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Lux Build Guide by KayletheBruiser

The Tactical Decision for a Summoner

The Tactical Decision for a Summoner

Updated on May 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KayletheBruiser Build Guide By KayletheBruiser 13,756 Views 2 Comments
13,756 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KayletheBruiser Lux Build Guide By KayletheBruiser Updated on May 27, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Amplifying Tome Build
  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Boots of Speed Build
  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Rushing Crucible
  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Rushing Sightstone
  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Rushing Philostone


Hi everyone, I am KayletheBruiser on the EUW server, and I am making a guide for my favorite champion, Lux, the utility-based mage capable of being either the heavy damage dealer in the mid lane or the babysitter helping the carry get fed.

No matter which lane you choose to go, you will have made a
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
< Tactical decision, summoner. |
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Rapidstar, you are my hero.

Rapidstar from Azubu Frost (my favorite pro League team btw) likes Lux and explains in this Pro Player Pick why he likes her.
/league-of-legends/champion/lux-62 Check it out!
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Pros / Cons


-Lots of CC
-Viable as two different roles
- Illumination lets you deal extra damage
- Final Spark has cooldown of only 30 seconds with full CDR at level 16 and up.
-Pew pew pew


-Kinda squishy
-None of her CCs are hard CCs
-3 of her abilities are skillshots
-No real sustain other than Prismatic Barrier
-3rd lowest health at level 1 (the others are Sona and Anivia)
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Ability Descriptions and Details

Illumination (passive)
  • Marks a target hit by one of your offensive spells. Note that this doesn't stack.
  • The mark deals bonus 10 + (10 * level) magic damage when Lux autoattacks.
    • On-hit effect - being blinded or being counter-striked (see Jax) will not make the mark deal extra damage.

Light Binding (Q)
  • Snare move
    • Can be used offensively to prevent enemies from avoiding your Final Spark.
    • Can be used defensively to prevent enemies from getting near you.
  • Linear travelling skillshot
    • Important to get used to its travelling time
  • Slightly more forgiving than other snare skillshots (e.g. Morgana's Dark Binding)
    • A second target can get hit if in range.
    • The secondary target gets the Illumination debuff as well.
    • Both the snare duration and the magic damage is reduced to half for the second target.

Prismatic Barrier (W)
  • Your sustain (a.k.a. what makes you a surprisingly hard towerdiving target)
  • Boomerang skillshot (similar to Ahri's Orb of Deception or Sivir's Boomerang Blade) - goes out in the direction you choose, then returns to you
  • Shields any ally it touches up to two times
    • Very helpful when someone uses Ignite on you since the shield protects you both as it goes out and as it comes back.

Lucent Singularity (E)
  • Lux's only non-skillshot ability
  • AOE farming tool
  • Slows enemies who walk in it
  • Automatically explodes after 5 seconds, or you can press E again to end it early
    • Goes on cooldown when you cast it, not when you detonate it
  • If cast into bush, grants vision inside bush
    • Does not reveal stealthed units
  • At rank 5, actually costs more mana than Final Spark

Final Spark (R)
  • Lux's signature move
  • Takes 1/2 second to charge
    • Cannot be interrupted by anything
    • During that half second, enemies can see the red beam that shows where the ulti will fire
    • If Lux dies while casting, this will not deal any damage. :(
  • At rank 3 and with 40% CDR, you can spam this every 24 seconds
  • Long range, but not global
  • Ignites and re-applies the Illumination debuff - best used after at least one enemy has been hit by Light Binding or Lucent Singularity.
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Never Underestimate the Power of the Illumination Debuff (The Death Ray Com

Some people tend to underestimate the power of the Illumination debuff. This "Death Ray Combo" should help you understand why they are making a huge mistake.

The Death Ray Combo

-> (cast) -> -> autoattack -> (detonate) -> autoattack

At level 18, your base attack damage is 109, and your passive can deal 190 bonus magic damage. So, assuming that you have no runes, masteries, items, or buffs, the total damage you can deal on a target with this is:
260 -> (cast) 0 -> 190 + 500 -> autoattack 109 + 190 -> (detonate) 240 -> autoattack 109 + 190
260 + 190 + 500 + 299 + 240 + 299 = 1788

This, combined with Ignite, can deal a total of 1788 + 410 = 2198 damage. If you assume that all of your abilities and basic attacks deal true damage, it kills all champions at their base health at level 18 with the exception of these 6: Udyr, Tryndamere, Jax, Sion, Alistar, Nunu & Willump.

