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Singed Build Guide by report singed ty

Top The Extensive Singed Bible (REMAKING)

Top The Extensive Singed Bible (REMAKING)

Updated on June 19, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author report singed ty Build Guide By report singed ty 914 62 2,532,811 Views 68 Comments
914 62 2,532,811 Views 68 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author report singed ty Singed Build Guide By report singed ty Updated on June 19, 2020
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Runes: conq nerf

1 2
Unsealed Spellbook
Hextech Flashtraption
Future's Market
Time Warp Tonic

Nimbus Cloak

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

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NOTICE: I learned so much more since writing this guide that I'm going to completely erase and redo it from the ground up. I'm hitting diamond pretty soon so I'll probably release it once that happens. This guide still has a lot of useful info but you might wanna use a more up to date guide until my rewrite comes out.

I'm a onetrick Singed player who reached platinum 2 with a 64% season winrate playing only singed. (In fact I skipped plat 3 completely with him) Here's a quick look at my OPGG.
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I originally started this guide because of the lack of good up-to-date Singed guides (there were none when I first made this). I'm hoping this guide will be a good reference for any situation you find yourself struggling with on Singed, and will be covering everything about Singed and his gameplay extensively, as well as covering differences in how to win with him in both low elo and high. Singed really needs a lot more explaining than other champions because his playstyle is vastly different even relative to the most unique champions in the game, and you'll start to see that when reading this guide.

Also, I'm working on a Singed video guide for mobafire with some awesome editing and a lot of knowledge and tips that I haven't seen anywhere else, so look forward to that in the coming weeks! (takes a lot of time and effort, so it will take a little while).

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>> Table of Contents <<
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+ Amazing Teamplay
+ Always useful
+ Absolute tilt god
+ Teaches you macro-play instead of micro-play
+ Can turn games around easily
+ Amazing game presence
Besides Singed's great teamfight potential, the ground effect on his Mega Adhesive and his CC with Fling can be great use to the team even if he lost lane. Another great thing about Singed is that he's a TILT GOD. When you finally get the hang of him, you WILL make your enemy laner ragequit every now and then and it's just as fun as it sounds. A unique feature of maining Singed is that you will be forced to learn how to think about the game in the macro aspect rather than focusing on the micro aspect. This means that picking up Singed can and will actually make you a substantially better League of Legends player overall, but only if you're serious about putting in the time for him.
- Poor late-game
- Tons of hard counters
- Fling is hard to master
- Very weak pre-6
- Reliant on ultimate
- Relatively hard to get into
- Almost as hated as Teemo
Singed has the most difficult matchups by far of any champion I've played. You can expect every other game to be a matchup you wish you didn't have to fight, but since Singed can proxy this is less of a big deal than it sounds. Properly learning Singed also requires many many games of straight up feeding before you can play him at a high level of play, and I think this is a big factor in why he's so rare as a main. Mistakes are expected, but nobody wants to spend game after game going 0/12 as a learning process. Singed is also widely hated, but you should just enjoy this.

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The "new" rune system (edit: not so new anymore in 2019) doesn't fit with Singed quite as well as the old rune + mastery system, but there are still a few options.

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Low-elo Runes for Seaon 9
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Okay, so here are my go-to low elo runes for season 9 so far, but first let me breakdown why there’s a difference. Please don't read "low elo" and think that makes this setup worse, I used these runes even in diamond 4 elo to great success. So then why the difference? In gold and below, you simply cannot trust your team to carry off of purely your utility and tankiness, you need to compromise between tank utility and AP carrying, and these runes are part of that compromise. Commonly in gold and below your botlane will feed and your team will have NO damage to come back into the game with unless you pick up their slack. Running in and engaging an amazing teamfight is useless if your team doesn’t do any damage to follow up with. Secondly, even if they have the damage, they don’t know how to recognize situations and follow through on your engage, a lot of the time they leave you in the dust to die for no reason (and then flame you for good measure too) so you really need to be able to do your own damage when that happens and get the pick yourself. Once you hit gold 1 or 2, teams are just reliable barely enough that you can forget doing damage and switch to the high elo setup if you want, but personally I think it will work great until platinum.

First up we have Summon Aery, simply because it's the only viable rune here (but it's nice extra damage, don't get me wrong). The reason Arcane Comet isn't viable if you are wondering is because your Fling procs the comet only for the enemy to be flung outside of it right away by the ability itself (lol).

