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Choose Champion Build:
- Titan Garen
- High Damage Stridebreaker
- Overview of items "suitable" for Garen. Make your own build.
Recommended Items
Runes: Standard #1
+10% Attack Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+6 Armor
Aggressive Flash
Ability Order
Perseverance (PASSIVE)
Garen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Champion Build Guide
I Won't be updating as frequently as it used to.
Guide text won't be updated any time soon either, so make sure you use atleast a couple of braincells while reading.
Hi, my name is Lulu and I'm trash at this game.
This guide doesn't focus so much on how to play Garen.
It assumes you know how he works, if you don't know how Garen works then I recommend you go read FSat and Laoshin3v3's guides here on Mobafire.
Instead I'm going focus on how to build Garen like which Items are efficient, when to/or not to buy Armor/Magic Resist and Keystone/Rune picks and give less popular/uncommon viewangles on different stuff to hopefully help you find the playstyle that suits you the most.
Keep in mind though that the guide has still a long way go and is far from done.
Guide text won't be updated any time soon either, so make sure you use atleast a couple of braincells while reading.
Hi, my name is Lulu and I'm trash at this game.
This guide doesn't focus so much on how to play Garen.
It assumes you know how he works, if you don't know how Garen works then I recommend you go read FSat and Laoshin3v3's guides here on Mobafire.
Instead I'm going focus on how to build Garen like which Items are efficient, when to/or not to buy Armor/Magic Resist and Keystone/Rune picks and give less popular/uncommon viewangles on different stuff to hopefully help you find the playstyle that suits you the most.
Keep in mind though that the guide has still a long way go and is far from done.
Pre-season changes
[*] Pre-season changes that affects Titan Garen?
You no longer have autoattack reset with Titanic Hydra.
You now gain base damage when autoattacking with Trinity Force
[*] Is the build still viable?
The build will work but not in the way it used to which was AA>Q> Titanic Hydra.
It will be strong at splitpushing still though, that's what might save it. I need to play a lot more games before I decide if it should be the main build focus for this guide or if I'm going to swap it to Goredrinker Garen
You no longer have autoattack reset with Titanic Hydra.
You now gain base damage when autoattacking with Trinity Force
[*] Is the build still viable?
The build will work but not in the way it used to which was AA>Q> Titanic Hydra.
It will be strong at splitpushing still though, that's what might save it. I need to play a lot more games before I decide if it should be the main build focus for this guide or if I'm going to swap it to Goredrinker Garen
✦ Conqueror Excellent keystone, Free AD and sustain just by using Judgment. |
✦ Phase Rush Excellent keystone against high mobility champions or when you need to get out of trades ASAP against Darius for example. |
✦ Grasp of the Undying Excellent keystone. Provides you with sustain, damage and 5 bonus health every successful proc on enemy champions. |
✦ Predator Great keystone. Grants you movement speed and damage on use. It also allows you to roam to mid or help your jungler much faster. |
✦ Fleet Footwork Good substitute for Grasp of the Undying + Phase Rush in situations where you'd like to pick both of those keystones. |
✦ Electrocute Good keystone. Gives you a significant burst increase, which is good when playing against bruisers that can tower dive you easily. The damage from our Decisive Strike + Judgment combined should be enough to secure a kill with Demacian Justice directly after Electrocute procs |
* Note: The way I rank runes goes like this: Excellent > Great > Good > OK > Meh > Bad
This is how I optimize my builds for Bruisers/Off-tanks.
I'm trying to get that sweetspot for Armor/Magic Resist, which is atleast 150 AR/MR minimum.
I'm trying to get that sweetspot for Armor/Magic Resist, which is atleast 150 AR/MR minimum.
Items | Build #1: Titan Garen (NOT UPDATED YET)
This build is played a bit differently compared to the traditional build. You want to use your Titanic Hydra active as your second autoattack reset, which means you're going to combo like this:
Basic/Auto Attack > Decisive Strike > Titanic Hydra
Basic/Auto Attack > Decisive Strike > Titanic Hydra
Mercury's Treads Nobody likes CC, these boots will make it less painful though. Alternative: Boots of Swiftness against slowing effects. Alternative: Ninja Tabi against 4-5 AD champs OR 2-3 basic attack reliant champs. |
Titanic Hydra Essential for this build. Decisive Strike procs the passive aswell. |
Trinity Force Tons of Damage and Movement Speed. Decisive Strike procs this which makes this item extremely good. Alternative: Black Cleaver if the enemy team brings 2 tanks or one heavy carry tank with lots of armor. |
Dead Man's Plate Boosts your Defenses, Movement Speed and even grants you a 50% slow at maximum stacks which procs by basic attacks or Decisive Strike. Making it easier to stay on top of your target. |
Spirit Visage This is generally the best Magic Resist item for Garen. Synergies with Perseverance. Alternative: Adaptive Helm vs Teemo Rumble Cassiopeia etc. |
Sterak's Gage Prevents you from getting bursted and increases your bonus AD significantly. Alternative: Anything from the recommended final item section. |
Stats at lvl 18 & full build
Items | Build #2: Spin2Win Garen (NOT UPDATED YET)
Old version (Raw Damage), Currently revamping the guide, leaving this box here meanwhile I'm updating the guide
Old version (Classic), Currently revamping the guide, leaving this box here meanwhile I'm updating the guide
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