This is powerful even at earlier levels. Once again assuming that you have no runes, masteries or items, and assuming that you're following the AP Mid Skill Sequence (to be explained in a later chapter), at level 6, your basic attacks deal 70 damage, your Illumination debuff lets you deal 70 extra magic damage, and your Ignite deals 170 damage. So, you deal a total of:
60 -> (cast) 0 -> 70 + 300 -> autoattack 70 + 70 -> (detonate) 150 -> autoattack 70 + 70
60 + 70 + 300 + 70 + 70 + 150 + 70 + 70 = 860
Adding Ignite, you get 860 + 170 = 1030 total damage.
Even if you're using the Support Skill Sequence and you only have Lucent Singularity at level 1, the damage is:
60 -> (cast) 0 -> 70 + 300 -> autoattack 70 + 70 -> (detonate) 60 -> autoattack 70 + 70
60 + 70 + 300 + 70 + 70 + 60 + 70 + 70 = 770
In either case, this combo can be executed in as little as 3 seconds, and your opponent will think twice before attacking you again.

tl;dr Never underestimate the power of the Illumination debuff.
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Mid or Support?

In draft pick, one reason to pick Lux early is that she's viable for two roles. Therefore, if the enemy team decide to counterpick you, you have a chance to avoid having to face them. At least, until the teamfight phase begins.

I like to assume that as Lux I'll be solo mid, so I'll first list who counters her in mid lane, and then who counters her as a support.

Mid Lane Counters

Here I'll go over who counters solo mid Lux, and why. Note: I'll only go over the champions who are commonly played in mid lane, so I will not, for example, include Udyr. (Believe it or not, there was one game I played where he was the mid lane.)

First, let's think. What makes Lux powerful? Her huge range that lets her outpoke almost anyone. Her strength lies in the fact that she is able to attack from afar. Therefore, any champion with a good gap closer is a hard counter to Lux. The following champions have gap-closer abilities that can be used to counter Lux:

Of the champions listed above, I would say the most dangerous ones are:

since they have blinks instead of dashes, meaning that they can just walk through your Light Binding and not get snared.

Hard CC or a silence can shut Lux down easily, since they interrupt her combo. The following champions are able to impose hard CC or silence on her and thus shut her down:

The following champions counter Lux for their immense burst damage:

The following champions use an element of surprise (mostly from stealth) that will devastate Lux if she does not expect it:

The following champions counter Lux because of their great sustain, through either health regen, mana regen, or spell vamp:

If a champion has appeared in at least 3 of those lists, by all means be careful, and switch to support if possible.

If a champion has appeared in 2 of those lists, you should still be careful and not let them take advantage of you by exploiting their advantages.

If a champion has appeared in just 1 of those lists, you probably don't have to worry too much. Just make sure not to be caught in a bad position or time and you should be fine.

Support Counters

Here I'll go over who counters support Lux, and why. Also note that I will only go over the standard AD carries and standard supports.

AD Carries

Champions who are mobile enough to avoid your linear skillshot abilities are your worst enemies. These include: Of these six, Ezreal will probably be the most annoying, since he has a blink, not a dash.

You will also probably not like champions that deal true damage in any of their attacks or abilities. These include

As a mage, you will hate the AD carries who have spell shields. So far the only one with such an ability is .

It's relatively easy to fight against the other AD carry champions. Here's why.

- Her only defense mechanisms are her slow and her Enchanted Crystal Arrow, and unless you are (foolishly) turret diving her she will not aim it at you and more likely at your AD carry. Just snare her from afar and let your AD carry deal the damage.

- He will spam his Spinning Axe, because Draven spins axes where he pleases. The best part of it (for those fighting against him) is that the ground shows where the axe will land, which is more or less where Draven pleases to go. Target Light Binding to that location and snare him to stop his combo, and then fire away!

- Her Strut is eliminated as soon as she gets hit by an enemy. Use this to your advantage. Use Lucent Singularity's slow and detonate it as soon as she walks into it to get rid of her buff. Also, her abilities deal a ton of damage, but they're pretty easy to avoid. Her Bullet Time, for example, is in a pretty narrow cone, and is a channeling ability. If your AD carry has a hard CC, like a stun from Ashe, she could use it, and then you could follow up with the Death Ray Combo to make an easy kill.

- It's hard to really say anything about him since you hardly ever see this spider-looking back-from-the-dead guy. Just try to avoid his Noxian Corrosive Charge since that can make his Acid Hunter lock onto you, which should be easy if you're doing what you're supposed to do - staying out of range. He's sort of tanky and could just choose to walk into your team to use Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser on your carry. If that happens, use Light Binding to stop him from going for your team.

- Think of him as a more utility-based Kog'Maw. He can deal damages based on the percentage of your health, and he has a slow and a snare. Once he launches Chain of Corruption and a teammate of yours gets hit, your best option would probably be to use Prismatic Barrier on your team and then run away from the one that was hit, since the snare is transferred to nearby champions. And as usual, use your burst damage and your range.