Now for Nimbus Cloak. Self explanatory but it couldn't be more perfect and fun on any other champion. It's especially helpful to go all-in with because with Ghost, Nimbus Cloak, and Insanity Potion all activated at once NOBODY can escape (not even Teemo while you're being slowed by mushrooms can outrun this combo assuming you have merc treads)

Celerity is alright. If you're inclined you could swap this out for one of the other two (preferably Transcendence because Absolute Focus counts on safe champions like Heimerdinger that can harass from a distance, Singed is the exact opposite and relies on being low health with tons of regen to keep enemies chasing what they think is a kill)

Gathering Storm is the main discussion here, because most would choose Scorch. My logic behind Gathering Storm instead is that, while Scorch is great vs lanes you want to stomp early ( Nasus), Gathering Storm is just fantastic due to the fact the AP it gives you is so huge relative to how much AP you typically build. Not only does singed build mostly tank items after his rylais and liandrys core (meaning gathering storm boosts his damage by a bigger amount compared to most AP champions), but this also works as a safety measure against your biggest fear: falling off late into uselessness. This rune scales so well into the lategame that if you ever make it there before the game ends this will be a godsend.

UPDATE: Scorch got a giant buff as of patch 9.9! No reason to go with Gathering Storm over Scorch anymore at all but I'll leave that there crossed out for now. Also, this meta has very short games currently, making Gathering Storm even more obsolete. Don't go Gathering Storm.

As far as secondaries go, Ravenous Hunter and Taste of Blood is my choice 90%+ of the time. There's a couple reasons why. Firstly, these runes are flat out overpowered for secondaries. I can usually get in 7000-14000 total healing in per game from ONLY these runes alone (that is just crazy). The second big reason is the more passive healing you have the longer enemies are tricked into hunting you down for nothing. These runes keep you perpetually low-health in chases but keep topping you up just enough to not actually die most of the time, which by the way is part of why his ult is so good with its health regen boost.

But before I'm done here let's go over options. You can change these secondaries for inspiration, going with Future's Market and then ANY of the last runes ( Approach Velocity, Cosmic Insight or Time Warp Tonic. What this lets you do is you can get your boots AND Corrupting Potion on your first back after you proxy the third wave, meaning you essentially have 3 starting items when everybody else has 1 since the proxy gives you a completely free back. It also lets you hit your Rylai's Crystal Scepter power spike early by a few minutes if you combine it with gold from selling Dark Seal early.

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High-elo Runes for Seaon 9
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Next up is higher elo runes. You can start using these once you hit high gold or platinum. There’s 2 reasons we switch to these once hitting platinum+ elo, once is proactive and the other is reactive. The reactive reason is that if you don’t switch to this tankier setup, high elo players know to punish your squishiness early and can put you right out of the game with some jungle camp and an all-in matchup like Riven. The proactive reason is because you don’t even need this damage anymore since you can rely on your team to play smart enough and put out the required damage properly. Simply put, when your teams are smart enough to make plays off your engages and disruption, it’s time to go all-in on that engage and disruption. You may feel worse initially with this style as your average kda goes from 9/4/3 or something to more like 1/2/15, but thats actually a good thing. Not only did your feeding go down, but all those kills went to your adc or jungler who can use it to carry to the win, AND your overall kill participation has gone way up. This is the way you win these games.

So, we have Aftershock which is such an OP rune. It gives you a fantastic lane trade advantage for short trades. You should think of this as an ability you press more than a rune. For example, since this is triggered by your Fling, against a Riven you would time your fling to give you aftershock right as she wants to get off a lot of her trading damage. This negates the maximum damage you would have taken otherwise, as well as disrupts her, and then you can use the explosion from it as free damage now that everything she has is on cooldown and walk back out. This rune is just as useful during teamfighting too as it can let you survive a lot better during an engage or a Flash Fling combo on the enemy carry.

Demolish is good this season simply because of turret plating. You get 160 gold per plate, meaning every 2 plates you can take with this is an entire kill up on your lane opponent. If you start 0/3/0 in lane, all you need is 2-3 plates and a 15-30 cs lead to actually make you both even, which on Singed is not only possible but expected. Any decent Singed can accomplish both getting plating and a cs lead even while behind/feeding (in fact I generally get first turret even if I completely lost my lane, it’s one of Singed useful strengths). If you want, Font of Life is fine as well if you get frustrated with Demolish ’s heavy demand on how you play and when you can back.

Bone Plating can be swapped for Second Wind or Conditioning but Bone Plating is my personal favourite for the early trades and lane harass.

