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Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
XP when we stay near action (two auto-atack range=leveling). You get gold with last-hitting(freezing wave):
siege minion after 2 waves: 60G+ (strong anti-turret combination melee and caster minion)
melee minion defender: 3x 21G+ (kill them first for fast push wave)
caster minion attacker: 3x 14G+ (kill them first for power push wave)
Watch what doing yours caster minons (Siege, Tower, Suport, ...). You can secure gold with 90 Caliber Net.
On first back buy Vampiric Scepter and Boots (300G). Always try get 1st kill (400G) and with B. F. Sword (or 2x Long Sword + Vampiric) 1st tower (550G).
Playing ADC in 8.17 season is really bad idea, so we using more funny items:
Vampiric Scepter grants 10% Life Steal from auto-attack minions (900G-350G=550G).
B. F. Sword +40 Attack Damage (1300G) Headshot +50% AD bonus (grants additional stacks for attacks made while in brush +10% DPS).
Lethal Tempo after 1.5 second you gain 40-110% attack speed for 3 or 6 seconds (=cooldown).
Piltover Peacemaker always deals 100% damage to champions revealed by Yordle Snap Trap.
Ignite dealing 80-505 true damage over 5 seconds and applying Grievous Wounds ( Heal counter).
Absolute Focus above 70% health (3x Health Potion), gain an adaptive bonus of 3-24 attack damage
Scorch next ability dealing 10-30 bonus magic damage
or use more defensive rune Nullifying Orb shield that absorbs 40-120 magic damage
On level 9 always upgrade to permanent Farsight Alteration and place this visibles wards primary in yours jungle near: dragon, Red Brambleback( crest of cinders), blue sentinel( crest of insight) and behind baron nashor( hand of baron).
Best place for your single Control Ward is in friendly jungle near Red Buff (brush over the way).
Best buy item sequence is: Vampiric Scepter Stormrazor Berserker's Greaves Zeal
If you team take first enemy towers buy Poacher's Dirk (clear 4 enemy camps to upgrade on Serrated Dirk). Cait have great crowd control(traps and net), but if you have bad feeling just run away ( juking).
But if your team losing, choose instead Poacher's some defensive item or previously go for Infinity Edge item. Always try think about item order in farming phase (your responsibility is also kill of that enemy champ later).
Stormrazor auto-attack critically strikes for 140-200% damage + 10% bonus movement speed for 1.75 sec.
Runaan's Hurricane basic attacks fire bolts at 2 targets near your primary target (375 range), each dealing 40% of your attack damage as physical damage + applying on-hit effects.
Serrated Dirk 6-10 armor penetration. After killing an enemy, your next damaging spell will deal +40 AD. 90 Caliber Net gives you some mobility in jungle (kick back 400 units away, look at map for places).
Yordle Snap Trap Cait can also fire one 1300 range Headshot at trapped targets (brush is place for traps). Caitlyn can use her 90 Caliber Net and place Cupcake Trap in same time (for two Headshots).
Best place for your single Control Ward is in friendly jungle near Red Buff (brush over the way).
Best buy item sequence is: Vampiric Scepter Stormrazor Berserker's Greaves Zeal
If you team take first enemy towers buy Poacher's Dirk (clear 4 enemy camps to upgrade on Serrated Dirk). Cait have great crowd control(traps and net), but if you have bad feeling just run away ( juking).
But if your team losing, choose instead Poacher's some defensive item or previously go for Infinity Edge item. Always try think about item order in farming phase (your responsibility is also kill of that enemy champ later).
Stormrazor auto-attack critically strikes for 140-200% damage + 10% bonus movement speed for 1.75 sec.
Runaan's Hurricane basic attacks fire bolts at 2 targets near your primary target (375 range), each dealing 40% of your attack damage as physical damage + applying on-hit effects.
Serrated Dirk 6-10 armor penetration. After killing an enemy, your next damaging spell will deal +40 AD. 90 Caliber Net gives you some mobility in jungle (kick back 400 units away, look at map for places).
Yordle Snap Trap Cait can also fire one 1300 range Headshot at trapped targets (brush is place for traps). Caitlyn can use her 90 Caliber Net and place Cupcake Trap in same time (for two Headshots).
Game goal is take down inhibitor. Think one enemy objective ahead, and use pings ? ! |> OW. On west servers write: /mute all
In team fights always stay near your ally ( zoning). But also make some shots to enemies in your range ( kiting). Try aim first on low armor opponets (better bounty). Tanks, suports or junglers have usualy some armor.
Infinity Edge 10% of critical strike damage is converted to true damage. Infinity edge doubles critical strike chance, for stronger Headshots (+ 150% critical strike chance: -> 30%[45] -> 60%[90] -> 100%[150]).
Bloodthirster overheals you, granting a bloody shield that absorbs up to 50-350 damage. Farsight Alteration places a visible ward from 4000 units away.
Ace in the Hole deal 250/475/700 (+2.0 per bonus attack damage): but enemy can take bullet for ally.
Coup de Grace deal 7% more damage to champions who have less than 40% health.
Presence of Mind takedowns restore 20% of your maximum mana and refund 10% ultimate's cooldown.
Flash teleport your champion to range 425 units away ( 90 Caliber Net+ Flash+ Piltover Peacemaker).
On late game just swap Berserker's Greaves to Rapid Firecannon or Phantom Dancer (nice active Youmuu's Ghostblade). In game settings you can also set auto-attack to Space key, and XP leveling to Shift key + Spell key.
In team fights always stay near your ally ( zoning). But also make some shots to enemies in your range ( kiting). Try aim first on low armor opponets (better bounty). Tanks, suports or junglers have usualy some armor.
Infinity Edge 10% of critical strike damage is converted to true damage. Infinity edge doubles critical strike chance, for stronger Headshots (+ 150% critical strike chance: -> 30%[45] -> 60%[90] -> 100%[150]).
Bloodthirster overheals you, granting a bloody shield that absorbs up to 50-350 damage. Farsight Alteration places a visible ward from 4000 units away.
Ace in the Hole deal 250/475/700 (+2.0 per bonus attack damage): but enemy can take bullet for ally.
Coup de Grace deal 7% more damage to champions who have less than 40% health.
Presence of Mind takedowns restore 20% of your maximum mana and refund 10% ultimate's cooldown.
Flash teleport your champion to range 425 units away ( 90 Caliber Net+ Flash+ Piltover Peacemaker).
On late game just swap Berserker's Greaves to Rapid Firecannon or Phantom Dancer (nice active Youmuu's Ghostblade). In game settings you can also set auto-attack to Space key, and XP leveling to Shift key + Spell key.
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