Long-range poking is one of your strongest parts. Therefore, any champion that closes that range is bad news for you. Tanky champions are also bad news since they can take more damage (meaning that even your high burst may not be enough), and melee champions are also bad news for you.

Coincidentally, all three lists are identical:

I would also say that also appears in the "tough-to-counter" category. Consider the fact that Janna has three CCs compared to Lux's two. In addition, Monsoon can be used to completely mess up Lux's positioning, especially during that half second (if that Janna has quick reflexes) where Lux is charging her Final Spark. And the worst part is that she and her allied champions inside the Monsoon are healed.

Now, why not any of these champions?

- She does have a polymorph, a slow, and a knockup, but you still outrange her significantly. She starts to get troubling to deal with when she's within the range for her spells, so dodge her Glitterlance and keep her at bay with your own CC.

- I would say that Sona gets countered by Lux very, very easily, for the following reasons:
  • Her health at level 1 after the Elise patch was reduced to 410. Her base attack damage is 50, while yours is 53. In a 1v1 combat between you two assuming no abilities being used, you would win easily.
  • She has no CC pre-level 6 except for her Power Chord with Song of Celerity.
  • In a real fight she probably has to spend a lot of her mana using Aria of Perseverance to save her carry that she probably won't have much left by the time she becomes the target.

- Her main form of attack is going to be Starcall. But this has a cooldown that is relatively long compared to how much burst you can deal when you spam your skills. Even if we assume she has maximum cooldown reduction, it's going to be 2 seconds between each Starcall, and those 2 seconds is more than enough to just lay down every single one of your spells to beat her. Do keep in mind that her passive Consecration increases her MR, though, so buy some magic penetration items to counter her.

- She is a utility mage like you, able to use clever positioning and CC to be the essential support for the team. Her Grasping Roots does have the same range as your Lucent Singularity so I would suggest that you move erratically to prevent Zyra from landing a good one. And your Light Binding still outranges her, so that should not be too hard to use.
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Runes (Mid)


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

As an AP Mid, you need the extra magic penetration to be able to deal damage with spells, so I take the Greater Mark of Magic Penetration for marks.
As Lux you will be spamming a lot of your skills, and they use up quite a bit of mana, especially Lucent Singularity. That's why you'll want as much mana regen as possible. That's why I get Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration for seals.
Once that's done, just go for flat ability power to make yourself the powerful mage that you're supposed to be. Go with Greater Glyph of Ability Power and Greater Quintessence of Ability Power for the AP boost.
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Masteries (Mid)

Offensive Masteries

Summoner's Wrath - This helps me get 5 extra AP and AD while Ignite is on cooldown
Sorcery - cooldown reduction
Blast - extra AP
Arcane Knowledge - extra magic penetration
Havoc - increases damage dealt by 2%
Mental Force - extra AP
Spellsword - basic attacks do extra damage (5% of your AP)
Archmage - 5% additional AP
Executioner - Final Spark is great for killing off the guys running away, so I make sure to take one point in that.

Utility Masteries

Summoner's Insight - reduces cooldown on Flash.
Expanded Mind & Meditation - Lux spams a lot of her skills so she naturally should get extra mana and extra mana regen.
Improved Recall - Lux's presence both in laning phase and in teamfight phase is strong, regardless of what her role is, so reduce the time you have to go to shop with this.
Runic Affinity - Best when you have a cooperative jungler who lets you get a lot of blue buffs. It increases the duration that Lux possesses the buffs by 20%.

Alternate Masteries for AP Mid

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Summoner Spells (Mid)

The AP Mid Summoner Spells I Typically Use

- If you ever find yourself in a sticky situation (for example, jungle Pantheon initiates with Aegis of Zeonia and Heartseeker Strike), the Flash can make the difference between life and death. But of course, don't forget your CC.
- I almost always get Flash, which makes me get the Enchantment: Distortion on boots. Since the enchantment reduces the cooldown on Teleport as well, I've been trying that combo mostly even in mid lane.
- This helps you finish off that mid lane Teemo who gets away with 20 health if your ulti is not available. (Global taunt OP.) Also, if you have Summoner's Wrath , you get 5 extra AP and AD whenever it's on cooldown.

Alternate AP Mid Summoner Spells

- Heal could be useful if you're facing trolls who decide to all mid at the very start. (Usually they will be kind of obvious - for example, Evelynn/ Twitch/ Shaco/ Teemo/ Dr. Mundo - the 4 stealth + 1 tank) However, since you have a lot of cc that keeps them away from you, you should probably be able to at least get a revenge kill if this ever happens to you with just Ignite and Flash.
Again, this is useful if you need to either run away from teamfights or get back to your lane quickly, but remember that you're a long-range mage. You don't really need this spell.