Unflinching is obvious: tenacity is one of Singed ‘s most valuable assets and you should get it whenever you can, whether it be through this rune, or an enemy team that allows for going mercery’s treads. This rune CANNOT be swapped, it is just way too valuable. Always use it when going into resolve.
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Summoner Spells
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Now these aren’t runes but I wanted to explain summoner spell options, so I better shove it in somewhere. If you’re below gold, I really recommend using Ghost instead of Flash. I personally used Ghost even through platinum until recently. Reasons being is that:
  • Ghost has a very short cooldown meaning you can spam it. This means you don’t have to think “is it worth it” or not to escape, you can just use it and know it will be up again pretty soon.
  • Ghost is super easy to use. Unlike flash, you can’t really mess up Ghost.
  • Flash on Singed is primarily for catching out carries with Fling, something which is pretty useless below gold elo since you can Flash Fling and your team will probably just stare at you and not go in on them at all. Not to mention, low elo enemy carries don’t even have the peel or positioning skills necessary for you to have to flash in on them in the first place, you can simply Turbo Chemtank + Ghost them and it’s almost guaranteed you get the pick.

Next up for discussion is Teleport or Ignite. This depends on a couple things and it’s your choice. Do you pay enough attention to the map to use Teleport to a good extent? Do you win or lose this lane matchup (basically: do you need to get back to lane a lot)? Is it better this game to focus on lane dominance and kill pressure with Ignite or make plays for your team around the map with Teleport? Do you want low cooldown spammable spells for your Unflinching? They are both viable and useful, and neither is “wrong”, it’s just that one is more useful for certain situations/team compositions and so is the other.

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Rylai's Crystal Scepter: The reason you go for Rylai's Crystal Scepter on Singed is because the 20% slow you get when combined with your Insanity Potion and Ghost allows you to win trades with enemy top laner's you simply shouldn't be able to win. Rylai's Crystal Scepter is also a cheap item considering you get 300 HP and 85 AP with it as well. It's all around an incredible and underrated item for Singed and I rush it every game.

Furthermore, Rylai's Crystal Scepter can be used to disengage your team from fights by trailing poison across the lane and slowing any enemies trying to chase, which has proven invaluable for my team time and time again.

Liandry's Torment: Core on Singed when even with/ahead of your enemy top laner period. With the updates to this item as of patch 8.4 this is just crazy good and there's no reason to not get it. It gives an additional 300 HP while giving you a max HP burn. Another reason it's so useful is because its passive works together with the slow on Rylai's Crystal Scepter to do tons of % health damage. This is worth rushing as your very first item now, but you can still go with Rylai's Crystal Scepter first against certain matchups like Nasus.

Ninja Tabi: The best general boots choice for Singed because of a few factors.
  • Your enemy top laner will do far less damage in trades
  • It will get you through team fights better when the enemy ADC is auto attacking you
  • You take LOTS of tower shots when playing Singed, and Ninja Tabi drastically reduces tower damage to you and allows you to tank them easily.

Boots of Swiftness is good when the enemy AD is not a threat and the enemy team has no hard CC.

Mercury's Treads is good when the enemy team has lots of CC, or when you're against a top laner that does magic damage and cc like Teemo

Dead Man's Plate: Gives you awesome movement speed, as well as great survivability after laning phase. It's not an item you rush on singed, it's best purchased after your boots and rylai/liandry combo. It can be bought directly after Rylai's Crystal Scepter if you are planning on flat out skipping Liandry's Torment.

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Situational Items
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After you have your core rylai/liandry combo you prioritize becoming as tanky as possible. You don't need more offensive stats by this point and your main goal is to peel for your most valuable player in team fights, disrupt the enemies, fling and disable their MVP (usually the ADC) and overall make the fight as easy as possible for your team while staying alive.

The first good choice is Turbo Chemtank. You'll know when you need to build this because you will constantly be unable to get quite close enough to catch who you need to. When you're in this situation, Turbo Chemtank is going to fix it, especially when against someone like Ashe who can just keep slowing you down with autos and her W if you don't have this. Turbo Chemtank is able to over-compensate for slowing effects and let you catch them anyways. Another use for Turbo Chemtank is to get your team a free pick when the enemy team is retreating. You can simply use this to run up and fling an enemy of your choice back into your team while the enemies are fleeing, just keep in mind that this can initiate full blown fights in some cases.

Now, if the threats on the enemy team is their AP mid-laner, you have 2 great options. Option 1 is Spirit Visage, which is just good survivability vs magic. The next choice though comes into play if you're ahead. If you're ahead with Singed and the main damage on your team (which can happen) then you should be going Banshee's Veil instead. This gives you the awesome passive as well as huge MR, but sacrifices the extra HP boost for a significant AP boost, which is just what you need when you're doing all the damage.

I personally dislike Rod of Ages. I tried to enjoy it but the long time to wait for it to scale up paired with the fact you're buying a lot of mana you don't need makes it feel weak and always go back to these other items. I included it in my item section at the top though because many players still use it and it isn't a bad item by any means.

Thornmail is easy to grasp. You buy it if the enemy ADC is shutting you down in team fights or if you want to trash their sustain with grievous wounds.

