s an enemy. Rush down the enemy ( Exhaust) to get excited and it should be a double. If counter engaged, help Jinx escape. Her life > your life.

Extra Tips

Get her fed.
She's faster then you after she get excited so use your abilities before she's out of range.
Redemption helps her to turn fights around.
She can proc bubbles fast.

Lucian is one of the worst performing adc currently but will be buffed in patch 7.1. Will finish this after the patch.

Miss Fortune can greatly synergize with Nami. MF has a self speed buff and an AoE slow so she does have some self peel and disengage. For offense, set up Double Ups for strong poke. Q enemies inside Make it Rain and she can ult for insane damage. She is vulnerable to CCs so mikhail's crucible is recommanded. She isn't a "fast" adc and she rely more on good ability usage. She lacks mobility within a fight but can deal insane damage. Focus protection on her, only engage with her ult up. In lane, kills rely on your Q. If you can catch multiple enemies in a bubble and she ults, they will take tonz of damage.

Extra Tips

Wombo Combo!
Make sure you don't miss Qs with her slow/your slow.
Use R for disengage/peel.
Communicate for Wombo Combos.
MF have a low attack speed. She may miss some CS early so take them if you are sure she can't get it.

[Through]Sivir is an adc that doesn't use a bow or a gun.

Sivir is an adc that can chase very well and can deal a lot of damage from afar. Sivir has Spell Shield as peel and On The Hunt for escape (logic). She have massive dps with Ricochet and can clear waves quickly. Sivir has no CC, so hit your Qs. Her chase and dps is very good so and E can help her a lot. Sivir will get bursted down before she can deliver her dps but a good spell shield can negate most of the damage. In this lane, provide Sivir with good CC. Disengaging shouldn't be a problem unless there are stuns. Roots and snares won't stop AAs so they aren't as dangerous. Focus yourself on offense. You both are slippery so fights undertower may favor you.

Extra Tips

Her chasing and disengage is on her Ult, but damage is on her on other abilities.
You don't need to catch up with Sivir when she ults. Stay at your backline to heal unless you have Q up (which should be used before needing to chase)

Tristana is mobile adc with multiple disengage abilities. She is one of those champions with abilities with ap scale and abilities associated with attack speed, like Ezreal. In this lane, you are more squishy then Tristana herself, so keep yourself healthy and help her get kills. She can proc bubbles quickly with Rapid Fire after engaging with Rocket Jump, use Explosive Charge, and finish with Buster Shot and disengage with another Rocket Jump. Tristana has no long range ability and cannot chase without rocket jump, so help her deliver all the damage while the enemy is still in range because if she is unable to reset rocket jump, she will be deep and get caught. Tristana gains aa range with level so she can deal damage in a safe distance. In this lane, give her time to deliver damage and maximize her dps. Protect her when rocket jump is on cd.

Extra Tips

Buster shot knocks enemies surrounding the target away. Ganks from the other side is vulnerable to her.
You are more squishy than her.
Maximize her DPS. Zeke's harbringer?
Her abilities are mainly AP so her damage mostly comes from her AA.

Twitch is a great adc to duo. Twitch has a weak laning phase but can be decent with Nami's good peel. Getting kills with Twitch is easier than other adcs as he can Ambush in. Disengage is nami's best job, which is what twitch needs. When he kills, W him first. After 1.5 seconds, E him. Possibly buy Twitch time to ambush and escape.

During the laning phase, Twitch is weak. Twitch shouldn't do weird stuff pre 6 so just stay around an poke. Leave Q for peel unless you two are healthy. Post 6, set up assassinations for Twitch and help him disengage. Late game Twitch can penta from far. Twitch has a weak slow with Venom Cask but it applies stacks of Deadly Venom. In this case, Q the enemy inside. This is great for a counter engage. For any other case, focus on peeling for him. He has enough offense in his kit.

Extra Tips

Act like Twitch isn't there when he ambushes from river/bush.
Remove enemy wards in botlane bushes with Oracle Lens, Control Ward or Sweeping Lens. This allows twitch to juke.
Communication based lane!
Don't W/E twitch when he is stealth as enemies will notice.

Everyone knows that Vayne sucks early and becomes a god late game. Vayne does poor trades (basically cannot) and is squishy. Vayne isn't too vulnerable to ganks though as she has a knockback and invisible for escape. In lane, just make sure Vayne doesn't feed. If the game can go over 30 minutes and the teams are generally balanced, she can carry. Early just farm and help her survive trades. Freeze the lane if needed as she needs to get items asap to carry. Your team should focus on protecting her so you should buy those "Snowball items". As Vayne tumbles around in a fight, redemption will be weird to use so try to predict her next target. If you are close enough to her fight, spam heal and buffs as she will be out of range.

Extra Tips

Don't use abilities on Vayne while she's invisible.
Vayne is the center of your team.
Lategame, use Crucible the moment she is cc ed. She needs the flow to get multi kills.
Seriously your ability usage depends on the Vayne's playstyle. If she is those noob Vaynes that only want to Penta and you have no way but to compramise, stay behind her and spam heal and buffs. If she knows her capability AS A CHAMPION, good for you. Prepare for the next target if you know she can kill him, leave ult for disengage.
She gains speed towards enemy champions.

Varus is a bad performing adc currently. Varus is all about hitting skillshots so your CC can help him a lot. He has his ult as CC which can immobilize the whole enemy team. I have seen that before. Vayne doesn't need to get fed to carry the game

Obviously this doesn't happen every game. But in lane, peel for Varus. He has an aoe slow and aoe immobilize but this is probably not enough to deal with multiple enemies. Varus has very strong and long range poke. Varus can then engage with a good ultimate. Depending on enemy health, chain CC on the initial target or CC the enemy trying to get out of the spread range. Varus's ult is very good againist multiple engaging enemies but he excels on single target target damage, so focus attacks on one enemy. Yet, if the initial target is low, prepare for another target as Varus gains attack speed on kill/assist for 5 seconds, and has no cooldown. Kills in lane really depend on your judgement. Varus should always have 20% bonus attack speed from his passive, so he can proc bubbles quickly.

Extra Tips

Remove CC with Mikael's Blessing
He need to proc his Blighted Quiver for % health damage.
Defense>Offense, Offense when Varus lands ult.


Ziggs botlane are gaining popularity on solo queue. Supporting Ziggs will be peel based as his only peel is Satchel Charge. He has enough offense and poke so use abilities for peel.

Possible ADCs i didn't do are
Corki, Kalista, Urgot, Quinn, Kindred, Graves,
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First of all, thank you for reading this guide with 80% bs. 20% of this guide is real useful stuff, scattered around the whole guide.

Nami is a CC utility support with very high flexibility of playstyle and item builds. She can poke effectively and works well with most adcs. She can both provide offense and defense for herself and the adc, and she has one of the best kits for peel in League. A good Nami and a bad Nami is about the efficiency of each item and ability, and their general strategy in game. "LoL is strategy game as much as a mechanical game" (i forgot the source again).

This build utilizes items with actives, with the core being Ruby Sightstone, Redemption and a "boot of your choice". Multiple item actives needs time to get used to, consider changing your key binds. Good use of item actives leads to success as much as intelligent entrepreneurship does.

So, thats all. This guide is updated whenever I am bored on public transport, which means at least 2 times everyday. Any suggestions, objections and questions, please leave a comment!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NaViFinley
NaViFinley Nami Guide
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QUITE In-Depth Nami Support Guide, Tips with ADCs [7.4]

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