AP Mid Summoner Spells that I Don't Recommend

- I used to start off with Clarity because I used to spam my E and ran out of mana pretty often. However, once you've learned how to last hit minions, you shouldn't need to waste your mana. Besides, if you're willing to take the risk and assume that the enemy jungler won't gank you so often, you can replace one Health Potion and buy one Mana Potion instead, and you won't need this spell at all.
I really don't recommend this spell, mostly because it has a pretty short cast range, and, I'll say this again, you are a long-range mage. You have a snare and a slow. Why would you get this?
- Same reasons as why you shouldn't get Exhaust. You are a long-range mage. You probably shouldn't be in range of any crowd controls in the first place.
- I hardly see a good use for this spell... probably when your Prismatic Barrier is on cooldown and you really need a shield? Stuff like that hardly ever happens though, to be honest.

Please don't use these spells. Please. Just don't.

- Although I have seen some people do jungle Lux, she has a very slow jungle clearing speed and thus is rather useless as a jungler.
- If you want to play Lux as a support, you're looking at the wrong section. Here is where you should be looking.
- If you actually consider this spell as an option and you're completely serious, you're clearly so bad that by the time you get back to your turret, it will have been destroyed. Try playing against bots.
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Ability Sequence (Mid)

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The priority order is >>> >>> >>>

Max Lucent Singularity first. This is your main AOE attack and farming tool, in addition to the slow against enemy champions.
Get a point in Light Binding at level 2 and max it second. If you're zoning the enemy mid lane too well he might ask his jungler to gank you. This is your escape tool.
Get a point in Prismatic Barrier at level 3 but don't max it until the end. The point of being an AP Mid Lux is to be as aggressive as possible. The shield is just to protect you from imminent danger, such as a gank or a Requiem.
And, of course, max Final Spark whenever possible.
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Items (Mid)

I am still in the process of trying out some of the new items, but this section should be able to give a generalized idea of the item purchase order that I use.

There are now three viable ways to start off. With , with , or with . I myself am a daredevil and frequently choose what is the riskiest of the three: the Amplifying Tome.


-Extra AP, mana regen, and health


-Less mobility - more susceptible to ganks
-Have to sell this eventually because it doesn't build into anything


-More AP than Doran's Ring
-Builds into nice items (e.g. Rylai's Crystal Scepter)


-Almost no sustain (you can only get one Health Potion without the Wealth mastery)


-Good mobility, more sustain (3 Health Potions give you the sustain you would need)


-No AP boost whatsoever

I try to just farm as well as I can, poking at the enemy mid with Lucent Singularity or Light Binding followed by Illumination every once in a while (or saving myself if they get too close). If you can get the last-hitting down you should be able to get enough gold for by the 8th minute. This would be my recommended first item, as it gives you extra magic penetration and health.

The next ideal time for me to go back to base would be when I get about 1300 gold. This would let me get both and . I can choose to either combine Blasting Wand with Amplifying Tome to create Void Staff, or combine Haunting Guise with Amplifying Tome to get Liandry's Torment and save the Blasting Wand for Rabadon's Deathcap.

I typically get for boots. Although I frequently used to use Final Spark more quickly in early levels, if you do well, and get Athene's Unholy Grail and some other items granting CDR, and take the blue buff, you should be able to reach the 40% CDR easily, and instead focus on magic penetration with . For the enchantments, I typically get to reduce the cooldown on my Flash (and Teleport if I get it as well).

So, here are the items that I typically get (and why they are useful):

- It grants AP, cooldown reduction, and increases your mana regen depending on how much mana you are missing, so that you won't be out of mana in that crucial moment when someone on the enemy team walks out of battle with just 50 health remaining.
- This is one of the best items on Lux along with Athene's Unholy Grail. It lets you deal 5% of your target's current health as magic damage, and this DoT passive is doubled if the target's movement is impaired, and, well, you're Lux. You have movement impairing spells everywhere. This becomes even better once you have Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
- This gives you extra health that you would need to sustain yourself in the teamfights should it ever turn against your favor, and slows all enemies hit by your spells. Even more CC to your plentiful arsenal!
- This is the staple item in almost all AP mid builds. That +120 AP and the +25% bonus AP makes it a must-have. I typically get this after my boots, since this is a staple item for all AP carries, like the Infinity Edge for AD carries.
- Especially in the late game, tanks would try to stack MR. But this baby here lets you deal damage while ignoring the MR! This item, however, would be the one I replace with one of the situational items (see "Other Viable Items" section below)

Ohter Viable Items (and Why I Didn't Include Them as Primary Items)