Randuin's Omen is similar to Dead Man's Plate mixed with Turbo Chemtank. Just don't forget to activate it when you're in the middle of the enemy team. I don't find myself needing to build it much but still do sometimes.

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Something cool about Singed is that he can skip one of his weakest points in the game completely. Singed level 1 to 3 is straight up awful in lane, but he can simply proxy the first 3 waves of CS, execute, and walk back into lane with a CS and item advantage at no cost. I do this every single game because there really isn't any reason not to considering what you get out of it.

To start the level one proxy, you wait in front of Rift Herald until minions spawn, then walk your way over between the enemies outer and inner towers. Make sure you always start Dark Seal and Refillable Potion, and not Corrupting Potion, because your level one proxy will mean you get back into lane with both of these anyways, and the AP from dark seal is better for your proxy than a 3rd dose of healing (you generally only use 1 sip of refillable during all 3 waves, and only use 2 if the enemy top tried to contest your proxy a bit at the start)

The idea is to proxy your first 2 waves between their outer and inner towers, and then proxy the third wave with the siege minion between inner tower and inhibitor tower. This is the absolute safest way to proxy, but it's going to take practice. You should always execute yourself rather than recall after your level 1 proxy because the risk of the jungler catching you is high during this instant, since your third wave of proxy being finished coincidentally is right when the jungler will be done their camp closest to you and be looking to kill you (assuming they walked to your side to continue jungling directly after clearing their buff, which does happen commonly). After you execute, you can walk back to lane. You don't need to use Teleport since you will only miss 1 melee minion of cs by the time you get back to lane since you cleared your third wave so close to the enemy base. You only use Teleport this early if you were killed early or had to execute early, since Teleport this early is less valuable than the cannon wave.

I'm going to include a video on how to do a level 1 proxy at the bottom of this section after I explain warding.

Now there's some thought that goes into doing executing a level one proxy effectively:
  • Make sure you watch your enemy laner and see how they handle farming under tower. This is essential in order to decide if you're going to proxy most of the lane or if you're going to try and bully them in lane. When you execute, tab during the death screen to check their cs vs yours. You should have 19 cs. If they have 14 or less to your 19, then you know you can come back and keep proxying the lane to put them far behind.
  • Sometimes the enemy jungler will see your proxy and go straight from their first buff over to the other side in order to take a free kill. You need to be really careful with this. Depending on the enemy jungler, you can bait them to blow Flash on you while still getting executed that same instant to waste it.
  • When against Tryndamere, you need to keep in mind that Tryndamere's W counts as a kill if he uses it while you're executing. Don't execute if hes in W range to you, even if his E is down.
  • Since the enemy tower will kill their cs wave before you kill yours, the enemy top will constantly chase you down between waves for the first 3 waves of the game. This isn't a big deal, all you have to do is turn back around and they will give up in order to not miss out on the next wave of CS. This is also a big reason why you want to proxy your third wave between the inner and inhibitor towers.

So, there's a few situations that can occur during the level 1 proxy. The first situation is that the enemy knows you're going to proxy and will try to block you. If this happens, you can usually just walk the other way around and proxy anyways. Here are maps of both routes you can go for both blue side and red side.
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Starting on Blue Side
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Starting on Red Side
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The safest way is always to go north instead of south from rift herald, however as I said before, sometimes the enemy will be trying to stop you from going to proxy, in which case you go south. They will usually think you gave up and not expect you to be going the other way.

Another situation that occurs is that the enemy top laner walks down to you and starts a fight during the first wave. This is not necessarily bad, and is why you always want Ghost on Singed. When this happens, sip your Refillable Potion and fight them back a bit and then blow ghost in order to ensure you get out safely. They can usually only auto you, while you have auto and poison at the same time. You can almost always go right back to proxying without having to recall and your enemy laner will now be too weak to try anything further. This can actually work to your advantage, since blowing Ghost around 1:20 essentially costs you nothing with its low cooldown. You simply finish the 3 waves and come back with a Corrupting Potion and Dark Seal, meanwhile your laner has had to blow their only potions and still has an HP disadvantage.

This doesn't always go well though, as sometimes they hurt you enough that you can't finish your cannon wave. If this happens, you simply execute during the cannon wave and use Teleport to get back into lane. You should always have enough for Corrupting Potion even if you didn't get to finish your cannon wave. If you had to wait a few seconds before teleporting back to get it then that's fine.

So here's a quick demonstration of how the level one proxy goes.
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When to Proxy
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Proxying on Singed is not a gimmick, it actually opens up incredible opportunities for you game. I'll cover more on this in the game presence section, and for now will start with when it's a good idea to proxy and how you initiate it.

You proxy on Singed the first 3 waves, but there's more situations in which you want to proxy and they are as follows:
  • If the enemy can't farm effectively under tower and misses a lot of CS
  • If you are hard countered by the enemy top and need to farm safely
  • If you want to set up tons of free time to roam mid or make a Teleport play bot lane
  • If you want to recall and shop soon absolutely free
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How to Proxy

So you know when it's useful to proxy, but maybe not how to do it properly or what it should look like when going in for it. There's a lot more to it than just running behind and poisoning minions, and there are ways to make the most of it.

Firstly, how you get into your proxy during laning phase can go 3 ways:
  • If the lane opponent is easy against you, you can aggressively kill the wave and push it to tower, and then walk right passed the enemy and their tower and start proxying.
  • If the lane opponent goes fairly even with you, you should try and kill 3 of the 6 minions as soon as you can and then run around through the jungle to go proxy as fast as possible to not miss any more. Sacrificing 3 CS to proxy is generally worth it.
  • If the lane opponent counters you, you should forfeit your whole wave to go proxy. The reason why is because you will miss more than the 6 CS by trying to stay in lane with someone who can force you out.

NOTE: You should never go to proxy if there's a siege minion wave in lane. Always stick around for the whole siege minion wave, even if only for the XP. Wait for a regular wave if you want to go proxy. If you use one of these waves to go proxy you're just putting you lane opponent way ahead of you while also giving them the necessary minion power to do damage to your turret.

ALSO NOTE: An easy way to tell if you'll make it to the proxy the long way around is if the first minion of the upcoming wave is not yet at the inner tower. Since your minions will match the enemies, look at your own wave to determine if you will make it to proxy in time. Once the first minion about to pass your inner tower, you know you will not make it to proxy and should try again after the next wave (assuming it's not a cannon wave). Of course this doesn't apply at all if you're going to simply hard-shove the wave and walk right by their tower instead.

Next up, refer to this map below. If you proxy a wave between tower 1 and tower 2 (inhibitor and inner towers respectively) and recall right after, you can actually walk back to lane before the next wave of enemy cs even gets there. This means you can recall to shop absolutely free. The advantage of this is actually pretty profound. Furthermore, recalling after proxying between these two towers means that if you want, you can run in and gank midlane from behind or teleport botlane to turn a fight around and your top laner can't follow without missing two whole waves of CS and sacrificing fair amounts of tower health. This is one of the reasons Singed can have such incredible game presence if played right - he can roam for free by buying himself time through proxy farming.
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Because of all of this, it's not uncommon to get 10 CS per minute on Singed, because he can make all the same plays for his team without sacrificing any CS for it or tower vulnerability.

NOTE: Sometimes you need to be using Teleport to get back to lane instead of walking, since the proxy can be interrupted occasionally and stop you from clearing the wave between tower 1 and tower 2. When this happens, it's generally best to use it on your siege minion. Since they do so much damage to enemy minions, using it as a teleport will stop it from killing off any of the enemy CS before you finish channeling. If you don't have a siege minion in lane then it's not worth teleporting in the first place and you should just walk. It's only worth using Teleport to catch a siege minion wave.
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Efficient Proxy + Gold Advantage

One thing you can do with Singed is build a massive lead over your lane opponent and enemy jungler, because Singed is the only champion in the game that can maintain perfect cs while at the same time jungling. The general pattern is you take your first wave between outer and inner turrets, wave 2 between nexus and inner, then take a jungle camp, finish the camp in time for another proxy and proxy that, rinse and repeat. Just keep going from proxying waves to stealing enemy jungle camps. You’ll put the enemy jungler behind by a lot, and also give yourself a big advantage over your opponent. Even if they cs under tower perfectly, you still are up on free recalls, huge gold advantage from jungle, and turret health as theirs continues to take damage every wave. This will have a consequence though of giving them a lot of time to camp botlane, or to camp you because they hate you, but these are very low risk for such a high reward and I’m only pointing it out to highlight the fact that everything you do will change how the game plays out for everyone else. This strategy is 100% worth it when you can’t get ahead in lane.
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So now that you know some proxying basics, here’s a video of a decent one I did in a high plat/low diamond ranked game. I do the counter-jungle strategy I explained as well as get a kill on the enemy jungler, and a kill in lane right after, all from proxying without being ahead prior in any way (I was 1/1 kda with no gold advantage pre-proxy, ended with a significant cs lead and a killing spree). Hopefully this demonstrates just how strong proxy Singed is when done decently.
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Next up I will show where you ward and why. The photos below is your standard ward when proxying on each side. This ward gives you vision of the enemy jungler which is very important (so you know when to execute yourself). Something I noticed is you can also place a Control Ward that will basically never be discovered in the bush between towers in lane since nobody checks this bush during laning phase, and it will give you permanent vision of when your laner is coming back to lane (or coming to you sometimes) as shown below. Note on this is that experienced Singed players can simply memorize which wave the enemy will be walking back after and so this ward is unnecessary for them, but still makes things easier and boosts your vision score so why not (and in case you were wondering, once they hit fountain from a death or recall, you have time to do 1 wave behind their tower and they will be walking up between that wave and the next one so just hide in the jungle and then continue your proxy, OR if you're ahead stop them from getting back to their lane for a while and bully them)
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Warding on Blue Team
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Warding on Red Team
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You will get caught out by the jungler and feed first blood many times when practicing early proxy. It takes a lot of screwing up in order to build an intuition on where the enemy jungler is in order to execute in time. Make sure to account for their flash, or any range or gap closers they might have so you can know when you need to start running under tower and executing. For example, you'll need to execute earlier when a Tryndamere is coming for you because he has a big gap closer, AND in particular, his W (the chicken move) counts for some reason as a kill if he presses it while you are executing, so you need to keep a massive distance between you and him. A low risk jungler would be one like Karthus (hello season 9) who has no mobility at all, you can execute yourself fairly easily against that.