- I can see that, with a lot of AD caster mids these days, one would see the sense of getting Seeker's Armguard for the armor and AP and then upgrading it to Zhonya's Hourglass. It gives a decent amount of AP and armor, plus you can become untargetable for 2.5 seconds. I would get this if I'm against an AD mid, but the current meta still likes the AP mages being in mid.
- Another viable option, I think, if your enemy bursts you down like crazy and if you're not good at dodging skillshots that most mid lane champions need to land to start dealing tons of damage.
- Lux's only sustain is her shield from Prismatic Barrier, and she could benefit from the extra spell vamp. I suppose this could be a good item for defensive plays, but I really prefer to just go glass cannon who stays in the back and let my tanky teammates stay in front. Also, it's typically the supports who should get the aura items.
- If you are really crucial to the team and you feel like the enemy team is focusing you too much, this won't be a bad item to get. Especially with new champions like Vi who are able to just smash through your team and focus the squishies like you, being able to be there for your team becomes even more important. Show your presence in the battle by coming back alive.
- I'm starting to like this item more and more on Lux. After all, her huge range makes her one of the only champions who can take a great advantage of Mejai's Soulstealer, especially because even assists count for the stacks. So I would say, maybe. If (and that's a strong if) you're doing well.
- This can be powerful, since you will be autoattacking in between spells for that extra damage by the Illumination debuff. However, if you buy this, make sure to autoattack the champions hit, or it could be a waste of an inventory space.
- The extra mana could be useful, I suppose, but I think Athene's Unholy Grail more than makes up for the mana problems that you might have. Besides, you're not like Ryze, whose damage output depends on his maximum mana.
- I really prefer not to get this item. Although it grants health, mana and AP, its level up passive is not that useful unless you're in battle AND pretty much spent. Besides, in most times you only complete this item by the time you're level 15, at which point your level is high enough to just rely on your natural health and mana regeneration.
- I've concluded that I don't like this item for a mid lane. Even if you want the armor against AD casters like Pantheon or Talon, the new Seeker's Armguard pretty much made this useless in mid lane.
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How to Fight (Mid)

Laning Phase

At the early levels, you should concentrate on farming.

At level 1, regardless of which item you start with, you should have 1 point in Lucent Singularity. Cast it in the place that, upon detonation, would hit as many minions as possible, so that many minions will get the Illumination debuff. Also, try to make your opponent get hit by this Lucent Singularity if possible.

If you are farming pretty well, the enemy team may have requested a gank in mid lane from their jungler, and you might be caught in it as early as level 2 or 3. This is why I recommend taking 1 point in Light Binding and Prismatic Barrier very early, even though you will max them a lot later. You can snare the enemy and stop them from attacking, and shield yourself from any incoming danger. Putting down a ward in the mid lane side brushes is probably a good idea if you really don't want to have to retreat every time Amumu comes around.
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< But I just wanted to make some friends! |
We know, Amumu, we know.

Once you reach level 6, you have a strong burst potential. Try to look for an opportunity to land a good skillshot so you can snare your opponent, and once they're caught, fire the Death Ray Combo. Baiting them while you're on low health is a risky, but guaranteed-to-be-satisfactory-if-successful way of executing this burst. Even if you don't get to kill the enemy off, you will at least have scared them away or forced them to recall behind their turret, and your AD carry Twisted Fate could use his Destiny to teleport to them and deal the finishing blow. He gets a kill, you get an assist, the enemy is dead, all's well.
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
< It's my lucky day. |

Teamfight Phase

Since you are a utility mage, you will have to find a balance between dishing out tons of damage and helping turn the tides of a battle through your CCs. Once the teamfights start, you should always remember one thing - have at least one allied champion, preferably a tank like your solo top Volibear or your support Alistar, between the enemy and yourself. Your job is to stand back and blow them away.

Sometimes it can be good to start the teamfight with the Final Spark, letting them start off with a significant chunk of their health bar taken down. That way your jungler Elise would have an easy time chasing down the weakened enemies. Remember, you don't have to go greedy for kills. Lux's power lies in the huge range of her abilities. Even the assists give you the extra gold, and if you need any more, then Kage's Lucky Pick is the solution to your problems.

Once you've gotten Rabadon's Deathcap and Rylai's Crystal Scepter, you are able to deal tons of damage and slow your opponents to prevent their escape, which allows you to play more aggressively. Also, by the time you complete both items, you will most likely be at least level 16, and now your Final Spark only has to wait 50 seconds until it's off cooldown (even less if you get CDR). When it's off cooldown...