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Many argue that double proxying is not viable at all, and while I find it becoming less useful in high elo, Singed420 has demonstrated that it can be viable up to Diamond 2. Chances are, if you're reading this guide, you're below that, so don't worry about what everyone says about it and just do what makes sense to get the win. The double proxy is a specialized and situational tactic on Singed that allows you the following benefits:
  • Substantial gold advantage
  • Substantial level advantage
  • Forces the enemy team to defend 2 lanes
  • Forces the enemy team to waste a lot of time to stop you
  • Cuts off the enemies entire push potential in all but one lane

There are some downsides to this tactic though which are:
  • Deprives an ally lane from farm and xp for a brief period of time
  • Chances of dying are high
  • Very situational and not always viable
  • Team will generally not understand the advantages you're affording them and flame you

So what the double proxy is, is essentially walking into the enemy base and taking aggro of as many minions as you can and farming them. Double proxy gives you vast control over the map by choosing exactly what lane the enemy team is allowed to try and push and which they have to go defend.

You will know you're ready to double proxy when you have your Ninja Tabi, Corrupting Potion and first core item. You need Ninja Tabi in order to mitigate the enemy tower shots you'll be taking to start the double proxy and escape it. Know that you will take 1 - 2 tower shots upon entering the enemy base, but this is no big deal with Ninja Tabi and 1 dose of your Corrupting Potion.

So, there are 3 lanes and you can take out the middle lane and 1 other of your choice. You need to decide which you want by looking at the map and establishing your goal. Possible reasons to double proxy a lane are:
  • The enemy team is grouping to push mid, bot, or top and you want to cut off their supply of minions to take tower with
  • You're extremely behind, are not worth much gold, and need a way to catch up while also wasting the enemy teams time to come stop you
  • Your enemy top laner is trying to counter-proxy and you need an extra edge on them

Execution of the double proxy is difficult and surviving it is more so. You'll need to note that the botlane/midlane proxy is easier to pull off than the toplane/midlane proxy because the midlane minions are leaning closer to the botlane minions. This is because the inhibitor is right in their way so they have to walk to the side, and that side so happens to be the bot side. Here's a map to visualize what this means.
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I recommend doing normals and double proxying every single game so that you can get the required experience to use it when it counts. You need to pay attention to the map at ALL times in order to know when the enemy team will come stop you, and you should only initiate the double proxy when you know every enemy is on the map at that time. It's not uncommon or even bad for 1 or 2 enemies to come stop you, but you need to at least get 1 wave in beforehand to make it worth it. It's also worth nothing that optimal timing to start the double proxy is when the cannon wave is coming up. A cannon wave double proxy gives you a massive advantage, and you'll be levels ahead when the enemies are trying to stop you meaning you can easily turn it around on them or simply run away before they can damage you substantially.

Make sure that in between waves during your double proxy that you always start recalling, and cancel it just in time for the next wave. The 2 reasons for this are that the enemies are far less likely to waste time going back for you if they think you'll be recalled by the time they get there, so the fake recall gives you a free extra wave every single time before they catch on. The second reason is that when they do come stop you, there's a chance you'll be close enough to finished recalling already that you can get out for free. Here's a quick demonstration of the double proxy below:
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Now, when the enemies come stop you and you can't recall (usually because you currently happen to be doing a wave), you have 3 choices: execute, run away or waste their time. Running away means you simply blow Ghost and run through their towers and into the jungle until you're safe. Wasting their time means you blow Ghost and Insanity Potion and start doing laps around their base while they chase you, finishing your wave of farm in the process. The benefit to this is the enemy will not get back to lane in time for chasing you and so your team gets to shove for free and commonly gets the tower out of it as well. That sounds a lot better than running away, but that doesn't mean it's always better. If the enemy is a lot stronger than you or has effective CC, it's always better to just run because you won't survive long enough to waste the required time to make it worth it. Running away wastes less of their time but still wastes it nonetheless. Executing on the other hand, is a common sense tactic. Usually if they come to chase you from the outside of their base rather than from their fountain, you can run over to their fountain and let it delete you instantly before they have a chance to hit you for any damage.

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Enemy Jungle

Because of proxy farming, Singed has ways he can start to impact the game really early on. The first is that you will be spending a lot of time around the enemy jungle, and can capitalize on this between CS waves. You can place ward 2 covered earlier to keep an eye on which camp the jungler is at and how low they are. It's very easy to go in and kill them while theyre taking gromp or blue sentinel, and even if you don't get the kill you can generally scare them off and put them behind. Just make sure the enemy top laner isn't coming down to 2v1 you. If they do, you can Ghost out.

You can also steal ancient krug or gromp (depending on which side you're on) between waves by going from taking the wave between inhibitor tower and inner tower, to taking a jungle camp, and then taking the next wave which will now be entering between inner tower and outer tower. It's worth experimenting with taking Smite instead of Teleport if you want to completely tilt the enemy jungler. You can also use Smite to heal up during a fight when the enemy jungler, top laner, or both are coming to fight you by smiting a nearby camp.
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Ganking Midlane

Singed can gank midlane for free while also being able to do it from the most optimal angle. You simply have to proxy the wave between inhibitor tower and inner tower and then walk over and enter midlane from behind. Some great things about this tactic are:
  • You know 100% that they won't have the area you're coming in from warded
  • If you get there and the enemy laner is too backed up to go in on, you actually can just walk back to proxying without missing any CS since you'll be back in time to proxy between inner tower and outer tower

NOTE: You shouldn't do this without having level 6 for Insanity Potion, and don't tower dive for a fling if they have any CC ready. You will also need upgraded boots to get there and back in time to catch the next wave, but you should have these by level 6 anyways.
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Ganking Botlane

Next up is a standard play for any top laner. If you bring Teleport you should always be looking to make plays bot lane when the enemy ADC and support are over-extended. This only works if your bot-laners were smart enough to ward any of the bushes behind the enemy ADC prior. If all goes well, your jungler will be with you by now and you can take bot-lane's outer tower or go for a dragon (or even both).

This is most effective of course when you've proxied a wave between the enemy inhibitor tower and inner tower, because this means you will miss minimal CS, and also force your enemy toplaner into deciding between taking serious tower damage and missing 2 extra waves of CS by using Teleport after you, or staying to protect their tower from your minions and give your team a 3v2 or 4v2 bot. This is an example of why Singed is such a great champion, is he has extra ways he can constantly force enemies into lose-lose scenarios.

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The first thing to note with Singed is that he's fairly useless until level 6, and fairly useless after 40 minutes. This is why it's essential to start winning in any way you can early on with the methods I touched on earlier in the "Early Game Presence" section. You want to end before 40 minutes if you can help it, and snowballing your team early will ensure this.

The reason Singed falls off lategame is because since he is so good at farming and fight participation, and usually will get first tower gold due to proxy. This means he will hit level 18 and full build far before anyone else. I'm talking 2-3 levels ahead of everyone else in the game by the time you hit level 17 or 18. This means that once he caps out at his 6 items and level 18, all that can happen now is that the enemy team is going to slowly catch up, and that generally happens at 40 minutes. When this happens, you'll notice you're suddenly fairly useless and it's going to be a lot harder to close off the game and win.

Singed does not require a great KDA to win and have an impact. You shouldn't focus on getting kills. Singed can win games no matter what his KDA is, so it's generally better if your teams main damage output gets the kills. If you end up as the main damage then go for it and steal every kill you can though. I've carried games where I went 0/5 or 0/6 early on because as long as you don't tilt, Singed is always going to become useful and decently strong later on. This isn't to say you should leave kills on purpose, but if it's obvious the ADC can finish it off then don't scramble to fling-steal it from them.

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A great thing about Singed is he can secure any objectives pretty effectively. If your team is going for baron nashor or a dragon, you can simply place Mega Adhesive onto any enemy threat that you think is going to jump over the wall right at the time they'd do it. Mega Adhesive grounds targets meaning they can't get over the wall to steal the objective. They can't even flash.