...release your battle cry!
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
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Runes (Support)


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
As with most supports, you will be AP-based when you play Lux. To make the most out of your offensive abilities, use Greater Mark of Magic Penetration for marks, since you'll want that extra magic penetration.
Though you are mostly a mage able to cast crowd control abilities from afar, I would suggest the armor and magic resist because you are a fragile champion. Get Greater Seal of Armor for seals and Greater Glyph of Magic Resist for glyphs.
Finally, since your base health is very low (as explained earlier in the Pro/Con section), I suggest the Greater Quintessence of Health for quintessences.
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Masteries (Support)

Offensive Masteries

Sorcery / Blast - see AP Mid Masteries

Utility Masteries

Summoner's Insight - reduces cooldown on Flash and lets Clairvoyance maintain the vision of any enemies caught inside it
Improved Recall / Meditation - see AP Mid Masteries
Mastermind - CDR on your summoner spells
Artificer - CDR on activatable items
Greed - get more money over time
Wealth - start off with 50 extra gold. This let's you get 1 Faerie Charm and 4 Sight Wards, and 1 Health Potion, as opposed to 1 Faerie Charm, 3 Sight Wards, and 2 Health Potions. That extra ward helps your carry a lot.
Biscuiteer - lets you stay in your lane to help your carry a little longer
Explorer - extra wards always help!
Intelligence - lowers your cooldowns
Nimble - lets you be there for the team more quickly

Alternate Masteries for Support

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Summoner Spells (Support)

The Support Summoner Spells I Use

- If you're facing a very bad situation (for example, Taric stuns you and Graves uses his Quickdraw- Buckshot combo to whittle down your health), this Flash can determine life or death for you.
- This gives the bonus cc that you would need to help the AD Carry finish off an enemy. There are very few champions (such as Alistar) who can survive a snare, a slow and an exhaust, especially if you're remembering to trigger that Illumination debuff for the extra damage.
- One of the jobs of a support is to give map awareness for the team. The Clairvoyance does just that. Plus, with the new item Eleisa's Miracle, you're able to reduce the cooldown on it by 20%. (Note: only get Eleisa's Miracle if you're planning on using Clairvoyance or Heal as one of your summoner spells.)

Alternate Support Summoner Spells

- Carries tend to overestimate their health and armor, so having the Heal could save your carry, especially since you don't have an actual heal, only a shield. Plus, with Eleisa's Miracle, you can reduce the cooldown on Heal by 20%. (Note: only get Eleisa's Miracle if you're planning on using Clairvoyance or Heal as one of your summoner spells.)
- Getting Teleport means that you're able to provide global support literally anywhere on the map where you have vision, but it's probably best to just help your carry get fed before you think about helping other champions.

Support Summoner Spells That I Don't Recommend

- Though this could help secure kills of AD carries who manage to get away with 20 health, you should focus on giving your carry the kill, and Ignite has been known to ks. Besides, if you REALLY need to secure a kill, that's what your Final Spark is for!
- Ghost could save your life from tower divers. But then again, you have both a snare and a slow. Always remember that you have your cc.
- Mana should not be a problem at all for any support players anymore, especially for caster supports like Lux. Especially with the introduction of the new support item Mikael's Blessing, getting Chalice of Harmony is actually a valid support option.

Please don't use these spells. Please. Just don't.

- You are a long-range mage. You probably shouldn't be in range of any crowd controls in the first place.
- See this section.
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Ability Sequence (Support)

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The priority order isfinal spark,>lucent singularity,>light binding,>prismatic barrier,

Get a point in Light Binding early, but don't max it until the end. This is mostly a utility spell that you need when you need to save either yourself or your carry from the enemy.
Get a point in Prismatic Barrier at level 2 and max it as soon as possible. This helps you protect your carry (and yourself!).
Remember that Lucent Singularity provides vision. If you've run out of wards, this could help you check for bushes without having to walk into them and possibly run into a Graves/ Taric duo eager for a kill. Get a level in this no later than level 4 and max it second.
And, of course, max Final Spark whenever possible.
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Items (Support)

Since the game now has new masteries and items, and since I haven't quite had the time to get used to the items and the new support meta, it's hard to write out the details. However, I will (for the time being) list some of the items I like, what they do, and how they should be used.

- This is now pretty much a mandatory item for supports. It gives extra health and lets you put down wards so that your carry can have more vision of what's going on.
  • - An upgraded version of Sightstone that lets you put down more wards before you have to recall to recharge the stone.
- Extra mana regen always helps if you're a caster support like Lux. Plus, it can build into more advanced items.
  • - I love the new items that they included or modified, and this is one of them. I love it because it builds into one of my favorite support items, and it also lets mages like Lux be far more aggressive, since she doesn't have to worry as much about running out of mana anymore.
    • - This is the item to get if your enemy has a lot of crowd controls, and your carry seems to do too well for the enemy team's comfort that they start to focus him. Plus, it still has the mana font passive like Chalice of Harmony so it still benefits Lux.
  • - I had never thought I would actually think about getting this item, but this is another good aggressive item for supports who are teamed with AD carries that use a lot of mana (such as a Make it Rain-spamming Miss Fortune). Plus, it later builds into...
    • - It's got an aura that gives extra mana regen to all your allies. It's got a passive that lets you get extra gold. It's got an active that you can cast on your team's initiator and slow your enemies. Seriously, what is there not to love about this item?!
- Increases your health regen. This is a good item to get as it builds into
  • philosopher's stone - This is still a good item to start with. Note that the build now uses Rejuvenation Bead instead of Regrowth Pendant. It lets you get some extra gold when you have it in your inventory.
    • - This is a great item for reducing the cooldown on Clairvoyance from 60 seconds to 48. I'm not sure how the jungle meta will change and how that will affect the usefulness of Clairvoyance, but I'm sure it will still be pretty effective. Do keep in mind, though, that once you gain 3 levels the item disappears from your inventory and that the passive permanently stays with you.
    • - A bit of health and mana regen, some extra health, and your allies can get sped up when you activate this. A highly recommended item for late game when you want to save your carries from the enemy.
  • emblem of valor - Increases the health regen of all allies near you. I typically build this into the
    • - for the active shield, plus some extra armor and cooldown reduction.
- I no longer really think getting this (or any of its upgrades) is necessary since Season 3 introduced some nice items for supports that aren't tanky. However, if you still want to get it, be my guest and enjoy the armor, mana and CDR.
  • - More armor and cooldown reduction for yourself, and makes an aura that reduces your enemies' attack speed.
  • - Little less armor and cooldown reduction, but more AP and lets your basic attack deal extra damage and slows any enemies around your target. But overall I really don't like to get this item as Lux. It might be a good one for Thresh but I don't play him, so what do I know.
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How to Fight (Support)

I think the updated items really allow you to be a lot more aggressive as a support, but always remember that the kills are for your carry.

Laning Phase

Your Ideal Laning Partners

An ideal laning partner for Lux would be able to poke the enemies often or burst them down with all their spells. In addition, I think any champion with long-ranged linear skillshot ultimates are able to synergize well with Lux. This is why some ideal laning partners would be:

I also think that synergizes well with Lux, especially against an enemy team with no ranged hard CC, since if the carry gets caught in Light Binding MF can decide to unleash Bullet Time and the carry won't have a way to get away.

Starting Items

At level 1, if you are using the masteries that I suggested, you should be able to start off with a biscuit and a ghost ward, and with 525 gold. Here are some suggestions on the starting inventory:
  • + - This is probably my favorite set of starter items. Wait in the bush until the enemy support has placed his/her ward in a bush, then put down your own vision ward to expose and destroy it, then put down your ghost ward on a different bush. You'll be denying the enemy vision, providing vision for your team, getting 25 gold from the ward kill (unless your carry steals it), and that mana manipulator should let your carry spam some good AoE spells (like Volley or Make it Rain). Plus, you can upgrade the Mana Manipulator into Shard of True Ice.
  • + 4 * sight ward + - The typical support build for Season 2 is still viable for Season 3. While you can't help your carry with that mana aura, you should be able to start with one point in Lucent Singularity, which can act as an aggressive scouting tool should you run out of wards, letting you and your carry stay in your lane a little longer. I usually get Sightstone as soon as possible, and upgrade the Faerie Charm to Chalice of Harmony so that I can play more aggressively.
  • + + 2 * sight ward - If you want to be getting a lot of gold over time, then this would be my recommended build. You can have some increased health and mana regen, and it only takes 340 more gold to upgrade it into Philosopher's Stone, which is always a great starter item for supports. It's even better if you have Clairvoyance as your summoner spell, since you can upgrade the Philosopher's Stone into Eleisa's Miracle, which can permanently reduce the cooldown for CV.
  • + - RIOT Y U INCREASE PRICE ON CRYSTALLINE FLASK =_= This is a pretty greedy inventory for a support. I don't really recommend this. Back when the Crystalline Flask only cost 225 gold, I bought it with 4 Sight Wards.

How to Play

While you should probably still prioritize maxing out Prismatic Barrier first, it might not be bad to get Lucent Singularity at level 1 instead of Light Binding, especially because your Q has a longer cooldown than your E. Whichever you choose to get first, however, always remember three things: poke at the enemy, give the CS to your carry, and provide map control to your carry. You can overlook the second one in two circumstances: when you are sure that you and your carry can kill the enemy carry, and when you are clearing minions near your low-health turret and your carry is either dead or too far away.