If your team is going for towers, you can secure these by running behind the tower and spraying Poison Trail everywhere to zone off the enemy team. The enemies are going to be unwilling to take the damage and won't stop your team from taking tower.

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Teamfighting is one of the most important phases for Singed. This is generally where you carry your team to victory or missplay and lose. You will want to complete a teamfight before going for any objective during midgame to lategame.

Singed is a fairly good initiator, especially with Turbo Chemtank. You should start the fight by first making sure you're durable enough to start it, and then running in and using Poison Trail on everyone you can. Singed's new passive Noxious Slipstream makes this very easy. If you have Turbo Chemtank then you can fling the enemy MVP right as you begin to poison them all. Use your Rylai's Crystal Scepter to ensure nobody escapes your team, and use Mega Adhesive to stop straddlers.

When you win a teamfight, you should always look to take a turret or objective. It's usually good to take their inhibitor while they're dead and then immediately run to do Baron while they enemies are spawning in and still far away. When enemies are down you should always take your objectives starting closest to the enemy base and work your way backwards to make the most of your time. This is a mistake I see made far to often is players will get an ace and want to immediately go for Baron, when you can actually take a tower and/or inhibitor first and then go do Baron afterwards.

If both teams go even in teamfights, a situation that can happen is that you're pushed up to the enemies base but can't quite get anything, and since both teams are scared of throwing they both will just hover around harassing each other. If this is an issue, Zz'Rot Portal is your item to go to. Place Zz'Rot Portal behind your team so that the enemies can't take it out, and just stay shoved up to their base while the Zz'Rot Portal demolishes their tower. People generally think using it as a splitpusher is better, but the enemy team can take it out right away when it's on its own. It's vastly more effective when you have a team to protect it, and I would not even bother buying it if you don't need it for this specific scenario. Zz'Rot Portal placement should look as follows:
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If your team is losing bad, you will generally need to prioritize full tank and not bother with getting Liandry's Torment, and get Rylai's Crystal Scepter later if at all. The reason why is because you're going to have to rely solely on the utility of your fling and Mega Adhesive to help your team get back into the game rather than running around trying to do damage with Poison Trail.

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Thanks for reading my guide. I'll be always keeping it up-to-date and improving it so that Singed always has at least one relevant guide available.

Special thanks to jhoijhoi for teaching me how to code my guide, as well as the pros and cons coding. Also thanks to LameoGamer for some of the coding for my itemization section.

If you find watching people useful for learning then there are some resources.
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YouTube Channel:
In-Depth Proxy Guide:

Everybody knows this one. Awesome streamer, awesome player, awesome singed. Too bad he stopped playing.
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YouTube Channel:

Excellent singed expert like Singed420, but way more active.
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Jonny Holmes

YouTube Channel:

One of the OG proxy singed players. No longer active, but if you want to look into some historical singed stuff this is the channel.
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November 8, 2017: Changed the guide's featured runes from S7 to S8.
November 11, 2017: Various fixes.
November 15, 2017: Fixed some formatting, updated info on rune viability.
November 16, 2017: COMPLETE aesthetic revamp, deleted old rune and mastery section.
November 17, 2017: Updated artwork to look cleaner. Added a smite guide in the Runes
November 24, 2017: Added another rune page for players who like consistent damage in lane
November 27, 2017: Added the chapter on double proxying, adjusted some colour coding.
December 6, 2017: Revised some of the matchups for clarity.
December 18, 2017: Removed a hilariously wrong pro from the pros section (was only there by mistake)
February 14, 2018: Removed "with SEASON 8 Runes" from the title, since Season 8 runes are now nothing new. Also added an edit to the rune chapter - there will be more rune pages coming soon.
February 16, 2018: Added the new runepages to the top of the guide. Will revamp the rune chapter accordingly soon.
February 22, 2018: REVAMPED RUNE CHAPTER! Exciting 8.4 changes mean completely new rune priorities for Singed and I've covered them all. I also touched up a bit on the items chapter with liandry rylai buffs, and will possibly write up on the new items soon.
August 7, 2018: Updated runes and various.
December 4th 2018: Updated runes and various, revamped a lot of basic stuff at the top, getting stuff ready for the giant revamp I promised for S9.
January 28,2019: Revamping in actual progress. Got my graphics I made back up mostly, rewrote the runes chapter completely (bye to my URF time). Also spent a few hours working on a video guide I'm working on specifically for mobafire, so expect to see that here in a few weeks (it's coming along great).
Feburary 15, 2019: Rewrote the warding chapter, fixed some general mistakes, updated some images and created more, revamped the general proxy mechanics chapter with a new strategy and new info.
February 22, 2019: Added a ton of information to the runes chapter, as well as updated the runes in general.
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