By level 4, you should have 1 point in Light Binding, 2 in Prismatic Barrier, and 1 in Lucent Singularity. Walk around in the bush, putting down wards whenever you need to, and wait for a good opportunity to catch the enemy carry out of position. Cast Light Binding to snare your enemy, and cast Lucent Singularity, autoattack, and then detonate Lucent Singularity and autoattack again. The Q and the E deal 60 damage each, and basic attacks deal 63 damage each at level 4, and the Illumination debuff lets you deal bonus 50 magic damage for each attack, totaling to 60 + (63 + 50) + 60 + (63 + 50) = 346 damage. That probably isn't likely just by itself to kill off anyone. That's what your AD carry is for.

Level 6 only turns the table to an even more favorable side for your team. Now using the Death Ray Combo ( Light Binding - Lucent Singularity (cast) - Final Spark - autoattack - Lucent Singularity (detonate) - autoattack). Light Binding does 60 damage, Final Spark does 300, Lucent Singularity does 60, your autoattacks at level 6 do 70, and the Illumination deals 70 per autoattack. So, in total, you're able to deal a whopping 60 + (300 + 70) + (70 + 70) + 60 + (70 + 70) = 770 damage all by yourself! That, combined with your carry's basic attacks and a well-timed ulti (like Ace in the Hole) should be able to kill their carry.
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
< BOOM. Headshot. |

Teamfight Phase

When the teamfight starts, you should always be ready to use Prismatic Barrier on as many of your teammates as possible. This is because you need to protect your damage dealers (and even your solo top Malphite whose passive Granite Shield lets him get extra shield) from the enemy's attacks.
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
< Thanks, Lux. Unlike my passive, I don't take your shield for granite.  |

But since you will be spending mana to do this, you will need to be on the lookout to see if the team is actually going to start fighting. Another thing to keep in mind is to count the health bars. If you don't see all five and you know the missing Shaco isn't dead, you should let your teammates know and stay en garde.
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
En garde!  |

When the teamfights do start, use Light Binding to trap some of the damage dealer champions, preferably one that requires mobility, like the enemy AD carry Graves. Use Prismatic Barrier again as soon as possible to shield your allies as they start launching their attacks, put down Lucent Singularity to slow or deal damage to as many enemy champions as possible, and then use your own Final Spark to blast them away.

One other thing to keep in mind is to always provide vision for your team, either through the Ruby Sightstone wards or through Lucent Singularity. Facechecking a bush is never a good idea. Ahri could be hiding inside it, waiting for you to get in clear shot for her Charm. Once you're hit...
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
< It's too late for mercy.  |
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Whether you play her as a high-burst mid laner or a CC-providing support, Lux's main job is to stay back and fire. Since she is fragile, it is recommended that you have at least one tank in your team to protect her. Try to not get close enough to the enemy for them to silence or hard CC you. Also remember that you don't provide any hard CC, so it's probably best to have at least one teammate who has one.

So now what are you waiting for? Go fight for
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\

Thanks for reading this guide on Lux! If you liked it, or you would like to suggest improvements, don't hesitate to contact me! I'm all ears. And if you have any screenshots of your victories using this build, send me those too!
..../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
< I love it when a plan comes together. |

Yay for ASCII speech bubbles! Alright, I'm done. Over and out.
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Hilarious Lux Jukes, Epic Kills (and Kill Steals), and Other Stuff

None of these videos include me, but I thought I'd share some funny jukes done by Lux that I've seen on Youtube.

Here are some awesome kills (and kill steals) that Lux can get.


QUADRA with JUST the ulti!
Another QUADRA

Triple with JUST the ulti, and got one kill and one assist before that.
And some Baron steals!


Poor Malphite...

Blindly again!

And lastly, McRoosterDotA's "This is why we hate Lux"
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05/27/2013 - Came back online after some time being AFK, updated some info based on Lux's Final Spark cooldown (whoever nerfed it, I will hunt you down for the rest of my life.)
02/15/2013 - Edited "Masteries (Support)" section to make it match what I had changed on the overview section. Guide is also officially off draft mode!
02/10/2013 - After taking a considerably long break, came back to edit a lot of sections, but particularly the support sections
01/13/2013 - Edited "Finales Funkeln" to "Final Spark", changed item sequences in build
01/02/2013 - Edited a bunch of sections
12/28/2012 - Edited a bunch of sections
12/24/2012 - Edited a few sections and updated a few others
12/22/2012 - Edited a few sections and added the section with the videos
12/18/2012 - Edited "Items (Mid)" section
12/12/2012 - Edited "Items (Support)" section
12/06/2012 - Season 3 updates took place, guide is now in draft mode
12/03/2012 - Finalized and published guide
11/22/2012 - Started writing guide
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